Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 4.134 October 11, 1994 1) Introduction (Gaetano Liguori) 2) Mail.Yiddish (Debra Halperin Biasca ) 3) Second request for help (Dan Leeson) 4) More on the "Grine Kuzine" (Martin Davis) 5) Mendele oyf Yidish (Rick Gildemeister) 6) Mendele oyf Yidish (Yide Rozof) 7) Housekeeping (Noyekh Miller) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 17:11:49 +0100 From: Subject: Introduction I am an italian student. I am 23 and I study in Innsbruck (Austria). My english is not perfect but I understand quite all. I study Politics and History and I have a big interest for yiddish language because I am quite jew. I read quite all Singer's books and I attend here in Austria a course of yiddish. Can you help me to learn yiddish and the culture of the jews from East Europe? Shalom! Gaetano Liguori 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 12:08:58 -0600 (MDT) From: Subject: mail.yiddish Whatever philosophical issues lead to the demise of mail.yiddish, those who work with Yiddish Vinklen (Yidish Vinklen, Zelig!) might want to follow Dave Sherman's ftp instructions in the last Mendele posting to look for program ideas. I have found some of the jokes/songs/ditties a good way to re-introduce Yiddish into the lives of many of our mitglider. . .and to whet their appetites for more mame-loshen. Debra Halperin Biasca 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 12:45:08 EDT From: Subject: Second request for help On the Jewish Genealogic bulletin board, they are waiting expectently for an intelligent addressing of the question I posted here on Mendele and to which no one has posted a response. Two weeks have passed since the original posting. The matter had to do with a geographic difference in hair color. I asserted that red-headed men were referred to as so-and-so "die geller" by Litvaks and as so-and-so "die rote" by everyone else. And what did Mendele know about this hair color distinction? I also pointed out that my grandfather was a red-head and, despite the meaning of "geller" as "blond" was referred to his entire life as "Al-Lazar die geller." A number of the member of the Genealogic board have posed the same peculiar word usage and I figured that Mendele was the very best place in the world to bring the question up. So I shouted it out to the world, and so far all I am getting in return is vast realms of silence. Nu? Next comes guilt! Dan Leeson 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 94 22:14:57 -0400 From: Subject: More on the "Grine Kuzine" Actually she doesn't fare so well, and the color soon vanishes from her cheeks. The last line of the song: A shlok zol trefn Columbus's medina Happy Columbus day, Martin Davis 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 94 07:59:16 EDT From: Subject: Mendele oyf Yidish Dakht zikh mir az Khayem Bochner iz gerekht. Di vos kenen redn oder shrayben zoln gebn di naye "eyfelekh" (vitsl) ;-) di gelegnheyt tsu zen vi men leygt oys di verter, viazoy tsu makhn a fraze. Un "letst ober nisht veynikstn" mentshn vi ikh vos leyenen take gut ober muzn zukhn di verter bshas zey shraybn, volt men gekent vayzn zeyere toesn. Di yidishe shprakh iz nisht keyn gringe, un me darf hobn firers un melomdim kedey tsu farbesern undzer bagrif fun der shprakh. A gutn tog aykh alemen. Rick Gildemeister 6)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 15:05:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Mendele oyf Yidish Khayem Bochner: maskem! Fraant Bochner, ekh bin hindertpretsentik maskem mit aakh, zul me hern nukh yidishe koyles d'h af mame-lushn in nisht azoy fil shraabm belaz. Yide Rozof 7)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 13:42:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Housekeeping A few Canadian subscribers have written about a missing Vol. 4.129. Some glitch has taken place at the listserver level. Since it's not possible to redistribute them by machine, the job falls to subscribers (who can download it by anonymous ftp) or to the shames in cases of last resort. Mendele is in the process of soliciting and developing a series of FAQ files (files dealing with frequently-asked questions) dealing with such things as textbooks, transcription rules, software, useful addresses, etc. If you have an idea for a FAQ file that you would like to compile (or that needs compiling) please write. The shames has finally got around to writing something that Mendelniks, especially those new to the Internet, might find useful: a guide to string searches of the Mendele archive. The teyrets was that-- since the shames loathes and cannot read two lines of any user manual ever written --everyone else is the same. A teyrets bleybt a teyrets. Amyway, the solution was in fact not to write a manual but to provide a series of examples. It will be available in a few days. If you can't bear reading it, we understand. Comments invited. Noyekh Miller ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol. 4.134 Mendele has 2 rules: 1. Provide a meaningful Subject: line 2. Sign your article (full name please) A Table of Contents is now available via anonymous ftp, along with weekly updates. Anonymous ftp archives available on: in the directory pub/mendele/files Archives available via gopher on: Send articles to: Other business: