Yiddish Mailing List, Issue #14 November 7, 1989 84 lines =============================== Klezkamp '89, December 24-29 (David Sherman) Children's stories (David Sherman) License plate (David Sherman) [bamerkung: shik epes, az ikh zol hobn vus aroistsushikn in nekstn numer!] ------------------------ Digest-Message: 14/1 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Subject: Klezkamp '89 Date: Tue Nov 7 12:04:10 EST 1989 The Fifth Annual YIVO Yiddish Folk Arts Program will take place December 24-29 at the Paramount Hotel, Parksville, New York (in the Catskills). We went in 1986 and 1987, and Andy Tannenbaum went in 1988 (see his report in Digest-Message 06/4). It's a week of nonstop Yiddish culture -- language, theatre, films, dance, calligraphy, papercutting, literature, song, food, and especially MUSIC. The best klezmer music players from across North America all come to teach and participate, and there is wonderful music every night until the early hours. It runs Sunday afternoon through Friday morning, and the hotel is kosher. Highly recommended, if you have enjoy Yiddish culture. The official registration deadline just passed, but I understand they still have a few spaces left (not many -- it will fill the hotel). Cost is US$375 per person double occupancy, including the hotel, 3 meals a day and all programs. Kids are $175-200. Phone YIVO (Henry Sapoznik or Lorin Sklamberg) at 212-535-6700 if you want to find out if you can still register. ------------------------ Digest-Message: 14/2 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Subject: Children's stories Date: Tue Nov 7 12:12:57 EST 1989 Those of us who speak Yiddish with our young kids (Raphael Finkel, Yaakov Schachter, Melekh Viswanath, anyone else on this list?) need to find good story books. I have come across a wonderful author who wrote in the 1920's. His real name was Leon Basein, but he wrote under the name Leon Elbe. We have two of his books, "Fun Kleine Kinders Vegen" and "Ingele-Ringele". The first, published in 1921, is not in great shape, and getting worse from being used regularly. The second, published in 1926, was reprinted in 1948. A stash must have been found somewhere, because we just picked up two mint copies at the Toronto Jewish Book Fair (one to read from, one to keep). The stories are light, amusing, rhythmic, interesting and easy for our 3.5-year-old and 5.5-year-old to understand. The first book has stories of about 4 pages each, smallish print (great for bedtime stories), all separate; the second is a running thread with separate chapters, also about 4-5 pages, that also make great stories. We've found it's improving our vocabulary too. It looks like Elbe was quite a popular writer, so it's quite possible that the National Yiddish Book Center has his books in stock. ------------------------ Digest-Message: 14/3 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Subject: License plate Date: Tue Nov 7 12:12:57 EST 1989 Our personalized license plates arrived today. Ontario only allows 6 letters, so if you see a minivan with Ontario plate MMLSHN you'll know whose it is. (Vus iz a license plate oif Yidish?) ------------------------ END OF ISSUE #14 ------------------------ David (Daniel Moishe) Sherman, Toronto Moderator, mail.yiddish { uunet!attcan {AT&T Sites}!att pyramid!utai utzoo } !lsuc!dave dave@lsuc.on.ca attcan!lsuc!dave@uunet.uu.net