HEALTHCARE COMPUTING - HC94: ATTENDANCE BURSARIES FOR DELEGATES FROM (RE)EMERGING COUNTRIES. The British Computer Society Health Informatics Groups Coordinating Committee are inviting applications from colleagues in the (re)emerging nations who would like to participate in the annual UK Conference and Exhibition HealthCare Computing - HC94. This prestigious event will be held in Harrogate, Yorkshire from March 21st to March 23rd, 1994. Bursaries are available to cover Event registration, travel, accommodation and subsistence for the duration of HC94. Candidates are requested to submit a short statement (maximum 500 words) of why they feel that they will benefit from attendance at HC94. The application should also state: - current position and brief job description - contact details: address, telephone, facsimile number and email address (if appropriate) - reason for wishing to attend HC94 - how you would disseminate the information gained when you return home - give indicative travel costs from your home location to London (the bursary will cover travel onwards to the congress location) All those awarded the bursaries will be required to submit a paper (2000 words) on the state of Health Informatics in their country and the key issues to be addressed in national or local developments in their particular field. This paper must be submitted one month before the start of the Conference. The proceedings at HC94 are in English with no translation facilities, so the HISG feel that the candidates will typically be: - competent in both written and spoken English - in a position to be able to contribute significantly to the development of health informatics in their home country in any clinical or health management discipline - aged between 30 and 55, and playing a key role in their organisation Applications are invited by December 1st, to be sent to the: HC94 Programme Chairman, Prof Bernard Richards Department of Medical Computation, UMIST PO Box 88, Sackville Street, Manchester, M6O 1QD by post or fax (+44 61 200 3322) Succesful applicants will be notified by December 31st. If you have any queries about the Bursaries, please contact: UK IMIA Representative, Jean Roberts GCL House, Gunco Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 7JL or fax (+44 625 511219)