Subj: Hypertext/Hypergraphics Teaching Program Here is some information on a computerized teaching program that I developed for the World Health Organization. This program may be of use to anyone involved with computerized instruction. ------------------------------------------ Gregory T. Martin Harvard-MIT Biomedical Engineering Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20A - 108 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Voice: 617-253-3605 FAX: 617-253-2514 INTERNET: ------------------------------------------------------------- Zoom Version 2.30 An easy-to-use hypermedia authoring software package from Alternative Technologies, Inc. BACKGROUND Zoom is a software package for IBM PC and compatible computers capable of organizing and presenting text, picture, and spreadsheet information. The information is compiled into a stack. The stack is divided up into chapters and the chapters are in turn divided up into slides. A slide is like a screen of picture or text information. The slides can be linked in either hypertext or linear fashion. FEATURES Zoom can interact with the user in French, Spanish, Portuguese (planned) and English. The stack can be indexed like a book and the stack can also be searched for a string using boolean logical operators. Zoom displays picture slides from the PCX format, text slides from the ASCII format and spreadsheet slides from dBase III (.DBF) and Lotus 123 (.WKS) formats. Other available slides are the question slide which interacts with the user to obtain a string response to a question and the executable slide which will launch another DOS application from Zoom. Links are made among slides through key words. Key words are accessed from a menu, from the index, or from a Hot Area. APPLICATIONS Zoom has been used as a teaching program and a reference tool. Other possible uses include using Zoom as an image library, and integrated text and picture database, a decision tree and others. STACK CREATION Stacks are created with either a word processor or a text editor. Graphics can be scanned into the PCX format. Alternative Technologies also provides the service of stack creation for your information files at a reasonable cost. Contact ATI for further details. HARDWARE Zoom requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/1, PS/2 or compatible computer with at least 512 KB of RAM memory. A hard disk, mouse, and graphics adaptor are highly recommended. Zoom supports CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules and compatible graphics adaptors. Zoom is able to print graphics and text to over 120 different printer types including Epson FX-80, IBM Graphics Printer, HP LaserJet, and HP PaintJet. SOFTWARE To run Zoom , all that is required is MS-DOS Version 3.0 or higher. REFERENCES "Zoom: a generic personal computer-based teaching program for public health and its application in schistosomiasis control", G.T. Martin, S.S Yoon, K.E. Mott, Bulletin of the World Health Organization , 69 (6), pp 699-706, 1991. FURTHER INFORMATION To receive pricing and ordering information and be put on the ATI electronic mailing list, send electronic mail to: In your message, include the sentence: Send Info Alternative Technologies, Inc. MIT Branch PO Box 118 Cambridge, MA 02139-0902 USA