Package: math/pari Description: PARI - fast formal computations on recursive types Version: 1.37 Notes: The PARI system is a package which is capable of doing formal computations on recursive types at high speed; it is primarily aimed at number theorists, but can be used by people whose primary need is speed. Although quite an amount of symbolic manipulation is possible in PARI, this system does very badly compared to much more sophisticated systems like Reduce, Macsyma, Maple, Mathematica or Scratchpad (now Axiom) on such manipulations (e.g. multivariate polynomials, formal integration, etc...). On the other hand, the two main advantages of the system are its speed (which can be between 5 and 100 times better on many computations than the above mentioned systems), and the possibility of using directly data types which are familiar to mathematicians. It is possible to use PARI in two different ways: 1) as a library, which can be called from any upper-level language application (for instance written in C, C++, Pascal or Fortran); 2) as a sophisticated programmable calculator, named GP, which contains most of the standard control instructions of a standard language like C. .../tex/usersch1.tex Language(s): assembler, C Requirements: ? Origin: * Prof. Henri COHEN (re: PARI) UFR de Mathematiques et Informatique Universite Bordeaux I 351 Cours de la Liberation 33405 TALENCE CEDEX FRANCE See Also: ? Restrictions: See .../README References: ?