Call for Papers/Second Announcement INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MASSIVELY PARALLEL PROCESSING APPLICATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT June 21-23 1994 This International Conference is organized on behalf of the Federation of European Simulation Societies (EUROSIM) by the Dutch Benelux Simulation Society (DBSS) in cooperation with the main sponsor AKZO. The conference is hosted by the Delft University of Technology. Location: Delft University of Technology, Aula Conference Centre, Mekelweg 5, Delft, The Netherlands In the EUROSIM 1994 International Conference the state-of-the-art of MPP technology with emphasis on industrial applications will be focused on: * massively parallel applications * programming of MPP computers * architecture of MPP computers * parallel algorithmics Call for Papers Participants are requested to submit papers on the following topics: Applications Methods and Techniques . industry . simulation of MPP applications . business . modelling of MPP applications . economics . programming models for MPP computers . ecology . architecture of MPP computers . energy systems . parallel programming tools . meteorology . parallelization of sequential . seismics programs and algorithms . fluid dynamics . others . data base processing . others Guidelines for abstracts Abstracts consisting of two pages (maximum) must be printed on white A4 (210*297 mm) paper in a 140*240 mm frame. Abstracts must contain: . title . authors . full address, telephone, fax number, E-mail address . introduction . ................... . results . discussion . conclusions The original and five copies must be sent to the Conference Bureau. We also ask you to put your abstract on a floppy disk (Format Word Perfect 4.2/5.1) and send it to us before September 1, 1993. Important Notice Only original papers which have not previously been published elsewhe- re will be accepted. Full papers will be refereed. Only papers that have been presented will be included in the Conference Proceedings. A book of abstracts will be available at the conference, no preprints. Keydates . September 1, 1993 Deadline for submission of abstracts . November 1, 1993 Information to authors about acceptance of abstracts Registration Fee Early registration before April 1, 1994 Dfl. 750,- Late registration after April 1, 1994 Dfl. 900,- Young Scientists Fee Early registration before April 1, 1994 Dfl. 450,- Late registration after April 1, 1994 Dfl. 550,- Please return the reply card to: Delft University of Technology Aula Conference Centre, Conference Bureau EUROSIM P.O. Box 5020 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands Telephone +31 15 788022 Telefax +31 15 786755 E-mail: Reply Card International Conference Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development 21-23 June 1994 _______________________________________________________________ Surname:............................... Title:......... Mr./Mrs. First Names:................................................... Company/University............................................. Address........................................................ ZIP code/city.................................................. Country........................................................ Telephone....................... Telefax....................... E-mail:........................................................ Your special fields of interest for this conference: o I intend to submit an abstract, provisional title: ............................................................. Related to the following topic(s): ............................................................. o I am planning to attend o I wish to receive further information o I am interested to take part in the exhibition o Other important matters in relation to the conference ......................................................