"Teaching Cell Biology with HyperCELL" A Workshop on the Use of Computers in Higher Education July 3-6, 1994 University Hospital (AKH), University of Vienna, Austria The workshop will be conducted in English and is limited to 24 participants Organizers: Richard Marz, University of Vienna, Austria Gene Williams, Indiana University, Indiana, USA The workshop will be held in cooperation with the Learning Resource Center and the Institute of Medical Chemistry, Medical School, University of Vienna, Austria HyperCELL by Gene Williams (distributed by Garland Publishing) is a cell biology computer program consisting of text, graphics, and animated diagrams coupled with the appropriate navigational tools to form a learning environment. It can also be used as an electronic companion to the textbook Molecular Biology of the Cell, by Bruce Alberts, et al. (Garland, 1989 and 1994). At the workshop we will: * provide a hands-on introduction to the program * discuss our experiences in using it in the classroom * focus on comparing computer programs to traditional textbooks * develop informational elements for the computer * discuss the specific computer technology needs of university-level teaching and learning The workshop will offer many opportunities for informal discussion. Social events will include a view of medicine and medical education at the University of Vienna as practiced during the last centuries and today. To register or to receive further information please contact Richard Marz: Internet: Richard.Maerz@serv.univie.ac.at FAX: + 43 1 3107210 snail mail (but please use AIR MAIL): Dept. of Medical Chemistry University of Vienna Wahringerstr. 10 A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA (Europe)