Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 2 no. 46 July 27, 1992 1) Reb Shmelke fun Nikolsburg (Payrets Mett) 2) Introduction and announcement (Dorothy Wasserman) 3) Query: "magaritkes" (Martin Haase) 4) Query: travel suggestions (Martin Haase) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1992 11:21:37 +0100 From: Subject: Nikolsburg [Leonard prager writes (Mendele Vol 2.43):] An interesting tale about a Jewish merchant from Nicklesburgh {Yiddish: Niklsburg -- apparently not a real place, but suggestive of Nikolayev, Ukraine}, Tsodek Pikante, who lost his property in a fire and became a pauper. He left his wife at home and went out into the world to gather donations. What helped him was a writ from the famous rabbi, Reb Shmelke. Believing his story, the rabbi took pity on the merchant and provided him with a written recommendation. He managed to collect a sum of money and sold Reb Shmelke's writ to another beggar. The latter went abroad, where he died suddenly. Reb Shmelke's writ was all that was found on the dead man, and notice was sent to the widow that her husband was dead. I cannot recall hearing this story before, but the place and the Rebbe are both real. Nicholsburg was the capital of Moravia (Mehren) now part of Czechoslovakia. Der Rebbe reb Ber fin Rovne (Vos is barimt of der velt als Mezricher Magid) hot gehat tsvishen zayn talmidim tsvai brider - Reb Shmelke Horovitz in Reb Pinchos Horovitz. Reb Shmelke is gevoren Ruv in Nikolsburg in Khasidim rifen ihm dem Reben reb Shmelke. Reb Pinches is gevoren Ruv in a daitshe shtut - Frankfurt. Payrets Mett 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: 24 Jul 92 12:18:30 EDT From: dorothy wasserman <71201.3150@CompuServe.COM> Subject: By way of introduction If anyone out there is interested in attending a free demo and seminar at the Apple Marketing Headquarters on International Languages - Hebrew - Yiddish - Arabic and others call 1-800-944-9628 ext 800 any time before Friday July 31, when it will be held at 10 AM - 12N. 57th St and Lex. I will be making the presentation. Also, we finally have the ability to scan in Hebrew ( without nikud ) and bring the text as text into Nota Bene, Einstein and on the Mac into NISUS. Enough for a beginning. Zay Gezundt. Dorothy Wasserman 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 17:02:14 MEZ From: Martin Haase Subject: query: "Magaritkes" About two weeks ago Martin Davis mentioned a yiddish song called *Magaritkes*. I would like to have the full text and, if possible some background information about it. Here's the reason why: I have a recording of songs in Esperanto which contains a song with a similar plot. The last stanza goes like this (for a translation, see Martin Davis's text of this stanza): La knabo foriris, subiris la suno kaj Anna nun sidas che arb'. Shi zumas senpense dum venas mallumo la kanton la tralalala. I am quite sure that it is a translation of the song. (I can send the full text to those interested.) Zajt gezunt! Martin Haase - mhaase@dosuni1.bitnet or 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 18:27:01 MEZ From: Martin Haase Subject: query: travel guide I've just come back from the travel agency where I have purchased a flight to Quebec in order to take part in the XV. International Congress of Linguists (Aug. 9-15). After the Congress I will have two spare weeks before I'll fly back to Europe from New York on August 30th. I plan to visit Boston (including Cambridge and Amherst), Philadelphia, and New York (if this city doesn't frighten me to much...). Although I have never been to that part of the world, I think it will be the right place to find Yiddish books and all kinds of Yiddish cultural manifestations. Perhaps, somebody can tell me where to find libraries, theaters, book stores and the like. Thanks in advance! Martin Haase mhaase@dosuni1.bitnet or ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol 2.27 If your message is intended for MENDELE, please write to: If you want to discuss personal business or have a shmues with the shames, please write to: Please sign your articles.