Title I, SEC. 1404. MARKETING OF HEALTH PLANS; INFORMATION. (a) Regional Alliance Marketing Restrictions. (1) In general. The contract entered into between a regional alliance and a regional alliance health plan shall prohibit the distribution by the health plan of marketing materials within the regional alliance that contain false or materially misleading information and shall provide for prior approval by the regional alliance of any marketing materials to be distributed by the plan. (2) Entire market. A health plan offered by a health alliance may not distribute marketing materials to an area smaller than the entire area served by the plan. (3) Prohibition of tie-ins. A regional alliance health plan, and any agency of such a plan, may not seek to influence an individual's choice of plans in conjunction with the sale of any other insurance. (b) Information Available. (1) In general. Each regional alliance health plan must provide to the regional alliance and make available to alliance eligible individuals and health care professionals complete and timely information concerning the following: (A) Costs. (B) The identity, locations, qualifications, and availability of participating providers. (C) Procedures used to control utilization of services and expenditures. (D) Procedures for assuring and improving the quality of care. (E) Rights and responsibilities of enrollees. (F) Information on the number of plan members who disenroll from the plan. (2) Prohibition against certification of plans providing inaccurate information. No regional alliance health plan may be a State-certified health plan under this title if the State determines that the plan submitted materially inaccurate information under paragraph (1). (c) Advance Directives. Each self-insured health plan and each State-certified health plan shall meet the requirement of section 1866(f) of the Social Security Act (relating to maintaining written policies and procedures respecting advance directives) in the same manner as such requirement relates to organizations with contracts under section 1876 of such Act.