Crumb, George - dissertations and theses Bass, Richard. "Pitch Structure in George Crumb's Makrocosmos Volumes I and II." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1987. Chun, Young. "The Extension of Piano Technique in Compositions by George Crumb for Solo Piano." DMA Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin- Madison, 1982. DeBaise, Joseph. "George Crumb's Music for a Summer Evening, a Comprehensive Analysis." Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Rochester, The Eastman School of Music, 1982. Dobay, Thomas. "Small-Scale Structural Principles in the Chamber Music of George Crumb." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1979. __________ . "Harmonis Matter and Usages of the Lorca Cycle by George Crumb." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1982. Faulkner, Susan. "An Analysis of George Crumb's Makrocosmos II and its Relationship to Makrokosmos I and III." DMA Dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 1980. Fry, Johnathan. "New Musical Notation: a Bibliography." Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, 1977. From the author's summary: "This bibliography deals with the writings on new symbols as they are used by composers today and the allied subjects of interpretation, inadequacies in traditional notation, reform and new systems." This paper does not include ethnomusicological, computer, or analytical notations." Houston, Robert. "Contemporary Analysis of Selected keybaord Compositions of Chopin, Brahms, and Franck as Translated by Clair Omar Musser, Earl Hatch, and Frank MacCallum together with Three Recital Works by Bartok, Crumb, Myoshi, Kraft, and Others." DMA Dissertation, North Texas State University, 1980. Matthews, Neil. "George Crumb's Makrocosmos Volumes I and II; Considerations for Performance, Including Observations by David Burge, Robert Miller, and Lambert Orkis." DMA Dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 1981. McGee, William. "Textural and Timbre as Formal Determinants in Selected Music of George Crumb." Master's Thesis, University of Arizona, 1979. __________ . "An Expanded Concept of Timbre and its Structural Significance with a timbral Analysis of George Crumb's Night of Four Moons." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, 1982. Ott, David. "The Role of Texture and Timbre in the Music of George Crumb." Doctoral Dissertation, University of Kentucky, 1983. Reuter, Rocky. "Part I: Evocation as a Compositional Device, Part II: Concerto for Chamber Orchestra (Original Composition)." DMA Composition, Ohio State University, 1986. Rouse, Christopher. "The Music of George Crumb: Stulistic Metamorphosis as Reflected in the Lorca Cycle." DMA Composition, Cornell University, 1977. Sams, Carol Lee. "Solo writing in Selected Works of Berio, Crumb and Rochberg." DMA Dissertation, University of Washington, 1975. Schultz, Donna. "Set Theory and its Application to Compositions by Five 20th Century Composers." Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1979. Shuffett, Robert. "The Music, 1971-75, of George Crumb: A Stylistic Analysis." DMA Dissertation, Peabody Conservatory, 1979. Simoni, Mary. "Computer Analysis of Atonal Music: An Application Program Using Set Theory." Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1983. Synnestvedt, Peter. "A Study of Three Contemporary American Works for Orchestra (Bassett, Crumb, and Schuller)." DMA Dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 1987. Takenouchi, Aleksei. "Numbers and Proportions in George Crumb's Solo Piano Compositions." DMA Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1987. 4/93