Title I, SEC. 1501. CREATION OF NATIONAL HEALTH BOARD; MEMBERSHIP. (a) In General. There is hereby created in the Executive Branch a National Health Board. (b) Composition. The Board is composed of 7 members appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. (c) Chair. The President shall designate one of the members as chair. The chair serves a term concurrent with that of the President. The chair may serve a maximum of 3 terms. The chair shall serve as the chief executive officer of the Board. (d) Terms. (1) In general. Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (4), the term of each member of the Board, except the chair, is 4 years and begins when the term of the predecessor of that member ends. (2) Initial terms. The initial terms of the members of the Board (other than the chair) first taking office after the date of the enactment of this Act, shall expire as designated by the President, two at the end of one year, two at the end of two years, and two at the end of three years. (3) Reappointment. A member (other than the chair) may be reappointed for one additional term. (4) Continuation in office. Upon the expiration of a term of office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. (e) Vacancies. (1) In general. Whenever a vacancy shall occur, other than by expiration of term, a successor shall be appointed by the President as provided above, by and with the consent of the Senate, to fill such vacancy, and is appointed for the remainder of the term of the predecessor. (2) No impairment of function. A vacancy in the membership of the Board does not impair the right of the remaining members to exercise all of the powers of the Board. (3) Acting chair. The Board may designate a Member to Act as chair during any period in which there is no chair designated by the President. (f) Meetings; Quorum. (1) Meetings. At meetings of the Board the chair shall preside, and in the absence of the chair, the Board shall elect a member to act as chair pro tempore. (2) Quorum. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum thereof.