2ND EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON CASE-BASED REASONING (EWCBR 94) November, 1994 Chantilly, France CALL FOR PAPERS In November, 1993, the First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning was hosted by the University of Kaiserslauten (Germany) at the European Academy in Otzenhausen. The Workshop was a resounding success, attracting over 130 participants from some 17 countries, with papers, panels and working groups covering the major research areas of CBR. The Second European Workshop on CBR (EWCBR 94) will be held in the beautiful Chateau of Montvillargene in Chantilly, some 20 km North of Paris (near Roissy Charles De Gaulle airport). Academic and social events will be at Chantilly, in order to allow a close interaction between workshop participants. Registration will be limited to 140 participants on a "first-come, first-served" basis. PROGRAMME: The scientific programme will include the presentation of selected papers, invited talks, system demonstrations as well as poster and panel sessions. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Submissions are invited on all aspects of CBR including (but not restricted to): - Indexing and Retrieval - Adaptation Techniques - Cognitive Modelling - Learning in CBR - Uses of CBR in Diagnosis, Design and Planning - Integrating CBR and with Other Machine Learning Techniques - Analogical Reasoning - Case-Based Knowledge Engineering - Innovative Applications that Use CBR technology - Evaluation Methodologies - Comparisons of CBR Systems Submissions can be concerned with: - theoretical results - Practical and empirical results - Work in progress (posters) - System descriptions (to be demonstrated at workshop) All submissions should be in the form of a paper (no longer than 6000 words, including references; allow 1000 words for each full page of figures). Each paper should also include a 200 word abstract. Five copies of submitted papers should be sent to Mark Keane (EWCBR 94), Dept. of Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin 2, IRELAND before the deadline (March, 31st, 1994). ----------------- The Workshop will consist of three days of invited talks, panels, paper presentations and poster sessions. A tutorial day focussed on the practical uses of CBR technology, will precede these three days. A prize for the best paper will be presented and an edited volume of selected papers will be published after the Workshop. A limited number of travel grants will be available for young researchers with inadequate funding. The travel grant is specially aimed at researchers from the former eastern block (please apply for travel grant with your submission). IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline (date-stamped) March 31st 1994 Notification of Acceptance or Rejection May 31st 1994 Camera-Ready Copy June 30th 1994 [Note: papers sent by e-mail or fax will not be accepted] CONFERENCE CHAIRS Dr. Mark KEANE (scientific chair) University of Dublin Department of Computer Science Trinity College, Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: (353-1) 70 21 534, Fax: (353-1) 677 22 04 Prof. Jean-Paul HATON (scientific chair) CRIN/INRIA BP 239 54506 Vandoeuvre France Tel: (33) 83 59 20 50, Fax: (33) 83 41 30 79 Dr Michel MANAGO (local chair) AcknoSoft 58 a rue du Dessous des Berges 75013 Paris. France Tel: (33-1) 44 24 88 00, Fax: (33-1) 44 24 88 66 PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Agnar Aamodt (University of Trondheim, Norway) Kevin Ashley (University of Pittsburg,USA) Amedeo Cesta (IP-CNR Rome, Italy) Padraig Cunningham Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) Boi Faltings (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) Janet Kolodner (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) Ramon Lopez de Mantaras (CEAB, Blanes, Spain) Michel Manago (AcknoSoft, France) Bernd Neumann (University of Hamburg, Germany) Enric Plaza (CEAB, Blanes, Spain) Michael Richter (University of Kaiserslauten,Germany) Lorenza Saitta (University of Torino, Italy) Derek Sleeman (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom) Ian Smith (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) Henry Tirri (University of Helsinki, Finland) Maarten Van Someren (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Walter Van de Velde (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) Manuela Velosa (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA) Willemien Visser (INRIA, France) Angi Voss (GMD, Germany) Please, distribute this call for paper to everyone potentially interested in the field. We want to continue collecting e-mail addresses for distributing information about EWCBR 94 and CBR. Please respond by e-mail to ewcbr94@loria.fr if you are not already on our mailing list. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the following information to Dr Michel MANAGO as quickly as possible (preferably using regular mail or fax). Full Name: Departement: Adresse: Country: Tel: Fax: e-mail: Check the appropriate boxes below: [ ] I intend to submit a scientific paper at EWCBR 94. [ ] I intend to submit an application-oriented paper at EWCBR 94. [ ] I do not intend to submit a paper, but I would like to participate to the whole workshop. [ ] I do not intend to participate to the whole workshop, but would like to participate to the first day (tutorial and application oriented). [ ] I would like to apply for the travel grant. Estimated cost of travel in US $: -- Amedeo NAPOLI (napoli@loria.fr) CRIN CNRS -- INRIA Lorraine BP 239 -- 54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex -- France Tel : (33) 83 59 20 68 -- Fax : (33) 83 41 30 79