CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IEEE/USP INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING - HPF94 "COMPILERS AND TOOLS FOR PARALLEL PROCESSING" SAO PAULO, BRAZIL, MARCH 28-30, 1994 Sponsors: --------- IEEE-Computer Society, South Brazil Section IEEE-Circuits & Systems Society, South Brazil Section University of Sao Paulo Topics: ------- In order to exploit the extraordinary power of the new generation of massively parallel machines, there is a great need for new parallelizing compilers, programming tools, programming languages, and algorithms. The goal of HPF-94 is to evaluate the state of art in compilers and programming tools for parallel machines and to be a forum for discussing research projects and commercial products. The scope of the workshop includes but is not limited to: -Scheduling techniques -Program restructuring -Parallel software development environments -Compiling techniques -Programming languages The workshop will consist of tutorials, technical sessions and invited keynote speakers. Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts and full papers on research results and status of research projects. Submission of papers: --------------------- Papers should be written in English. Five copies are required for submission. Do not fold or staple the original, camera ready copy. Papers should be no longer than 15 pages, including figures, tables, and references. Papers must be submitted camera ready on 8 1/2" x 11" white bond paper with 1" margins on all four sides. They should be prepared by laser printer in a one-column format, double spaced, and should be printed on one side of the paper only. Fax submissions are not acceptable. Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete title, author name(s), affiliation(s) and mailing address(es), followed by the abstract, up to 15 lines long, followed by the text. All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter containing a list of all authors, their affiliations, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and electronic mail addresses. Schedule: --------- Deadline for papers submission (camera ready): February 14th, 1994 Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 1994 Authors outside Brazil may use regular mail until January 31st, but should please use express delivery after that. Address for submission: ----------------------- Liria M. Sato LSI-PEE-EPUSP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto 158, trav 3 Cidade Universitaria 05508-900 Sao Paulo - SP BRAZIL General Chair: -------------- Dr. Joao A. Zuffo (LSI-USP, Brazil) Program Co-chairs: ------------------ Dr. Constantine Polychronopoulos (CSRD-UIUC, USA) Dr. David Padua (CSRD-UIUC, USA) Dr. Liria M. Sato (LSI-USP, Brazil) Program Committee: ------------------ Dr. Siang W. Song (USP, Brazil) Dr. Jairo Paneta (IEAv, Brazil) Dr. Geraldo Lino de Campos (USP, Brazil) Dr. Virgilio de Almeida (UFMG, Brazil) Dr. Philipe Navaux (UFRGS, Brazil) Organizing Chair: ----------------- Sergio Takeo Kofuji Organizing Committee: --------------------- Casimiro A. Barreto (LSI-USP, Brazil) Celso G. Hummel (LSI-USP, Brazil) Edson T. Midorikawa (LSI-USP, Brazil) Marcelo K. Zuffo (LSI-USP, Brazil) Roseli D. Lopes (LSI-USP, Brazil) Volnyis B. Bernal (LSI-USP, Brazil) Jose E. Moreira (CSRD-UIUC, USA) Information: ------------ Jose E. Moreira - CSRD-UIUC, USA. Phone: (217) 244-0049 Liria M. Sato - LSI-USP, Brazil. Phone:(55 11) 211-4574 -- Send compilers articles to or {ima | spdcc | world}!iecc!compilers. Meta-mail to