***************************************************************************** 37th MIDWEST SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Lafayette Hilton and Towers, Lafayette, Louisiana August 3-5, 1994 CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE SPECIAL SESSION ON THE EVALUATION OF NEURAL NETWORKS VS. CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS ***************************************************************************** The 1994 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems is organized by the Center for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana. The symposium is devoted to all aspects of theory, design, and applications of circuits and systems. Emphasis is on current and future challenges in these areas as well as their interdisciplinary impact. Topics may include but are not limited to: + Analog/Digital Circuit Design + Digital Signal Processing + Control Systems & Robotics + Microwave Circuits + Nonlinear Circuits & Systems + Analog/Digital VLSI Design + Power Electronics & Systems + Analog and Digital Filter Design + Neural Networks + Image Processing + Fuzzy Logic + Communication Circuits + Solid State Circuits + Computer Networks + Expert Systems + Fault Analysis + Computer Aided Design + Petri Nets + Biomedical Applications + Military Applications + Space Applications + Automotive Applications + Intelligent Systems + Manufacturing + System Integration & + Multimedia Prototyping The special session on the evaluation of neural networks vs. conventional computing system is mainly directed (but not limited): - to identify and discuss the figures of merit that can be used to evaluate cost and performances of the neural networks, - to explore the limits and the advantages of the neural computation with respect to the conventional algorithmic approach, - to provide criteria for choosing among neural systems and for selecting a neural system vs. a conventional computing architecture. Authors interested in this special session are invited to send a one-page summary (by fax or e-mail) to the Session Program Chair by February 28, 1994. An extended summary (at least 4 pages plus figures) or the full paper must be sent (fax and e-mail latex submissions are accepted) to the Session Program Chair by March 28, 1994. Notification of acceptance or rejection and author kits will be sent by April 15, 1994. Session Program Chair for the special session on the evaluation of neural networks vs. conventional system Vincenzo Piuri Department of Electronics and Information Politecnico di Milano piazza L. da Vinci 32 I-20133 Milano, Italy phone no. +39-2-2399-3606 secretariat no. +39-2-2399-3623 fax no. +39-2-2399-3411 e-mail piuri@ipmel2.elet.polimi.it ***************************************************************************** General Chair: Registration: Magdy A. Bayoumi Cathy Pomier The Center for Advanced The Center for Advanced Computer Studies, USL Computer Studies, USL email: mab@cacs.usl.edu email: cathy@cacs.usl.edu Technical Program Chair: Technical Program Co-Chair: W. Ken Jenkins Hussein Baher Coordinated Science Lab Electrical Engineering Dept. University of Illinois KFU of Petroleum and Minerals email: jenkins@uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu Special Sessions Chair: Proceedings: Dolores Etter Nian-Feng Tzeng Department of Electrical Engg. The Center for Advanced University of Colorado Computer Studies email: etter@boulder.colorado.edu email: tzeng@cacs.usl.edu *****************************************************************************