Internet FPT Site with Biomedical Informatics Conferences ========================================================= Site: CCSUN.UNICAMP.BR Directory: pub/medicine/conferences State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil Organized by: Dr. Renato M.E. Sabbatini - SABBATINI@CCVAX.UNICAMP.BR This directory contains information about events on Biomedical Informatics for the next three years. The files contain public announcements which are reproduced as they have been published. The responsibility for accuracy rests with the originator of the information. Files marked with a * are additions since the last issue. Files marked with a (BSHI) are meetings sponsored or endorsed by the Brazilian Society of Health Informatics To retrieve information about a conference, issue FTP commands GET filename.TXT (to copy file) or TYPE filename.TXT (to view file) All files are non-compressed ASCII text. The files will be deleted 12 months after the conference's date. Directory: pub/medicine/conferences LIST OF FILES Status of 21.April.95 Previous issue: 25.February.94 ============================================================================== Date City/Country Title File ============================================================================== 95 July 23-27 * Vancouver/Canada MEDINFO'95: World Congress on MEDINF95 Medical Informatics 95 Sept 20-23 * Montreal/Canada 17th Ann.Int.Conf. IEEE Engineer- EMBS95 ing in Biology and Med. Society ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 Jan 4-7 Maui, Hawaii/USA Int. Conf. System Science: Motifs in Biology MOTIF Data and Knowledge Base Issues GENOMICS in Genomics 94 Jan 6-8 * Hyderabad/India Int.Conf. Recent Advances in Bio- BMEADV94 medical Engineering 94 Jan 27-30 * San Diego/USA Medicine Meets Virtual Reality MEDVR94 94 Febr 14-19 Newport Beach/USA Medical Imaging 1994 MDIMAG94 94 Febr 25-26 * San Diego/USA Winter COSTAR User's Group Meet. CUG94 94 Febr 23-26 * Orlando/USA 1st Ann. Behavioral Informatics BEHINF94 Tomorrow 94 March 14-16 * New Orleans/USA 14th Ann.Conf. Use of Clinical UCIS94 Information Systems 94 March 17-18 * Springfield/USA 20th Ann. Northeast Bioengineer- NORTBME94 ing Conference 94 March 17-18 * Amsterdam/The European Technical Exchange EURMDTECH 94 March 21-23 Stanford/USA AAAI'94 Symposium on Artificial AAAI94 Intelligence in Medicine 94 March 23-26 * Washington/USA 6th Global Conference on Patient PATCAR94 Cards 94 April 7-8 * Zurich/Switzerl. 2nd Int.Worksh. Rapid Prototyping IWRPM94 in Medicine 94 April 7 * Salt Lake City/USA InfoFair 94 INFOFAIR94 94 April 16-17 * Washington/USA 13th Southern Biomedical Engi- SOUTBME94 neering Conference 94 April 24-28 Austin/USA First World Congress on Computat- COMPMD94 ional Medicine and Public Health 94 April 27-29 Philadelphia/USA Computers in Healthcare Educat- COMPHLTH94 ion Symposium 94 May 1-5 * Vancouver/Canada Ann.Conf. Canadian Medical & CBMEC94 Biological Engineering Society 94 May 2-4 * Bethesda/USA Workshop on Information Retriev- GENOMICS94 al and Genomics 94 May 2-3 * Palo Alto/USA Stanford CAMIS Symp. & InfoFair CAMIS94 94 May 4-7 San Francisco/USA 1994 Spring Congress of the Ame- AMIA94 rican Assoc. Medical Informatics 94 May 5-7 Nicosia/Cyprus 1st Int. Congress on Medical Phy- MPBE94 sics and Biomedical Engineering 94 May 12-16 Lisbon/Portugal 12th European Medical Informatics MIE94 Congress 94 May 30- * Campinas/BRAZIL Bioinformatics: Course on Data- BIOINFODB June 3 bases & Computer Networking in Biology 94 June 1-5 * Prague/Czech Rep. EuroMISE Int.Worksh. on Education EUROMISE and Research on Medical Informatics 94 June 7-8 * Kansas City/USA Electronic Lifelines 1994 LIFELINES 94 June 8-10 * San Francisco/USA Virtual Reality and Persons with VRDIS94 Disabilities 94 June 8-10 * Ann Arbor/USA Laboratory Information Systems LIS94 94 June 10-11 * Winstom-Salem/USA 7th IEEE Symp. Computer-Based Med-CBMDSYS94 ical Systems 94 June 13-15 * Winstom-Salem/USA 12th Congress on Computer Applic- SCAR94 ations in Radiology 94 June 14 * New York/USA Emerging Technologies in Health TECH-ED94 Sciences Education 94 June 19-22 San Antonio/USA 5th Int.Conf. Nursing Informatics ICNURS94 94 June 23 * Cincinatti/USA Clinical Information Stations CIS94 94 June 24-25 Seattle/USA IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image BMDIMAG94 Analysis 94 June 28-30 * Brno/Czech Republ. BIOSIGNAL'94 BIOSIGN94 94 July 2-10 * Morbihan/France IEEE/EMBS Int.Summer School on 3D 3DBMDIMAG Biomedical Imaging 94 July 3-6 * Vienna/Austria Teaching Cell Biology w/HyperCell HYPERCELL 94 July 10 * New Brunswick/USA Computational Molecular Biology CMBMLW and Machine Learning Workshop 94 July 11-13 * Leeds/UK Medical Imaging Shape and Visual- MEDIMAG94 ization 94 July 17-22 * Baltimore/USA Summer Institute on Nursing Inf- SUMNURS94 ormatics 1994 94 July 21-25 * Monterey/USA 2nd Computational and Neural CNS94 Systems Conference 94 July 24-29 * San Diego/USA Mathematical Methods in Medical MATHIMAG94 Imaging III 94 Aug 8-12 * Brighton/England 3rd Int.Conf. Simulation of Adapt-ANIMAT94 tive Behaviour (SAB'94) 94 Aug 15-17 * Palo Alto/USA 2nd Int.Conf. Intelligent Systems ISMB94 in Molecular Biology 94 Aug 21-26 Rio/Brazil World Congr. Biomedical Engineer- RIO94 ing and Medical Physics 94 Aug 24-26 * Plymouth/England Int.Conf Neural Networks and Ex- NEURMD94 pert Systems in Medicine & Health 94 Sept 14-16 * Vienna/Austria 4th Int.Conf. Computers for Handi-ICCHP94 capped Persons 94 Sept 22-24 * Pittsburgh/USA Int.Symposium on Medical Robotics MRCAS94 and Computer-Assisted Surgery 94 Sept 25-28 * Bethesda/USA 21st Computers in Cardiology Conf.CARDIO94 94 Sept 24-28 * Taipei/Taiwan 3rd Int.Symp. Biomedical Engineer-INTBME94 ing in the 21st Century 94 Oct 4-7 * Rochester, MN/USA Visualization in Biomedical Comp- VMIMAG94 uting 94 Oct 12-16 * Porto Alegre IV Brazilian Congress on Health BCHI94 Brazil Informatics 94 Oct 14-16 * Tempe/USA Ann.Fall Meeting Frontiers in Bio-FBME94 medical Engineering 94 Oct 17-19 * New Palz/USA Int. Workshop on Principles of DX94 Diagnosis 94 Oct 16-19 Victoria/Canada ITCH'94 - Information Technology ITCH94B in Community Health Care 94 Oct 23 * Dallas/USA SCOT: Section of Computers and SCOT94 Other Technologies/Ann. Meet. American Academy of Pediatrics 94 Nov 3-6 Baltimore/USA 16th Conf. IEEE Engineering in EMBS94 Biology and Medicine Society 94 Nov 5-9 * Washington/USA 18th Symposium on Computer Ap- SCAMC94 plications in Medical Care 94 Nov 10-12 * Singapore Inaug.Conf. Asian Pacific Assoc- APAMI94 iation of Medical Informatics 94 Nov 8-11 * La Habana/Cuba I International Congress on Med- ICMI94 ical Informatics 94 Nov 13-16 * St Louis/USA Emerging Technologies in Biology ANNIE94 & Medicine. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering 94 Dec 7-10 * Singapore 8th Int.Conf. Biomedical Engineer-ICBME94 ing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 Febr 14-19 Newport Beach/USA Medical Imaging 1993 MDIMAG93 93 March 15-17 Harrogate/UK Healthcare Computing 1993 HC93 93 March 24-27 Morristown/USA 11th Annual National Nursing ANNCOMP93 Computer Conference 93 March 29- Guadalajara/Mexico National Congress on Applications MEXICO April 3 of Computers and Informatics in Health Care 93 March 28-31 Cincinnati/USA Organizational Issues in Medical ORGANIZB Informatics 93 April 13 Houston/USA From ADAM to Virtual Reality: EDTECHMD High Tech for Medical Education 93 April 13-14 Washington/USA HealthInfo: The Health Care HCITSC93 Information Technology Solutions Conference 93 April 18-22 Jerusalem/Israel 11th European Medical Informatics MIE93 Congress 93 April 22-23 Manhattan/USA 31st Annual Rocky Mountain Bio- ROCKYBME engineering Symposium 93 April 19-23 Ile-Ife/Nigeria HELINA - Health Informatics for HELINA93 Africa 93 April 21-24 San Antonio/USA 9th Annual Int.Symp. on the Comp- MEDREC93 uterisation of Medical Records 93 April 29-30 Philadelphia/USA 8th Symposium Computer in Health- COMPHLTH care Education 93 May 10 Salt Lake City/USA Workshop on Applications of Intel-UTAH ligent and Adaptive Systems 93 May 14-15 Austin/USA Workshop on Computational Neuro- COMPNEUR sciences 93 May 9-12 St. Louis/USA Annual Meeting AMIA: The Elec- AMIA93 tronic Medical Record 93 May 20-24 Tromsoe/Norway 1st Int.Conf. Medical Aspects of TELMED93 of Telemedicine 93 June 3-5 Melbourne/Austral Austral. Primary Care Computing APRCAR93 93 June 7-9 Venice/Italy 5th Global Congr. Patient Cards PATCAR93 and the Computerisation of Health Records 93 June 8-10 Buenos Aires/Arg Medical Informatics Forum and FIM93 Exhibition (FIM'93) 93 June 8-11 Washington/USA Health Care Professional Stations MEDWORKS 93 June 9 Omaha/USA 2nd Ann. Meet. National Medical NMIN93 Information Networks Conference 93 June 9-11 Ann Arbor/USA 11th Annual Laboratory Informat- LIS93 ion Systems Symposium 93 June 10-11 Curitiba/Brazil II Symposium of Health Informat- CURIT93 ics and Bioengineering (BSHI) 93 June 11-12 London/Canada Computer-Assisted Family Practice FAMMED 93 June 13-16 Ann Arbor/USA Computer-Based Medical Systems CBMDSYS93 93 June 17-18 S.Francisco/USA Virtual Reality and Disability VRDIS93 93 June 23-24 Berlin/Germany 3rd Int. Conf. Image Management IMAC93 & Communication in Patient Care 93 June 23-26 Charlottesville/ Slices of Life: Workshop on In- SLIFE93 USA teractive Video and Related Mul- timedia Technol.Health Education 93 July 7-9 Washington/USA 1st Int. Conf. on Intelligent ISMB93 Systems for Molecular Biology 93 July 9 Oak Brook/USA Computerized Patient Records CMR93 93 July 14-23 Trieste/Italy Course on Computer Methods in COMPBIO93 Molecular Biology 93 July 23 Sao Paulo/Brazil II Symposium on Medical Informat- FENASOF93 ics (National Congress on Soft- ware and Exhibit) (BSHI) 93 July 28-30 Bethesda/USA Computer Applications for Early COMPCANCER Detection and Staging of Cancer 93 Aug 1-3 Brisbane/Australia HIC'93 - Inaugural National HIC93B Health Informatics Conference 93 Aug 4-6 Campinas/Brazil 1st Symposium on Informatics INFOBIO93 Applications in Biology (BHIS) 93 Aug 15-19 Beijing/China 2nd Far Eastern Conf. on Medical FECMBE93 and Biological Engineering 93 Aug 17-22 Waterville Valley Macromolecules, Genes and Comput- MACROGEN USA Int. Symposium and Workshop 93 Aug 23-25 Copenhagen/Denmark Computer Simulation in Biology, BIOSIM93 Ecology and Medicine 93 Aug 23-26 Sao Paulo/Brazil InfoSaude'93 - Conf. Informatics COMDEX93 in Health - COMDEX South America 93 Aug 26-28 Aalborg/Denmark Advances in Biosignal Processing BIOSIG93 93 Aug 29-Sept 3 Chambery/France Artificial Intellig. & Genome AIGEN93 93 Sept 5-8 London/UK XX Computers in Cardiology CARDIO93 93 Sept 16 Morristown/USA Beyond MEDLINE: Advances in Medi- MEDLIN93 cal Information Access 93 Sept 22-24 Marseille/France The Role of Card Systems in CARDHLTH Health Care: Facts & Future 93 Oct 3-6 Munich/Germany AIME'93: 4th Conf. Artificial AIMED93B Intelligence in Medicine 93 Oct 5-7 Bellevue/USA Virtual Reality - Virtual Freedom VRFREE93 VR Technologies for the Disabled 93 Oct 9 New Orleans/USA Symposium on Continuous Waveform WAVES Analysis (with EEG Society Meet.) 93 Oct 24-25 San Francisco/USA Computer & Telecommunications PUBLHLTH Technol. for Public Health Professionals (Ann.Meet.ASPH) 93 Oct 31 Washington/USA SCOT: Section of Computers and SCOT93 Other Technologies/Ann. Meet. American Academy of Pediatrics 93 Oct 28-31 San Diego/USA 13th Conf. IEEE Engineering in EMBS93 Biology and Medicine Society 93 Oct 31-Nov 3 Washington/USA SCAMC'94 - 17th Symp. Computer SCAMC93 Applications in Medical Care 93 Nov 3-4 New Castle/USA 2nd Computers in Health Care CIHC93 Conference (Delaware St.Hosp) 93 Nov 3-6 San Francisco/USA MIC'93 - IEEE Medical Imaging MIC93 Conference 93 Nov 4-5 Albany/USA Symposium on Computer Based CBPR93 Patient Record 93 Nov 14-16 Heemskerk/Netherl. Caring for Information - Safety, SAFETY93 Security and Secrecy in Health Information Systems ============================================================================== If you want to receive notice of additions to the list, please subscribe to NIBNEWS - An Electronic Newsletter on Medical Informatics, by sending an one-line message: SUBSCRIBE NIBNEWS Your Full Name to the following address: LISTSERV@CCSUN.UNICAMP.BR Please send new announcements and programs for Medical Informatics Conferences to SABBATINI@CCVAX.UNICAMP.BR We will gladly include them in our directory. ATTENTION: In case you have difficulty downloading files from this directory, please be advised there is a "mirror-site" (an integral copy of all files and directories contained here), via "anonymous FTP", from: SUNSITE.UNC.EDU Path: pub/academic/medicine/brazil-mirror/conferences $