Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 4.361 March 10, 1995 1) Mameloshn 95 (Stephen Dowling) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 18:46:32 -0500 From: Subject: Mameloshn 95 MAMELOSHN 95 A Yiddish-Speakers's Paradise! May 26-29, 1995 Organized by Workmen's Circle Hemshekh Branch 105 MAMELOSHN 95 is a three day visit to Yiddish Land! An unprecedented opportunity to dance, sing, eat, learn, play, love, even dream, in Yiddish. At MAMELOSHN 95 Yiddish is a thriving contemporary language. Some of the most active representatives of the Yiddish movement will conduct programs ranging from "Yiddish Computing" to "How to Romance in Yiddish." At MAMELOSHN 95 you'll find an open, engaging atmosphere that will encourage personal exchanges, the practice and sharpening of Yiddish skills, and new Yiddish speaking friends... MAMELOSHN 95, the Yiddish event of the Season! ON THE PROGRAM CLASSES: IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS THAT ONE WILL USE OVER THE WEEKEND. Students will have the ability to practice useful phrases on a variety of topics. Combining grammar and vocabulary in a fun way, with conversational practice. Led by Sheva Zucker. "DANCING ON THE CEILING" (Traditional East European Jewish Dance) Experienced dance instructor and researcher Michael Alpert teaches the Jewish wedding dances traditionally done to Klezmer music: the freylekhs, sher, bulgar, and others. The line, circle, and partner dances create the framework for the knock-your-sox-off social experience that is Yiddish celebration at it best! Musical accompaniment is provided by the other three members of Brave Old World. Led by Michael Alpert. THE YIDDISH OF 1995. Looks at Yiddish as a current, living language. Learn how Yiddish is constantly changing. Led by Mordkhe Schaechter. YIDDISH FOR BEGINNERS. Know a little Yiddish and want to add to it? Don't know any and want to see if Yiddish is for you? This is the class for you! Led by Pessach Fiszman. WORKSHOPS: Yiddish and Computers: MENDELE - Yiddish On-line with Noyekh Miller What it is. How to get on. What it does for you. Who is on there with you. YIDDISH WORD PROCESSING - The programs you need to produce Yiddish documents for PC & Mac. Led by Martin Deutsch & Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky YIDDISH TEACHERS WORKSHOP. Whether you are an experienced or future Yiddish teacher, the Teacher's Workshop is keday. Ellie will demonstrate a variety of techniques for integrating grammar, conversation, reading and writing in an elementary Yiddish class, and instruct participants in the how-to's of curriculum planning. Includes a copy of the Workmen's Circle Curriculum Guide for Yiddish Teachers prepared by Ellie Kellman and Miriam Steinberg. Led by Ellie Kellman. WONDERS OF YIDDISH FOLKLORE: "DEMONS, SPIRITS & IMPS" and "LOST TREASURES OF YIDDISH FOLKLORE" Led by Miriam Hoffman. FOLKSONGS OF THE YIDDISH WORKERS MOVEMENT. A social history of Eastern European Jewry through its vocal music. Led by Shulamis Dion. HOW TO ROMANCE IN YIDDISH. Terminology of love, marriage, sex, and endearment. Sources include folksongs, proverbs, and actual experience. Led by Reyzl Kalifowitz-Waletsky. FOUND TREASURES:YIDDISH WOMEN'S LITERATURE. Readings and analysis with special attention to the following themes: political life, gender relations, parents and children. Material will be drawn from the recently published book of Yiddish Women's literature "Found Treasures." Led by Frieda Forman & Ethel Raicus. EVENING PROGRAM YIDDISH CABARET featuring: Naomi Hirsch, Rhoda Bernard, Phyllis Berk and Elena Ovstrovsky accompanied by Benyumin Schaechter Jeff Warschauer. M.C. : Branch 105 Chairman Corey Breier. KLEZMER DANCE featuring BRAVE OLD WORLD. Also planned: Shabbes program led by Michael Baran. A Yiddish film to be announced. Yiddish sing-a-long, sports and games and a Yiddish scavenger hunt with Yiddish cultur al and literary clues. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM Our creative and innovative program will include games and sports in Yiddish, a "Wheel of Fortune", a Yiddish Talent show, Jewish Holidays Treasure Hunt and a "Trip to Yiddishland" Led by Kolye Borodulin and assisted by Eve Goodman. ABOUT THE PRESENTERS Michael Alpert was raised in a Yiddish-speaking family and is internationally known for his performances and recordings of Yiddish and klezmer music with Kapelye, Brave Old World, and The Krakauer Trio. Considered one of the finest traditional Yiddish singers of his generation, Michael has conducted extensive research of folk music and dance in Jewish communities throughout the United States and Europe. A research associate in ethnomusicology at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York and co-director of Buffalo on the Roof, an annual Yiddish folklore camp in West Virginia, he has taught traditional singing and dancing at Living Traditions' KlezKamp and the East European Folklife Center's Balkan Music and Dance Workshops for many years. Michael is featured in the klezmer documentary A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden and BBC-TV's "Fiddler on the Hoof," and sings on the Grammy-nominated soundtrack recording from the film Partisans of Vilna. Phyllis Berk is a graduate of the Workmen's Shule movement and has appeared in numerous Yiddish shows including the musical "The Golden Land." In addition to Yiddish song, she is also a Jazz stylist and combines both traditions in the newly released "Coming of Age: Phyllis Berk takes Yiddish Song Mainstream. Rhoda Bernard sings Jewish music in Yiddish and Hebrew, jazz, cabaret, and musical theater repertoire in concerts throughout New England and New York. She performs regularly with the klezmer bands Klezamir and The Boston Kleztet, has appeared as guest vocalist with The Klezmer Conservatory Band and with The Shirim Klezmer Orchestra, and frequently gives concerts of Jewish music with piano or guitar accompaniment. Rhoda's theatrical credits include leading mezzo-soprano roles in many musicals and operettas, and she currently appears in musical revues as part of The Musical Theater Company of The New England Arts Alliance. Rhoda holds degrees from Harvard University and New England Conservatory of Music. In summer 1994, Rhoda studied Yiddish language, literature and culture at the Uriel Weinreich Summer Program sponsored by the YIVO Institute and Columbia University. Kolye Borodulin was born and raised in Birobidzhan and is a graduate of the Khabarovsk Teachers College. Kolye is a former student of the YIVO Summer Program and received his M.A. from Columbia University in 1993. Kolye has taught Yiddish at the Birobidzhan Teachers College, Bnai Brith Summer Camp, Mid-Town Workmen's Circle Shule and The Workmen's Circle adult Yiddish class. Brave Old World: Hailed by New York's Village Voice and The Washington Post as "a klezmer supergroup," Brave Old World's North American appearances have included New York's Lincoln Center, Washington's Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts and National Geographic Society, the Philadelphia Folk Festival, the Winnipeg Folk Festival, Indiana University, and numerous other arts centers, universities, and festivals throught the U.S and Canada. Featured regularly on TV and radio here and abroad, the ensemble has been the focus of news segments on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered," and CNN, and is heard in Fiddler on the Hoof, the Klezmer music documentary in the BBC-TV series Rhythms of the World. Martin Deutsch is the owner and proprietor of Martin L. Deutsch Multilingual Software. He is the design consultant of The Yiddish Forward, designs Yiddish fonts and is a consultant ot software producers. He is also the father of an unbelievably large Yiddish speaking family. Shulamis Dion is a New York based Ethno-musicologist, and teacher of Yiddish, who has researched and published numerous articles and reviews on the Klezmer music revival and Yiddish song. She holds an M.A. in Ethno Musicology from Brown University and has pursued post-graduate study in Ethnography and Yiddish language and literature at Columbia University and the Max Weinreich Center of the YIVO Institute for Yiddish studies. Eve Goodman is a graduate of The Workmen's Circle Mid-Town Shule and is currently the youngest teacher in The Workmen's Circle Shule movement. Naomi Hirsch, mezzo-soprano, has concertized throughout North America, Israel and Germany. She is the featured soloist at the 1995 Workmen's Circle Third Seder. An Invested Cantor, she is featured on the Wergo label cd, "Patterns of Jewish life" . A four time Klezkamper and a graduate of the Uriel Weinreich Summer Program. Miriam Hoffman is a journalist and feature writer for the Jewish Forward. Full time lecturer in Yiddish and Yiddish literature at Columbia University. Playwright - "A Rendezvous with God," "Songs of Paradise" and "Hold the Wedding" (in collaboration with Rena Borow). The latest play - "Mr. Singer and His Demon's" will be staged in the Fall of 1995. Ellie Kellman has been teaching Yiddish language and literature to adults since 1987. Now on the faculties of the University of Toronto and the YIVO-Columbia Weinreich Summer Program, she has a special interest in training new teachers of Yiddish. Noyekh Miller is a sociologist, now retired, whose most recent stint was at Trinity College. He lives in Brookline, Mass. Binyumin "Ben" Schaechter is a composer of musicals, and of cabaret and revue songs. Singers that have performed Ben's songs include Andrea Marcovicci, Tovah Feldshuh and Nancy Dussalut. Revues with Ben's music include "That's Life", "Pets" and "Too Jewish", for which he is also the on-stage musical director/pianist and occasional singer and actor. Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter was born in Cernauti, Rumania. Senior lecturer in Yiddish studies emeritus, Columbia University. Editor of the journals "Afn Shvel" and "Yiddisher Shprakh." Author of several books and studies about Yiddish and executive director of the League for Yiddish. Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletsky has been active in the Yiddish community for many years both personally and professionally. She is now the coordinator of the Yi ddish Outreach Program at the Workmen's Circle and before she was the Executive Director of the Congress for Jewish Culture. She has an M.A. from Columbia University in Yiddish Language and Folklore and has taught Yiddish at colleges and in adult-ed programs since 1971. A native Yiddish-speaker and an ardent Yiddishist, she leads a Yiddish-speaking home-life with her husband and children. Reyzl has been active in the Yiddish community for many years both personally and professionally. Jeff Warschauer (guitar, mandolin, tenor banjo, vocals) has played and taught throughout the United States, in Western Europe, Poland, the former Soviet Union, Australia and New Zealand, and for the U.S.O. in Greenland. He is a member of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, has performed with the Bolshoi Ballet, and has been Composer, Music Director and/or featured instrumentalist for numerous theatrical productions, recordings, and film soundtracks. In addition, he performs extensively in duo and trio combinations with Dutch Yiddish singer Shura Lipovsky, and New York pianist Zalmen Mlotek. In 1986 hewon the Amalgamated Bank Prize for Yiddish Studies at the Oxford University Summer Programme, and he was awarded a 1990 Massachusetts Artists Fellowship for his Klezmer mandolin and solo guitar work. A graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music, Jeff is on the faculty of the Longy School of Music and the YIVO Yiddish Folk Arts Institute. Sheva Zucker is author of the newly published text book "Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture. Sheva has taught Yiddish and Jewish literature at Columbia University, Russian State Humanities University, Bar Ilan, Duke University and the University of Manitoba. She has the only Yiddish speaking children in Durham, North Carolina. ACCOMMODATIONS & MEALS Kosher gourmet dairy, fish cuisine and a traditional Erev Shabbes meal will be served. Circle Lodge is a beautiful, modern resort in Dutchess County, NY. Guests can take advantage of the Olympic-sized pool, lake, tennis, track, volleyball and more. The following accommodations are available: PRIVATE ROOMS - air-conditioned with TV and private bath. Double occupancy only. WC Members $190 Non-members $240 SEMI-PRIVATE with one double bed and shared bath. WC Members $130 Non-members $180 KINDER RING* dormitory style rooms with shared bath. WC Members $80 Non-members $130 *Currently registered college students under 25 years of age $85.00. **After May1, 1995 add an additional $20.00 to all reservation fees. *** If you join the Workmen's Circle Branch 105 when registering, the $50 member/nonmember differential will be credited toward your Workmen's Circle membership. Add an additional $27.00 to the non-member price. Please complete and return your reservation to: MAMELOSHN 95, Workmen's Circle, 45 East 33rd Street, New NY 10016. 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