Artificial Life IV An Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems organized by: Rodney Brooks MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab July 6-8, 1994 MIT, Cambridge, MA CALL FOR PAPERS Proceedings Editors: Rodney Brooks, MIT AI Lab Pattie Maes, MIT Media Lab We are happy to invite contributions for the Fourth Artificial Life Workshop, to be held at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 6-8, 1994. Artificial Life complements the traditional Biological sciences, concerned with the analysis of living organisms, by attempting to synthesize phenomena normally associated with natural living systems within computers and other "artificial" media. By extending the empirical foundation upon which the science of Biology rests beyond the carbon-chain based life that has evolved on Earth, Artificial Life can contribute to Theoretical Biology by locating "life-as-we-know-it" within the larger context of "life-as-it-could-be." The three previous workshops in this series were held in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Next year's workshop is intended to continue in the spirit of the earlier events, encouraging people with a broad range of backgrounds to share and exchange opinions, ideas, and techniques. Contributions may made in the following categories: PAPER (30 minutes for presentation and questions); DEMONSTRATION, which includes robots, computer demos and/or videos (please give time estimate). Some PAPER contributions may be accepted as POSTERs. Presentations of posters may include a computer display (BYOC). Authors of PAPERs should send 4 copies of a full paper, not to exceed 14 pages of 12pt single spaced text to the address below by March 15, 1994 (you get to work all weekend then send it express on Monday the 14th...). No papers will be accepted for review after March 15th. Authors will be notified of the status of their contributions by April 15, 1994. Contributions should include an email address, telephone and fax numbers on the cover page. Proprietors of DEMONSTRATIONs should send a maximum four page abstract describing their contribution to the same address by March 15th. DEMONSTRATIONs will be held on Thursday afternoon, July 7th, and will incorporate an ``Artificial 4-H show''. All accepted PAPERs will be included in the proceedings which will be available to all registered participants at the workshop. Some POSTERs may be included in the proceedings, and some DEMONSTRATIONs will be included in a companion videotape. There will be a very tight production schedule on the proceedings and camera ready copy will be absolutely due by Friday May 13th. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Self-organization and emergent functionality * Definitions of life * Origin of life * Self-reproduction * Computer viruses * Synthesis of "the living state" * Evolution and population genetics * Coevolution and ecological dynamics * Growth, development and differentiation * Organization and behavior of social and colonial organisms * Animal behavior * Global and local ecosystems and their interactions * Autonomous agents (mobile robots and software agents) * Collective intelligence ("swarm" intelligence) * Theoretical biology * Philosophical issues in Alife (from Ontology to Ethics) * Formalisms and tools for Alife research * Guidelines and safeguards for the practice of Alife Papers should be sent to: Rodney Brooks/Alife IV MIT Artificial Ingelligence Lab 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139, USA