PDCS'94 CALL FOR PAPERS SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS October 6 -- 8, 1994 Las Vegas, Nevada Sponsored by ISCA, in cooperation with IEEE and the National Supercomputing Center For Energy and the Environment The objective of this conference is to provide an effective forum for original and fundamental advances in parallel and distributed systems and to foster communication among researchers and practioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving parallel and distributed computing systems. Therefore the topics that will be addressed include, but are not limited to: - Theory of Parallel/Distributed Computing - Software Tools and Environments - Heterogeneous and Multidatabase Systems - Perforamnce Modeling \& Evaluation - Multicomputers and Distributed Processing - Parallel Architectures - Languages, Compilers and Operating Systems - Interconnection Networks - Distributed System Services and Management - VLSI Implementations - Distributed Applications and Cooperative Work - Reliability and Fault Tolerance - Parallel/Distributed Algorithms & Implementations - Parallel/Distributed Databases Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers. Papers that may be submitted for consideration include those that have not previously been published in another forum, or are not currently being published or reviewed by another journal or conference. All submitted papers will be be refereed for quality, correctness, originality and relevance. The program The program committee reserves the right to accept a submission as long, short or poster presentation. Of particular interest are papers which address epxeriences with concrete distributed systems and applications. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors will be interested to know that special issues of journals containing outstanding papers from the conference are being planned. Manuscripts should include an abstract and be limited to 5000 words. Papers longer than 5000 words may not be considered for evaluation. Submissions should include the title, author(s), author's affiliation, e-mail address, fax number and postal address. In case of multiple authors , an indication of which author is responsible for correspondence and preparing the camera ready paper for the proceedings should also be included. FIVE copies of the manuscript should be submitted by Friday, April 1, 1994 to Dr. Kia Makki, the Program Co Chair: Professor Kia Makki c/o Ms Chris Nienaber National Supercomputing Center For Energy and the Environment 4505 Maryland Parkway Box 454028 Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4028 kia@unlv.edu Tel: (702) 895-4024. Fax:(702) 895-4156 IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: April 1, 1994 Notification of acceptance: July 1, 1994 Camera ready papers due: August 5, 1994 Conference date: October 6, 1994 Selected extended version of the papers will be rereviewed for publication in the special issues of some Journals. Workshops and Tutorials: Proposals are solicited for organizing half-day workshops and for full or half day tutorials that will be held on the last day of the conference. Please send your proposal by April 1, 1994 to the conference coordinator Dr. Niki Pissinou at the above address. For more information about the conference (as opposed to paper submissions) please send e-mail to pdcs94@nye.nscee.edu or access it via anonymous ftp to nye.nscee.edu (/PUB/PDCS94). General Chairs: S. Akl, Queens Univ. M. Atallah, Purdue Univ. Program Chairs: K. Makki, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas H. Soliman, New Mex. Tech Program Vice Chairs: B. Bhargava, Purdue Univ. T. Fergany, Univ. of New Heaven E.K. Park, United State Naval Academy N. Pissinou, CACS/Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana Yelena Yesha, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore/NIST Yaacov Yesha, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore Program Committee: N. Adams, Rutgers Univ. D. Agrawal, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara D.P. Agrawal, North Carolina State Univ. M. Bayoumi, CACS/Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana S.K. Das, Univ. of North Texas T. El-Ghazawi, George Washington Univ. A. Elmaghraby, Univ. of Louisville D. Fernandez-Baca, Iowa State Univ. K. Humenik, Indiana Unv., South Bend A.R. Hurson, Penn State O. Ibarra, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara S. S. Iyengar, Louisiana State Univ. A. Kumar, Univ. of Louisville L. Larmore, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas V. Li, University of Southern California M. T. Liu, Ohio State Univ. C. Martel, Univ. of California, Davis R. Melhem, Univ. of Pittsburgh M. Mulder, CACS/Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana S. Pakzad, Penn State H. Pham, Rutgers Univ. M. Quinn, Oregon State Univ. M. Raynal, INRIA, France S. Sahni, University of Florida B. Shirazi, Univ. of Texas, Arlington H. Sholl, Univ. of Connecticut F. Sibai, Univ. of Akron M. Singhal, Ohio State Univ. I. Song, Drexel Univ. P. Srimani, Colorado State Univ. S. Su, Univ. of Florida T. Suda, Univ. of California, Irvine N.F. Tzeng, CACS/Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana S.Q. Zheng, Louisiana State Univ. W. Zhao, Texas A & M Univ. K. Valavanis, CACS/Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana P. Valduriez, INRIA, France C.L. Wu, Univ. of Texas, Austin Publicity Chair: R. Ammar, Univ. of Connecticut Workshop Chair: S. Busovaca, California State Univ. Sacramento Local Arrang. Chairs: B. Nassersharif, National Supercomputing Center (NSCEE) E. Salehi, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas