Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 2 no. 68 September 16, 1992 1) Acronyms (Raphael Finkel) 2) Acronyms (Berl Hoberman) 3) Multi-lingual typesetting (Martin Minow) 4) ES (Nick Leibovic) 5) Quebec and a query (Mark H. David) 1)--------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1992 10:59:05 EDT From: Raphael Finkel Subject: RE: Acronyms Another acronym: Segal is 'Sgan Leviyim', that is, 'lieutenant of the Levites', I believe. Segals are usually Leviyim. Another oddity is that the name Dreyfus has two confluent origins: 1. Troyes [Rashi's town] = Treverus [Latin] => Dreyfuss. The Dreyfusses often claim to be Rashi's descendents. 2. Shalosh Regalim [three pilgrimage festivals: Sukos, Peysekh, Shevues] => Dray Fuss [pun on Hebrew 'Regel' = foot or pilgrimage festival or custom (the triple meaning explicit in the Kotsker nign)] => Dreyfuss. Off the main point, but neat. Raphael Finkel 2)--------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Sep 1992 12:37:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert D Hoberman Subject: RE: Acronyms A friend whose last name is Schub told me it's derived from the initials of "SHoykhet U-Boydek" 'slaughterer and inspector [of meat]'. He also mentioned that the name Brill ifrom "ben Rabbi Yom-Tov Lippmann". Berl Hoberman 3)--------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 92 08:56:01 -0700 From: Martin Minow Subject: Discussion of mult-lingual typesetting On September 17, 7-9 pm, Ari Davidow will talk about multi-lingual typesetting issues to the International Macintosh Users Group. The talk will be at Xerox Parc, Palo Alto. Ari has quite a bit of experience working with Hebrew on computers (he publishes a newsletter on this topic). Please feel free to contact me for directions and more information. The International Macintosh Users Group meets monthly in the San Francisco area. Topics include fonts, character sets and encoding schemes, as well as development, localization and marketing/distribution issues. Martin Minow (408) 974-0991 4)---------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Sep 1992 13:12:10 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: ES to those who have wondered about "es" and "dos": in mynativ mameloshn "es" is like "it",or better still like the german "es";e.g. "es felt mir wos" is identical with "es fehlt mir was"litteraly translated "it's missing me something". similarly, "dos" means "this",as e.g. "dos felt mir" meaning "i am missing this". nick leibovic. p.s.ikh will aikh oikh dermonen az wos ir leient do leift meshtamen af dos. af aier computer. 5)--------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 92 13:31:03 EDT From: gensym!israel! Subject: Quebec and a query I enjoyed very much Zachary Baker's article about Montreal & Quebec (Mendele Vol. 2 no. 49). However, I'm interested in knowing how much Yiddish is still taught at the Montreal day schools these days. Are there any non-Hasidic children still speaking and learning to read and write the language there? The article only says, "there are about two dozen Jewish day schools in Montreal (a majority of Jewish children and adolescents attend day schools), including the Jewish People's and Peretz Schools and Bialik High School." Is there any way to find IB Singer's children's stories in the original Yiddish? Mark H. David ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol 2.68 If your message is intended for MENDELE, please write to: If you want to discuss personal business or have a shmues with the shames, please write to: Please sign your articles.