ICGA-93 The Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms 17-21 July, 1993 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-93), will be held on July 17-21, 1993 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This meeting brings together an international community from academia, government, and industry interested in algorithms suggested by the evolutionary process of natural selection. Topics of particular interest include: genetic algorithms and classifier systems, evolution strategies, and other forms of evolutionary computation; machine learning and optimization using these methods, their relations to other learning paradigms (e.g., neural networks and simulated annealing), and mathematical descriptions of their behavior. The meeting will include pre-conference tutorials, invited speakers, and workshops. A registration form is included below. For more ICGA-93 registration information, contact: Lori Costello Conferences & Institutes Univ. of Illinois 302 E. John St. Suite 202, Champaign, IL 61820 Telephone: (217) 333-2888 E-Mail: loric@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu Questions on the conference program should be directed to icga93@unmvax.cs.unm.edu. Other questions should be directed to rob@comec4.mh.ua.edu. Tutorials--Levis Faculty Center ICGA '93 will begin with the presentation of three parallel tutorial sessions. Conference attendees may attend one of these sessions for a supplementary fee (see registration form). Tutorial 1: Introduction to Genetic Algorithms Overview of Genetic Algorithms (90 minutes), Melanie Mitchell-- What genetic algorithms are; how, why, and by whom they were invented; how and why they work; comparisons with other algorithms; how to find out more about the genetic algorithm field; foundations of GA theory; genetic algorithms and artificial life; partial bibliography. Genetic Algorithm Applications (90 minutes), Lawrence Davis-- What kind of real-world problems are appropriate for genetic algorithms; design choices that must be made when applying genetic algorithms to real problems; partial survey of existing applications; partial survey of existing tools; some case histories. Tutorial 2: Advanced Genetic Algorithm Topics Genetic Algorithm Theory (90 minutes), Darrell Whitley-- The schema theorem and its ramifications; deception; recent approaches to the study of genetic algorithm performance; recent approaches to the study of genetic algorithm failure. Classifier Systems and Modeling (90 minutes), Rob Smith-- Introduction to classifier systems; recent advances in classifier system theory and practice; classifier systems as modeling tools; genetic algorithms and neural networks; genetic algorithms and artificial life. Tutorial 3: Spotlighted Technologies Evolutionary Programming (45 minutes), David Fogel-- Description and overview of evolutionary programming; history of the field; relation of evolutionary programming to biological evolution; theoretical aspects of the field; survey of existing applications. Evolution Strategies (45 minutes), Thomas Back-- Description and overview of evolution strategies; comparison with other technologies; engineering solutions with evolution strategies; survey of existing applications. Genetic Programming (90 minutes), John Koza-- Description and overview of genetic programming; example applications; future directions; brief video demonstrations. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Saturday, July 17, 1993 12-3:00 pm Registration Levis Faculty Center 1-5:00 pm Tutorials Levis Faculty Center 7:00 pm Reception/Registration Levis Faculty Center Sunday, July 18, 1993 8am-5:00 pm Registration Krannert Center (KCPA) 8:30-9:00 am Coffee KCPA 9-10:15 am Invited Speaker KCPA 10:15-11 am Break KCPA 11-12:30 pm Technical Sessions KCPA/Levis 12:30-2 pm Lunch KCPA 2-3:30 pm Technical Sessions/ Registration Levis 3:30-4 pm Break Levis 4-5:30 pm Technical Sessions Levis 7:00 pm Banquet Chancellor Hotel 1501 S. Neil, Champaign Monday, July 19, 1993 8am-5:00 pm Registration KCPA 8:30-9:00 am Coffee KCPA 9-10:15 am Invited Speaker KCPA 10:15-11 am Break KCPA 11-12:30 pm Technical Sessions KCPA/Levis 12:30-2 pm Lunch KCPA 2-3:30 pm Technical Sessions/ Registration Levis 3:30-4 pm Break Levis 4-5:30 pm Technical Sessions Levis 7:00 pm Poster Session Levis Tuesday, July 20, 1993 8:30-9:00 am Coffee KCPA 9-10:15 am Invited Speaker KCPA 10:15-11 am Break KCPA 11-12:30 pm Technical Sessions KCPA/Levis 12:30-2 pm Lunch KCPA 2-3:30 pm Technical Sessions Levis 3:30-4 pm Break Levis 4-5:30 pm Technical Sessions Levis Wednesday, July 21, 1993 8:30-9:00 am Coffee Levis 9-10:30 am Technical Sessions Levis 10:30-11 am Break Levis 11-12:30 pm Technical Sessions Levis 12:30-2 pm Break Levis 2-3:30 pm Business Meeting Levis Invited Speakers David Campbell, Head, Dept. of Physics, University of Illinois. Topic: Dynamical Systems and Evolution John Holland, Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Michigan. Topic: Using The Schema Theorem To Counter Hitchhiking And Premature Convergence Gunter Wagner, Professor, Dept. of Biology, Yale University. Topic: Evolutionary Biology Papers (preliminary list) Erik R. Altman, "A Novel Methodology Using Genetic Algorithms for the Design of Caches and Cache Replacement Policy" Peter J. Angeline, "Competitive Environments Evolve Better Solutions for Complex Tasks" Thomas Back, "Optimal Mutation Rates in Genetic Search" Jerzy W. Bala, "Learning to Detect Targets Using Scale-Space and Genetic Search" David Beasley, "Reducing Epistasis in Combinatorial Problems by Expansive Coding" Pierre Bonelli, "A New Approach to Fuzzy Classifier Systems" Ralph Bruns, "Direct Chromosome Representation and Advanced Genetic Operators for Production Scheduling" Helen G. Cobb, "Genetic Algorithms for Tracking Changing Environments" Yuval Davidor, "The ECOlogical Framework II: Improving GA Performance With Virtually Zero Cost" Lawrence Davis, "A Genetic Algorithm for Survivable Network Design" Fred F. Easton, "A Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Employee Staffing and Scheduling Problems" Larry J. Eshelman, "Crossover's Niche" Andrew Fairley, "An Investigation into Possible Causes of, and Solutions to, Rule Strength Distortion in the Bucket Brigade" David S. Feldman, "Fuzzy Network Synthesis and Genetic Algorithms" Stuart J. Flockton, "Pole-Zero System Identification Using Genetic Algorithms" Carlos Fonseca, "Genetic Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization: Formulation, Discussion and Generalization" David E. Goldberg, "Mixing in Genetic Algorithms" David E. Goldberg, "Rapid, Accurate Optimization of Difficult Problems Using Fast Messy Genetic Algorithms" V. Scott Gord, "Serial and Parallel Genetic Algorithms as Function Optimizers" Frederic Gruau, "Genetic Synthesis of Modular Neural Networks" H. Altay Guvenir, "A Genetic Algorithm for Classification by Feature Partitioning" Raphael T. Haftka, "Genetic Algorithms for Placing Actuators on Space Structures" Inman Harvey, "The Puzzle of the Persistent Question Marks: A Case Study of Genetic Drift" Abdollah Homaifar, "A New Approach on the Traveling Salesman Problem by the Genetic Algorithms" Jeffrey Horn, "Finite Markov Chain Analysis of Genetic Algorithms with Niching" Shu-Yuen Hwang, "A Genetic Algorithm with Disruptive Selection" Hitoshi Iba, "System Identification using Structured Genetic Algorithms" Terry Jones, "Reverse Hillclimbing, Genetic Algorithms and the Busy Beaver Problem" Kate Juliff, "A Multi-chromosome Genetic Algorithm for Pallet Loading" Bryant A. Julstrom, "A Genetic Algorithm for the Rectilinear Steiner Problem" Michelle D. Kidwell , "Using Genetic Algorithms to Schedule Distributed Tasks on a Bus-Based System" Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr., "Generality and Difficulty in Genetic Programming: Evolving a Sort" Michael Lee, "Dynamic Control of Genetic Algorithms Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques" David M. Levine, "A Genetic Algorithm for the Set Partitioning Problem" Mauro Manela, "Fitting Spline Functions to Noisy Data Using a Genetic Algorithm" Raul San Martin, "Genetic Algorithms for the Optimization of Integrated Circuits Synthesis" Tsutomu Maruyama, "A Fine-Grained Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Distributed Parallel Systems" Laurence D. Merkle, "Comparison of Parallel Messy Genetic Algorithm Data Distribution Strategies" Robert R. Meyer, "A Genetic Algorithm for Diversity Minimization and Its Parallel Implementation" Byung R. Moon, "Hyperplane Synthesis for Genetic Algorithms" Toshinori Munakata, "A Genetic Algorithm Applied to the Maximum Flow Problem" Jim Oliver, "Discovering Individual Decision Rules: An Application of Genetic Algorithms" Norihiko Ono, "A Genetic Algorithm for Channel Routing Problem" Francesco Palmieri, "Diversification Role of Crossover in the Genetic Algorithms" L.M. Patnaik, "Binomially Distributed Populations for Modelling GAs" W.F. Punch, "Further Research on Feature Selection and Classification Using Genetic Algorithms" Nicholas J. Radcliffe, "A Study in Set Recombination" Connie Loggia Ramsey, "Case-Based Initialization of Genetic Algorithms" Colin Reeves, "Using Genetic Algorithms with Small Populations" Gary Roberts, "Dynamic Planning for Classifier Systems" Steve G. Romaniuk, "Evolutionary Growth Perceptions" Peter Ross, "A Promising GA Approach to Job-Shop Scheduling and Re-Scheduling Problems" J. David Schaffer, "Designing Multiplierless Digital Filters Using Genetic Algorithms" Michael J. Shaw, "Joint Lot Sizing and Sequencing with Genetic Algorithms for Scheduling: Evolving the Chromosome Structure" Man-Tak Shing, "Genetic Algorithms for the Development of Real-Time Multi-Heuristic Search Strategies" Marc Shoenauer, "Constrained GA Optimization" R. Shonkwiler, "Parallel Genetic Algorithms" Michael M. Skolnick, "Using Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Design Optimization with Non-Linear Constraints" Alice E. Smith, "Genetic Optimization Using A Penalty Function" William Spears, "On the State of Evolutionary Computation" Joe Suzuki, "A Markov Chain Analysis on A Genetic Algorithm" Walter Alden Tackett, "Genetic Programming for Feature Discovery and Image Discrimination" Dr. David M. Tate, "Expected Allele Coverage and the Role of Mutation" Sam R. Thangiah, "Vehicle Routing and Time Deadlines Using Genetic and Local Algorithms" Bruce Tidor, "An Analysis of Selection Procedures with Particular Attention Paid to Proportional and Boltzmann Selection" Shigeyoshi Tsutsui, "Forking Genetic Algorithm with Blocking and Shrinking Modes (FGA)" Kirk Twardowski, "Credit Assignment for Pole Balancing with Learning Classifier Systems" Ron Unger, "A Genetic Algorithm for 3D Protein Folding Simulations" Thomas Uthmann, "Training Kohonen Feature Maps in Different Topologies: an Analysis Using Genetic Algorithms" Benjamin W. Wah, "Scheduling of Genetic Algorithms in a Noisy Environment" Roger L. Wainwright, "Multiple Vehicle Routing with Time and Capacity Constraints Using Genetic Algorithms" Hirokazu Watabe, "A Study on Genetic Shape Design" Willfried Wienholt, "An Advanced Genetic Algorithm for Parameter Optimization Problems" Peter Willett, "Searching Databases of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Chemical Structures Using Genetic Algorithms" Jing-Jye Yang, "Query Optimization in Information Retrieval Using Genetic Algorithms" Xiaodong Yin, "A Fast Genetic Algorithm with Sharing Scheme Using Cluster Analysis Methods in Multimodal Function Optimization" Byoung-Tak Zhang, "Genetic Programming of Minimal Neural Nets Using Occam's Razor" Raed Abu Zitar, "Regulator Control via Genetic Search Assisted Reinforcement Learning" Posters (preliminary list) Fabrizio Baiardi, "Nested Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for System Configuration and Program Mapping in Massively Parallel Systems" Ellie Baker, "Evolving Line Drawings" Wolfgang Banzhaf, "Genetic Programming for Pedestrians" Rik Belew, "Evolving Aesthetic Sorting Networks Using Developmental Grammars" Susan E. Carlson, "A Comparative Evaluation of Search Methods Applied to Catalog Selection" Hugh M. Cartwright, "The Application of the Genetic Algorithm to Two-Dimensional Strings: The Source Apportionment Problem" Joseph C. Culberson, "Crossover Versus Mutation in the De Jong Functions: Fueling the Debate: TGA versus GIGA" Fikret Ercal, "Genetic Algorithms for Vertex Splitting in DAGs" David Fan, "GADELO: A Multi-Population Genetic Algorithm Based on Dynamic Exploration of Local Optima" Terence C. Fogarty, "Reproduction, Ranking, Replacement and Noisy Evaluations: Experimental Results" Takeshi Furuhashi, "A Proposal of Hierarchical Fuzzy Classifier Systems" Inman Harvey, "Genetic Convergence in a Species of Evolved Robot Control Architectures" Brynn Hibbert, "Display of Chemical Structures in Two Dimensions and the Evolution of Molecular Recognition" Akio Ishiguro, "A Genetic Algorithms' Application to Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics" Takashi Iwamoto, "Topological Aspects of Genetic Algorithms" Antonia J. Jones, "A Schemata Theorem for Trees" Hillol Kargupta, "Information Transmission in Genetic Algorithm and Shannon's Second Theorem" Hiroaki Kitano, "A Hybrid Search for Genetic Algorithms: Combining Genetic Algorithms, TABU Search, and Simulated Annealing" Luis R. Lopez, "Inverse Relationship Between Complexity and Probability of Full Deception in Trap Functions" Sushil J. Louis, "Pareto Optimality, GA-Easiness and Deception (Extended Abstract)" Heinz Muhlenbein, "Optimal Interaction of Mutation and Crossover in the Breeder Genetic Algorithm" R. Maenner, "Parallel Execution of Sequentially Coded Standard Genetic Algorithms on the NERV Multiprocessor" Samir W. Mahfoud, "Simple Analytical Models of Genetic Algorithms for Multimodal Function Optimization" Vittorio Maniezzo, "Granularity Evolution" Andras Markus, "Dual Insights into Genetic Algorithms" Melanie Mitchell, "When Will a Genetic Algorithm Outperform Hill-Climbing?" Masaharu Munetomo, "An Efficient Migration Scheme for Subpopulation-Based Asynchronously Parallel Genetic Algorithms" David Orvosh, "Shall We Repair? Genetic Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, and Feasibility Constraints" Kihong Park, "A Lower-Bound Result on the Power of Genetic Algorithms" Sandip Sen, "Improving Classification Accuracy through Performance History" Robert E. Smith, "Adaptively Resizing Populations: An Algorithm and Analysis" Graham Spencer, "Automatic Generation of Programs for Crawling and Walking" Chuen-Tsai Sun, "Using Genetic Algorithms in Structuring a Fuzzy Rulebase" Hans-Michael Voigt, "Multivalued Evolutionary Algorithms" Michael D. Vose, "The Genetic Algorithm Fractal" Darrell Whitley, "Toward Models of Island and Cellular Parallel Genetic Algorithms" Masayuki Yanagiya, "A Simple Mutation-Dependent Genetic Algorithm" Bernard P. Zeigler, "Asynchronous Genetic Algorithms on Parallel Computers" ICGA-93 Conference Committee: Conference Co-Chairs: David E. Goldberg, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign; J. David Schaffer, Philips Labs Publicity: Robert E. Smith, Univ. of Alabama Program Chair: Stephanie Forrest, Univ. of New Mexico Financial Chair: Larry J. Eshelman, Philips Labs Local Arrangements: David E. Goldberg, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Financial supporters: Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence, Nava l Research Laboratory; Philips Laboratories, North American Philips Corporation GENERAL INFORMATION Location: The conference will be held at two locations on the University of Illinois campus--the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts located at 500 South Goodwin, Urbana, and the Levis Faculty Center located at 919 West Illinois, Urbana (directly east of Krannert). ICGA '93 is a non-smoking conference. Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. Transportation: Champaign-Urbana is located 135 miles south of Chicago on Interstates 72, 74, and 57. By Car: >From Chicago: Take I-57 south to I-74 east which runs along the north edge of Champaign-Urbana. Take the Lincoln Avenue exit south. Once you reach campus, turn right on Illinois Street. Campus Parking: Pay parking is available in the lot adjacent to the Levis Faculty Center and under the Krannert Center (both accessible from Illinois Street). Do not park in any area marked "reserved" as campus parking is enforced and you will be towed. By Air: >From Champaign-Urbana's Willard Airport: Currently, American Airlines' American Eagle Service, Trans World Express, and US Air Express serve Willard Airport. Corky's Limousine Service is available and meets all incoming flights. The cost from Willard to most hotels in Champaign-Urbana is $8. If you need to contact Corky's, you may call 217/352-3121. By Train: AMTRAK service is also available from Chicago and points south. Weather: The weather in Illinois can vary to extremes. Please be prepared to dress in layered, cool clothing as July is normally hot (80 - 100 ) and very humid. Rain wear is also suggested. On-Campus Recreation: If you wish to take advantage of the recreation facilities on campus, you may purchase an IMPE (Intramural-Physical Education) pass for $5 per day upon showing your name badge at each recreation facility. Messages: If someone needs to reach you during the conference, they may call the Levis Faculty Center at 217/333-6241 and leave a message. A message board will be placed at this conference site. Lodging: Accommodations may be obtained at the following hotels/motels. A shuttle service will be available for transportation from your hotel to/from the conference sites. All hotel reservations should be made in advance by telephoning or writing the individual hotels. Be sure to mention that you are attending the Genetic Algorithms conference, as a block of rooms has been reserved for those attending this conference. We have listed the special conference rates beside the hotel/motel. Make your reservations early as the block of rooms will be released for "first come, first serve" reservations after June 16, 1993. Jumer's Castle Lodge 209 S. Broadway Urbana, IL 61801 Located about 1/4 mile from the campus. Within brisk walking distance. Toll free 800/285-8637 Single Double $60.00 $70.00 Plus tax Plus tax University Inn 302 E. John Street Champaign, IL 61820 Located about 1/2 mile from the campus. Within brisk walking distance. 217/384-2100; Toll free 800/252-1368 in Illinois; Toll free 800/322-8282 outside IL Single Double $54.00 $61.00 Plus tax Plus tax Travelodge 409 W. University Urbana, IL 61801 Located about 1 mile from the campus. Toll free 800/255-3050 Single Double $33.00 Plus tax Campus Inn-University (Days Inn) 1701 S. State Champaign, IL 61820 Located about 1 mile from the campus 217/359-8888 Single Double $30.00 $35.00 Plus tax Plus Tax King or Queen Busey-Evens Dormitory 1111 West Nevada Urbana, IL 61801 Located on campus 217/333-1766 $23.15 Plus tax Community Bath Registration Fee: Registrations received before 6/12/93 are $250 for participants and $100 for students. All registrations received on or after 6/12/93 and walk-in registrations at the conference will be $295 for participants and $125 for students. This includes entry to all technical sessions, 3 lunches, coffee breaks, reception Saturday evening, conference materials, and conference proceedings. Attendee and guest tickets for the banquet and guest tickets for the Sunday reception may be purchased at an additional cost (see attached registration form). Also, there is a separate fee for the tutorials. A limited fund has been set aside to assistant students and scientists with their travel expenses. Students should have their advisor certify their student status and that sufficient funds are not available. If you are interested in obtaining such assistance and need travel support, send a letter before May 22, 1993 describing your situation and needs to: Larry Eshelman, Philips Laboratories, 345 Scarborough Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. Address questions to: lje@philabs.philips.com. To Register: Early registration is recommended. There are four ways you may register. Complete and mail the attached form or phone (217)244-7659 to register. Please be sure to call our office if your registration may be late in arriving. You may also FAX your registration to (217)333-9561. You may receive an e-mail registration by contacting loric@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu If you register by phone, fax, or e-mail, please remember to send a copy of the registration form with your payment to the Accounting Business Office within one week. Should you have additional questions, please call Lori Costello at 217/333-2888 or e-mail loric@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu. --------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM: The 5th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms July 17-21, 1993 UFAS Acct. #1-3-63141-0660 Four Easy Ways To Register 1. Fill out the form and mail with payment to: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Accounting Business Office, Room 162 Henry Administration Building, 506 South Wright Street, Urbana, IL 61801. 2. Call 217-244-7659 and the registration team will take your registration over the phone. 3. Call 217-333-9561 to FAX your registration. 4. E-mail: receive an e-mail form by contacting loric@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu. The deadline for e-mail registrations and to receive all e-mail registration fees is July 9, 1993. IF YOU REGISTER BY PHONE, FAX, OR E-MAIL: Please remember to send a hard copy of the registration form with your payment to the Accounting Business Office within one week of registration. Registration/Badge Information Please print or type __________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name MI __________________________________________________________________ Affiliation/Business __________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City State Zip __________________________________________________________________ Country __________________________________________________________________ Business Phone Home Phone REGISTRATION FEES: (all figures in US Dollars) Indicate your selection Conference Registration Fee Registration before 6/12/93 On or after 6/12/93 Participant $250 Participant $295 Student* $100 Student* $125 Tutorial for July 17 Before 6/12/93 On or after 6/12/93 Participant $75 Participant $95 Student $25 Student $50 Please specify choice: Tutorial I:__________ Tutorial II: __________ Tutorial III: __________ Banquet Tickets** Adult $30 # of tickets_______ amount_______ Child $10 # of tickets_______ amount_______ Additional Reception Tickets** Saturday $10 # of tickets_______ amount_______ Total Payment ________________________(U.S. Dollars) Method of Payment ______ Check enclosed (make payable to the University of Illinois, US banks only, send check with form to Accounting Business Office) ______ I prefer to charge on credit card Visa______ Mastercard______ American Express______ Card Number__________________________________ Exp. Date__________ Card Holder Signature______________________________________________ *Students must have university student ID at registration **Please purchase additional tickets now---you will be unable to buy them upon arrival PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM WITH YOUR PAYMENT TO: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Accounting Business Office, Room 162 Henry Administration Building 506 South Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801