Neuron/Med Alert (tm) Vol 01 Issue 01 - March 1993 ************************************************************************ CURRENT CONTENTS ON NEURAL NETWORK APPLICATIONS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ************************************************************************ Compiled by: Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD Head, Neural Networks Application Group Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics State University of Campinas, Brazil SABBATINI@CCVAX.UNICAMP.BR Past issues from: Anonymous FTP: CCSUN.UNICAMP.BR Directory: pub/medicine/neuralnets GET NN-MEDxx where xx is the issue number Distributed to: inns-l, connectionists, ai-medicine, cybsys-l, alife ml, neuron-digest, bras-nnet Please forward/post to other destinations, as you please. ========================================================================= 7th World Congress Medical Informatics (MEDINFO 92) International Medical Informatics Association - Geneva, Sept 1992 ========================================================================= [Proceedings: K.C. Lun; Degoulet, P.; Piemme, T.E.; Rienhoff, O. (Eds.). Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1992] - Chen, Y.; Chen, L.; Chen, L.; Chi, M.; Cai, X - The use of neural network in decision making for nursing diagnosis - Garliauskas, A.; Gaurliaskiene, A. - Diagnosis of ketonemia in children by neural network techniques. - Hudson, D.L.; Cohen, M.E.; Lammers, R.K. - Use of a hybrid expert system to predict wound infections. - Pazos, A.; Maojo, V.; Martin, F.; Ezquerra, N. - A neural network approach to assess myocardial infarction. - Ramos, M.P.; Hoashi, M.T.; Czogala, E.; Marson, O.; Ajzen, H.; Kohlmann Jr., O.; Ancao, M.S.; Sigulem, D. - HYPERnet - a decision support system for arterial hypertension. - Reddy, D.C.; Korrai, D.R. - Neural networks for classification of EEG signals. - Sabbatini, R.M.E. - Applications of connectionist systems in Biomedicine. - Schoner, W.; Berger, M.; Holzmueller, G.; Neiss, A.; Ulmer, H. - Diagnosing functional disorders of the cervical spine using backpropagation networks - preliminary results. - Ulmer, H.; Holzmueller, G.; Berger, M; Schoner, W. - The use of discriminant analysis and backpropagation networks to diagnose functional disorders of the cervical spine after whiplash-injury. - Yamashita, T.S.; Hosseini-Nezhad, S.M.; Krug, S.E. - A functional-link net approach to pediatric interhospital transport mode determination. ================================================================== 16th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Baltimore, Nov. 1992. ================================================================== - Spackman, K.A. - Combining logistic regression and neural networks to create predictive models. - Stevens, R. - Can artificial neural networks provide an "expert's" view of medical students performance on computer-based simulations ? - Tu, J.V.; Guerriere, M.R.J. - Use of a neural network as a predictive instrument of lenght of stay in the intensive care unit following cardiac surgery. ================================================================== Conf. Neural Information Processing Systems, Natural and Synthetic November 30-December 3, 1992, Denver, Colorado ================================================================== - Baxt, W. - The application of the artificial neural network to clinical decision making. - Tresp, V.; Moody, J.; Delong, W.-R. - Prediction and control of the glucose metabolism of a diabetic. - Tsoi, A.C.; So, D.S.C.; Sergejew, A. - Classification of electroencephalo- gram using artificial neural networks. - Rosenberg, C.; Erel, J.; Atlan, H. - A neural network that learns to interpret myocardial planar thallium scintigrams. ================================================================== VI Mediterrean Conf. Med. Biol. Engineer. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, Capri, Italia, 1992 ================================================================== - Ruggiero, C.; Sacile, R. - Blood pressure/flow relationship in the patent ductus arteriosus using a neural network. - Morasso, P.; Paoli, G.; Sanguineti, V.; Schenone, A. - Preliminary experiments in the application of neural networks for the radiotherapic treatment of tumours. - Cliquet Jr., A.; Mendeleck, A.; Quesnel, D.R.F.; Sovi, F.X.; Felipe Jr., P.; Oberg, T.D., Lemos, G.J.P.; Guimaraes, E.A.; Quevedo, A.A.F. - Restoration of upper limb function to tetraplegics using neural networks and a voice processing system. - Rizos, G.; Anogianakis, G.; Apostolakis, M.; Nowack-Apostolakis, E. - Artificial neural networks (ANNs) that learn to recognize characteristic electrocardiographic (ECGs) patterns. - Rizos, G.; Anogianakis, G.; Apostolakis, M.; Kazis, A.; Lang, A.; Mademtzidis, M.; Preining, S. - Application of artificial neural networks to EEG analysis. - Macerata, A.; Morabito, M.; Taddei, A.; Marchesi, C. - ANN approach for QRS morphological classification. - Cagnoni, S.; Caramella, D.; Coppini, G.; De Dominicis, R.; Valli, G. - 3D recovery of brain structures in MR image sequences using neural networks. - Filligoi, G.C.; Capitanio, L.; Accornero, N.; Capozza, M. - Computer-aided diagnosis: multivariate statistical tools and neural nets in campimetry. - Manhaeghe, C.; Lemahieu, I.; Vogelaers, D. - Left ventricle boundary detection with Kohonen maps. ================================================================== VII Symposium on Medical Imaging, Newport Beach, CA, USA, Feb 1993 Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) ================================================================== - Stafford, R.G.; Beutel, J.; Woodroffe, J.R.; Michewich, D.J. - Application of neural networks to computer-aided pathology detection in mammography. - Lo, S.-C.; Lin, J.-S.J.; Freedman, M.T.; Mun, S.K. - Two- dimensional convolution neural networks for nodule detection in chest radiograph. - Wang, R.; Madison, R.; Sklansky, J.; Bahn, R. - Neural network for reconstructing the cross sections of coronary arteries from biplane angiograms. - Troitsky, I.N. - Artificial neural networks in the problems of medical diagnostics based on the raw data and the restoration image. Proceed. - Seshadri, M.D.; Miller, D. - Medical imaging system of recognition of brain scans. - Manduca, A.; Christy, P.S.; Ehman, R.L. - Neural network diagnosis of avascular necrosis from magnetic-resonance images. - Chan, K.K.; Hayrapetian, A.S.; Lau, C.C.; Lufkin, R.B. - Neural network-based segmentation system. - Lin, J.; Lure, Y.F.; Ligomenides, P.A.; Freedman, M.T. - Shape classification using artificial neural networks for improvements of hybrid lung nodule-detection system. - Schneider, A.C.; Brown, D.G.; Anderson, M.P. - Neural network ultrasound image analysis. - Morasso, P.; Sanguinetti, V. - Neural models for sensorimotor control. **************** END of Neuron/Med Alert 1(1), Febr 1993 ******************