Title I, SEC. 1302. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. (a) In General. A regional alliance must be governed by a Board of Directors appointed consistent with the provisions of this title. All powers vested in a regional alliance under this Act shall be vested in the Board of Directors. (b) Membership. (1) In general. Such a Board of Directors shall consist of (A) members who represent employers whose employees purchase health coverage through the alliance, including self-employed individuals who purchase such coverage; and (B) members who represent individuals who purchase such coverage, including employees who purchase such coverage. (2) Equal representation of employers and consumers. The number of members of the Board described under subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) shall be the same as the number of members described in subparagraph (B) of such paragraph. (c) No Conflict of Interest Permitted. An individual may not serve as a member of the Board of Directors if the individual is one of the following (or an immediate family member of one of the following): (1) A health care provider. (2) An individual who is an employee or member of the Board of Directors of, has a substantial ownership in, or derives substantial income from, a health care provider, health plan, pharmaceutical company, or a supplier of medical equipment, devices, or services. (3) A person who derives substantial income from the provision of health care. (4)(A) A member or employee of an association, law firm, or other institution or organization that represents the interests of one or more health care providers, health plans or others involved in the health care field, or (B) an individual who practices as a professional in an area involving health care.