Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 5.038 July 5, 1995 1) Af tzelokhes (Michael Shimshoni) 2) Yugntruf: me farbrengt af Yidish (Ruvn Millman) 3) Yiddish in Boyle Heights (Nathan Kravetz) 4) Feyder-Fraynt (Allan E. Blair) 5) Distant relatives (Chane Honig) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 03 Jul 95 11:17:22 +0300 From: Subject: Af tzelokhes? Could someone please explain the meaning and origin of the Yiddish expression "af tzelokhes" (sp?). I know that it has a negative meaning but do not know when it is used, what is meant by it exactly and what its origin is. A dank, Michael Shimshoni 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 23:13:01 -0400 Fom: Subject: Yugntruf: me farbrengt af Yidish Calling all bipeds: You are all welcome to attend Yugntruf's second annual guided Yiddish tour of the American Museum of Natural History - starting with the newly-renovated dinosaur exhibit - followed by a Yiddish picnic in Jurassic Park, er, we mean Central Park immediately following. We'll meet for this double activity on Sun., July 16, at 1:45pm at the museum's main entrance on Central Park West between 77 and 81st Streets. (This will allow plenty of time for those touring the Lower East Side with the Uriel Weinreich Summer Program to buy some Gus's pickles and head uptown for the cool interiors of the Museum. Just take the "F" train uptown to "West 4th St."; transfer for the "C" train uptown to "81st St.") We'll enter the Museum promptly at 2:00. Brind your Mesozoic "pay- what-you-wish" for the museum, and frisbees, food and good Yiddish conversation for the picnic, and we'll see you there......hey how do you say pterodactyl in Yiddish? Shraybkrayz...Yugntruf's Yiddish Writer's Circle is for veteran and aspiring writers of Yiddish, whether your genre be short story, haiku, whatever. The next meeting will be Sun., July 23, at 2:00pm at the home/garden of the renowned Yiddish poet Beyle Schaechter- Gottesman, 3338 Bainbridge Ave., Bronx, phone # 718-231-1416 (#4 train to Mosholu Pkway., or the D train to 205 St.; walk to Bainbridge Ave., 208 St.). The August meetin of the Shraybkrayz will be Thurs., Aug. 24, at 6pm at the Yugntruf office, 200 West 72nd Street, Suite 40, in NYC. Calling all yiddish-song-loving-beach-bums!!!! We will be enjoying a Sunday summer sunset (roze shkie) at Brighton Beach, a late afternoon/early evening of frisbees, eating, Yiddish singing and "hanging" on the beach, including a Boardwalk walk to Coney Island. We will meet Sun., Aug. 6, at 4:30pm at the Brighton 6th St. entrance to the Boardwalk. Take the "Q" train (not the "D"), which, due to Manhattan Bridge construction, will be running on the "N" and "R" line, to the Brighton Beach stop in Brooklyn (where else?). For those who want to meet in Manhattan and be beach-bound together...simply RSVP, call Binyumen at (212) 989-0212 before Fri., Aug. 4.....remember to leave your phone number!! Yiddish Vokh...don't forget Yugntruf's all Yiddish retreat near the Berkshire Mountains (NY) from Wed., Aug. 30 - Wed., Sept. 6 or any part thereof (Rokhl just said she'll be there, why not you?). Your chance to spend one fun week in Yiddish-land!!!! Call the office for details or email myself, Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish 200 West 72nd Street, Suite 40 New York, NY 10023-2824 (212) 787-6675 **************************************** Ale tsayfisike, hert zikh ayn: ir zent farbetn oyf undzer tsveytn yerlekhn tur - mit a Yidish-redndikn turfirer - fun Amerikaner Natur-Visnshaftlekhn Muzee, vu mir veln hayntiks yor onheybn mit dem nay-ibeergemakhtn Dinozaver-oysshtelung. Nokh dem tur veln mir farbrengen oyg a piknik in tsentral-park. Mir veln zikh trefn far der topeler-aktivitet zuntik, dem 16tn yuli, 1:45 nokh mitog baym hoypt-arayngang fun muzee, oyf tsentral-park vest tsvishn di 77ste un 81ste gasn. Mir veln arayn in muzee punkt 2:00. Breng-je ayer mezozoishn "tsol-vos-ir-kent" farn muzee, ayer esn un vos nokh ir vilt farn picnik. Un mir veln zikh zen a zeyger 1:45. Yugntruf Shraybkrayz treft zikh zuntig, dem 23stn yuli, 2:00 n"m bay der barimter yidisher poetese un molerin Beyle Shaechter- Gottesman. In oygust treft men zikh donershtik, dem 24stn oygust, 6:00 n"m in byuro fun Yugntruf. Ale Yidish-Lid-Lib-Hobndike Plajenikes, hert zikh ayn: Mir forn oyf a zuntikdikn zumer zun-untergang in Brighton Beach oyf a farnakht fun frizbis, esn, zingn Yidishe lider un "oyshengen" oyf der plaje. Me treft zikh zuntig dem 6tn oygust 4:30 n"m baym Brighton Beach 6te gas arayngang tsum promenad. Nemt der "Q" ban biz tsu Brighton Beach. Far informatsie oder zikh tsu trefn in Manhetn mit Binyumenen meld zikh tsu tsu (212) 989-0212 un farges nisht tsu lozn ayer telefon-numer!!! Yidish Vokh...farges nisht undzer gants vokh in YIDISH-LAND in di prekhtike Berkshire-barg fun Mitvokh, dem 30stn oygust biz Mitvokh, dem 6tn oygust, (oyf azoy lang vi ir kent). Klin undzere byuro far nokh protim. Zol zayn mit gezunt und glik, Ruvn Millman 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 16:05:40 +0800 (PST) From: Subject: Yiddish in Boyle Heights Boyle Heights was for many years a Jewish neighborhood in eastern Los Angeles where Yiddish was the major language of daily use and culture. I would like to know if any Mendelniks have knowledge or recollections of those good old days in Boyle Heights and of their experiences with Yiddish. There were Hebrew schools, chederim, and also folkshules where all was in Yiddish. There was political activity, of all kinds, as well as school clubs and social clubs. Etc. I'm working on a historical study of this area and would appreciate your contributions and ideas. A sheinem dank allemen. Nathan Kravetz 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 18:40:08 -0400 From: Subject: Feyder-Fraynt Tayer Mendelniks un Feder-Fraynt: Feyder-Fraynt is coming along reasonably well, but I have no way of knowing whether assigned Feder-Fraynt actually made contact, or whether anyone "fell through the cracks." Please let me know how you are doing out there. I would also like to know if any other Mendelniks would like to have a Feder-Fraynt. Beginners and young people especially welcome. Don't worry about your fluency - I'll match you up with someone compatible. Allan E. Blair 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 08:01:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Distant relatives Meine mama flegt rufn distant relatives as related "vi a ferd's fus putkevas eynikl". Efsher hob ich nit rikhtig geshribn ire verter, ober ich vil visn oyb efsher dos iz geven a Yiddish expression oder epes an invention of mayne mama. I believe it means that two people are related like the rear foot bone of a horse...but I would love some clarification from Mendele mavens of the origin and meaning of this expression. A shaynem dank!. Chane Honig ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol. 5.038 Mendele has 2 rules: 1. Provide a meaningful Subject: line 2. Sign your article (full name please) Send articles to: Send change-of-status messages to: a. For a temporary stop: set mendele nomail b. To resume delivery: set mendele mail c. To subscribe: sub mendele first_name last_name d. To unsubscribe kholile: unsub mendele Other business: ****Getting back issues**** 1. Anonymous ftp archives are available. ftp in the directory pub/mendele/files A table of contents is also available, along with weekly updates. 2. Mendele archives can also be reached as follows: via WWW: via gopher: gopher:// via ftp: