Title V, SEC. 5004. CONSUMER SURVEYS. (a) In General. The National Quality Management Council shall conduct periodic surveys of health care consumers to gather information concerning access to care, use of health services, health outcomes, and patient satisfaction. The surveys shall monitor consumer reaction to the implementation of this Act and be designed to assess the impact of this Act on the general population of the United States and potentially vulnerable populations. (b) Survey Administration. The National Quality Management Council shall develop and approve a standard design for the surveys, which shall be administered by the Administrator for Health Care Policy and Research on a plan-by-plan and State-by-State basis. A State may add survey questions on quality measures of local interest to surveys conducted in the State. (c) Sampling Strategies. The National Quality Management Council shall develop sampling strategies that ensure that survey samples adequately measure populations that are considered to be at risk of receiving inadequate health care and may be difficult to reach through consumer-sampling methods, including individuals who (1) fail to enroll in a health plan; (2) resign from a plan; or (3) are members of a vulnerable population.