C A L L for P A R T I C I P A T I O N and P R O G R A M _______________________________________________________ 4th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (D E X A 93) September 6-8, 1993 Prague Czech Republic _______________________________________________________ Sponsored by: * Czech Technical University, Prague * Austrian Computer Society * Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW), Linz * Allen-Bradley, A Rockwell Int. Comp., Milwaukee, WI. In cooperation with: * IEEE Computer Society * OCG (Austrian Computer Society) * GI (Gesellschaft fuer Informatik) Conference Site: Hotel KRYSTAL J. Martiho 2, Prague 6 - Veleslavin Czech Republic General Chair: A Min Tjoa, University of Vienna, Austria Organizing Committee Chair: R.R. Wagner, FAW, University of Linz, Austria Local Organization: Z. Kouba, L. Lhotska, L. Preucil, T. Vlcek, all from the Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic Conference Organization Office: Gabriela Wagner FAX : +43(732)243989 Tel.: +43(732)244962 e-mail: gabriela@faw.uni-linz.ac.at Program Committee Chair: V. Marik, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic Program Committee Members: H. Afsarmanesh, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands H.J. Appelrath, University of Oldenburg, Germany K. Bauknecht, University of Zuerich, Switzerland T. Bench-Capon, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom J. Bing, NRCCL Oslo, Norway I. Bratko, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia B. Croft, University of Massachusetts, USA W.S. Cellary, Technical University of Poznan, Poland J. Debenham, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia P. Drazan, RIKS Maastricht, The Netherlands J. Eder, University of Klagenfurt, Austria A.L. Furtado, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil F. Galindo, University of Zaragoza, Spain G. Gardarin, INRIA, France F. Golshani, Arizona State University, USA G. Gottlob, Technical University of Vienna, Austria E. Hajicova, Charles University, Czech Republic I. Hawryszkiewycz, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia P. Henderson, University of Southampton, United Kingdom K. Hirota, Hosei University, Japan J.-K. Hong, IBM Tokyo, Japan D. Hsiao, Naval Postgraduate School, USA M. Jarke, University of Aachen, Germany M. Kamel, Naval Postgraduate School, USA Y. Kambayashi, IMEEL, Japan G. Kappel, University of Vienna, Austria D. Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria P. Kroha, University of Dortmund, Germany J. Lazansky, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic F. Lochovsky, HKUST, Hong Kong V. Lum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong G. Mueller, University of Freiburg, Germany J. Motiwalla, University of Singapore, Singapore M.-A. Neimat, HP Laboratories, USA E. Neuhold, GMD-IPSI, Germany A. Olive, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain G. Ozsoyoglu, University Case Western Research, USA M. Papazoglou, National University, Australia G. Quirchmayr, University of Linz, Austria I. Ramos, Technical University of Valencia, Spain C. Rolland, University Paris I, France C.-R. Rollinger, University of Osnabrueck, Germany N. Roussopoulos, University of Maryland, USA F. Saltor, Facultat d'Informatica, Spain A. Sernadas, University of Lisbon, Portugal J.C. Smith, University of British Columbia, Canada D. Specht, Produktionstechnisches Zentrum Berlin, Germany O. Stepankova, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic K. Tanaka, Kobe University, Japan C. Thanos, IEI-CNR, Italy C.H. Thoma, Ciba-Geigy, Switzerland C.Van Dorsser, ORIGIN, The Netherlands K. Vidyasankar, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, Canada R.R. Wagner, FAW, University of Linz, Austria _____________________________________________________________________________ P R O G R A M MONDAY, September 6, 1993 Opening 9:00 am - 9:15 am Opening Remarks: Tjoa A M., Conference Chairman Marik V., Program Committee Chairman Invited Talk 9:15 am - 10:15 am Neuhold E.J.; Germany "Information Handling: A Challenge for Database and Expert Systems" Session 1 A Distributed Databases (I) 10:30 am - 1:00 pm (Coffee Break 11:30 am - 12:00 am) Barbara D., Clifton Ch.; USA "Information Brokers: Sharing Knowledge in a Heterogeneous Distributed System" Chen J., Bukhres O.A., Sharif-Askary J.; USA "A Customized Multidatabase Transaction Management Strategy" Danes A., Exertier F., Haj Houssain S.; France "Interoperability between a Distributed System and a Database System" Mullen J.G., Jing J., Sharif-Askary J.; USA "Reservation Commitment and its Use in Multidatabase Systems" Session 1 B Software Engineering (I) 10:30 am - 1:00 pm (Coffee Break 11:30 am - 12:00 am) Ketabchi M.A., Sadeghi K.J., Chu J.; USA "Applying OODBMS Technology of Software Analysis and Maintenance" Emmerich W., Kroha P., Schaefer W.; Germany "Object-Oriented Database Management Systems for Construction of CASE Environments" Hwang T.; Taiwan "From Information Requirements to Summary Data Representations in Application Development" Hsieh D., Gilham F.M., Jr.; USA "A Novel Approach Towards Object-Oriented Knowledge-Based Software Integration within the CASE Framework" Session 1 C Advanced Database Aspects 10:30 am - 1:00 pm (Coffee Break 11:30 am - 12:00 am) Kurutach W., Franklin J.; Australia "On Temporal-Fuzziness in Temporal Fuzzy Databases" Springsteel F.; USA "Object-Enabled Schema Integration for Heterogeneous Databases: A Logical Approach" Veijalainen J.; Finland "Heterogeneous Multilevel Transaction Management with Multiple Subtransactions" Ling T.-W., Teo P.-K.; Singapore "Resolving Inheritance Conflicts in Object-Oriented Systems" LUNCH 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Session 2 A Legal Systems (I) 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Schweighofer E., Winiwarter W.; Austria "Legal Expert System KONTERM - Automatic Representation of Document Structure and Contents" Guidotti P., Sardu G.; Italy "Module - a System to Handle Legal Knowledge Bases" Munoz J.F., Galindo F.; Spain "MATRIM, an Expert System on Marital Law" Session 2 B Database Applications 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Markowitz V.M., Chen I.-M.A.; USA "Data Managenemt Tools for Genomic Applications: A Progress Report" Rotterdam E., van Denneheuvael S., Hennis P., van Emde Boas P.; The Netherlands "Resolution of Constraint Inconsistency with the Aim to Provide Support of Anaesthesia" Toure F., Schneider M.; France "An Object-Oriented Implementation for a Semantic System (CANDID)" Session 2 C Database Optimization & 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Performance Evaluation (I) Revell N., Youssef M.W.; United Kingdom "Database Performance Evaluation: a Methodological Approach" Kersten M.L., Kwakkel F.; The Netherlands "Design and Implementation of a DBMS Performance Assessment Tool" Du K., Ozsoyoglu G.; USA "Modifying Database Queries and Error Constraints" Coffee Break 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Session 3 A Expert Systems (I) 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Song I.-Y., Godse H.M., Newton J., Bargmeyer B.; USA "GemCode: An Expert System Generating Mnemonic Codes for Data Elements and Data Items" Webster C.A.G., Weller M., Sfantsikopoulos M.M., Tsoukalas V.D.; United Kingdom, Greece "ALEXSYS - A Prototype Knowledge Based Expert System for the Quality Assurance of High Pressure Die Castings" Finch I.; United Kingdom "Viewpoints - Facilitating Expert Systems for Multiple Users" Session 3 B Spatial Databases 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Kornatzky Y., Shimony S.E.; Israel "A Probabilistic Spatial Data Model" Kriegel H.-P., Heep S., Fahldiek A., Mysliwietz N.; Germany "Query Processing of Geometric Objects with Free Form Boundaries in Spatial Databases" Anogianakis G., Krotopoulou A., Spirakis P., Terpou D., Tsakalidis A.; Greece "Brain Data Base (BDB)" Session 3 C Object-Oriented Data Models 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Al-Jadir L., Falquet G., Leonard M.; Switzerland "Context Versions in an Object-Oriented Model" Tari Z., Azcue I.; Australia, Switzerland "OO+: An Object-Oriented Model which Supports Rules" Gross-Hardt M., Vossen G.; Germany "Towards Class-less Object Models for Engineering Design Applications" TUESDAY, September 7, 1993 Session 4 A Active Aspects 9:00 am - 11:15 am Zhao J.L.; USA "Managing Derived Data in Intelligent Database Systems: An Implementation Study" Zhong N., Ohsuga S.; Japan "An Attribute Calculation Approach for Discovering Functional Relations from Databases" Ishakbeyoglu N.S., Ozsoyoglu Z.M.; USA "On the Maintenance of Implication Integrity Constraints" Naqvi W., Ibrahim M.T.; United Kingdom "REFLEX Active Database Model: Application of Petri-Nets" Harbird L., Wu J.; United Kingdom "Road Accident Analysis Using a Functional Database Language" Session 4 B Software Engineering (II) 9:00 am - 11:15 am Rolland C., Prakash N.; France, India "Reusable Process Chunks" Lopez O.P., Ramos I., Canos J.H.; Spain "From Analysis to Design in a Deductive and OO Environment for Software Production" Vlachantonis N.; Germany "A Case Study for an Open CASE System: The Troll Light Development Environment" Welzer T., Eder J.; Slovenija, Austria "Meta Data Model for Database Design" Wu X., Neuhaus J.; Germany "Extending PCTE with Object-Oriented Capabilities" Session 4 C Computer Integrated Manufacturing 9:00 am - 11:15 am Afsarmanesh H., Tuijnman F., Wiedijk M., Hertzberger L.O.; The Netherlands "Distributed Schema Management in a Cooperation Network of Autonomous Agents" Dilger W., Kassel S.; Germany "A Distributed AI System for Job Shop Control" Tjoa A M., Gospodarowicz A., Krawczyk S., Kania E., Rymarczyk M.; Austria, Poland "Expert System for Production Planning of Perishable Goods" Mekras N.D., Malama A.G., Parnassas G.P., Tatsiopoulos I.P.; Greece "An Expert System as Manager in the Application of Production Planning and Control Software in CIM Environments" Djeraba C., Hssain A.A., Descotes-Genon B.; France "Composition and Dependency Relationships in Production Information System Design" Coffee Break 11:15 am - 11:45 am Session 5 A Conceptual Modelling 11:45 am - 1:15 pm Pokorny J.; Czech Republic "Semantic Relativism in Conceptual Modelling" Hartmann T., Jungclaus R., Saake G.; Germany "Animation Support for a Conceptual Modelling Language" Duong T., Hiller J., Srinivasan U.; Australia "A Unifying Model of Data, Metadata and Context" Session 5 B Geographical Databases 11:45 am - 1:15 pm Gardarin G.; France "Integrating Classes and Relations to Model and Query Geographical Databases" Hemerly A.S., Furtado A.L., Casanova M.A.; Brasil "Towards Cooperativeness in Geographic Databases" David B., Raynal L., Schorter G.; France "GEO2: Object Oriented Contribution for a Geographical DBMS" Session 5 C Knowledge Engineering (I) 11:45 am - 1:15 pm Lehner F., Hofmann H.F., Setzer R., Maier R.; Germany, Switzerland "Maintenance of Knowledge Bases" Zdrahal Z.; United Kingdom "Using Candidate Space Structure to Propose the Next Measurement in Model-Based Diagnosis" Debenham J.; Australia "Decomposition of Four Component Items" LUNCH 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm Tutorial A 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm Golshani F.; USA "Multimedia Information Systems" Tutorial B 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm Engels G.; The Netherlands Kappel G.; Austria "Object-Oriented System Development - From Analysis to Implementation" Tutorial C 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm Bench-Capon T.; United Kingdom "Applying Knowledge Based Systems Techniques to the Legal Domain" WEDNESDAY, September 8, 1993 Session 6 A Hypertext/Hypermedia 9:00 am - 11:00 am Maurer H., Scherbakov N., Srinivasan P.; Austria "A New Hypermedia Data Model" Bench-Capon T.J.M., Dunne P.E.S., Staniford G.; United Kingdom "Linearisation Schemata for Hypertext" Amann B., Christophides V., Scholl M.; France "MultiCard/O2: Integrating Hypermedia Systems with Object-Oriented Database Systems" Nanard J., Nanard M., Massotte A.M., Djemaa A., Joubert A., Betaille H., Chauche J.; France "Integrating Hypertext, Knowledge Representation and Database to Provide Task-Oriented Access to Technical Document Bases" Session 6 B User Unterfaces 9:00 am - 11:00 am Karagiannis D., Ortwein E., Gag J.; Austria, Germany "Reengineering of User Interfaces for the Migration of Database Applications" Klein M., Traunmueller R., France, Austria "Architecture and User Interface of Knowledge Based-DSS Development Environment" Qutaishat M.A., Gray W.A., Fiddian N.J.; United Kingdom "A Highly-Customisable Schema Meta-Visualisation System for Object-Oriented Database Schemas" Kuroki S., Kikkawa K., Kaneko K., Makinouchi A.; Japan "Walkthrough Using Animation Database Systems MOVE" Session 6 C Database Optimization & 9:00 am - 11:00 am Performance Evaluation (II) Rabitti F., Sferrazza R.S., Tori M.G., Zezula P.; Italy, Czech Republic "Performance Evaluation System for Object Stores" Hameurlain A., Morvan F.; France "An Optimization Method of Data Communication and Control for Parallel Execution of SQL Queries" Son S.H., George D.W., Kim Y.-K.; USA "Developing a Database System for Time-Critical Applications" Keim D.A., Kriegel H.-P., Miethsam A.; Germany "Object-Oriented Querying of Existing Relational Databases" Coffee Break 11:00 am - 11:30 am Session 7 A Expert Systems (II) 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Guan J.W., Bell D.A.; United Kingdom "Improving Shafer-Logan's Algorithm for Handling Hierarchical Evidence" Popper M.; Slovak Republic "From Low-Level to High-Level Operations in Expert Systems" Wilson E., United Kingdom "Corpora as Expert Knowledge Domains: the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary" Session 7 B Knowledge Engineering (II) 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Brayshaw M.; United Kingdom "Intelligent Inference for Debugging Concurrent Systems" Botti V., Barber F., Crespo A., Gallardo D., Ripoll I., Onaindia E., Hernandez L.; Spain "Sharing Temporal Knowledge by Multiple Agents" Session 7 C Robotics & Image Processing 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Takizawa M., Hamada S., Deen S.M.; Japan, United Kingdom "Vehicle Transactions" Gevers T., Smeulders A.W.M.; The Netherlands "An Approach to Image Retrieval for Image Databases" Candela S., Garcia C., Munoz J., Alayon F.; Spain "Facilitatory Process for Contrast Detection" LUNCH 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Session 8 A Distributed Databases (II) 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Meng W., Liu Ch., Sun W., Yu C.; USA "Predict Query Processing Cost in a Distributed Database System" Chu W.W.; USA "COBASE: Cooperative Distributed Database Systems" Abdelguerfi M., Grant K., Murphy E., Patterson W.; USA "Duplicate Deletion in a Ring Connected, Shared-Nothing, Parallel Database System" Session 8 B Knowledge Engineering (III) 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Hung H.-K., Martin P., Glasgow J., Walmsley C.; Canada "Querying and Exploring Large Knowledge Bases" Watt S.; United Kingdom "Managing Text Objectively" Session 8 C Legal Systems (II) 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Poulin D., St-Vincent P., Bratley P.; Canada "Contradiction and Confirmation" Tiscornia D.; Italy "Meta-reasoning in Law: a Computational Model" Baaz M., Galindo F., Quirchmayr G., Vazquez M.; Austria, Spain "The Application of Kripke-Type Structures to Regional Development Programs" ___________________________________________________________________________ D E S C R I P T I O N OF THE T U T O R I A L S Tutorial A Golshani F. "Multimedia Information Systems" Modern workstations that work with audio and video digitizers, and image and audio synthesis devices have paved the way for multimedia database systems. These systems are expected to radically change the way we store, access and manipulate information. Numerous data processing applications, including those in finance, medicine, legal and insurance, will see drastic improvements when the integration of different media in computing systems has been achieved. This course will emphasize design, use and applications of multimedia information systems. Participants will receive a technical introduction to different media such as images, audio and text, and will learn how to develop integrated multimedia systems. Key steps in the process of development, including acquisition, compression, storage, retrieval, and presentation of objects of each media will be covered. When appropriate, comparisons of alternative techniques will be provided. _________________________________________________________________________________ Tutorial B Engels G., Kappel G. "Object-Oriented System Development - From Analysis to Implementation" Object-oriented system development is widely recognized as improving productivity and reducing system maintenance costs. Since the late eighties an ever growing number of methods covering (part of) object-oriented analysis, design and implementation has been proposed. Independent from any concrete object-oriented method, however, there are three important questions, equally relevant to practitioners and researchers. Firstly, what are the concepts, tasks, and results of analysis, design and implementation in an object-oriented framework to system development and how do they relate to each other? Secondly, how does object-oriented system development compare to traditional approaches? And thirdly, what are the pitfalls of object-oriented system development and how to cope with them? The tutorial will provide answers to all three questions in concert. _________________________________________________________________________________ Tutorial C Bench-Capon T. "Applying Knowledge Based Techniques to Legal Applications" The domain of law has been a fertile area for the application of knowledge based systems techniques. The legal domain presents an opportunity to apply the whole range of these techniques to a domain which is well documented, has strong theoretical foundations, and the potential for widespread commercial exploitation. In this tutorial the special features of the legal domain will be discussed and leading approaches and systems described from the following perspectives: the task to be supported; the formalism used; and the reasoning methods modelled. The tutorial will conclude with a review of the current state of the art, and some indication of prospects and future developments. ================================================================================= ADVANCE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION In order to qualify for the lower registration fee, the complete form and appropriate payment must be received before July 15, 1993. Please, make your payment without charges for the beneficiary in Austrian Schillings (ATS) to: DEXA 93 Raiffeisenbank Linz-Traun BLZ - bank number 34500 account no. 5.711.098 or by cheque or by a credit card. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For further assistance on registrations please contact the conference organization office: Gabriela Wagner FAX : +43(732)243989 Tel.: +43(732)244962 e-mail: gabriela@faw.uni-linz.ac.at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Registration Desk & Conference Office Opening Hours: Sunday, September 5, 1993: 5.00 pm - 7:00 pm Monday, September 6, 1993: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Tuesday, September 7, 1993: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Wednesday, September 8, 1993: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm REGISTRATION FEE (includes full registration, coffee breaks, welcome party, banquet, proceedings) Before July 15 After July 15 Regular fee ATS 5.100,- ATS 5.800,- Reduced fee ATS 4.500,- ATS 5.100,- Tutorial fee ATS 1.000,- ATS 1.300,- (Reduced fee for members of Universities, IEEE, GI, OCG) HOTEL ACCOMMODATION The Czech Technical University has reserved a sufficient number of rooms in different hotel categories for the participants of the DEXA 93 for the period September 5-9, 1993. The offer ranges from the accommodation in the University Conference Hotel KRYSTAL where the conference will be held to Hotel DIPLOMAT which belongs to the top-level Prague hotels. Hotel KRYSTAL was opened in 1990, each room is equipped with shower + WC. Please use the registration form. CATEGORY SINGLE ROOM DOUBLE ROOM 1 (KRYSTAL) ATS 600,- ATS 800,- 2 ATS 1.600,- ATS 1.700,- 3 (DIPLOMAT) ATS 3.000,- ATS 3.200,- The daily room rates are quoted in Austrian Schillings (ATS). With your signature you reserve a room for the DEXA 93 Conference. Please fill in your dates of arrival and departure. You will be booked in the required category if still available. If not, you will be booked in the next higher category. Please make your payment to the DEXA account: DEXA 93 Raiffeisenbank Linz-Traun BLZ - bank number 34500 account number 5.711.098 or by a cheque enclosed to the hotel reservation form or by a credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express). DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT OF THE ACCOMMODATION: JULY 15, 1993 The Organizing Committee appologizes to all participants of the DEXA 93 for the inconvenience of asking for rather early payment. Its main reason is that Prague attracts a lot of visitors actually and most of its facilities have to be booked and pre-paid well in advance. SOCIAL PROGRAM * Sunday, September 5, 1993 Welcome Party in the Hotel KRYSTAL 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm * Monday, September 6, 1993 Concert and Banquet Troja Castle 7:00 pm * Tuesday, September 7, 1993 Laterna Magica Performance 7:30 pm (The ticket price of ATS 250,- for this performance is not included in the registration fee and should be paid extra before July 15, 1993) * Troja Castle is a castle in the Roman Baroque Neo-classical style, built in 1679-85, situated in a nice garden in the French style. Visitors might be startled by the stately stairway decorated with sculptural groups of the battle of the Titans by J. and P.Heermanns. The interiors have magnificent decorations. The castle hosts a permanent exhibition of Czech art of the 19th century and of Baroque glass from the collection of the Gallery of the Capital City of Prague. Laterna Magica: Each performance of this theatre is a magical combination of several theatre genres, namely ballet and black theatre, with audio-visual techniques. The first performance took place at the Brussels World Fair in 1958 and it was very successfully accepted both by audience and by the critics. Since then the theatre became world-famous and it has been invited to many places all over the world. It gradually extends the used methods and it adopts most modern performance techniques in order to reach the highest impression. ____________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FORM September 6-8, 1993 Prague, Czech Republic DEXA 93 Conference Advance Registration Form Family name: Mr./Mrs. First name: Title: Institution or Company: Address: Post Code: City: Country: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-Mail: Member of: o IEEE o GI o OCG Member no.: a. Conference Fee: ATS b. Tutorial Fee: ATS Tutorial o A o B o C TOTAL ATS Mail to: DEXA 93 c/o Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing University of Linz AltenbergerstraPMe 69 A-4040 Linz, AUSTRIA Form of Payment: a)personal cheque b)bank to bank transfer: c)please charge my credit card : Visa Eurocard American Express card number expiration date Card holders name: Date: _____________________________________________________________________ HOTEL RESERVATION FORM DEXA 93 - International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications Prague, Czech Republic, September 6-8, 1993 Family name: Mr./Mrs. First name: Title: Institution or Company: Address: Post Code: City: Country: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-Mail: I definitely reserve: o single room o double room category 1 2 3 Date of arrival: Date of departure: o theater ticket(s) (September 7, 1993) Mail to: DEXA 93 c/o Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing Altenbergerstrasse 69 University of Linz A-4040 Linz, AUSTRIA Accommodation: ...........nights @ ....... ..ATS = .........ATS Theater Ticket: ...........piece(s) @ 250,- ATS = .........ATS Total................ATS Form of Payment: personal cheque enclosed bank to bank transfer please charge my credit card Visa Mastercard/Eurocard American Express card number expiration date Card holders name: Date: