Title I, SEC. 1136. INDEXING DOLLAR AMOUNTS RELATING TO COST SHARING. (a) In General. Any deductible, copayment, out-of-pocket limit on cost sharing, or other amount expressed in dollars in this subtitle for items or services provided in a year after 1994 shall be such amount increased by the percentage specified in subsection (b) for the year. (b) Percentage. The percentage specified in this subsection for a year is equal to the product of the factors described in subsection (d) for the year and for each previous year after 1994. (c) Rounding. Any increase (or decrease) under subsection (a) shall be rounded, in the case of an amount specified in this subtitle of (1) $200 or less, to the nearest multiple of $1, (2) more than $200, but less $500, to the nearest multiple of $5, or (3) $500 or more, to the nearest multiple of $10. (d) Factor. (1) In general. The factor described in this subsection for a year is 1 plus the general health care inflation factor (as specified in section 6001(a)(3) and determined under paragraph (2)) for the year. (2) Determination. In computing such factor for a year, the percentage increase in the CPI for a year (referred to in section 6001(b)) shall be determined based upon the percentage increase in the average of the CPI for the 12-month period ending with August 31 of the previous year over such average for the preceding 12-month period.