Title V, SEC. 5013. ROLE OF HEALTH PLANS IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Each health plan shall (1) measure and disclose performance on quality measures used by (A) participating States in which the plan does business; (B) regional alliances and corporate alliances that offer the plan; and (C) the National Quality Management Council; (2) furnish information required under subtitle B of this title and provide such other reports and information on the quality of care delivered by health care providers who are members of a provider network of the plan (as defined in section 1402(f)) as may be required under this Act; and (3) maintain quality management systems that (A) use the national measures of quality performance developed by the National Quality Management Council under section 5003; and (B) measure the quality of health care furnished to enrollees under the plan by all health care providers who are members of a provider network of the plan.