INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION THE THIRD PARALLEL PROBLEM SOLVING FROM NATURE (PPSN III) JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, OCTOBER 9-14, 1994 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Y. Davidor H.-P. Schwefel R. Maenner Conference Chair Programme Co-Chair Programme Co-Chair C/O Ortra Ltd. Universitaet Dortmund Universitaet Mannheim P.O. Box 50432 Lehrstuhl Informatik XI Lehrstuhl fuer Informatik V Tel Aviv 61500, D-44221 Dortmund, W-6800 Mannheim 1, Israel Germany Germany Tel.: +972-3-664 825 Tel.: +49-231-755 4590 Tel.: +49-621-292 5758 Fax: +972-3-660 952 Fax: +49-231-755 2450 Fax: +49-621-292 5756 schwefel@LS11.informatik. maenner@mp-sun1.informatik. PPSN STEERING COMMITTEE: Y. Davidor (Israel) B. Manderick (The Netherlands) K. De Jong (USA) H. Muhlenbein (Germany) H. Kitano (Japan) H.-P. Schwefel (Germany) R. Maenner (Germany) The International Conference on Evolutionary Computation - The Third Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN III) will be held in Jerusalem, Israel between 9-14 October, 1994. This meeting will bring together an international community from academia, government and industry interested in algorithms suggested by the unifying theme of natural computation. Natural computation is a common name for the design, theoretical and empirical understanding of algorithms gleaned from nature. Characteristic for natural computation is the metaphorical use of concepts, principles and mechanisms underlying natural systems. Examples are genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming and evolution strategies inspired by the evolutionary processes of mutation, recombination, and natural selection in biology, simulated annealing inspired by many-particle systems in physics, and algorithms inspired by multi-cellular systems like neural and immune networks. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, genetic algorithms and classifier systems, other forms of evolutionary computation, simulated annealing, neural and immune networks, machine learning and optimization using these methods, their relations to other learning paradigms, and mathematical description of their behaviour. The conference programme committee will particularly welcome application papers dealing with these techniques to solve real problems in manufacturing, design, planning and engineering providing these are of the highest level. The application type of papers should either exhibit outstanding performance in solving particular problems in contrast to other techniques or address real problems of significant and unique importance to science. 5 hard copies of original work in the related topics typed in 12pt single column and maximal length of 10 pages including all figures and references should be sent to H.-P. Schwefel, programme co-chair by March 1, 1994. One copy should contain the names of the authors, affiliation, and full addresses. The remaining 4 copies should be anonymous and contain only the title and body of paper including figures and references. This procedure is adopted to enhance anonymous peer review. The conference will be held in a kibbutz 10 minutes from the Old City of Jerusalem on top of the Judean mountain range overlooking Bethlehem and Jerusalem. The conference programme will include visits to historical, religious and contemporary monuments in Israel. IMPORTANT DATES: March 1, 1994 - Submission of full paper May 30, 1994 - Notification to authors July 1, 1994 - Submission of revised, final camera ready papers GENERAL INFORMATION Venue The conference will be held at the Mitzpeh Rachel Kibbutz Congress Center on the southern outskirts of Jerusalem, overlooking Bethlehem. A swimming pool and tennis courts are on the premises and there is easy access by public transportation to the center of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is an excellent location for an international convention. Just 40 minutes from the Ben Gurion International Airport, Jerusalem offers a variety of cultural and religious experiences that link its historic past to its dynamic present. History will come alive as you discover the shrines of the world's great religions, stroll around the walls of the Old City, visit the reconstructed city's main streets, and enjoy the extensive collections in Jerusalem's numerous museums that house amongst its treasures, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Billy Rose sculpture garden, archaeological finds, calligraphy and other works of art. As the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, and as one of Islam's holy cities, Jerusalem is a captivating, uniquely significant city to millions of people throughout the world. The conference will offer participants an opportunity to combine a scientific gathering with the natural beauty of a country that enjoys a pleasant Mediterranean climate and a unique city, Jerusalem. Language The official language of the conference is English. All lectures, posters and printed material will be in English. Climate The weather in October in Jerusalem is sunny and mild during the day. The temperature is cooler in the evenings. Some rain may be expected, but not very likely. Clothing Informal for all occasions. Do not forget to pack a swimsuit, head covering, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. A jacket or sweater is recommended for evenings. Visas Participants from most countries do not require entry visas. If needed, visas will be granted to all bona fide participants provided that application to the local representative of Israel is made at least three months before arrival in Israel. Social Program A special program and excursions are planned for the participants of the conference and their accompanying persons. Second Announcement Further information and the second announcement will be mailed upon request. Please advise your colleagues who may be interested in participating in the conference. Travel, Tours and Accommodation The conference committee has appointed Ortra Ltd. as the official organizer and travel agent of the conference. Rooms have been reserved at the Mitzpeh Rachel hotel (conference venue). Ortra Ltd. will offer pre/post conference tourist services. Further information will be published in the second announcement. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR INTENTION FORM NO LATER THAN JANUARY 10, 1994 ========================================================================== CUT HERE ========================================================================== INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION The Third Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN III) Jerusalem, Israel, October 9-14, 1994 (Please return to Ortra Ltd., P.O.Box 50432, Tel-Aviv 61500, Israel or by Fax to 972-3-660952) INTENTION FORM Surname: First Name: Institution: Address: []Institution []Home (please indicate) e-mail: Fax. No. [] I intend to participate in the conference. [] Please send me the second announcement. [] I wish to present a paper on: [] Please find attached names and addresses of colleagues who may be interested in attending the conference. Signature: Date: