Title V, SEC. 5203. INITIAL PROCEEDINGS IN COMPLAINT REVIEW OFFICES. (a) Elections. Whenever a complaint is brought to the complaint review office under section 5202(b), the complaint review office shall provide the complainant with an opportunity, in such form and manner as shall be prescribed in regulations of the Secretary of Labor, to elect one of the following: (1) to forego further proceedings in the complaint review office and rely on remedies available in a court of competent jurisdiction, except with respect to any matter in the complaint with respect to which proceedings under this section and section 5204, and review under section 5205, are not under section 5202(d) the exclusive means of review, (2) to submit the complaint as a dispute under the Early Resolution Program established under subpart B and thereby suspend further review proceedings under this section pending termination of proceedings under the Program, or (3) in any case in which an election under paragraph (2) is not made, or such an election was made but resolution of all matters in the complaint was not obtained upon termination of proceedings pursuant to the election by settlement agreement or otherwise, to proceed with the complaint to a hearing in the complaint review office under section 5204 regarding the unresolved matters. (b) Effect of Participation in Early Resolution Program. Any matter in a complaint brought to the complaint review office which is included in a dispute which is timely submitted to the Early Resolution Program established under subpart B shall not be assigned to a hearing under this section unless the proceedings under the Program with respect to the dispute are terminated without settlement or resolution of the dispute with respect to such matter. Upon termination of any proceedings regarding a dispute submitted to the Program, the applicability of this section to any matter in a complaint which was included in the dispute shall not be affected by participation in the proceedings, except to the extent otherwise required under the terms of any settlement agreement or other formal resolution obtained in the proceedings.