Gottschalk, Louis Moreau - periodical articles Arias, Enrique Alberto. "Latin American Piano Music," Clavier 30.2 (1991): 20+. Barbacci, Rodolfo. "Actividades de L.M. Gottschalk en el Peru (1865-1866)," Revista de Estudios Musicales 2.5-6 (December 1950- April 1951), 343-50. Bolling, Ernest L. "Our First Musical Ambassador, Louis Moreau Gottschalk," Etude 50.2 (February 1932): 97-98, 142. Brockett, Clyde Waring. "An Influential American in Paris," The Sonneck Society Bulletin for American Music 15.1 (1989): 3-4. Brockett, Clyde Waring. "Gottschalk in Madrid: A Tale of Ten Pianos," Musical Quarterly 75.3 (1991): 279+. Brockett, Clyde Waring. "Louis Moreau Gottschalk and His 'Morte!! (She is Dead) Lamentation'," American Music 8.1 (1990): 29-53. Darrell, Robert D. "An Early Pan-American Exhumed," Musical Mercury 1.1 (January-February 1934): 18-21. Doyle, John Godfrey. Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 1829-1869: A Bibliographical Study and Catalog of Works. The College Music Society Bibliographies in American Music, eds. J. Bunker Clark and Marilyn S. Clark, no. 7. Detroit: Information Coordinators, 1983. [Provides a complete listing of periodical articles on Gottschalk to 1983]. Espadero, Nicol s Ruiz, et al. "El Centenario Luis Moreau Gottschalk," Revista Bimestre Cubano 26 (November-December 1930): 254-63. Fisher, William Arms. "Louis Moreau Gottschalk, The First American Pianist and Composer: A Life Sketch," Musician 13.10 (1908): 437-38, 466. Howard, John Tasker. "Louis Moreau Gottschalk, As Portrayed By Himself," Musical Quarterly 18.1 (January 1932): 120-33. Jackson, Richard H. "More Notes of a Pianist: A Gottschalk Collection Surveyed and a Scandal Revisited," Notes 46.2 (1989): 352-75. Korf, William E. "Gottschalk's One-Act Opera Scene, 'Escenas campestres'", Current Musicology 26 (Fall 1978); 62-73. Lindstrom, Carl E. "The American Quality in the Music of Louis Moreau Gottschalk," Musical Quarterly 31.3 (July 1945): 356-66. Mann, Brian Richard. "A Gottschalk Letter at Vassar College," Sonneck Society Bulletin for American Music 18.1 (1992): 5-7. Mathews, William Smythe Babcock. "Gottschalk, A Successful American Composer," Music 2.2 (June 1892): 117-32. Offergeld, Robert. "Louis Moreau Gottschalk," HiFi/Stereo Review 21.3 (September 1968): 53-67. Offergeld, Robert. "More on the Gottschalk-Ives Connection," Institute for Studies in American Music Newsletter 15.2 (May 1986): 1-13. Offergeld, Robert. "Music of the Presidents," Stereo Review 21.5 (November 1968): 53-67. Pasarell, Emilio J. "El Centenario de los Conciertos de Adelina Patti y Luis Moreau Gottschalk en Puerto Rico," Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorrique¤a 2.3 (January-March 1959): 52- 55. Rubin, Libby Antarsh. "Louis Moreau Gottschalk and the 1860-1861 Opera Season in Cuba," Inter-American Music Bulletin 78 (July- October 1971); 1-7. Stevenson, Robert Murrell. "Gottschalk Programs Wagner," Inter- American Music Review 5.2 (February 1983): 89-94. Swayne, Egbert. "Gottschalk: The First American Pianist," Music 18.6 (October 1900): 519-29. Thompson, Donald. "Gottschalk in the Virgin Islands," Anuario- Yearbook of Inter-American Musical Research 6 (1970): 95-103. 3/93