Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 5.267 March 6, 1996 1) Yiddish summer program in Paris (Delphine Bechtel) 2) Non-Slavic Conference: Call for papers (Howard I. Aronson) 3) Khasidishe Yiddish (Rick Turkel) 4) Yerusholayim d'Lite (Linda Cantor) 5) Yerusholayim d'Lite (Zachary Baker) 6) Yerusholayim d'Lite (Andrew Cassel) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 00:16:41 +0002 From: Subject: Yiddish summer program in Paris AEDCY (Association for YIddish STudies), CEJA Center for Jewish-American Studies The University of Paris 7 and the Medem Library in Paris are announcing a Summer university seminar in Yiddish language and literature in Paris, France July 8 to 26, 1996 Teaching Staff Batia Baum, Yitskhok Niborski, Sonia Pinkusowitz, Vera Solomon Lecturers: Delphine Bechtel, Rachel Ertel, Simon Neuberg, Boris Sandler, Astrid Starck, Theater workshop: Rafi Goldwaser Song Workshop: Jacques Grober Four levels of instruction Classes will be held MOnday to Friday from 9:15 to 10:45 and from 11:15 to 12:45 In the afternnon, activities from 2:15 to 4:15 (song and theater workshop, lectures and film) Classes will be held at Institut charles 5, Universite Paris 7, located in Le Marais, the oldest part of Paris, right next to the Jewish Quarter (rue des rosiers). IN addition to its world renowned attractions, Paris has a long history as a center of Jewish culture and the heard of a Jewish community in which many yi many Yiddish writers lived and worked. This tradition is kept alive by a group of scholars, teachers, artists, and by the presence of The Medem Library, the largest yiddish library in Europe. Students will have free access to the Medem LIbrary during the summer program Housing can be reserved, and will be provided in two convenient located hotels which have agreed to offer special prices to participants of the summer program The cost of tuition is approx FF 2900. For information please write to: AEDCY (July 1996 seminar) BP 720 75163 Paris cedex 04 France tel, fax : (33-1) The Medem Library should be connected through internet soon, Mendele recipients will be informed. Delphine Bechtel 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1996 16:04:20 -0600 From: Subject: Non-Slavic Conference: Call for papers The Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures and the Department of Linguistics of the University of Chicago announce the Tenth International NSL Conference (Non-Slavic Languages Conference, formerly the Conference on the Non-Slavic Languages of the USSR), which will take place at the University of Chicago, Thursday-Saturday, 8-10 May 1997. We solicit papers dealing with any linguistic aspects of non-Slavic languages presently or historically spoken on the territories of the successor states to USSR, i.e., the Baltic republics and the member republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States. 30 minutes will be allotted for presentation and discussion of each paper. Papers must be presented in English. Funding permitting, we hope to publish papers presented at the Conference. Those interested in participating should sent a one-page abstract of their proposed paper to one of the addresses below. Faculty members are particularly requested to encourage graduate students to submit abstracts. Please send a copy of your abstract on a floppy disk (preferably 3.5" (90 mm.)) or, ideally, submit your abstract by e-mail. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 1 October 1996. You will be notified if your paper has been accepted for presentation by 1 November 1996. As in past years, the Conference will be followed by the Conference on the Cultures of Caucasia on Saturday and Sunday, 10-11 May 1997. Howard I. Aronson / Bill J. Darden / Victor A. Friedman, Conference Organizers In replying, please indicate: *your name *address and affiliation *whether you are submitting/will submit an abstract *title of propsed paper *languages and linguistic families dealt with *if not sumitting an abstract, do you want to remain on our mailing list? For further information: Fax: 312 702-9861 US Mail: NSL-10, Dept. of Slavic Langs & Lits Univ. of Chicago 1130 E. 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637 Phone: 312-702-8033 Howard I. Aronson 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1996 13:56:22 -0500 From: Subject: Khasidishe Yiddish On a little lighter note than some of the more scholarly postings on this subject, I have a couple of amusing stories relating to it. 1. A friend of mine was walking on the street in the northern part of Jerusalem when a khosid pulled up beside him, unrolled the passenger-side window, and asked, "reb yid, zog zhe mir, vi kimt men ken rumis?" When my friend recovered his composure, he picked himself up off the sidewalk and gave the khosid the desired directions to the nearby neighborhood of Ramot. 2. Another friend recently related the story of a khosid giving someone directions. "... un du makht men a yi." Hint: it's a type of turn. A freylikhn purim alemen. Rick Turkel 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1996 14:17:11 -0500 (est) From: Subject: Yerusholayim d'Lite Tsirl Kuznitz inquired whether Yerushalayim d'Lite is being published. Yes, it is and I receive it on a monthly basis. I paid for my subscription in person last summer but certainly plan to renew with a personal check. I have had no problem sending personal checks in American dollars to pay for services in Lithuania. (ex. research at the Archives) Hope this helps. Linda Cantor 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 96 12:08:03 PST From: Subject: Yerusholayim d'Lita "Yerusholayim d'Lita" resumed publication on a monthly basis in mid- 1995, in 4 separate versions. The YIVO Library subscribes to the Yiddish and English versions. (The English one bears the title "Jerusalem of Lithuania.") The latest issue received was no. 2 (whole no. 62), February 1996. The following information is taken from that issue (English version): "Jerusalem of Lithuania. A newspaper of the Jewish community in Lithuania. Published once a month in Yiddish, Lithuanian, Russian, and English. Circulated in USA, Canada, England, Germany, Israel, Sweden, Poland, South Africa, Australia, and other countries. Printed by the Spauda Printing House, SL No. 314. Address: 4, Pylimo Street, Vilnius, tel.: 22-79-17, 61-30-03, fax (370-2) 227-915. Price for a year is 50 USD." We paid for our subscription with a U.S. dollar check, drawn on a regular U.S. bank account, and that seems to have worked fine. Each issue is 4 pages in length (tabloid format), and contains interesting articles on Jewish life in present-day Lithuania and on Lithuanian Jewish history. Zachary Baker 6)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 20:22:07 -0500 From: Subject: Yerusholayim d'Lita From the circular I received with my copy last month of "Yerushalyim d'Lita": "Jerusalem of Lithuania appears once a month in four issues _ in English, Yiddish, Russian and Lithuanian and is read in the USA, Canada, Greate Britain, Germany, Republic of South Africa, Australia and other countries. The newspaper covers the life of the Jerish Community, its glorious past and its tragic fate, the history of the Hewish pople and the cultural treasures the created, Jewish traditions etc. We are trying to unite our Community members and make the Litvaks' precous heritage, culture and traditions more accessible for them. We also have th intention to acquain our readers with the outstanding personalities of Lithuanian Jewry's past and present. The price of the subscription is U.S. $50 per year. The payment should be sent by check (marked with the works "Jerusalem of Lithuania") to the following address: Jewish Community of Lithuania Pylimo 4 Vilnius 2600 Phone 22 79 17" (I can tell you that personal checks may be sent without difficulty to the above address. -- AC) Andrew Cassel ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol. 5.267