Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 2 no. 85 October 29, 1992 1) Answer book for College Yiddish (Mikhl Herzog) 2) Bloyz and nor (Ellen Prince) 3) Computer Yiddish (Debra Halperin Biasca) 4) Introduction (Joe Frisch) 5) Khurbm (David Neal Miller) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 19:39 EST From: Subject: Answer book for College Yiddish For Jeff Finger: My memory is a bit hazy on the subject but, I do recall a project at YIVO, many years ago (in which I had a hand but which David was responsible for) to prepare a correspondence (?) course for the University of Wisconsin (?) (Adult Education/Extension Program)--as you see, there are many question marks. It resulted in two (?) workbooks and perhaps, an answer book. Inquire of YIVO (Zachary, if you're tuned in, perhaps you can clarify this; or, if David Gold is on the line (or, perh Leonard, in Haifa knows), please shed some light on this. Sorry to be so To the pesl/pesl respondents, thanks. The "bas", diminutive "besl" didn' occur to me. The besl/pesl correespondence is interesting. I can only think of one other Western Yiddish etymological initial "b" that shows up as "p" in Eastern Yiddish: WY baafn 'to drink' (presumably cognate with French "boire") Eastern Yiddish pof/pufn as in "shlofn un pofn" a pejorative for 'to sleep' (presumably in a drunken stupor). More on this, anyone? Mikhl Herzog 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 21:11:07 EST From: "Ellen F. Prince" Subject: RE: bloyz and nor (Jeff Finger asks:) > >Is there a difference in usage and meaning between "bloyz" >and "nor"? i once looked at the differences and there were quite a few. unfortunately i can't find my notes at the moment. one that i remember is that _bloyz_ cannot function as a conjunction the way _nor_ can, e.g. ikh vel aykh gebn tsvey rubl, nor/*bloyz lozt mir geyn brengen di vaser farn tatn. (rp:7) men volt gedarft oysleshn dem lomp, nor/*bloyz ikh bin foyl oyftsushteyn. (rp:38) note, btw, that english _only_ can also function as a conjunction in this way (e.g. 'someone should turn off the light, only i'm too lazy to get up') ellen prince 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: 28 Oct 1992 09:56:16 -0700 (MST) From: BIASCA DEBRA HALPERIN Subject: Computer Yiddish I understand that Compuserve has a bidirectional utility which is Shareware. Does anyone on the list have it? Can it be shared through Mendele? I have Wordperfect and have re-programmed my keyboard to input Yiddish; but I have to input the aleph-bet backwards, which is not practical (!). I note that in yesterdays message someone felt that uploading and downloading the aleph-bet would not be a problem. I wonder how that would be accomplished. The Answer Book for Weinreich would be helpful to me, too. 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 15:50:09 EST From jfrisch@euler.Berkeley.EDU Wed Oct 28 13:44:06 1992 Subject: Introduction Ich war in Wien geborn und bin von Holland in 1940 nach Amerika gekummen. Ivh wohn in California bin verhairat und hob drei kinder. Joe 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 8:32:36 EST From: David Neal Miller Subject: Khurbm I was surprised to come upon the term "Hitler-khurbm" as early as 1941 in Maks Vaynraykh's paper on "Di yidishe visnshaft in der hayntiker tsayt": "Nor mir gleybn dokh in dem groysn natsyonaln un mentshlekhn koyekh fun der yidisher shprakh far yidn afile nokh dem Hitler-khurbm un afile in Amerike" (Yivo-bleter 17:7, based on a talk presented on 3 Jan. 1941 at the 15th annual Yivo Conference in New York). Has anyone an earlier cite for the use of khurbm = Holocaust? Was this term in general use by 1941? David Neal Miller The Ohio State University ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol 2.29 If your message is intended for MENDELE, please write to: or If your node is Bitnet-only and is not connected to the Internet, please send your message to: mendele@trincc or mendele@yalevm If you want to discuss personal business or have a shmues with the shames, please write to: or nmiller@trincc Please sign your articles.