Title II, SEC. 2107. ADVISORY GROUPS. (a) Federal Advisory Group. (1) Establishment. The Secretary shall establish an advisory group, to advise the Secretary and States on all aspects of the program under this subpart. (2) Composition. The group shall be composed of individuals with disabilities and their representatives, providers, Federal and State officials, and local community implementing agencies and a majority of its members shall be individuals with disabilities and their representatives. (b) State Advisory Groups. (1) In general. Each State plan shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of an advisory group to advise the State on all aspects of the State plan under this subpart. (2) Composition. Members of each advisory group shall be appointed by the Governor (or other chief executive officer of the State) and shall include individuals with disabilities and their representatives, providers, State officials, and local community implementing agencies and a majority of its members shall be individuals with disabilities and their representatives. (3) Selection of members. Each State shall establish a process whereby all residents of the State, including individuals with disabilities and their representatives, shall be given the opportunity to nominate members to the advisory group. (4) Particular concerns. Each advisory group shall (A) before the State plan is developed, advise the State on guiding principles and values, policy directions, and specific components of the plan, (B) meet regularly with State officials involved in developing the plan, during the development phase, to review and comment on all aspects of the plan, (C) participate in the public hearings to help assure that public comments are addressed to the extent practicable, (D) document any differences between the group's recommendations and the plan, (E) document specifically the degree to which the plan is consumer-directed, and (F) meet regularly with officials of the designated State agency (or agencies) to provide advice on all aspects of implementation and evaluation of the plan.