Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 6.111 November 29, 1996 1) Vi me zogt af idish "l'hitraot" (Joachim Neugroschel) 2) Daytshmerizmen (Joachim Neugroschel) 3) The Moshe Beregovski archive (Leonard (Yude-Leyb) Prager) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 12:18:09 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Vi me zogt af idish "l'hitraot" Arik Grunberg hot gefregt (Mendele Vol. 6.106) vegn an ekvivalent fun der hebreisher forml "l'hitraot" (lamed-hey-tov-reysh-alef-vov-tov) (l'hisrO-os in ashkenaz). Oyb er meynt a yidishn ekvivalent, ken me zogn (fray fartaytsht): adye; zay(t) gezunt; hot mir a gutn; gut yor--und oykh (daytshmerish) oyf viderzen, vos hot dos identishe--verter- likhe--bild vi di ivrit-fraze. 's fregt zikh tsi hebreish hot zikh di dozike forml aleyn oysgetrakht oder ibergenumen fun daytsh "auf Wiedersehen" oder frantsoyzish "au revoir" (oder afile italienish "arrivederci"). Veys efsher emetser dem moker funm ivrit-idyom? Iz er dokh efsher a moderne kalke oder ken men im gefinen in eltere tekstn? Joachim Neugroschel 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 12:02:59 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: "Daytshmerizmen" un andere inyonim In regard to D. Herskovic's attack on my previous posting, I must politely ask him to reread my letters. I never once objected to foreign imports in Yiddish, I merely wondered about introducing the word "please" if Yiddish already has a half dozen ways of expressing that concept. I can't find any statement in my postings or my published writings implying that I in any way object to bringing neologisms in from other languages--quite the opposite. and I also wondered why people who wish to "improve" Yiddish write in English. as for my typing...well, it's obvious that I'm heavily influenced by e.e.cummings. benegye D. Herskovics onfal af mayn frierdik blitsbrivl muz ikh im benimes betn es nokhamol ibertsuleynen. ikh hob keynmol nisht gezogt az ikh bin kegn araynfirn verter fun andere shprakhn, ikh hob nor gevolt visn far vos zhe me zol araynfirn "please" ven yidish hot shoyn a halb tuts idiomn farn dozikn bagrif. neologizmen fun andere leshoynes kenen zain vikhtik un interesant--es vendt zikh tomid inm gegebenem antlay un ven gevise mentshn hobn bedeye tsu "farbesern" yidish, farvos zhe shraybn zey af english?... benegeye mayn ortografye.... nu, dakht zikh az ikh shrayb unter der hashpoye fun e.e.cummings.... Joachim Neugroschel 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 28 Nov 96 22:15:43 IST From: Subject: Who discovered the Beregovski archive and when? Two years ago _Mendele_ readers were treated to an especially full, informative and interesting introduction by the Russian folklorist and musicologist Izaly Zemtsovsky. I looked up the issue of 4 December 1994, Volume 4:214, where we read: "You know, of course, the name of Moshe Beregovsky (1892-1961). It was I who twice have saved his musical archives -- from Kiev to St.Petersburg in 1966 and from St.Petersburg to the USA two years ago (thanks to the support of the YIVO)." "In 1992, October, on Chanukah, in St.Petersburg I organized the First International Conference on Jewish Music. Now I am working on the unpublished materials of Moshe Beregovsky, David Maggid, Michael Gnessin and Zusman Kisselgof from Russian Archives." Today I picked up _Ha-Arets_ and read the following notice by Noam Ben Ze'ev (28/11/96), which I here translate freely: Pres. of Ukraine Gives Ezer Weizmann Disk of Rare Jewish Music "A disk with recordings of 18 rare selections from the musical riches of Eastern European Jewry was presented a day before yesterday to Pres. Ezer Weizmann by Pres. of Ukraine Leonid Koczma (sp?) who is currently visiting Israel. These recordings, which include cantorial items (among them "the Kaddish of the Berditshever Rebe") and Sholem Aleykhem speaking in his own voice, are from the collection of Moshe Beregovski, a valuable treasure of recordings and transcriptions uncovered two years ago in the Kiev National Library by Prof. Israel Adler of the Center for Research in Jewish Music of the Hebrew University." /Hebrew: "osef moshe beregovski... shehitgale... lifney shenatayim al yedey haprof' yisrael adler...."/ "Among the thousands of items in the collection are Yiddish folk songs, klezmer tunes, chasidic melodies, and vocal recordings of Habima actor Chana Rovina and personalities like the philospher Hermann Cohen and the composer Michael Gnessin. This magnificent archive, which preserves the musical traditions of Eastern European Jewry from the end of the nineteenth century to the Shoa, had been thought lost since 1949, the year collecting and classifying ceased upon the banishment to Siberia of Moshe Beregovski, head of the project." "Discovery of the archive, which in addition to recordings includes manuscripts of thousands of melodies and 17,000 microfilms, aroused great excitement in the ethnomusicological world, resulting in an agreement between the Ukrainian library and the National Library in Jerusalem, with the cooperation of the Hebrew University and international bodies such as the Musical Council of Unesco. The archive was to be copied and catalogued in Israel but the Kiev library was slow to implement the agreement. It is hoped in Israel that the gift of the disk to the President augurs well for the fulfillment of the agreement in the near future." Would some knowledgeable Mendele reader please comment. Leonard (Yude-Leyb) Prager ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol. 6.111 Mendele has 2 rules: 1. Provide a meaningful Subject: line 2. Sign your article (full name please) Send articles to: Send change-of-status messages to: a. For a temporary stop: set mendele nomail b. To resume delivery: set mendele mail c. To subscribe: sub mendele first_name last_name d. To unsubscribe kholile: unsub mendele Other business: ****Getting back issues**** 1. Anonymous ftp archives are available. ftp in the directory pub/mendele/files A table of contents is also available, along with weekly updates. 2. Mendele archives can also be reached as follows: via WWW: via gopher: gopher:// via ftp: