NPR (TM) ALBUM REVIEWS FROM WUNC RADIO 2/19 - 2/25/96 February 19, 1996: An obituary for Blues great Walter Brownie McGhee. February 20, 1996: Folk singer David Olney is discussed by commentator Ann Williams. His third album is "High, Wide, and Lonesome" (Philo Records 1177). February 21, 1996: Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment marked her 121st birthday and has a new release "La Farandol". February 21, 1996: An obituary for composer Morton Gould. February 22, 1996: Classical guitarist Sherri Rottersman spoke with Robert Siegel about her first CD and her encounters with Andres Segovia and Joaquin Rodrigo. Title and label not available. February 23, 1996: Singer Bonnie Raitt spoke with Bob Edwards about her career and the release of her first "live" album: "Road Tested" (Capitol CDP 7243 8 33705 2). February 23, 1996: Opera singer Cecilia Bartoli spoke with Robert Siegel about her debut at the Metropolitan Opera in "Cosi Fan Tutte" as Despina.. February 24, 1996: A profile of the Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir. Their CDs, including "Jubilation" and "Highway to Heaven" are available through Justin Time records, Montreal. February 25, 1996: A profile of Rose Maddox, the grandmother of rockabilly music whose latest album is up for a Grammy. "$35 and a Dream" (009629704282 -- 1994) and "Rose Maddox Sings Bluegrass" (072438351602 -- 1996) are her most recent releases. Albums profiled on Fresh Air with host Terry Gross: February 20, 1996: "Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou" by Elizabeth McAlister (Smithsonian Folkways). "Jack-In-The-Pulpit" by Dennis Brennan (Upstart Records 001167180162). February 22, 1996: Milo Miles commented on the disbanding of the Ramones. Album Lists are now available on the internet via anonymous ftp ( and by gopher (gopher under the NEWS! then Books from WUNC Radio option). This text is Copyright (c) 1996 by WUNC Radio (WUNCRADIO@UNC.EDU) and Erika Grams (compiler). All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted by the copyright holder to distribute this file electronically or otherwise in full as long as attribution is made.