This list reflects the programming of WUNC Radio: All Things Considered, Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation, Weekend Edition Saturday and Sunday, Fresh Air, Monitor Radio Early Edition, The People's Pharmacy and Soundings. NPR (TM) ALBUM REVIEWS FROM WUNC RADIO 4/29 - 5/5 1996 April 29, 1996: Dean Olsher spoke to Artie Shaw about his previous life as a musician and current life as a novelist and short story writer. May 1, 1996: Hardanger fiddler Loretta Kelley spoke to Robert Siegel about the instrument and her teacher Norwegian Knut Buen. Buen has a new album out: "Quick as Fire" (Henry Street Records 071213600022). May 4, 1996: A remembrance for country singer Patsy Montana who died on Friday. May 5, 1996: The vocal trio Kavkasia spoke with Liane Hansen and performed some of their music. Their CD is "Songs of the Caucasus" (Well-Tempered World WTP 5178). Albums on Monitor Radio (R): April 29, 1996: Host Steve Delaney talked with pianist and educator Virginia Eskin about music brought to light decades after it was composed in a Nazi concentration camp. May 2, 1996: Folk Singer Steve Gorman's new CD was reviewed: "Lonesome Prairie Love" (001166103592). Albums profiled on Fresh Air with host Terry Gross: April 30, 1996: French composer Michel Legrand is known for his film scores (such as for "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg"), some of which has been collected on the CD "Musique & Cinema" (Travelling, dist. by Auvidis, France). May 1, 1996: REVIEW by Rock Critic Ken Tucker: "Fairweather Johnson" by Hootie and the Blowfish (Atlantic 007567828862). May 3, 1996: An interview with songwriter, pianist and singer Dr. John aka Mac Rennback. COMING UP ON PERFORMANCE TODAY - APRIL 29 - MAY 6, 1996 Thursday, May 2 Hour 2--Martin and Ted Libbey make their weekly trip to the PT Basic Record Library to select three fine CD recordings of Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No. 3 in C major. FOR MORE PROGRAM INFORMATION, COME AND BROWSE PERFORMANCE TODAY'S WORLD WIDE WEB PAGE.... Album Lists are now available on the internet via anonymous ftp ( and by gopher (gopher under the NEWS! then Books from WUNC Radio option). This text is Copyright (c) 1996 by WUNC Radio (WUNCRADIO@UNC.EDU) and Erika Grams (compiler). All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted by the copyright holder to distribute this file electronically or otherwise in full as long as attribution is made.