E C A I '94 A M S T E R D A M 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence Amsterdam RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre The Netherlands August 8-12, 1994 Call for Papers Call for Workshop proposals Exhibition Call for Tutorial proposals Organized by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) Hosted by the Dutch Association for Artificial Intelligence (NVKI) The European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is the European forum for scientific exchange and presentation of AI research. The aim of the conference is to cover all aspects of AI research and to bring together basic research and applied research. The Technical Programme will include paper presentations, invited talks, panels, workshops, and tutorials. The conference is designed to cover all subfields of AI, including non-symbolic methods. ECAIs are held in alternate years and are organized by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI). The 11th ECAI in 1994 will be hosted by the Dutch AI Society (NVKI). The conference will take place at the Amsterdam RAI, International Exhibition and Congress Centre. E X H I B I T I O N An industrial and academic exhibition will be organized from August 9 - 11, 1994. Detailed information will be provided in the second call for papers or can be obtained at the conference office (for the adress see elsewhere). S P O N S O R S (preliminary list) Bolesian B.V. Municipality of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University of Limburg C A L L F O R P A P E R S T O P I C S O F I N T E R E S T You are invited to submit an original research paper that represents a significant contribution to any aspect of AI, including the principles underlying cognition, perception, and action in humans and machines; the design, application, and evaluation of AI algorithms and intelligent systems; and the analysis of tasks and domains in which intelligent systems perform. Theoretical and experimental results are equally welcome. Papers describing innovative ideas are especially sought providing such papers include substantial analysis of the ideas, the technology needed to realize them, and their potential impact. Of special interest this year are papers which address applied AI. Two kinds of papers are sought. The first category is case studies of AI applications that address significant real-world problems and which are used outside the AI community itself; these papers must justify the use of the AI technique, explain how the AI technology contributed to the solution and was integrated with other components, and most importantly explain WHY the application was successful (or perhaps why it failed) -- these "lessons learned" will be the most important review criteria. The second category is for papers on novel AI techniques and principles that may enable more ambitious real-world applications. All the usual AI topics are appropriate. These papers must describe the importance of the approach from an applications context, in sufficient technical detail and clarity, and clearly and thoroughly differentiate the work from previous efforts. There will be special prizes for the best papers in both these areas. S U B M I S S I O N O F P A P E R S Authors are requested to submit to the Programme Chairperson 5 copies of papers written in English in hardcopy format (electronic and fax submissions will not be accepted). Each submitted paper must conform to the following specifications. Papers should be no longer than 5500 words including references. (Each full page of figures counts as 1100 words.) Papers longer than this limit risk being rejected without refereeing. A separate title page should include the title, the name(s) of the author(s), complete address(es), email, fax and telephone numbers, the specification of between one and four Content Areas, preferably chosen from the list below and an abstract (maximum 200 words). The title page should also contain a declaration that the paper is unpublished, original work, substantially different from papers currently under review and will not be submitted elsewhere before the notification date other than to workshops and similar specialized presentations with a very limited audience. Papers should be printed on A4 or 8.5"x11" sized paper in letter quality print, with 12 point type (10 chars/inch on a typewriter), single spaced. Double sided printing is preferred. Authors who wish to check that their submission will fit into the final CRC format will be able to obtain detailed instructions including a latex style file and example postscript pages after October 15 by anonymous FTP from agora.leeds.ac.uk, directory ECAI94, or by e-mailing ecai94-style@scs.leeds.ac.uk with a message body of "help". When submitting a paper an electronic mail message should also be sent to ecai94-title@scs.leeds.ac.uk giving information in the format specified below. If an intending author has no e-mail facilities then this requirement is waived. Papers should be sent to: Programme Chairperson: Dr Tony Cohn Division of Artificial Intelligence School of Computer Studies University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT United Kingdom Tel.: (+44)-532-33.54.82 Fax: (+44)-532-33.54.68 E-mail: ecai94@scs.leeds.ac.uk TITLE: AUTHOR: <first author last name, first name> AFFILIATION: <first author affiliation> AUTHOR: <second author last name, first name> AFFILIATION: <second author affiliation> ...<repeat for all authors> CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: <give name, address, fax and telephone on successivelines> CORRESPONDENCE E-MAIL: <give correspondence e-mail address> CONTENT AREAS: <at most four content areas, separated by semi-colons> ABSTRACT: <text of the abstract> The content areas preferably should be drawn from the topics listed below. The text of the abstract field may include formatting commands, if desired, but these should be omitted from all other fields. Work described in an accepted paper may also be illustrated with a videotape or a demo. Special sessions will be scheduled for video presentations and demos. Authors wishing to show a videotape or a demo should specify the duration and the requirements of the videotape/demo when submitting their paper for review. Reviewing criteria do not apply to these tapes. Only the submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Authors wishing to augment their paper presentation with a video should submit a tape only after their paper has been accepted. For details concerning tape format, see the video track description below. C O N T E N T A R E A S Abduction; AI and Creativity; Artificial Life; Automated Reasoning; Automatic Programming; Belief Revision; Case Studies of AI Applications; Case-Based Reasoning; Cognitive Modelling; Common Sense Reasoning; Communication and Cooperation; Complexity of Reasoning; Computational Theories in Psychology; Computer-Aided Education; Concept Formation; Connectionist and PDP Models for AI; Constraint-Based Reasoning; Corpus-Based Language Analysis; Deduction; Description Logics; Design; Diagnosis; Discourse Analysis; Discovery; Multi-Agent Systems; Distributed Problem Solving; Enabling Technology and Systems; Epistemological Foundations; Expert System Design; Generic Applications; Genetic Algorithms; Integrating AI and Conventional Systems; Integrating Several AI Components; Kinematics; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Representation; Large Scale Knowledge Engineering; Logic Programming; Machine Architectures; Machine Learning; Machine Translation; Mathematical Foundations; Model Based Reasoning; Monitoring; Natural Language Front Ends; Natural Language Processing; Navigation; Neural Networks; Nonmonotonic Reasoning; Philosophical Foundations and Implications; Plan Recognition; Planning and Scheduling; Principles of AI Applications; Qualitative Reasoning; Reactivity; Reasoning About Action; Reasoning About Physical Systems; Reasoning With Uncertainty; Resource Allocation; Robotics; Robot Navigation; Search; Sensor Interpretation; Sensory Fusion/Fission; Simulation; Situated Cognition; Social Economic, Ethical and Legal Implications; Spatial Reasoning; Speech Recognition; Standardisation, Exchange and Reuse of Ontologies or Knowledge; Parsing; Semantic Interpretation; Pragmatics; System Architectures; Temporal and Causal Reasoning; Terminological Reasoning; Text Generation and Understanding; Theorem Proving; Truth Maintenance; Tutoring Systems; User Interfaces; User Models; Verification, Validation and Testing of Knowledge-Based Systems; Virtual Reality; Vision and Signal Understanding. T I M E T A B L E Papers must be received by the Programme Chairperson no later than January 8, 1994. Acceptance letters will be posted no later than March 12, 1994. Final camera-ready papers must be received by April 19, 1994. P A N E L S Proposals for panel discussions (up to 1000 words) should be sent to the Programme Chairperson by Februar 8, 1994. E-mail is preferred. P R I Z E S As in previous years, a prize for the best paper as determined by the Programme Committee will be awarded; the Digital Equipment Prize and a prize for the best paper from Eastern Europe will also be awarded. Additionally, this year there will be two new prizes which will be awarded for application papers in the two categories described above under "Case Studies of AI Applications" and "Principles of AI Applications". V I D E O S U B M I S S I O N S In addition to the possibility of video enhanced papers described above, videos unaccompanied by papers may be submitted for presentation in special video track sessions. The purpose of these videos should be to demonstrate the current levels of usefulness of AI tools, techniques and methods. Videos presenting research arising out of interesting real world applications are especially sought. Authors should submit one copy of a videotape of 10 minutes maximum duration accompanied by a submission letter that includes: * Title * Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of all authors * Duration of tape in minutes * Three copies of an abstract of one to two pages in length, containing the title of the video, and full names and addresses of the authors * Author's permission to copy tape for review purposes The timetable and conditions for submission, notification of acceptance or rejection, and receipt of final version are the same as for the paper track. All videotape submissions must be made to the Programme Chair. Tapes cannot be returned; authors should retain extra copies for making revisions. All videos must be in VHS-PAL format. An e-mail message giving the title, author, address and abstract should be e-mailed to ecai94-video@scs.leeds.ac.uk (unless the submitter has no e-mail access in which case this condition is waived). Tapes will be reviewed and selected for presentation during the conference. The following criteria will guide the selection: Level of interest to the conference audience Clarity of goals, methods and results Presentation quality (including audio, video and pace). Preference will be given to applications that show a high level of maturity. Tapes that are deemed to be advertising commercial products, propaganda, purely expository materials, merely taped lectures or other material not of scientific or technical value will be rejec- ted. P R O G R A M M E C O M M I T T E E C. Baeckstroem, Sweden J.P. Barthes, France I. Bratko, Slovenia P. Brazdil, Portugal J. Breuker, The Netherlands F. Bry, Germany R. Casati, Switzerland C. Castelfranchi, Italy J. Cuena, Spain Y. Davidor, Israel L. Farinas del Cerro, France F. Fogelman Soulie, France J. Fox, United Kingdom G. Friedrich, Austria A. Frisch, United Kingdom C. Froidevaux, France A. Fuhrmann, Germany A. Galton, United Kingdom J. Ganascia, France M. Ghallab, France J. Goncalves, Italy G. Gottlob, Austria F. Giunchiglia, Italy E. Hajicova, Czech Republic P. Hill, United Kingdom S. Hoelldobler, Germany D. Hogg, United Kingdom G. Kelleher, United Kingdom G. Kempen, The Netherlands M. King, Switzerland A. Kobsa, Germany M. Lenzerini, Italy R. Lopez de Mantaras, Spain N. Mars, The Netherlands J. Martins, Portugal P. Meseguer, Spain R. Milne, United Kingdom B. Nebel, Germany R. Nossum, Norway H.J. Ohlbach, Germany E. Oja, Finland E. Oliveira, Portugal E. Plaza, Spain J. Rosenschein, Israel Ph. Smets, Belgium L. Spanpinato, Italy O. Stock, Italy P. Struss, Germany P. Torasso, Italy R. Trappl, Austria L. Trave-Massuyes, France W. van de Velde, Belgium W. Wahlster, Germany T. Wittig, Germany W O R K S H O P S A full workshop programme is planned for ECAI '94. These will take place in the two days immediately before the main technical conference, i.e., on August 8 and 9, 1994. Workshops may last for either 1 or 2 days. They will give participants the opportunity to discuss specific technical topics in a small, informal environment, which encourages interaction and exchange of ideas. Workshops may address any topic covered by the list of areas given above [i.e., in the general call for papers]. Workshops on applications and related issues are especially welcome. Workshop proposals should be in the form of a draft call for participation containing a brief description of the workshop and the technical issues to be addressed, the proposed format and the kind of contributions solicited, and the names and addresses (postal, phone, fax, e-mail) of the organizing committee of the workshop. Additionally, proposals should specify the number of expected participants and some names of some potential participants. Proposers are encouraged to send their draft proposal to potential participants for comments before submission. The organizers of accepted workshops are responsible for producing a call for participation, for reviewing requests to participate and for scheduling the workshop activities within the constraints set by the conference organizers. Workshop proposals should be sent to the Workshop Chairpersons as soon as possible, but not later than November 1, 1993. Electronic submission (plain ascii text) is highly preferred, but hard copy submission is also accepted in which case 5 copies should be submitted. Proposals should not exceed 2 sides of A4 (i.e., approximately 120 lines of text). The proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee and the organizers will be notified not later than December 31, 1993. Details of all accepted workshops will be available by anonymous FTP from cs.vu.nl, directory ECAI94 by January 31, 1994; alternatively send electronic mail to ecai94-workshops@cs.vu.nl. It should be noted that registration for the main conference will be required in order to attend an ECAI '94 workshop. Workshop Chairpersons: Prof.dr Jan Treur Dr Frances Brazier Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Department of Computer Science De Boelelaan 1081 a 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel.: (+31)-20-548.55.88 Fax: (+31)-20 -642.77.05 E-mail: ecai94-workshops@cs.vu.nl T U T O R I A L S The ECAI '94 Organizing Committee invites proposals for the Tutorial Programme for ECAI '94. The tutorials will take place on August 8 and 9, 1994. Anyone who is interested in presenting a tutorial, or who has suggestions concerning possible speakers or topics is invited to contact the Tutorial Chair. A list of suggested topics that may be covered by tutorials is given below, but the list is only a guide. Other topics, both related to these and quite different from them, will be considered: Model-based reasoning; Natural language processing; Real-time reasoning; AI & databases (deductive databases, integrity constraints); Distributed AI, multi-agent systems; AI in industry (banking, networking, engineering); Knowledge sharing and reuse; Machine learning; Neutral Networks; Probabilistic reasoning and uncertainty; Genetic algorithms; Case-based reasoning; KBS design and methodology (including knowledge acquisition); Planning and scheduling; Hypermedia/multi-media in AI We are interested in: Proposals for the tutorials to be presented at the ECAI '94 Suggestions for topics (either an expression of interest in any of the topics above or in other topics) Suggestions for possible speakers for the tutorials (who would you like to hear if you attend a tutorial?) Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial should submit a proposal containing the following information: * A brief description and outline of the tutorial * The necessary background and the potential target audience * A description of why the tutorial topic is of interest to the ECAI '94 audience * A brief resume of the presenters Each tutorial will last for four hours, and must be offered by a team of presenters (usually two people, possibly three). Those submitting a proposal should keep in mind that tutorials are intented to provide an overview of a field or practical training in an area. They should present reasonably well agreed upon information in a balanced way. Tutorials should not be used to advocate a single avenue of research, nor should they promote a product. Presenters of a tutorial will receive a remuneration based on the number of participants in the tutorial. Proposals and suggestions must be received by September 1, 1993. Decisions about the tutorial programme will be made by September 30, 1993. Speakers should be prepared to submit completed course materials by May 6, 1994. Proposals, suggestions and enquiries should be sent (preferably electronically) to: Tutorial Chairperson: Dr Frank van Harmelen SWI University of Amsterdam Roetersstraat 15 1018 WB Amsterdam Tel.: (+31)-20-525.61.21, or (+31)-20-525.67.89 Fax: (+31)-20-525.68.96 E-mail: ecai94-tutorials@swi.psy.uva.nl Details of all tutorials will be available by September 30, 1993 by anonymous FTP from swi.psy.uva.nl, directory ECAI94. I N F O R M A T I O N For more information please contact: Organizing Chairperson: Workshop Chairpersons: Prof.dr Jaap van den Herik Prof.dr Jan Treur Dutch Association for Artificial Dr Frances Brazier Intelligence (NVKI) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University of Limburg Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science De Boelelaan 1081 a P.O. Box 616 1081 HV Amsterdam 6200 MD Maastricht The Netherlands The Netherlands Tel.: (+31)-20-548.55.88 Tel.: (+31)-43-88.34.77 Fax: (+31)-20-642.77.05 Fax: (+31)-43-25.23.92 E-mail: ecai94-workshops@cs.vu.nl E-mail: bosch@cs.rulimburg.nl Programme Chairperson: Tutorial Chairperson: Dr Tony Cohn Dr Frank van Harmelen Division of Artificial SWI Intelligence University of Amsterdam School of Computer Studies Roetersstraat 15 University of Leeds 1018 WB Amsterdam Leeds LS2 9JT The Netherlands United Kingdom Tel.: (+31)-20-525.61.21, or Tel.:(+44)-532-33.54.82 (+31)-20-525.67.89 Fax: (+44)-532-33.54.68 Fax: (+31)-20-525.68.96 E-mail: ecai94@scs.leeds.ac.uk E-mail: ecai94-tutorials@swi.psy.uva.nl CONFERENCE OFFICE: Erasmus Forum c/o ECAI '94 Marcel van Marrewijk, Project Manager Mirjam de Leeuw, Conference Manager E C A I '94 Erasmus University Rotterdam AMSTERDAM P.O. Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam The Netherlands Tel.: (+31)-10-408.23.02 Fax: (+31)-10-453.07.84 E-mail: M.M.deLeeuw@apv.oos.eur.nl ECCAI EUROPEAN COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE