Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 5.243 February 6, 1996 1) Introduction (Robyn Sassen) 2) A reading suggestion (Bess Katz) 3) Yiddish conversation in Los Angeles (Blossom Miller) 4) Riverdale Yiddish Leyenkrayz (David E. Fishman) 5) Yugntruf Activities for February (Ruvn Millman) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 4 Feb 1996 21:29:27 GMT From: Subject: An Introduction After an absence of nearly three years, I am finally back on the internet and am delighted to have rejoined Mendele. I co-ordinate the creative workshop of the South African Board of Jewish Education, where my staff and I are currently building a multi-media didactic exhibition on Jerusalem to cater to the educational needs of the school children, the dialectic sensibilities of the adult community and the creative stimulation of the little ones. I also have an insatiable passion for the Yiddish language which I am slowly clambering through by means of parallel texting and have been wading and sometimes drowning in Kafka's Der Protses. I have a Fine Arts degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and am a printmaker. And other than all those external features, I simply cannot wait to receive my regular doses of Mendele! So, this is me and I am thrilled to be here once again. I hope my connection with the Internet proves to be long and fruitful. Robyn Sassen 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 4 Feb 1996 18:56:11 -0500 From: Subject: A reading suggestion I offer this suggestion for Yiddish Reading Groups, Vinkl, etc. In a group I lead we're reading this year Itzik Manger's _Di vunderlekheh lebns-bashreibung fun shmueyl abervu_ (dos bukh fun gan-eyden), and enjoying it tremendously. Unfortunately, this was never published in a separate volume (the translation was), so it necessitates photocopying. But it's well worth it. Bess Katz 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 4 Feb 1996 19:54:31 -0500 From: Subject: Yiddish conversation in Los Angeles To all Mendelyaners....Do you want to take part in a Yiddish conversations with a very friendly group of like-minded people? Then join us at the St. Monica Emeritus College Yiddish Literature class which will begin on Feruary 15, 1996. Our instructor, Marion Herbst, has published numerous Yiddish books, and also teaches at the University of Judiasm. This is a 2 hour session of "mame loshen" one day a week. Its free and its great! Kumt un farbrengt! If interested, contact me for time and place. (310) 470-2624. Blossom Miller 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 15:35:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Riverdale Yiddish Leyenkrayz The Riverdale Yiddish Leyenkrayz meets every other Sunday evening at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 3700 Netherlands Avenue (corner of Henry Hudson Parkway) at 7:30 PM. We are now reading short stories by Sholem Asch from the "Musterverk" volume of his stories. (Last year, we read Chaim Grade's novella "the Rebbitsin"). Our next meeting is this coming Sunday, February 11. All readers of Yiddish are welcome. Copies of the text are provided. Der Riverdale yiddisher leyenkrayz treft zikh yedn tsveytn zuntik in ovnt inem Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 3700 Netherlands Avenue (rog Henry Hudson Parkway) sibn-draysik in ovnt. Mir haltn itst in leyenen dertseylungen fun Sholem Asch funem Asch band fun di "Musterverk". (Far-a-yorn hobn mir geleyent Chaim Grade's lengere dertseylung "Di Rebitsin"). Undzer kumedike bagegenish ikumt for dem zuntik, dem 11tn Februar. Ale leyener fun yidishn vort zenen hartsik farbetn. David E. Fishman 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 5 Feb 1996 21:06:56 -0500 From: Subject: Yugntruf Activities: February *****Shmueskrayz: Bill Clinton and Prince Charles are bound to come up at the Yiddish Discussion Group as we discuss the topic: "The Private Life Of a Public Figure Should Remain Private." Come and express your opinion! Thursday, February 15, 7:45pm, at Beit Ephraim, 535 West 112 Street (between Amsterdam Ave. & Broadway) in Manhattan. (Take the #1/#9 train or the M4/M104 bus to 110 Street and Broadway.) Refreshments will be served. Admission: Yugntruf members $2; non-members $3; all students $1. RSVP by February 14: Brukhe Lang (212) 280-1168. *****Yiddish Conversation Group for Beginners: You know more Yiddish than you think! Come and surprise yourself at our Yiddish Conversation Group for Beginners (first and second year Yiddish). The theme of the next session will be: "Oy, mayn kepele tut mir vey!" ("Oy, have I got a headache!") Sunday, February18, 2:00pm, at Beit Ephraim (address and directions above). Refreshments will be served. Admission: students/members free; all others $3. RSVP by February 17: Brukhe Lang (212) 280-1168. *****Yiddish Writers' Circle: Yugntruf's Yiddish Writers' Circle will meet Thursday, February 22, 6:00pm in our office (200 West 72 Street #40). Come and read your latest poem or short story, or just come and listen. *****Koyshbol: Come join in a game of basketball in Yiddish! Yugntrufistn and khaveyrim play most Wednesdays (except during zaverukes - look it up!) at 8:00am. For further details call Ruvn Millman (718) 237-0961. BTW, we're still looking for a cool indoor court to use in Manhattan... *********************** Februar 1996 Bil Klinton un Prints Tsharls veln izer kumen tsu reyd, ven der shmueskrayz diskutirt di teme: "Dos Private Lebn Fun An Efentlekher Perzenlekhkayt Zol Blaybn Privat." Kumt drikt oys ayer Meynung!! Donershtik dem 15tn Feb., 7:45 in ovnt in Beys-Efrayim, 535 vest 112te gas (tsvishn Amsterdam un Brodvey), Manhetn. Nemt di unterbanen 1/9 oder di oytobusn M4/M104 biz 110ter gas. Me vet derlangen kibud. Arayngang: Yugntruf-mitglider $2; nisht-mitglid $3; ale studentn $1. Entfert, zayt moykhl, bizn 14tn Feb.: Brukhe Lang 212-280-1168 **** Kumt farbrent af a poshetn Yidish baym shmueskrayz far onheybers!!! Undzer kumedike teme vet zayn: "Oy Mayn Kepele Tut Mir Vey!!!" Zuntik dem 18tn Feb., 2:00 nokh mitik in Beys-Efrayim (adres un for-instruktsyes oybn). Me vet derlangen kibud. Arayngang: Yugntruf-mitglider/studentn umzist; nisht-mitglider $3. Entfert, zayt moykhl, bizn 17tn Feb.: Brukhe Lang 212-280-1168 **** Der Yugntruf-Shraybkrayz treft zikh Donershtik, dem 22stn Feb., 6:00 nokh mitik in undzer byuro (200 vest 72nd gas). Kumt leynt fir ayers a lid, tsi an esey, tsi a dertseylung, oder hert zikh nor tsu vi andere leyenen. **** Kumt nemt onteyl in Yidishn Koyshbol!!!! Yugntrufistn shpiln (kemat) ale Mitvokh, 8:00 in der fri. Vayterdike protim: Ruvn Millman 718-237-0961 Ruvn Millman ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol. 5.243