Title I, SEC. 1584. CERTIFICATION PROCESS; REVIEW; TERMINATION OF CERTIFICATIONS. (a) Certification Process. (1) Publication of procedures. The Secretary shall publish, not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the procedures to be used by health care professionals, providers, agencies, and organizations seeking certification under this subpart, including the form and manner in which an application for such certification is to be made. (2) Timely determination. The Secretary shall make a determination upon such an application not later than 60 days (or 15 days in the case of a certification for an entity described in section 1582) after the date the complete application has been submitted. The determination on an application for certification of an entity described in section 1582 shall only involve the verification that the entity is an entity described in such section. (b) Review of Certifications. The Secretary shall periodically review whether professionals, providers, agencies, and organizations certified under this subpart continue to meet the requirements for such certification. (c) Termination or Denial of Certification. (1) Preliminary finding. If the Secretary preliminarily finds that an entity seeking certification under this section does not meet the requirements for such certification or such an entity certified under this subpart fails to continue to meet the requirements for such certification, the Secretary shall notify the entity of such preliminary finding and permit the entity an opportunity, under subtitle E of title V, to rebut such findings. (2) Final determination. If, after such opportunity, the Secretary continues to find that such an entity continues to fail to meet such requirements, the Secretary shall terminate the certification and shall notify the entity, regional alliances, and corporate alliances of such termination and the effective date of the termination.