Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 4.066 July 21, 1994 1) Destruction in Argentina (Zachary Baker) 2) Yiddish radio in NYC (Neil Baker) 3) Yiddish radio in NYC (Arn Abramson) 4) Yiddish radio in NYC (Raizl Miller) 5) Yiddish radio in NYC; Lomir (Yude Rozof) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Jul 94 11:54:12 PDT From: BM.YIB@RLG.Stanford.EDU Subject: Destruction in Argentina Since the disaster in Buenos Aires took place, there have been various reports coming my way about the nature of the explosion and the losses suffered. The JTA Daily News Bulletin for July 19, 1994 has a front page dispatch about the bombing of 633 Pasteur, and reactions (local and elsewhere) to it. Here is a very brief excerpt: "The blast sent ripples of fear throughout the Argentine Jewish community of 220,000, the largest in South America, which had barely recovered from the 1992 attack on the [Israeli] embassy. "Observers noted the similarities between the two attacks, including the apparent use of car bombs in both incidents and the fact that each building was undergoing construction work when the blast occurred, with workers freely coming and going. "This time, the bomb struck one of the community's most important addresses. The building housed the DAIA, the umbrella organization of Argentine Jewry; the AMIA, the community's 100-year-old main social service agency for the poor and aged; a library of YIVO, the Jewish Research Institute, where the archives of Jewish life in Argentina are stored; and the Jewish Community Council, among other organizations." Research on Nazi war criminals in Argentina was also taking place at 633 Pasteur, with documents supplied by the Argentine government. One account that I have read contradicts the above description of the explosion as having been the result of a car bomb. "Microsemanario," edicion urgente for July 19, 1994 states [my translation]: "First indications are that the explosives were located inside the building. Images of the remains of the building and the descriptions of survivors point in this direction. AMIA [i.e., the entire building] was reduced to a mountain of stones on the same spot where it once stood, in the same way as with buildings that are being demolished with explosive charges." For the text of that report, contact (e-mail): anonymous ftp: ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.ed [], subdirector: /local/rec/argentina/micros Turning to the question of reconstituting the collections of the Buenos Aires YIVO, a number of individuals and organizations with whom (or which) I have been in contact have expressed their willingness to offer books or expertise, in the event that the Argentine YIVO decides to rebuild and finds a new location. These include the National Yiddish Book Center (which has pledged 10,000 volumes), the New York YIVO, and others. I am sure that the international library and research community (including the Israeli academic establishment) will also be enlisted in this effort, should it be requested by our Argentine colleagues. This will help to redress the void left by this heinous act of destruction. The archives that were lost, however, are irreplaceable. I do not believe that microfilms exist, either. Meanwhile, though, priority is being given to the excavation of the site and the recovery of bodies. Today's New York Times noted that there were still 70 individuals listed as missing, and many of these may be presumed dead. This posting is being sent to MENDELE (a Yiddish studies interest group) and HASAFRAN (electronic newsletter of the Association of Jewish Libraries). Zachary Baker 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Jul 94 21:33:00 PDT From: Subject: Yiddish radio in NYC Susan Hauser: Try WEVD 1050 am radio. You might even want to call the station for the schedule of their Yiddish broadcasts. There is also a musical program called Art Raymond's Simcha which is on Mon-Fri from noonish to later in the afternoon (different schedule each day and hard to keep up with). Also on Sunday from 8am to noonish. Also there is Jewish, Hebrew, Israeli music Mon-Fri 91.1 FM WFMU Nachem Segal with news and commentary etc. and again Nachem Segal on 1430 AM from 5pm to 7pm Mon-Thurs. Hope this keeps you busy. Neil Baker 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 21 Jul 94 00:16:28 EDT From: ABRAMSON@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Subject: Yiddish radio in NYC To: Susan Hauser I am aware of one New York City radio station, WEVD at 1050 on the AM dial, that broadcasts programs in Yiddish several times a week. Sunday afternons and I think Wednesday afternoons, there are lectures and interviews with writers and scholars. Friday afternoon, a few hours before Shabes, there is a talk (droshe) on the Pentateuchal portion of the week by Rabbi Tsvi Zinger. After that, another man reads the news in Yiddish. I'm sorry I can't be more exact. The signal is fairly powerful, reaching as far as the nearer portions of eastern Connecticut. Arn Abramson 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 04:11:54 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: Yiddish Radio Station Dear Susan, New York City has one station which has Yiddish programming. It is WEVD, AM 1050. I believe there is a daily news broadcast in the afternoon at about 4:00 or 4:30, I'm not sure. There is also some Yiddish programming on Sunday: 10:00 AM is the Forward Hour. There may be other times, but I do not have that information at hand. Hope this is helpful. Renee "Raizl" Miller 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 19:27:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: radio, lomir ale zingn... To Susan Hauser: Yes! there is certainly still Yiddish programming in the NYC area every day of the week save the Sabbath. Yiiddish radio may be heard on WEVD, 1050 on the AM dial. During the weekdays a newsbroadcast and religious program may be heard in succession around noon or thereafter. Sunday is the bonanza day: Art Raymond's musical simkhe featuring a hearty load of advertisements as well as some excellent Jewish music from around the world is followed by strictly Yiddish language broadcasts, including a weekly News round-up with the former actress Miryam Kressin, news from the Bund: organizational matters as well as music and history, and Der Forverts Sho, featuring a full hour of cultural programming under the auspices of the Yiddish Forward. For more precise scheduling information I suggest that you give WEVD a call, their number can be found in the phonebook. To HLORBACH: The song that you are recalling is "Lomir ale zingn a zemerl..." I do not recall all of the words either although I can tell you that there is a full rendering of the song on an old record by Theodore Bikel, in which he sings many Yiddish folksongs. YIVO Institute for Jewish Research located on 86th and 5th Ave in Manhattan has song books filled with melodies and lyrics: perhaps you might visit YIVO, or request a photocopy of their materials on the song by mail. Al dos guts, Yude Rozof ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol. 4.066 A Table of Contents is now available via anonymous ftp, along with weekly updates. Anonymous ftp archives available on: in the directory pub/mendele/files Archives available via gopher on: Mendele has 2 rules: 1. Provide a meaningful Subject: line. 2. Sign your article. Send articles to: Other business: