HOMEOPATHY HOME PAGE If you have comments on, suggestions for, or contributions to this page, please E-mail them to homeo@cam.dungeon.com RESOURCES AND FAQS Homeopathy FAQ U.S.A. Addresses U.K. Addresses Books on Homeopathy _________________________________________________________________ MAILING LISTS Anyone with an e-mail address can subscribe to these lists, although some lists require you to be approved for membership by the list administrator. Select the list name for further details. Unrestricted access Holistic Discussion Group Practitioners *NEW* Paracelsus Mailing List _________________________________________________________________ NEWSGROUPS Here are sites for reading newsgroups that may receive postings referring to homeopathy. Please note that access to them will depend on the availability and scope of your own Usenet news server: misc.health.alternative _________________________________________________________________ COMPUTER SOFTWARE There is an increasing range of computer software available that is of use to the homeopathic practitioner. Program details are included here only at the request of the publisher, and on condition that an independent review is provided. IBIS complementary therapeutics software _________________________________________________________________ LINKS TO OTHER WWW MEDICAL RESOURCES Health (WWW Yahoo Net Directory - includes Alternative Medicine ) Medicine on the Internet (gopher resources) Internet nursing and health resources (gopher resources) Internet health-related resources (gopher resources) _________________________________________________________________ This document was prepared by Nick Haworth, Cambridge, England. Last Updated: October 26th, 1994