Announcement and Call for Papers Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III Part of SPIE's OE/Technology Symposium 31 October - 4 November 1994, Hynes Convention Center Boston, Massachusetts USA Conference Chairs: Bruce G. Batchelor, Univ. of Wales College Cardiff (UK) Susan Snell Solomon, CPSI. Frederick M. Waltz, 3M Co. Program Committee: Chris C. Bowman, Industrial Research Ltd. (NZ) Donald Braggins, Machine Vision Systems Consultancy (UK) Aziz Chihoub, Siemens Corporate Research Inc. John W. V. Miller, Univ. of Michigan/Dearborn A. David Marshall, Univ. of Wales College Cardiff (UK) Wolfgang Poelzleitner, Joannem Research Institute for Digital Image Processing Paul F. Whelan, Dublin City University (Ireland) Inna Y. Zayas, USDA Agricultural Research Service Competitive pressures demand ever increasing production rates and even tighter quality control. Before machine vision systems can achieve their full potential in helping to meet these objectives, further improvements are needed in resolution, speed, sophistication, cost, and ease of application. This conference, the tenth in a series, is devoted to advancing the state of the art in all aspects of the application of machine vision to industrial inspection. Papers are solicited in three categories, with special emphasis on combinations of two or more aspects: Applications and case studies, including: * successful applications, especially those in which good systems integration was essential for success * interesting or unusual solutions to some part of the overall problem, such as special lighting, problem reformulations leading to more effective solutions, novel ways of handling interprocessor communications etc. * "network in progress" or significant unsolved problems High-speed architectures, including: * high-speed implementations and nonconventional configurations * specialized processing architectures or hardware: Hough, log-polar, morphology, etc. * arrays of processors; parallel decompositions of algorithms * techniques for handling very high data rates, such as from laser scanners or high-speed photography * software architectures and hierarchies Systems integration, including: * design aids and "advisors" for system design and configuration: optics, lighting, processor interconnection, I/O, etc. * design aids and "advisors" for algorithm development, target system programming, and system documentation * improved interfaces for system designers and integrators * factory-floor interfaces for nonexpert users * on-line applications of "intelligent" systems, neural nets etc. Abstract Due Date: 4 April 1994 Manuscript Due Date: 8 August 1994* *Note: Proceedings will be available on site. The manuscript due date of 8 August 1994 must be strictly observed. Please limit your abstract/biography submission to one page as follows: * Title of Abstract/Paper, * Authors' full names, company names (list principal author first) List the authors' complete addresses, and telephone/fax/telex numbers. * Placement Please indicate that your abstract is intended for the conference on Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III (Batchelor, Solomon, Waltz) at OE/Technology '94 and whether the presentation is oral or a poster. * Abstract text The abstract should be 200 words typed on white paper and should contain enough detail to clearly convey the approach and the results of the research. Government and company clearance to present and publish should be final at the time of submission. * Brief biography: 50 to 100 words (principal author only) Include, on the same page, a brief (50-100 words) biographical sketch. Abstract due by 4 April 1994 : *Send abstract via email to (ASCII format) *or fax one copy to SPIE at 206-647-1445. * or mail four (4) copies of your abstract by 4 April 1994 to: OE/Technology '94, SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, USA. Shipping address: 1000 20th St., Bellingham, WA 98225, USA. Telex: 46-7053 Condition of Acceptance: Authors are expected to secure travel and accommodation funding, independent of SPIE, through their sponsoring organizations before submitting abstracts. Placement: Submissions may be placed in an oral or poster session at the chair's discretion. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 20 June 1994. Proceedings of these meetings: These meetings will result in published Proceedings that can be ordered through the Advance Program. Manuscripts are required of all accepted applicants and must be submitted in English by 8 August 1994 on SPIE-provided paper. Copyright to the manuscript is expected to be released for publication in the conference Proceedings. NOTE: If an author does not attend the meeting and make a presentation, the chair may opt not to publish the author's manuscript in the conference proceedings. Proceedings papers are indexed in the leading scientific databases, including INSPEC, Compendex plus, Physics Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, International Aerospace Abtracts and Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings. Publishing Policy: Manuscript dates must be strictly observed. Whether the Proceedings volume will be published before or after the meeting, late manuscripts run the risk of not being published. The objective of this policy is to serve the conference participants and the technical community at large. Your cooperation in supporting this objective will be appreciated by all. Paper Review: Commercial papers, descriptions of papers with no research content, and papers where supporting data or a technical description cannot be given for proprietary reasons will not be accepted for presentation in this symposium. To assure a high-quality conference, all abstracts and Proceedings papers will be reviewed by the Conference Chairs for technical merit and content. Poster Presentation: Interactive poster sessions will be scheduled. All conference chairs encourage authors to contribute papers with a technical content that lends itself well to the poster format. Please indicate your preference on the abstratc Oral Presentation: Each author is generally allowed 15 minutes plus a 5-minute discussion period. SPIE will provide the following media equipment free of charge: 35 mm carousel slide projectors, overhead projectors, and electric pointers. Additional equipment may be arranged by SPIE at the speaker's expense. Author Benefits: An author or co-author be accorded a reduced-rate registration fee. Included with fee payment are a copy of the Proceedings in which the author's paper appears, a complimentary one-year nonvoting membership in SPIE (if never before a member), and other special benefits. In North America: SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, USA Telephone 206-676-3290 (Pacific time), Telex 46-7053, Fax 206-647-1445, Opto-Link 206-733-2998, E-mail CompuServe 71630,2177 Shipping Address: 1000 20th Street, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA In Europe: Xantener Strasse 22, D 1000 Berlin 15, FR Germany Telephone 49-30-881-5047, Fax 49-30-882-2028, Telex 181 479 speco d In the Far East, c/o O.T.O. Research Corporation, Takeuchi Building, Australia, and 1-34-12 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan New Zealand: Telephone 03/3208-7821, Fax 03/3200-2889, Telex 232 4119 otores j ======================================================================== Dr A.D. Marshall Department of Computing Mathematics University of Cardiff E-Mail: PO Box 916, Phone: +44-222 874000 x5318 CARDIFF CF2 4YN, Phone: " " 874812 Wales, UK. Fax: " " 666182 ========================================================================