CALL FOR PAPERS ************************************************************* * Symposium : * * CYBERNETIC PRINCIPLES OF KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT * ************************************************************* as part of the 12th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research EMCSR'94, Vienna, April 5-8, 1994 About the Symposium: ==================== A symposium in collaboration with the Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP) will be held at EMCSR'94. Chairmen are F. Heylighen (representing PCP) and S. Umpleby. The theme is a cybernetic perspective on the creation and evolution of knowledge, with special emphasis on methods of model construction in science. We wish to focus on both fundamental principles (what is knowledge, what is science, which criteria distinguish adequate knowledge, how does knowledge originate and develop, what is the role of induction, abduction, blind variation, selection, recombination, memetic spreading...) and practical applications (which methods and tools can help us to steer or improve the generation of knowledge). The latter is especially important for the Principia Cybernetica Project, as a collaborative computer-supported attempt to develop philosophical knowledge. The EMCSR meetings are possibly the most important and best organized large congresses in their domain. Though they are traditionally called "European", they really bring together researchers from all continents, albeit with a relative large proportion of people from Central and Eastern Europe. Among the distinctive features are the high quality, well-distributed Proceedings, which are available at the start of the Conference. This implies that papers should be submitted (to the Congress secretariat, not to the chairpersons!) quite a while before the start of the conference. The official CFP and preliminary programme of EMCSR'94 are appended below. After the succesful organization of a symposium at the 8th World Congress of Systems and Cybernetics (New York, 1990), of the 1st Workshop of the Principia Cybernetica Project (Brussels, 1991), and of a Symposium at the 13th Int. Congress on Cybernetics (Namur, 1992), this will be the fourth official activity of the Principia Cybernetica Project. For more information about the Symposium (not for paper submissions), contact: Dr. Francis Heylighen PO-PESP, Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. Fax: +32-2-641 24 89. E-mail: Prof. Stuart Umpleby Dep. of Management Science, School of Business and Public Management, George Washington University, Washington DC 20052, USA. Fax: +1-202-994 4930. E-mail: umpleby@gwuvm.bitnet. About Principia Cybernetica: ============================ The Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP) is a collaborative attempt to develop a complete cybernetic and evolutionary philosophy. Such a philosophical system should arise from a transdisciplinary unification and foundation of the domain of Systems Theory and Cybernetics. Similar to the metamathematical character of Whitehead and Russell's "Principia Mathematica", PCP is meta-cybernetical in that we intend to use cybernetic tools and methods to analyze and develop cybernetic theory. These include the computer-based tools of hypertext, electronic mail, electronic publishing, and knowledge structuring software. They are meant to support the process of collaborative theory-building by a variety of contributors, with different backgrounds and living in different parts of the world. PCP will thus naturally develop in the "cyberspace" of data shared through interlinked electronic networks, as implemented for example in the World-Wide Web distributed hypertext software. PCP is to be developed as a dynamic, multi-dimensional conceptual network. The basic architecture consists of nodes, containing expositions and definitions of concepts, connected by links, representing the associations that exist between the concepts. Both nodes and links can belong to different types, expressing different semantic and practical categories. As its name implies, PCP will focus on the clarification of fundamental concepts and principles of the broadly defined domain of cybernetics and systems, which includes related disciplines such as the "sciences of complexity", AI, ALife, Cognitive Science, Evolutionary Systems, etc. Concepts include: Complexity, Information, Entropy, System, Freedom, Control, Self-organization, Emergence, etc. Principles include Natural Selection, and the Laws of Requisite Variety, of Requisite Hierarchy, and of Regulatory Models. The PCP philosophical system is to be seen as a clearly thought out and well-formulated, global "world view", integrating the different domains of knowledge and experience. It should provide an answer to the basic questions: "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going to?". The PCP philosophy is systemic and evolutionary, based on the spontaneous emergence of higher levels of organization or control (metasystem transitions) through blind variation and natural selection. It includes: a) a metaphysics, based on processes or actions as ontological primitives, b) an epistemology, which understands knowledge as constructed by the subject or group, but undergoing selection by the environment; c) an ethics, with survival and the continuance of the process of evolution as supreme values. Philosophy and implementation of PCP are united by their common framework based on cybernetic and evolutionary principles: the computer-support system is intended to amplify the spontaneous development of knowledge which forms the main theme of the philosophy. PCP is managed by a board of editors, presently: V. Turchin [CUNY, New York], C. Joslyn [NASA and SUNY Binghamton] and F. Heylighen [Free Univ. of Brussels]. Contributors are kept informed through the PRNCYB-L electronic mailing list, and the Principia Cybernetica Newsletter. Further activities of PCP are publications in journals or books, and the organization of meetings or symposia. More information about PCP is available by anonymous ftp to, directory /pub/projects/Principia_Cybernetica, or by email request to About EMCSR'94: =============== Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research April 5-8, 1994 at the University of Vienna (Main Building) Organizers: ----------- Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies in co-operation with: University of Vienna, Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, and: International Federation for Systems Research Chairman: Robert Trappl, President of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies Conference fee : ---------------- Contributors : AS 2500 if paid before January 31, 1994 AS 3200 if paid later Participants : AS 3500 if paid before January 31, 1994 AS 4200 if paid later (AS 100 = about $ 9) The conference fee includes participation in the Twelfth European Meeting, attendance at official receptions, and the volume of the proceedings available at the Meeting. Please send cheque, or transfer the amount free of charges for beneficiary to our account no. 0026-34400/00 at Creditanstalt-Bankverein Vienna. Please state your name clearly. About the Congress: ------------------- The international support of the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research held in Austria in 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1992 (when 300 scientists from more than 30 countries met to present, hear and discuss 210 papers) encouraged the Council of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (OSGK) to organize a similar meeting in 1994 to keep pace with continued rapid developments in related fields. A number of Symposia will be arranged and we are grateful to colleagues who have undertaken the task of preparing these events. As on the earlier occasions, eminent speakers of international reputation will present latest research results at daily plenary sessions. The Proceedings of the 10th and 11th European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research, edited by R. Trappl, have been published by World Scientific, Singapore as : CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS '90 (1 vol., 1107 p.) CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS '92 (2 vols., 1685 p.) Symposia: --------- A General Systems Methodology G.J.Klir, USA B Advances in Mathematical Systems Theory M.Peschel, Germany & F.Pichler, Austria C Fuzzy Sets, Approximate Reasoning & Knowledge Based Systems C.Carlsson, Finland, K-P.Adlassnig, Austria & E.P.Klement, Austria D Designing and Systems, and Their Education B.Banathy, USA, W.Gasparski, Poland & G.Goldschmidt, Israel E Humanity, Architecture and Conceptualization G.Pask, UK, & Zeeuw, Netherlands F Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology L.M.Ricciardi, Italy G Systems and Ecology F.J.Radermacher, Germany & K.Freda, Austria H Cybernetics and Informatics in Medicine G.Gell, Austria & G.Porenta, Austria I Cybernetics of Socio-Economic Systems K.Balkus, USA & O.Ladanyi, Austria J Systems, Management and Organization G.Broekstra, Netherlands & R.Hough, USA K Cybernetics of National Development P.Ballonoff, USA, T.Koizumi, USA & S.A.Umpleby, USA L Communication and Computers A M.Tjoa, Austria M Intelligent Autonomous Systems J.W.Rozenblit, USA & H.Praehofer, Austria N Cybernetic Principles of Knowledge Development F.Heylighen, Belgium & S.A.Umpleby, USA O Cybernetics, Systems & Psychotherapy M.Okuyama, Japan & H.Koizumi, USA P Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems S.Grossberg, USA & G.Dorffner, Austria Q Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science V.Marik, Czechia & R.Born, Austria R Artificial Intelligence & Systems Science for Peace Research S.Unseld, Switzerland & R.Trappl, Austria Submission of papers : ---------------------- Acceptance of contributions will be determined on the basis of Draft Final Papers. These Papers must not exceed 7 single-spaced A4 pages (maximum 50 lines, final size will be 8.5 x 6 inch), in English. They have to contain the final text to be submitted, including graphs and pictures. However, these need not be of reproducible quality. The Draft Final Paper must carry the title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation in this order. Please specify the symposium in which you would like to present your paper. Each scientist shall submit only one paper. Please send three copies of the Draft Final Paper to the Conference Secretariat (not to symposia chairpersons!). DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION : October 8, 1993 In order to enable careful refereeing, Draft Final Papers received after the deadline cannot be considered. FINAL PAPERS : Authors will be notified about acceptance no later than November 13, 1993. They will be provided by the conference secretariat at the same time with the detailed instructions for the preparation of the final paper. PRESENTATION : It is understood that the paper is presented personally at the Meeting by the contributor. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS will be handled by Oesterreichisches Verkehrsbuero, Kongressabteilung, Opernring 5, A-1010 Vienna, phone +43-1-58800-113, fax +3-1-5867127, telex 111 222. Reservation cards will be sent to all those returning the attached registration form. SCHOLARSHIPS : The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research has kindly agreed to provide a limited number of scholarships covering the registration fee for the conference and part of the accommodation costs for colleagues from eastern and south-eastern European countries. Applications should be sent to the Conference Secretariat before October 8, 1993. For further information about the Congress, contact: EMCSR 94 - Secretariat : Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Kybernetik A-1010 Wien 1, Schottengasse 3, Austria. Phone : +43-1-53532810 Fax : +43-1-5320652 E-mail : _______________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FORM _______________________________________________________________ EMCSR-94 Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research Please return to : Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA (EUROPE) o I plan to attend the Meeting o I intend to submit a paper to Symposium ... o I enclose the Draft Final Paper o My Draft Final Paper will arrive prior to October 8, 1993 o My cheque for AS .... covering the Conference Fee is enclosed o I have transferred AS .... to your account 0026-34400/00 at Creditanstalt Vienna o I shall not be at the Meeting but am interested to receive particulars of the Proceedings Name : Prof./Dr./Ms./Mr. ...................................... Address : ..................................................... ............................................................... Fax : .............................E-Mail : ................... Date : ....... Signature: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Dr. Francis Heylighen Systems Researcher PO, Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B -1050 Brussels, Belgium Phone:+32-2-6412525; Fax:+32-2-6412489; Email: