WORLD CONGRESS ON NEURAL NETWORKS - WCNN '93 1993 ANNUAL MEETING of the INTERNATIONAL NEURAL NETWORK SOCIETY (INNS) Oregon Convention Center - Portland, Oregon, USA July 11 - July 15, 1993 COOPERATING SOCIETIES: American Association for Artificial Intelligence American Mathematical Society American Physical Society American Psychological Society Association for Behavioral Analysis Classification Society of North America Cognitive Science Society European Neural Network Society International Fuzzy Systems Association IEEE Computer Society IEEE Neural Networks Council Japanese Neural Network Society Optical Society of America Society for Manufacturing Engineers Society for Mathematical Biology Society for Mathematical Psychology Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Below are listed 71 tutorial, plenary, and invited speakers; the oral sessions; the registration form; and additional information. The program will offer 500 contributed oral and poster presentations on all topics of the oral sessions, as well as Special Interest Group meetings, receptions, and related meeting services. PROGRAM SCHEDULE SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1993 TUTORIAL SESSIONS 8 AM-5 PM A. COGNITIVE SCIENCE - Robert Desimone, 8-10 AM and 10 AM-12 PM B. STRUCTURAL AND MATHEMATICAL APPROACHES TO SIGNAL PROCESSING - S.Y. Kung, 10 AM-12 PM and 3-5 PM C. ADAPTIVE RESONANCE THEORY - Gail Carpenter, 8-10 AM and 1-3 PM D. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORK THEORY - Robert Hecht-Nielsen, 8-10 AM and 10 AM-12 PM E. COGNITIVE SCIENCE - David Rumelhart, 10 AM-12 PM F. NEURAL FUZZY SYSTEMS - Fred Watkins, 1-3 PM and 3-5 PM G. NEUROBIOLOGY AND CHAOS - Walter Freeman, 10 AM-12 PM and 3-5 PM H. NEURAL CONTROL AND ROBOTICS - Michael Kuperstein, 1-3 PM and 3-5 PM I. NEURAL COMPUTATION AND VLSI - Eric Schwartz, 10 AM-12 PM and 1-3 PM J. BIOLOGICAL VISION - V.S. Ramachandran, 8-10 AM and 1-3 PM K. SUPERVISED LEARNING - Hal White, 8-10 AM and 1-3 PM 5-6 PM RECEPTION 6-7 PM OPENING CEREMONY 7-8 PM PLENARY -Wolf Singer, "Coherence as an Organizing Principle of Cortical Function" MONDAY, JULY 12, 1993 8 AM-12:10 PM BIOLOGICAL VISION -Robert Sekuler, "Making Sense of a Thousand Points of Light: Feats Performed by the Biological Motion System" -Ennio Mingolla, "Neural Dynamics of First and Second Order Motion Detection by Transient Mechanisms" APPLICATIONS -Judith Dayhoff, "Temporal and Molecular Structures in Neural Systems" -Robert Hecht-Nielsen, "Data Neutronium Optimal Coordinate Systems for Data Manifolds" 1:30-5:40 PM INTELLIGENT NEURAL SYSTEMS -Daniel S. Levine, "A Gated Dipole Architecture for Multi-Drive, Multi-Attribute Decision Making" -Stephen Grossberg, "Learning, Recognition, Reinforcement, Attention, and Timing in a Thalamo-Cortico-Hippocampal Model" NEURAL FUZZY SYSTEMS -Walter C. Daugherty, "A Partially Self-Training System for the Protein Folding Problem" -Rod Taber, "Coding the Fuzzy Cognitive Map as a Rule Base" 6-8 PM PLENARIES -Bart Kosko, "Neural Fuzzy Systems" -Kumpati Narendra, "Intelligent Control Using Neural Networks" SOCIETY FOR MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM ON NEURAL NETWORKS IN MANUFACTURING, 8 AM-5 PM 8-10 AM OVERVIEW - Bernard Widrow, "Neural Controls" - Ken Marko, "Neural Networks in Manufacturing" 10:30 AM-12:30 PM NEURAL NETWORK APPLICATIONS TO MANUFACTURING - Lee Feldkamp, "Neural Network Approaches to Process Control - The Bioreactor Benchmark Problem" - Andrew Moore, "Memory Based Algorithms for Learning Control: Some Real World Cases" - Jerry Maiers, "Fuzzy Applications in Manufacturing - Case Studies" - Zhibong Zhang and Dazong Wang, "Estimating Subjective Ratings of Vehicle Control Systems from Physical Data Using A Neural Network" 1:30-3:30 PM NEURAL NETWORKS FOR PROCESS CONTROL - Tariq Samad, "Neurocontrol for Industrial Processes: A Perspective" - William Staib, "The Intelligent Arc Furnace (TM): Neural Networks Revolutionize Steelmaking" - Jim Keeler, "Predicting and Controlling Chaotic Chemical Reactions with Neural Network Models" - Karlene A. Kosanovich and Lichael J. Piovoso, "Neural Networks for Chemical Process Control - An Overview with Examples" - Dejan Sobajic, "Intelligent Pid Scheduling for Stabilization of Power System Transients" 4-6 PM NEURAL NET INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING - Hilmi Al'Kamhawi and Steven Le Clair, "Memory Driven Design" - Steven Ruegsegger, "Intelligent Planning for Computer-Controlled Inspection" - Ronald Cass, Kambiz Komelyi, and Stephen Gregory, "Neural Network Systems for Modeling in Product Design" - Scott Smith, Richard Escobedo, and Thomas Caudell, "An Industrial Strength Neural Network Application" TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1993 8 AM-12:10 PM COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE -Michael I. Posner, "Tracing Network Processes in Real Time with Scalp Electrodes" -Paul Gochin, "Modeling the Representation of Shape in the Primate Visual System" ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY -James A. Anderson, "Programming an Associative Memory" -J.G. Taylor, "Forms of Memory" 1:30-5:40 PM APPLICATIONS UNSUPERVISED LEARNING -Gail A. Carpenter, "Distributed Outstar Learning and the Rules of Synaptic Transmission" -Erkki Oja, "Nonlinear PCA: Algorithms and Applications" LOCAL CIRCUIT NEUROBIOLOGY -Thomas P. Vogl, "From Electrophysiology to a Stable Associative Learning Algorithm" -James C. Houk, "Spatiotemporal Patterns of Activity in an In Vitro Recurrent Network" 6-8 PM PLENARIES -Stephen Grossberg, "3D Vision and Figure-Ground Pop-Out" -Federico Faggin, "Solving Problems with Neural Networks" INTERNATIONAL FUZZY SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION SYMPOSIUM ON FUZZY LOGIC, 1:30-5 PM -1:30-2 PM Lotfi Zadeh, "Soft Computing, Fuzzy Logic, and the Calculus of Fuzzy Graphs" -2-2:30 PM Ronald Yager, "Toward a Unified Approach to Aggregation in Fuzzy and Neural Systems" -2:30-3 PM Paul Werbos, "Elastic Fuzzy Logic: A Better Way to Combine Neural and Fuzzy Capabilities" -3-3:30 PM George Klir, "On Measures of Conflict Among Set-Valued Statements" -4-4:30 PM Hideyuki Takagi, "Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Techniques for Fuzzy Systems" -4:30-5 PM John Yen, "Design Issues of Reinforcement-Based Self Learning Fuzzy Control" WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1993 8 AM-12:10 PM SPEECH AND LANGUAGE -Michael A. Cohen, "Recent Results in Neural Models of Speech and Language Perception and Recognition" -Harold Szu, "Spatiotemporal Chaos Information Processing in Neural Networks" ROBOTICS AND CONTROL -Michael Kuperstein, "Neural Networks that Create their Own Goals with Growth Cycles" -Allen Waxman, "Rats, Robots, Monkeys and Dogs: Neural Pathways in Robot Intelligence" SUPERVISED LEARNING I -Paul J. Werbos, "Supervised Learning: Can We Escape from its Local Optimum?" -Michael P. Perrone, "Learning from What's Been Learned: Supervised Learning in Multi-Neural Network Systems" 1:30-5:40 PM MACHINE VISION -Rama Chellappa, "Neural Networks for Image Understanding" -Kunihiko Fukushima, "Improvement of the Neocognitron and the Selective Attention Model" SUPERVISED LEARNING II 5:45-7 PM RECEPTION 7-8 PM GOVERNMENT PANEL 8-9 PM SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP SESSIONS - Automatic Target Recognition - Hybrid Intelligence - Mental Function and Dysfunction - Others to be announced THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1993 8 AM-12:10 PM BIOLOGICAL SENSORY-MOTOR CONTROL -Mitsuo Kawato, "Existence of Inverse Dynamics Model in the Cerebellum" -Armin Fuchs, "Formation in the Human Brain During Qualitative Changes in Sensorimotor Coordination" PATTERN RECOGNITION -Teuvo Kohonen, "Boosting the Computing Power in Pattern Recognition by Unconventional Architectures" -Hussein Youssef, "Comparison of Several Neural Networks in Nonlinear Dynamic System Modeling" NEURODYNAMICS -Shuji Yoshizawa, "Dynamics and Capacity of Neural Models of Associative Memory" -Walter J. Freeman, "Chaos in the Brain: Possible Roles in Biological Intelligence" 1:30-5:40 PM SIGNAL PROCESSING -S.Y. Kung, "On Training Temporal Neural Networks" -Bernard Widrow, "Adaptive Signal Processing" ELECTRO-OPTICAL NEUROCOMPUTERS -Nabil H. Farhat, "Dense Bifurcating Neuron Arrays Employing Electron Trapping Materials" -Dan Hammerstrom, "Whither Electronic Neurocomputing?" ------------------------------------------------------ WCNN '93 REGISTRATION FORM Before 6/15/93 After 6/15/93 Fee Enclosed INNS or cooperating society member US$270 US$350 US$ ________ Society ___________________________ Society member # _______________ Non-members US$370 US$450 US$ ________ Full-Time Student** US$75 US$95 US$ ________ Spouse/Guest US$60 US$70 US$ ________ (2 receptions ONLY) TUTORIAL REGISTRATION Members or non-members US$295 US$345 US$ ________ Students** US$75 US$95 US$ ________ TOTAL: ____________ ** Student registration must be accompanied by a letter of verification from department chairman. ____________________________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________________________________ (As you would like it to appear on badge) Title: ____________________ Organization: _____________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: ___________________ State/Province: _____________________ Zip: __________________ Country: ______________________________ Business Telephone: _______________________ Fax: ______________________ Please indicate any disability which will require special assistance: _______________________________________________________________________ Checks must be made payable in US Dollars and issued by a US correspondent bank. Each registrant is responsible for any bank charges. Check with your local bank before processing payment. Credit card information: _____ I wish to pay my fees by credit card. _____ Visa _____ MasterCard Account #: ______________________________ Expiration Date: __________ Complete and return this form with FULL PAYMENT to: Attention: WCNN '93 Portland Meeting Registration 875 Kings Highway, Suite 200 West Deptford NJ 08096 USA THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS FOR CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION AFTER June 1, 1993. Contact Connie Rebert, Registration Supervisor at 609-845-1720. For more information on WCNN 1993 contact the INNS offices, 1250 24th Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20037 USA at 202-466-4667 (telephone) or 202-466-2888 (fax). Please do not reply to this account.