Anderson, Laurie - videos Anderson, Laurie. Alive From Off-Center, Program #101. Produced by Tom Adair and Melinda Ward. 28 min. St. Paul: Twin Cities Public Television and Walker Art Center, 1985. Videocassette. Anderson, Laurie. Collected Videos. Written and Produced by Laurie Anderson. 55 min. Warner Reprise Video, 1990. Videocassette. Anderson, Laurie. Our Pleasure to Serve You: A Public Service Announcement from Laurie Anderson. 3 min. Video Data Bank, 1990. Videocassette. Anderson, Laurie. Two Moon July. Produced by Carlota Schoolman. 57 min. Pacific Arts Video/Image Entertainment, 1986. Videodisc. Anderson, Laurie. Laurie Anderson. Interviewed by Steven Poser. 28 min. Chicago: Video Data Bank, 1980. Videocassette. Anderson, Laurie. SIGGRAPH Video Review: Issues 14 and 15. 129 min. Baltimore: ACM, 1984. Videocassette. Anderson, Laurie. Language of Love. Video by Jamie Charles. 5 min. Valencia: California Institute of the Arts, 1985. Videocassette. Anderson, Laurie. Empty Places. Directed by Perry Hoberman. Brooklyn Academy of Music Next Wave Festival, 1989. Videocassette. Anderson, Laurie. Examples of the Work of Laurie Anderson. New York: Visual Resources, 1982. 8 slides. Various Artists. The Open Door: Macintosh, MIDI, and Music. 9 min., 31 sec. Cupertino, California: Apple Computer, 1988. Videocassette.