------------------------- Abell GC, Matson LK, Steinmeyer RH, Bowman RC Jr, Oliver BM; Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 41 (1990) 1220. "Helium release from aged palladium tritide". ** Tritium decays by beta emission and forms He; so if you let PdT(x) stand, you accumulate He in the Pd. An interesting question for cold fusion people looking for He, where should they look for it? In the solution or gas outside the Pd, or inside? In other words, how fast does any He come out? These authors examine this and find that, for small He "loadings" (<0.5 He/Pd), the He is practically not released, and that temperatures exceeding 1300 K are needed to drive it out. Oct-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Aberdam D, Avenier M, Bagieu G, Bouchez J, Cavaignac JF, Collot J, Durand R, Faure R, Favier J, Kajfasz E, Koang DH, Lefievre B, Lesquoy E, Pessard H, Rouault A, Senateur JP, Stutz A, Weiss F; Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 1196. "Limits on neutron emission following deuterium absorption into palladium and titanium". ** This group has a new type of neutron detector which will detect any neutron with an energy > 1MeV and allows discrimination against Compton electron background. This was used in an underground lab, where the neutron background was a low 1.7 n/day. Both electrochemical and pressurization cold fusion experiments were done, closely following the example of FPH, Jones+ and De Ninno+. In some of the electrochemical runs, the currents were abruptly changed several times, to test for dynamical effects. Dynamical effects were also attempted with the gas absorption runs (up to 60 bars), by temperature changes between that of liquid N2 and 950 degC, both fast and slowly. In all cases, something like 1E-26 n/pair/s was measured as an upper limit, or a factor of 100 below Jones et al's results. No bursts were observed. Dec-89/Sep-90 ------------------------- Abriola D, Achterberg E, Davidson M, Debray M, Etchegoyen MC, Fazzini N, Niello JF, Ferrero AMJ, Filevich A, Galia MC, Garavaglia R, Garcia Bermudez G, Gettar RT, Gil S, Grahmann H, Huck H, Jech A, Kreiner AJ, Macchiavelli AO, Magallanes JF, Maqueda E, Marti G, Pacheco AJ, Percz ML, Pomar C, Ramirez M, Scassera M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 265 (1989) 355. "Examination of nuclear measurement conditions in cold fusion experiments". ** They find levels of gamma and neutron radiation 1/1000 of those of FPH. No comment. (4-) May-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- AbuTaha AF; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 391. "Cold fusion - engineering perspectives". ** AbuTaha further develops his theory that 'cold fusion' is not fusion, but the release of embrittlement energies, i.e. of energy stored after crack formation. Crack propagation can then suddenly or over a time period release large amounts of energy, up to the FPH claim of 4 MJ/cm**3 in metals such as Pd and Ti or Ni. This can explain all, including the FPH melt-down (AbuTaha describes an explosive event, due to hydrogen embrittlement, observed in the early 1970's). He clearly believes that this phenomenon can be used, but we must learn to control and optimise it. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- AbuTaha AF; J. Fusion Energy 9(3) (1990) 345. "Cold fusion - the heat mechanism". ** The author's thesis is that the palladium, and not the deuterium, is the source of the "excess heat" measured by some workers. The deuterium causes strain build-up in the metal, and at some point this is released by crack formation and propagation, which also generates sufficient heat to explain all. As in simple metal tensile tests, in which crack formation causes a rise in temperature, this effect can account for the heat observed by FPH. The effect cannot be used to generate power. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Adachi G, Sakaguchi H, Nagao K; J. Alloys Comp. 181 (1992) 469. "(3)He and (4)He from D2 absorbed in LaNi5". ** One of the branches of the d-d fusion reaction leads to the formation of (3)He, and this should be possible to detect if allowed to accumulate in a closed system. Mass spectrometry was used here to do this, from deuterium absorbed in LaNi5 alloy. The alloy (52.2 g) was carefully degassed at 1123 K and 1.3E-03 Pa for half a day. 99.5% pure D2 at 7.9E05 Pa pressure was then admitted and the temperature cycled between 363 and 273 K to ensure absorption. After this, two experiments were run for 40 days and 28 days, respectively, cycling the temperature. Samples of the initial gas were also taken as background. Finally, the alloy was degassed again to obtain absorbed gases. In the MS measurements, the ratios of (3)He to (4)He, as well as to the impurity gases Ne, Ar Kr and Xe were measured as checks. Both in these ratios and the absolute amounts of (3)He found, there was a clear increase in (3)He, not explicable in terms of contamination from the air. The amount corresponds to a fusion rate of about 1.3/s, which is roughly equal to 1E-23 fusions/dd- pair/s. ------------------------- Adler PN, Schulte RL, Margolin H; Metall. Trans. 21A (1990) 2003. "Deuterium surface segregation in titanium alloys". ** Deuterium enrichment in the near-surface region, kinetics of segregation, and factors contributing to it, are discussed. Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) showed that there is in fact spotwise enrichment (segregation) at the surface of alpha-phase TiD but not in beta-phase ditto. Some of the deuterium may be trapped at surface defects without deuteride formation. ?/Jul-90 ------------------------- Aiello S, De Filippo E, Lanzano G, Lo Nigro S, Pagano A; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 115. "Nuclear fusion experiment in palladium charged by deuterium gas". ** The team performed an experiment similar to that of the De Ninno team, with palladium instead of titanium under pressurised D2 with various temperature cycling programs. An NE-213 detector measured neutrons with gamma discrimination, a BaF2 detector measured gamma emission and charged particles were measured by a silicon surface barrier detector. Nothing significant was found. The authors state, however, that the expected cold fusion rate of about 1E-23 fusions/s/pair would give signals well below their apparatus' ability to detect them. Feb-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Albagli D, Ballinger R, Cammarata V, Chen X, Crooks RM, Fiore C, Gaudreau MPJ, Hwang I, Li CK, Linsay P, Luckhardt SC, Parker RR, Petrasso RD, Schloh MO, Wenzel KW, Wrighton MS; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 133. "Measurement and analysis of neutron and gamma-ray emission rates, other fusion products, and power in electrochemical cells having Pd cathodes". ** An experiment, in which the Pd cathodes, electrolyte and effluent gases were analysed for fusion products. The claim that (4)He is a major product was examined by means of MS. Constant temperature calorimetry was done, and neutrons and gammas counted; tritium was monitored and surface x-ray spectroscopy at the Pd done. The MS results (from a very high-resolution MS instrument) did show a (4)He peak, but it showed the same peak for the ambient laboratory air. There were no results to support cold fusion. The authors make some comments on cold fusion claims, pointing to experimental difficulties. For example, the FPH(89) excess heat can indeed be conceived in terms of a chemical reaction (as also pointed out by Kreysa). ?/Jul-90 ------------------------- Alber D, Boebel O, Schwarz C, Duwe H, Hilscher D, Homeyer H, Jahnke U, Spellmeyer B; Z. Phys. A: At. Nucl. 333 (1989) 319. "Search for neutrons from cold nuclear fusion". ** Attempt to repeat FPH and Jones+'s experiments: no neutrons. (10-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Alberg MA, Wilets L, Rehr JJ, Mustre de Leon J; Phys. Rev. C 41 (1990) 2544. "Upper limits to fusion rates of isotopic hydrogen molecules in palladium". ** Calculation, using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, of fusion rates of H2 (H being any given hydrogen isotope) molecules in PdH. Find that fusion rates are enhanced over those for H2 gas but the rates are still 10-20 orders of magnitude lower (at ca. 1E-33/pair/s) than claimed. Sep-89/Jun-90 ------------------------- Aleksan R, Avenier M, Bagieu G, Bouchez J, Cavaignac JF, Collot J, Cousinou MC, Declais Y, Dufour Y, Durand R, Faure R, Favier J, Kajfasz E, De Kerret H, Koang DH, Lefievre B, Lesquoy E, Mallet J, Nagy E, Obolensky M, Pessard H, Pierre F, Stutz A, Wuethrick JP; Phys. Lett. B 234 (1990) 389. "Limits on electrochemically induced fusion of deuterium by neutron flux measurements". ** Attempted to reproduce cold fusion by electrolysis of D2O. A very sensitive neutron detector ((6)Li doped organic liquid scintillator NE320) was used to detect neutrons. An upper limit of about 50 n/s was obtained, which is 30 times smaller than that claimed by FPH, and less than that of Jones+. Oct-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Alessandrello A, Bellotti E, Cattadori C, Antonione C, Bianchi G, Rondinini S, Torchio S, Fiorini E, Guiliani A, Ragazzi S, Zanotti L, Gatti C; Il Nuovo Cimento A103 (1990) 1617. "Search for cold fusion induced by electrolysis in palladium". ** The aim was here to search for signals from d-p and d-d fusion during the electrolysis at palladium, as well as to possibly induce fusion by mechanically straining the electrode, so as to initiate crack formation. Gamma, neutron, helium and tritium emissions were all monitored as well as heat, in a low-background environment, under the Gran Sasso massif. Heat effects were measured by means of several thermocouples in the cells, with resistor calibration. Four radiation detectors were used: two (3)He detectors, one NaI detector and one intrinsic Ge diode, with appropriate shielding and calibrations. In none of the experiments, radiation emissions beyond the background, were detected. The upper limit then becomes around 6 orders of magnitude lower than the fusion rates claimed by FPH. Mechanical strain - i.e. microcracks - made no difference. Tritium analysis showed only the normal electrolytic enrichment. No helium was found, and no excess heat outside error limits. This extensive experiment does not support cold fusion. Jul-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Alexander KF; Wissensch. Fortschr. 39 (1989) 9 (in German). "Cold nuclear fusion". ** An early review of the CNF affair, with a few good references and acid comments. A criticises the superficiality of FPH's paper and states that Nature would not accept it (Nature does not say this), and deplores the lack of control experiments with normal water. Jones et al's paper fares much better with Alexander and he quotes earlier work of the Jones group, on muon catalysis and the piezo-effect (see Van Siclen and Jones 1986). ?/Sep-89 ------------------------- Altaiskii MV, Artekha SN, Barts BI, Bar'yakhtar VG, Moiseev SS; Vopr. Atom. Nauk. Tekh. Ser.: Fiz. Radiats. Povr. Radiats. Mater. 1990(1)(52) 78 (in Russian). "Fluctuational enhancement of quantum mechanical and wave barrier penetrability and some physical consequences". ** Both the present authors and Koonin have suggested that it is not the mean physical states in the metal hydride lattice, that set the cold fusion rate, but the fluctuations in all lattice parameters, including the Coulomb barrier to a close d-d approach. In analogy with the Debye-Valera factor of solid state theory, such a factor is expected here, and it can lead to greatly enhanced rates of cold fusion. Some mathematical theory indicates that for a d-d distance >= 0.2A, i.e. r>=ra=n**(-1/3), n = electron gas density, there is effective attraction between the d's. Finally, fluctuations might also be used deliberately to enhance fusion rates in crystals. Dec-89/? ------------------------- An X-W, Yan H-K, Han B-X, Guo D-J, Xie D-Y, Zhu Q-H, Hu R-H; Thermochim. Acta 183 (1991) 107. "Calorimetric investigation of electrochemically induced nuclear fusion of deuterium". ** A thoroughly performed experiment. Two cells, one with heavy and one with light water, were operated in series, closely matched. Over longer periods, the same constant current was run through the two cells, and the cell voltages were monitored throughout. Calibration heating was used to check the cell constants as a function of temperature. The identical Pd rods, 5.9 mm in dia. and 47 mm exposed lengths, were pretreated in molten NaOH; the electrolytes were purified by preelectrolysis with Pt cathodes. It was noted here that the heavy water electrolyte (0.1 M LiOD) was markedly more viscous than the light electrolyte (0.1 M LiOH). Mechanical stirring, beyond the bubbles generated, was provided, and it was found that the bubbles alone were not adequate. The cell constants were temperature dependent. The volumes of evolved gases were as expected from the electrolysis current. Currents of 0.6A, 0.8A, 1 A and finally 1.3 A were applied for respectively 98 h, 13 h, 16.5 h and (21+72) h. No recombination was found to take place, and no excess heat outside the error limits of about 5% was found. The authors conclude that in the FPALH-90 paper, there was insufficient stirring and that it is important to know the cell constant, as a function of temperature. Sep-90/? ------------------------- Anghaie S, Froelich P, Monkhorst HJ; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 500. "On fusion/fission chain reactions in the Fleischmann-Pons 'cold fusion' experiment". ** Suggest that the explanation of cold fusion rates may lie in fission/fusion chain reactions involving deuterons, (6)Li and (7)Li as consumables; protons, tritons, neutrons and (3)He as intermediates and (4)He and Be as products. Starting with some rather shaky (but non-essential) electrochemical arguments, leading to enormous concentrations of deuterons and Li+ ions at the Pd surface, the team suggests that weak fusion sets a chain reaction going, that could just be self-sustaining. Several possible chains are discussed. Criticality cannot, however, be achieved. Heat production without particle or tritium emission can be explained by this mechanism. (4)He is produced, and the authors suggest that people who find excess heat should look for (4)He. Dec-89/May-90 ------------------------- Antanasijevic R, Lakicevic I, Maric Z, Zevic D, Zaric A, Vigier JP; Phys. Letters A 180 (1993) 25. "Preliminary observations on possible implications of new Bohr orbits (resulting from electromagnetic spin-spin and spin-orbit coupling) in 'cold' quantum mechanical fusion processes appearing in strong 'plasma focus' and 'capillary fusion' experiments". ** After 1989, there was some disillusionment with cold fusion, because the phenomenon could not be reproduced, and no satisfactory model was proposed. At Nagoya, new evidence appeared which changes the picture: excess heat is confirmed, and ash has been found, although not in sufficient amounts. The nuclear processes may not be due to the same process yielding the heat. This may instead come from new (hitherto neglected) spin-spin and spin-orbit couplings appearing under special conditions. The nuclear ash may be due to large effective electron masses; and this leads to magnetic effects from the splitting of currents in capillaries. All this suggests an experiment, reported in this paper. Both plasma focus PF and capillary fusion CF were tried. For PF, energies up to 40 kJ, with potentials up to 40 kV were applied, with Pd foils mounted on one electrode. For CF, materials used were LiOD, D2O, deuterated ferrocyanide, deuterated Pd powder and Pd. Neutron busts were measured with a large NE232 liquid scintillation tank and 12 photomultipliers around it. Neutron yields smaller than 1000/pulse were obtained in these preliminary experiments; higher input energies may be needed. Apr-93/Aug-93 ------------------------- Antonov AV, Benetskii BA, Ginodman VB, Zherikhina LN, Klyachko AV, Konobeevskii ES, Mordovskoi MV, Popov VI, Rozantsev AI, Tskhovrebov AM; Sov. Phys. Lebedev Inst. Rep. 1990 (5) 52. Originally: Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. 1990(5) 38. "An attempt to observe cold thermonuclear fusion during the electrolysis of heavy water". ** Not simply neutron emission is needed to confirm cold fusion, but n emission with the correct spectrum; notably, a peak at 2.5 MeV. Two electrolysis cells were used. In one, 1 g of Pd plate of 5 cm**2 area was the cathode in an electrolyte of D2O + 30% D2SO4, and a current of 20-300 mA; in the other a 7g Pd plate of the same size in D2O + 7% LiOD and a current of 2A. Neutrons were measured from scintillation of a stilbene crystal plus zero- crossing gamma discrimination and gamma background correction. In both cases, electrolysis was performed for one hour with the cell in the detector space, and for one hour with the cell well away from it, alternating thus for 58 and 90 hours, respectively. Nothing significant was detected. The addition of a BF3 detector to stretch neutron bursts and prevent saturation still did not produce evidence of cold fusion. Mar-90/? ------------------------- Anufriev GS, Boltenkov BS; Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh. Ser.: Fiz. Radiats. Povr. Radiats. Materialoved. 1991, (2(56)) 73 (in Russian). "Helium isotopes and hydrogen in aluminium and other metals". ** Isotopic distributions and amounts of the isotopes of 3He, 4He, T and H were studied in some samples of Al produced by electrolysis. Out of several samples, one had not only larger than normal concentrations of both 3He and tritium, but also unusual T/H and 3He/4He ratios (4*10^-8 and 1.2, resp., against the more normal values 10^-11-12 and 10^-4, resp., it is not clear what is normal here). Some conventional hypotheses are advanced, all based on contamination from the lab; all can be rejected mostly in terms of diffusion arguments. An experiment is done with Ag, in which D is much more mobile, and yet it had less T; other experiments with Ni foils, too, did not achieve the same results as the Al. Although no detail is given, there are also correlations between 3He and T content in the Al and time of electrolysis in the cryolite bath. Some materials associated with Al in its manufacture, such as cryolite, lime stone, alumina, AlF3, "nephelitic concentrate" and Al(OH)3, did not have the extra isotopes, so they do not come from these raw materials. Only cold fusion, strongly stimulated by the electrolysis, is left. Nov-90/? ------------------------- Aoyama T, Mori C, Uritani A, Matsui T, Naito K; Radioisotopes 40 (1991) 188. "Highly reliable low-level neutron detection using (3)He proportional counters". ** For the very low-level neutron fluxes in cold fusion experiments, special precautions must be taken. This paper describes some techniques for this. Perfect noise rejection is required as well as the application of Poisson statistics. The paper gives details of the construction of three identical (3)He counters with 42% efficiency. These were placed around a cold fusion electrolysis cell, and there had an overall efficiency of 2.5%. Noise comes from high voltage leakage and external noise. Humidity control can eliminate the first, and are in any case rejected by not being coincident on all three. External noise is common to all detectors, on the other hand, and is eliminated completely by using a high detector voltage (1300V) and setting the pulse height discriminator high. Dec-90/? ------------------------- Apostol M, Dorobantu IA; Rev. Roum. Phys. 34 (1989) 233. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:171771 (1989). "On a competition between solid state and nuclear scale energies. A possible theoretical approach to cold fusion in palladium and other transitional metals". ** Theory says it's possible. ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Koon Gakkaishi 20(4) (1994) 148 (in Japanese, Engl. abstr.). "A new energy generated in DS-cathode with 'Pd-black'". ** Experimental, Pd black, excess heat, res+ This is, as far as can be seen and going by the abstract, much the same paper as that of the same authors in Proc. Japan. Acad. 70 Ser. B (1994) 106. It reports on "spill-over deuterium" in a long-term closed-cell electrolysis using a bottle-shaped Pd cathode with Pd powder inside the bottle. Excess energy at ca. 200 MJ was released over a period of 3000 h and there were clear signs of the excess power decreasing after the cell current was turned off, and recovery upon switching on again. ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 287. "Reproducible 'cold' fusion reaction using a complex cathode". ** This is essentially the same paper as published by the authors in Kagu Yugo Kenkyu 67 (1992) 432, in Japanese. It describes a Pd or Ni cathode "plasma-sprayed" with a Pd layer. The authors point out that if cnf takes place, it does so within the cathode, and it is there the temperature should be measured. Neutron emissions from an electrolysis cell were measured with two detectors; a (3)He and a BF3 one, with surrounding paraffin blocks and Cd shielding. A complex Pd cathode, after charging for 240 h, was held in air and a strong heating effect was observed. A similar cathode but without the extra Pd layer did not do this. When sand-blasted, this one, too, heated up in air after being charged again. Thus, an uneven surface favours fusion. Neutron counts, too, were higher than blanks or runs with H2O, with these sprayed rods. Aug-91/Sep-92 ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Proc. Japan Acad. 66(B) (1990) 33. "'Cold' fusion caused by a weak 'on-off effect'". ** If the temperature build-up in palladium under deuteration is high, a temperature can be reached where an explosive release of deuterium occurs; this is called the strong on-off effect, and A&Z ascribe a cold fusion reaction to it. In this paper they state that the "weak" on-off effect, where decomposition occurs at lower temperatures, also causes cold fusion. Neutron detection appeared to coincide with on-off effects. Feb-90/Feb-90 ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Proc. Japan Acad. 66(B) (1990) 110. "Corroborating evidence for 'cold' fusion reaction". ** In previous work, the authors had found intense neutron emissions when the powerful "on-off" effect is active. This happens when the cell, under electrolysis, reaches temperatures up to 110 degC (the "on" effect), and then goes into the "off" effect. If it goes "off" without reaching this high temperature, the authors speak of a weak on-off effect, and consider it important for cold fusion. Here, they used nickel, spray coated thinly with palladium. A paraffin block changed neutrons into thermal neutrons and detected these with a BF3 counter. This, they say, is a reliable way to detect fusion neutrons. Comparisons of neutron patterns over long times, with those from the background and from a (252)Cf source, showed that cold fusion did occur, both on palladium and palladium-coated nickel. Jun-90/? ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 95. "Achievement of an intense cold fusion reaction". But see: "Corrigendum", FT 19 (1991) 196. ** This paper proposes the conditions necessary for achieving cold fusion (more or less) controllably. These are: a large Pd electrode must be used, and the current periodically switched on and off. The team has previously described their "on-off" effect. In this, deuterium must be forced quickly into the Pd, and quickly exhausted by switching the current off. Quick loading and release of deuterium causes internal high temperatures and pressures of up to 5000 atm, and the authors on several occasions have observed large neutron events of up to 1E13 n per event. Several experiments are described. Titanium is not suitable, as it does not absorb deuterium to a sufficient depth. The authors measured the heat exchange and there was no excess heat; all heat released (about 50% of Joule heating) could be accounted for by chemical reactions. The authors do not believe in excess heat, calculating from their neutron emissions that this could only be expected to reach about 0.1 mW. They also assume standard physics (e.g. 1:1 branching ratio) for the fusion reaction. In some cases, the electrode reached a temperature of 110 degC, at which deuterium is released spontaneously and copiously; an automatic on-off effect. Explosions and ignition phenomena were also observed. The authors do not, unfortunately, make clear whether the large neutron events are associated with current switching or spontaneous on-off events. The conclusion is that this effect reconciles the differences between successful and failed cold fusion experiments; that long electrolysis times are besides the point; and that the use of small Pd electrodes is "a fatal mistake". The recipe: use a large electrode, charge it for 2-3 days to oversaturate it, turn off the current for a few hours, polish the cathode, put it back in and resume electrolysis. This produced the large neutron bursts. Feb-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Kaku Yugo Kenkyu 67(5) (1992) 432 (in Japanese). "'Cold' fusion in deuterated complex cathode". ** A new type of cathode, either Ni or Pd, was prepared by plasma spraying its surface with Pd. This layer activated the surface and a new type of heat generation was observed reproducibly. The experiment was done by electrolysis in 0.07 M LiOH in D2O, with a thermocouple to monitor the heat, and two neutron counters (one BF3 and one (3)He). Accumulated neutron counts as a function of time showed clear differences between D2O runs (higher) and control H2O runs (lower), the latter matching blank runs in air. Dec-91/? ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Proc. Japan. Acad. 70 ser. B (1994) 106. 'A new energy caused by "Spillover-deuterium"'. ** Experimental, Pd powder, gas phase, surface structure, excess heat. Res+ The authors make three points at the outset: [A] surface structure of Pd is important; [B] lattice imperfections, cracks, local stresses are important. From this, they conclude that [C] "bottle-shaped" Pd electrodes, hollow, evacuated but filled with Pd powder, might be ideal for CNF. They used these "double-structured" cathodes in some experiments starting in 1992 and still in progress. Excess heat was found reproducibly and the authors theorise about "spillover deuterium". Sep-94/? ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang Y-C; Kakuyuogo Kenkyo 69(8) (1993) 963 (in Japanese). "Excess heat in a double structure deuterated cathode". ** "A new type cathode, a double structure cathode which contained another Pd inside a Pd-rod was developed. Using the new cathode, remarkable excess heat larger than the input energy was observed consistently after a certain incubation period". (Cited directly from the English abstract). There are some Figures showing excess heat, and a picture of a double structure, with pressures of H and D marked, as well as the Nernst equation, noting pressures up to 5000 atm. One cathode apparently deformed explosively after prolonged electrolysis. Feb-92/Apr-93 ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang YC; Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B 66 (1990) 1. "Achievement of intense 'cold' fusion reaction". ** (I quote:) A Pd cathode of large size was activated by repeating intensive absorption and explosive exhaust of D compulsively due to the powerful on-off effect to induce intense mobility and a huge inner pressure of D within the Pd cathode. This characteristic played a role in achieving cold fusion. A considerable number of neutrons far beyond the background level, sometimes reaching >= 10**8 n/s, were detected. The phenomena were observed 10 times in one month, and the period was 30 min for the shortest and 40 h for the longest. The total number of neutrons generated was estimated to be 10**13 for 40 hours at the maximum, and it would be difficult to consider other any process than the nuclear fusion by D-D reaction. The large amount of excess heat produced during electrolysis was not due to unobserved nuclear fusion proposed by FPH (1989) but due to reaction heat produced by the intense absorption and explosive exhaust of the D into and out of the Pd. The Pd cathodes used by all other researchers were far smaller than the present one. This is likely the reason why the new on-off effect phenomenon and the generation of intense cold fusion was not found so far. Dec-89/? ------------------------- Arata Y, Zhang YC; Kaku Yugo Kenkyu 62 (1989) 398. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:224669 (1990). (In Japanese). "Achievement of intense 'cold fusion' reaction". ** Under conditions of intense charge and discharge of deuterium into/out of palladium, intense neutron emission due to cold fusion was observed. This was called the on-off effect. A large inner pressure of deuterium is a necessary condition for the cold fusion reaction. A large amount of excess heat produced during electrolysis was not, however, due to a nuclear reaction but due to the heat of reaction and the explosive exhaust of the D "into and out of" the Pd. ------------------------- Arista NR, Gras-Marti A, Baragiola RA; Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys. 40 (1989) 6873. "Screening effects in nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes in dense media". ** Calculation of fusion rates of hydrogen isotopes embedded in a uniform electron gas, and in the inhomogeneous medium given by a solid matrix. In both cases, the screening due to the electron background can help overcome coulomb repulsion. Results are similar to those of Koonin and Nauenberg (Nature 339) and cannot account for reported cold fusion rates in PdD. But temperature is found to be an important parameter and might encourage experiments along this line. See also Fujita for a similar idea. Jul-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Armstrong RD, Charles EA, Fells I, Molyneux L, Todd M; Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 1319. "Some aspects of thermal energy generation during the electrolysis of D2O using a palladium cathode". ** Constant-flow calorimetry measurements showed no excess heat. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Armstrong RD, Charles EA, Fells I, Molyneux L, Todd M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 272 (1989) 293. "A long-term calorimetric study of the electrolysis of D2O using palladium cube cathodes". ** Very careful work with good controls on the errors; no heat was found, that was not expected from non-nuclear processes. Also, an analysis of FPH's heat results showed that they, too, lie well within the experimental error limits and require no nonconventional explanations. Sep-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Arnikar HJ; Ind. J. Chem. Sci. 4 (1990) 65. "'Cold fusion' - a misnomer". ** A recital of the author's belief that there is no cold fusion. There may be chemisorption or occlusion of electrolytically produced deuterium, both of which are exothermic and yield at most 10 eV, not 0.5 MeV as required for fusion. So fusion cannot be happening. As well, there ought to be helium, neutrons and gammas, and there is no good evidence for these. Ergo, nix. ------------------------- Arzhannikov AV, Kezerashvili GYa; Phys. Lett. A156 (1991) 514. "First observation of neutron emission from chemical reactions". ** A pair of nuclear physicists from Novosibirsk have had a go at cold fusion, and report their first results. Two chemical reactions were used as a test: in the first test, solid LiD granules were dropped gradually into a test tube containing D2O; in the second, a mixture of zinc metal and the complex beta-trans-Pd(ND3)2Cl2 (both deuterated as shown, and hydrated, ..NH3..) were ground to a powder and dropped into the tube. Temperature changes were monitored. Neutrons were measured using 6 (3)He counters with pulse height discrimination and calibration, to optimise these. The 6 counters' signals seem to have been added. Results: for LiD into D2O, temperature rose to 70 degC, the neutron emissions rose from background to about 1.7 times, and showing some spikes not seen in the background. For the complex powder, the temperature rose to 250 degC and the emission/background ratio to about 2. The paper concludes that these chemical reactions caused neutron emission but offers no explanations for the effect. Oct-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Astakhov II, Davydov AD, Katargin NV, Kazarinov VE, Kiseleva IG, Kriksunov LB, Kudryavtsev DYu, Lebedev IA, Myasoedov BF, Shcheglov OP, Teplitskaya GL, Tsionskii VM; Electrochim. Acta 36 (1991) 1127. "An attempt to detect neutron and gamma radiations in heavy water electrolysis with a palladium cathode". ** 10 (3)He neutron counters were used, with pulse-height analysis, to detect neutrons; a scintillation spectrometer was used for gamma emissions. Electrolysis was done at a bulky Pd cathode, with membrane separation of the two electrodes. Results were that whether the cell was in the detection space, or heavy or light water was being electrolysed, made no difference to the neutron count, nor was any gamma emission detected. Lithium was found to be incorporated into the Pd, up to 0.5%. Its diffusion is finite in Pd, about 1E-10 cm**2/s, compared with 1E-07 for deuterium. Lithium incorporation might explain some of the anomalies observed by others, such as apparent excess heat. This will be reported in a future paper. Aug-90/May-91 ------------------------- Attas EM, Chambers KW, Dueck W, Dutton R, McIlwain AK; Nature (London) 344 (1990) 390 (29. March). "Solar flares and 'cold fusion'". ** This team monitored neutron emission from a FPH-type cell, and found a couple of bursts of neutron activity - one larger, one smaller. Instead of rushing into print or to their nearest patent office, however, they then checked solar flare records: at precisely the same time the neutron emissions occurred, there were solar flares, the larger correlating with the larger neutron burst, the smaller with the smaller. Solar flare records are thus another item on the list of things every cnf experimenter must check for. Mar-90/Mar-90 ------------------------- Augustynski J; Chimia 43 (1989) 99 (in French). "Commentaire: Pourquoi les experiences de 'fusion froide' de deuterium sont-elles si difficiles a reproduire". ** Looked at FPH's conditions. Discuss possible role of the Pt anode: it will dissolve to some extent and some Pt will then deposit on the Pd, perhaps inhibiting the surface reaction D+D->D2, just as thiourea does, and thus increasing the force driving D into the lattice. Incorporation of Li in Pd is also considered, e.g. the known compound PdLiD(0.7), or PdLi(0.06). This may occur either because of a raised electrode overpotential due to the inhibition, or there may be underpotential deposition of Li+. Questions such as how the presence in the lattice of Li might affect deuteron interaction, or possible fusion reactions involving Li, such as Li+d->(4)He+heat, will be examined in a future publication. (17-) Apr-89/Apr-89 ------------------------- Augustynski J, Ulmann M, Liu J; Chimia 43 (1989) 355. "Electrochemical measurements on palladium cathodes in LiOD/D2O solutions related to the 'cold fusion experiments'". ** The current/voltage behaviour of Pd electrodes polarized in an electrolysis cell in the title electrolyte was strongly affected by the impurity codeposition at the cathode. Pt, Pb and Zn have been detected on the surface after electrolysis. All cause changes of the i/E relationship, and Zn increases electrode potential, making possible Li deposition and LiD2 formation; some deposits inhibit the surface reaction D+D->D2. Lastly, there is some speculation that Li might take part in nuclear reactions in the presence of strong electric fields. Is it significant, the authors ask, that Kainthla et al (Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 1315) add NaCN, a known strong complexing agent for Zn++, to their electrolyte? Well, is it? Nov-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Ault MR; Radiat. Protect. Managem. 8(3) (1990) 49. "Cold fusion: the story behind the headlines". ** A run-down, up to about the end of 1990, of the cold fusion story. Ault rejects Williams et al's (Harwell) paper's rebuttal, criticising it for its scatter gun approach. He concludes that cold fusion may well be real and needs further investigation. ------------------------- Azbel MYa; Solid State Commun. 76 (1990) 127. "Possibility of cold fusion". ** Having stated that cold fusion - as practised until now - has been disproved, A looks at the theory of Leggett and Baym, which showed that it is indeed not on. A asks, what conditions might make it possible? They are: a material in which high deuterium concentrations can be achieved, in which there are narrow electron bands and wide electron gaps and in which there is a highly energetic metastable state with d-d distances of around 0.1 Aangstroms. Pd and Ti are not suitable. May-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Azumi K, Ishiguro S, Mizuno T, Seo M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 347 (1993) 111. "Acoustic emission from a palladium electrode during hydrogen charging and its release in a LiOH electrolyte". ** A Pd plate was mounted tightly coupled to a microphone in a 0.1 M LiOH solution in normal water, and the sound emissions collected. Time traces of these emissions showed that they peaked markedly when gas was being evolved, both at the cathodic and anodic potential scale ends. Power spectra showed that during cathodic charging, there were other acoustic components besides those due to hydrogen bubbles, and these were tentatively ascribed to metal cracking. Apr-92/Apr-93 ------------------------- Babu KSC, Lalla NP, Pandey RN, Tiwari RS, Srivastava ON; Adv. Hydrogen Energy 1990, 8(Hydrogen Energy Prog. VIII, Vol. 2), 1051. "On the formation of palladium deuteride and its relationship to suspected cold fusion". ** The authors note that it is not always appreciated that the formation of the metal deuteride is exothermic. They carried out a calorimetric experiment of their own, and found two regimes: the first, during deuteration, showed accountable heat (of deuteration); the second, upon full loading, was not so easy to account for. They also electrolysed in light water, after fully loading in heavy water, and here found the greatest excess heat, confirming the theoretical prediction that p-d fusion is favoured. Measurements of gamma emission also showed greatest deviation from the background for this p-d system. Cold fusion appears to be confirmed. ------------------------- Badurek G, Rauch H, Seidl E; Kerntechnik 54 (1989) 178. "Search for cold fusion in palladium-deuterium and titanium-deuterium". ** Repeated the two sorts of experiments, using four independent detection systems to detect neutrons and gamma radiation. An upper limit of 3.6*10**(-23)/s was found for D+D--> (3)He+n per pair. The paper also throws doubt on the Frascati claims; their neutron background is unusually low, and their claim that Ti releases its deuterium upon reaching room temperature is incorrect. Jul-89/? ------------------------- Balabanov NP; Nauchni Tr., Plovdivski Univ. 26(4,Fiz) (1988, publ 1989) 247 (in Bulgarian). "Hypothesis to explain electrochemically induced nuclear fusion" (my transl.) ** This paper, submitted on 5-May-89, lays out the problem of cnf, i.e. the imbalance between the large amount of heat and the small neutron flux. The author invokes mechanical friction effects to explain this, i.e triboelectronic and triboluminous emission. Any process that may lead to electron emission at sufficient energy might also cause fusion, by the formation of high voltage fields, up to 1E09 V/m. Such effects might be taking place at microregions in the palladium deuteride, due to the electrochemical loading with deuterium and subsequent mechanical effects. Some old references are given from the areas of mechanoemission (Kramer, late 1940's) and of tribochemistry (Thiessen et al, 1960's). 5-May-89/? ------------------------- Baldo M, Pucci R, Bortignon PF; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 347. "Relaxation toward equilibrium in plasmon-enhanced fusion". ** "There is no doubt that the fusion reaction rate within a metal lattice is dramatically higher than estimated for free deuterium molecules", say the authors. The fact that not everyone measures fusion effects, does not imply that Jones et al were mistaken. The recent cluster impact experiments of Beuhler et al indicate that the target plays an important role (I am quoting). The authors have previously considered plasmon interactions (at a conference) and in this paper, further consider the d-phonon interaction and deuteron screening due to particle-hole excitations. The conclusion is that the formation of quasi-deuterium molecules and phonon damping can lead to cold fusion rates comparable to those claimed by Jones et al, and that this will occur in bursts. Eventually, the system equilibrates and fusion rates drop to those for free D2 gas. Feb-90/Sep-90 ------------------------- Balej J, Divisek J; J. Electroanal. Chem. 278 (1989) 85. "Energy balance of D2O electrolysis with a palladium cathode. Part I. Theoretical relations". ** Anyone who intends to do calorimetry of D2O electrolysis must read this. The authors develop, in an extremely pedantic and fussy manner, reaction enthalpies for a widish range of operating temperatures. Nothing seems to have been left out, and the large (enthalpy of the overall electrolysis reaction) is mixed with the small (e.g. heat of evaporation of water), and even non-unity current efficiencies are considered - something these authors are experts at, since their daily bread is the economic electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen. In the thermodynamic tradition, however, only the overall process is considered, and local effects are ignored. See Part II under Divisek et al. Sep-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Balescu R; Phys. Mag 11 (1989) 3 (French). Cited in Chem. Abstracts 111:141868 (1989). "Some like it cool". ** A review of the work of FPH, Jones+ and Scaramuzzi+. ------------------------- Balian R, Blaizot J-P, Bonche P; J. Phys. (France) 50 (1989) 2307. "Cold fusion in a dense electron gas." ** The authors calculate the Coulomb penetration factor for two deuterons immersed in a dense electron gas, using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. They find that electronic densities orders of magnitude larger than those which could be expected in metallic palladium are required in order to bring the cold fusion rate to an observable value, or screening lengths down to 0.1A. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Balke B, Cox L, Fackler O, Mugge M, Souers PC, Tsugawa RT, White RM; Phys. Rev. C42 (1990) 30. "Limits on neutron emission from 'cold fusion' in metal hydrides". ** Tried to measure neutrons from pressurised gas charged Ti sponge, shavings and Pd wire, under different conditions of charging and pretreatment. Using careful multiple neutron detection, in all cases, nothing above background was detected, no temperature response. After elimination of false readings of various kinds, no neutron bursts at all were found. Also tried loading with HD and DT gas; still no neutrons. These meticulously run experiments throw considerable doubt on all previous positive experiments with gas charging, finding 2-5 orders of magnitude lower neutron emissions than these other studies (Frascati, LANL). Mar-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- Banas J, Ciechanowski M, Dulinski M, Kreft A, Molenda J, Morstin K, Stoklosa A, Wozniak J; Nucl. Geophys. 3 (1989) 321. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:126738 (1990). "Geophysical aspects of cold nuclear fusion in condensed matter". ** An attempt to reproduce FPH's and Jones+' results. Nothing was found, but cosmic radiation was found to cause background fluctuations. ------------------------- Baranowski B, Filipek SM, Szustakowski M, Farny J, Woryna W; J. Less-Common Met. 158 (1990) 347. "Search for 'cold fusion' in some Me-D systems at high pressures of gaseous deuterium". ** The authors, experienced in high-pressure generation of metal hydrides, decided that this is a better route to PdD(x), as the loading is easier to control, more stable, and higher loadings can be achieved, than with electrolysis. Neutrons were monitored with liquid scintillation-, silver activation- and a CR-90 nuclear track detectors. Temperature of the metal samples was monitored. A large piece of Pd (5.63 cm**3, 5 times the large piece considered dangerous by FPH) was put under D2, at 0.8 GPa pressure and kept that way for 5 months. Loading factor is about unity, i.e. the octahedral sites in the Pd are filled. No heat nor neutrons were detected, beyond background. Raising the pressure to 2.56 GPa begins to fill some of the tetrahedral sites; this still showed nothing. A higher loading of 2 is achievable with Ni (NiD2) at 0.75 GPa, where it was held for 2 months without any emissions. Just in case there is anything special about electrolytic charging, the authors did this, too, under 0.6 GPa D2 pressure; still no emissions. Thus, 'cold fusion' is an error. Sep-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Baranowski B, Filipek S, Raczynski W; Pol. J. Chem. 68 (1994) 845. "Electrolytic charging of palladium by deuterium at normal and high pressure conditions". ** The authors wish to clear up some of the confusion in the 'cold fusion' field, e.g. the figure of 10^26 atm, and comment on the problems of electrolytic loading of Pd with deuterium. High pressure electrochemical loading was also tried. 0.1 M LiOD and D2SO4 were the electrolytes used, and Pd wires as cathodes. Ambient pressure electrolysis at current densities up to 200 mA/cm^2 produced loadings corresponding only to some 400 atm, nowhere near the fugacity figure of 10^26 stated by FPH-89. High pressure electrolysis was also carried out, at up to 4.5 kbar. Here, loadings are achieved that place the Pd resistance on the falling branch. The authors conclude that the formation of D2 bubbles limits loading into Pd, and actual pressures within the metal. Dec-93/? ------------------------- Barts BI, Barts DB, Grinenko AA; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 55 (1992) 45. Originally in: Yad. Fiz. 55 (1992) 79. "Theory of nuclear reactions with the participation of slow charged particles in solids". ** Two aspects of the crystal environment of purported solid state cold fusion are investigated. One is the screening of d-d pairs by valence electrons of the crystal. It is shown that at low energies, this is very important and the rate of fusion can be enhanced by many orders of magnitude. The other is the possibility of two deuterons moving together into a region of minimum crystal potential at the centre of a cell, where their wave functions might overlap and the fusion rate can increase by one or two tens of orders of magnitude. These effects are not enough, however, to explain experimental claims. Jul-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Barut AO; J. Hydrogen Energy 15 (1990) 907. "Prediction of new tightly-bound states of H2+ (D2+) and 'cold fusion' experiments". ** FPH(89) concluded that their results were due to an hitherto unknown nuclear reaction. Barut believes that the explanation may be tightly bound states of D2+ ions, and three-body interactions, which are called the anti- Born-Oppenheimer approximation, in which an electron is squeezed between two positive nuclei rapidly rotating about it. Barut develops this quantum-mechanical model. The formation of these "supermolecules" from only a tiny fraction of the deuterium could account for excess heat observations. One drawback is that normal hydrogen should do the same, and output about a quarter the excess heat. May-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Barwick SW, Price PB, Williams WT, Porter JD; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 273. "Search for 0.8 MeV (3)He nuclei emitted from Pd and Ti exposed to high pressure D2". ** Track recording plastic films have been laid alongside Pd and Ti sheets exposed to D2 gas under >= 15 bars, to detect the neutrons from the n+(3)He branch of the fusion reactions. There was temperature and pressure cycling, and radiation background elimination. No evidence of cold fusion was found, with neutron upper limits of 0.7 and 2.5 fusions/s/cm**3, as compared with 20 and 260 measured by de Ninno et al. There were some alpha particles detected, arising from impurities in the metals (Th and U). ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Bashkirov YuA, Baranova RKh, Bazanin BG, Kazakova VM; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16(19) (1990) 51 (in Russian). "Observation of neutron emission from electrolysis of heavy water". ** Cathodes of Pd (0.5 mm) and Ti (1 mm) and anodes of Pt or Au were electrolysed in 0.1-0.15 M LiOH and LiOD, at 150 mA/cm**2. Near the electrolysis cell were placed two neutron detectors; one a type SNM-56 containing 97% He and 3% Ar, the other an organic scintillation soup widely used in physics to detect high-energy neutrons. With low-noise photomultipliers, this allowed the team to detect the lower-energy neutrons expected from cold fusion. There was a temp. probe in the cell. For Pd, in heavy water, neutron emission showed a steady increase over the background, around double. The Fig. shows two bursts at 10-100 times the background, simultaneously on both detectors. At the same time (in most cases but not all) there was a temp. spike of a few degrees. A Ti cathode also emitted the larger steady neutron flux (the paper does not mention bursts for Ti). Jun-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Bashko VA, Vit'ko VI, Goncharov IG, Zelenskii VF, Kovalenko GD, Krivoruchko SM, Ranyuk YuN, Tarasov IK; Vopr. Atom. Nauk Tekh. Ser.: Fiz. Radiats. Povrezhden. Radiats. Materialoved. 2(56) (1991) 54. Note: Chem. Abstracts (117:199600) has "Rashko" as the first author, and this will probably be the entry in the CAS database. "Study of the nuclear fusion reaction in palladium by the emission of neutrons upon electrolysis". ** This team from Kharkov undertook essentially a pure neutron search, from a CNF electrolysis, using two Pd cathodes, one of 182 g and the other 38 g, of chunky cylindrical shape and charged with 0.23 A/cm^2 and 1 A/cm^2, resp. The experiment runs stretched over many days, individual runs lasting 4-5 days. The cell was alternately placed within, and outside the detection volume with 1-hour periods of time. Several figures show neutron counts for these periods. An array of 14 (3)He neutron counters was divided into two sets of 7 and the detections treated by analogue and digital means. Careful statistical data reduction led to the conclusion that nothing other than noise was observed. Jun-91/? ------------------------- Basteev AV, Nechiporenko LA; Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 19 (1994) 739. "Activation of solid-phase deflagration of hydrogen-containing energy-storing substances". ** The authors do not believe in fractofusion in conductors, pointing to the lack of convincing results. In certain nonconducting substances containing hydrogen (isotopes), however, there may be 'deflagration' effects that just might lead to fusion. The authors here examine ND4NO3 and ND4ClO4, both of which can store energy and release it in deflagration events within the solid matrix when irradiated by gamma rays. Such events might enable d-d fusion. Experiments lend some support to this idea. Sep-93/? ------------------------- Batalla E, Zwartz EG, Judd BA; Solid State Commun. 71 (1989) 805. "In-situ X-ray diffraction of palladium cathodes in electrolytic cells". ** Question: can high current densities during electrolysis of D2O at Pd lead to higher than normal charging (x in PdD(x)), and thus cause deuterons to occupy tetrahedral crystal sites, giving tighter packing? In normal beta-phase PdD(x), d-d distances are 2.8 A, but in tetrahedral packing, this would be reduced to 2.2. X-ray diffraction during charging with H and D, showed the change from the low-H alpha-phase to the high-H beta-phase but none beyond that, so the answer is no tetrahedral packing. In fact, this is more or less irrelevant, since even 2.2 A is a lot more than e.g. 0.74 A, the d-d distance in D2 gas, which is not enough, either, to allow fusion. (25-) May-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Baurichter A, Eyrich W, Frank M, Goehr H, Kreische W, Ortner H, Roeseler B, Schiller C-A, Weeske G, Witthun W; Z. Phys. B: Condens. Matter 76 (1989) 1. "Search for cold fusion in palladium". ** Neutron and gamma spectroscopy found nothing but background; reserve judgement. (28-) Apr-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Bazhutov YuN, Vereshkov GM, Kuz'min RN, Frolov AM; Fiz. Plazmy Nekotor. Vopr. Obshch. Fiz. M. (1990) 67 (in Russian). "Interpretation of cold nuclear fusion by means of erzion catalysis". ** Muons are known to catalyse cold fusion, and could, in principle, be the cause of cold fusion, since they arrive at the Earth's surface in cosmic showers. However, their short life time precludes this possibility, at least at the claimed observation levels. But what if there were another, heavy and negative particle with much longer life, in these cosmic showers? The authors call these hypothetical particles "erzions", and postulate that they may have been accumulating in the Earth's surface for a long time. Erzion catalysis proceeeds just like muon catalysis, and if erzions are long lived, cold fusion is explained, along with some other physical mysteries such as "Lebed-X3" energy. The result would be (4)He, thus accounting for the dearth of neutrons; some would however be emitted as secondaries. ------------------------- Becker EW; Naturwiss. 76 (1989) 214. "Triple collision reaction of deuterons as a possible explanation of cold nuclear fusion". ** Tries to find a suitable radiationless nuclear reaction to conform with FPH's results. Suggests that clusters of (D3e2)+ ---> Li(6)*, which then decays to He(4) + D or something. The heavy product particles also would conserve momentum, which is not the case for other plausible reactions. (18-) Apr-89/May-89 ------------------------- Behrisch R, Moeller W, Roth J, Scherzer BMU; Nucl. Fusion 29 (1989) 1187. "Search for fusion reactions between deuterium atoms implanted into titanium". ** Deuterium was implanted into Ti foil at room temperature, 55 micrograms of D3+ was implanted and produced a layer of TiD2, 8 microns thick. A large- area proton detector was placed just next to this for 30 h, and detected only the normal background. (19-) Apr-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Behrisch R; Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 96 (1992) 733 (in German). "Comment on: H. Gentsch, DD-fusion reactions at a PdAg(D) target in a minireactor, Ber. Bunsenges, Phys. Chem. 95, 1283 (1991)". ** A polemic. Gentsch had a hollow tube as the cathode in a cold fusion electrolysis, with a near vacuum inside, into which he aimed a deuteron beam and got more neutrons and tritium than expected. Behrisch writes here that Gentsch is wrong, that the results are explained by self targeting without invoking anomalous effects. See Gentsch's answer, ibid p.734. Dec-91/May-92 ------------------------- Belov AS, Kusik VE, Ryabov YuV; Il Nuovo Cimento A103 (1990) 1647. "The nuclear fusion for the reactions (2)H(d,n)(3)He,(2)H(d,gamma)(4)He at low deuterons energy and 'cold' nuclear fusion". ** First, the team shoots a deuteron beam at a range of energies at a PdDx target, measuring the neutrons emitted as a result. These agree with (much) earlier work. Even at the lowest energies - which might approach cold fusion conditions - no anomalies were found. Subsequent neutron emission measurements made with the beam turned off set the upper limit for cold fusion at 7E-24 fusions/pair/s. The authors conclude that cold fusion, if it happens at all, has an unmeasurably low intensity and there is no basis for assuming any anomalies such as in branching ratios. Jul-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Beltyukov IL, Bondarenko NB, Janelidze AA, Gapanov MYu, Gribanov KG, Kondratov SV, Maltsev AG, Novikov PI, Tsvetkov SA, Zakharov VI; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 234. "Laser-induced cold nuclear fusion in Ti-H2-D2-T2 compositions". ** In the search for the right nonequilibrium conditions, considered by many to be required for cold fusion, this team tried laser heating to effect phase transitions across the beta/(beta+gamma) and (beta+gamma)/gamma boundaries. Ti rods were used, prehydrided and flushed in vacuum; the rods were recharged by the respective gas at around 773-823K under various pressures. Two neutron and two gamma counters were nearby and thermocouples mounted within the rod to record the axial temperature gradients. It was found that neutron and gamma emissions coincided with phase transitions in the Ti-D system (presumably the transitions were known from the temperatures and reference to phase diagrams). After the experiment, the Ti showed a wide net of cracks. Despite the title, no Ti-H or Ti-T systems are reported but there is a control of Ti in air, with no emissions detected. Sep-90/Sep-91 ------------------------- Belzner A, Bischler U, Crouch-Baker S, Guer TM, Lucier G, Schreiber M, Huggins RA; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 219. "Two fast mixed-conductor systems: deuterium and hydrogen in palladium - thermal measurements and experimental considerations". ** The well known "Huggins" paper, presented at a conference in 1989. This team used an isoperibolic calorimeter to look for excess heat in PdHx and PdDx, respectively. In this type of calorimeter, the cell temperature does not rise very much, so temperature effects and nonlinearities do not appear. The authors measure the power put into a working cell and compare it with the power given off by it. They do not correct for the energy required for the electrolysis of water, so that if any excess heat is found, it must be real; recombination of evolved hydrogen (isotope) with oxygen is of no consequence with this most severe of all definitions of excess heat. The results are presented in the form of plots of power-out vs power-in. For a calibration, using electrical heating, this is a straight line with unity slope. The plot for the Pd-H system (light water) lies below this line, showing that some power is absorbed by the electrolysis. For Pd-D, this is also seen initially, during the charging phase; after 66 h electrolysis, when the Pd is presumably fully charged (given the diffusion coefficient of D in PdD of 2E-11, charging can be expected to reach into the sample to a depth of 2 mm and the Pd was 3-4 mm thick), the plot lies clearly above the calibration line, showing an excess heat of about 10%. A time effect is also shown: the out/in ratio goes smoothly from below 1 to above, for two cells. The excess heat is comparable with the deficit for Pd-H or for Pd-D initially. So, unless one postulates an exothermic reaction taking place (e.g. between impurities in the Pd and deuterium but not hydrogen) at a scale comparable with the power absorbed by water electrolysis, these results appear to provide strong evidence for a non-chemical source of excess heat in the Pd-D system. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Belzner A, Bischler U, Crouch-Baker S, Guer TM, Lucier G, Schreiber M, Huggins RA; Solid State Ionics 40/41 (1990) 519. "Recent results on mixed conductors containing hydrogen or deuterium". ** Essentially the same results (and text) as in the authors' paper in the J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 219. ?/Aug-90 ------------------------- Benedek G, Bortignon PF; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis., D 11 (1989) 1227. "Cold nuclear fusion: viewpoints of solid-state physics". ** Discussion of some of the possible electronic mechanisms that may explain CNF. As usual, localised electron screening is invoked but is not found sufficient - the d-d distance is still too large. The authors admit that dielectric arguments should not apply at such small scales but then say that they might, anyway. Lastly, they speculate that of a cluster of deuterons, if one were missing, this would amount to a negative hole with a large mass, which could be a sufficient coulombic screen. Jun-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Benesh CJ, Vary JP; Phys. Rev. C: Nucl. Phys. 40 (1989) R495. "Fusion rates of squeezed and screened hydrogenic nuclei". ** Theory; calculated the barrier penetration factor for H-like ions confined in a potential well as a function of the equilibrium separation and screening length of the medium. There was no agreement with reported high fusion rates; deuterons would have get much closer than is plausible. (26-) Apr-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Benetskii BA, Klyachko AV, Rozantsev AI; Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. 1989(6) 58. (In Russian). Translated in: Sov. Phys. - Lebedev Inst. Rep. (6)(1989) 75. "An attempt to observe cold thermonuclear fusion in a condensed medium". ** A 200 mm long Pd tube of 2.5 mm diameter and wall thickness 0.1 mm was sealed at one end and D2 gas at 12-14 atm applied to the other, while the tube was electrically heated to 300-400 deg. A total of 10**23 D atoms passed through the tube wall in the course of the experiment. A scintillation counter using stilbene detected the neutrons. None were observed. (4-)May-89/? ------------------------- Bennington SM, Sokhi RS, Stonadge PR, Ross DK, Benham MJ, Beynon TD, Whithey P, Harris IR, Farr JPG; Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 1323. "A search for the emission of x-rays from electrolytically charged palladium-deuterium". ** State that x-rays should be produced by high-energy charged particles slowing down in condensed matter. They found none. ?/Sep-89 ------------------------- Bennington SM, Benham MJ, Stonadge PR, Fairclough JPA, Ross DK; J. Electroanal. Chem. 281 (1990) 323. "In-situ measurements of deuterium uptake into a palladium electrode using time-of-flight neutron diffractometry". ** Like x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction can analyse the structure and composition of materials like PdD(x) but with the advantage that neutrons can penetrate more deeply into the bulk; x-rays can only do near-surface measure- ments. So with neutrons, the authors were able to measure the x in PdD(x). This has now been attempted by several methods such as accounting for evolved gas, by gravimetry, by resistance measurements and others. Loadings (x) of up to 2 have been claimed, whereas 0.8 or so is assumed normal. The present paper reports a maximum of 0.78, in line with expectations. Jan-90/Mar-90 ------------------------- Berkem AR; Kim. Sanayi 31 (1989) 7 (in Turkish). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:181115 (1989). "Nuclear fusion. Hot fusion - cold fusion". ** A review with no references. ------------------------- Bernabei R, Gannelli G, Cantelli R, Cordero, d'Angelo S, Iucci N, Picozza PG, Villoresi G; Solid State Commun. 76 (1990) 815. "Neutron monitoring during evolution of deuteride precipitation in Nb, Ta and Ti". ** The formation of the highly loaded metal deuteride beta phase is here called precipitation (why not?), and this team monitored neutron emissions during such precipitation, as well as during deformation and crack nucleation. The "D-doping" was done under D2 gas (99.96% pure) at 400 and 550 degC for 1-2 h and loadings of 0.07 to 0.43 were achieved. There was temperature cycling. Crack formation was observed upon precipitation. No neutrons were found under any conditions. Mar-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Bertalot L, De Marco F, De Ninno A, La Barbera A, Scaramuzzi F, Violante V, Zeppa P; Nuovo Cimento 15 D (1993) 1435. "Study of deuterium charging in palladium by the electrolysis of heavy water: heat excess production". ** One of the few things known from all previous excess heat observations is that the D/Pd ratio must be > 0.8. Here, an electrolysis experiment with calorimetry is reported, and was successful; further, some correlations were demonstrated. Special features of the experiment were: high current densities (cd) (hundreds of mA/cm^2); forcing of high D/Pd by using an alternating high/low cd with a semiperiod of 6 h; using a cathode whose other side faced a pressure chamber where extra hydrogen/deuterium gas could be introduced; using Pd as anode as well, thereby causing continuous dissolution of Pd from the anode and deposition of Pd on the cathode and thus preventing poisoning, which might prevent a high D/Pd ratio. A constant flow calorimeter was used, with no recombination of evolved gases. A flow meter was used to ensure that the gas evolved checked with the charge passed through the cell. Excess power was found, uncorrelated with current density, at 3W and lasting about 20 h, for a high input of 3 W alternating with a low input of 0.3 W. Shorter periods of high/low alternation are favourable; overpotential was clearly an important factor, as was the flow of deuterium gas into the back of the cathode. A follow-up paper (ADN and VV) is on the way, interpreting these results in terms of matter waves of deuterium through Pd. Aug-93/Nov-93 ------------------------- Bertin A, Bruschi M, Capponi M, De Castro S, Marconi U, Moroni C, Piccinini M, Semprini-Cesari N, Trombini A, Vitale A, Zoccoli A, Jones SE, Czirr JB, Jensen GL, Palmer EP; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. A 101A (1989) 997. "Experimental evidence of cold nuclear fusion in a measurement under the Gran Sasso Massif". ** A repeat of Jones+'s experiment but under the Grand Sasso massiv, under low-cosmic background conditions, using two simultaneous neutron detectors: one to measure at the cell, the other, at some distance away, to monitor the background; both being proton-recoil liquid scintillators which enable the workers to distinguish neutrons from gamma radiation. When gamma radiation is not excluded, no significant neutron signals are obtained; gamma discrimination, however, does produce some neutron emission, with a peak at the 2.5 MeV expected from the d+d-->(3)He+n reaction. After some corrections, the neutron flux is comparable with that detected by Jones+. The experiment thus confirms the Jones+ result, suggests that the electrochemical charging of Ti with D plays a role in this, and suggests that discrimination against gamma radiation is useful. (29-) Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Bertin A, Bruschi M, Capponi M, De Castro S, Marconi U, Moroni C, Piccinini M, Semprini-Cesari N, Trombini A, Vitale A, Zoccoli A, Czirr JB, Jensen GL, Jones SE, Palmer EP; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 209. "First experimental results at the Gran Sasso Laboratory on cold nuclear fusion in titanium electrodes". ** This reports preliminary results of neutron measurements from electrolytic infusion of deuterium into Ti. The measurements were undertaken under low- background conditions. The same electrolyte mixture as used by Jones+(89) was used, and the same type of Ti electrodes. The laboratory inside the Gran Sasso massif has an overall radioactivity level 1/10 that elsewhere, and practically no cosmic radiation gets in, except neutrinos. One neutron detector (a NE-213 type) was set next to the cell, another 8m away. Neutron-gamma separation was possible by pulse shape discrimination and confirmed by calibration. The results show a definite difference between the two counters, with a calculated 875+-180 neutrons/hour emitted from the cold fusion cell. Taking account of some experimental differences, this compares well with the results of Jones+(89), thus confirming low-level cold fusion. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Besenbacher F, Bech Nielsen B, Noerskov JK, Myers SM, Nordlander P; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 257. "Interaction of hydrogen isotopes with metals: deuterium trapped at lattice defects in palladium". ** A fundamental study, both theoretical and experimental, of the interaction of hydrogen isotopes with defects in metals. Ion implantation is used for the experiments. For the theory, the inhomogeneous metal is modelled as a simpler host, the "effective medium", giving the name to the theory (dating back some years). In short, defects act as a trap for hydrogen. There is good absolute agreement between theory and experiment, with respect to trap strength of some metals looked at. Up to 6 hydrogens can be trapped at a single open defect; the distance between them is, however, no less than 1.85 A, far too great to allow fusion. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Besenbacher F, Bech Nielsen B, Hornshoej, Laesgaard E, Rud N; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 315. "Search for cold fusion in plasma-charged Pd-D and Ti-D systems". ** Although the effective-medium theory (see other papers from this group) says that cold fusion should not occur, the team nevertheless tried it out. Nonequilibrium has been said to be the secret; one more way to ensure this is to charge the metal with deuterium from a plasma, obtained by means of a DC glow discharge in a low-pressure deuterium gas between two Cu electrodes. The cathode was the test metal (Pd or Ti) covered with a thin layer (50 A) of Cu, which trapped the D in the metal. The D impinges at 200-400 eV, and loses about 100 eV to the Cu barrier, not leaving enough energy for self targetting neutron emission. Any neutrons measured would thus have to come from fusion. Neutron detection was by means of an NE-213 liquid scintillator coupled to a fast photomultiplier tube, with pulse shape gamma discrimination, and an efficiency of about 3% at the sample. Measurements continued for 2 weeks. Loading of the top layer of the Pd was determined by surface nuclear reaction analysis and found to be about 0.8. The upper limit for cold fusion, calculated from the neutron flux, was <= 5E-24 fus/pair/s, or well below claimed rates. Thus cold fusion is not found. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Bhattacharjee JK, Satpathy L, Waghmare YR; Pramana 32 (1989) L841. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:241580 (1989). "A possible mechanism of cold fusion". ** Again invokes shielding of two deuterons from each other by an electron with enhanced effective mass. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Birgul O, Celebi S, Ozdural A, Pekmez K, Yildiz A, Yurum Y (umlauts missing); Doga- Turk. J. Eng. Env. Sci. 14(3) (1990) 373. "Electrochemically induced fusion of deuterium using surface modified palladium electrodes". ** Bursts of gamma-ray emission accompanying sudden temp. rises were obsd. during the const. current electrolysis of D2O contg. LiOD electrolyte using the surface modified Pd cathodes following the charge-up of the cathode material with the electrolytically produced D. Macroscopic and microscopic deformations of the cathode material were noted at the end of electrolysis that could only be caused by extreme pos. thermal changes. The results were compared with blank expts. using H2O in which no such changes occurred. The nature of surface modification is not specified. The authors speculate that fusion is initiated by microscopic rises in temperature and collapse from the beta to alpha phase, by either recombination of deuterons into D2, or reaction of deposited Li with D2O. The surface modification will be described elsewhere. Jul-89/? ------------------------- Bittner M, Ludwig G, Meister A, Mueller J, Ohms D, Paffrath E, Rahner D, Schwierz R, Seeliger D, Stiehl P, Wiesener K, Wuestner P; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 2119. "Evidence for the production of d-d fusion neutrons during electrolytic infusion of deuterons into a palladium cylinder". ** This team has previously described their method, without many results, and also has a theory (same journal, p.2114). Here, they report their experimental results. Electrolysis at their chunky Pd cathode (32.1 mm diameter, 19.3 mm long) was kept up for 606 h, at 4A (i.e. ca. 0.5/cm**2) in 3M LiOD and D2O. The electrolyte was topped up regularly, and the temperature and cell voltage measured. The cell was periodically removed from the neutron detectors for one hour, so that there was a total of 110 hours of neutron measurements and 116 hours of background measurement. Weighing after the experiment showed that a D/Pd loading of 0.801 had been achieved. During the first 220 h, effect and background are the same, then the effect increases to up to 4 sigma above background, and decreases again later, confirming these authors' theory on that count, for a loading time constant of 350 h. Aug-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Bittner M, Meister A, Ohms D, Paffrath E, Rahner D, Schwierz R, Seeliger D, Wiesener K, Wuestner P; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 120. "Method for investigation of fusion reactions in condensed matter". ** The authors present a sophisticated statistical analysis of neutron measurements made close to electrolysis cells in which palladium was the cathode in electrolytes with heavy and light water, and with current switched on and off. At one-hour intervals, the cell was taken far away from the detector, and this was repeated over many hours. The small differences between background and measurement were enhanced by integrating the total hourly neutron count differences (background total minus cell total) over time. Some cells showed a deficit, due to shadowing. The cell with electrolysis of D2O, however, did show a very small positive effect of about 3 counts/h. Other measurements rule out cosmic muon effects. No strong conclusions are drawn, the object here being to present the method. Feb-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Bittner M, Meister A, Ohms D, Paffrath E, Rahner D, Schwierz R, Seeliger D, Wiesener K, Wuestner P; Isotopenpraxis 27 (1991) 274. "Emission of DD-fusion neutrons from a massive palladium cyclinder during electrolytic infusion of deuterons into the metal". ** A 92 g cyclinder of Pd, 22.6 mm dia and 20.2 mm length, was electrolysed for over 700 h at a current of 4A in 3M LiOD in D2O, while periodically monitoring the neutron flux, alternating with the background, as previously described. Post-mortem weighing indicated a D/Pd loading of 0.812. Some positive results were obtained; as before, there was a maximum neutron emission at about one charging time constant, i.e. below maximum saturation. The maximum neutron emission rate is 160 n/h, which I translate into about 1E-26 fus/pair/s; the authors make that 1E-44/s/cm**3. The introduction says that there will be a comparison with an H2O electrolysis but this is not found in the paper. Jan-91/? ------------------------- Bittner M, Meister A, Ohms D, Paffrath E, Rahner D, Schwierz R, Seeliger D, Wiesener K, Wuestner P; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 334. "Indication for the temporary production of deuteron-deuteron fusion neutrons during electrolytic infusion of deuterons into a massive palladium slab". ** The team from Dresden continues with its cnf experiments, and here reports the use of a slab, initially 50*40*7 mm**3, loaded by a 8A current in 3M LiOD. The authors subscribe to a dense plasma model of cold fusion, and predict (and have shown) a maximum fusion rate at intermediate D loadings, in contrast to most other workers. A maximum loading of 0.615 was reached over 900 h of electrolysis in all. There were some weak but significant neutron emissions but not as definite as the team's previous reports with other cathodes. The upper limit was set at 1E-26 fusions/pair/s for fully loaded Pd. Feb-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Bittner M, Meister A, Seeliger D, Schwierz R, Wuestner P; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 346. "Observation of d-d fusion neutrons during degassing of deuterium-loaded palladium". ** High temperature degassing Pd charged with deuterium is expected to allow a higher fusion rate than during electrolytic charging, because of the higher deuteron mobility, and the greater concentration of deuterium in the interstitial plasma, as well as higher deuterium energy. Also, the experiment is shorter. Here, 2.45 MeV neutrons from the 3He branch were searched for. Two massive chunky Pd cylinders, respectively 86 and 518 g mass, were electrolytically charged, and then degassed on a heating plate, with temperatures at the plate and top of the samples 375 C and 205 C, resp. and duration of degassing (and neutron monitoring) about 10 minutes per run. A total of 18 runs (large sample) and 11 runs (small sample) were run, in air, for a single deuterium charge. There was heat shielding between the samples and the neutron detector, which was NE-213 liquid scintillators coupled to photomultipliers, detecting recoil protons. Gamma events were suppressed to 2-5*10^-4. Results show significant neutron emission in the 1.9-3.3 MeV slot, but none in the 3.3-5.2 MeV slot. The emissions decayed to background as the samples lost deuterium after about 50-100 min, i.e. neutron emission correlated with deuterium content of the samples. The calculated maximum fusion rate was about 3*10^-25 fus/d-d pair/s. Jul-91/May-93 ------------------------- Blagus S, Bogovac M, Drasner A, Vukovic M; Fusion Technol. 26 (1994) 105. "Evidence for neutron production during heavy water electrolysis on palladium electrode". ** An attempt to reproduce the results of Gozzi et al. A Pd cyclinder was made by pressing 99.95% pure Pd powder at 216 MPa and sintering at 1173 K for 12 H. The final mass of the pellet was 8.2 g at a density of 80% that of solid Pd. An undivided cell was used, filled with 0.2M D2SO4 in D2O, kept at 298 K; current density was 0.2 A/cm^2. Neutrons were monitored with a single 6Li-glass scintillation counter with appropriate electronics for pulse height discrimination etc. Over a period of about 10 days, 12 runs were recorded with an overall duration of 677660 s. All recordings were indistinguishable from those for the background, except in one run, where two neutron bursts were seen, with durations of 200 and 100 s, counting, resp., 193 and 63 neutrons or 256 total in 300 s. Postmortem analysis of the cathode indicated a D/Pd loading of 0.7. The team noted the exact times of x-ray bursts from the Sun (there is a table of such events) and the neutron bursts are not correlated with these. Neutron emissions were about 1/10 of Gozzi et al. Mar-93/Aug-94 ------------------------- Blagus S, Bogovac M, Hodko D, Krcmar M, Miljanic D, Tomas P, Vajic M, Vukovic M; Z. Phys. A: At. Nucl. 333 (1989) 321. "Search for neutron production during heavy water electrolysis on palladium electrodes" ** Found that the upper limit on neutron production is 10**-5 * FPH, and also less than Jones+'s results. Scintillation detectors were used, regularly calibrated and checked for stability. There was an apparent neutron peak in the expected region; however, this was present also when the electrolysis was turned off and the Pd electrode taken out. Long-time difference spectra showed only background noise. After electrolysis, x-ray fluorescence showed that Pt had been deposited on the Pd. (24-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Blaser JP, Haas O, Ptitjean C, Barbero C, Bertl W, Lou K, Mathias M, Baumann P, Daniel H, Hartmann J, Hechtl E, Ackerbauer P, Kammel P, Scrinzi A, Zmeskal H, Kozlowski T, Kipfer R, Baur H, Signer P, Wieler R; Chimia 43 (1989) 262. "Experimental investigation of cold fusion phenomena in palladium". ** A team from 5 different institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland carried out electrolysis and calorimetry of D2O and H2O, using closed cells, while monitoring for neutrons (single detector), gamma radiation, tritium and helium (these by mass spec). During two months, no excess heat was found, no neutrons or gammas; tritium was not possible to separate from enrichment effects; mass spec sensitivity for (4)He is not sufficient while the high sensitivity for (3)He was of no avail, as all such counts could be almost precisely accounted for by tritium entering the Pd. Surface analysis showed a monolayer on the Pd of Zn, Pb and Hg but these did not prevent hydrogen/deuterium from entering the Pd: a loading of 0.85-0.95 was achieved in both cases. Sep-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Blencoe JG, Naney MT, Wesolowski DJ, Perey FG; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 149. "Tests for 'cold fusion' in the Pd-D2 and Ti-D2 systems at 40-380 MPa and -196-27 degC". ** This team decided to try to load Pd with D2 gas; while this was in progress, they heard about the Frascatti experiments with Ti and added this to the experiment. The Pd-D2 system was monitored for heat effects, as well as for neutrons. A triple BF3 neutron detector was used. Results: "no sustained neutron flux" over a long period of pressurisation, depressurisation and temperature cycling for the Pd-D2 system, and temperature changes due only to PV work and deuteride formation. The single Ti-D2 experiment gave an increase in the neutron level over a period of 5 hours at 80 hours. This corresponds to about 1000 n/s, comparable with Jones et al or Menlove et al, but the authors warn that they cannot be sure that their detector was bahaving properly. They plan more experiments to confirm/deny this result. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Bockris JO'M, Chien C-C, Hodko D, Minevski Z; Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 17 (1992) 445. "Cold fusion as a consequence of high fugacity among hydrogen isotopes". ** Bockris et al here argue for the high-fugacity theory of cold fusion. In the original FPH paper, FPH calculated, from the overpotential, an equivalent "pressure" of 1E26 atm. This is supported here, although called fugacity. The authors refer to 1967 work of Landau and Lifshits, which says that a pressure exceeding 1E17 atm might cause electron capture by deuterium nuclei and thus loss of charge. There is some qualitative argument for equating fugacity with pressure, away from walls. The steep fugacity rise at pressures of around 1E04 atm is still mentioned. ------------------------- Bockris JO'M, Lin GH, Packham NJC; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 11. "A review of the investigations of the Fleischmann-Pons phenomena". ** A review, with 61 references, of cold fusion, a little selective in parts. Many of the references are to conferences and "private communication", and thus not quite so accessible. The major experiments are reported, and a discussion given on each of excess heat, tritium, neutrons, protons, mass spectrometry, cluster impact fusion. The various theories that have been proposed are explained rather well. These include growing cracks (but there is no mention of the Soviet work), muon catalysis, Coulombic screening, tunnelling, chain reactions, quantum electrodynamic, and the formation of dendrites on the cathode surface; this last theory is the authors', and would explain the long electrolysis time required before anything happens, the sporadicity and irreprodubility of the phenomenon, and even the alleged anomalous branching ratio. Tritium, the authors say, should be the easiest of all fusion products to detect; neutrons are difficult; FPH's calorimetry is beyond reproach. Mar-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Bockris JO'M; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 523. "Addition to 'A review of the investigations of the Fleischmann-Pons phenomena'". ** Since the printing of the review, more evidence has come to light. Bockris says that Kevin Wolf's tritium could not have been in the palladium beforehand and even if it was, it would have been driven out during electrolysis. So the results of Bockris' school, and those of Wolf himself, are not in doubt. ?/Nov-90 ------------------------- Bockris J, Hodko D; Chem. & Ind. 22 (1990) 689. "Is there evidence for cold fusion?" ** A summary of the case for cold fusion, which is a clear "yes" for the authors. In particular, they emphasise the burst-like nature of cold fusion, and say that there have been observations of correlated events like tritium with heat or neutrons or gammas. 77 references are given, many of them of conference talks, reports, and private communications. ?/Nov-90 ------------------------- Bosch H-S, Wurden GA, Gernhardt J, Karger F, Perchermeier J; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 165. "Electrochemical cold fusion trials at IPP Garching". ** The "Bavarian Bubble Bottle Team" reports, in a refreshingly informal and candid manner, their extensive experiments, starting as soon as they heard of FPH's press conference. Lacking all technical details, they nevertheless happened to hit on more or less the same set-up as FPH. Their neutron detectors were not up to Jones+ levels but sufficiently sensitive for FPH levels, as was their calorimetry, at an accuracy of about 5%. Three electrolysis cells showed no signs of neutrons, tritium, gamma emissions or excess heat above backgrounds. One large electrode, intended to verify the FPH melt-down (it didn't) was thrown into liquid nitrogen after 21 h charging, and allowed to warm up; this, to emulate Italian experiments. Again, no emissions. The deuterium loading was estimated (with some corrections) at 0.9-1.2. The team comments that the thermodynamics of palladium hydride differs from that of the deuteride, and that this could well account for the claims by Huggins (at that time not published), given his conditions of nonequilibrium; i.e. if the loading is changing, then the two hydrogen isotopes behave differently in a thermodynamic sense. They also point out (as Frank Close has done) that no matter what nuclear reaction one postulates, one must expect some kind of radiation; the cooperative, Moessbauer-type effect suggested by some, absorbing such emissions as heat, is highly unlikely. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Botta E, Bressani T, Calvo D, Feliciello A, Gianotti P, Lamberti C, Agnello M, Iazzi F, Minetti B, Zecchina A; Il Nuovo Cimento 105A (1992) 1663. "Measurement of 2.5 MeV neutron emission from Ti/D and Pd/D systems". ** Report of an improved series of experiments, using both Ti and Pd, loaded with deuterium from the gas phase. Blanks with hydrogen were also run. With both metals, thousands of minutes worth of neutron measurements were taken. Background measurements were also taken. The detector was a time-of-flight neutron spectrometer, two blocks of plastic scintillators. The authors point out that the Ti, covered as it is with oxide, does not absorb D2 or H2 unless heat treated, which they did. Temperature-time curves showed phase transitions for low-loaded Ti (x=0.7), but not for highly loaded Ti (1.8). Both metals, initially in the form of sponge (Ti) or small pellets, broke down. Subtraction of the average background in two slightly different ways clearly showed an excess of neutrons at around 2.5 MeV with the metal deuterides at about 4-5 sigma (Ti) and 2 sigma (Pd) but not with the hydrides. The neutron flux was about 1/10 of that found by this team previously, at (Ti) 0.1 n/s/g, and (Pd) 0.02 n/s/g. No bursts were found. Apr-92/Nov-92 ------------------------- Botter F, Bouchez J, Collot J, Kajfasz E, Lefievre B, Lesquoy E, Stutz A, Tistchenko S, Zylberajch S; Phys. Lett. B 232 (1989) 536. "Search for emission of neutrons from a palladium-deuterium system". ** Palladium black was used here, to facilitate absorption of H or D. The Pd was put into a stainless tube and exposed to H2 or D2 gas under various pressures. At various stages: during absorption of H or D; during desorption; static conditions with gas at 1 or 3 bar, and passing through phase changes as a result of H or D absorption; temperature and neutron flux were measured. Out of 25 cycles of 197 hours each, runs with D2 emitted 29 neutrons, runs with H2 18. These levels are several orders of magnitude below the results of De Ninno et al, with Ti. Aug-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Boucher GR, Collins FE, Matlock RL; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 200. "Separation factors for hydrogen isotopes on palladium" ** It is well known that there is hydrogen isotope separation during the electrolysis of water. Until now, there has only been indirect evidence for the separation factor for tritium enrichment due to this effect, in heavy water electrolysis. Here, an experiment is reported where this factor, calculated from that for h/d and h/t separation (about 2) is used to predict tritium concentration in a cell containing heavy water and 0.1M LiOD, and to compare this with measured tritium. The measured points fall on the predicted line. The line showed an "event", i.e. a sudden increase in tritium on day 21, but this was due to a greater tritium background in a replenisher. The cell had a Pd cathode, Pt anode and a recombiner. Jul-92/Sep-93 ------------------------- Boya LJ; An. Fis. B86 (1990) 221. "Possible mechanisms for cold fusion in deuterated palladium". ** Some speculation about cold fusion in the Pd lattice. The stationary state is first discussed. Deuterium is thought to be present as the neutral D most of the time, and as d (i.e. deuterons, D+) only a small part of the time; and to be colliding frequently ("because of the repulsive and big Pd ions"). However, this will not favour their fusion. Possible mechanisms should therefore be looked for in some non-stationary condition, such as the passing of a current, or an attractive d-d force in the alpha phase, or lattice interaction such as overlapping pseudolocalised Bloch waves; or lattice vibrations; or hysteresis in the alpha/beta transition region. Suggestions are made for experiments to throw light on the puzzle: the use of ac current to enhance the current effect, and heating and cooling to exploit the hysteresis effect. Sep-89/? ------------------------- Bracci L, Fiorentini G, Mezzorani G; J. Phys. G 16 (1990) 83. "Nuclear fusion in molecular systems". ** Theoretical calculation of the fusion rate of pairs xx', where x and x' can be p, d or t, for a range of internuclear distances and effective masses of the binding particle (electron). A model thought to be more accurate than the naive Gamow-Sommerfeld formula is used. In some cases, high pressures might lead to an internuclear distance sufficiently smaller than normal, to increase fusion rates by tens of orders of magnitude, even at normal electron mass. Collective effects on the fusion process are ruled out, however, because they operate at inter-atomic spacings, not the small internuclear distances. The table of results shows that claimed cold fusion rates are possible with effective electron masses of 5-10 for all xx'. Jun-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Bressani T, Calvo D, Feliciello A, Lamberti C, Iazzi F, Minetti B, Cherubini R, Haque AMI, Ricci RA; Il Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fiz. 104A (1991) 1413. "Observation of 2.5 MeV neutrons emitted from a titanium-deuterium system". ** This team recognised the difficulties of low-level neutron measurement and started, some time ago, to design a suitable detector system. They chose a time-of-flight system, together with a scattering trick which, although lowering the sensitivity to 3E-04, had the advantage of almost complete immunity to background. 3g of Ti shavings were pressurised under H2 or D2 at up to 2 atm at temperatures from 25-540 degC. The Ti was degassed for one day at 540 degC. During pressurising, the temp. was cycled up and down. At the high temps., all gas escaped the Ti, and was reabsorbed during the down cycle. During the downs with D2, small enhancement of the neutron spectrum around 2.45 MeV were observed; none with H2 gas. Signal averaging of up cycles and down cycles separately and subtracting these averages gave a much clearer 2.45 MeV peak than reported previously. The intensity amounts to about 13 n/s/g Ti, or a fusion rate of about 1E-21 fus/pair/s. Erratum: Bressani T, Calvo D, Feliciello A, Lamberti C, Iazzi F, Minetti B, Cherubini R, Haque AMI, Ricci RA; Il Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. 104A (1991) 1587. ERRATA: "Observation of 2.5 MeV neutrons emitted froma titanium-deuterium system". In the paper referred to here, same journal 104A (1991) 1413, some of the corrections requested by the authors were not carried out in the final version. On p.1417, line 19, there should appear (4.0 +- 1.5) n/s, and in the following row, (1.3 +- 0.5) n/s/g. (Original dates) Aug-91/Sep-91 ------------------------- Bressani T, Del Giudice E, Preparata G; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital Fis. A 101 (1989) 845. "First steps toward an understanding of 'cold' nuclear fusion" ** Theoretical. Takes as a fact that cold fusion takes place, and tries to find an explanation of it, in terms of lattice effects in Ti and Pd, and why cold fusion might differ from fusion in vacuum. The authors have, for some years, been considering collective interactions in the solid state, through the quantised electromagnetic field, and claim some success in other areas, such as lasers and high-T superconductors. They find that coherent oscillation of electrons around deuterons can indeed enhance fusion rates by 50-60 orders of magnitude and, what is more, that the particular fusion reaction is not expected to be that occurring in vacuum but solely that leading to (4)He plus energy, accounting for FPH's heat-without-neutrons; it can also accommodate the Jones+ results. Lastly, the authors suggest that the reaction p+d will also be enhanced. (26-) Apr-89/May-89 ------------------------- Briand JP, Dewynck J, Chevallier P, Bobin JL; Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A A285 (1989) 547. "Cold fusion: an alternative diagnostic". ** A new diagnostic for CNF in Pd targets, using the x-rays that would be emitted during the slowing down of p fusion products in the target, was carried out. This is fairly easy to measure. So far, negative results. Jul-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Briand JP, Ban G, Froment M, Keddam M, Abel F; Phys. Lett. A145 (1990) 187. "Cold fusion rates in titanium foils". ** In a previous paper, this team had detected cold fusion by the x-rays produced when the neutrons hit metal atoms. They have now improved their technique, and use it on Ti instead of Pd (as previously). Background detector noise is now down by a factor of 100, efficiency up 3 times. Electrolysis was used, in soups containing Jones+-like metal ions. They conclude that even with properly pretreated Ti, the D does not penetrate more than 2-3 mu into the Ti, due to deposition of metals. So, on the one hand, Jones+ fusion rate should be revised by a couple of orders of magnitude, due to the much smaller volume. On the other hand, the present team finds next to nothing, even from Ti fully loaded by D2 gas, nor (a fracto-experiment) from loaded Ti cracked right in front of the detector. Dec-89/Apr-90 ------------------------- Bridge ME, Lloyd DR, Coey JMD; Nature (London) 340 (1989) 105. 13-Jul-89. Scientific correspondence. "Cold fusion ideas" (section editor's title). ** Points out that, due to the different resistivities of electrolytes in normal and heavy water, the substitution of normal water might produce different heats, without showing that CNF took place in heavy water. Also, mass spectrometers might be cheated into apparently giving evidence for tritium, while in fact, species such as D2H+ and D3+ might be giving the signals. ?/Jul-89 ------------------------- Brillas E, Esteve J, Sardin G, Casado J, Domenech X, Sanchez-Cabeza JA; Electrochim. Acta 37 (1992) 215. "Product analysis from D2O electrolysis with Pd and Ti cathodes". ** If there be fusion, there must be fusion products; this has been one of the weak points in the cold fusion saga. The Spanish team here looks specifically at the production of tritium and deposition on and diffusion into the metal of lithium and platinum, both at Pd and Ti cathodes, as well as at Pt, as a control. The electrolyte is the usual 0.1M LiOD in pure D2O (and LiOH in H2O as control), as well as some D2O spiked with tritium to about three times the normal contamination level. The metals were high purity sheets and rods and current densities ranged from 5 to 300 mA/cm**2, for many days. The temperature was controlled to 25 degC. Tritium was assayed from aliquots taken from the electrolyte, and near-surface products were detected by SIMS spectra. No unexplained changes in tritium were found, i.e. none was produced by exotic reactions. Lithium was indeed deposited on all cathodes, up to a total content of 30 ppm in the Ti sheet. Much more Pt was deposited (up to 600 ppm). Mar-91/Feb-92 ------------------------- Britz D; Centaurus 33 (1990) 368. "Cold fusion: an historical parallel". ** The experiment of Wada and Nishizawa (1989) was preceded by a very similar one, almost 60 years previously. John Tandberg, the Swedish chemist electrically exploded a Pd wire electrolytically charged with deuterium, in order to provoke d-d fusion. The paper provides a translation of the Swedish description of this work, and discusses the parallel. Nov-90/Sep-91 ------------------------- Britz D; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 155 (1991) 377. "Parameter correlations in cold fusion measurements". ** Besides listing some of those few cold fusion experiments in which correlations between different measured parameters were found, the author looks closely at the paper of Birgul et al, which clearly shows some remarkably correlated gamma emissions and cell temperature; Birgul et al do not seem to make much of this. Britz calculates the cross correlation function and finds a peak of 0.34 at a lag of 16 min, i.e. the temperature tends to lead gamma emissions by 16 minutes on average. No explanation is offered. Aug-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Broer MM, Feldman LC, James ACWP, Kraus JS, Raghavan RS; Phys. Rev. C: Nucl. Phys. 40 (1989) R1559. "Search for neutrons from deuterium-deuterium nuclear reactions in electrochemically charged Palladium". ** A four-week electrochemical experiment with Pd wire and rods, annealed under nitrogen at 900 degC for 1h, the rods cast from powder under argon and rolled. A single neutron detector was used and found a fusion rate < 1/5 of that of Jones+. Jun-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Brudanin VB, Bystritskii VM, Egorov VG, Shamsutdinov SG, Shyshkin AL, Stolupin VA, Yutlandov IA; Phys. Lett. A 146 (1990) 347. "Does cold nuclear fusion exist?". ** Experimental attempt to verify cold fusion, by both electrolysis of D2O at Pd and D2-saturation of Pd, as well as electrolysis of D2-charged Pd. Pure D2O, as well as 50:50 D2O:H2O were used and currents from 1-125 mA/cm**2. The authors seem not to have used LiOD but note that "at high currents", sodium carbonate was added to raise conductivity. In the D2 gas experiments, a loading of 0.5 was achieved. Two SNM-14 boron-containing neutron detectors were used, calibrated at 0.32% efficiency; x-rays were also measured. Nothing was found above background levels. The authors comment on the use of Li salts: cosmic neutrons react with (6)Li to produce tritium, so Li should be avoided if tritium is to be detected. Jun-89/Jun-90 ------------------------- Brudanin VB, Bystritskii VM, Egorov VG, Shamsutdinov SG, Shyshkin AL, Stolupin VA, Yutlandov IA; Phys. Lett. A 146 (1990) 351. "Once more about cold nuclear fusion". ** To add to their other paper on p.347, the authors have tried experiments with Ti, again using electrolysis and D2 gas loading, as well as temperature cycling as in the Frascati trials. No neutrons were found. Jul-89/Jun-90 ------------------------- Brudanin VB, Bystritsky VM, Egorov VG, Stetsenko SG, Yutlandov IA; Phys. Lett. A151 (1990) 543. "Search for the cold fusion d(d,(4)He) in electrolysis of D2O". ** Previous work by this team did not confirm either FPH(89) or Jones+(89) claims. Nevertheless, the excess heat found by some needs to be explained. Here the possibility of the reaction d+d --> (4)He + lattice energy is investigated, by detection of alpha particles (i.e. He). Thin Pd (50 mu) and Ti (100 mu) foils are used as cathodes in 0.1M Na2CO3 in D2O, at current densities of 30 mA/cm**2 for about 100 h. Two CR-39 track detectors were placed directly under the cathode foils. Not a single track was recorded. In another experiment, a silicon surface barrier detector was used, again with no alphas detected. This set an upper limit for cold fusion at 1E-26 fus/pair/s. Thus, the exotic (4)He+heat branch is not the explanation for the excess heat observed by others, and precision calorimetry must provide the answer. Sep-89/Dec-90 ------------------------- Bruschi L, Santini M, Torzo G, Nardelli G; Europhys. Lett. 10 (1989) 303. "Search for neutron emission from a deuterium-titanium system". ** Examined a Ti-D system at temperatures between 77-1100 K, emulating the De Ninno et al experiments, but here also monitoring the D-loading of the Ti by accounting for lost D2 gas (pressure drops). They achieved a loading of 1.65 and, at all loadings, observed no neutron emission. Jul-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Bryan SR, Gibson JH; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 95. "Comments on 'Nuclear energy release in metals'". ** A letter to the Editor, commenting on Mayer and Reitz's previous paper (FT 19 (1991) 552). M&R claimed that there is experimental evidence for their theory of a nuclear reaction with the Pd atoms, leading to Pd isotope distribution changes. Bryan and Gibson say that this is a misinterpretation, and no such changes took place. Aug-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Budnikov AT, Danilov PA, Kartamyshev GA, Katrich NP, Seminozhenko VP; Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh., Ser. Fiz. Radiats. Povr. Radiats. Mat 1990(1) 81 (in Russian). "Study of gases evolving from palladium, nickel and copper, bombarded with D+ ions, from palladium saturated with gases by heavy water electrolysis and by heating in deuterium". ** The three metals Pd, Ni and Cu were bombarded by D+ ions in a vacuum; other metal samples (Pd) were used as cathodes in heavy water electrolysis or charged in D2 gas. These were then placed in a high vacuum pumping system and the desorption of gases from the metals followed by mass spectroscopy. Masses of 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were found, as well as higher. The authors exclude, on no basis that this abstractor can see, species containing tritium, ascribing all to combinations of H and D; He is excluded because it does not desorb from within a metal by simple pumping. Dec-89/? ------------------------- Bullock IV JS, Powell GL, Hutchinson DP; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 275. "Electrochemical factors in cold fusion experiments". ** Expertise in electrochem, metal hydrides and physics was brought together to study cold fusion, and this paper reports the electrochemical findings. The FPH(89) paper gave a few clues (some now superseded): unalloyed Pd, Pt anode, high-purity D2O with 0.1M LiOD 0.2 M was used here), bulky electrode. Cell symmetry giving an even current distribution etc. were added as reasonable guesses, and gas-phase precharging of the Pd with D2 gas to save time. The electrolyte was analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), the Pd by metallography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and x-ray crystallography (XRC). Evolved gases were analysed by high resolution MS (HRMS). No evidence of cold fusion was obtained, and comments are made. There is table of the possible (electro)chemical reactions than may take place at both cathode and anode, as well as in solution; this will be useful for the nonspecialists. There is some discussion of the thermodynamics of the cell and some modelling. A scenario is suggested to explain the FPH exploding cube. It is suggested that several poisons should be tried, and high-symmetry cells with reference electrodes used. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Bunch KJ, Grow RW; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 2131. "Self-consistent field calculations on diatomic hydrogen in a potential well". ** Diatomic dd in a well, i.e. in an octahedral or tetrahedral site in the PdDx lattice, or in a defect or crack, are looked at here. The Schroedinger equation for such a pair plus electron cloud (an overall neutral region) is solved by the Method of Roothaan and Blinder. Results show that the dd pairs are squeezed together in the well, but not enough to explain cold fusion. The model can however be adjusted and might be useful anyway. Nov-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Burrows A; Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 40 (1989) 3405. "Enhancement of cold fusion in metal 'hydrides' by screening of proton and deuteron charges". ** Calculates the screening length Ds required to make cnf possible at the claimed rates, given the lattice parameters in PdD(x), which impart an energy of 0.1-1 eV to the deuterons. At low x, where the diffusion coefficient at 300K of deuterons is 10**(-6) cm**2/s, Ds is about 0.5 A, which gives a fusion rate of about 10**(-100)/pair/s. However, in the highly charged beta phase (x>0.7 or so) deuteron diffusion is much slower, reducing Ds but it is not clear by how much. To get values such as claimed by FPH (10**(-19), inferred from their excess heat claims), Ds would have to be 0.03 A. Burrows leaves open the question how this can be achieved. (24-) Apr-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Bush BF, Lagowski JJ, Miles MH, Ostrom GS; J. Electroanal. Chem. 304 (1991) 271. "Helium production during the electrolysis of D2O in cold fusion experiments". ** The "China Lake" paper. The gas effluent from cold fusion electrolysis cells was analysed for He by a sensitive mass spectrometer. Great care was taken to establish that there was no contamination; the N2 gas used to flush the sample flask was checked and found to contain no He, and blank runs showed none. The Pd cathode was surface-ground with wet silicon carbide paper to remove any possible helium from it (?). The MS detection limit for He was about 8E11 atoms of (4)He. Results show that those electrodes that had produced excess heat (reported elsewhere) also gave off (4)He in amounts large compared to the detection limit, while those that gave little or no excess heat did not. None gave off any detectable (3)He. The He detection limit corresponds to around 8% excess heat, and up to 27% had been observed. For the cell giving out 0.46 W, about 5.4E14 He atoms are expected during the electrolysis time of 4440 s; this is certainly well above their detection limit. The amount of He found is roughly proportional to the excess power (with large uncertainties because the amounts are still small). Dental x-ray film, placed next to the electrodes, showed evidence of radiation emitted from the electrode. Control electrolyses with light water showed no helium; these electrodes had been used previously in heavy water and contained some residual D, so d+p fusion could not be ruled out; indeed, some unexpected excess heat was found, despite the lack of (3)He, expected from this reaction. There was no evidence of radiation on the film. The fact that He was detected implies that it is produced at the metal surface and that most of it escapes. Feb-91/Apr-91 ------------------------- Bush RT, Eagleton RD; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 397. "'Cold nuclear fusion': A hypothetical model to probe an elusive phenomenon". ** CNF differs from hot ditto by using subtle effects such as tunnelling, instead of brute force. This must be assisted by something, which needs to be explained, as well as the known facts (?) such as excess heat, few neutrons, coming in bursts, low x-ray and gamma-ray yields, tritium production, irreproducability and the lack of nuclear signature. Boson clumping is suggested as a jumping-off point for discussion; i.e. the tight clumping of deuterons in the lattice. Helium-4, and some of the other properties of cnf can be accounted for by this model. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Bush RT; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 313. "Cold 'fusion'. The transmission resonance model fits data on excess heat, predicts optimal trigger points, and suggests nuclear reaction scenarios". ** Bush, in this 40+ page paper, outlines his model, which explains the neutrons, tritium, excess heat and even cluster impact emissions claimed by various experimenters. When an odd integer multiple number of quarter waves of the de Broglie waves of diffusons (here deuterons diffusing within Pd) match the potential well widths of the lattice particles, 100% transmissivity can be achieved, and the deuteron can get close to others on the way, and may fuse. The model not only explains the experimental evidence but also makes detailed predictions of, e.g., the shape of the function excess power vs. current density (it finds a relative minimum, matched to a measured point set). It also leads to optimal conditions ("trigger points") for observing cold fusion, and even goes as far as some preliminary reactor design. The nuclear reaction taking place is not d-d fusion but most likely neutron transfer from deuteron to Pd: d + (105)Pd --> p + (106)Pd + energy. May-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Bush RT; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 301. "A light water excess heat reaction suggests that 'cold fusion' may be 'alkali-hydrogen fusion'". ** Bush here outlines, in a qualitative manner, his disavowal of the theory of Mills and Farrell (which "is flawed"), and his own theory of how cold fusion takes place in a Pd or Ni lattice. A multitude of reactions of the kind p + M1 ==> M2, and d + M1 ==> M2, are possible, where M1 are alkali metals (as well as hydrogen isotopes), and M2 are ultrastable (or near-ultrastable) elements such as (40)Ca, (4)He, etc. This ultrastability, plus the special conditions in a metal hydride/deuteride lattice, is what enables cold fusion. There is thus a wide choice of fusion fuels, and the good news is that deuterium is not needed. In each case, the resulting high energy is dissipated in a kind of anti-Moessbauer effect, due to the rigidity of the metal lattice at these low temperatures. FPH were lucky because Li can do it with d. The author's TRM model (with Eagleton) is invoked along with all this. There is experimental proof. Using a Ni cathode, a Pt anode and 0.57M Na2CO3 as electrolyte, and a plate of a "Ni alloy", excess heat was found, in contrast with M&F, whose theory demands light water and a potassium salt (but using Ni itself). Rb salts, too, do the trick. The reaction with potassium should yield some Ca as the ash, and in fact 14 microgram (about the right amount) were found; using a Rb salt, again about the right amount of Sr was found (3 microgram). This subrevolution within cnf could have immense economic ramifications, writes Bush. Jul-91/Sep-92 ------------------------- Bushuev VS, Ginodman VB, Zherikhina LN, Kuznetsov SP, Lapushkin YuA, Matvienko IP, Nikitenko AI, Perekrestenko AD, Saposhnikov NP, Tolokonnikov SM, Tskhovrebov AM; Sov. Phys. Lebedev Inst. Rep. 1990 (5) 57. Originally: Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. 1990(5) 41. "Some results obtained by detecting nuclear radiation during heavy-water electrolysis". ** Thermal neutrons and, simultaneously, gamma emissions, were measured at a number of electrolysis cells using various Pt anode shapes and different-size Pd foil cathodes, in heavy water and 30% D2SO4 or 7% LiOD. Neutrons were detected by an array of six (3)He counters around the water-filled region, shielded by paraffin and protected from external neutron background by a shield of borate polyethylene and grounded aluminium. A gamma-ray counter was mounted above the cell. The Pd was baked in vacuum at 500-600 degC for a few hours before, and was electrolytically saturated with D before radiation measurement commenced, in some cases. Measurements took place around the clock for several days, with removal of the cell before, during and after the run, for a background check. Some irreproducable neutron bursts were seen with the larger Pd electrodes. No strong conclusions can be reached. Mar-90/? ------------------------- Bushuev VS, Ginodman VB, Zherikhina LN, Kuznetsov SP, Lapushkin YuA, Matvienko IP, Nikitenko AI, Perekrestenko AD, Saposhnikov NP, Tolokonnikov SM, Tskhovrebov AM; Trud. Ord. Lenin. Ord. Oktyab. Revol. Fiz. Inst. im. P.N. Lebedeva, Ross. Akad. Nauk 220 (1992) 89 (in Russian). "Experiments in the recording of nuclear emissions by electrolysis of heavy water". ** Search for neutrons and gamma radiation, in three variants of electrolytic cells, using small Pd foil 0.1 mm*2.5 cm^2 (0.3 g), a larger foil, 0.3 mm* 30.4 cm^2 (11 g) and a Pd rod 10 mm dia., 90 mm long (86 g). The first two were electrolysed in 30% D2SO4, the rod in this as well as 7% LiOD, all in D2O. Neutrons were detected by a battery of 6 3He tubes around the cell, gammas by CsI(Na) scintillation detectors. The Pd was vacuum annealed at 500-600 C for some h, and electrolysis was maintained for about 100 h. The small foil showed no radiation above background. The large samples showed some irreproducible large neutron pulses, up to 4 times background; no gammas. ------------------------- Bussard RW; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 231. "Virtual-state internal nuclear fusion in metal lattices". ** Theory predicts that the cold fusion rate is a maximum at a loading less than the maximum; this can explain some of the observation, and has a bearing on branching ratios. There is also a suggestion of a sort of chain reaction involving generated tritium and deuterium but this - if it can happen - would destroy the palladium and would thus not offer any hope of practical use. (11-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Butler MA, Ginley DS, Schirber JE, Ewing RI; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 388. "High-sensitivity search for neutrons during electrochemical reactions". ** A redundant neutron detector with 3 independent channels was used, with an overall efficiency of 9.2% and a background of 10 count/h. While spurious signals indicative of neutrons occurred at one channel at a time, no real n events (i.e. on all channels) were recorded for a wide variety of conditions. Jun-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Byung JH; Hwahak Kwa Kongop Ui Chinbo 30 (1990) 86 (in Korean). "Cold nuclear fusion". ** The paper is entirely in Korean. The following was recognisable: "LiOD", "cocktail" (suggesting the Jones paper), "ion beam", the three d-d fusion branches as equations, and that of the p-d reaction; "branching efficiency", "100 mA/cm^2", the applied cell power equation with I*1.54 correction, "scintillation counter", "background", "cosmic rays", "(3)He", "(4)He", "DOE", "(Cold Fusion Panel to the Energy Research Advisory Board)", "cluster", "Wall Street Journal", "photonuclear", "(microcrack)", "10^4-10^6 V/cm". Assumed to be a review of the field. ------------------------- Campbell RB, Perkins LJ, Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 383. "A study of 'cold fusion' in deuterated titanium subjected to high-current densities". ** Since the cold fusion electrochemists have made much of the actual current densities employed (which does not impress the mainstream electrochemists), the authors here take pre-deuterated titanium (TiD(x), x = 0.9) and simply pass electric current through it, comparing the resulting (ohmic) heat with that in plain Ti hydride. Two different current densities gave no heat beyond ohmic, and no neutrons. Jun-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Cannizzaro F, Greco G, Raneli M, Spitale MC, Tomarchio E; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 86. "Search for neutrons as evidence of cold fusion". ** Report of a Palermo effort. Electrolysis was carried out in D2O containing sodium sulphate, and a mixture of sodium sulphate and iron, nickel and calcium salts. The Pd and Ti cathodes were in the form of plates. Two independent systems of BF3 thermal neutron counters were used, with pulse height analysis. Current densities went up to 24 mA/cm**2. The results do not confirm even Jones+ levels, at an upper limit of 3.6E-24 fus/d-d pair/s. May-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Capek V; Czech. J. Phys. B39 (1989) 793. "Tunnelling efficiency and the problem of cold fusion". ** Argue, irrespective of the final outcome of the CNF debate, that there is a theoretical possibility of a tunnelling mechanism which exists in solids but not in vacuum, to allow CNF. Previous work by the author and elementary QM lead, via coupling to "the bath" (the crystal environment, which differs from a vacuum) to tunnelling rates many orders of magnitude higher than in vacuum. Some simplifying assumptions were made and some of these, when eliminated, might suppress the fusion rates. More work needed. (24-) Apr-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Carpenter JM; Nature (London) 338 (1989) 711; 27-Apr-89. "Cold fusion: what's going on?" ** JMC was a referee of Jones+'s paper, and was invited by the editor to comment publically on the paper. He warns that cosmic ray neutrons must be eliminated from neutron measurements, or at least recognised. Their intensity is about the same as that reported for CNF, and there can be peaks at the energy 2.45 MeV. Suggests that going underground by two or three metres should reduce the cosmic ray problem by an order of magnitude. ?/Apr-89 ------------------------- Case LC; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 478. "The reality of 'cold fusion'". ** The fact that the positive results of cold fusion experiments are few in number and widely scattered is not evidence against the phenomenon, but instead evidence of a lack of understanding of the required conditions, writes Case. He then looks at the results of Yamaguchi and Nishioka and concludes that these can only be due to a nuclear process, most likely d-d fusion. He proposes a tentative mechanism, catalysed (initiated) by traces of tritium present in heavy water. D+T fusion releases neutrons, which then catalyse the main D+D fusion reaction, which releases further tritium, etc. There remains the lack of neutrons. These might be captured, e.g. by tritium or (3)He, both present. This leads to suggestions for improving experiments. May-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Case M, Boehm R; HDT (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.) 151 (Heat Transfer Adv. Energy Syst.) (1990) 55. "Assessment of thermal energy output from electrochemical cells - a critical review". ** An excellent and simply written description of the problems with cold fusion calorimetry, and the types of calorimeters that have been used. Several suggestions are made for better designs, and an error analysis for the three main designs given. These errors are much larger than those claimed by previous users of the designs. Good design suggestions include the use of differential thermocouples, a differential design for a cooling jacket type that uses only a calibration heater and three temperatures (or two differences), and a good suggestion for better use of the (most accurate) Seebeck effect design. A response simulation is also presented. ------------------------- Cecil FE, Ferg D, Furtak TE, Mader C, McNeil JA, Williamson DL; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 195. "Study of energetic charged particles emitted from thin deuterated palladium foils subject to high current densities". ** Some cold fusion results, such as heat without radiation emissions, could be due to the radiation being in the form of short-range charged particles. So this team looked for such emissions from Pd foil, irradiated by a D+ beam at 95 keV. During beam inpact, roughly the expected flux of neutrons was given off (self-targeting). The beam was switched off, electric current passed through the foil and energy spectra measured. Quote: "In Fig. 4a, accumulated over a period of 19 hours, there is a suggestion of a peak at about 3 MeV which could be identified as the protons from the d(d,p)t reaction. Another spectrum shows a peak at 5 MeV, and this is not seen for the controls in which either there was no current running through the PdD or a current running through undeuterated Pd. The authors have no explanation for this peak, which is consistent with a (d,p) reaction with various Pd isotopes, all very unlikely to occur. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Cecil FE, Liu H, Yan JS; Phys. Rev. C 47 (1993) 1178. "Measurements of branching ratios of low energy deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on 2H, 6Li, and 10B". ** The Oppenheimer-Phillips effect suggests that different target electric polarisation may, at low energies of impinging deuterons, affect the branching ratio of the fusion path. The deuteron is roughly seen as a proton and neutron, with the neutron leading due to electric effects from the targets, just prior to impact. Deuteron induced reactions have here been measured at d beam energies of 6, 27.5 and 70 keV on targets of 2H (i.e. D), 6Li and 10B. No appreciable dependence of the branching ratios on beam energy was found in the energy range looked at. Jun-92/Mar-93 ------------------------- Cedzynska K, Barrowes SC, Bergeson HE, Knight LC, Will FG; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 108. "Tritium analysis in palladium with an open system analytical procedure". ** Palladium from three different suppliers (45 samples in all) were subjected to open-cell electrolysis, as done by Wolf et al, with the aim of throwing light on tritium analysis. This was done on both the cathode materials and the electrolyte. There was no evidence of any tritium being produced but some evidence of possible artifacts and even artifactal low readings. Feb-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Cedzynska K, Will FG; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 156. "Closed-system analysis of tritium in palladium". ** This describes a method of detecting tritium in Pd and the results of using it on about 90 samples of Pd, supplied by Hoover and Strong and Johnson- Mathey. The metal sample is simply dissolved in a destillation flask and the solution distilled past a catalyst to burn any tritium gas to water. The distillate is then prepared for scintillation analysis for tritium. Themethod was standardised, and a sensitivity of about 5E07 tritium atoms was found for the 5 ml cell, or a ratio of 1:1E13 t/Pd. None of the 90 commercial Pd samples showed any tritium contamination, in contrast with the claims of prior tritium contamination by Wolf. Thus, commercial Pd appears to be free of tritium. Jul-91/Aug-92 ------------------------- Celani F, Spallone A, Croce F, Storelli L, Fortunati S, Tului M, Sparvieri N; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 181. "Search for enhancement of neutron emission from neutron-irradiated, deuterated, high-temperature superconductors in a very low background environment". ** The authors consider that copper-oxide-based high temperature superconducting materials (which absorb hydrogen) should also aid d-d fusion. Preliminary results were obtained by Jones. These materials have a perovskite crystal structure, similar to some geological crystals in the Earth's mantle. A two-(3)He-tube neutron detector and Pb shielding bricks were arranged around a cell containing variously a calibrating neutron source or a sample of the material, exposed to D2 gas at 40 and 36 bar. Some thermal cycling was carried out. Generally there were no deviations from background or blank detections, but there was one triple neutron event during a superconducting transition; such a triple event is likely to occur once in about 80 h, whereas all the thermal cycle runs lasted only 2.4 h. Other significant multiple events were seen in some other runs, going up to 30 sigmas above background. Thus, HTSC materials are suitable for cold fusion experiments and nonequilibrium conditions are favourable. Oct-91/Aug-92 ------------------------- Celani F, Spallone A, Pace S, Polichetti B, Saggese A, Liberatori L, Di Stefano V, Marini P; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 718. "Further measurements on electrolytic cold fusion with D2O and palladium at Gran Sasso Laboratory". ** Electrolysis experiments with Pd were performed in the low-background underground lab, measuring gamma and neutron radiation. The diagram shows that two (3)He detectors, two NaI detectors and a plastic scintillator were used. It appears that the electrolyte was 0.1M LiOH in heavy water. Electrolysis current density was 60 mA/cm**2, at hyperpure, vacuum-annealed Pd. There were some definite gamma events on all detectors, calculating out as up to 1E-19 fusions/pair/s. These gamma events were unaccompanied by neutron events, so the authors conclude that an aneutronic process is taking place. They also state that it was not possible to exclude fractoemission effects. Future work is planned. Dec-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Cerofolini CF, Para AF; Springer Proc. Phys. 59 (Exot. At. Condens. Matter) (1992) 129. "Alternatives in low energy fusion?" ** While hot fusion meets with increasing problems as it approaches break- even, there are appearing many claims for low-energy [cold] fusion. Here, cold fusion and the related cluster impact fusion (CIF) are examined and a unified model proposed to explain them, including their poor reproducibility. Muon catalysis, fractofusion, electrolytic fusion and CIF are discussed. The authors' "hot cloud" theory of CIF also implies that deuterium atoms explosively released from supercharged titanium deuteride might fuse at the levels found by Jones et al. At these levels, one is about 5 orders of magnitude below break-even. ------------------------- Cerofolini GF, Foglio Para A; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 98. "Can binuclear atoms solve the cold fusion puzzle?" ** The evidence for cold fusion is inconsistent with known physical laws and self-contradictory. The authors have previously proposed a model of binuclear atoms (dd)2e, but this is not a sufficient explanation. Here, they examine the possibility that these binuclear atoms partly activate cold fusion by the capture of a thermal neutron, which then leads to the breakup of the group, into various fragments, among them D, T, and (4)He. This would cause neutron depletion, and delayed emission, and cnf can be stimulated by thermal neutrons. All this can explain tritium enrichment, the formation of (4)He and neutron bursts. The theory can be tested experimentally. Feb-92/Jan-93 ------------------------- Chambaud G, Levy B, Esteve JG; Phys. Lett. A156 (1991) 395. "Estimate of Ti effects on D-D fusion". ** A theoretical attempt to explain both cold fusion and cluster impact fusion claims, by looking at possible screening effects in Ti. In the employed model, Ti-D and D-D interactions are taken as additive, and this leads to an overestimate of the tunnelling rate. Nevertheless, this turns out too low to account for observation claims. Oct-89/Jul-91 ------------------------- Chambers GP, Eridon JE, Grabowski KS, Sartwell BD, Chrisey DB; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 281. "Charged particle spectra of palladium thin films during low energy deuterium ion implantation". ** If a new nuclear reaction, rather than conventional d-d fusion, is responsible for the results of FPH(89), then one might expect heavy charged particle emissions such as alphas, tritons or protons. These would be emitted at MeV energies but stopped within the Pd lattice, so not easy to detect. So thin film Pd electrodes were used here, loaded with deuterium by an ion beam and charged particles detected by a silicon surface barrier detector. During several runs, a few counts were detected at the same energy of about 21 MeV, at about the same time into the run (2700 s). If these are due to charged particles, these must be heavier than D; possibly (3)He or (4)He nuclei. No known fusion reaction can account for these, though. Other explanations, in terms of artifacts, are possible. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Chambers GP, Eridon JM, Grabowski KS; Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 41 (1990) 5388. "Upper limit on cold fusion in thin palladium films". ** If, as stated by FPH, the excess heat comes from some new nuclear reaction not producing neutrons, tritium or helium, it is likely to be producing alpha particles or protons, which are detectable. This paper tests this hypothesis by charging palladium with an ion beam of deuterium, reaching a loading of 0.56. This can be done in vacuum, making particle detection easy. None were detected, however. It is possible that under these conditions the FPH effect does not operate. Jun-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Chang CP, Wu JK, Yao YD, Wang CW, Lin EK; Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 16 (1991) 491. "Hydrogen and deuterium in palladium". ** A wide-ranging experiment that aimed to determine the permeability of Pd to hydrogen and deuterium, the capacity of Pd to absorb these elements and their diffusion coefficients in the metal, all parameters as a function of temperature; further, gammas, neutrons, tritium, excess heat and changes in lattice parameters (by x-ray diffraction) were measured, and scanning electron microscopy employed on the Pd surface after electrolysis. Permeability, diffusion rate and solubility were measured by electrolytic flushing of the gas from the metal by anodic polarisation. Rather low loadings (D/Pd = 0.1) were achieved in the Pd foil used; there are Arrhenius plots. Deuterium diffuses faster through Pd than hydrogen and is more soluble, at all temps. Excess heat is claimed for both light and heavy water electrolyses, at about 30% but there are few details. No nuclear products were found. There was lattice expansion of 0.5% [sic] linear, from a measured 3.88 A for pure Pd (the known value is 3.89) and there were (scanning electron microscopy) cracks and pits over both surfaces. Mar-91/? ------------------------- Chapnik IM; Physics Lett. A 161 (1991) 111. "Possibility of electrochemically induced transmutation in PdD". ** Chapnik here follows up an earlier paper in which he suggested that the process in cold fusion is the Oppenheimer-Phillips reaction, in which neutrons from deuterons tunnel into other, heavier atoms, such as Pd. This would emit beta, gamma and proton radiation, any of which can be detected. This paper considers optimal conditions for the observation of the effect. One method of promoting this reaction might be mechanical distortion (twisting, bending) of the PdD sample, to cause inhomogeneities. Sep-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- "Possibility of induced beta radioactivity in PdD". ** Chapnik notes that charged particle detectors, used to find protons, do not go much below the Pd surface. Some have indeed detected some charged particles. Going back to an old thesis by Segre (1947), C suggests that beta emission may be induced in the deuterons in the interstitial sites of Pd, by virtue of the many electrons around the deuteron nucleus. This would produce (4)He plus energy at 10-12 MeV. He cites Yamaguchi and Nishioka (1990) for experimental evidence. Sep-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Chatterjee L, Chakraborty A, Das G; Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 29 (1991) 781. "Non-radiative exit channels in low energy d-d fusion". ** A theoretical look at collisional and muon-catalysed d-d fusion at low energies (the two differ in important ways). Phase space effects might alter the ratio of the two main exit branches t-p and (3)He-n. Indeed, calculations support this, though deviations from unity are smallish except for muon catalysed d-d fusion at high muon energies. Apr-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Chatterjee L, Das G; Phys. Lett. A154 (1991) 5. "Sub-barrier nuclear fusion of amuonic and muonic flavour". ** The physics of cold fusion is analysed in terms of Allis-Morse potentials, to decide in which way this apparently amuonic process might take place. Under the special nonequilibrium conditions during deuterium charging of the metal, abnormal electron pile-up could provide strong screening. The authors arrive at a necessary d-d distance of close to 0.1 A and feel that this can be achieved, especially during the later phases of charging. Thus, the delay before onset of neutron emission is explained and nonequilibrium confirmed as a requirement. Dec-89/Mar-91 ------------------------- Chatterjee L, Mandal S, Chakrabarty A; Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 31 (1993) 131. "Electron accumulation and reproducibility of cold fusion". ** The authors have previously suggested stochastic electron accumulation as a possible mechanism for fusion, by momentarily increased electron screening; Burrows has also suggested enhanced capture reaction pathways. This paper suggests active promotion of electron accumulation, by making the Pd cathode the negative end of a capacitor, thereby forcing a higher electron density (up to a factor of 100) into the metal. Most suitable as dielectric is TiO2, with its high dielectric constant. The technique would be simple to adapt to gas charging experiments. Enhancement of fusion rates from the observed normal rate of 1E-23 to as much as 1E-13 fusions/pair/s might be achieved, as well as better reproducibility. Oct-91/Feb-93 ------------------------- Chatterjee L; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 683. "Could spectator electrons legalize cold fusion?". ** An interesting introductory phrase: "The origin of the phenomenon is not understood, so theoretical adventures may be hazardous until the experimenters reach a concensus". Still, C explores a possible avenue; that of spectator (conduction) electrons somehow enhancing one of the two fusion branches, which might explain "excess tritium" production in some experiments. Theory seems to support this idea; the electrons drain away some of the energy from the fusion vertex, skewing the branching ratio markedly. Jun-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Chatterjee L; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 358. "On a weak flavor for cold fusion". ** The author explores the possibility that "cold fusion" is not just pure fusion but a reaction flavoured by weak interaction, which might ease the way over the barrier suppressing fusion. Hagelstein considered superradiant neutrinos and the doubtful virtual neutrons, but LC takes a different approach. Excess electron cloud density in the deuterated metal may, with their fluctuations, put some reactions at threshold; the electron participates in the reaction, rather than being - as in screening models - just a spectator. This model does not require exotic physics to explain cold fusion. LC goes on to speculate that the natural deuterium in sea water might have come from p-p reactions in pure H2O over long times. The model also has astrophysical ramifications. Apr-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Chatterjee L; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 365. "The two faces of the Coulomb barrier". ** LC examines the problem that the Coulomb barrier response is different for approaching and receding particles, from the mathematical boundary conditions. But wave function solutions show no such difference. A simple mechanism to resolve this paradox is proposed, and may have practical applications. For example, the exit channel (branch) t-p would be enhanced over the n-(3)He one, as claimed by some cold fusion experimenters. Apr-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Chatterjee L; Nature (London) 342 (1989) 232; 16-Nov-1989. Letters. "More on cold fusion" (Title given by Letters editor). ** Some comments on muon catalysis of fusion. Suggests using natural muons from cosmic radiation to produce - at no cost - fissile material. ?/Nov-89 ------------------------- Chatterjee L; Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 27 (1989) 787. "Muon production for energy applications: cold fusion". ** Muon catalized cold fusion needs a good source of muons. This paper dis- cusses the problem of reducing costs of muons from an accelerator. !! Jan-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Chechin VA, Tsarev VA, Rabinowitz M, Kim YE; Int. J. Theo. Phys. 33 (1994) 617. "Critical review of theoretical models for anomalous effects in deuterated metals". ** A large review (54 pp, ca. 180 refs) of the field. Most theories come in for heavy criticism, with "acceleration models" the most plausible, albeit not free from problems either. Part of the problem is that "... not all of the experiments are equally valid...". Theories are neatly classified into barrier circumvention, barrier reduction, barrier ascent, narrow nuclear resonances, multibody fusion and exotic chemistry. Aug-93/? ------------------------- Chechin VA, Tsarev VA; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 469. "On the nonstationary quantum-mechanical origin of nuclear reactions in solids". ** A new theory of 'cold fusion'. The authors start by listing the successes and failures of the fractofusion theory in explaining the diverse observations. They then postulate the appearance of high-momentum components in the deuteron wave function in the solid state, due to violation of stationarity there. They give no explanation of the origin of this, but it may indirectly have to do with fracture formation. Thus this model is based on energetic barrier penetration, not on acceleration (as in the fractofusion model). This might be called the 'perestroyka (reorganisation) model'. Preliminary calculations fall roughly within the ball park. Aug-92/Jul-94 ------------------------- Cheek GT, O'Grady WE; J. Electroanal. Chem. 277 (1990) 341. "Measurement of hydrogen uptake by palladium using a quartz crystal microbalance". ** The QCM, a new toy for electrochemists, is used here to measure H-loading of Pd, evaporated onto the quartz surface. Calibration was by means of coulometry. It turns out that the frequency shifts, which normally tell you how much has been laid on, are about double those expected, due to stresses caused by Pd lattice expansion upon H-uptake. A loading of PdHx, x = 0.72 +/- 0.06 and PdDx, x = 0.68 +/- 0.06, was reached. So QCM can be used to measure H/D loading in films of Pd. Oct-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Cheek GT, O'Grady WE; J. Electroanal. Chem. 368 (1994) 133. "Measurement of H/D uptake characteristics at palladium using a quartz crystal microbalance". ** Having previously found that the ECQM (electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance) shows anomalous behaviour when used to measure D-loading of a Pd film, they now extend the study to look at the details of film stress as charging proceeds, especially in mixtures of light and heavy water. At 10% or more light water, H dominates in the Pd film, but if the Pd is precharged with D, this is not replaced by H upon electrolysis in a mixture, a surprising finding. Jan-93/Apr-94 ------------------------- Chemla M, Chevalet J, Bury R; C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2 309 (1989) 987 (in French). "Heat evolution involved with the electrochemical discharge of hydrogen and deuterium on palladium". ** A slightly shorter French version of the other paper by these authors, in J. Electroanal. Chem. 277 (1990) 93. Same results. English summary provided. ------------------------- Chemla M, Chevalet J, Bury R, Perie M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 277 (1990) 93. "Experimental investigation of thermal and radiation effects induced by deuterium discharge at the palladium electrode". ** In short: there weren't any. The team is expert in electrochemical calorimetry and used their experience on a cell in which both the cathode and anode were deuterium-charged palladium, which avoids certain problems of heat calculation, as well as oxygen evolution. The overall cell reaction is transfer of D from one electrode to the other (the new technique of "transfer electrolysis"). A quasi-adiabatic calorimeter was used. Tritium was also monitored in the electrolyte. There were some heat excursions but these could all be accounted for by some D2-O2 recombination; also, normal water, H2O, produced such excursions. No tritium was found. Since the authors are experts at microcalorimetry, one might take their error figure for measured heat (3-5%) as an important, realistic figure. In conclusion the authors note that there are claims of excess heat from other workers, which are not easily accounted for. They call for a theoretical and practical study of possible surface effects that may lead to higher loading of the palladium with deuterium, than is normally achieved. Aug-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Chen M, Steadman SG, Gaudreau MPJ, Luckhardt SC, Parker RR, Albagli D, Cammarata V, Schloh M, Wrighton MS, Kwok K, Thieme C, Lowenstein DI, Debbe R, Reilly JJ; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 155. "Measurements of neutron emission induced by muons stopped in metal deuteride targets". ** There have been suggestions that perhaps muons from cosmic infall cause cold fusion. This team investigates by experiment whether this can be so. A muon beam is aimed at deuterated Pd, Ti and Y, and neutron emission measured by a ring of (3)He detectors of high efficiency (14%). There was no difference between the neutron count from the deuterides and controls, so muons from cosmic radiation cannot explain cold fusion. On the side, some simple heat and tritium measurements were also made, also without result. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Chen X, Yang J; Hunan Shifan Daxue Ziran Kexue Xuebao 16(1) (1993) 42 (in Chinese, Eng. abstr). "Studies on dineutron model of cold fusion (I)". ** "This paper review the present condition and new development of nuclear phenomena, deeply discuss the physical foundation of the dineutron modle of cold fusion, and given the formula to calculate the fusion rate of the dinutron, then explain x ray with 20 keV energy and blue light phenomenon". (This is the English abstract provided at the end of this otherwise all- Chinese paper). Clearly, the formation of 2n is suggested and its fusion with a deuteron to produce a triton, a neutron and excess energy. Nov-92/Mar-93 ------------------------- Chen Y-P, Cai S-D; Science in China A 37 (1994)(1) 62. "Dynamic screening effect from acoustic plasmons". ** Theoretical paper. The interaction of charged particles in a medium is shielded by the action of the many other particles around them. Acoustic plasmons may be excited in two-band metals, and will then do such shielding. This is the n applied to deuterons in Pd, and fusion rates are calculated. It comes out many orders of magnitudes higher than normal. May-93/Jan-94. ------------------------- Chene J, Brass AM; J. Electroanal. Chem. 280 (1990) 199. "Tritium production during the cathodic discharge of deuterium on palladium". ** Under FPH conditions, the authors looked at tritium levels (measured as beta activity) both in the LiOD electrolyte and in the palladium, as a function of time, being careful to correct for background levels. They did observe a beta increase in the electrolyte which they say cannot be accounted for by isotope enrichment due to electrolysis, but the error bars are about equal to the measured levels. Nor does one expect much tritium out in the electrolyte, if cold fusion happens inside the palladium. This they looked at by rinsing the electrodes after hours of charging, and boiling them in the scintillation cocktail, to let out any tritium (I'm not sure how much would come out, and they don't say how long they boil). Here, higher levels, many times the error bars, were observed. The authors conclude that tritium is being produced, unaccounted for by electrolytic isotope enrichment, somewhat uncorrelated with time, so production is not continuous, and mainly near the surface of the palladium. The amounts of tritium would correspond to a neutron flux of 10**5/s, much higher than has been observed so, as they say "tritium production and neutron emission may not be connected". They also present spectrum evidence that they are, in fact, observing tritium. Dec-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Chidambaram R, Sahni VC; Curr. Sci. 58 (1989) 597. "Materials issues in the so-called 'cold fusion' experiments". ** A very good, clear discussion of the thermodynamics of H/D loading of Pd. Absorption of H2/D2 by Pd is exothermic and absorption of nascent H/D, as generated by electrolysis (if that is indeed what goes into the Pd) can be expected to be even more so. The authors state that this can fully account for the heat measured by FPH. One might wonder why, then, this is not seen every time... but - as long as you have good thermodynamic parameters - you can't argue with thermodynamics. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Chien C-C, Hodko D, Minevski Z, Bockris JO'M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 338 (1992) 189. "On an electrode producing massive quantities of tritium and helium". ** Pd, from original bullion rather than scrap, was formed into cathode rods in a fairly conventional cold fusion electrolysis cell. Pd pretreatment included acid etching and anodic treatment. The rods were 16 mm long and 10 mm diameter. A rod from a cell that produced tritium was cut into a number of sections with a jeweller's saw, and stored in liquid nitrogen to preserve the gases. The samples were then analysed for helium and tritium, and by XPS and EDS surface analysis. The He assay was done by an external lab; extensive controls were used. Results were: there was a marked tritium production, as measured from electrolyte aliquots, well above the background, and increasing with time; this could be quenched by addition of light water, and the rate of tritium emission increased with increasing cathodic potential. It was observed (by MS water analysis) that the heavy water was contaminated with around 10% of light water after 22 days of electrolysis in the fairly well closed cell. During 761 h of electrolysis, a total of around 1E15 tritium atoms were estimated to have been produced. The original Pd material was checked, and no tritium found in notable amounts; neither was there any in the laboratory air. Out of 10 cells, 9 produced (4)He, ranging from 0.4 to 167E09 atoms, with an uncertainty of 0.5 to 2E09. No (3)He was found. Surface postmortem analysis showed some Cu, Zn, Pt and Si (in small amounts). Surface morphology differed between cells producing tritium and those without. There is some speculation that high fugacity is the explanation of the results. Jan-92/Oct-92 ------------------------- Chien C-C, Huang TC; Fusion Technology 22 (1992) 391. "Tritium production by electrolysis of heavy water". ** An effort of the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research in Taiwan. Mild charging conditions were used, and tritium production measured as a function of applied voltage and bath temperature. An open style cell was used, with outlet vent holes, holes for D2O refilling and for insertion of a thermocouple. Pd rods, 10 mm diameter and 10-20 mm long were used as cathodes and thin Pt wire as anode, in 0.1M LiOD in D2O. A recirculating cooler kept cell temperature constant. Acid etching and anodic pretreatments were tried. Results show that tritium in the electrolyte increased roughly linearly with time, the slope depending upon temperature; a rise in temperature during a run (20 C to 30 C) clearly increased this slope. Similarly, increasing cell voltage increased tritium production. Interruption of the current stopped tritium production, but it could be revived by resuming electrolysis. Surface treatment was important and showed that the reaction takes place near the surface. Aug-91/Nov-92 ------------------------- Choi E, Ejiri H, Ohsumi H; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32A (1993) 3964. "Application of a Ge detector to search for fast neutrons from DD fusion in deuterized Pd". ** A sensitive Ge detector for fast neutrons was used to measure neutrons at 2.45 MeV, right up close to an electrochemical cold fusion cell. 0.1M LiCl in heavy water, a 5cm * 5 cm * 2 mm Pd plate cathode and two Pt sheets as anode, were the cell; current was held constant at 0.7 A, and cell voltage was 8 V. On both sides of the cell there was a 16mm thick Fe slab to scatter neutrons, with the Ge detector on the other side of one slab. After 471 h of electrolysis, the upper limit of cold fusion rate was about 1.6*10^-24 fusions/dd pair/s, i.e. this is a null result. Mar-93/Sep-93 ------------------------- Christensen OB, Ditlevsen PD, Jacobsen KW, Stoltze P, Nielsen OH, Noerskov JK; Phys. Rev. B40 (1989) 1993. "H-H interactions in Pd". ** Calculation of H-H interaction (H = any isotope) concludes that there can be no cold fusion. High loadings, e.g. tetrahedral occupancy, requires very high pressures. May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Christman DR; C&EN September 17 (1990) 78. "Cold fusion". ** The author is a retired chemist, and recounts his experience, of "many years ago" at Brookhaven National Labs, working with heavy water. At one point he was asked to analyse D2O for tritium. The range of T content in about 30 different D2O samples varied by three orders of magnitudes. Christman suggests strongly that tritium in D2O used in cold fusion experiments be checked before each experiment, before drawing conclusions. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Chu CW, Xue YY, Meng RL, Hor PH, Huang ZJ, Gao L; Mod. Phys. Lett. B 3 (1989) 753. "Search for the proposed cold fusion of D in Pd". ** An electrolysis experiment. A Bonner-sphere n-detector was used. Thermal effects were measured by the difference between the cell and a reference cell in which cold fusion should not take place. No neutrons and no anomalous heat effects were found. Jun-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Chu L, Wang S; Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu 26 (6) (1992) 80 (in Chinese). "Coulomb screening of deuterium in metal crystal". ** (English abstract:) "The Poisson equation is solved to discuss the Coulomb screening for deuterium in metal crystal". It is not clear to this abtracter whether there is any conclusion. ?/Nov-92 ------------------------- Chu L-Y, Lu D-H; Commun. Theor. Phys. 13 (1990) 33. "The estimation of nuclear fusion rate in crystal". ** A crystal has collective properties and an interior periodic field. C+L ask, what mechanism might there be to promote cold fusion? It turns out that collective properties can't do it because of wavelength problems. The periodic field, however, could bring deuterons together. This idea is examined in detail for PdDx (x <= 0.8). Thomas-Fermi statistics is invoked as well as the Schroedinger equation and WKB method, and the final result is a maximum of about 10**(-60) fusions/pair/s and, for titanium deuteride, 10**(-55). So no go, unless "there exist some unknown equilibrium effects". Sep-89/? ------------------------- Chu S-Y, Shen B; Mod. Phys. Lett. A6 (1991) 237. "Can the color force be used to achieve fusion?" ** The basic question of cold fusion is: what are the possible forces that can overcome the Coulomb barrier to fusion? So far, muons, quarks and diquarks have been proposed, and the remaining unexplored possibility is the color force. Small deviations from absolute color neutrality might collectively be able to produce a color field sufficient to overcome the Coulomb barrier. The paper examines this question and concludes that the process is feasible. It further suggests that a favourable condition for cold fusion is the creation and maintenance of a deuteron concentration gradient in the Pd, possibly by using a thin Pd sheet with different deuterium concentrations on the two sides. Apr-90/? ------------------------- Chubb SR, Chubb TA; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 403. "Ion band state fusion: reactions, power density, and the quantum reality question". ** This paper discusses the QM basis of d ion-band state fusion and the nuclear reactions predicted, and provides a derivation of a relation between d band-state concentration and power density which shows that when electrochemical loading is used, steady-state power should scale with current. Fusion reactions are different in the lattice than in free space. Solid state conditions are important, and different lattices, e.g. PdDx and TiDx may well behave differently. The theory can account for both "standard" cold (dd) fusion, as well as the more recent Ni/H2O fusion results, and accounts also for 4He as ash and heat. Jan-93/Dec-93 ------------------------- Chubb TA, Chubb SR; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 93. "Cold fusion as an interaction between ion band states". ** The authors add to their theory of cold fusion, in which they propose an interaction between deuteron and (4)He++ ion band states and a new form of matter, namely ion band state matter or Bose Bloch condensate matter. This leads to the release of heat as observed by FPH but not to high-energy particle emission, thus accounting for this phenomenon. The theory also says that pretreatment of the Pd with He improves its cold fusion performance; also it suggests experiments with silver, in which similar processes ought to take place, even though Ag does not form a deuteride. The theory suggests the way to improve reproducibility, by control of the (4)He level. Feb-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Chubb TA, Chubb SR; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 710. "Bloch-symmmetric fusion in PdD(x)". ** The Chubbs have an unpublished theory which as yet has not been confirmed or accepted by others. This theory says that at high loading like x = 1, a BBC (Bose Bloch condensate) may form, allowing one or both of the reactions d+d-->(4)He or d+d-->(8)Be--> 2 alpha + 47.6 MeV, which could account for a lot. The authors speculate about future commercial solid state fusion reactors. They plan a demonstration experiment using gas discharge. Dec-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Clarke BW, Clarke RM; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 170. "Search for (3)H, (3)He, and (4)He in D2-loaded titanium". ** A very careful experiment, using titanium sponge and D2 gas. The D2 was prepared from heavy water that had been stored since 1946 and was therefore exceptionally low in tritium contamination (T/D was measured as 1.800E-15). A very sensitive mass spectrometer was used to determine He and tritium; sensitivity to (3)He and (4)He was 2E04 and 4E09 atoms, respectively. The Ti samples were outgassed at various temperatures and found to contain at most 3E03 and 3E09 atoms of the two resp. He isotopes. The D2 gas was passed over the Ti sponge to be absorbed, to form TiD. The gas was then driven off at 900 degC and reabsorbed further down the flow line; this sort of transfer was repeated many times, going to D/Ti ratios up to 2, and using D2 as well as H2 gas, and mixtures thereof. Each time, the (3)He and (4)He levels evolved were measured. There appeared to be a release of these gases but careful accounting showed that it was all due to the He initially present in the metal, so cold fusion did not need to be invoked. An upper limit on the fusion rate of 1.4E-21 fusions/d-d pair/s was calculated and said to be in reasonable agreement with the Jones+ results. Tritium measurements showed an apparent excess of 9E07 atoms; of four possible sources of tritium contamination, two could not be ruled out and thus the figure gives an upper fusion rate limit of 1.6E-19 f/pair/s. The paper ends with a long discussion of origin of He and T contamination. Feb-91/Mar-92 ------------------------- Cohen JS, Davies JD; Nature (London) 342 (1989) 487, 30-Nov issue, 6249. "Is cold fusion hot?" ** An in-depth discussion of the fracto-theory of CNF, with good references. ?/Nov-89 ------------------------- Collins GS, McGhee G, Shropshire SL, Jang H-J, Fan J, Schuhmann RB; Hyperfine Interactions 60 (1990) 663. "Electrolytic loading of hydrogen in metals studied by PAC". ** PAC (perturbed gamma-gamma angular correlation) measurement was used to study the nature of hydrides of Pt and Ni, produced by electrolysis. In the case of Ni, 30% of the metal had been transformed into the NiH beta-phase. Normally, about 6 kbar of H2 pressure is required for this and this lends some weight to the claims that electrolysis is equivalent to high pressure. ------------------------- Collins GS, Walker JS, Norbury JW; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 409. "Deuteron tunnelling at electron-volt energies". ** Not much more than a conjecture at this stage, this paper tries to find a tunnelling mechanism to explain cnf. Looking at states of helium-4 other than the 23.84 MeV one, it is found that the preferred reaction might be d-d tunnelling, combined with electron-conversion, the three becoming (4)He at 20.1 MeV, which then goes on to become tritium, protium, energetic electrons and small amount of (4)He. A direct test of this conjecture would be the search for electrons at energies of 3.7 or 23.8 MeV. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Corrigan DA, Schneider EW; J. Electroanal. Chem. 281 (1990) 305. "Tritium separation effects during heavy water electrolysis: implications for reported observations of cold fusion". ** But for the last few words of the title, this paper might have ended up in group 4, related areas. Here, the authors examine in a very thorough manner the separation effects when electrolysing heavy water containing a little tritium. As is well known, T is gradually enriched because D2 is formed preferentially at the electrode. The results are much as expected from conventional chemistry, using conventional values for S (ratio of fraction T/D in gas phase to ratio in liquid phase) which FPH have fiddled with a little. One could, however, level at the paper the charge of using a circular argument, which goes: assume that the tritium increase is all due to electrolytic enrichment, what would the separation factor S have to be? A suitable value is found (2-10) and when this is used, the results can be fully explained in terms of electrolytic enrichment. OK: S is normally taken to be about 4, and FPH take it to be 1, so there is some point to this. This paper will not convince believers of cnf. Jan-90/Mar-90 ------------------------- Cottingham WN, Greenwood DA; J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part Phys. 15 (1989) L157. "The fusion rate of a confined deuteron pair". ** Reaction rate for a d-d pair confined in a harmonic potential for a range of confinement parameters r0 from 0.1 to 1.0 Angstrom. For reactions to be observable, and without a new nuclear reaction, r0 must be < 0.2 A. (4-) May-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Cranberg L; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 515. Issue 25-Jun-89. "Cold fusion doubts and controls" (title given by section editor). ** Throws doubts on radiation and tritium from FPH, and even on some suggested control experiments. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Crawford OH; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 161. "Examination of a proposed phonon-coupling mechanism for cold fusion". ** In this paper, Crawford takes a critical look at Schwinger's theory how cold fusion might work, i.e. the idea that coupled harmonic motion of deuterons in the palladium lattice might lower the fusion barrier; in particular, Schwinger proposed that the p-d reaction is favoured. It is shown here that Schwinger's model does not lead to any such thing, that the p-d interaction potential has nothing to do with cold fusion, which cannot be expected to be enhanced by this mechanism. Jun-91/Mar-92 ------------------------- Cribier M, Spiro M, Favier J; Phys. Lett. B 228 (1989) 163. "Conventional sources of fast neutrons in cold fusion experiments". ** A source of n is the dissociation of D by alpha particles from naturally occurring radioisotopes such as U and Th, present as impurities in most materials. These decay to radon, which is not removed from Pd or Ti simply by heating, and will perhaps desorb under electrolysis and cause neutron emission by alpha particles' reaction with the D2O in the electrolyte. The electrolyte should be gas flushed to prevent this artifact. Some preliminary calculations show that about 50000 Bq of impurities are needed, or three times this if the reaction takes place inside the metal, for Jones+ neutron levels. This is a little high. Adsorbed radon on the metal surface, however, might help. Look out for this effect if you are measuring cold fusion neutrons. (19-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Crowley BJB; Nucl. Fusion 29 (1989) 2199. "Nuclear fusion in high density matter." ** H is believed to exist in hydrides as atomic ions. If many such ions can be made to congegrate on a single site, fusion might occur. This is the approach taken here, considering deuterons as a dense plasma. This ends with a fusion rate equation. In order to produce Jones+ rates, a density of 500g/cm**3 is needed. The conclusion is that cold fusion is unlikely; but C speculates on localised fusion or transient nonequilibrium causes. He notes, however, that attempts at corroboration indicate that there may be nothing to explain. He then discusses the implications of his calculations for possible fusion processes taking place inside planets and certain types of stars. C also makes the suggestion that p-d fusion, rather than d-d, should be looked for, as it is favoured. Jul-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Cunnane VJ, Scannell RA, Schiffrin DJ; J. Electroanal. Chem. 269 (1989) 163. "H2 + O2 recombination in non-isothermal, non-adiabatic electrochemical calorimetry of water electrolysis in an undivided cell". ** This very careful piece of work examines the question of whether there is significant recombination of electrolytically generated hydrogen/deuterium and oxygen in a FPH-type cell, i.e. undivided and open in the sense that the evolved gases escape the system. The method is to measure the enthalpy of water electrolysis as the difference between the electrical energy input and the heat arising in the cell, using platinum electrodes and light water electrolyte + 0.1M LiOH in a cell otherwise similar to that of FPH, except that it is contained in a Dewar flask and the heat measurements are performed rather more carefully, but still - as done by FPH - essentially by noting the temperature at a point in the cell, at steady state. Together with some calibrations and comparisons using heating elements, this permits the calculation of reaction enthalpy to within about +- 3%; this is presumably somewhat better than in the FPH experiment, where no such great care was taken. The result is that the enthalpies come out about right within the stated error, so that no significant recombination takes place. The inference is reasonable that this also held for the FPH system. At high current densities (> about 300 mA/cm**2) the deviations are rather larger due to evaporation and gas heating effects increasing the error, but the effect is in the direction opposite to that which would indicate recombination. Although in the FPH case, there was palladium exposed to the gases (not the case here), the results rule out the possibility that the excess heat claimed by FPH could be due to the recombination reaction. It is pointed out, however, that possible errors in the heat balance can become quite large if less care is taken with the measurements than here. (19-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Czerwinski A, Marassi R, Zamponi S; J. Electroanal. Chem. 316 (1991) 211. "The absorption of hydrogen and deuterium in thin palladium electrodes. Part I. Acidic solutions". ** A cyclic voltammetric study with coulometry, on thin Pd film overlaid on Au on glass, in H2SO4 or D2SO4. Coulometry measured the H/Pd or D/Pd loading as a function of potential. Maximum loading was about 0.7. This was independent of the film thickness. May-91/Oct-91 ------------------------- Czerwinski A, Marassi R; J. Electroanal. Chem. 322 (1992) 373. "The absorption of hydrogen and deuterium in thin palladium electrodes. Part II: Basic solutions". ** A report of the potential dependence of the amount of hydrogen/deuterium sorbed in a thin Pd film (supported on Au) in basic solutions of different electrolytes (NaOH, LiOH, NaOD, LiOD, all 0.1 M). It appears that Li+ ions favour absorption but hinder desorption of hydrogen/deuterium, with respect to Na+. Cyclic voltammetry was carried out, and the results show that absorption is strongly potential dependent, that basic electrolytes behave differently from acidic electrolytes, Li+ ions seem to affect the alpha-beta transition more than Na+ ions, maximum H(D)/Pd ratios are not affected by the electrolyte composition, and that sorption causes irreversible changes in the palladium. Jun-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Czerwinski A; Electrochim. Acta 39 (1994) 431. "Influence of lithium cations on hydrogen and deuterium electrosorption in palladium". ** Lithium is known to be incorporated to some extent into Pd during electrolysis in an electrolyte containing Li+; various processes have been suggested involving incorporated Li. In this paper, C reports the results of a cyclic voltammetric study of thin (2000-2500 atomic layers) Pd layers laid down on Au. Acidic and basic solutions, in light and heavy water were used. Incorporated Li affects the alpha-beta transition, which in turn has an effect on the oxidation rate of absorbed hydrogen (or deuterium); H/Pd or D/Pd loading ratios were not changed by Li incorporation. Apr-93/Feb-94 ------------------------- Dalard F, Ulman M, Augustynski J, Selvam P; J. Electroanal. Chem. 270 (1989) 445. "Electrochemical incorporation of lithium into palladium from aprotic electrolytes". ** Li is sometimes claimed to be associated with CNF. So, at what potentials does Li+ get deposited on Pd? They used 1M LiClO4 in acetonitrile plus propylene carbonate, as well as in a solid polymer. They reached, at rather negative potentials, a surface loading of 1 at% Li in the Pd, which is not much. It is feasible that in FPH's experiments a surface layer of a few microns incorporates Li and this might change the electrochemical behaviour of the Pd. Jul-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Danos M, Belyaev VB; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 354. "Estimate of the neutron transfer fusion rate". ** Theoretical; the use of higher-order terms leads to fusion enhancement up to 40-50 orders of magnitudes. A three-body process of neutron transfer is postulated and treated as a quantum electrodynamic problem. The Feynman diagram is replaced by its non-relativistic time-ordered form, a reaction graph. The results indicate that observational claims for cold fusion are not unreasonable within the framework of nonexotic physics. Mar-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Danos M; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 484. "Coulomb-assisted cold fusion in solids". ** Previous theories of cold fusion have focussed on some (usually unspecified) way of overcoming the coulombic repulsion of deuterons, and have ignored the metal (Pd, Ti) atoms in the lattice. Danos now involves them in this rough quantitative treatment, in which the Pd atoms are seen as possible catalysts of deuteron fusion, sharing in the liberating energy and momentum. Danos concludes that fusion enhancements of up to 10**40 are possible in principle. Nov-89/May-90 ------------------------- Danos M; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 413. "Coulomb-assisted cold fusion". ** So far, theory and experiment are at variance in cold fusion. Danos tries to find a mechanism that bridges the gap. We have a three-body problem here: the two fusing particles plus the catalyst. The three then share the resulting energy. Using a WKB solution of the wave equation, the result is an enhanced fusion rate, in line with experimental evidence. Just what reactions result from the fusion is left open. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Das D, Ray MKS; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 115. "Fusion in condensed matter - a likely scenario". ** Despite mounting evidence for cold fusion, there is still the problem of irreproducibility, and the lack of a "sure success recipe", owing to the lack of understanding of its mechanism. A new approach is tried here to explain it. Pivotal roles are attributed to the presence of negative elements, oxide at the metal surface, and a desorption process. Oxygen forms an oxide film on Pd and this acts on the structure of the deuteride to create the equivalent of heavy electrons, which will bring deuterons close together by muon-like screening. Also, the metal/insulator layer might induce the formation of (D+D+)2e- species, again reducing nuclear separation. This theory is consistent with enhanced fusion rates and a near-surface reaction, and explains a number of observations such as the induction by oxygen of excess heat and tritium anomalies, Matsumoto's explosive cold fusion, heat and neutron bursts during deloading, results with a solid-state cell, and with gas phase systems; also, the theory encompasses the experiments with Ni, light water and K2CO3. Jul-92/Aug-93. ------------------------- Davidonis R, Duskesas G, Kalinauskas R, Makarinunas K, Petrauskas J, Remeiskis V, Ruzele B; Litovskii Fiz. Sbornik 30(6) (1990) 65. Original: Liet. Fiz. Rinkinys 30(6) (1990) 727 (in Russian). "An experimental evaluation of the probability of cold fusion". ** In May and June 1989, a cold fusion experiment was run in the Institute of Physics of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, and this is a report. A quartz cell with cooling jacket was used for the electrolysis, using the usual 0.1 M LiOD, and a Ti or Pd rod, 8 mm dia., 40 mm long. Heat was measured as the difference in temperature between the outlet and inlet of the coolant, which entered at 10 degC. This was calibrated using a resistive heater in the cell. The cell was placed in a plastic scintillator well for neutron counting (by proton recoil), and a gamma spectrometer recorded gammas using a NaI crystal. 10 cm of Pb shielding was used to reduce the background. Several measurement series were carried out, at 0.1 and 0.5 A/cm**2, for both Pd and Ti cathodes, and a duration of 24-72 hours. The results show that the upper limit for fusion was 5 orders of magnitude below that reported by FPH-89. Also, the 27% tritium increase in the electrolyte (no details given how this was measured) was in line with electrolytic enrichment considerations. Dec-89/? ------------------------- Davies JD, Cohen JS; Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser.: Phys. Sci. 1990, 52(Electromag. Cascade Chem. Exot. At), 269. "More on the cold fusion family". ** A theoretical physicists' view of cold fusion, in 1989. All possibilities are critically examined, such as barrier penetration, branching ratios, muon catalysis via cosmic influx, and the micro-hot fractofusion. Some penetrating comments are made. At the low energies of alleged cold fusion, p-d fusion is favoured. Cosmic muon catalysis is unrealistic because of the short life time of the muons and their sticking to the products, reducing the catalysis cycle. Fractofusion remains, although this, too, seems unlikely because of the metal hydrides' conductivity; charges that may build up will be quickly conducted away. Nuclear reactions with Li are also shown to be unlikely. Experiments with tritiated water would be most fruitful if fractofusion is the answer but the authors warn of the dangers of T2 and especially T2O. ------------------------- Davies JD, Pyle GJ, Squier GTA, Bertin A, Bruschi M, Piccinini M, Vitale A, Zoccoli A, Jones SE et al; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. A 103 (1990) 155. "Search for 2.5 MeV neutrons from D2O (heavy water) electrolytic cells stimulated by high-intensity muons and pions". ** D-charged Pd and Ti cathodes were exposed to high-intensity beams of negative muons or pions. PdDx (x=0.8) and TiDx (x=?) were produced electrolytically. Muon results indicate that Jones+ results cannot be explained simply by cosmic muon impingement. Nov-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Davis L; Aust. Physicist 26 (1989) 219. "Cold fusion: a learning curve?" ** An early discussion of cold fusion in the general context of fusion and energy generation. The three possible d-d fusion reactions producing, resp., (3)He, T and (4)He, as well as the p-d reaction, are given and discussed. The rest of the paper is then a report of the Australian AINSE colloquium on May 19, attended by 91 scientists, including such heavies as theoretical chemist Noel Hush and metal hydride expert Alan Oates. The delegates disagree, some plan experiments. Davis has a theory and hints at its publication elsewhere. ?/Sep-89 ------------------------- Davydov AS; Sov. Phys. Dokl. 35(9) (1990) 811. Originally: Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 314 (1990) 339 (in Russian). "Possible explanation of the cold fusion experiments". ** Submitted 30-May-89, the paper says that the tritium+proton branch is more probable, and the proton then splits another deuteron, producing a neutron at 0.75 MeV. This, together with the 2.45 MeV from the (3)He+n branch, escape from the PdD, and are observed as gamma emission upon being thermalised. D points out that the sharp 2.2 MeV peak of FPH(89) does not, as FPH(89) claim, represent neutrons coming from a fusion reaction. The explanation of cold fusion lies in the electronic structure of Pd and its hydride (which is a superconductor at 11K). Hybridisation of the broad subband of Pd s-electrons and a very narrow subband of 4d-electrons with large effective mass, form Cooper pairs (bosons) which can pull deuterons together, enhancing the rate of fusion. (30-) May-89/Sep-90 ------------------------- Davydov AS; Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 34 (1989) 1295 (in Russian). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:241572 (1989). "Possible interpretationof cold nuclear fusion" (Letter to the Editor). ** While neither pure Pd nor pure D is superconducting, PdD can be, at below 11K. This is used to show that CNF is feasible. ?/Sep-89 ------------------------- De Ninno A, Violante V; Fusion Technol. 26 (1994) 1304. "Study of deuterium charging in palladium by electrolysis of heavy water". ** Experimental. Pd, electrolysis, deuterium, diffusion, loading. Res0. ** No FPH/Jones ref. By means of a membrane experiment, with D2 gas on one side of the 0.5 mm thick Pd membrane and 0.1 M LiOD on the other, and a current that is switched between high and low densities, the workers measured the transport of deuterium through Pd. With some numerical analysis, they concluded that transport depends on the current through concentration gradients, and on the surface concentration of adsorbed deuterium. Loadings up to about 0.95 were inferred. No actual 'cold fusion' results are reported. Mar-94/Dec-94 ------------------------- Deakin MR, Fox JD, Kemper KW, Myers EG, Shelton WN, Skofronick JG; Phys. Rev. C: Nucl. Phys 40 (1989) R1851. "Search for cold fusion using x-ray detection". ** On the theoretical likelihood that the dominant cnf reaction at room temp- erature is the d+d-->(3)He+p one, these authors attempted to measure x-rays arising from the fast protons released. They achieved electrolytic loading of 0.8 D per Pd (using Pd foil), and detected no x-rays above background. This limits the fusion rate to < 1.6 *10**(-20) /s. Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Degweker SB, Srinivasan M; Ann. Nucl. Energy 17 (1990) 583. "A simple dead time method for measuring the fraction of bunched neutronic emission in cold fusion experiments". ** Previous work in India indicates that when there is neutron emission from cold fusion, some of it (10-20%) comes in about 20 ms bunches of 400-600. This paper suggests and provides theory for a dead time technique for obtaining better resolution in such measurements, using a PC based data acquisition system. Apr-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Delley B; Europhys. Lett. 10 (1989) 347. "Effect of electronic screening on cold-nuclear-fusion rates". ** Theoretical calculation of electronic binding energy for H2, LiH and d in PdD(x). Screening can (1) enhance fusion rates and (2) decrease the electronic binding; the two effects work against each other, and no cold fusion is expected. (26-) May-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Demanins F, Graziani M, Kaspar J, Modesti S, Raicich F, Rosei R, Tommasini F, Trovarelli A; Solid State Commun. 71 (1989) 559. "Search for the neutron production in niobium deuteride". ** Niobium also absorbs hydrogen and deuterium, and has similar problems as Ti with it - it needs appropriate pretreatment. Here, Nb powder was variously treated: exposed to 1 Mpa D2 gas and slowly heated. No D2 was absorbed until a temp. of 650K was reached. This could be driven out again by heating at 750K, and this, when cooled down again, readily absorbs D2 even at room temp. Measured n spectrum with a p-recoil scintillation detector of variously pre- treated Nb powder, and found an upper neutron emission rate of 7*10**(-25), both for D2 and H2 gas. This rules out cold fusion. Jun-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Demidenko VS, Simakov VI; Izv. Vysch. Uchebn. Zaved. Fiz. 36(10) (1993) 20 (in Russian). "The state of deuterium and probability of cold nuclear fusion in solids". ** Theory. It is necessary to focus on electric fields in solids and their effect on fusion, in particular band models. The metals Pd and Ti alloys (with V, Mn, Co, Cu) were considered. The "muffin tin" model was tried, with various electron shell configurations in the Ti atom. Tunnelling was considered, and found most effective at low energies; but not sufficient in itself. The answer might lie in zone (band-) models, and excited Wannier states, related to Bloch wave functions (no real conclusions). Phase transitions may also increase Coulomb screening sharply. In general, the high mobility of deuterons in metals, and the application of external fields (pressure etc) might yield several orders of magnitude in fusion rates, so that solids can favour fusion. ------------------------- De Ninno A, Frattolillo A, Lollobattista G, Martinis L, Martone M, Mori L, Podda S, Scaramuzzi F; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. A 101 (1989) 841. "Emission of neutrons as a consequence of titanium-deuterium interaction". ** Neutrons observed, without electrolysis. Ti shavings in a stainless steel cell were put under pressured D2 up to 50 atm, the temperature reduced to that of liquid nitrogen, and the N2 topped up occasionally, each time presumably bringing down the temperature. The authors claim that a bunch of neutrons are emitted after each such topping up - well above the background - and conclude that nonequlibrium conditions are required for cold fusion, but not electrolysis. (24-) Apr-89/May-89 ------------------------- De Ninno A, Frattolillo A, Lollobattista G, Martinis L, Martone M, Mori L, Podda S, Scaramuzzi F; Europhys. Lett. 9 (1989) 221. "Evidence of emission of neutrons from a titanium-deuterium system". ** This looks very much like the authors' paper in Nuovo Cimento etc, with the same figures and results. (24-) Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- De Ninno A, Frattolillo A, Lollobattista G, Martinis L, Martone M, Mori L, Podda S, Scaramuzzi F; Energ. Nucl. (Rome) 6 (1989) 9 (in Italian). "Emission of neutrons from a deuterium-titanium system". ** Two experiments, in which Ti was placed under high pressure D, produced neutrons. This shows that electrolysis is not needed, and that nonequilibrium conditions are essential. A single BF3 neutron counter, placed 20 cm from the experimental cell, was used. D2 pressure and temperature were varied. Apr-89/Apr-89 ------------------------- Derjaguin BV, Kluev VA, Lipson AG, Toporov YuP; Physica B167 (1990) 189. "Excitation of nuclear reaction under mechanical effect (impact) on deuterated solids". ** Another report from this Soviet team of what has been called fractofusion. Metal missiles (50 g) were shot (velocity 200 m/s) at targets of LiD and heavy water ice, and neutrons measured. A block of 7 proportional "all wave" NSW-62 counters was used, immersed in silicone oil; efficiency 1%. Each shot was centred within a 1s observation period. Both targets showed a background of about 0.08 c/shot or about 0.1 n/s [sic]. Some background checks were done by using dummy targets. The authors conclude that "is established that the count of neutrons in shooting at LiD and D2O targets substantially exceeds the 'pulse background'" (i.e. the dummy shots). The diagrams are not quite as convincing as this. The authors advance two explanations: (1) fractofusion, (2) fusion due to shock compression of highly D-loaded microdomains (dislocations), aided by polarons to provide shielding. Sep-89/Dec-90 ------------------------- Derjaguin BV, Lipson AG, Kluev VA, Sakov DM, Toporov YuP; Nature (London) 341 (1989) 492 (issue 6242, 12. Oct, Scientific Corresp. "Titanium fracture yields neutrons?" ** This is the same team as Klyuev et al (1986), spelled a little differently (by themselves). Here, they put Ti chips into a ball mill with 6 mm steel balls, D2O, deuterated "polypropilenium" and LiD in various combinations. Where Ti was not in contact with deuterated compounds, no neutrons were observed but in mixtures with D, neutrons up to 6-7 times the background were measured. The authors speculate that either at high D loadings in Ti, the D's can approach sufficiently closely to fuse or - in line with their earlier 1986 paper - that it is fractofusion. The first of these two has been fairly well ruled out by several physics theory papers showing that, in a metal deuteride, D-D distances are in fact greater than in liquid D2. ?/Oct-89 ------------------------- Deryagin BV, Andriankin EI, Kutikov AA, Lipson AG, Sakov DM, Fedorovich GV; Dokl, Akad. Nauk 336 (1994) 753 (in Russian). "On the initiation of the nuclear fusion reaction in deuterated ferroelectric at its polarisation reversal induced by an electric field". ** Theory, ferroelectrics, polarisation reversal, fractofusion, res+ The Deryagin team here theoretically underpins its previous experimental findings of cold fusion in ferroelectrics due to polarisation reversal induced by an externally applied electric field. The old standby DKDP (KD2PO4) as well as some other ferroelectrics are taken as examples. The idea is that polarisation reversal causes abrupt changes in the crystal ions' oscillation and thus oscillating electric fields in the crystal. This inturn can lead to deuteron acceleration. Energies of several hundreds eV might be achieved in DKDP and Ba(0.4)Sr(0.6)Nb2O6 and Pb titanate, and it seems that fusion is feasible as a result in these ferroelectrics. These results agree with experimental results reported in previous publications from this laboratory. Jan-94/? ------------------------- Deryagin BV, Andriankin EI, Lipson AG, Metelkin EV, Sakov DM, Fedorovich GV; Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Fiz. 334(3) (1994) 291 (in Russian). "On the possibility of initiation of nuclear fusion in deuterated ferroelectrics by polarisation reversal waves at T < Tc". ** Theory, ferroelectrics, external stimulation. Res+ Previous Russian work has shown that 'cold fusion' takes place at the Curie temp., Tc, in ferroelectrics, such as KD2PO4. The authors suggest that at lower temperatures, t < Tc, cnf might be initiated by stimulation be polarisation effects. Repolarisation can be induced by the application of an external electric field. The authors theorise about this and conclude that it is feasible. They then performed an experiment to test the idea and were able to detect neutrons at 7 sigma above the background. External stimulation of ferroelectrics is thus a fruitful direction for cnf research. Oct-93/? ------------------------- Deryagin BV, Klyuev VA, Lipson AG, Toporov YuP; Colloid J. USSR 48 (1986) 8. "Possibility of nuclear reactions during the fracture of solids". ** Another early paper from the USSR, on fracto-something. Here, they shot pellets at heavy ice, i.e. D2O crystals, and appear to measure small but significant neutrons levels, a few times the background. Normal ice, H2O, did not produce neutrons. They theorise that an acceleration of deuterons in the microcracks of only 10 keV is enough to produce some neutrons from fusion reactions. The yield (from an ice bead of unspecified mass, using pellets with 100-200 m/s velocity) was about 0.25 neutrons per shot, averaged over 75 shots and corrected for the value for H2O. ------------------------- Dickinson JT, Jensen LC, Langford SC, Ryan RR, Garcia E; J. Mater. Res. 5 (1990) 109. "Fracto-emission from deuterated titanium: Supporting evidence for a fracto- fusion mechanism". ** These authors, as well as others, have for some time been propagating the idea of crack propagation of embrittled metal hydride/deuteride as the cause of fusion (be it cold or otherwise), in support of the Soviet team. Experiments of their own, measuring charged particles, photons and radio frequency signals from the deformation of polycrystalline and deuterated Ti, are presented here. They also critically examine charge separation, crucial to the debate: can it be sustained long enough in a conducting medium, and if so, how? These experiments support fractofusion, and the authors propose a possible mechanism for charge separation. Jul-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Dienes JK; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 543. "On nuclear reactions in defects". ** The object of this analysis is to see whether atoms can approach very closely to each other as a result of lattice slip processes. The model of Frenkel and Kontorova, considered an early example of soliton behaviour, is extended here. It appears that close approach is indeed possible, in a self organised wave propagation process. This hangs together with crack-induced fusion, and the burst nature of fusion, claimed by some observers, including the large bursts of Arata and Zhang and the De Ninno group. Jun-90/May-91 ------------------------- Dignan TG, Bruington MC, Johnson RT, Bland RW; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 469. "A search for neutrons from fusion in a highly deuterated cooled palladium thin film". ** This group tried to create conditions for optimal cold fusion. They believe that deuteron implantation at low temperatures might provide such conditions, because high d densities can be achieved, and that high-energy implantation is likely to put d's into the most suitable sites in the metal lattice. A thin Pd-Ir (90:10) film was cooled to 77K and implanted at 1000 eV with a neutralised deuterium beam. Neutrons were detected with a moderator/absorber (0.1 m**3 of paraffin) with NaI at its centre. If all the deuterium atoms stuck to the film, a surface loading D/Pd of 50 would have been reached; the approximately measured figure was about 9. The gamma spectrum from moderated neutrons measured during the experiment was the same as the background one. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Dillon CT, Kennedy BJ; Aust. J. Chem. 46 (1993) 663. "The electrochemically formed palladium-deuterium system. I. Surface composition and morphology". ** To achieve consensus among workers on what processes take place,, the role of surface treatment and activation in the formation of PdD(x) must be characterised. This first paper of a series carries out surface analysis upon prolonged electrolysis at Pd cathodes in D2O electrolytes. For particle-induced x-ray emission, Pd foil (7.5 * 7.5 * 0.5 mm) was used, while for scanning electron microscopy, rods of various sizes up to 1.5 cm diameter were prepared. The D2O was analysed for traces of Zn and Cu, and 1 ppm Zn, 0.03 ppm Cu were found; none in H2O. These traces will deposit on the cathode. Common surface impurities after electrolysis were Pt, Ni, Zn, Cu Cr, Fe and Ag, on one occasion Pb; none of these was present before electrolysis. The use of Ni anodes did lead to some Ni deposition, but not as much as perhaps expected (of similar order as, e.g. Cr); much Ni must be codeposited in the black precipitate formed at the Ni anode. The Ag probably came from the naked Ag/Ag+ reference electrode used. Proton-induced gamma emission analysis was also used to look for Li, but very little was found on the cathodes. Electron microscopy revealed differences between differently pretreated Pd samples, but nothing surprising (to this abstracter); post-electrolysis scans showed cracks due to void formation, ans some black and white deposits. No dendritic growth was observed. An important observation is that if Pd is vacuum annealed and cooled off in vacuum, it will not absorb much deuterium. It can be made to do so by preliminary potential cycling, which seems to work through oxide film formation and reduction, and the formation of some Pd black. May-92/May-93 ------------------------- Dillon CT, Kennedy BJ, Elcombe MM; Aust. J. Chem. 46 (1993) 681. "The electrochemically formed palladium-deuterium system. II. In situ neutron diffraction studies". ** In this follow-up of Part I, the team examined the crystal structure of deuterated palladium by neutron diffraction, which shows up hydrogen isotope atoms. The aim was to find out how high a loading was possible, and just where the deuterons are in the lattice. Is there supersaturation during electrolysis and are tetrahedral sites occupied? Loading was under potentiostatic control, at -2.5 V vs Ag/AgCl, but the counter electrode was placed so as to favour asymmetric loading. The change in time of the diffraction pattern confirms the formation of the beta phase, and after 36 h electrolysis, no Pd remained as such. The loading was calculated from the diffraction pattern to be 0.59. Attempts to increase this, by long electrolyses at very high overpotentials failed. Despite this, there was vigorous outgassing when the current was stopped; the authors speculate that a super-loaded near-surface layer may exist. May-92/May-93 ------------------------- Divisek J, Fuerst L, Balej J; J. Electroanal. Chem. 278 (1989) 99. "Energy balance of D2O electrolysis with a palladium cathode. Part II. Experimental results". ** A careful reenactment of FPH's experiments, with divided and undivided celss, and better calorimetry, making use of the relations developed in Part I (Balej and Divisek). Whether using H2O or D2O, the heat measured is within 0.5% the same as predicted from thermodynamics. Inititally in the undivided cell, some of the evolved deuterium gas recombined with evolved oxygen at the Pd electrode; as this becomes loaded with D, however, this recombination reaction decreased, eventually to zero upon reaching a loading of PdD(x), x = 0.7-0.8. After long electrolysis (270 h), however, appreciable Pt deposits were found on the Pd electrode (from corrosion of the Pt anode, also found by Williams et al), which again catalysed recombination in an undivided cell. An interesting aspect of this work is the method of obtaining D-loading of the Pd. The evolved deuterium gas was monitored and compared with the expected amount from the known current. The deficit was thus that part that went into PdD, and corresponded to a pure beta-phase with x = 0.70 and 0.77 in two separate experiments (divided cells, thus no recombination). They also performed surface x-ray analysis on the Pd, before and after 270 h of electrolysis, and found quite significant amounts of platinum, copper, lead and oxygen accumulated, while carbon decreased. This was confirmed by another analysis technique. Sep-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Dmitrenko VN, Dryapachenko IP, Sokolov MV; Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Russ. Ed.) 36 (1991) 993 (in Russian). "On the possibility of the study of electron screening in three-particle nuclear reactions". ** Screening by electrons is looked at in this paper. In palladium deuteride, the electrons behave in a different way to that in either Pd or D2 itself and fusion is enhanced far beyond the rate in, say, D2. Reactions with three particles in the final state are interesting from the point of view of scattering at low energies. The model of Migdal and Watson is invoked, being a stepped reaction sequence, a + A --> 1 + (2+3)* --> 1 + 2 + 3. An example is the new reaction pair d + D --> p + T + gamma and --> n + (3)He + gamma, both three-particle final states. Feb-91/? ------------------------- Dong Q, Qiu W, Gan F, Cai N; Chem. J. Chin. Univ 13(6) (1992) 847 (in Chinese, English abstract). "Studies on behavior of deuterium and hydrogen in palladium". ** "The absorption, reserve, diffusion of deuterium and hydrogen in palladium, and the positron lifetime of palladium during electrolysis are investigated by hydrogen permeation method and positron annihilation spectroscopy. The results show that the electrochemical behavior of deuterium is almost the same as that of hydrogen, but the amount of deuterium reserved in palladium is slightly less than that of hydrogen and the diffusion coefficient of deuterium is slightly greater than that of hydrogen. The positron lifetime in palladium after electrolysis is increased by 10.5%. The behavior similarity of deuterium and hydrogen and the possibility of 'cold nuclear fusion' are discussed". The same authors have published an English-language paper in the same year (see: Qiu WC, Dong QH, Gan FX, Wang SJ; Mat. Sci. Forum 105-110 (1992) 1961.), in which they state that they not able to draw conclusions about cold fusion from the results. ------------------------- Dong SY, Wang KL, Feng YY, Chang L, Luo CM, Hu RY, Zhou PL, Mo DW, Zhu YF, Song CL, Chen YT, Yao MY, Ren C, Chen QK, Li XZ; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 330. "Precursors to 'cold fusion' phenomenon and the detection of energetic charged particles in deuterium/solid systems". ** To verify cold fusion, fusion products have been searched for, mostly in vain. This Chinese team suggests that there may be precursors to these products, that should be found and correlated with the products. Such findings might also aid in understanding the phenomenon. They assume that only electron screening, helping to overcome the Coulomb barrier, can be an explanation, and this requires the emission of the precursor, electromagnetic radiation in the range 10-3000 eV, i.e. ultraviolet to soft X-rays. Another emission should be energetic charged particles. Both these were searched for here. Pd and Ti foil was gas-loaded with D2 and thermoluminescent detectors (TLD) used for the em radiation measurement, and the plastic track detector (CR-39) for the charged particles (protons and alphas). Both D2 cells and H2 controls showed em radiation at about the same level, but only the D2 cells emitted cp's. Thus something appears to be happening, probably very near the metal surface, since cp's do not get very far. Dec-90/Nov-91 ------------------------- Donohue DL, Petek M; Anal. Chem. 63 (1991) 740. "Isotopic measurements of palladium metal containing protium and deuterium by glow discharge mass spectrometry". ** The question addressed here is whether there are changes in the isotope distribution of Pd upon electrolysis of D2O at such Pd, acting as a cathode. The Pd was arc melted under argon, and annealed at 900 degC in vacuum. Three kinds of electrolysis were carried out: in 0.1 LiOH in H2O, in LiOD in D2O, and LiOD in D2O followed by LiOH in H2O with the same cathode. Mass spectrometry was the main analytical tool. It was found that pure Pd gave a characteristic isotope pattern, deviating somewhat from the expected. After electrolysis, the spectra included various protonised and deuteronised Pd species such as PdH+, PdH2+, etc. Heating, to drive out the hydrogen isotopes, then restored the original Pd isotope distribution in all cases. That is, electrolysis did not change the Pd isotope distribution. It will be of interest to cold fusion workers that even in 99.9% pure D2O, something like 25% of the hydrogen in the Pd after electrolysis was (1)H; thus, the supposedly tiny fraction of H in the D2O seems to be very preferentially taken up. At the low end of the mass spectra, species with masses 3-6 were found; these were assigned to respectively H3+, (DH2+ and D2+), D2H+ and D3+. Tritium or helium species either were not present or were not able to be discriminated from H- and D-species; the authors do not say. Oct-90/Apr-91 ------------------------- Dragan G; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 361. "Topoenergetic evidence of cold fusion phenomena". ** Dragan has previously applied the title technique in the field of polymer thermodynamics, to clear up a puzzle, and applies it here to the calorimetry of a metal deuteride. The overall energy circuit is modelled by capacitive, inductive, dissipative components, potential and flow sources etc. Such an analysis, applied to the excess heat claims of the FPH and FPALH papers, points to structural disclination states in the deuteride and shear stresses on the deuterium diffusing in the intercrystalline spaces. This might make cold fusion possible, if the stresses are sufficiently large. The author also mentions biological transmutations arising from the same effect, citing a 1972 study. The paper ends with some suggestions for better experiments, e.g. attention to the cathode processing conditions and the crystal structure, a high-resolution calorimeter, the use of different electrolytes. Oct-90/Nov-91 ------------------------- Dudu D, Molea M, Pascalau I, Piticu I, Vata I; Rev. Roum. Phys. 34 (1989) 229. "Nuclear effects in the electrolysis of heavy water". ** Measured neutron flux on Pd and Ti cathodes in LiCl acidified to pH 1.5 by HCl, at currents of 0.1 - 1.5 A. The cathodes were a cyclinder of Ti, 10*20 mm, or a 16 g ellipsoid (lump?) of Pd. Cell temperatures were 20-90 degC. An NE-213 liquid scintillator neutron detector was used with pulse shape discrimination, and shielded with paraffin and Pb. Alternate background and cell measurements were taken for 3000-5000 s at a time (background by replacing the cell with a dummy). From the detection of 95+-35 (Ti) and 167+-46 neutrons over resp. 660 and 1125 h, the maximum cold fusion rates of around 1E-23 fus/pair/s were calculated. ------------------------- Dufour J; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 205. "Cold fusion by sparking in hydrogen isotopes". ** This (24-page) paper follows a patent by the author, and reports results from a "campaign" of many runs. In all experiments, Pd and stainless steel cylinders were placed in various gases and subjected to a spark discharge. The whole system was placed in a calorimeter bath and the power from the cell measured and compared with the input power. The controls, using nitrogen and argon as well as heater calibrations, all lie close to zero excess heat (for the gas controls: 0.63 W average), while both the deuterium (5 points) and hydrogen (2 points) runs, with Pd and stainless steel, showed excess heat up to 2.4 W or 20%. Some active and passive radiation devices were also employed, but nothing definite was detected, nor was tritium found. A better detector of ionising radiation was later used, and the level as a function of time during some runs was clearly different for D2 and H2. Since there was excess heat for both hydrogen and deuterium, a theory is needed to explain both. This is provided, in the form of 3-body reactions, of hydrogen isotope particles with virtual neutrons or dineutrons, with most of the energy being carried off by neutrinos. Nov-92/Sep-93 ------------------------- Dunlap BI, Brenner DW, Mowrey RC, Mintmire JW, White CT; Phys. Rev. B41 (1990) 9683. "Linear combination of Gaussian-type orbitals - local-density-functional cluster studies of D-D interactions in titanium and palladium". ** Theoretical look at the possibility that two or more deuterons might occupy the same site in the metal deuteride lattice, and thus be squeezed enough to fuse. A combination of the title models is used. The result is that if two d's were to try this, one would be strongly repelled, i.e ejected from the site. Therefore, d-d distances in these deuterides is that of nearest sites from each other, or > 5 bohr, which is much more than in D2 gas. Bad news for cold fusion. Dec-89/May-90 ------------------------- Durocher JJG, Gallop DM, Kwok CB, Mathur MS, Mayer JK, McKee JSC, Mirzai A, Smith GR, Yeo YH; Can. J. Phys. 67 (1989) 624. " A search for evidence of cold fusion in the direct implantation of palladium and indium with deuterium". ** In order to emulate the Utah experiments, but without D2O, they used a 30/60 keV beam of D2+ (cf. Beuhler et al) to implant D into indium. The initial surprise upon observing neutrons faded when they calculated that this could be fully accounted for by the beam energy - it was warm fusion, as the implanted D itself is the target. Jun-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Durup J; J. Chem. Phys. 93 (1990) 6120. "Comment on: Deuterium nuclear fusion at room temperature: a pertinent inequality on barrier penetration". ** Comment on named paper by G Rosen (1989), who found theoretical grounds for support of cold fusion claims. Like Morgan III (1990) and Mas et al (1990), Durup points out that there are serious flaws in Rosen's treatment of the potential well (d-d interaction), and the calculations are therefore out by tens of orders of magnitude. Dec-89/Oct-90 ------------------------- Eagleton RD, Bush RT; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 239. "Calorimetric experiments supporting the transmission resonance model for cold fusion". ** In a previous paper, the authors' TRM was outlined and predicts a rather characteristic dependence of excess heat with current density and temperature. This paper reports an attempt to verify this, both for varying cd at constant T, and constant cd with varying T. A closed cell with total recombination was used, with a magnetic stirrer. The cell was of Teflon to avoid contamination from corrosion. There was a light water blank. Of the five non-blank cells, two produced excess heat. The fact that some cells do not behave is also explained by the TRM, which predicts chaos. The calorimeter was of the cooling coil type. The results can be roughly fitted to the predicted TRM theory, but the authors admit that the fit is not highly significant. The fit to the temperature dependence is somewhat better. More work is planned, using an improved set-up. Jan-91/Sep-91 ------------------------- Eagleton RD, Bush RT; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 359. "Design considerations for palladium electrodes as suggested by a deuteron cluster model for cold nuclear fusion". ** According to the authors' model, the essential element in cold fusion is the formation of deuteron clusters in the PdDx lattice. The paper discusses the processes and events in the production of suitable Pd electrodes. Electrode preparation, chemisorption and absorption of deuterium into the Pd, saturation, cluster growth and subsequent fusion of closely crowded deuterons are discussed. Fusion is expected to lead to (4)He, which will give some of their energy to other deuterons, causing local melt-downs and plasma, which would screen x-rays. Tritium can also be produced, if deuterons at a cluster periphery fuse. Design consequences of all this are that any Pd not immersed must be sealed by cladding or a surface poison; cluster formation should be optimum near the electrode cladding. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Eberhard V, Heeringa W, Klages HO, Maschuw R, Voelker G, Zeitnitz B; Z. Phys. A: At. Nucl. 334 (1989) 357. "Neutron limits from gas-loaded titanium-deuterium systems". ** Ti sponge and shavings were brought in to contact with D gas at various pressures up to about 70 bar and temps. and neutrons measured (4 separate liquid scintillation counters). Nothing found. Aug-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Ehrlich AC, Gillespie DJ, Kamm GN; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 529. "A search for neutrons in single-phase palladium-deuterium". ** A Pd rod is charged to relatively high D levels without passing through the 2-phase region of this system. This is done by a combination of high-temp- high-pressure initial charging, followed by electrolytic charging, to a final loading of 0.88. Low temperature thermal cycling, and room temperature slow discharge of D yielded no neutrons. Data collected during rapid discharge of D are statistically unconvincing but weakly suggestive of some possible neutron production. Aug-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Elbek B; Gamma (Copenhagen) 76 (1989) 19 (in Danish). "Kold fusion?" ** An early report of FPH's results, and a report of their own results of neutron measurements under several different conditions (electrolysis, heating and pressure), which gave nothing beyond cosmic background. The conclusion is sceptical but leaves the question open. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Enyo M, Biswas PC; J. Electroanal. Chem. 357 (1993) 67. "Hydrogen pressure equivalent to overpotential on Pd + Ag alloy electrodes in acidic solutions in the presence of thiourea". ** In order to get an estimate of the internal hydrogen(deuterium) pressure in palladium hydride under electrolysis, it is sufficient to measure the chemical potential of the adsorbed monatomic hydrogen on the Pd surface. The electrolytic overpotential yields an overestimate of the pressure (through the Nernst equation). This species, H(ads) can react in two directions, forming either H2 gas, or entering the Pd bulk to form hydride; the relative rates of the two reactions can be controlled by a surface blocker such as thiourea, which suppresses the H2 branch. Enyo and Biswas use current interruption to measure the true chemical potential of H(ads) for a range of Pd/Ag alloy electrodes (it is believed that F&P are using such alloys in France). Chemical potentials as large as -200 mV were measured, from which the workers infer an internal hydrogen pressure as high as 10^6 atm. This exceeds their previous results (JEC 335 (1992) 309) by a factor of 100, although still far below the figure of 10^26 atm estimated (simple Nernst argument) by FPH-89. The new figure might, however, be in the range for the formation of metallic hydrogen, thought to be some 10^6 atm. The figure also allows an estimate of the loading ratio H/Pd, which came to about 1.0. Sep-92/Oct-93 ------------------------- Enyo M, Biswas PC; J. Electroanal. Chem. 335 (1992) 309. "Hydrogen absorption in palladium electrodes in alkaline solutions". ** The entry of hydrogen into palladium has mainly been observed in acid solution; the cold fusion controversy makes alkaline solutions interesting as well. Small foil samples of Pd of 5 mu thickness were subjected to galvostatic transients and the overpotentials monitored against time. From this, it was concluded that normal Butler-Volmer behaviour is observed at these electrodes in alkaline media. There was evidence of underpotential deposition of Li, explaining the disintegration of bulk Pd; this implies that similar deposition of Na and K is not ruled out. Maximum hydrogen pressure as a result of overpotential was less than that calculated from the Nernst equation, at up to about 10000 atm. May-92/Sep-92 ------------------------- Enyo M; Kagaku to Kogyo (Tokyo) 44 (1991) 47 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115(12): 121407 (1991). "Is the cold fusion reaction possible?" ** "A review, with 18 refs., on feasible cold fusion reactions, detection and measurement of neutrons, tritium and excess heat, theor. treatment of electrochem. models and their fundamental understanding". (Direct quote from CA). ------------------------- Enyo M; Oyo Buturi 62 (1993) 716 (in Japanese). "Key points in the evaluation of experimental results (the excess heat)". ** Discussion, no references. ------------------------- Ewing RI, Butler MA, Schirber JE, Ginley DS; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 404. "Negative results and positive artifacts observed in a comprehensive search for neutrons from 'cold fusion'". ** A search for neutrons using both electrochemical and gas pressure loading was conducted in an underground lab using 3 highly sensitive neutron detectors. Any n emission would be detected simultaneously in all 3 in a known proportion. Individual detectors occasionally emitted groups of counts mimicking both continuous and burst emission. These were identified as artifacts. The use of simultaneous detection on several detectors is thus essential for exclusion of such artifacts. Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Ewing RI, Butler MA, Ginley DS, Schirber JE; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 37 (1990) 1165. "A sensitive multi-detector neutron counter used to monitor 'cold fusion' experiments in an underground laboratory: negative results and positive artifacts". ** The team has reported their results in two other papers, and here describes the neutron detector used. It consisted of three independent detectors, each one comprising 11 gas proportional counters; thermal neutrons were detected via the (3)He (n,p) reaction. The laboratory was situated underground in a low-background environment, down by a factor of 700 below that at the surface. A total of 339 counting hours produced the same number of counts as a control. There was a single coincidence peak (counts on all three), but this was statistically not significant. There were a number of false signals from single detectors, not shared by the others. These artifacts, which have a number of causes, might confuse a cold fusion experimenter using a single detector. From the measured neutron flux, an upper limit of 66 neutrons per hour can be inferred. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Ewing RI; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 473. "High-sensitivity neutron detectors used at Sandia National Laboratories to monitor and diagnose 'cold fusion' experiments: negative results". ** A multidisciplinary group has tried out every type of cold fusion experiment known to them, for which positive results have been claimed, in an underground site with low background neutron count (10 c/h) and using high efficiency (9-10%) detectors. This counter can detect < 100 c/h and bursts of < 35 counts. Nothing was detected. The counter has 22 (3)He proportional counter tubes embedded in polythene, connected so as to form three independent neutron detectors. One detector at a time did show random signal artifacts, but coincidence on all three eliminated these. Spurious counts can arise from acoustic disturbances, electrical discharges across insulators, electronic noise and cosmic showers. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Faller SH, Holloway RW, Lee SC; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 137 (1989) 9. "Investigation of cold fusion in heavy water". ** Did an electrolysis experiment using a Pd cathode and an Fe anode, in a 50 cm long cell at 4 degC, and checked for gamma radiation and tritium in the electrolyte. The electrolyte was D2O with added NaOH; later, a small amount (50 mg) of LiC(2) was added to produce LiOD. Although FPH claim a tritium/deuterium separation factor of 1, it is known to be > 1. In this experiment, electrolyte aliquots removed showed rising tritium levels with electrolysis time, which could lead one to suspect a cold fusion reaction; however, what with D2O losses, the total tritium level in the electrolyte went down. A reasonable separation factor of 1.5 can account for the tritium levels. No gamma emission that cannot be accounted for by natural background was found. The authors conclude with the comment that FPH's gamma results are doubtful until more details of the background and the detector configuration are given. (30-) May-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Fang PH; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 369. "Deuterium fusion through nonequilibrium induction". ** Fang notes that a number of authors have appeared to induce cold fusion by a nonequilibrium condition - current pulses, warming up, mechanical fracture and so on. Fang suggests another efficient method of forcing nonequilibrium, using ultrasonics applied to, e.g., Pd powder in heavy water etc. The ultrasound would increase the frequency of collision between metal and deuterium atoms. Many configurations are possible, and can be augmented by electric fields. Jun-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Farley FJM; New Scientist 129(1756) (1991) 3 (16-Feb-91). "Cold fusion". ** Farley has an explanation for the fact (?) that the larger the Pd electrode in FPH's experiment, the bigger the excess heat. He assumes that the Pt anode was the same cylinder all the time, and that therefore the gap between the two electrodes is smaller, the larger the Pd cathode. He further says we all know that nascent hydrogen and nascent oxygen are generated by electrolysis, and that these generate heat when they combine with other. This effect is the greater, the smaller the gap. The heat, in other words, comes from recombination of evolved (nascent) gases. ------------------------- Fedorovich GV; Physica B 172 (1991) 491. "The Coulomb interaction in the E-cell". ** The author suggests that neutron capture by light atoms such as (3)He, (6)Li, (7)Be or (10)B lead to E-cells, i.e. small regions in the lattice in which there is, briefly, a very high concentration of free electrons. This could happen in, e.g., LiH. If a pair of hydrogen atoms should find themselves in the centre of such an E-cell, there is a larger than normal probability of their fusing. No cold fusion references. Sep-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Fedorovich GV; Phys. Lett. A 164 (1992) 149. "Quantum-mechanical screening". ** Apparently motivated by cold fusion, F here tackles atom-atom (or ion-ion) interaction in a free-electron gas, with implications to crystalline solids, and particularly for the possible enhancement of fusion rates in such solids. The model, not yet complete, nevertheless may throw some light on cold fusion, in particular its relation to the author's E-cell proposal, published elsewhere. At large electron density, electron wavelengths can become large and strong screening may occur. Jun-91/Apr-92 ------------------------- Fedorovich GV; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 442. "Nuclear fusion in crystal hydrides of light elements". ** Radiation defects in the crystal lattice of compounds like AxHy (e.g. LiD) are thought to form so-called E-cells, within which there is Coulomb barrier suppression, and acceleration to around 1 keV of charged particles. This can explain fractofusion in such crystals. This paper examines the theory of these E-cells exhaustively, and the next step is now to obtain experimental evidence. Dec-91/Jul-93 ------------------------- Fedorovich GV; Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 36 (1991) 847. Originally in: Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 61 (1991) 1. "Coulomb interaction in an E-cell". ** If the width of the tunnelling barrier were reduced, the fusion tunnelling rate would increase. This takes place in an E-cell, a radiation defect created by a thermal neutron in a crystal cell of hydrides of certain light elements such as Li or B. So in, e.g., LiD, there might be appreciable d-d fusion, as suggested by the Soviet fractofusion results. Feb-90/Aug-91 ------------------------- Fedorovich GV; Fusion Technology 24 (1993) 288. "A possible way to nuclear fusion in solids". ** Once again, the author proposes his E-cell theory, and an experiment to test it. E-cells are radiation defects in certain low atomic weight element (Li, Be, B) hydrides/deuterides, and fission events, caused by neutron capture, start an E-cell. Within it, extremely high electron densities (10^24/cm^3) hold and this can act as a Coulomb shield for fusion. Also, crystalline lattice forces can be focussed up to hundreds of eV and reduce internuclear distances to 10^-9 cm, resulting in a measurable hydrogen fusion rate. An experiment is suggested, in which a sample is compressed in a diamond anvil to some Mbar, and a neutron beam aimed at it to stimulate fusion. "The further is the matter of experimental physics". Feb-92/Nov-93 ------------------------- Fedorovich GV; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 120. "Screening of the Coulomb potential in a nondegenerate hydrogen isotope gas". ** Theoretical look at screening of deuterons from each other by electrons, invoking special (exotic) solid state plasma effects. The result is that cold fusion is feasible, due to this effect in the metal lattice. Nov-92/Jan-94 ------------------------- Fedorovich GV; Tech. Phys. 38(10) (1993) 866. Orig. in: Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 63(10) (1993) 65. "Parametric excitation of crystalline structures as a possible cause of high-energy emissions". ** The well known phenomenon of high energy (radio- to x-ray) emissions from stressed crystals became more interesting with the discovery of fractofusion in 1986 by Kluev et al, who found neutrons being emitted; they were also observed by Yaroslavsky in the same year. In this paper, a theory is developed, based on parametric excitation of vibration in a system of coupled oscillators, to account for these effects. Alternate layers of Pd and deuterium ions oscillate relative to one another in the PdD crystal and this can lead, in regions of shear stress to energies up to 10 eV or 10^5 K. The simple model needs to be refined. Apr-93/Oct-93 ------------------------- Fehn T, Schiller CA; Chem.-Tech. (Heidelberg) 18 (1989) 72, 75, 77 (German). "Cold nuclear fusion and electrochemical measuring techniques". ** Attempt to reproduce, at Erlangen, the CNF experiments of FPH, using the same conditions, but using better equipment (triple neutron detector, separation and measurement of gases) under a multidisciplinary study. The aims were (1) to detect radiation, (2) establish the conditions for reproducibility, (3) to protect the scientists from the experiment. Results so far are negative but the study goes on. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Feng S; Solid State Commun. 72 (1989) 205. "Enhancement of cold fusion rate by electron polarization in palladium deuterium solid". ** Again a theoretical attempt to overcome the coulomb repulsion: invokes dielectric screening and solid state effects which might enhance tunnelling to about E-40; Not enough to explain CNF but there are still some uncertainties. (8-) May-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Fernandez JF, Cuevas F, Sanchez C; J. Alloys Comp. 205 (1994) 303. "Deuterium concentration profiles in electrochemically deuterated titanium and their evolution after electrolysis". ** The techniques of elastic recoil dtection (ERD) and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) were used to measure D profiles in Ti plates electrochemically charged with deuterium in heavy water electrolyte. Unlike Pd, Ti is loaded only near its surface by electrolysis. The two techniques could be applied, using the one set-up, conosisting of a 4He beam aimed at the Ti sample at an angle of 78deg to the normal. After 768 hours of electrolysis in 0.1M LiOD, at cd's of 0.5-1 A/cm^2, there was a fairly level loading D/Ti of 1.6 to a depth of about 120 mu, falling off sharply there. There is a rather thinner layer, about 10-20 mu thick, in which the loading is a little higher, but not as high as 2, said by the authors to be a requirement for cold fusion to take place. Sep-93/? ------------------------- Filimonov VA; Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 37(6) (1992) 689. "Cold nuclear fusion: Its possibility in principle and means of realization". ** The movement of a deuterium soliton is coherent with the palladium antisoliton, and the deuterium shock compression is coherent with the shock rarification of the Pd sublattice; these cause Pd atom displacements much greater than thermal vibrations. Self organisation of a system of particles makes it easy for them to go to higher energies than the probability calculated from the individual jumps up the sub-levels. So energy may be passed from excited Pd atoms to deuterons, thereby enhancing fusion rates, and Filimonov calculates a rate of 4E06 fusion acts/s at a loading (D/Pd) of 0.3. To optimise the cnf rate, Filimonov suggests coating the electrode with Pd black, use of an alkaline electrolyte to raise the cathode potential, and to promote a longitudinal potential gradient along the electrode for nonequilibrium. ?/Jun-92 ------------------------- Filimonov VA; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16(20) (1990) 29 (in Russian). "Mechanism of cold nuclear fusion". ** A thermodynamic theory, involving conditions far from equilibrium, where there is a high probability of d-cluster formation and shock fronts arising at phase boundaries; the clusters may have some properties of solitons, and consitions may arise in which hot deuterons can overcome the Coulomb barrier and fuse. The conditions for this are that the material have weakly bound and mobile deuterons, that there be phase boundaries and that it be mono- or polycrystalline, with a minimum of defects. Feb-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Filimonov VA; Pis'ma Zh. Teor. Fiz. 16(19) (1990) 42 (in Russian). "On the probability of cold nuclear fusion". ** The probability of the energy jump required for d-d fusion is very small. Two groups of hypotheses put forward: Coulomb barrier penetration enhancement by structure defects, and subtle interactions in solids or plasmas to lower the Coulomb barrier, do not answer the problem. A new theory is presented here. The large energy gap is proposed to be subdivided into a number of sub-levels. The probability of traversing the total gap by successive jumps up the sub-levels is larger than that for the single jump. For this to occur, there must be self-organisation in the medium, and these sub-levels must exist. Shock waves, solitons and directional propagation all play a part in the process. More work will follow. Jun-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Filimonov VA; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 162 (1992) 99. "On the probability of cold nuclear fusion implementation: Synergetic hypothesis". ** An alternative theory of cold fusion is attempted here. It consists of the division of an energy gap into a series of smaller gaps and this, together with nonequilibrium (dissipative structure formation) suggests higher fusion probability. State segregation si required for this theory, and this might be provided by lattice distortions as a result of deuteration. Some mathematics is used to describe this idea, and there is a table. Its contents seem to contradict F's conclusions: that this is a possible mechanism. The table shows that rather high energies are needed. Nov-91/? ------------------------- Fisher JC; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 511. "Polyneutrons as agents for cold nuclear reactions". ** This attempts to address the problem of anomalies in cold fusion, which clearly cannot be "normal" d-d fusion. Electrostatic repulsion demands that the new mechanism involves at least one neutral species; it cannot be a single neutron (not observed), so perhaps it is polyneutrons. This assumes the existence of a precursor super-heavy isotope (A)H (with A=6, for example) and the reaction n + (A)H --> (A)n + H, which is mildly exothermic. The poly- neutron (A)n could then enter a number of different reactions, including fusion and growth to a higher A value, up to 1E09. Much of this takes place in the electrolyte, involving lithium, so the role of the PdD phase is not clear here. This new physics opens up a rich new field of study. Jan-92/Dec-92 ------------------------- Fishman RS, Mahan GD; Phys. Rev. B40 (1989) 11493. "Binding of charged particles in lattice defects". ** Calculate the interaction between two positively charged particles in the presence of a spherical lattice defect with uniform electron density, using the jellium model, WKB method, and assuming a background charge density that neutralises the conduction electrons. If cold fusion occurs, it is unlikely that binding of deuterons in lattice defects is responsible. May-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Flanagan TB, Luo W, Clewley JD; J. Less Common Met. 172-174 (1991) 42. "Calorimetric enthalpies of absorption and desorption of protium and deuterium by palladium". ** This is only tangentially a cold fusion paper but was in part motivated by it. The team, long-time experts in metal hydrides, make accurate measurements of the enthalpy of palladium hydride and -deuteride formation and break-down, as well as the entropy at 298K and some other lower temperatures. The metal was a heap of foil pieces, and H2 or D2 gas was used for charging. H(f) for PdH was -19.1 kJ/molH and for PdD, -17.3 kJ/molD, with entropies of 46.3 J/K/molH and 46.7 J/K/molD, resp. There were some hysteresis effects but these could be compensated out. For the first time, enthalpies of formation in the beta phase were measured. At loadings around 0.7 (D/Pd), these begin to decline towards zero, reflecting the difficulty of hydriding beyond this degree. No anomalous heats were detected in any of the many measurements. ?/Aug-91 ------------------------- Fleischmann M, Pons S, Hawkins M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 261 (1989) 301 and errata in Vol. 263. "Electrochemically induced nuclear fusion of deuterium". ** One of the two original articles that started all the trouble; the "FPH" paper. The authors, using rather simple equipment (too simple, some would say), electrolysed heavy water (D2O) containing LiOD at Pd electrodes of various geometries, measuring the temperature at intervals, gamma radiation and neutrons. They found gammas, neutrons and excess heat (i.e. above that expected from chemical reactions). 13-Mar-89/10-Apr-89 Erratum: Fleischmann M, Pons S, Hawkins M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 263 (1989) 187. "Errata". A whole page of corrections to the original FPH paper in the same journal, starting with the omission of Hawkins from the author list. For this reason, that earlier paper should have the same three authors as this one when cited. The other errors appear to be errors of detail, and do not basically alter the claims. (Original dates) Mar-89/Apr-89 ------------------------- Fleischmann M, Pons S, Hawkins M, Hoffman RJ; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 667 (issue no. 622, 29-Jun-89). "Measurements of gamma-rays from cold fusion." (The editor's title) ** Polemic in answer to polemic of Petrasso, Nature 339 (1989) 183. FPHH claim that Petrasso+ base their polemic on a graph shown on TV and that their gamma spectrum shows in fact a peak at 2.496 MeV, not seen in the background. They admit that the peak at 2.22 MeV, expected from the nuclear reaction they postulate, is obliterated by the Compton peak due to thorium decay. They can't interpret the one at 2.496, though. This is a bit besides the point, since they (FPH) did originally claim the peak at 2.22 MeV and did claim that it is evidence for CNF. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Fleischmann M, Pons S, Anderson MW, Li LJ, Hawkins M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 287 (1990) 293. "Calorimetry of the palladium-deuterium-heavy water system". ** A 50+ pages paper, to back up their preliminary note of 15 months earlier. The authors here meticulously explain and justify the methods they use, and present new results, confined to excess heat measurements. Other measurements such as of tritium, are "to be published". The calorimetry is described in detail; the controversial question of mixing is addressed and it seems that this is not a problem. That is, measured temperature rises cannot be due to local hot spots. Gas recombination has been prevented. Careful calibrations were made, and this time, a number of control experiments were run. These all produce zero excess heat +/- very small error limits. Errors are estimated, and are - where there is excess heat - small in relation to the excess heats. The excess heats - measured at steady state - are clearly a function of current density, and electrode size. Up to about 100 w/cm**3 steady state excess heat was calculated. In contrast to the preliminary note (FPH 1989), the present more comprehensive results show that the larger the palladium electrodes (in terms of diameter), the smaller the excess heat/cm**3; in fact, the largest Pd electrode, of 8 mm diameter, was used as one of the controls in D2O electrolysis. Other controls are Pd in H2O and Pt in both H2O and D2O. All showed zero excess heat. About half of the paper consists of appendices on calorimetry, analysis of calorimetry results, mathematical and numerical procedures and some comments on the authors' previous paper. The authors conclude once more that a nuclear, rather than a chemical process must be responsible for the excess heat results; they express concern that many attempts at verification have focussed simply on neutron emission, since this nuclear process appears to be largely aneutronic (and possibly atritonic). Dec-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Fleischmann M, Pons S, Preparata G; Nuovo Cimento 107 A (1994) 143. "Possible theories of cold fusion" ** Using 'cold fusion' as the generic name for phenomenology of Pd-hydride anomalies, the authors review some of the key facts, some 'impossible theories' and lastly present their own views of what is happening in CNF. There are anomalies even in the well known fact of the hydrogen absorbing capacity of Pd; in a 600-1000 M sea of electrons, there is a solution of protons at 60-100 M, without the formation of dihydrogen. To explain this, a many-body model must be invoked, rather than single particles or pairs, as well as collective states. Other known anomalies include the high diffusion rate of hydrogen in the Pd lattice and the series D(d) > D(p) > D(t), rather than the expected D(p) > D(d) > D(t) [D being the diffusion coefficient]; and the high H/D separation factor under electrolysis. The authors agree that, given the low but definite neutron and tritium production and the anomalous t/n ratio together with the absence of secondary neutrons from the tritium, the process cannot be conventional d-d fusion, but that the conventional branches are a rare occurrence. The main process is the formation of 4He, with absorption of the resultant energy by strong-dipole coupling; hence the absence of gamma radiation. Possible models, then, include collective states and possibly three-body processes. Jun-93/Jan-94 ------------------------- Fleischmann M, Pons S; Phys. Lett. A 176 (1993) 118. "Calorimetry of the Pd-D2O system: from simplicity via complications to simplicity". ** Without providing much experimental detail, this paper focusses on a series of cells that were brought to the boil and in fact boiled to dryness at the end, in a short time (600 s). The analysis of the calorimetric data is once again described briefly, and the determination of radiative heat transfer coefficient demonstrated to be reliable by its evolution with time. This complicated model yields a fairly steady excess heat, at a Pd cathode of 0.4 cm diameter and 1.25 cm length, of about 20 W/cm^3 or around 60% input power (not stated), in an electrolyte of 0.6 M LiSO4 at pH 10. When the cells boil, the boiling off rate yields a simply calculated excess heat of up to 3.7 kW/cm^3. The current flow was allowed to continue after the cell boiled dry, and the electrode continued to give off heat for hours afterwards. Dec-92/May-93. ------------------------- Fleischmann M, Pons S; J. Electroanal. Chem. 332 (1992) 33. "Some comments on the paper Analysis of experiments on the calorimetry of LiOD-D2O electrochemical cells, R.H. Wilson et al., J. Electroanal. Chem. 332 (1992) 1". ** A strong rebuttal of the cited polemic paper. F&P find it full of misconceptions and misrepresentations of their own previous reports. In particular, F&P write that they did not neglect evaporation effects, did not overestimate heat transfer, and that they used modern data treatment methods such as Kalman filtering, unlike Wilson et al. Mar-92/Aug-92 ------------------------- Fleischmann M, Pons S; Phys. Lett. A 187 (1994) 276. "Reply to the critique by Morrison entitled 'Comments on claims of excess enthalpy by FLeischmann and Pons using simple cells made to boil'". ** Point-by-point rebuttal. F&P did not use the complicated differential equation method as claimed by Morrison; the critique by Wilson et al does not apply to F&P's work; very little electrolyte leaves the cell in liquid form; current- and cell voltage fluctuations are absent or unimportant; the problem of the transition from nucleate to film boiling was addressed; recombination (cigarette lighter effect) is negligible. Jun-93/Apr-94 ------------------------- Fleming JW, Law HH, Sapjeta J, Gallagher PK, Marohn WF; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 517. "Calorimetric studies of electrochemical incorporation of hydrogen isotopes into palladium". ** Novel open and sealed calorimeters were designed. In the sealed design, no reaction product is lost, and the heat of hydrogenation is accounted for within 2%. Electrolyses were run for 1-40 days, at constant current. The electrolyte was 0.1M LiOD or LiOH. The calorimeter was a Setaram HT 1000 functioning as a heat flow isothermal calorimeter. It could provide space for two separate cells, whose heat output could be measured differentially. In this mode, sensitivity was 10 microwatt. For a single cell, this increased to 2.5 milliwatt. For the open (differential) designs, no excess heat was found. The sealed single-cell designs also balanced the output against the input to within 2.2% of total integrated heat. The small deviation (positive) can be explained by the different responses of the top and bottom of the cells. The paper thus does not support cold fusion. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Focardi S, Habel R, Piantelli F; Nuovo Cimento 107A (1994) 163. "Anomalous heat production in Ni-H systems". ** One of the authors (FP) observed, in 1989, during a calorimetric experiment at about 200K with a deuterated organic substance in hydrogen, some anomalous heat, and suspected the Ni support used. This led to the experiments described here. A Ni rod, 5 mm diameter and 90 mm long, was placed in a cylindrical chamber, surrounded by a Pt heater coil. The chamber could be evacuated or filled with gas (H2 or D2) at various pressures. The system was checked by replacing the Ni rod with a stainless steel one, and its temperature noted as a function of heater power applied, and gas pressure. With the Ni rod, the best temperature for H2 absorption was found to be 173 C. Some Ni rods showed the expected temperature as a function of heater power in a H2 atmosphere, while others had elevated temperatures, showing that there was excess heat, of the order of 20-50 W, with heater power at 40-120 W. No nuclear radiation was detected. The excess power, integrated over time, amounted to such a large energy excess, that a chemical explanation will not suffice. The authors propose the (p,D) reaction, that is fusion between hydrogen and the natural component of deuterium and more work is in progress. Jan-94/Jan-94 ------------------------- Foglio Para A, Sangiust V, Cavallotti PL, Ducati U, Bortignon PF; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 131. "Neutron monitoring and related measurements during electrolysis of heavy water with palladium and titanium cathodes: activity report". ** From April to August 1989, more than 100 long-term electrolysis experiments with both Pd and Ti electrodes were carried out with monitoring of neutrons and analysis of the electrolyte and the gases evolved. Four neutron detectors ensured good sensitivity. In two cases, significant neutron emissions were observed, one of them associated with palladium electrode deformation which possibly caused heating. No tritium was found in the electrolyte of these cells, but none was expected above experimental error, on the basis of the neutron emission intensity. In another series, neutron counting was synchronised with pulsed cathodic charging of the electrodes, with 60-90 s periods. Out of 30 runs, two showed some differences, again indicating a weak cold fusion effect. Gas analysis using a mass detector found some atomic masses 5 and 6, but no tritium. The authors point out that the positive results were obtained under conditions far from equilibrium. Feb-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Fonda L, Shaw GL; Fizika (Zagreb) 22 (1990) 371. "Deuteron cold fusion by anti-diquark catalysis". ** In case cold fusion is real, the authors speculate on a possible mechanism, being the catalysis of d-d fusion by the anti-diquark Q with charge -4/3 and large mass, forming (in analogy with muons) the triatomic molecules dQd by Coulombic shielding; these could then fuse. The requirements for this scenario are the -4/3 charge, sufficient stability of Q and a mass of a few GeV. Of the three fusion reaction paths (yielding (4)He, (3)He+n and t+p, respectively, plus the rereleased Q), the (4)He branch would be strongly favoured. Formation of the dQd group would be much faster than the analogous dmud group in muon catalysis because the first product, dQ would have a charge of -1/3 and would attract the second d, unlike the neutral dmu. Where do these Q's come from? "Quarked" atoms (4)HeQ, may exist within transition metals the with properties like H; once released from these, a Q can catalyse a number of d-d fusions and finally either escape from the metal or be sequestered into a metal atom. This predicts a large localised burst of neutrons, calculated roughly to be 1E05 to 1E06 n/s/Q, and separated in time by 1E-06-1E-05 s. Finally, these neutrons would not have a fixed energy of 2.45 MeV but a three-body spectrum (the Q makes off with some). If these Q's in fact exist and can be found and harnessed, we can get clean energy from cold d-d fusion. Oct-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Fowler WA; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 345 (issue 6223, 1-Jun-89). "Cold fusion results still unexplained.". ** To try to explain the heat/neutron imbalance of FPH's results, Fowler calculates the rate of the reaction d + d --> (4)He + e+e-. It turns out to have a rate lower than a factor of 100 than the reaction d + d --> (4)He + gamma, which is known to have a rate 1E-07 lower than the branches giving (3)He or T. Therefore, the above reaction cannot explain the results. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Fox H; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 347. "Comments on 'Experiments of one-point cold fusion'". ** Polemic on a paper by T. Matsumoto. It has been shown in a US patent that under the conditions described by Matsumoto, electron beads can form, and Matsumoto has inadvertently formed high-energy clusters as taught by that patent. The clusters have 10^8 to 10^12 electrons. Fox suggests that Matsumoto place a radio receiver near his cell and listen to noises like that of a lightning strike from these clusters. These can accelerate deuterons and induce fusion by locally swamping the Coulomb barrier! Feb-93/Dec-93 ------------------------- Frederico T, de Groote JJ, Hornos JE, Hussein MS; Braz. J. Phys. 23(1) (1993) 96. "Microscopic calculation of the molecular-nuclear d+d-->3He+n or 3H+p reactions at close to zero energies". [The character '+' within 'O' is used where 'or' is written ^ ] ** This Brazilian team looks at theoretical fusion rates for a number of fusion reactions (dd, dp, pt) at low energies, in order to assess the likelihood of cold fusion. The model is fully microscopic and the sensitivity of lambda to the short distance behaviour of the radical d+d wave function is of interest, rather than absolute fusion rates. Fadeev functions and the B-O approximation finally yield no clear results. Apr-92/Mar-93 ------------------------- Freedman S, Krakauer D; Nature (London) 343 (1990) 703 (22-Feb). "Biases in cold fusion data". (Scientific correspondence). ** The authors throw statistical doubts on the results of Jones et al. One suspicion they appear to harbour is that the Jones team ended their runs - which had durations of widely varying lengths - when positive results had been obtained. This would give positive results from random noise. See Jones, Decker and Tolley's (1990) response. ?/Feb-90 ------------------------- Friedmann H, Hundegger P, Kirchmayr HR, Pavlik A, Vonach H, Wiesinger G, Winkler G; Kerntechnik 55 (1990) 161. "Search for 'cold fusion'". ** The authors made an attempt to verify cold fusion. Having failed with electrolysis, they turned to Frascati-type experiments, especially as the apparatus for this was already available. Ti and TiFe alloy were gas-charged with D2 at 200 degC and 50 atm, with thermal cycling. Two separate BF3 neutron counters were used. The neutron flux, corrected for counting efficiency, came to about 8E-24 fusions/s/d with Ti, and 1.4E-25 for TiFe, both as upper limits. Since some theories (e.g. fractofusion) result in short-time neutron bursts, these were also looked for, in the form of coincidence readings on both detectors. These gave readings of 1.9E-24 (Ti) and 2.2E-26 (TiFe) (same units). The team concludes that their superior equipment shows that there is no cold fusion and that the Frascati results are due to faults in the measuring equipment. Nov-89/Jun-90 ------------------------- Frodl P, Roessler OE, Hoffmann M, Wahl F; Z. Naturforsch. 45A (1990) 757. "Possible participation of lithium in Fleischmann-Pons reaction is testable". ** The "unknown nuclear reaction" just might be (6)Li + d -> 2 (4)He plus nothing but energy (heat). This reaction has been suggested previously by Jones et al. In fact, it has other possible branches, and the authors leave these aside for the moment. Lithium is able to get into Pd. Assuming that all the heat claimed by FPH comes from this reaction, then there should be measurable consumption (of up to 3% or so) in the Li concentration in the 0.1M LiOD electrolyte used by FPH. Go forth and try it. (2-) May-89/May-90 ------------------------- Frolov AM, Smith VH Jr; Phys. Lett. A 196 (1994) 217. "On stimulated nuclear fusion in the cold generalized DT hydrides of fissionable elements". ** Following suggestions made by others, that cold fusion is possible in compounds of the composition M(x)D(y)T(y), where M is a fissionable element and x << y, the authors theorise on this process. A simple model might e.g. be a DT gas containing a single nucleus of, say, 239Pu or 251Cf, which fissions. The two fast fission fragments (90 an 70 MeV, modelled both as 80) then collide with many DT's, producing shock waves etc. Calculations seem to indicate that for sufficiently high DT densities, some fusion might occur. Its probability would however be negligible for D2 gas. The authors do not comment on implications for 'cold fusion'. Oct-94/Dec-94 ------------------------- Fujita S; Phys. Status Solidi B 156 (1989) K17. "On the feasibility of nuclear fusion in fcc. metals". ** The host crystal creates an ideal environment for very close D-D encounters if the coulomb barrier is overcome, because of preferred migration channels in fcc crystals - in other words, deuterons are not free to move anywhere in palladium, but are restricted to narrow channels. Higher temperatures will therefore favour cold fusion. Compare Arista et al, also focussing on the matrix inhomogeneities and arriving at a similar conclusion. Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Fukada S, Furuya S, Matsumoto Y, Ishibashi K, Mitsuishi N; Technol. Rep. Kyushu Univ. 63(5) (1990) 475 (in Japanese, English abstract). "Neutron emission from some metal deuterides". ** The metal under high pressure D2 mode of cold fusion experiment, including the customary temperature cycling. Ti, Pd and Pd-coated carbon were tried. A single BF3 neutron counter was used. No reproducible neutron emission was observed, but with the Ti sample, analysis of variance indicated some unreproducible bursts; these appear to have occurred at the liquid nitrogen temperature, before the rise to room temp. ?/Oct-90 ------------------------- Fukai Y; Nippon Butsuri Gakkaishi 48(5) (1993) 354 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstracts 119:235210 (1993). "Present status on cold fusion". ** Review with 29 references. A few experimental results are selected and discussed, such as the many excess heats vs D/Pd loading by McKubre. Some theory is discussed, and the Salamon vs Pons story. All the books and conferences on cold fusion to date are in the references. ------------------------- Gai M, Rugari SL, France RH, Lund BJ, Zhao Z, Davenport AJ, Isaacs HS, Lynn KG; Nature (London) 340 (1989) 29. "Upper limits on neutron and gamma-ray emission from cold fusion" ** Set up a variety of electrochemical cells as well as experiments in which Ti was deuterided at high pressure, and measured gamma and neutron flux. Neutron fluxes were at least a factor 50 less than that of Jones+, and 10**6 smaller than FPH's. A significant fraction of such events are accounted for by cosmic rays. (17-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Gai M, Rugari SL, France RH, Lund BJ, Zhao Z, Davenport AJ, Isaacs HS, Lynn KG; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 217. "Upper limits on emission rates of neutrons and gamma-rays from 'cold fusion' in deuterated metals". ** An array of six liquid-scintillator neutron counters with total efficiency of about 1% and a very low background was used to measure neutron and gamma emissions from a cold fusion experiment. Up to four FPH-type electrochemical cells ran simultaneously for up to 2 weeks, with Pd and Ti as cathodes. No statistically significant emissions above background were observed in any of the experiments. This translates into an upper limit of 1E-25 fus/pair/s from the neutron count, or 1E-22 from the gamma count. The lower limit is 50-100 times smaller than that reported by Jones+(89), and some 1E06 smaller than FPH(89). The results suggest that a significant fraction of the neutrons are associated with cosmic rays. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Gajda M, Rafelski J; J. Phys. G 17 (1991) 653. "Jovian limits on conventional fusion". ** Fusion rates are evaluated for the interior of Jupiter and compared to those assumed by conventional wisdom; might these explain Jovian excess heat? Also, terrestrial cold fusion experiments are looked at. The authors take as given that these latter have now been established to give a rate of 1E-23 fusions/s/dd-pair. A central density of 4 g/cm**3 and a temperature of 1.4 eV are assumed for Jupiter, as well as a degenerate Fermi gas state for the electrons, and a d/p ratio of 1E-05. Theory then yields fusion rates that are not sufficient to explain Jupiter's excess heat. Maybe other factors? Such as local high densities and/or higher temperatures, maybe 2.8 eV? G&R now say that, given Jones+(89), and transferring this knowledge to Jupiter, the heat is still unexplained. Bu, if a similar enhancement for the dp fusion reaction is assumed, the heat is explained. Unfortunately, there are no reports of laboratory pd cold fusion, for which gamma emission should be seen. So Jones+(89) might help astronomers explain the Jupiter enigma. Nov-90/May-91 ------------------------- Gajewski R; Postepy Fiz. 42 (1991) 85 (in Polish). "Fuzja, nadzieja czy iluzja?" (Nuclear fusion, hope or illusion?) ** Prof. Ryszard Gajewski, who works for the DOE in Waszyngton, USA, gave a talk to the Polish Academy of Science in 1989, on fusion. This is an account of the lecture. Most aspects of fusion, including hot, cold, muon catalysed and ion beams, are discussed. No references. ------------------------- Gammon BE; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 342. "Cathode cooling by expansion of hydrogen in calorimetric tests for cold fusion". ** The author points out an effect that might explain, by conventional means, apparent excess heat observations. It is the negative Joule-Thompson coefficient of hydrogen, which thus becomes warmer as it expands from high to low pressure. Any deuterium escaping from charged palladium, where it exists at high effective pressure, into the electrolyte at atmospheric pressure, will carry some heat with it and therefore cool down the Pd. The heat to keep the Pd at its steady temperature is in part supplied by the metal leads going into the calorimeter, and this is the source of the apparent excess. The effect also explains heat bursts, produced as bubbles of deuterium form. Calorimetric experiments should eliminate this effect by making sure that the leads have the same temperature as the cell at the point of entry into the calorimeter. The author's own experiments with this precaution showed zero excess heat. His calculations show, moreover, that considerable heat can be generated, even sufficient to cause cell boiling. May-92/May-93 ------------------------- Gann VV, Pokhodyashchii VI; Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh. Ser. Fiz. Radiats. Povrezhdenii Radiats. Materialoved. 1990(1) 89 (in Russian). "Metastable bound states of deuterium in palladium and its role in cold nuclear fusion". ** Examines the possibility of raised probability of tunnelling barrier penetration. Analysis shows that an effective electron mass of twice normal might be realised at the periphery of the d-shells of the Pd, and under some circumstances this might lead to fusion rates of the order of those observed. For this, it is assumed that deuterium exists in a mildly nonuniform gas of quasiparticles (the conductance electrons), whose characteristic dimensions exceed those between the bound d-atoms. Macroscopic defects might play a role in causing electron localisation and aggregation of deuterons. Dec-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Garfinkle M; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 160. "Ion implantation as a definitive means of investigating any possibility of intracrystalline nuclear fusion". ** Electrochemical loading of a metal with deuterium has several drawbacks, among them the large iE heat term in calorimetric experiments, the presence of oxygen in the solution, and others. Ion implantation is suggested here. It would make mass spectrometry easier; also, with sufficient ion energies, quite large penetration depths up to a micrometer or so can be achieved, and loadings up to 1E19 [sic] ions per cm**3. Also, the beam composition can be varied, allowing experiments with p, d, t or mixtures of these ions. Thin metal foils should be used, and reaction products can then be measured directly. Jul-91/Aug-92 ------------------------- Gentsch H; Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 96 (1992) 734 (in German). "Reply to: R. Behrisch, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 96, 733 (1992)". ** Answer to Behrisch's polemic criticising Gentsch's 1991 paper. True, Gentsch did not read all the relevant literature, but his figures are maybe 10% accurate, not totally out as Behrisch writes. Jan-92/May-92 ------------------------- Gentsch H; Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 95 (1991) 1283 (in German). "DD-fusion reactions at a PdAg(D) target in a minireactor". ** An electrolysis cell, in which the cathode was a hollow cyclinder of the PdAg alloy, is described. The electrolyte is 0.1M LiOD in D2O, and a small current of 0.1 A charges the thin-walled (0.3 mm) cyclinder. Within it is a near-vacuum, and a small D2 pressure after a time indicates that the alloy is deuterated. Down the middle of the cyclinder is an ion source, bombarding the alloy deuteride with ions up to 30 keV. Neutrons were measured by a Bonner sphere and a (6)LiI scintillator, gammas with NaI. The emissions were found to be larger than expected by theory, and more tritium accumulated in the electrolyte than expected. This means either that the ions penetrated more deeply into the alloy surface than thought possible, or that some unexpected fusion reactions were taking place in the alloy deuteride. The apparatus should lend itself to mass spectrometric detection of fusion products such as helium or tritium, and is quite simple. Jul-91/Oct-91 ------------------------- Gerlovin IL, Baranova RKh, Baranov PS; Zh. Obshch. Khim. 62 (1992) 230 (in Russian). "New approach to low-temperature nuclear fusion". ** The author here outlines, in a qualitative manner, their explanation of cold fusion, on the basis of the new unified fundamental field theory, invoking spin orientation, the energy of vacuum, and the existence of different kinds of space interacting, as well as magnetic effects. The vaccum nergy effect might explain long-term properties of cnf results, due to diurnal and other rhythms that are a result of the Earth's movement with respect to the vacuum of space. Best results should be achieved at 10 and 11 am, and noon. This preliminary paper will be followed by both more theoretical and experimental work. Dec-91/? ------------------------- ------------------------- Ghosh SK, Sadhukhan HK, Dhara AK; Pramana 33 (1989) L339. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:203232 (1989). "A theory of cold nuclear fusion in deuterium-loaded palladium" ** Postulates that the deuterium "compressed" in palladium forms a quantum plasma of bosons which can screen the Coulomb potential between Deuterons, thereby making CNF possible. ?/Aug-89 ------------------------- Gieryn TF; in "The Social Dimensions of Science", Ed. E. McMullin, U. Notre Dame Press, 1992; p.214. "The ballad of Pons and Fleischmann: Experiment and narrative in the (un)making of cold fusion". ** A sci-soc/phil paper. The author narrates the development of the 'cold fusion' affair, in a somewhat light vein. He describes how P&F have kept the subject alive, and have thrown doubt on their critics and generally have succeeded in keeping it in the public consciousness. ------------------------- Gillespie DJ, Kamm GN, Ehrlich AC, Mart PL; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 526. "A search for anomalies in the palladium-deuterium system". ** Charged a polycrytalline Pd rod with D up to 0.81 D/Pd, while monitoring electrical resistivity, sample dimensions, cell temperature and neutrons. Various charging rates were used to provoke anomalous behaviour but none such was observed. Aug-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Giordano N, Arico AS, Antonucci V; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 105. "Thermal effects during the electrolytic charging of deuterium in the palladium lattice". ** The absorption of deuterium into Pd may be an uneven process, producing small centres (clusters) of deuteride, and local overheating at length scales small with the electrons' mean free path. This will delay heat conduction, and large internal temperatures may be attained. This effect may explain some of the cold fusion observation and, although it could not account for a sustained excess heat as claimed by FPH, might enter into the process inducing cold fusion. Sep-90/Aug-91 ------------------------- Gittus J, Bockris J; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 105 (11-May-89). (Scientific Correspondence); "Explanations of cold fusion" (section editor's title). ** Suggest that prior accumulation of H in Pd could prevent the absorption of D by Pd during electrolysis in heavy water, and that this could explain why some cells do not work. They also suggest that when D is absorbed, it tends to segregate in cracks and grain boundaries and when it reaches a high enough level, CNF starts. This would explain the induction period. The solution to the problem of prior contamination is to remove the interstitial hydrogen, as well as other impurities. ?/May-89 ------------------------- Glueck P; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 122. "The surfdyne concept: an attempt to solve (or to rename) the puzzles of cold nuclear fusion". ** The author notes that both successes and failures in reproducing cold fusion (success having now increased from an initial 10% to 35%) are correct observations, and must be reconciled. He believes that the phenomenon has a "mimosaceous" sensitivity to an extremely small factor, that has not been under control. A body of evidence indicates that the phenomenon takes place at surfaces: the activity of fresh surfaces, fractofusion, the presence of tritium in the electrolyte soon after electrolysis, bursts of neutrons, etc. The cause is likely to be a dynamic effect; this, too, is backed up by observations. This effect is something like heterogeneous catalysis, and information input from this research area is desirable. So fusion takes place not in the lattice, but on the lattice and theory, as well as future experiments, should look along these lines, such as the use of thin or ultra- thin metal films. Jul-92/Aug-93 ------------------------- Godshall NA, Roth EP, Kelly MJ, Guilinger TR, Ewing RI; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 229. "Calorimetric and thermodynamic analysis of palladium-deuterium electrochemical cells". ** A novel, large calorimeter was developed, based on the vaporisation of freon and which does not depend on temperature measurement within the cell, thus avoiding problems of temperature gradients. The 10.6 g Pd rod was vacuum annealed at 900 degC for 16 hours to remove residual hydrogen, and placed, in a dry room to exclude light water, into the cell also containing 167 ml of 0.1M LiOD in D2O. The electrolysis cell was placed into a Dewar, completely immersed in liquid freon. All heat released by the cell resulted in freon vaporisation, and the power output of the cell was calculated from the flow of freon gas out of the system. This gave an accuracy of 2% of the known power inputs, or 0.1W. Initial loading of the Pd with D took place at low current for 48 h, then the current density was raised to 270-360 mA/cm**2 and held for 21 days. The current was reversed for 1 day, and then reapplied for a further 14 days. A neutron detector consisting of three (3)He proportional counters was also mounted close to the cell. The cell heat output was within 2% of that expected from conventional chemical reactions in all cases. No neutron emissions not accountable as background, were detected. This included a short burst twice the long-term background, but such bursts are not unusual, being artifacts also observed by others. There is a very clear discussion of the thermodynamics of the chemical reactions in the cell, and how this affects the calorimetry of such cells. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Goedkoop JA; Energiespektrum 13 (1989) 156 (in Dutch). "Koude kernfusie in de vaste stof?" (Cold nuclear fusion in solids?) ** A competent early review of cold fusion, written in June 1989. It contains some useful background information about d-d fusion reactions, thermodynamics of PdDx, electrochemistry and palladium hydride structure. It also points to the theoretical work that appeared subsequently, towards explaining the effect, if any. The possibility of the (4)He branch, which some consider might lead simply to heat dissipated in the Pd lattice, is mentioned, as well as the fracto theory, with the doubt expressed, that the postulated charge separation is sustainable in the hydride as in LiD; this later became one of the strong arguments against fractofusion. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Goldanskii VI, Dalidchik FI; Nature (London) 342 (1989) 231; 16-Nov-1989. Letters. "Mechanism of solid-state fusion" (Title given by Letters editor). ** In the search for a possible mechanism for cold fusion of D in Pd, the authors dismiss coulombic screening effects in the lattice, and tunnelling. An increase in the (local) density and effective mass of lattice electrons could, together with lattice deformation, cause a local minimum in the potential barrier and form a quasi-stationary complex, leading to "resonance transparency". This could increase the natural fusion rate by a factor of 10**9. Another possiblity is that a deuteron could somehow aquire about 10 keV of energy, which could happen during lattice cracking, as found by Soviet workers (Klyuev et al). ?/Nov-89 ------------------------- Goldanskii VI, Dalidchik FI; Phys. Lett. B 234 (1990) 465. "On the possibilities of 'cold enhancement' of nuclear fusion". ** The authors claim that 3 years ago, the editor of JETP Lett. (i.e. of the Soviet journal Pis'ma etc) rejected Deryaguin's paper on the emission of neutrons from heavy ice or LiD under fracture. Their subsequent publications have remained largely unnoticed, in contrast with FPH and Jones+. Here, the present authors take a look at some possible mechanisms for the claimed cold fusion rates. Coulombic shielding, large effective electron mass, barrier penetration, and stimulation by radiation are considered, and rejected on quantitative theoretical grounds. Thus there remains only energetic activation by, for example, fracture micro-cracks, as suggested by the Soviet fracto-fusion school. G&D do admit that this is not yet theoretically substantiated. Jul-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Golubnichii PI, Filoneko AD, Tsarev VA, Tsarik AA, Chechin VA; Sov. Phys. - Lebedev Inst. Rep. 1990(9) 16. Originally in Sb. Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. AN SSSR 1990(9) 15 (in Russian). "Verification of the accelerator model for low-temperature nuclear fusion". ** Some rough calculations are made here to see whether the team's experimental results, reported in another paper (specified as a preprint) make sense. The results were some correlations between nuclear, acoustic and electromagnetic emission pulses for a sample of palladium under deuteration. The rough calculations show that the observations are roughly to be expected, within a few orders of magnitude. Jun-90/? ------------------------- Golubnichii PI, Kayumov FF, Merzon GI, Petrii OA, Tsarev VA, Tsirlina GA; Sov. Phys. - Lebedev Inst. Rep. (1991)(12) 6. Orig. in Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. AN SSSR Fiz. Inst. Lebedeva (1991)(12) 41. "Proton emission in low-temperature nuclear fusion". ** Detection of protons is easier than that of neutrons, so this fusion branch is studied here, despite the small yield of protons, which are stopped within 30 micrometres in Pd. An electrolysis cell with 0.1M LiOD in heavy water and a control cell with LiOH in light water were arranged such that the Pd film cathode was the cell floor, beneath which was the detector, consisting of a proportional counter (PC) and broad-gap track spark chamber (SC). This had a 2% efficiency and 4s dead time. In 8 series of measurements, lasting 1010 min and using a current density of 31 mA/cm^2, 141 events were recorded, one every 7 min on average. Of these 141, 2 could be said to be coming from the heavy water cell (the tracks point to their origin), the rest are cosmic rays. Even these 2 could be cosmic noise. A 940 min control run with no current produced again 1 ev per 7 min, 2 from the heavy and one from the light water cells. The results set the upper limit for cnf at 10^-24 fus/pair/s. Dec-91/ ------------------------- Golubnichii PI, Koval'chuk EP, Merzon GI, Filonenko AD, Tsarev VA, Tsarik AA; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16(21) (1990) 46 (in Russian). "Detection of neutrons and tritium from solid palladium targets by electrolytic deuterium charging". Translated in: Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 16(11) (1990) 826. ** A 7 cm long Pd wire of area 10 cm**2 was prepared by deposition from a PdCl2 solution (they don't say deposited onto what), and used as cathode in 0.1M LiClO2 in D2O. 10 neutron detectors were used, and tritium analysed in the gas phase. There were several neutron events during electrolysis, several times the background levels, some of them coinciding with cell temperature rises. In another experiment, one tritium event coincided with a temperature rise, and some neutron events did as well. May-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Golubnichii PI, Kurakin VA, Filonenko AD, Tsarev VA, Tsarik AA; Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 307 (1989) 99 (in Russian). "Possible mechanism of cold nuclear fusion". ** Not much more than a restatement of the Klyuev et al paper of 1986; i.e. allows the possibility of dd fusion by acceleration of deuterons in electric fields formed by cracks. ------------------------- Golubnichii PI, Kurakin VA, Filonenko AD, Tsarev VA, Tsarik AA; Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. 1989(6) 56. (In Russian). Translated in: Sov. Phys. - Lebedev Inst. (6) (1989) 72. "A possible mechanism for cold nuclear fusion". ** Examines one of the possible mechanisms, viz: that of microcracks arising from phase changes during hydrogenation, leading to deuteron acceleration (i.e. the 1986 Lipson et al suggestion). High concentration of H(or D) in the metal, high diffusion coefficient of H in the metal at room temperature, efficiency of hydrolytic hydrogenation, strong increase of the specific volume of the metal at the moment of hydride formation at critical H concentrations and formation of micropores, all are favourable for fusion. The crack formation is accompanied by mechanoemission effects, i.e. pulsed acoustic emission, emission of neutrons with energies <= 10**5 eV and electromagnetic gamma-, x- and radiofrequency radiation. The neutron flux can be attained if deuterons can be accelerated to 380 eV. Seems to be a restatement of their other paper in Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR. (24-) Apr-89/? ------------------------- Golubnichii PI, Kuz'minov VV, Merzon GI, Pritychenko BV, Filonenko AD, Tsarev VA, Tsarik AA; JETP Lett. 53 (1991) 122. Originally in: Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 53 (1991) 115 (in Russian). "Correlated neutron and acoustic emission from a deuterium-saturated palladium target". ** What the fractofusion school of thought has been waiting for; are the cracks sources of neutrons? Experiments were done under low background conditions, underground. The Pd was electrolytically saturated with deuterium. Neutrons were moderated in paraffin and detected with an array of 10 SNM-18 counters, with an overall efficiency of 10%. SOund was measured with a ceramic piezoelectric device. Correlation measurements were carried out for 3.5 h. There were 42 correlated events (with a time shift, due largely to the finite propagation of the acoustic signal), while 6 are expected if they were random. So the results appear to support the fractofusion model. Dec-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Golubnichii PI, Merzon GI, Filonenko AD, Tsarev VA, Tsarik AS; Sov. Phys. - Lebedev Inst. Rep. (1990)(8) 31. Russian original: Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. (1990)(8) 26. "Correlation between nuclear, acoustic, and electromagnetic emissions during the electrolytic saturation of palladium with deuterium". ** Four series of measurements were carried out, three of them electrolysis at a Pd plate at the bottom of a cell, in 0.1M LiClO4 in D2O; a microphone was soldered to the palladium, a CdI crystal underneath it to catch nuclear events and an electromagnetic probe to catch signals up to 1MHz in frequency. Electrolysis was continued (at 1A) for 3.5, 3.5 and 2 hours. In the fourth experiment, a D-charged Pd cathode was heated in a vacuum chamber to drive out the deuterium, while also monitoring the three kinds of emissions. The acoustic probe came loose, however. All in all, two events were seen, in which the three signals coincided, during the electrolysis runs; none during the desorption run. Going by the frequencies of events of the individual signals, the expected number of such coincidences was 1E-07, so that 2 might be a large number. The authors admit to the weakness of these statistics and agree that further work is needed. They did, however, write another paper to explain these results (p.16/15, same journal issue). May-90/? ------------------------- Gorodetskii VG, Polosukhin BG, Sulimov EM, Novikov PI, Bychin VP; Fiz. Metal. Metalloved. 1991(7) 176 (in Russian). "Emission of neutrons and gamma quanta from palladium upon its saturation with deuterium in the gas phase". ** Pd foil, 0.2 mm thickness, 28 g in all, rolled into a cyclinder (15 mm dia, 80 mm long) and wire of 2mm dia, 6 g, were placed into steel and quartz holders, respectively, and D2 admitted into the evacuated holders at 1-4 atm. Two groups of neutron detectors, each consisting of 15 type SI 19N counters, were placed "around" the holders; they had an optimal sensitivity at about 2 MeV. Blocks of scintillation NaI gamma detectors were also placed, max sens. at 662 keV. At room temp., the background neutron count was 0.17/s. The samples were now heated from room temp to 570 K while monitoring neutrons and gammas. The foil showed a maximum of 0.29 n/s and the wire a maximum of 0.4 n/s; these took place in the range 420-570 K, where both alpha- and beta-phases of the deuteride exist. The authors speculate that fluctuating phase transitions, as suggested by Petrillo+ [89], cause fusion. Jun-90/? ------------------------- Gottesfeld S, Anderson RE, Baker DA, Bolton RD, Butterfield KB, Garzon FH, Goulding CA, Johnson MW, Leonard EM, Springer TE, Zawodzinski T; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 287. "Experiments and nuclear measurements in search of cold fusion processes". ** The Los Alamos team (one of several to have a go) comprised electronics and various nuclear expertise, as well as electrochemical. Four separate electrochemical cells were used. Deuterium loading was monitored by continuous monitoring of the electrode resistance. To measure neutron emissions, a (3)He well counter as well as a NE-213 scintillation spectrometer were used, and a HPGe detector for gamma emissions. Later, thermocouples monitored for thermal swings as well. During a total observation time of about 550 hours, there were some excursions on one counter, not matched by another, and could be rejected. Such excursions were also observed in the absence of an electrolysis cell. Another experiment using titanium exposed to D2 gas yielded no emissions either. ------------------------- Gou Q, Zhu Z, Zhang Q; Yuanzi Yu Fenzi Wuli Xuebao 7 (1990) 1491 (in Chinese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 114:151805 (1991). "Possible mechanism of cold fusion and experimental research". ** "A possible mechanism is proposed of D-D cold fusion based on at., mol. or solid state physics. After this assumption, the remarkable effects of temp. variation and exothermal and the fusion products with mass no. 4 and 3 were obsvd. during the electrolysis of Dd with Pd or Ti electrodes. ------------------------- Govorov BV, Gryaznov VM, Yeremin NB, Karavanov AN, Roshan NR, Tulinov AF, Tyapkin IV; Zh. Fiz. Khim. 64 (1990) 539 (in Russian). "Study of neutron emission from palladium alloy deuterides". ** Refer to FPH and Jones+, and to the fractofusion explanation of cold fusion, as given by Golubnichi et al. (Lipson et al are not mentioned). To test this, the authors used two alloys, Pd-Sm (80:20 by mass) and Pd-Ru (94:6 by mass), which suffer greatly different hydrogen embrittlements, Pd-Sm fragmenting much sooner than Pd-Ru upon absorption of hydrogen. The idea (I take it) is that there should thus be similarly different neutron emissions, if these are due to fracturing. Deuterium was absorbed as a gas (1 atm), with the metal in a U-tube immersed in a variable temperature bath, cycled between liquid N2 temperature and 500K. 12 proportional neutron counters were used, with an overall counting efficiency of 0.105 +- 0.005, together with another 3 detectors for monitoring background neutron counts. Results show clear evidence for neutron emission when the deuterated alloys were brought to 500K (but I am not clear about the units on the graph, or in the text), but no essential difference between the two alloys, so the fractofusion theory is not upheld here. Jul-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Gozzi D, Caputo R, Cignini PL, Tomellini M, Gigli G, Balducci G, Cisbani E, Frullani S, Garibaldi F, Jodice M, Urciuoli GM; J. Electroanal. Chem. 380 (1995) 91. "Calorimetric and nuclear byproduct measurements in electrochemical confinement of deuterium in palladium". ** Experimental. Pd, electrolysis, excess heat, neutrons, helium, tritium, ** correlation, res0. The authors recognise that the simultaneous detection of excess heat and nuclear products would be indicative of cold fusion, and report on their attempts to do this. Ten electrolysis cells, some of them controls with Au or Pt cathodes, are surrounded by a ring of neutron detectors, and the head space gases from the cells are analysed for 4He and T, after some filtering to cut down on the large excess of D2. The cells are of the open type and there is a complicated program of current densities with time. Some small levels of excess heat are found (up to about 60%), scaling more or less with input power, and some 4He is found at apparently commensurate amounts but after time lags of some hundreds of hours after excess heat events. The authors carefully measure Ne along with He and find some; they recognise that this could mean that the 4He - or at least some it - was contamination from the lab air. No neutrons or significant levels of tritium were found. Feb-94/Jan-95 ------------------------- Gozzi D, Caputo R, Cignini PL, Tomellini M, Gigli G, Balducci G, Cisbani E, Frullani S, Garibaldi F, Jodice M, Urciuoli GM; J. Electroanal. Chem. 380 (1995) 109. "Quantitative measurements of helium-4 in the gas phase of Pd + D2O electrolysis". ** Experimental, Pd electrolysis, helium, mass spec, correlation, res0. ** No FPH/Jones ref. Here, the method used to measure helium in the gas emitted from electrolysis cells described in their other paper (ibid p.91) is described in detail. A mass spectrometer with a resolving power of 660 (mass/delta-mass) was used. The complex chain of traps and lines between the headspace and MS is described. The authors were aware of some leaks and indeed some Ne was detected, at levels correlated with helium levels; this indicates atmospheric contamination. The paper does provide information on how to improve such measurements, however. Feb-94/Jan-95 ------------------------- Gozzi D, Cignini PL, Petrucci L, Tomellini M, De Maria G, Frullani S, Garibaldi F, Ghio F, Jodice M; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. A 103 (1990) 143. "Evidences for associated heat generation and nuclear products release in palladium heavy-water electrolysis". ** A sintered Pd electrode, shaped from Pd powder to final dimensions of 6*5*25 mm, was charged galvanostatically (const. current) at 200 mA/cm**2 with deuterium. Of two similar experiments, one produced nuclear and thermal effects simultaneously, after 6 days of electrolysis, in the form of a single sharp neutron burst. The event lasted 4 minutes and emitted 7.2*10**5 neutrons, while the electrode heated to 150 degC. Gamma radiation could not be detected because of the short period of the burst. Excess T was estimated, by complex background corrections, at 2.14*10**11 atoms. However, the calculated excess heat is 3 orders of mag. less than expected from the no. of neutrons. The authors consider the possible role of Li but no conclusion is reached. Sep-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Gozzi D, Cignini PL, Petrucci L, Tomellini M, De Maria G, Frullani S, Garibaldi F, Ghio F, Jodice M, Tabet E; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 241. "Nuclear and thermal effects during electrolytic reduction of deuterium at palladium cathode". ** Used a sintered Pd cathode and measured its temperature, but did no other calorimetry. Neutron and gamma emissions were monitored. The cell was switched off upon reaching 80 degC. A (3)He dosimeter was used for neutron detection, up to 7 MeV, with an efficiency of 5E-05. Gamma detection was by means of a NaI crystal connected to a SILENA spectrum analyser. Deuterium charging took place in a series of bursts of increasing length. At the onset of such a burst, there was a temperature rise of the cathode followed, upon current cessation, by a slow drop. This pattern changed gradually due to increasing D/Pd ratio. At one point, there was a temperature spike and a neutron burst at the same time; the authors conclude from this single event that cold fusion had taken place. At the end of the paper, a tritium excess of 2E11 atoms is mentioned. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Gozzi D, Cignini PL, Tomellini M, Frullani S, Garibaldi F, Ghio F, Jodice M, Urciuoli GM; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 60. "Neutron and tritium evidence in the electrolytic reduction of deuterium on palladium electrodes". ** A FPH reenactment, using 10 cells and lasting 3 months, was carried out. All 10 cells were placed in the same water bath and shared the same current. A neutron detector was placed in the centre, and gamma detectors outside the ring. Tritium was measured in the recombined evolved gases. One of the 10 cells contained an H2O solution instead of D2O. Pd electrodes were gas (D2 or H2) charged prior to electrolysis. Current densities were changed according to a program suggested by a Texas A&M result, up to 500 mA/cm**2, and there is a correlation between neutron emission and current density, with a threshold at about 320 mA/cm**2. Also, 3 cells out of the 9 showed tritium in excess of enrichment, at the same currents as produced neutrons. Some anomalous thermal effects were found but are in doubt. No gamma emissions were found. The authors conclude that more work is needed. Apr-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Graesjo L, Seo M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 296 (1990) 233. "Measurement of absorption of hydrogen and deuterium into palladium during electrolysis by a quartz crystal microbalance". ** The aim was to examine the quartz crystal resonance frequency change, in response to stress induced by absorption of hydrogen/deuterium into palladium. A 200 nm thick Pd film was electroplated onto the base gold film on the crystal. H/Pd or D/Pd ratios were calibrated by both electrode potential measurement and coulometry (current integration) and agreed within a few % for higher loadings around 0.6, but not for alpha-phase loadings, probably due to surface impurities taking part in electron transfer in the early stages. There was a linear relation between df (change in resonance frequency) and H or D loading, but this did not conform to theory; stress effects are blamed, and cause an approximate doubling of df with respect to the expected value, as has been found by others. Jul-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Granada JR, Mayer RE, Guido G, Florido PC, Larreteguy A, Gillette VH, Patino NE, Converti J, Gomez SE; J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 27 (1990) 222. "Thermal neutron measurements on electrolytic cells with deuterated palladium cathodes subjected to a pulsed current". ** The team started with an experiment of charging palladium with deuterium with a constant current over a period of over 2 weeks, without any results. Here, they report a new experiment, in which the charging current is turned on and off at some 10 s intervals, over a long period. Neutrons were carefully monitored using 18 correlated (3)He detectors; overall efficiency was found to be about 17%. Several palladium electrode shapes were used, and a control with light water, H2O. Results show modest neutron fluxes above the background, but statistical analysis shows that it is about 95% certain that the results are not simply noise. The authors do not commit themselves to a neutron rate emission because of experimental uncertainties but they do seem 95% certain that neutrons were emitted whenever current flowed. Jan-90/Mar-90 ------------------------- Granada JR, Mayer RE, Florido PC, Gillette VH, Gomez SE; J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 27 (1990) 379. "Neutron measurements on electrolytic cells (Pd-D2O) performed under very low background conditions". ** The previous paper by these authors showed that in pulsed-current electrolysis experiments, there appeared to be a small but significant neutron flux during current flow, although it was only about 30% above the background. This paper is a preliminary report of a second experiment, done under water at a depth of 50 m (with the bottom at 100 m) which reduced the background neutron flux by a factor of 70, even though the detector assembly was only 2/3 effective, due to an electronic fault. Again, a definite neutron flux from the Pd electrode was observed, this time about twice the background, or 6 sd's above it. The authors promise an analysis of the results in a forthcoming paper. Jan-90/Apr-90 ------------------------- Graneau P, Graneau N; Phys. Lett. A174 (1993) 421. "Ampere force calculation for filament fusion experiments". ** Filament fusion, described by the authors in an earlier paper, is here related to cold fusion. Storms and Talcott find evidence of filament capillaries in PdD, and cold fusion may thus be taking place along such channels. Acoustic emissions would be expected, and sometimes have been detected; also, the process would stop when the material breaks up, and this, too, is supported by experiments. The authors attempt to calculate the feasibility of this type of fusion, but under conditions rather more severe that those of cold fusion. Results are not encouraging for cold fusion in these terms, but more work is desirable. Oct-92/Mar-93 ------------------------- Granite E, Jorne J; J. Electroanal. Chem. 317 (1991) 285. "A novel method for studying electrochemically induced cold fusion using a deuteron-conducting solid electrolyte". ** Most previous cnf experiments have used either a wet cell with electrolysis or metals under pressurised dry deuterium, to load deuterium into a metal. These workers combine the two. They have a beta"-alumina sandwich on Pd film, in a dry D2 atmosphere, and apply a voltage between the Pd films. The alumina is an ionic conductor and D+ ions, generated at the anode, can reach the cathode, there to be reduced to D, which loads into the Pd film. Neutrons were measured by means of two NE 213 counters, with gamma discrimination. Over two days of electrolysis, no deviations from the background were seen, except for some bursts. The authors cannot with certainty attribute these to the cell but do say that a run with hydrogen produced no such bursts. The cell also has a small heat capacity and is thus more sensitive than aqueous systems to heat effects. Calorimetry showed no heat effects, however. Mass spectroscopy did not detect any helium, and tritium was not produced. Nov-90/Nov-91 ------------------------- Grant PM, Whipple RE, Alcaraz A, Haas JS, Andresen BD; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 207. "Hydrocarbon oil found in the interior of a 'cold fusion' electrolysis cell after fatal explosion". ** This team of forensic scientists here report on the explosion of a cnf electrolysis cell at SRI on Jan 2, 1992, which killed Andrew Riley and injured McKubre. Examination of the debris showed the presence of hydrocarbon oil, presumably from the lubricant residues from the machining of some parts of the cell. This oil may have reacted with the pressurised oxygen generated in the cell and this could in turn have initiated the explosion. Oct-92/Mar-94 ------------------------- Green TA, Quickenden TI; J. Electroanal. Chem. 368 (1994) 121. "Electrolytic preparation of highly loaded deuterides of palladium". ** A high loading ratio D/Pd is sometimes said to be important for the success of cold fusion, but it is not clear in most work, what the loading was or how high a loading can indeed be achieved. These authors survey the field and describe the methods of measuring loading. They then report their own results, using in situ resistance measurement and known calibration curves of resistance vs loading. Even this seemingly best method has its pitfalls. In the first series of measurements, the Pd wires (1mm) were used without pretreatment; conventional loadings of about 0.8 were achieved for these. When pretreatment as used by McKubre's team was used (vacuum annealing, acid etching), the loadings increased to about 0.9. These figures were rather independent of the electrolyte used. It was found that vacuum annealing alone was sufficient. Thus, in situ resistance measurement can be used to measure the D/Pd loading. May-93/Apr-94 ------------------------- Greenland T; Physics World 2 (1989) 16. "Numbers off an envelope". ** Some rough calculations of screening parameters and effective electron masses to enable the claimed fusion rates of Jones+, FPH (neutrons) and FPH (excess heat). Results look unlikely. ?/May-89 ------------------------- Greenland T; J. Phys B 23 (1990) 1679. "Issues connected with cold fusion: a room temperature mechanism for the production of x-rays". ** Assuming (as in fracto-fusion postulates) that fusion is the result of energetic deuterons moving through the Pd or Ti lattice, the neutrons should produce x-rays at "hot spots". Without accounting for these hot spots, G estimates the yield of these x-rays. Results indicate that neutrons, rather than x-rays, are the most sensitive probe for the existence of these hot spots. G suggests some further experiments to throw light on hot spot theories. He also examines another possibility: instead of individual energetic deuterons "ploughing through the lattice", there could be bunches of deuterons sharing a certain energy inside a small volume ("fire balls"). This turns out not to lead to greater fusion rates than single deuterons doing their stuff. Oct-89/May-90 ------------------------- Groenlund F; J. Thermal Anal. 38 (1992) 229. "Electrolysis in calorimetry". ** This paper takes a critical look at the paper of Fleischmann et al 1992 or FPALH-92. Instead of the empirical and hard-to-follow method of analysis used by FPALH, Groenlund starts from basics, not unlike Balej and Divisek. Only known thermodynamic relations and reactions are considered. Input power, heat flow out of the cell, enthalpy of electrolysis and of water evaporation (in the saturation of evolved gases) are all known and can be related. The numbers from the grand Table in FPALH are used; the only missing variable, cell temperature, is calculated indirectly. The calculated excess heats are about an order of magnitude smaller than those given by FPALH, i.e. 0-5% of input power. There is a linear, rather than power-, relation between excess heat and current, and an exponential one with -Ea/RT (Ea = activation energy). The heat bursts of FPALH remain unexplained but no evidence exists for an anomalous effect for their origin. Conclusions are: At low current densities, the present analysis agrees with FPALH, i.e. FPALH's method agrees with the thermodynamic approach; at higher cd's, FPALH's values are too high by an order of magnitude and may be due to error; the apparent large accumulation of excess energy could be due to small rates of recombination, despite FPALH's insistence that no recombination occurred. ?/Jan-92 ------------------------- Gryzinski M; Nature (London) 338 (1989) 712 (27-Apr-89). "Cold fusion: what's going on?" ** Ties in CNF with his own studies of the H(2)+ molecule - i.e. two protons plus one electron. This forms what he calls a collapsing molecule and this phenomenon could aid the tunnelling needed for CNF. ?/Apr-89 ------------------------- Gryzinski M; Rozpr. Electrotech. (Poland) 35(4) (1989) 1057 (in Polish). Cited in: Phys. Abstr. 94:68376 (1991). "Deuterium in palladium lattice and cold fusion". ** "The idea that electrons in the matter are responsible for Coulomb barrier tunnelling. It is shown that by adopting this idea one can explain the cold fusion process and give a satisfactory description of various aspects of the problem in particular, lack of neutrons, and gamma-ray fusion. 7 refs." ------------------------- Gu AG, Teng RKF, Miller MS, Sprouse J; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 329. "Experimental study on cold fusion using deuterium gas and deuterium ion beam with palladium". ** Pd was exposed to D2 gas at 69 kPa, and a Ludlum 14C neutron detector placed nearby. Temperature cycling was applied. In another experiment, an ion beam of deuterons was aimed at the Pd, with a nitrogen beam as a control. The neutron flux was here detected by a BF3 detector. Upon switching to the deuteron beam, the neutron flux went from 4-6 counts over a 2-min period to about 36. The authors ask themselves whether this might not be plasma beam fusion (self targeting) and it well might, although in one experiment, they continued to detect neutrons after switching off the deuterons and purging with nitrogen. They draw no conclusions but promise more work. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Gu AG, Teng RKF, Miller MS, Sprouse WJ; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 248. "Preliminary experimental study on cold fusion using deuterium gas and deuterium plasma in the presence of palladium". ** Deuterium at liquid nitrogen temperature, in contact with Pd, was warmed up to room temp., and neutrons were observed above background. Then, Pd was bombarded with a 1KeV deuterium beam, producing neutrons well above the background; a beam of N ions (as a check) did not. Also, the deuterium beam did not have sufficient energy to expect it to produce fusion.(19-)May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Guer TM, Schreiber M, Lucier G, Ferrante JA, Chao J, Huggins RA; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 487. "An isoperibolic calorimeter to study electrochemical insertion of deuterium into palladium". ** Description of a newly designed closed-cell calorimeter, apparently of high quality. It avoids the errors of previous designs for 'cold fusion' calorimetry. At the heart of the setup are two heavy concentric Al cylinders, separated by a well defined conduction gap. There is uniformity of temperature within the cylinders. 1/e settling time was around 13 min. The design has been confirmed to be stable and reproducible over long periods. The conduction gap is filled with alumina powder and thus the setup is suitable for high temperature work up to 600 C. Nov-93/Jul-94 ------------------------- Guilinger TR, Kelly MJ, Scully JR, Christensen TM, Ingersoll D, Knapp JA, Ewing RI, Casey WH, Tsao SS; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 299. "Investigation of fusion reactions in palladium and titanium tritide using galvanostatic, coulometric, and hydrogen permeation techniques". ** Ran a long-term reenactment of FPH(89) using annealed Pd wire (1050 degC at 1E-06 Torr), measuring neutron and tritium emission; none was found, with a sensitivity of 1E-23 to 1E-22 fus/pair/s. There were also hydrogen permeation studies (and some interesting theory) to find the possible D/Pd loading; 0.8 was not exceeded (although this does not rule out that possibility while the charging current is on). The efficiency of loading was found to decreased markedly by surface contamination with carbon; flame washing of the metal to remove this resulted in efficient hydrogen uptake. Tritiated Pd films were tried to see whether this might call forth cold fusion; it did not. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Hagelstein PL; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1991) 451. "Coherent fusion theory". ** The long-awaited and much quoted Hagelstein theory, published at last. It is the theory of coherent fusion in which, instead of the emission of a single gamma packet, a large number of lower-energy photons are emitted, coherently. Hagelstein considers electron involvement, i.e. electron-X fusion into a short-lived neutral species (X might be p, d or Li+), which then can fuse with another charged species. This is beta fusion. In the case of X=p, and the virtual neutron fusing with d, the product is tritium and no proton. Reactions starting with X=d are also possible, but X=p is favoured. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Hagelstein PL; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 172. "Coherent and semicoherent neutron transfer reactions I: The interaction Hamiltonian". ** Highly theoretical work, with quintuple discrete and continuous integrals, taxing this bibliographer's ability to keep up. The interaction Hamiltonian describing coherent neutron capture and neutron removel from a lattice are presented, leading to a new nonlinear phonon operator. Increased phonon coupling relative to Lamb theory predictions is an immediate result. Old work by Lamb, Moessbauer and Josephson etc is invoked. Under some conditions, gamma emissions are expected. Nov-91/Aug-92 ------------------------- Hagelstein PL; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 353. "Coherent and semicoherent neutron transfer reactions III: Phonon frequency shifts". ** Third in a series, this paper focusses on what the author calls the Duschinsky effect, i.e. that which accounts for the change in the lattice mode definitions in the lattice states before and after the fusion event, to gain an understanding of phonon generation. H recognises the problem of a suitable mechanism for energy transfer from high-energy neutrons, yielding only phonons, but believes he has found one, in terms of frequency shifts of three phonon modes. Results of a lengthy analysis are encouraging, but further work is needed. Aug-92/May-93 ------------------------- Hajdas W, Kistryn s, Lang J, Sromicki J, Jenny B, Wachter P; Solid State Commun. 72 (1989) 309. "Search for cold fusion events". ** If we assume (as we must) an about 50:50 branching ratio for fusion, i.e. that we should get about half tritium and half helium-4, then 1W of excess heat corresponds to 10**12 neutrons. Neutrons, then, are a much more sensitive measure of fusion. But FPH only found in the region of 10**4. Hajdas et al repeated FPH's experiment, and did one of their own, in which they exposed LaNi5 to D2 gas at 12 bar, 150 degC. This alloy absorbs 6 atoms of hydrogen per unit, and crumbles into a powder upon doing so. Neutrons and gammas were measured with a low background. Results: nothing found. Aug-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Hale GM, Smith RD, Talley TL; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 187. "Nuclear reactions and screened-Coulomb fusion rates". ** The authors say that R-matrix theory is a very convenient way to describe many-body systems with both long- and short-range forces, as we have in cold fusion. This is applied here to the long-range screened-Coulomb potentials of the Hulthen form. The result is that, in order to get fusion rates of the Jones+(89) levels, unreasonably high electron densities are required at low particle energies. Perhaps nonequilibrium conditions supply high-energy particles, which can fuse at larger screening lengths. However, the branching ratios of the d-d fusion come out fairly conventional (close to 1) and the exotic radiationless (4)He branch is not supported. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Halley JW, Valles JL; Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 41 (1990) 6072. "Estimate of nuclear fusion rates arising from a molecular-dynamics model of palladium deuteride". ** If cold fusion takes place in metals, while not doing so in fluids, it must be due to solid state effects, and tunnelling. A molecular dynamic model of PdD(x), with x = 1, 3, 4, 5 was attempted, assuming a static Pd lattice and using the WKB approximation. A very low expected fusion rate of 1E-150/s per pair was calculated, even for x = 4 or 5. These values agree with those of Legget and Baym but not with those of Koonin et al, who reached higher values (though still much lower than those claimed by Jones+ etc). Also, the authors considered but rejected quantum coherency effects. Aug-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Handel P; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 512. "Intermittency, irreproducibility, and the main physical effects in cold fusion". ** Starts by citing supercooling as a phenomenon difficult to reproduce because of the uncertainty of nucleation; yet we believe it. Cold fusion could in fact be related to the nucleation of deuterium gas bubble formation at the electrode surface: if inhibited, this leaves atomic deuterium at very high energies and this, together with high effective electron mass, may be responsible for cold fusion. The theory can also explain anomalous branching ratios for fusion. Mar-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Handel PH; Z. Phys. B 95 (1994) 489. "Thermoelectric excess heat effect in electrolytic cells". ** This is an attempt to explain the excess heat claimed by F&P and others, in terms of unequal Peltier heats at the junctions between the external leads and the two (different) electrodes in the electrolytic cells, i.e. normally a Pd cathode and a Pt anode. Power would be dissipated at these junctions. Normally these effects are small but Handel speculates on cases where they are large enough to mimick excess heat as observed. For a Ni/Pt system and an open cell, he estimates up to 26% "excess heat" as this artifact. In closed cells the error is smaller but in any case, he concludes that the effect should be corrected for before making excess heat claims. Jun-93/Sep-94 ------------------------- Harb JN, Pitt WG, Tolley HD; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 669. "Statistical analysis of neutron burst size and rate during electrolysis of LiOD solutions". ** Rigorous statistical analysis is used to describe the distribution of both the neutron burst size and rate, from a cold fusion electrolysis at a Pd cathode in a 3M LiOD solution in heavy water. This is to overcome the ambiguity plaguing most such experiments, with neutron levels close to the background. A Czirr+Jensen type spectrometer was used, in conjunction with a neutron flux monitor, enabling detection of bursts. A pair of thermocouples were also placed in the cell but never detected any excess heat. There was also some analysis for tritium but, again, none was found. The results show a rather clear steady rise in the mean neutron emission rate with time, for electrolysis in heavy water, and a very steady constant mean rate for the light water control. The heavy water emissions are characterised by large infrequent bursts superimposed on the background. These results are consistent with those of Menlove et al, and show that careful statistical treatment is essential in such experiments. Apr-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Hargitai C; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 137 (1989) 17. "Considerations on cold nuclear fusion in palladium". ** The author attacks the coulombic repulsion of deuterons in PdD(x) by way of dielectric screening. PdD(x) may have a dielectric constant of 20 or so and - if screening still operates at the small interatomic distances needed for d-d fusion to happen, this might explain it. Skeptics will say that if it doesn't, it won't. Jun-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Harith MA, Palleschi V, Salvetti A, Salvetti G, Singh DP, Vaselli M; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 704. "Theoretical and experimental studies on the cold nuclear fusion phenomena". ** Start with screening theory, and calculate cold fusion rates somewhat higher than from classical models. Furthermore, the authors suggest that the palladium offers a potential 46 electrons for screening, and it would be of interest to know how many can take part. Other theories have assumed the helium atom affinity in Pd or Ti is independent of the degree of deuteration but this needs to be examined experimentally, the authors say. An experiment is then described, using D2 pressure charging of Pd and a differential calorimeter. This publication goes as far as to establish one potential artifact in such measurement, and calculate a heat of hydrogen absorption in Pd at 20 bars pressure, of (9.37+/-0.05) kcal/mol, somewhat at variance with some published values. A future paper will report results of the full experiment. Dec-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Hassam AB, Dharamsi AN; Phys. Rev. A 40 (1989) 6689. "Deuterium molecule in the presence of electronic charge concentrations: implications for cold fusion". ** Could it be that, if a D2+ pair straddles an "ambient localized negative charge concentration" in the PdD(x) lattice, that this would contraction of the D-D bond distance, sufficient to make cold fusion possible? The authors use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to find out and, depending on the negative charge, reductions by a factor of 3-5 (enough to cause Jones+ rates) and even 10 (enough for FPH rates) are possible in principle. More work is required. Prior (unpublished?) work of Koonin is cited. Aug-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Hawkins N; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 2112. "Possible natural cold fusion in the atmosphere". ** Atmospheric disturbances, electron bonding (Cooper pairs), Abrikosov electron vortices (AEV), free floating fire balls and more are invoked here along with the proposition that such atmospheric phenomena may cause or help along cold fusion. For example, there seems to be some evidence that cold fusion cells "work" during electrical storms, due to the influx of AEV's between the cathode and anode. More work is needed, says H. Nov-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Hayden ME, Naerger U, Booth JL, Whitehead LA, Hardy WN, Carolan JF, Wishnow EH, Balzarini DA, Brewer JH, Blake CC; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 161. "High precision calorimetric search for evidence of cold fusion using in situ catalytic recombination of evolved gases". ** A closed electrolytic cell was developed with recombination of the evolved gases, so as to eliminate these as problems in accurate calorimetry. The result was an order of magnitude in the accuracy of the overall power balance. The calorimeter is of the cooling jacket type, with careful measurement of the temperature at the in- and outlet of the jacket by an 8-element thermopile. Chunky bar shaped Pd cathodes were used, degassed at 600 degC, and the electrolyte was 0.1M LiOD in D2O. Loading was measured by mass, and reached a little over 0.8. After loading, the electrode was inserted into the calorimetric apparatus. There were no pressure changes, i.e. recombination worked. For a range of input powers 4-18 W, the ratio of heat outputs from a control cell (using a Pt electrode) to that of the Pd-electrode cell was 1.000 +- 0.003, i.e. within 0.3%, excess heat is ruled out. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- He J, Zhang Y, Ren G, Zhu G, Qian Z, Dong X, Dai C, Hu S, Wang L, Yi S; Chin. Phys. Lett. 10 (11) (1993) 652. "Study of anomalous nuclear fusion reaction by using HV pulse discharge". ** A Pd cathode in a chamber was subjected to high voltage discharges, up to 10 kV. There were detectors for neutrons and gamma rays. As the authors write, if there is emission during the discharge, this would be normal thermonuclear fusion, whereas if there is emission without the discharge, it would be evidence of cold fusion. D2 gas was let into the chamber, for the Pd to absorb for 1 h. Then the HV was applied in pulses of 150 microsec. width and 10 Hz rate. Results showed that no emissions above background were detected between pulses. Jul-93/? ------------------------- He J; Wuli 18 (1989) 461, 508 (in Chinese). Cited in Chemical Abstracts 112:106301 (1990). "Muon-catalyzed cold nuclear fusion". ** "A review with 8 refs. is given on thermonuclear fusion and cold nuclear fusion, muon-catalyzed cold fusion, and prodn. of com. energy sources by using cold nuclear fusion. ------------------------- Henderson RA, Czerwinski KR, Hall HL, Lesko KT, Norman EB, Sur B, Hoffman DC; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 475. "More searches for cold fusion". ** This team, from the Nuclear Sci. Div. LBL, tried to find neutrons, gammas and induced radioactivity, i.e. part of the expected signature of cold fusion. A 1mm, 50 mm long Pd wire, as well as a 8 mm, 25 mm long rod were used as cathode, and also two Ti cathodes; one a 1 cm**3 cube, one a 10*10, 80 mm long rod. Electrolyte: 0.1M LiOD, from Li metal (enriched to 99.3% (6)Li) in 99% pure D2O, as well as the Jones+ "soup" complete with poison. Neutrons were detected with a NE-213 liquid scintillator with pulse shape discrimination, and by a Kodak dosimeter, and by looking for induced radioactivity in the Pd cathodes. A NaI detector took care of gamma counting. All this was done in a special low-background lab, where the bg was 0.118+- 0.001 n/s. In each of the FPH- and Jones-style experiments, 10% H2O was also added to have a go at the p-d reaction. During various periods of 2.5 and 17 days at a stretch, no radiation of any kind was found, neither from the pure-D2O nor from the 10% H2O cells. So the upper limits of cold fusion, set by the one-sigma level above detector limit, were 3E-23 and 3E-24 fus/pair/s for the Pd wire and rod, respectively, and this does not support cold fusion claims, being below even the Jones+ results by one order of magnitude. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Henis Z, Eliezer S, Zigler A; J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 15 (1989) L219. "Cold nuclear fusion rates in condensed matter: a phenomenological analysis". ** Estimate fusion rates by tailoring a screened Yukawa potential with a harmonic potential. The parameters required for the calimed cold fusion rates lie far outside those holding in Pd, so cold fusion is unlikely. Jun-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Herbst H; Chemiker-Zeitung 50 (1926) 905 (in German). "Ist der Aufbau des Heliums aus Wasserstoff gelungen?" (Was the production of helium from hydrogen succesful?). ** A comment on Paneth and Peter's (1926) report of the cold fusion of hydrogen into helium. Herbst points out that he himself had observed that it is not possible to remove all traces of He from catalysts by treatment in a vacuum, that high temperatures are required to drive it out. In particular, he claims that Pd will form compounds with helium, just as with hydrogen, so that a given Pd sample will have absorbed some He from the air. This, he says, explains both the appearance of He in Paneth's experiments, and its cessation after a time. He suggests that Paneth should use the vacuum+heat treatment as a precaution. ------------------------- Hietschold M; Wiss. Z. Tech. Univ. Karl-Marx-Stadt 31 (1989) 635. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:146680 (1990). "Electric field control for cold nuclear fusion? - a suggestion". ** (The abstract is a bit garbled but...) It is hypothesised that trapping of deuterons at the Pd surface or in lattice interstitial positions, combined with high local fields might activate d's to fuse. Then again, it might not. ------------------------- Hill JC, Stassis C, Shinar J, Goldman AI, Folkerts R, Schwellenbach DD, Peterson DT, Widrig C, Porter M, Benesh CJ, Vary JP; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 305. "Search for cold fusion using Pd-D2O cells and Ti-D mixtures". ** A conventional electrolysis cell was tried, using a 2 mm polycrystalline Pd rod and a 4 mm single crystal. No neutron or gamma emissions above background were detected, with D/Pd loadings of 0.8, measured by degassing in vacuum and measuring the pressure increase. Then, Ti powder and pieces were loaded under D2 at 50 atm, with the usual temperature cycling. Again, no neutrons. Acting on a report by Koonin and Nauenberg, predicting that d-p fusion should be easier, they then placed 4 g of LaHD2 against a Ge gamma detector for 24 days, and found no emissions here, either. The paper ends with some simple theory, arriving at the conclusion that the d-d separation is too great to make fusion plausible. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Hirabayashi T, Yoshida Y, Aradono Y; Genshiryoku Kogyo 37(4) (1991) 31 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:58485 (1991). "Verification of room temperature nuclear fusion. 2". ** "A review with 44 refs. is given on the verifications of room temperature nuclear fusion (RTNF) by the electrolysis method and by heavy hydrogen gas dry pressurization method, exptl. results of the verification of RTNF by new dry methods, and exptl. results disproving the RTNF". (Quoted from CA). ------------------------- Hodko D, Bockris JO'M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 353 (1993) 33. "Possible excess tritium production on Pd codeposited with deuterium". ** The problem of confusing conventional electrolytic enrichment with the production, by a nuclear reaction, of tritium in a cold fusion cell is tackled here using the Szpak and Boss technique of codepositing deuterium and Pd from an electrolyte containing a Pd salt. This completely excludes contamination with tritium in the Pd, since one starts with a gold cathode. Another precaution was the use of the same supply of heavy water throughout, eliminating the problem of different tritium levels in different D2O batches. The electrolyte was LiCl and PdCl2 in D2O. Tritium was analysed in samples from both the electrolyte and evolved gas. During two weeks, excess tritium, well above enrichment levels, were observed in four out of six cells; the tritium appeared in bursts. Jun-92/Jul-93 ------------------------- Hora H, Cicchitelli L, Miley GH, Ragheb M, Scharmann A, Scheid W; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. 12D (1990) 393. "Plasma and surface tension model for explaining the surface effect of tritium generation at cold fusion". ** Introduces the idea of an exotic plasma, with possible short nuclear distance by thermal motion, in order to explain the surface mechanism of D reactions in Pd and Ti (i.e. cold fusion). The resulting swimming electron layer resulting from this new theory, together with high D concentrations near the metal surface and thus short D-D distances can increase fusion rates. Jan-90/Mar-90 ------------------------- Hora H, Kelly JC, Patel JU, Prelas MA, Miley GH, Tompkins JW; Phys. Lett. A 175 (1993) 138. "Screening in cold fusion derived from D-D reactions". ** Motivated by earlier experimental work by Prelas et al in 1990, this paper looks at the model of PdD as a dense plasma, with moving ionised deuterium particles, screened from each other both by the swimming electrons and those around the metal nuclei. This model differs from those which consider the deuterons essentially fixed in place. It is found that d-d pairs at an energy of 2.33 eV would, by screening, behave as if they were at 470 eV; i.e. there is fusion enhancement due to the screening. Preparata's similar model also offers an explanation for anomalous branching ratios. These models explain steady cold fusion, where neutrons and (4)He are generated, but an alternative explanation for cold fusion in bursts is needed. These must be associated with phase transitions in the metal deuteride. Neutron swapping with the metal (Pd + d --> Rh + (4)He, or Ni + p --> Co + (4)He) is proposed. Dec-92/Apr-93 ------------------------- Horanyi G; Magy. Kem. Fol 95 (1989) 140 (in Hungarian). "Open questions concerning the Fleischmann-Pons experiment". ** An early paper, written when the ink on FPH(89) was not yet dry. I quote only from the English abstract at the end. Problems of the interpretation of the FPH experiment are discussed, in particular the overpotential (I recognise in the text the juxtaposition of 0.8 eV and 10**26 atm). H says that the theoretical foundations of cold fusion are questionable, as is the calorimetric evidence, without more information about the possibility of the recombination of D2 with O2, evolved from the cell. (13-) Apr-89/Apr-89 ------------------------- Horanyi G; Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 889. "Some doubts about the occurrence of electrochemically induced nuclear fusion of deuterium" ** Critical comments. (24-) May-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Horanyi G; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 137 (1989) 23. "Some basic electrochemistry and the cold nuclear fusion of deuterium". ** Claims that the authors of CNF claim that the flow of current is necessary for CNF, having to do with the resultant overpotential and thus the effective D-compression (I don't think FPH or Jones+ claim this). A "strict" analysis of kinetic and equilibrium relationships is undertaken and shows that we should reject the astronomic pressures stated by FPH. This humble bibliographer suggests that Horanyi is using the wrong reaction for a start (in the alkaline medium used, it is D2O, not D+, which is reduced) and that the 0.8 V named by FPH is not an overvoltage but an equilibrium potential measured at the back of the electrode, unperturbed by Butler-Volmer effects. Neither do they make much of that figure of 10**26 atm and, even if they did, such compression is not enough to produce fusion. Jun-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Horowitz CJ; Astrophys. J. 367 (1991) 288. "Cold nuclear fusion in dense metallic hydrogen". ** H writes that the extreme conditions required to overcome the fusion barrier, although impossible to realise in the laboratory, might have astrophysical relevance; in particular, cold fusion might explain excess heat from Jupiter. Fractofusion is also mentioned, and the possibility that low level cold fusion takes place inside the Earth, producing tritium and (3)He, as suggested by some (I am not sure anyone has found T). Finally, a pp fusion rate in the Sun, greater than expected, might explain the solar neutrino puzzle. H calculates cnf rates in dense metallic hydrogen, possibly existing within Jupiter, at a density of 4-5 g/cm**3. At high densities, the electrons degenerate to a Fermi gas. Numerical integration of the Schroedinger equation yields expected fusion rates (i.e. pp and dp; dd is not likely, with the small d-content of H) that, under certain conditions, such as high density could account for Jupiter's heat; unfortunately, Jupiter is not large enough to provide such densities. But wait: maybe other enhancement factors can be found. One avenue is the fairly high temperature (1-5 eV), making the hydrogen liquid. This leads to higher rates at realistic densities, though still not enough. There are still unexplored factors such as fluctuations, collective effects and phase transitions. If only Jupiter were a brown dwarf. An Appendix shows how to do a numerical Runge-Kutta integration of the Schroedinger equation. Nov-89/Jan-91 ------------------------- Horowitz CJ; Phys. Rev. C: Nucl. Phys. 40 (1989) R1555. "Cold nuclear fusion in metallic hydrogen and normal metals". ** The rate of D-H fusion in metallic hydrogen at Jupiter's core was calculated as 10**(-50) pairs/s. In metals, the width of the fusion barrier must be reduced to 0.1 Angstrom to get 10**(-25), and if achieved, the branching ratios will be different from hot fusion ratios. Horowitz also points out that the reaction p+d-->(3)He+gamma would be favoured and suggests that it be given attention. See also Schwinger on this point. (18-)Apr-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Howald RA; CALPHAD 14 (1990) 1. "Calculation on the palladium-lithium system for cold fusion". ** Proposes a mechanism, involving Li atoms in the Pd lattice, to explain some of the puzzling aspects of cold fusion. Experiments showed that high Li concentrations can build up in the Pd near the surface during electrolysis, and Li is reasonably soluble in Pd, easily up to PdLi(0.125) and is expected to be present as Li+ ions. This opens up the possibility of fusion reactions involving Li. The paper deals in detail with Pd-Li phase systems, providing thermodynamic and calculated phase data. Nov-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Huggins RA; Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 210 (1991) 317. "Fundamental considerations relating to the insertion of hydrogen isotopes into mixed conductors at high activities". ** A discussion of some issues involved in cold fusion, with attention to the behaviour of hydrogen (isotope) at and in a metal. Some old results in surface catalysis are quoted to (tacitly) support the electrolytic compression argument. There is mention of permeation studies and the light they might throw on conditions at the surface of hydrogen entry. The role of stresses and microstructural metal features in hydrogen transport is discussed, as is that of surfactants as promotors and inhibitors of hydrogen uptake. There is a very useful list of references (but none to cold fusion itself), and the article ends by pointing out the sporadic nature of the effects discussed, which fact correlates with the nature of cold fusion observations. ------------------------- Ichimaru S, Ogata S, Nakano A; J. Phys. Soc. Japan 59 (1990) 3904. "Rates of nuclear fusion in metal hydrides". ** Hydrogen exists in a metal hydride both as a trapped quantum solid, and an itinerant particle. This paper does some Monte Carlo simulations of the behaviour of these dual particles, which differ from those in starts or plasmas by the interactions with valence and partially localised electrons. Using as a model some previous theory applied to carbon-oxygen solids of similar nature, the paper calculates expected fusion rates for both states. For the trapped state, these are too low to be of interest, whereas for the itinerants they approach observed levels. Further, the fusion rates are very sensitive to the microscopic details of lattice fields in the metal hydrides, which could explain the extreme variation between observations. As others have suggested, the authors suggest that p-d fusion is favoured, that nonequilibrium is a good thing, and that Ti and Pd have special (and different) advantages. Jul-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Ichimaru S; Rev. Mod. Phys. 65 (1993) 255. "Nuclear fusion in dense plasmas". ** 45p theoretical view of the area, considering astrophysical and laboratory condensed plasmas. The theory is based on screening effects and multibody correlations. Of the metal hydrides PdD and TiD2, PdD provides more favourable conditions for fusion, but enhancement yields a fusion rate (independent of temperature) of only 1-2 fusions/year/cm^3. ?/Apr-93 ------------------------- Ichimaru S; J. Phys. Soc. Japan 60 (1991) 1437. "Cold nuclear fusion in pressurized liquid metals". ** The author develops a theoretical model for the rate of p-d and p-Li fusion under widely different conditions: solar interior, the white-dwarf progenitor of a supernova, a metal hydride and pressurised liquid hydrogen. The Schroedinger equation, Coulomb repulsion, electron screening and careful Monte Carlo simulations lead to a table of fusion rates. For metal hydrides containing both deuterons and protons, the rates approach those of Jones et al, but might be reduced by some orders of magnitude. The highest rates are obtained for liquid DH and LiH under pressures of the order of 1E07 bar. This system is the author's main interest, and he concludes that it may be feasible to extract energy, e.g. around 10 kW/cm**3, from such systems. Feb-91/May-91 ------------------------- Ichimaru S, Nakano A, Ogata S, Tanaka S, Iyetomi H, Tajima T; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 59 (1990) 1333. "Statistical-mechanical theory of cold nuclear fusion in metal hydrides". ** Stat-mech Fermi-Thomas approximation look at coulombic screening in Pd-H and Ti-H systems. Calculations cannot account for experimental claims, under the given assumptions. However, there may be effects such as metal lattice periodicity or lattice defects or nonequilibrium, bringing d's together. Isotopic effects favour the p-d reaction, especially in Ti, where higher hydrogen (or deuterium) loadings can be achieved. Jul-89/Apr-90 ------------------------- Iguchi T; Ionizing Radiation (Hoshasen) 16(3) (1990) 22 (in Japanese). "Measurement of a very small yield of neutron using a moderating-type (3)He gas counter". ** The English summary tells us that by combining thermal n detectors such as BF3 gas cum (3)He gas counter, etc, with n moderators, the neutron detection efficiency the higher energies can be increased. Such apparatus is described here, and tried out on a cold fusion experiment. The rest is in Japanese, but I recognise "64-bit * 2K", "ADC", and a background of 0.086 c/s and what looks like a cold fusion n detection 3.8 sigmas above this. There is an interesting Fig. 7, comparing different workers' measurements; if only I knew some Japanese. ------------------------- Ikegami H; Oyo Buturi 62 (1993) 717 (in Japanese). Next step to promote cold fusion research" ** Discussion. Mar-93/Jul-93 ------------------------- Ikegami H; Oyo Buturi 60 (1991) 212 (in Japanese). INSPEC abstract cited by Jon Webb on sci.physics.fusion (NEWS), 6-Jul-92. "Present and future of cold fusion. Nuclear products from cold fusion". ** A review, in the context of fusion in general, of the cold fusion claims of neutrons and tritium. The control, i.e. the reproducibility of experiments is essential. The major results of the past few years are summarised, ranging over about 14 orders of magnitude in intensity from the neutron emissions of Menlove to excess heat of Pons and Fleischmann. Jan-91/Mar-91 ------------------------- Ikeya M, Miyamaru H; Chem. Express. 4 (1989) 563. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:242382 (1989). "Chemical heat production of palladium electrode electrolytically charged with deuterium and hydrogen". ** D- or H-charged Pd-sputtered Pd plates, having been wiped in air with acetone and then bent, heated up to 280 deg., presumably from the reaction of D or H with the keto-group to give the alcohol. ------------------------- Ilic R, Rant J, Sutej T, Dobersek M, Kristov E, Skvarc J, Kozelj M; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 505. "Investigation of the deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction in cast, annealed, and cold-rolled palladium". ** Another thorough experiment in which there were several different neutron monitors as well as detectors for protons, gamma and x-radiation. The aim was to see whether palladium pretreatment would make a difference. The result is that it largely didn't, and the limits for cold fusion rates, determined by the background levels, are at around 1E-21/s/pair or so. No thermal excursions were observed in any run. Dec-89/Nov-90 ------------------------- Ilic R, Rant J, Sutej T, Kristof E, Skvarc J, Kozelj M, Najzer M, Humar M, Cercek M, Glumac B, Cvikl B, Fajgelj A, Gyergyek T, Trkov A, Loose A, Peternelj J, Remec I, Ravnik M; Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 17 (1990) 483. "A search for neutrons, protons, tritons, (3)He ions, gamma- and x-rays from deuterium-deuterium nuclear reaction in electrochemically charged palladium". ** A contribution from the J. Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. The system included an array of 6 proportional (3)He counters, a high-purity Ge detector, CR-39 track-etch detector, a BD-100 bubble damage polymer detector and a CaF2:Mn thermoluminescent dosimeter (this is the team that has advocated the use of in-situ passive devices). So upper limits for both the neutron- and proton-producing fusion reaction branches could be determined. A tubular Pd cathode was used, 7.8 g in the solution, and a thermistor mounted near it to detect any gross thermal excursions. Neutrons were H2O-moderated and gamma background reduced with Pb shielding. The neutron background was monitored by another detector 5 m away from the cell. Results do not support cold fusion, the rates being below the lowest measurable. There were no heat events during 2 and 6 days' charging periods. Dec-89/? ------------------------- Ilic R, Rant J; Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 19 (1991) 619. "The search for cold nuclear fusion with track-etch and bubble damage detectors". ** These authors have previously suggested the use of passive radiation detection devices, and here discuss the two in the title. The advantages of these devices are (1) simultaneous detection of neutrons and cp's and the direct determination of the (controversial) branching ratio; (2) particle charge, energy and propagation direction can be determined; (3) in situ detection is possible because of the small size; (4) bursts can be detected, because there is no finite response time. There is a summary of results of experiments with such devices, including the authors'. None of these has so far supported cold fusion. ?/? ------------------------- Irvine JM, Riley S; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 515 (15-Jun). "Cold fusion doubts and controls" ** Using results from Big Bang cosmology theory, the authors work out that, to achieve the claimed excess heat, deuterium would need to be packed at 10**7 mol/cm**3, and conclude the excess heat resides in the reports only. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Iyengar PK, Srinivasan M, Sikka SK, Shyam A, Chitra V, Kulkarni LV, Rout RK, Krishnan MS, Malhotra SK, Gaonkar DG, Sadhukhan HK, Nagvenkar VB, Nayar MG, Mitra SK, Raghunathan P, Degwekar SB, Radhakrishnan TP, Sundaresan R, Arunachalam J, Raju VS, Kalyanaraman R, Gangadharan S, Venkateswaran G, Moorthy PN, Venkateswarlu KS, Yuvaraju B, Kishore K, Guha SN, Panajkar MS, Rao KA, Raj P, Suryanarayana P, Sathyamoorthy A, Datta T, Bose H, Prabhu LH, Sankaranarayanan S, Shetiya RS, Veeraraghavan N, Murthy TS, Sen BK, Joshi PV, Sharma KGB, Joseph TB, Iyengar TS, Shrikhande VK, Mittal KC, Misra SC, Lal M, Rao PS; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 32. "Bhabha Atomic Research Centre studies on cold fusion". ** This is a collection of reports with parts reported by the various author groups, and introduced by PK Iyengar. In the 62 pages, results are presented for the Bhabha cold fusion effort from April to September 1989, involving over 50 scientists and engineers plus technicians, from more than ten Divisions. There were experts on metal hydrides, electrochemistry, isotope exchange process in the concentration of heavy water, neutron and tritium measurement. Of the presumably many experiments, there were some which, in the team's opinion, positively confirm the occurrence of d-d fusion reactions in both electrolytic and gas-loaded palladium and titanium at ambient temperatures. Neutron emission was observed even when the electrolytic current was switched off or, in the case of gas-loaded Ti, when no external perturbation such as heating, cooling, evacuation, etc, was applied. The main results are: 1. Tritium is the primary end-product of cold fusion, with a n/T ratio of 1E-08; cold fusion is essentially aneutronic (even so, one group states that neutrons are easier to measure because much more T is needed to detect it than neutrons). T was found in the electrolyte, escaping gas and in the electrode after the run. 2. Neutron emission from electrolysis and gas loading is Poisson in nature; neutrons are emitted one at a time. It is not clear, however, whether these come from the d-d fusion itself or from secondary reactions of energetic protons or tritium with the lattice; 3. About 10-25% of the neutrons were emitted in groups of over 100 each within <20 ms, implying a cascade of >1E10 fusions within those 20 ms. Since this seems very unlikely, lattice cracking, wherein the n/T ratio is close to unity, could be a source of these bunched neutron events; 4. Autoradiography of gas-loaded Ti and Pd demonstrated tritium which cannot be explained by enrichment effects. T was concentrated in "hot spots" on the metal surface, indicating the importance of lattice defects. Excess heat measurements do not seem convincing; one of the groups did observe a "mild explosion" with unknown causes. There was an attempt to detect helium, after removal of the large excess of D2 and O2 by recombination; no helium was found in any experiments, using gas chromatography. Autoradiography seemed to confirm cold fusion. Dec-89/Aug-90 ------------------------- Izumida T, Ozawa Y, Ozawa K, Izumi S, Uchida S, Miyamoto T, Yamashita H, Miyadera H; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 641. "A search for neutron emission from cold nuclear fusion in a titanium-deuterium system". ** Spongy Ti was pressurised with D2 gas at 20-50 atm and heated to enhance deuterium absorption by the metal, resulting in absorption "almost to the theoretical limit" (no further details given, but TiD2 is named). The neutron detection equipment consisted of a small water tank filled with purified water as moderator, several (3)He counters and a BF3 counter with polyethylene moderator. A background base was established over a period of 120 h. The TiD2 was cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature, and then allowed to warm up to room temperature. Neutron bursts were detected by both kinds of counters at about 220-250K, and the fusion rate calculated to be 1E-23 fus/pair/s. Statistics confirmed a fusion origin of the neutron bursts. After some cycles, the TiD2 was powdered rather than spongy. Fractofusion is invoked as the mechanism of cold fusion. May-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Jackson JC; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 345 (1-Jun). "Cold fusion results still unexplained.". ** Proposes that the energy release is not due to fusion of deuterons but a chain reaction involving radiative capture, by Pd nuclei, of neutrons produced by photodisintegration of deuterons. Neutrons weakly bound to protons in d are transferred to Pd nuclei: n + (104)Pd --> (105)Pd + gamma. The gammas will knock more neutrons off deuterons. Detailed maths will be needed but J suspects that the cross sections will bring the chain close to being self-sustaining. This scheme would explain the heat/neutron anomaly of FPH. J suggests electrochemical experiments with Be, which can also undergo photochemical reactions. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Jaendel M; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 493. "Cold fusion in a confining phase of quantum electrodynamics". ** A new theory, spurred by anomalous results of experiments with heavy ion collisions and cold fusion. This involves the confining phase of quantum electrodynamics (CQED) and the "bag model". In cold fusion, deuterons and electrons enter a CQED region and (4)He comes out, along with energy at 5 MeV. Experiments to test the theory are suggested. Oct-89/May-90 ------------------------- Jaendel M; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 176. "The fusion rate in the transmission resonance model". ** The model of Turner, worked out in more detail by Bush, is examined. In this model, it is proposed that although there is a large potential barrier to cold fusion, a pair of such barriers might, by resonance, enhance the process. Bush did not offer any quantitative calculations of expected fusion rates based on this model; Jaendel makes these calculations, based on the WKB model. The conclusion is that transmission resonance cannot account for the observed cold fusion rates. Jaendel notes that this does not exclude some other mechanism, and that experimental evidence is paramount. Jun-91/Mar-92 ------------------------- Jensen LC, Mortensen KS; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 417. "Beyond fusion, annihilation reactions of confined hydrogen". ** This baffled abstracter quotes the conclusion: "Antineutrons can enter into a region of confined hydrogen or deuterium and cause annihilation reactions. These annihilation reactions are the likely mechanism of mass changing to energy. Large particles change to energy by multiplicity of less energetic positron-electron annihilations". Etc. Using the FPH result of 40000 n/s (but later modified by those authors), J&M conclude that PdDx is a good place for the formation of and reaction between antiparticles and normals. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Jiang S, Yang G, Wang S; Lanzhou Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban [J. Lanzhou Univ. (Nat. Sci) 29(2) (1993) 70. (In Chinese, Engl. abstr). "Coulomb screening effect of deuterium-ion in metal - numerical solution of nonlinear Poisson equation". ** The nonlinear Poisson equation, describing the potential field within Pd deuteride, is here solved numerically for various temperatures and loading densities of deuterium. The abtract says that, based on the results, Coulomb screening and its significance in low-temp. nuclear fusion, are discussed, but does not tell what conclusions are drawn. ------------------------- Jin S, Ding Y, Liu Y, Wu B, Yao D; Chin. Phys. Lett. 7 (1990) 28. "The possibilities of cold nuclear fusion of deuterium". ** Theoretical. Deuterons in Pd constitute a strongly coupled plasma. Two possible fusion mechanisms are considered. One assumes thermal motion and collisions between deuterons, the other on deuteron pairs. There is strong screening of deuterons from each other, increasing the fusion rate substantially, but not enough to be measurable. So if there is fusion, some other unknown effect must be responsible. Jul-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Jin S, Zhang F, Yao D, Wang Q, Wu B, Feng Y, Chen M; Gaojishu Tongxun 1(5) (1991) 25 (In Chinese; English abstract). "Anomalous nuclear effects in palladium-deuterium systems during the gas discharge process". ** "A burst of nuclear products far larger than background was reproducibly detected for the first time by using CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector during the experiments of Pd-D system stimulated by a high voltage discharge. No any anomalous effects were found in the control experiments of Pd-H and Cu-D systems under the same experimental conditions. This indicates that anomalous nuclear effects were definitely produced in the Pd-D system under certain conditions" (Direct cite of the abstract). This looks like a Wada and Nishioka reenactment, with similar results. Apr-91/? ------------------------- Jin S-X, Ding Y-B, Wu B-L, Liu Y-Z, Yao D-C; Science in China A34 (1991) 697. "The possibilities of electrochemically induced nuclear fusion of deuterium". ** Rather than what the title suggests, this paper looks for some possible explanations for cold fusion. First the paper calculates the charging time, based on current density (not diffusion). In section II, the lattice system is said to be a strongly coupled plasma, and the screening effect of the mobile electrons might allow closer d-d approach than otherwise. In section III, two possible mechanisms are suggested. One is the thermal motion of and collision between deuterons; this results in a large enhancement of fusion at normal temperatures, but still not enough to measure it. Only at temperatures higher than the Pd melting point might there be a sufficient effect. The other possibility is the fusion of D2 molecules formed in the lattice. Again, the enhancement due to screening is not enough, and loadings thousands of times that which can be achieved would be required. So some nonequilibrium process in the lattice may be responsible for the observations. Jun-89/Jun-91 ------------------------- Jin S-X, Zhang F-X, Liu Y-Z, Shi W-Q, Ou W, Liu S-X, Liu X-J; Chinese Sci. Bull. 39 (2) (1994) 101. "Deuterium absorbability and anomalous nuclear effect of YBCO high temperature superconductors". ** The HTSC family of compounds Y1Ba2Cu3O7-delta can absorb hydrogen, which is then found on the Cu-O surface, write the authors, who ahev studied the absorption of deuterium. They found some anomalous effects during this study. CR-39 nuclear track etch was used, placed close to the absorbing samples, and some tracks were found. These tracks were not found in controls without deuterium. The mechanism is not clear and further work is needed. May-93/Jan-94 ------------------------- Johnson KH, Clougherty DP; Mod. Phys. Lett. B 3 (1989) 795. "Hydrogen-hydrogen/deuterium-deuterium bonding in palladium and the superconducting/electrochemical properties of PdHx/PdDx". ** Propose a common quantum chemical origin of superconductivity and CNF, based on Jahn-Teller coupling. Calculations show that a fusion rate of up to 5E-24 fus/pair/s can be achieved, close to the Jones+ levels. The effect can also explain the heat observed by FPH as a chemical phenomenon, not due to fusion. May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Jones JE, Hansen LD, Jones SE, Shelton DS, Thorne JM; J. Phys. Chem. 99 (1995) 6973. ** Polemic and experimental, excess heat is an artifact, res- The Jones team has been stating for some time that claims of excess heat are due to poor calorimetry and in many cases recombination of evolved deuterium with oxygen. If the heat of water electrolysis is then subtracted, this leads to inflated estimates of excess heat. Here they report their own experiments, using both Ni/light water, as well as conventionsl Pd/heavy water cells. They find excess heat if they do not take care to separate the evolved gases; if they do, however, or flush the cells with nitrogen, the excess heat goes to zero, thus supporting their criticism. They do address one case of excess heat greater than the applied cell power (by Mills et al); however, calorimetric error is likely in this case. Sep-94/May-95 ------------------------- Jones SE, Hansen LD; J. Phys. Chem. 99 (1995) 6966. "Examination of claims of Miles et al in Pons-Fleischmann-Type cold fusion experiments". ** Polemic, excess heat, helium correlation, res- Reacting to criticism by Jones, Miles has challenged Jones to show why the previous results of Miles et al, which appeared to show evidence of excess heat/ helium correlation, are not reliable. Jones and Hansen comply here. They point out many weaknesses in the several reports by Miles et al, all throwing strong doubts on the excess heat, the helium, as well as any correlation between them. There has been data selection and overconfident conclusions from poor data, it seems. Claims of x-rays, too, are highly doubtful. Sep-94/May-95 ------------------------- Jones SE, Palmer EP, Czirr JB, Decker DL, Jensen GL, Thorne JM, Taylor SF, Rafelski J; Nature (London) 338 (1989) 737 (issue of 27 April). "Observation of cold nuclear fusion in condensed matter". ** One of the two original articles that started it all. This one started with the thought that, since there is naturally occurring He(3) in the Earth, there may be cold fusion happening under geological conditions. The authors attempted therefore to reproduce, in the lab, those conditions most likely to lead to CNF. They used exotic soups to do it. The article is very unsensational; only neutrons were measured and the rate of CNF deduced from the measurements is only a small fraction of that claimed by FPH. (24-) Apr-89/Apr-89 ------------------------- Jones SE, Decker DL, Tolley HD; Nature (London) 343 (1990) 703 (22-Feb). (No title) (Scientific correspondence). ** Response to the accusation by Freedman and Krakauer in the same issue of Nature, that the Jones et al results of 1989 were biased. It appears that the Jones team ended all runs at an arbitrary time, not correlated with success or otherwise, and were in general well aware of possible error sources and the need for controls; this seems also to be clear from their original paper. ?/Feb-90 ------------------------- Jones SE, Palmer EP, Czirr JB, Decker DL, Jensen GL, Thorne JM, Taylor SF, Rafelski J; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 199. "Anomalous nuclear reactions in condensed matter: recent results and open questions". ** The Jones+(89) work arose out of earlier work on muon catalysed fusion, where the group measured effects at variance with theory, as was the case with cold fusion. The group continues to measure the same small effect, although no excess heat has been detected. Indeed, the authors do not believe in a nuclear origin of excess heat. This paper gives a summary of the best evidence for cold fusion and discusses it. The idea that muons from cosmic radiation causes cold fusion is eliminated; there is not sufficient time for the dd(mu) melecule to form, before the muon is absorbed elsewhere. The electrolyte used in the electrolysis experiments has been slightly modified, and more work is needed to unravel the essential components; as well, pressurised D2 is used by the group to deuterate metals (this goes back to 1986 but has been modified by the Scaramuzzi group's experience). Some neutron results are shown with error bars, from previous work. On average, this amounts to 1E-24 fus/pair/s if it is a volume effect, or much larger if a surface effect (up to 1E-20). Neutron bursts are discussed. Although there are bursts in the background, those from cold fusion experiments are too large to be background, and should be studied further. There is some discussion of geological cold fusion, which was one of the driving factors for the work; geological (3)He/(4)He ratios are mentioned, as well as geological tritium, which appears to have been detected at some volcanic sites. The authors conclude that cold fusion is an interesting phenomenon worthy of further study, but should not be confused by claims of excess heat production. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Jones SE; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 915. "Nuclear reactions in deuterated solids versus excess heat claims". ** Jones has collected a great number of cnf results and tabulated them, along a vertical scale for neutrons/cp's or watts, for one group of searches for nuclear emissions, and one of searches for excess heat. There is a ten-order difference between the two. Jones writes that excess heat must accompany a commensurate emission of nuclear products, if it is to be a product of a nuclear reaction, and it clearly is not. Claims for helium or tritium must also show secondary emissions; the one study claiming (4)He commensurate with excess heat does not show the necessary tritium or (3)He, and is therefore likely to be a result of contamination. Lattice absorption of high energies by some Moessbauer-like effect is not possible. ?/Dec-91 ------------------------- Jones SE; Surf. Coatings Technol. 51 (1992) 283. "Current issues in cold fusion research: heat, helium, tritium, and energetic particles". ** Four major issues current in cold fusion are explored in this paper. Transfer, by some cooperative process, of released nuclear energy into the metal hydride lattice a heat: the distances are too large, and the Moessbauer effect is not relevant in this context. Thus, the (4)He branch, without the accompanying commensurate radiation, is impossible. There is considerable doubt about the China Lake results. At least two data points were thrown out, both of some significance. The results are considered in error, the helium no doubt coming in as contamination. The calorimetry at China Lake, too, was poor and the excess heat well within the probable error. Thirdly, tritium production without secondary neutrons is inconsistent. Lastly, large amounts of heat without commensurate nuclear emissions are not possible, so excess heat claims, too, are in error. This leaves the Jones et al findings of very low level neutron emissions, possibly connected with geological tritium and (3)He production; the phenomenon is of academic, rather than practical, importance. ------------------------- Jorgensen CK; Chimia 43 (1989) 142. "Scenarios for nuclear fusion in palladium-deuterium alloys at ambient temperatures". ** A hand-waving look, in the light of quantum mechanics, at possible cold fusion scenarios (i.e. explanations): 1. if deuterons are to collide at all, it is most likely to occur at the octahedral sites in the PdD; 2. lithium might be incorporated into the Pd, and the reaction Li+d->2(4)He might explain the neutron/heat imbalance; 3. there may be weakly interacting heavy particles (WIMPs) involved; there are not likely to be any in the palladium, because of its recent chemical treatment, but the heavy water or the LiOD might introduce them, and WIMPs might catalyse cold fusion. (17-) Apr-89/May-89 ------------------------- Jorne J; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 519. "Electrochemically induced nuclear fusion of deuterium: the existence of negatively charged deuteride ions". ** Contrary to almost everyone else, Jorne states that deuterium in PdD(x) is largely in the form of D- anions and that a minute fraction exists as deuterons, assumed to be dominant by others. He marshalls a lot of previous evidence for this. The tiny fraction of deuterons can easily fuse with the D-, as there is a small Coulomb barrier. Furthermore, Li will be deposited in the electrolysis in LiOD electrolyte, and LiD certainly has negative deuterium. Mar-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Jorne J; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 371. "Neutron and gamma-ray emission from palladium deuteride under supercritical conditions". ** Another try at forcing nonequilibrium; here, Pd under pressurised D2 gas is cycled between 75 and 295 degC, the critical point for PdDx, beyond which the alpha- and beta phases merge and large fluctuations in density might enhance the sought-after effect. Pd foil and sponge were kept for three days under up to 90 atm pressurised D2, at -80 degC, then slowly allowed to warm up, then heated up to 320 degC. Two NE-213 scintillation neutron counters were placed around the cell, with pulse-shape discriminators to reject gamma radiation. Neutron counting efficiency was about 1%. Gamma radiation was taken from the same pulse-shape separation. No significant increase over background levels were observed during the warm-up to room temperature, nor upon going to 473K; the cell was then held under 36 atm pressure at room temperature for >2 months, then heated to 620K, well above the critical temp., and significant neutron emissions were recorded above about 550K, the two counters being very well correlated. A similar increase was seen in the gamma emission. Control runs, with empty cells or Pd + H2 gas, showed no emissions of this sort. Rough estimation of the fusion rate leads to about Jones+(89) levels, at 1E-21 or so. Mar-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Jorne J; J. Electrochem. Soc. 137 (1990) 369. "Unsteady diffusion reaction of electrochemically produced deuterium in palladium rod". Jan 1990. ** A rather approximate theoretical prediction of the time required to load Pd with deuterium right to the centre of the Pd bulk, assuming a given diffusion coefficient diminished by the conversion of deuterium into PdD, of 10**(-7) cm**2/s. Pd cylinders of diameters (0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,1.0,2.0) cm resp. require about (7/24,1,5,10,29,116) days electrolysis for a full PdD(0.6) loading, which corresponds roughly to experimental findings. As an afterthought, Jorne calculates that at full loading, the deuterium is packed at a density corresponding to solid deuterium. (30-) May-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Jorne J; Fusion Technol. 26 (1994) 244. "Neutron emission studies during the electrolysis of deuterium by using BaCeO3 solid electrolyte and palladium electrodes". ** Experimental. Solid electrolyte, gas phase electrolysis. Res- The author set up a solid state electrochemical cell: (-) D2(gas),Pd//BaCeO3//Pd,D2 (+). The BaCeO3 is a proton conductor at higher temperatures and is the electrolyte in this gas/solid cell, capable of charging Pd with deuterium from the gas phase. He ran this cell at whatever current it would give him at 20 V total voltage and a range of temperatures up to 800C (where it gave 160 mA/cm^2), with 4 banks of 3He neutron counters around it. He does not use coincidence readings, however, just presents some traces of neutron signals from individual banks. These show a few cases of large excursions from the mean count. The long term mean for active cells is the same as for the background, and due to the Poisson distribution of the neutron rate, these large-sigma excursions are in fact expected, so this is a null result. Apr-93/Nov-94 ------------------------- Jow TR, Plichta E, Walker C, Slane S, Gilman S; J. Electrochem. Soc. 137 (1990) 2473. "Calorimetric studies of deuterated Pd electrodes". ** Used a twin-cell calorimeter, with both cells (control with Pd and H2O or Pt with D2O, working cell with Pd and D2O) in a large Al block. Both glass and stainless cells were tried, with the Pd in the form of wires of 1mm and 0.5 mm diameter. There was no recombination. Currents of up to 600 mA/cm**2 were applied for 2-12 weeks, and calorimetry done for several days at a time. Deuterium loadings D/Pd of between 0.65 and 0.70 were measured thermogravimetrically. Within experimental error (about 2%), no excess heat was found. Jan-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Julin P, Bursill LA; J. Solid State Chem. 93 (1991) 403. "Dendritic surface morphology of palladium hydride produced by electrolytic deposition". ** The authors used a number of small Pd foil disks, electrolytically worn down to the point where a pin hole appeared in the centre, and used very high resolution transmission electron microscopy to look at the foil before and after electrolysis. The electrolyte was one common in electropolishing but unusual in cold fusion experiments: 5% ethanol and 50(mol)% sulphuric acid, the rest presumably being H2O, for the cathodic polarisation to "compress hydrogen galvanistically" into the Pd. An interesting result is that there is extensive dendrite formation, i.e. dendrites of the Pd hydride. Prolonged electrolysis changes the dendrites into blunter forms. These dendrites will increase the surface area of the electrode enormously, and thereby the double layer capacitance. The authors suggest that the FPH effects may originate from this capacitance. Dec-90/? ------------------------- Kainthla RC, Velev O, Kaba L, Lin GH, Packham NJC, Szklarczyk M, Wass J, Bockris JO'M; Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 1315. "Sporadic observation of the Fleischmann-Pons heat effect". ** 3 out of 10 cells produced some excess heat, the other 7 precisely what one expects from classical thermodynamics. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Kainthla RC, Szklarczyk M, Kaba L, Lin GH, Velev O, Packham NJC, Wass JC, Bockris JO'M; J. Hydrogen Energy 14 (1989) 771. "Eight chemical explanations of the Fleischmann-Pons effect". ** (Once again, Hawkins is forgotten) An attempt to explain the results by conventional chemical means. Exposure of the top of the Pd electrode to the evolved D2/O2 mixture? This seems to reduce to the question of how fast the deuterium in the Pd can come out and burn with O2; an assumed diffusion coefficient of D in PdDx of about 10**(-6)cm**2/s (a bit high maybe but all the better) shows that this can't produce enough heat. Neither can recombi- nation of D2 with O2 in the gas phase, nor at the immersed Pd surface. The alpha-beta PdDx transition will not - thermodynamically - either (but how about transients?). Pd deuteride formation cannot produce the heat, up to loadings of 6. Pauling suggests redissociation into Pd and D2 but this, too, cannot work - and in any case, the deuteride seems to be very stable. How about Li deposition? This would consume energy. Stress release, as the Pd expands? Not enough. So: none of these candidates pass the test, in the authors' opinion. One should mention that Kreysa proves the reverse. A weakness in this paper is that all calculated heats are assumed to be released over a 50-hour period and this does not allow short-term highs - although the argument about the diffusion limitation does answer this in part. Jun-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Kaliev KA, Baraboshkin AN, Samgin AL, Golikov EG, Shalyapin AL, Andreev VS, Golubnichiy PI; Phys. Lett. A 172 (1993) 199. "Reproducible nuclear reactions during interaction of deuterium with oxide tungsten bronze". ** This team used Na(0.9)WO(3), which has mobile alkali metal (Na+) ions, which can be replaced by H or D ions, either electrochemically of from the gas phase. Into a stainless steel chamber were placed a monocrystalline Na(0.9)WO(3) plate, 10*10*2 mm, contacting a tungsten anode, and another tungsten piece served as cathode. The chamber was evacuated to 1E-06 to 1E-05 mm Hg, and the sample heated to 720-760 C. A voltage of 500-1000 V was then applied between the two electrodes and the current recorded, for 1-5 h. A total charge of 0.1-1 C was thus passed. The current was switched off, the electrodes allowed to cool, and H2 or D2 allowed into the chamber up to a pressure of 1 mm Hg. From this moment on, neutrons were monitored with two independent blocks of four counters each, of the SNM-42 type, with total efficiency 1.4%. After 10 min, the chamber was reevacuated, and more gas led in, repeating this cycle 15 times, monitoring neutrons and sample temperature all along. The neutron flow increases sharply every time gas is introduced, and decays again within 10-20 min. A smaller but still significant increase is seen upon evacuating. Sample temperature also increases upon the introduction of both H2 and D2 gas. If the neutrons come from d-d fusion, this roughly translates into a fusion rate of 2E-18/s/dd-pair. Oct-92/Jan-93 ------------------------- Kaliev KA, Baraboshkin AN, Samgin AL, Golikov EG, Shalyapin AL, Andreev VS, Golubnichii PI; Dokl. Akad. Nauk 330(2) (1993) 214 (in Russian). "Reproducible nuclear reactions by interaction of deuterium with tungsten oxide bronze". ** The authors note that reproducibility is a major problem in cold fusion work. Here, they use a novel material, for which they have their own technique for growing single crystals of, and an electrochemical method for extracting sodium out of. This is tungsten bronze with the general formula Na(x)WO4, i.e. a range of different stoichiometries. The material had Na removed from it and replaced by deuterium. This was kept in an evacuated chamber and 500-1000 V applied between it and an opposing cathode, for several hours, passing in all 0.1-1 Coulombs. Neutron emissions were measured with two blocks of four SNM-42 detectors and paraffin moderating blocks. As well, the sample's temperature was monitored throughout. After switching off the current, the crystals were brought to room temp. and D2 or H2 gas introduced, still monitoring for neutrons. Results showed that there was a greater temp. rise when introducing D2 gas than for H2 gas, and a correspondingly greater neutron flux for D2, so the process is definitely nuclear. In the acknowledgements, one M. Rambo is thanked for discussions of the results. Feb-93/? ------------------------- Kalinin VB; Neorg. Mater. 29(5) (1993) 656 (in Russian). "On the question of the possibility of cold nuclear fusion at the point of ferroelectric phase transition in K2DPO4". ** This is a summarising commentary on previous work by the author and others, showing that the title compound and other related compounds show some anomalies, to do with transitions between the ferroelectric and paraelectric states. In particular, KD2PO4 has been seen by Lipson et al to emit neutrons when thermocycled closely around the temperature of transition, in a bimodal manner. Neutrons at the 15 sigma levels have been observed, while nothing but noise is observed from controls, e.g. KH2PO4, or KD2PO4 cycled around other temperatures. The author theorises that small volume changes and polarisation effects due to the transitions could stimulate fusion of deuterons. Dec-92/? ------------------------- Kamada K; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 (1992) L1287 (Part 2, no. 9A). "Electron impact H-H and D-D fusions in molecules embedded in Al. 1. Experimental results". ** Hydrogen and deuterium were embedded into Al and then bombarded by electron beams of 200 keV and 400 keV. Fusion events during the bombardment were detected by a CR39 polymer film, as charged particles. Fusion was detected for both hydrogen and deuterium in the Al, not strongly dependent on the energy of the electrons. The author is able to differentiate the rates of fusion not due to and due to electron-hydrogen/deuterium collisions and concludes that most of the fusion is not due to such collisions. May-92/Sep-92 ------------------------- Kamm GN, Ehrlich AC, Gillespie DJ, Powers WJ; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 401. "Search for neutrons from a titanium-deuterium system". ** Ti sponge was charged under high-pressure D2. The TiD was taken on thermal excursions between 77K and room temp. while monitoring for neutrons; no significant neutrons were found. Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Kapali V, Ganesan M, Kulandainathan MA, Mideen AS, Sarangapani KB, Balaramachandran V, Iyer SV, Muthuramalingam B; J. Electroanal. Chem. 364 (1994) 95. "Comparison of electrochemical behaviour of the Pd-NaOD and Pd-NaOH systems". ** Experimental investigation of Pd electrolysis in NaOD and NaOH electrolytes, H and D electropermeation through Pd and ionisation of H and D at the Pd-alkaline solution interface, optical studies of these systems and H or D loading of the Pd. Foils of thickness 0.025 mm and wires of diameter 0.25-4mm were used. Permeation measurements yielded diffusion coefficients of D (1.2E-08 cm**2/s) and H (3-4E-09) in Pd. Optical studies showed the formation of deuterium clusters, especially with thicker Pd specimens. This may be due to electrochemical compression, and may be the cause of fusion. No clusters were formed by H. All the findings taken together leave some things unexplained and cannot prove or rule out cold fusion. Jan-93/Jan-94 ------------------------- Karabut AB, Kucherov YaR, Savvatimova IB; Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 16(6) (1990) 463. Russian orig.: Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16(6) (1990) 53. "Nuclear reactions at the cathode in a gas discharge". ** A cathode, consisting of a 0.1 mm foil of Pd, and an anode were placed in a chamber which was evacuated and then filled with D2 gas at 2-10 Torr. An electrical discharge was then passed between the electrodes by means of 50-500 V, at currents of 10-500 mA. Temperature sensors measured the cathode temperature, and two types of neutron detectors were placed near the setup, as well as some photographic film for penetrating secondary radiation. It was found that when the cathode temperature rose above 500K, the reaction stopped. Below this, however, some neutron emissions correlated with step increases of cathode temperature. Aug-89/Jun-90 ------------------------- Karabut AB, Kucherov YaR, Savvatimova IB; Phys. Lett. A170 (1992) 265. "Nuclear product ratio for glow discharge in deuterium". ** A chamber with a Pd foil of 0.1-1 mm thickness in an atmosphere of D2 at 3-10 Torr was used. Thermistors measured the foil temperature and this served as calorimeter. Also in the chamber were detectors for neutrons, gammas and charged particles (cp's) as well as x-rays.. The Pd foil acted as cathode for a discharge beam of 10-100mA at 100-500V in the chamber. During running, excess heat, neutrons, gammas and cp's were detected. These paramaters were however not in the ratios expected from a fusion reaction. Postmortem examination of the foil revealed some increase in (3)He and an increase by factors of 4-100 in (4)He. All nuclear products, however, were at levels 3-4 orders of magnitude lower than commensurate with excess heat. The authors regard the calorimetry results as promising. Sep-92/Nov-92 ------------------------- Karabut AB, Kucherov YaR, Savvatimova IB; Fusion Technol. 20(1991) 924. "The investigation of deuterium nuclei fusion at glow discharge cathode". ** Experimental, glow discharge, excess heat, neutrons, gamma, res+ The authors had at the time already published some results from their glow discharge experiments with Pd cathodes in D2 gas, and here follow up with further results. They monitored for neutrons, gammas and heat, and found all. Rough neutron spectra fitted with some of the d-d fusion reaction energies but the gamma results did not. Radiation fluxes were 7 orders of magnitude above the background, and some persisted for 30 min after the discharge was switched off. ------------------------- Karamdoust NA, Majeed A, Durrani SA; Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 19 (1991) 627. "Cold fusion: Radon contribution to neutron production ?". ** Several authors have suggested that neutron emissions from PdD may originate from impurities inherent in the Pd used, such as U, Th or radon, Rn. This team investigated this possibility by experiment. A high-purity Pd foil, as used in the same laboratory in a cold fusion experiment (where some neutrons were found) was sandwiched between CR-39 detector foil for one week. The activity recorded was 3 orders of magnitude below that of the possible cold fusion emission level. In another experiment, Pd foil was allowed to absorb Rn for 9 hours and was then left for 2 hours between CR-39 detector foils. Again, the activity recorded was far below that claimed for cold fusion experiments. Thus U/Th/Rn impurities cannot explain cold fusion results. ?/? ------------------------- Karasevskii AI, Matyushov DV, Gorodyskii AV; Ukr. Khim. Zh. (Russ. Ed.) 55 (1989) 1036 (In Russian). "Possibility of the nuclear reaction between deuterium nuclei in electron shells of metal ions". ** Use the Thomas-Fermi statistical model to prove that DD fusion (to both T and He) can take place if the two D's meet within the electron shells of ions forming a metal. Highly localised electron clouds between deuterons are invoked. No definite conclusions appear to be given. ------------------------- Karpov SYu, Koval'chuk YuV, Myachin VE, Pogorel'skii YuV; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16(5) (1990) 91 (in Russian). Translated in Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 35(3) (1990) 203. "On the possibility of a mechanism of cold nuclear fusion". ** This paper examines a novel hypothesis. First, some theory, using simple charge relationships and the Thomas-Fermi model, concludes with the possibility that deuterium fusion tunnelling might be aided if deuterons are able to penetrate the electron shells of heavy, preferably negatively charged, atoms. Presumably palladium centres in the palladium deuteride spring to the authors' minds. However, this hypothesis led to a suggestion of a very simple experiment, involving no electrolysis or solid metal. Of a total of five chemical reactions tried out, the following one was succesful: A 40% solution of HBr (10-15 ml) in H2O was mixed with 20 ml of a saturated solution of KI in D2O. Some KBr is precipitated out, and there is some exchange of H and D from the species HBr, H2O and D2O. This commentator assumes that I- ions act as the heavy anions, into whose electron shells the deuterons (D+ ions) are supposed to penetrate and fuse. The authors monitored neutrons with a single scintillation detector of fast and intermediate neutrons, coupled with a photomultiplier and shielded by an ethylene moderator and a Cd jacket. 16 experiments were averaged, and the Fig. shows a marked increase in neutron activity from the time of mixing the chemicals, lasting about 2000 s, at a level of 9E-3 impulses/s, compared with a background of 5E-03. The authors cite similar work (Soviet, in preprint) by other workers. Feb-90/Mar-90 ------------------------- Kashy E, Bauer W, Chen Y, Galonsky A, Gaudiello J, Maier M, Morrissey DJ, Pelak RA, Tsang MB, Yurkon J; Phys. Rev. C: Nucl. Phys. 40 (1989) 1. "Search for neutron emission from deuterium-loaded palladium". ** Neutrons and gammas < 10**(-6) FPH's levels, ie nothing. (18-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Kaushik TC, Shyam A, Srinivasan M, Rout RK, Kulkarni LV, Krishnan MS, Malhotra SK, Nagvenkar VB; Indian J. Technol. 28 (1990) 667. "Preliminary report on direct measurement of tritium in liquid nitrogen treated TiDx chips". ** D2 gas was prepared by electrolysis of D2O, and analysed for tritium contamination; a t/d ratio of 1E-13 was found and attributed to the Pd cathode used for the electrolysis, previously used for a cold fusion experiment. Ti chips were treated with nitric and sulphuric acids followed by water, to remove surface oxides. Batches of the chips were evacuated at 850 degC for 2h, cooled to 600 degC and exposed to D2 gas at 1 bar. Loading, measured by weight, was only 0.05 (D/Ti) but assumed much higher at the Ti surface. A bank of 10 BF3 neutron counters was set up around the liquid nitrogen cell, with paraffin block moderators; the background count was 5 c/s. Two plastic scintillators were placed away from the cell to monitor the background. The Ti chips were dropped into liquid nitrogen and allowed to warm up to room temp upon nitrogen evaporation; the cycle was repeated 4-5 times per batch. One such batch of 100 chips was thus cycled, and there was no indication from the scintillators, but the BF3 detectors showed a signal 15 times the background, implying a burst of about 10000 neutrons during the 5 min interval. Repetition of this, with more chips, was not successful. One way to detect tritium was to detect the K x-ray emissions expected from the Ti if they contained tritium; some signals above background were found by this inaccurate method. Another, better detector was also used, and many chips were found with above-background tritium signals, going up to a factor of about 5 (4 chips). Some high-activity chips were placed between medical x-ray films, and produced images. Although no untreated chips were measured for tritium, it is considered unlikely that there was any tritium surviving the vacuum heating. Oct-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Kawai H; Kinki Daigaku Genshiryoku Kenkyusho Nenpo 27 (1990) 19 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115(10):100641 (1991). "Profile of the cold nuclear fever". ** A review of cold fusion. K reckons that about half of cnf experiments have positive results, and suggests using cathodes of graphite or U, both of which absorb hydrogen. Using enriched U would also cause neutron multiplication, making it easier to detect them. DTO could also be used, to enable the more favoured dt fusion reaction. (Abbreviated quote from CA). ------------------------- Kawarabayashi J, Takahashi H, Iguchi T, Nakazawa M; J. Facul. Eng., Univ. Tokyo B 41 (1992) 595. "Low level neutron detection system for cold-fusion". ** A new neutron detector is described, using a new digital waveform analysis technique in order to suppress noise and to resolve bursts of pile-up. High sensitivity 3-He detectors were used to catch neutrons (8 set around the detection space) optimally. Pulse height and wave for analysis completes the setup. The lowest observable neutron rate was 0.022 n/s. This was tested in a mixture of heavy and light water, irrradiated by a gamma ray source (24Na) and the count rate found to be linear with heavy water concentration, as required. It works. Apr-92/? ------------------------- Kay BD, Lykke KR, Buss RJ; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 491. "Problems with the mass spectrometric determination of tritium from cold fusion". ** This study caused the retraction of a claim for the MS detection of tritium, say the authors but give no names. There are 11 different chemical reactions that can give rise to species with mass close to that of tritium (e.g. HD2+, D3+). So MS detection of tritium is ambiguous. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Kazarinov VE, Astakhov II, Teplitskaya GL, Kiseleva IG, Davydov AD, Nekrasova NV, Kudryavtsev DYu, Zhukova TB; Elektrokhimiya 27 (1991) 9 (in Russian). Translated in: Sov. Electrochem. 27 (1991) 6. "Cathodic behaviour of palladium in electrolytic solutions containing alkali metal ions". ** Li, and to a lesser extent K, intrude into a Pd lattice upon cathodic polarisation in aprotic as well as aqueous electrolytes. In aprotic media, the result is the formation of intermetallic Li with the Pd, able to react with water, and a solid solution in the bulk of the Pd. In aqueous media, after 74h of electrolysis, a 0.5mm-thick layer of a solid solution was formed, with a mean overall concentration of 5 at%, but the electrode gradually dissolves during electrolysis. It is concluded that in electrolytic cold fusion experiments, one is dealing not with deuterated palladium, but rather a solid solution system D-Li-Pd and must reckon with heat effects due to the decomposition of these aqueous intrusion products. Jan-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Keddam M; Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 995. "Some comments on the calorimetric aspects of the electrochemical 'cold fusion' by M. Fleischmann and S. Pons". ** Critical comments. (16-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Keesing RG, Gadd AJ; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 5 (1993) L537. "Thermoelectric heat pumping and the 'cold fusion' effect". ** Once again, Peltier heat is considered as an explanation of excess heat, prompted by the observation that claimed excess heat appears to scale with electrolysis current. The thermoelectric coefficient at a Pd/Pt junction reverses and gets four times larger in magnitude, as Pd absorbs hydrogen. K&G make a rough measurement of the change for the absorption of deuterium. The effect is roughly the same, and amounts to about 6 mW/A. This is still about 2 orders of magnitude too small to explain excess heat claims. But semiconductor junctions do have a sufficiently large Peltier effect, so the authors then speculate that there might be migration of, e.g., Ni within the Pt and Pd towards either the Pt/Pd or the Pd/electrolyte junction; the NiD might act as a semiconductor. They will examine this in future experiments. Aug-93/Oct-93 ------------------------- Keesing RG, Greenhow RC, Cohler MD, McQuillan AJ; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 375. "Thermal, thermoelectric, and cathode poisoning effects in cold fusion experiments". ** This team ran FPH-type experiments 24h/day for 10 weeks and observed no excess heat or signs of nuclear emission. However, they gained some understanding of the reaction, thermal effects and heat pumping due to the Peltier effect, as well as the effects of cathode poisoning. Their calorimetric measurements produced negligible excess heat, temperature being monitored at five different points in the cell. During an early run, the cell temperature was lower than expected; heat was being absorbed. The authors believe that this might be due to a Peltier effect at the Pd/Pt junction, and then realised that such an effect might in fact be the cause for excess heat apparently observed by others. The Peltier effect is normally small, but if the Pt is deuterided (near the surface) it becomes as a semiconductor, which would increase the effect. Tests for this were not successful, however. Experiments with poisoning (using cyanide) show that this raises the overpotential; this might lead workers to see excess heat where there is in fact increased ohmic heating. The authors speculate that absorption of CO2 might, by reduction, lead to CO poisoning, with similar effects. The paper concludes that one must be careful to account for exothermicity, any possible Peltier effect and poisoning. No comments about radiation could be made, since nothing was detected. Aug-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Kenny JP; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 547. "Electropionics and fusion". ** Kenny states that pions (pi mesons) undoubtedly must be involved in the cold fusion interaction, having an interaction range about 7 times that of the 7 times heavier protons or neutrons. A model of anomalous nuclear resonances is developed, involving pions. Deuterium fuses into an excited resonant species with a half life of the order of days, and this might explain some of the anomalies seen in cnf. Decay products might be pions, kaons (decaying to leptons), deuterons and dibaryons, or even phonons as suggested by Schwinger. Baryon nonconservation and quarks are invoked as well. Cold fusion demands a new physics and this may be it. Jun-90/May-91 ------------------------- Kikuchi E, Nomura K, Nogawa N, Saito H, Itoh K, Niikura H, Murabayashi M; Denki Kagaku oyobi Kogyo Butsuri Kagaku 59 (1991) 880 (in Japanese). "Effect of charging current density on release characteristics of tritium from palladium". ** "Tritium was charged electrochemically into annealed Pd at various current densities, and the release rates of tritium were measured as a function of time by liquid scintillation counter. Microstructures of Pd were also observed by a transmission electron microscope before and after annealing. The release rates decreased by annealing and with increased in the charging current density". (Direct quote of the English abstract). I glean further, that annealing took place at a pressure of about 1E-04 Torr and 1300-1500K for 1-1.5 hours. There is a figure showing the tritium release rate after charging at 0.1 mA/cm**2, as a function of time; this roughly follows the expected 1/SQRT(t) shape, and about one order of magnitude decrease within 1 hour. The tritium surface concentration decreases only slightly in that time. Higher current densities show similar behaviour, but at different absolute discharge rates. Some smallish different discharge curves are seen for annealed, and non-annealed Pd samples. May-91/? ------------------------- Kim MS, Park MY; Anal. Sci. Technol. 3 (1990) 265 (in Korean). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 117:259549 (1992). "Comment on room temperature nuclear fusion". ** "A polemic in response to M. Fleischmann, S. Pons and M. Hawkins, J. Electroanal. Chem. 1989, 261 (2A), 301". (Direct quote from CA). ------------------------- Kim YE, Rice RA, Chulik GS; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 174. "The role of the low-energy proton-deuteron fusion cross section in physical processes". ** Drawing on Kim's idea of insulating bubbles causing high voltage discharges at the cathode (which the authors discuss, dismissing the problems with this), the paper examines the p-d fusion reaction theoretically. Using the Maxwell- Boltzmann velocity distribution and some uncertain extrapolation, the result is that at low energies, p-d fusion would dominate. This has implications not only for cold fusion, but also for geophysics (geological heating) and may even solve the solar neutrino problem. It impinges also on cluster impact fusion. Feb-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Kim YE; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 680. "Neutron burst from a high-voltage discharge between palladium electrodes in D2 gas". ** Kim offers a conventional explanation for the results of Wada and Nishizawa who got large neutron emissions from a high voltage discharge "stimulation" between two Pd rods in pressurised D2 gas. W&N claimed this was due to cold fusion of supersaturated D in the Pd. Kim suggests, and underpins theoretically, that it can be explained in terms of D+ ions, accelerated by the discharge, striking the PdDx; in other words, it is just plain well known beam fusion, as in self-targeting. All W&N's experimental features such as pressure changes and the "controls" can be accommodated by this explanation. Feb-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Kim YE; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 558. "Surface reaction mechanism for deuterium-deuterium fusion with a gas/solid-state fusion device". ** Kim's previously proposed theory of a surface fusion mechanism is applied here to the results of Claytor et al (preprint) said to demonstrate reproducible tritium production from a gas/solid-state (G/S) device. The theory also explains others' irreproducibility. The theory suggests that at D2 bubbles at the cathode surface under electrolysis, or in pockets at the solid state device, electric fields will accelerate deuterons to speeds sufficient to cause fusion upon impact with others. Gas bubbles can cause high electric gradients, up to 1E09 V/m, etc., and Kim also suggests that breaking of electrolytic contact can lead to "huge" spark discharge currents. This is followed by a mathematical development, leading to cold fusion rates similar to those claimed by some. The theory leads to suggestions for optimisation of the yield: an oxide coating, a pulsed voltage, surface asperities, control of the size and number of the bubbles or pockets and a magnetic field to divert electrons, which might interfere. Jul-90/May-91 ------------------------- Kim YE; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 423. "New cold nuclear fusion theory and experimental tests". ** In a previous Report, Kim has suggested that the FPH effect may be due to neutron-induced tritium-deuterium fusion. Here, this process is described, independently of the FPH electrolysis, as well as for that situation. Background neutrons break up Li, in the electrolyte, producing (4)He and T. The tritium penetrates the Pd cathode, alongside deuterium from the electrolysis. D-T fusion then releases more neutrons to make a chain reaction, also forming (4)He. The rather doubtful FPH paper is quoted as evidence: MS showing some (4)He; but the excess heat is also consistent with this suggestion. More evidence comes from the inability of NaOD solution to show any cnf. This theory leads to a list of suggested ways to improve the yield, and a number of tests of this theory, such as varying the Li isotope ratio, evidence for (4)He, neutrons at about 14 MeV. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Kim YE; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 507. "Cross section for cold deuterium-deuterium fusion". ** The experiments of Beuhler et al (1989, see Section 4) with fusion induced by (D2O)(x)+ cluster impact, suggest that at low energies, the branching ratio for d-d fusion - known only from high-energy fusion - may not apply, and that the tritium branch may be favoured. The same might be indicated by the FPH results. Kim suggests further investigation of this. Dec-89/May-90 ------------------------- Kim YE; Mod. Phys. Lett. A6 (1991) 1053. "Time-delayed apparent excess heat generation in electrolysis fusion experiments". ** The 12 orders of magnitude discrepancy between the neutron flux and observed excess heat in cold fusion electrolysis is explained here in terms of a time-delayed chemical effect; namely repeated cycles of deuterium absorption and desorption. This cycle shows hysteresis, from which Kim concludes that excess heat can apparently appear in the form of bursts, during the absorption stage. This raises the Pd internal temperature, initiating the (cooling) desorption phase. Kim makes some calculations based on the experiments of Scott et al [1990] and concludes that this model can account for the observed (about) 10% excess heat. Kim reiterates his high-field-gradient model of surface fusion, along with his gas bubble arguments in the present connection. The model also suggests that the Pd internal temperature should be measured as a test. Nov-90/? ------------------------- Kim YE; Mod. Phys. Lett. A6 (1991) 1053. "Time-delayed apparent excess heat generation in electrolysis fusion experiments". ** Kim offers a conventional explanation for the observed excess heat. It is based on the hysteresis in the loading/temperature curve for Pd in contact with D2 gas at 740 mm Hg pressure. The proposal is that bursts of heat are observed due to the cycling of deuterium uptake and deuteride decomposition as the temperature rises; this endothermic process cools the Pd and this is followed by a heat burst as the cooled Pd reabsorbs D2. This is similar to the effect noted by Arata and Zhang. The fact that the conventional process is not observed in light water (usually) may be due to the lower boiling point, and the fact that generally, thin Pd rods are used for these controls, writes Kim. The explanation also requires bursts of heat deficit, and Scott et al are cited for observations of these. This explanation is also the opposite of that of Pauling, who suggests the exothermic decomposition of a higher deuteride. Any nuclear process is once again explained here by Kim as arising from high voltage fields at sharp tips of surface asperities (dendrites), caused by bubbles forming an insulating gas layer. Feb-91/? ------------------------- Kim YE; Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena (Eds. Hora, Miley, Plenum Press) 9 (1991) 583. "Fission-induced inertial confinement hot fusion and cold fusion with electrolysis". ** In a volume otherwise devoted to inertial confinement fusion, Kim presents his surface reaction mechanism for cold fusion by electrolysis. Support for low-energy anomalous branching ratios comes from cluster impact fusion, also showing such anomalies. Whisker formation at the electrode surface is invoked, leading to high voltages across small D2 gas bubbles generated by electrolysis; these then aid fusion as in the Bockris dendrite theory. The neutrons released from this fusion might then initiate a fission/fusion chain: n+(6)Li --> (4)He+T; T+D --> (4)He+n (14.07 MeV); the last-emitted neutron will restart the cycle. Observations are so far not consistent with this, however. The paper continues with conventional fusion, suggesting an alternative to the magnetic or inertial confinement approaches used at present. ------------------------- Kimura T; J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 27 (1990) 67. "Quantitative evaluation of multiple production of neutrons induced by cosmic rays in materials". ** Neutrons can be emitted as a result of cosmic ray influx onto some materials, and this possibility needs to be considered in the very low-level neutron measurements in cold fusion experiments. This is examined experimentally in this work. 32 (3)He detectors, shielded by a Cd plate and a layer of boric acid, and held within a polyethylene moderator, were used, with pulse height- and -interval analysis, multichannel scaling and coincidence measurements. Materials put to the tests included Pb, Cd, Nb-Mo, Cu-Zn and Ti-Al-V-S alloys, Fe, Al, D2O and H2O. Results showed rough log-log linearity of neutron production rate vs atomic weight, with a slope of 1.8; these rates are 0.001-0.01 n/kg/s, corresponding to an equivalent fusion rate of roughly 1E-27-1E-26 fus/pair/s. The additive effect of this neutron production in a cold fusion experiment may, however, need to be taken into account. Sep-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Kimura T; Genshiryoku Kogyo 37(4) (1991) 49 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:58487 (1991). "Current problems and future of room temperature nuclear fusion". ** "A review with 26 refs. is given on the measurement of n, effect of cosmic radiation, effect of environmental radioactivity, and problems in measurement of very low level n in room temp. nuclear fusion". (Quoted from CA). ------------------------- Kitajima M, Nakamura K, Fujitsuka M; Solid State Commun. 75 (1990) 159. "Electrical resistivity of high pressure D2-loaded Pd and Ti at low temperatures". ** Studied the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity of Pd and Ti under pressurised D2 gas at low temperatures and pressures from 6 to 90 atm. The metals were cooled to 77K, exposed to gas pressure, and allowed to warm up, while the resistance was monitored. The first time Pd was thus treated, its resistivity followed that of pure Pd up to about 270K, and went up steeply thereafter, indicating that no deuterium was absorbed below this temperature. A second cycle produced higher resistivity, showing that the release of D is slower than its uptake. X-ray diffraction showed that a maximum loading of 0.7 was achieved. For Ti, the resistivity was the same as that for pure Ti up to room temperature, and no surface treatment changed this; i.e. the Ti never absorbed any deuterium. Mar-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- Kitcher P; in "The Social Dimensions of Science", Ed. E. McMullin, U. Notre Dame Press, 1992; p.245. "Authority, deference, and the role of individual reason". ** A sci-soc/phil paper; it is concerned with 'the constitution of epistemic authority", as seen in the case of 'cold fusion'. There is mathematical handling of such topics as authority functions, prestige effects, alliances, assessment of others' work, replication and more. ------------------------- ------------------------- Klotz IM, Katz JJ; Amer. Scholar 60 (1991) 247. "Two extraordinary electrical experiments". ** A sci-soc/phil paper. K&K juxtapose the 1836 Crosse with the 1989 F&P affair. Crosse performed a long term electrolysis and observed the formation of small insects in the cell. K&K note several parallels, such as announcement by press, simplicity of the experiments, eminence of the workers, confirmation by others, refutation by others, lack of controls. K&K conclude: People yearn to believe. ------------------------- Klyuev VA, Lipson AG, Toporov YuP, Deryagin BV, Lushchikov VI, Strelkov AV, Shabalin EP; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 12 (1986) 1333. (In Russian). Translated in Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett 12 (1986) 551. "High-energy processes accompanying the fracture of solids". ** Shot small pellets at LiD crystals and observed energetic radiation emitted, presumably from the micro-cracks resulting from the stress. The authors assume the possibility of cold nuclear fusion in these cracks. Note the year. ------------------------- Knapp JA, Guilinger TR, Kelly MJ, Doyle BL, Walsh D, Tsao SS; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 371. "Thin-foil electrochemical cells: high-sensitivity fusion tests and in-situ beam measurements of deuterium loading". ** Again, the statement that emitted protons ought to be more easily detected than neutrons because of the much lower background. Also, a thin foil's D content can be easily monitored using a suitable ion beam, and thus the claim tested, that high loadings D/Pd > 1 can be achieved. This was done in this work, in which in situ measurements were performed, while the experiment ran. The ssb detector is mounted up close to the back of the foil cathode, with 0.5 A/cm**2 flowing. It would detect not only the 3.02 MeV protons but also 1.01 MeV tritons (if any) or the (perhaps) ca. 1 MeV (4)He's, if any. A pulse height spectrum collected over 23.2 h showed nothing better than background. In the other part of the experiment, a 3 MeV (3)He ion beam was shot at the back of the foil under electrolysis, resulting in backscattered 14 MeV protons from reaction with deuterium in the foil. Calibration with known metal hydride foils showed a loading peaking at around 0.8. This can be assumed to hold not only for the top 2 mu thus analysed, but for the whole 25 mu foil thickness, because the back of the foil was coated by d-impervious Au. Other experiments showed that (1)H is indeed absorbed preferentially over deuterium. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Kobayashi M; Kagaku Kogaku 57(10) (1993) 715 (in Japanese). "Present of 'cold fusion'". ** Short review of cold fusion, drawing mainly on the 3rd Int. Conf. at Nagoya (9 out of the 11 references are to papers given there), and focussing on the McKubre work, and that of Takahashi at NTT, both presenting correlations: McKubre correlates excess heat with D/Pd loading; Takahashi correlated heat with the production of (4)He. ------------------------- Kochubey DI, Babenko VP, Vargaftik MN, Moiseev II; J. Molec. Catal. 66 (1991) 99. "Enrichment of deuterium with tritium in the presence of a palladium-561 giant cluster". ** Pd561Phen60(OAc)180, i.e. the complex formed of (ideally) 561 Pd atoms, 60 molecules of 1,10-phenanthroline and 180 acetic ester groups, with the Pd atoms forming a central densely packed structure. This is a catalyst for some chemical reactions, and also can absorb hydrogen up to a 1:1 H/Pd ratio. The authors decided to use this instead of Pd metal, in a cold fusion experiment. They expect this dense Pd cluster not to be subject to cracking. The complex was exposed to D2 gas at atmospheric pressure for 1-11 days, after which the D2 was purged with Ar, passed over a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst with oxygen, and the resulting D2O analysed for tritium. Results show tritium levels at twice and five times the background after resp. 5 and 11 days exposure. Careful checks exclude artifactual tritium sources. Using H2 gas gave exactly the same as the background; using H2 with cluster previously exposed to D2 (but purged) gave some tritium, indicating incomplete purging; D2 used after exposure to H2 gave less tritium than when it was used with fresh complex. Jun-90/? ------------------------- Kocsis M, Nyikos L, Szentpetery I, Horvath D, Kecskemeti J, Lovas A, Pajkossy T, Pocs L; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Lett. 145 (1990) 327. "Search for neutrons from cold nuclear fusion". ** The authors note that of those cold fusion studies in which neutron emission was measured, few have been successful; they, too, wanted to have a go at it. An FPH-type electrochemical cell was used with Pd, as well as a tube filled with Ti chips and D2 gas. A triple (3)He proportional counter was used for neutron detection; its calibrated efficiency was 6.3%. A lengthy background measurement showed some "statistically significant" excursions above the mean of 0.06 c/s, possibly due to barometric variations in the cosmic background, and a well distinguished neutron peak. A subsequent 9-day electrolysis showed nothing above this background. The experiment was then moved into an underground tunnel at a depth of 30 m in limestone. Now the mean background was 0.003 c/s but with occasional "huge burstlike excursions" due to electrical disturbances in the power network. Some filtering etc resulted in a stable background of about 0.002 c/s. During two electrolysis runs - one continuous, the other with periodic current switching -, as well as the Ti/D2 run, no neutron emission above the background was observed. The authors note that upon switching off the electrolysis current, violent bubbling occurred at the Pd cathode, i.e. that the Pd was saturated with deuterium. Jun-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- Kogashi S; J. Inst. Electron. Inf. Commun. Eng. (Japan) 73 (1990) 1311 (in Japanese). Cited in Phys. Abstr. 94(1409):114582 (1991). "Present status of cold fusion research". ** "Cold fusion has not been proved yet scientifically judging from the principle that scientific truth is reproducible by test. It has been reported that a large amount of tritium is produced from a multilayer sandwich structure of heavy-hydrogen-adsorbed [sic] Pd films and Si films by sending an electric current to the structure, which has been attracting interest of people concerned including researchers in the field of semiconductor engineering (38 refs.)". (Direct quote from PA). ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Komarov VV, Melsheimer O, Popova A; Z. Naturforsch. 45A (1990) 759. "Does cold fusion exist and is it measurable?" ** Considers the dynamics of a deuteron sitting in the Pd lattice, and another one coming in. Considering all other deuterons as distant perturbations only, a quantum mechanical treatment then indicates a possible resonance effect leading to close d-d approach and cold fusion rates as claimed. If this is assumed to be a surface effect taking place within the first few monolayers, then one can expect about 1-10 particles emitted per s, which is a weak effect and therefore perhaps not observable, as has happened in some experiments. Feb-90/May-90 ------------------------- Kondo J; J. Phys. Soc. Japan 58 (1989) 1869. "Cold fusion in metals". ** Presents a simple electrons-in-jellium model for calculating fusion rates. Applying this to D2 and dd(mu), produces the known fusion rates within an order of magnitude. He then applies the model to deuterons in metals, and arrives at a screening length (d-d distance) of 0.12 A which gives a cold fusion rate of 1E-30/pair/s; reducing the length to 0.064 results in 1E-19 as claimed by FPH. Kondo does not say why we should reduce it, though, and the 0.12 A is an order-of-magnitude result. Other workers have found 0.3 A to be enough. Kondo concludes that either rate is, in any case, not enough to cause appreciable heating effects. (18-) Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Konenkov NV, Silakov SS, Mogil'chenko GA; Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 17(1) (1991) 8. Russian original in Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 17(1) (1991) 21. "Quadrupole mass-spectrometric analysis of hydrogen isotopes during deuterium implantation in titanium". ** The unequivocal establishment of the presence of 3He and T, as products of the nuclear reaction of D during implantation of the ions into Ti, by the mass- spectrometric method requires a min. resolving power m/delta-m of 510 for the sepn. of ions (3He + T)+ and HD+ and 590 for sepg. the doublet T2+, D3+. A quadrupole mass spectrometer with high resoln. was used by the authors to analyze the compn. of plasma ions of a Ti magnetodischarge pump. The use of this more ideal mass spectrometer did not, however, confirm the hypothesis of cold D-D fusion in solids. Oct-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Kontturi DK, Pajari H, Sundholm G; Kem.-Kemi 16 (1989) 610 (in Finnish). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:161650 (1989). "Electrochemically induced fusion". ** Review, without conclusions. ------------------------- Koonin SE, Mukerjee M; Phys. Rev. C42 (1990) 1639. "Branching ratios in low-energy deuteron-induced reactions". ** Using a second-order Born approximation to the Schroedinger equation, K&M arrive at an expression for the branching ratio which turns out to vary by at most 10% from unity. This is at variance with earlier work by others on the d+(6)Li reaction, as well as with cold fusion claims, who all come in for criticism here. It is pointed out that low-energy beam fusion and muon catalysed fusion all have about unity branching ratio, which nullifies statements about cluster impact, fracto- or dendrite fusion branching ratio anomalies. Mar-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Koonin SE, Nauenberg M; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 690 (29-Jun). "Calculated fusion rates in isotopic hydrogen molecules" ** Looks at the possibility that electrons, like muons, could catalyse fusion but concludes that they would need to be 5-10 times their mass. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Kosyakhkov AA, Cherepin VT, Kolotyi VV, Kisurin KK; Fiz. Tverd. Tela 32 (1990) 3672 (in Russian). "Neutron yield in the deuterium ion implantation into titanium". ** This team investigates cold fusion by means of their magnetic discharge pump, sending an ionised deuterium beam at 8 keV at a Ti target. The Ti is grounded and Penning discharge results in the target bombardment. Despite the neutron detector not being positioned optimally because of the pump's geometry, clear neutron emission is seen upon this bombardment. The authors take this as confirmation of cold fusion (it is not). Jul-89/Dec-90 ------------------------- Kosyakhkov AA, Triletskii SS, Cherepin VT, Chichkan SM; Dokl. Akad. Nauk. [Tekh. Fiz.) 312(1) (1990) 96 (in Russian). "Mass-spectrometric study of the products of nuclear reactions occurring by ion-plasma saturation of titanium with deuterium". ** Very similar to - i.e. almost identical with - the earlier paper by the same authors. They used a magnetodischarge pump to aim high-intensity beams (up to 1A) of deuterons at titanium, and MS to analyse sputtered products. As in their other paper, small traces of tritium and helium-3 were found, though at large magnifications (*100). The authors interpret this as evidence for fusion of deuterium, which it probably is. Ion-beam induced fusion has been known since the 1950's. (28-) Apr-89/? ------------------------- Kosyakhkov AA, Triletskii VS, Cherepin VT, Chichkan SM; Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 49 (1989) 648 (In Russian). Also in Soviet JETP 49 (1989) 744, in English. "Detection helium-3 and tritium formed during ion-plasma saturation of titanium with deuterium". ** They detected helium-3 and tritium, at a Ti target shot at with an ion beam of deuterium with an energy up to 9 keV. Mass spectroscopy was used for the detection. This humble commentator does not feel great confidence in the results, which consist of tiny pimples on the mass specs, at 100* magnification. (4-) May-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Koval'chuk EP, Romaniv ON, Pazderskii YuA, Aksiment'eva EM, Babei YuI, Koval'chuk AE; Fiz.-Khim. Mekh. Mater. 25 (1989) 119 (In Russian). "Electrochemically stimulated radiation by metals". ** Electrolysis of D2O at Ni and Fe; 20-40 events/sec were observed with D2O, none with H2O. "Events" were apparently beta emissions, said to come from the reaction n --> e+e- (my strong guess is that they had no neutron detectors). No details are given as to background, etc. ------------------------- Koval'chuk EP, Yanchuk OM, Reshetnyak OV; Phys. Lett. A 189 (1994) 15. "Electromagnetic radiation during electrolysis of heavy water". ** Both Pd sheets (5 * 1.5 * 0.6 cm [sic]) and Ni foil (4 * 2.5 * 0.2 cm [sic]) were used as cathodes in a quartz cell containing LiClO4 (0.1-2M), while monitoring emr given off with a photomultiplier. For Ni, at currents above about 25 mA/cm^2, there was emr emission, increasing with time and with increasing current density. The effect itself was quite reproducible although the emission intensity was not; it was up to 10^5 cps or more. The effect peaked with time and then decreased again. It can readily be explained as a result of electrode cracking and thus triboluminescence, except that it was not observed in light water, and in fact was considerably quenched by small admixtures of light to heavy water (1/3 intensity at 1.2 vol%, e.g.) The authors draw no conclusions but more work is needed. Apr-93/Jun-94 ------------------------- Kozima H; Il Nuovo Cimento 107 A (1994) 1781. "Neutron Moessbauer effect and the cold fusion in inhomogeneous materials". ** Theory, Moessbauer, trapped neutron model. Res+ The author takes as fact that such elements as Ti, Pd and Ni induce cold fusion, and examines (mainly by discussion) the Moessbauer effect as a possible process involved. Neutron absorption and reemission in the crystal lattice can act as a neutron reservoir with certain elements. The author suggests that besides Pd, Ti and Ni, Si might be worth a look. Apr-94/Sep-94 ------------------------- Kozima H; Rept. Fac. Sci., Shizuoka Univ., 28 (1994) 31. "How the cold fusion occurs?" ** Accepting many report of excess heat, neutron, tritium and other particles generation, K seeks a theoretical basis for these observations. All the diverse observations appear to fit the model involving trapped neutrons. Neutrons that happen to enter the sample are thermalised and trapped as standing waves, bounded by the reflecting walls of ordered arrays of deuterons or protons. These neutrons then essentially fuse with deuterons/protons, producing triutium or deuterium. Tritons go on to fuse with deuterons to produce the odd 4He, and the high-energy fusion product neutrons cause other d-d pairs to fuse. All this explains the Pd/D2o, Ni/H2O as well as the exotic systems such as ceramics etc. Oct-93/? ------------------------- Krasnoshchekov YuI, Larionov LV, Makovei VA, Muryshev EYu, Syrenkov GI; Sov. Phys. Dokl. 36 (1991) 705. Orig. Russian: Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 320 (1991) 1358. "Possibility of nuclear reaction during phase transitions". ** Phase transitions in metal hydrides are considered here. In Fe at high temperature, for example, a gamma-alpha PhT is known in which pressures of hydrogen, thousands of times the equilibrium state are observed. Also, the release of hydrogen from the metal upon PhT is impulsive. As the phase boundary moves through titanium deuteride, reorganisation of the crystal structure and thus displacement of deuterium should occur. This, and the possibility of charge separation upon cleavage, might be a clue to the understanding of cold fusion. May-91/Oct-91 ------------------------- Kreysa G, Marx G, Plieth W; J. Electroanal. Chem. 266 (1989) 437. "A critical analysis of electrochemical nuclear fusion experiments". ** A thorough demolition job. (28-) Apr-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Kuehne RW, Sioda RE; Fusion Technol. 27 (1995) 187. "An extended micro hot fusion model for burst activity in deuterated solids". ** Theory/speculation, fractofusion, bursts, res+ This paper describes a model that the authors believe can explain all the disparate observations of 'cold fusion'. Cracks with up to 10 keV energies can be formed in PdD and K&S state that 10 keV ions have been detected and d-d fusion can occur. The cracks can become hot spots, explaining heat generation, while some nuclear reactions are initiated simultaneously, thus explaining the heat/nuclear products anomaly. The authors appear unaware that the hot spots require energy input, so this model falls flat. Feb-93/Mar-95 ------------------------- Kuehne RW; Phys. Lett. A159 (1991) 208. "Possible explanations for failures to detect cold fusion". ** Kuehne first gives a summary of some of the explanations for the Jones+89 effect, i.e. statistical (pro and con), cosmic influx variations, solar flares and muon catalysis; all these are now rejected, he says. He then states that what he calls MHF (micro hot fusion or fractofusion) is the likely candidate. This would take place in cracks formed by bubbles at dislocations, and those investigators who did not have the right conditions for this to occur, observe nothing. E.g., the optimum temperature range is -100..0 degC, and most people work outside this. Ion implanation would not lead to bubbles and in any case, any neutrons from MHF would be overwhelmed from self target effects. Neutrons must be measured at very low background, not easy. Lastly, the burst frequency is rather low and one must wait a sufficient time. These four factors conspire to prevent the detection of MHF. The paper gives 108 references, most of which are "real" (as opposed to preprints or conferences). May-91/Oct-91 ------------------------- Kuehne RW; Phys. Lett. A 155 (1991) 467. "Cold fusion: pros and cons". ** A sort of review of the cold fusion scene, stating some of the arguments for and against, as marshalled by the various authors. K himself refrains from suggestions, beyond the odd calculation or small comment. 99 refs. Jun-90/May-91 ------------------------- Kuehne RW; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 198. "The possible hot nature of cold fusion". ** The author has previously suggested fractofusion or, as he calls it, micro- hot fusion (MHF) as the most plausible mechanism of cold fusion. He cites a large volume of supporting literature among the 84 references given at the end. Here he provides more evidence for MHF and claims that it can explain observations, including the burst nature of cnf. The model is based on the formation of "deuterid bubbles", which cause cracks to form near the surface in Pd but away from the surface in Ti. This would be accompanied by acoustic emissions, which have in fact been detected. The bubbles and cracks are charged and thus, radio and low electron emission is also expected, and found. Deuterons will then be accelerated by the potential fields up to 100 keV, enough to allow fusion. Most of them will however just be slowed down again without fusion; this explains the anomalous heat/neutron results. Electrons are bound and cannot neutralise the fields. There are some problems with the model but these are easily swept aside. Finally, Kuehne suggests how to optimise cnf experiments. One must not clean the Pd cathodes too well or use Pd of too high a purity;there must be no oxide layer; precharging is bad. Mar-93/Mar-94 ------------------------- Kulakov AV, Orlenko EV, Rumyantsev AA; Power Eng. (USSR Acad. Sci) 28(1) (1990) 141. Originally in: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Energ. Transp. 28(1) (1990) 158. "Problem of physical mechanism of so-called cold fusion". ** An earlyish paper trying to explain cold fusion in the Pd lattice by enhancement of Coulomb barrier penetration, due to the special conditions in the lattice. The authors say that the Debye shielding radius here is 0.3A, less than the Bohr radius. One out of four colliding d-d pairs fuse, and the tritium + proton + gamma branch would dominate, explaining the dearth of measured neutrons. ------------------------- Kumagai H, Nakabayashi S, Yamagata S, Isomura S, Ichihara T, Yoshida K, Suzuki T, Takahashi K, Kira A, Tanahata I; J. Phys. Soc. Japan 60 (1991) 2594. "Attempts in detection of neutrons on so-called cold nuclear fusion". ** The authors note that there is a substantial discrepancy between the results of Fleischmann and "Ponse" and of Jones et al; they even question whether these teams observed the same phenomenon. In any case, if fusion takes place, they reckon, neutrons must be emitted. Low background and a stable detection are essential for measuring neutrons. All radiation events were here accumulated one by one, enabling later off-line analysis. Two identical dtectors were used, and some anomalous artifacts were rejected. The counters were of the NE-213 scintillation type and Pb blocks shielded them from gammas. Paraffin reduced cosmic fast neutron influx. The background ended up as 0.025 cps neutrons and 25 cps gammas for each detector. Two separate methods for neutron/gamma discrimination were used. In one experiment, a Pd rod, degassed at 1E-06 Torr at 600 degC and cooled in D2 gas was used as cathode in an electrolysis at 100-200 mA/cm**2 in 0.1M LiOD. A Pd/Ti rod, and a Pd pipe were also used. Pulsed operation was tried. In another experiment, Pd/Ti alloy and a Ti alloy containing 6% V, 6% Al and 2% Sn, were exposed to D2 gas at 50 atm, cooled to 77K and heat cycled. In no case were any significant neutron emissions detected. Significantly, however, one of the detectors (but not the other) did show increased counts, and the spectrum could have been interpreted as having a peak at 2.5 MeV. The authors warn that multiple detectors are essential. Feb-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Kumar K, Hwang IS, Ballinger RG, Dauwalter CR, Stecyk A; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 178. "Analyses of palladium cathodes used for heavy water electrolysis". ** Since the various cold fusion experiments' results have depended on the particular palladium used, it is important to characterise it. This paper reports a post-mortem examination of some cathodes after long electrolysis, including one that showed positive results. The 4mm*10cm rods were vacuum annealed for 196 h at 800 degC. They were examined later for D/Pd ratio, microstructure, X-ray structure and chemistry. The loading was found to be about 0.7. EDAX showed that the Johnson & Mathey supplied rods, supposed to be cast, were in fact cold worked and heat treated. There were differences in the grain structure between the top and bottom of the rods; at the top, there was some Pd mixed with PdD0.7. This may be due to uneven current distribution. No dendritic structures were seen on the surface. There was surface degradation. The charging time was measured from evolved gas volumes, and had a time constant of about 5 h (my estimate), being complete at 14-16 h. SIMS showed traces of species with masses 3 and 4 but at very low level, and these findings were not repeated. Jul-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Kumar N; Curr. Sci. 58 (1989) 833. "Cold fusion: is there a solid state effect?". ** Looks at the possibility of d-d pair fusion in metals and rejects it on theoretical grounds, but suggests a closer look at fracto-work. Jul-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Kunimatsu K; Petrotech. (Tokyo) 17(12)(1994) 998 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstracts 122:224620 (1995). "Current status of room-temperature nuclear fusion. Excess heat measurement". ** Small review, 12 refs. "A review with 12 refs is given on measurement of excess heat related to cold fusion using an electrolytic method comprising open-type water electrolysis, and fuel cell type heavy water electrolysis". (From CA). One notes figures out of Fleischmann & Pons's papers showing excess heat bursts, a calibration curve of R/Ro vs loading for PdH and PdD (both extending to loading of 1), the famous SRI figure of excess heat vs loading with many data points, showing an exponential-like relation, a cold fusion electrolysis cell (presumably Kunimatsu's) and (his own?) excess heat vs loading figure (much steeper relation). ------------------------- Kuss HM; Chem. Labor Betr. 40 (1989) 353 (German). "Die elektrochemische Kernfusion bleibt unbewiesen!". ** Critical review, inspired by the meeting of about 250 delegates at the Dechema Institute in Frankfurt, Germany, on May 18, 1989. The article sums up what has gone before this meeting, and quotes the summary by Prof. Vielstich: 1. No measured neutron count so far lies clearly above the background; 2. gamma measurements were not sufficiently well resolved to allow distinction from the (214)Bi natural radiation; 3. tritium findings are within the range of impurities in D2O; 4. no calorimetry has so far included recombination of D2 with O2. Kreysa confirmed the heat criticism; can explain even the famous melting of the FPH electrode, by conventional means. Fractofusion is mentioned. ------------------------- Kuzmann E, Varsanyi M, Korecz L, Vertes A, Masumoto T, Deak F, Kiss A, Kiss L; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 137 (1989 ) 243. "Investigation on the possibility of cold nuclear fusion in Fe-Zr amorphous alloy". ** Used Moessbauer, neutron and gamma spectroscopy on Fe90Zr10 amorphous ribbon, which has a high H-absorbing ability. The alloy was deuterated electrolytically in a solution of sulphuric acid and sodium sulphate in D2O. Neutrons were detected by two independent detectors and noise was carefully excluded also for gamma detection. A loading of 1 D per metal atom was achieved. The background-corrected neutron spectrum fluctuates around zero; Moessbauer results also have a non-nuclear explanation. The authors comment finally that the use of thin ribbon may have prevented cold fusion in this case. Aug-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Kuzmann E, Varsanyi M, Korecz L, Vertes A, Masumoto T, Ujihira Y, Kiss A, Kiss L; Hyperfine Interactions 71 (1992) 1417. "Moessbauer study of cold nuclear fusion in Fe-Zr alloy". ** Amorphous Fe89Zr11 ribbon was used as cathode and deuterised electrolytically both "in air and nitrogen" (i.e. in the cell head space), in an electrolyte of D2O or H2O and 0.005 M D2SO4 (or H2SO4) + 0.495 M Na2SO4, for 5000 s at constant potential. A plastic scintillator and a BF3 tube detected neutrons, a Ge-Li device detected gamma emissions, and Moessbauer spectra were taken in transmission geometry using a 1E09 Bq activity (57)Co(Pd) gamma source. No dependence of the neutron emissions on cathode potential was found. Moessbauer spectrum changes with loading could be explained simply by changes in deuterium (hydrogen) occupancy in the alloy. Spectrum changes due to the gas in the cell head space were likely due to the gas'es effect on loading. So no cold fusion effects were seen. ?/Apr-92 ------------------------- Kyoto University (CNF Test Group, Res. React. Inst., Osaka, Japan); Kyoto Daigaku Genshiro Jikkensho Gakujutsu Koenkai Koen Yoshishu 24 (1990) 45. (In Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:126727 (1990). "Search for cold nuclear fusion at the research reactor institute". ** There have been intense efforts at the Institute to verify FPH's or Jones+' results, under various conditions. No evidence of neutron, gamma or heat production has been seen. The Frascati experiment was also attempted, as well as the Los Alamos one, using good equipment, capable of distinguishing between noise and neutrons. So far, nothing. ------------------------- Lam PK, Yu R; Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 1895. " Comment on 'Cold fusion: How close can deuterium atoms get inside palladium?'". ** A correction of the paper by Sun and Tomanek, in which a distance of 0.93 Aangstrom was calculated; Lam and Yu calculate something more like 1.7, varying a little with orientation. Thus it is even less likely that fusion will occur, which Sun and Tomanek had already ruled out. (18-) May-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Langanke K, Assenbaum HJ, Rolfs C; Z. Phys. A: At. Nucl. 333 (1989) 317. "Screening corrections in cold deuterium fusion rates". ** Recalculation of expected fusion rates; screening of deuterons from each other by electrons increases the fusion rate by several orders of magnitude, depending on the effective mass of the electrons. About 5 or 8 times, respec- tively, would make the results of Jones+ or FPH, resp., possible. This paper is similar to that of Koonin et al. (17-) Apr-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Langanke K; Mod. Phys. Lett. B 3 (1989) 1031. "Potential of a deuterium molecule trapped in an external field of screened point charges with fcc-symmetry". ** Calculated the potential between 2 d, within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, using the Monte-Carlo technique. No significant deviation was found from D2. May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Lason L, Przytula M, Wojtkiewicz R, Baczynski J, Bauer J; Acta Univ. Lodz., Fol. Phys. 16 (1992) 3. "Search for neutrons from cold fusion of deuterium absorbed in palladium". ** A Pd tube, closed at one end, could be filled with deuterium up to a pressure of 1 atm, and heated by an electric coil around its outside. A BF3 and a 3He detector of neutrons were arranged around the chamber, with a paraffin moderator allowing detection of continuous neutron emission, and the pulses from the 3He detector were recorded as well. To detect bursts, a GM beta counter with a Ag or In sample was used. The Pd tube was saturated with deuterium and measurements performed over 7 days, twice. No continuous or burst neutron emissions above background were observed. ------------------------- Lawson DR, Tierney MJ, Cheng IF, Van Dyke LS, Espenscheid MW, Martin CR; Electrochim. Acta 36 (1991) 1515. "Use of a coulometric assay technique to study the variables affecting deuterium loading levels within palladium electrodes". ** The problem of the determination of deuterium loading is looked at here. One way is to reverse the electrolytic current, and to measure the total charge needed to drive out the deuterium again. This is carefully compared with the rough-and-ready method of wiping and weighing. Some interesting results are obtained. At no current densities did the loading (D/Pd) exceed 0.73 or so; for light water, H/Pd was 0.8; the wipe&weigh method gives much the same result; gas bubbles, or gas dissolved in the electrolyte do not significantly interfere with the measurements. Two electrochemical poisons were also tried, since some workers believe that these might force a higher D/Pd ratio. Neither thiourea nor As2O3 succeeded in this. Jul-90/Aug-91 ------------------------- Lee AR, Kalotas TM; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis., A 102 (1989) 1177. "On the feasibility of cold fusion". ** Despite the journal, an Australian contribution. Estimation of fusion rates of deuterons trapped in Pd lattice, where deuterons oscillate, instead of - as in vacuum - moving around freely; this might change the fusion rate and collective effects must be considered. As in other theoretical studies, claimed cold fusion rates can be achieved by overcoming coulombic screening. The authors suggest that this might happen by localisation of the electronic charges in the lattice, and do not dismiss the possibility of cold fusion. Jun-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Lee KP, Kim SW, Choi KU, Hwang ST; Anal. Sci. Technol. 4(1) (1991) 103 (in Korean). Cited in Chem. Abstracts 117:259455 (1992). "Cold Fusion". ** "Review of room temp. nuclear fusion phenomena controversy started by Fleishmann [sic] and Pons with 8 refs." (Direct quote from CA). The article shows a stylised figure of an electrochemical cnf cell, gives some general fusion background, describes a spectrum of cnf experiments, the problem of Coulomb barrier to fusion, tunnelling and screening. ------------------------- Leggett AJ, Baym G; Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 191. "Exact upper bounds on barrier penetration probabilities in many-body systems: application to 'cold fusion'". ** The allowed rate of tunnelling of deuterons is far too small to be consistent with inferred rates of fusion. Calculations give an upper limit for dd fusion of 2E-31/cm**3, and 3E-20/cm**3 for dp. (4-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Leggett AJ, Baym G; Nature (London) 340 (1989) 45 (6-Jul). "Can solid-state effects enhance the cold-fusion rate?" ** Using the Born-Oppenheimer approach, these authors arrive at the consequence that, if the d-d repulsion were somehow overcome, then alpha particles, too, would be tightly bound to the palladium; they are not, and this counts against cold fusion. An upper limit of 1E-50/s/pair is calculated. ?/Jul-89 ------------------------- Lewenstein B; Forum Appl. Res. Public Policy 7(4) (1992) 67. "Cold fusion saga: Lesson in science". ** The author examines the question whether cnf is a unique phenomenon in the science sociological sense. He briefly outlines the history of events for the three years up to the time of writing, and then finds that the characteristics one might name for cold fusion, are in fact not anything new after all. The role of the press, press conferences, the intrusion of politics, competition between universities, double discovery (Jones and FPH), controversy; all are fairly normal in science. The one special feature might be the confluence of all these in a single issue. ------------------------- Lewenstein BV, Baur W; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 152 (1991) 273. "A cold fusion chronology". ** Science historian-philosophers Lewenstein and Baur have compiled a useful chronology of key events in the cold fusion saga, starting with Paneth and Peters in 1926, the 1927 patent application of John Tandberg, some early speculation on fusion in hydrides; the idea, and its verification, of muon catalysed cold fusion, the early Jones work, and (now getting denser in time) the recent events that gave a new special meaning to the term "cold fusion". There are 163 references, many of them from the press. This paper is an invaluable aid to anyone studying this science-sociological phenomenon. Jan-91/? ------------------------- Lewenstein BV; Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization 13 (1991) 79. "Preserving data about the knowledge creation process. Developing an archive on the cold fusion controversy". ** A sci-soc paper, using cold fusion as a case. The Cornell Cold Fusion Archive (CCFA) is described, as well as some of the problems of setting it up. The archive comprises published papers, mass media reports, electronic messages, some manuscript material (letters, notebooks, seminar notes etc), even some experimental apparatus and joke items, and taped interviews. L argues that, even if CNF is shown to be false, the process of showing that itself will be of great interest, and this archive will help. ?/Sep-91 ------------------------- Lewenstein BV; Osiris 7 (1992) 135. "Cold fusion and hot history". ** A soc-sci paper, following the cold fusion saga and its conflicts and problems it engendered. There is a chronology up to mid-1991 and some publication statistics. Some interviews are quoted. ------------------------- Lewis D, Skoeld K; J. Electroanal. Chem. 294 (1990) 275. "A phenomenological study of the Fleischmann-Pons effect". ** The authors have performed a very thorough and careful cold fusion experiment, using a cell similar to that of FPH but adding a cooling coil for the calorimetry, and using a ring of 30 helium counters to monitor neutron emissions at about 2.5 MeV. They also analysed aliquots of the electrolyte for tritium. Everything is described clearly and in detail. There are tables of input and calculated power, and clear figures of same; a control series is reported, of electrolysis of H2O at Pt and Pd, which show an approximately zero excess power with some fluctuation. Using D2O and Pd, there was some excess power during some time, and it fell back to the input power after that. Neutron emission showed some spikes. Some were associated with, for example, switching on of the galvanostat, or with movement of a thermocouple in the detector well, leading to an electrical contact or, in some cases, with a nearby nuclear reactor being turned on. However, some large neutron events remained unaccounted for and the largest correlated with a thermal excursion of the cell. Another run showed thermal and neutron excursions at different times. Tritium levels are reported without much comment. The authors carefully conclude that there is indeed evidence for an anomaly similar to that of FPH, while admitting that their measurements are close to their experimental errors. They then point out that, since these events seem to correlate with D2O top-up additions, they may be due to an impurity in the D2O, such as light water or T2O. May-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Lewis D; J. Electroanal. Chem. 316 (1991) 353. "Some regularities and coincidences in thermal, electrochemical and radiation phenomena observed in experiments at Studsvik on the Fleischmann-Pons effect". ** A previous paper by Lewis and Skoeld reported finding some excess heat. In that paper, it was noted that the start of temperature excursions occurred after topping up with fresh D2O, and other workers have also noted this. The old L&S data is analysed here and it is seen that out of 11 runs showing excess heat, 9 showed this effect, with a delay time < 15 min (this being the sampling time). Simultaneously, there was a rise in cell voltage, probably due to the change in electrolyte conductance. At the time, no neutron emission flares were found associated with these events. However, now the data has been compared with solar flare data and one such flare correlated with the extinction of a thermal event in the cell. To test this unlikely connection, Lewis placed a (252)Cf neutron source near the cell, and observed the extinction of another thermal event; in a third case, a thermal event was accompanied by some neutron emission, i.e. the opposite effect. The first effect might be consistent with resonance theories, and the second effect with theories involving the (4)He branch. Cold fusion seems to be indicated by the level of the thermal events. Jul-91/Oct-91 ------------------------- Lewis FA, McGee SG, McNicholl R-A; Z. Phys. Chem. 179 (1993) 63. "Limits of hydrogen contents introduced by electrolysis into palladium and palladium-rich alloys". ** Fundamental study to measure the maximum effective pressure at high loading of Pd and some Pd alloys, loaded electrolytically. Upon current interruption, electrode potentials were followed and gave the result that mostly the pressure did not exceed 100 bar or 10^7 Pa. This illustrates the need to be careful when using overpotentials to state pressures in these metals while loading with hydrogen (or deuterium). ------------------------- Lewis NS, Barnes CA, Heben MJ, Kumar A, Lunt SR, McManis GE, Miskelly GM, Penner RM, Sailor MJ, Santangelo PG, Shreve GA, Tufts BJ, Youngquist MG, Kavanagh RW, Kellogg SE, Vogelaar RB, Wang TR, Kondrat R, New R; Nature 340 (1989)(no.6234) 525 (17-Aug). "Searches for low-temperature nuclear fusion of deuterium in palladium" ** Tried a variety of conditions. No excess heat, no radiation, T or He. (23-) May-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Lewis LN, Kosky PG, Lewis N; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 145 (1990) 81. "On the search for non-electrochemical cold fusion: production of D2 off of high surface area Pd colloid". ** Yet another way to deuterate Pd: the reaction of triethyl-SiX with Na2PdCl4 in normal (if X=H) or deuterated (if X=D) methanol produces Pd colloid and X (i.e. H or D) at its surface. Thus one can expect the Pd to absorb the hydrogen/deuterium, and we have yet another cold fusion experiment. The team carried out both the control (X=H) and test (X=D) in a Dewar and emasured the rise in temperature; they were roughly the same, so no excess heat. They also monitored gamma and neutron emission with a variety of gear, and found nothing. So, they say, there is no need to worry about the possibility of high energy emission from high surface area Pd, deuterated by nonelectrochemical means, as some have warned (i.e FPH and one AH Alberts). Mar-90/May-90 ------------------------- Li X-Z, Mo D-W, Zhang L, Wang S-C, Kang T-S, Liu SJ, Wang J; Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 22 (1993) 599. "Anomalous nuclear phenomena and solid state nuclear track detector". ** This team reasoned that the nuclear reactions in cold fusion would produce charged particles, and with gas phase experiments, it is feasible to detect these, using track detectors. A CR-39 can be put on a Pd surface and has much greater efficiency than the usual neutron detectors. This was done. Pd foil (0.02*0.5*0.5 cm^3) was sandwiched with CR-39 film, both exposed to D2 gas at 9 atm. at liquid N2 temperature for 4 hours. The sample was then allowed to warm up to room temperature slowly. Preliminary results from 1989-90 showed some pits that could be due to alpha particles from the Pd, but later results were not conclusive. ------------------------- Liaw BY, Tao P-L, Liebert BE; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 92. "Helium analysis of palladium electrodes after molten salt electrolysis". ** This team, which has previously claimed large amounts of excess heat from an electrolysis in molten LiD, has now both SEM-examined some 4 mm Pd rods used in these runs (as well as controls), and sent them for He assay. The technique used was able to measure a He fraction in the material as low as 1E-11. Although the results showed considerable fluctuations, the deuterated samples stood out with somewhat more (4)He than blanks and controls, especially when looking at a distribution of the number of He atoms released, which brings out a distinct grouping. For some events, the statistical significance (probability of event being random) is 1/2**14. No significant (3)He was found. The amounts of (4)He found were 8 orders of magnitude below the level that would be commensurate with excess heat, and the authors speculate that there was escape of the He from the samples at the elevated melt temperature (about 400 C), only a trace remaining for analysis. Contamination from the atmosphere is considered unlikely but not entirely ruled out. Oct-91/Jan-93 ------------------------- Liaw BY, Tao P-L, Turner P, Liebert BE; J. Electroanal. Chem. 319 (1991) 161. "Elevated-temperature excess heat production in a Pd + D system". ** This team used a new approach to a cold fusion electrolysis, employing a molten salt electrolyte instead of the usual 0.1M LiOD heavy water one. They perform the electrolysis at a Pd anode [sic] in a LiCl and KCl eutectic mixture at above 350 degC; the eutectic was saturated with LiD, providing D- ions in the melt. This strong reductant removes oxide from the metal and is also the source of deuterium, upon oxidation at the Pd anode. The cathode was Al, and Li is deposited there. No gases are generated, a decided advantage from many angles, not least the calorimetry. An isoperibolic calorimeter was used, with resistance heating for calibration. After the prolonged electrolysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine surface changes on the Pd. The graph of power in vs. temperature shows a consistent slope during calibration and a much steeper slope for electrolysis; excess heats are calculated (in an unusual way) as high as 1500% or over 7 MJ/mol D2, strongly indicating a super-chemical process. There was no correction for the thermoneutral power, so these figures may be low. Some metals, notably Fe and Zn were found on the surface afterwards. Some preliminary experiments using LiH (a possible control) have been carried out without excess heat being found, and will be reported elsewhere. Mar-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Liboff RL; Phys. Lett. 71A (1979) 361. "Fusion via metallic deuterium". ** "A deuteron has spin 1 and is therefore a boson" is a recurring theme in this author's papers since this seminal one, in which he states that in the metallic phase of deuterium, thought to be attained at a pressure of some Mbar, there will be appreciable d-d fusion at low temperatures due to wave function overlap, leading to 3He. ------------------------- Liboff RL; Phys. Lett. 174 A (1993) 317. "Feasibility of fusion of an aggregate of deuterons in the ground state". ** The author suggests that a ribbon beam of deuterons at about 4 keV will, at a current of 0.2 A, undergo a transition to superconductivity, and the deuterons in the beam will then fuse. This must be called cold fusion, since the fusing deuterons have a low energy relative to each other within the beam. The model is based more on wave function overlap than on Coulomb barrier tunnelling. ------------------------- Lihn CJ, Wan CC, Wan CM, Perng TP; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 324. "The influence of deposits on palladium cathodes in D2O electrolysis". ** Fundamental study of a cell as used in cold fusion electrolysis, but using quartz for purity; post mortem surface analysis was done, as well as a study of permeation of deuterium through Pd, and some cyclic voltammetry to study the electrochemistry of heavy water reduction at Pd. These factors might be involved in the poor reproducibitlty of cold fusion. Despite precautions, after long electrolysis there was (besides Pd) Pt, Si and even Zn on the cathode. When the cell temperature was raised to 90C, the deposits formed very quickly, especially silicon. SEM analysis showed needle-like crystals formed on a Pt cathode, and a black layer of Pt formed on Pd. These layers reduce the diffusivity of deuterium in Pd and change the electrochemistry. The diffusion coeff (D in Pd) was found to be about 10^-7 cm^2/s. D/Pd loadings were found to be about 0.72, as expected. Dec-92/Nov-93 ------------------------- Lin GH, Kainthla RC, Packham NJC, Bockris JO'M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 280 (1990) 207. "Electrochemical fusion: a mechanism speculation". ** The authors speculate that dendrites of Ni, Fe and Cr, formed after prolonged electrolysis, may be responsible for cold fusion. They say that this would also explain why tritium is not seen until 5 days electrolysis, which is more than enough to fully charge palladium with deuterium (then how come Chene and Brass see tritium after only 24 or 48 hours?). On the tips of these dendrites, high energies are available, and D2 may be split into D+ and D; the D+, in the presence of a high voltage field, might then be accelerated back towards the dendrite and smack into D waiting there. Furthermore, because it always comes from a certain direction, the branching ratio for tritium/helium might not be 50:50. A lot of "might"'s, but if there be (cold) fusion, we need a radically new explanation; some of this speculation is surely testable. Nov-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Lin GH, Kainthla RC, Packham NJC, Velev O, Bockris JO'M; Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 15 (1990) 537. "On electrochemical tritium production". ** Four and a half months' experiments lead the team to report clear evidence of tritium production, weakly correlating with excess heat. The tritium is not accounted for by electrolytic enrichment (on which Bockris is an expert) but is produced in much larger amounts. Samples of the electrolyte and the electrodes used were analysed by other labs and confirm the team's findings that there was no T in the palladium before the runs, and their results of solution analysis. The possibility of mischief is dismissed. This reviewer does not find any control experiments in the paper. The paper ends by proposing the "dendrite" theory of cold fusion, assuming a high double layer electric field of 1E9 V/cm and dielectric breakdown of water (another field in which at least Bockris is an expert). The paper concludes with suggestions for how to optimise cold fusion. Pd may not be needed; surface dendrites should be encouraged. Apr-90/? ------------------------- Lin T-L, Liu C-C; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 487. "Cold fusion experiment at Department of Nuclear Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University". ** Thermalised neutrons are easier to detect than fast ones, and efficiency is important in low-level measurements. The right amount of moderator is also important: too little, not enough moderation; too much, no neutrons come out. This pair electrolysed 0.1M LiOD in D2O at a Pd rod 5 mm by 80 mm. Thermal neutrons were detected by one (3)He and one BF3 detector, with H2O the moderator. The neutron signal was pulse-distribution discriminated. Besides the two neutron counters, a Ge detector looked for gamma emissions. Before applying the current to the cell, the backgrounds were measured. During a run of about 24 h, with increasingly higher current densities, two neutron bursts were detected by the (3)He tube but not by the BF3 counter; the latter did have a much lower sensitivity, but an artifact cannot be ruled out. There is no mention of gamma results. More work is needed. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Lindley D; The World & I, Nov-89, 513. "Does commercial pressure make for bad science?" ** DL examines the title question, in the light of claims by 'cold fusion' workers that they cannot divulge information because of patent considerations. Lindley shows that in the roughly contemporary case of high temperature superconductivity, "scientists filed for patents and got on with their work". The difference, he concludes, is that HTSC is a proven phenomenon while CNF is not and is increasingly doubted by the majority. Commercial pressure, then, is not a barrier to good science. ------------------------- Lipson AG, Deryagin BV, Klyuev VA, Toporov YuP, Sirotyuk MG, Khavroshkin OB, Sakov DM; Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 62(12) (1992) 121 (in Russian). "Initiation of nuclear fusion by cavitation action on deuterium-containing media". ** This is an update of an earlier work by the same team (in Pis'ma Zh. Teo. Fiz. 16(9) (1990) 89), providing much the same data. Heavy and light water cells, with and without suspensions of LaNi5 or LaNi5Dx particles, were subjected to an ultrasonic Ti vibrator (22 kHz) while neutrons were measured by a block of 7 proportional counters immersed in an oil bath and shielded by 1mm of Cd; overall efficiency: 1.5%. As before, the ultrasound vibrations induce cavitation and for D2O, and D2O plus LaNi5Dx suspension, this produces neutrons at about 5 sigmas above the background, ceasing when the ultrasound is turned off. For a suspension of LaNi5, neutrons are only detected after the ultrasound is turned off - the "after-effect". Nov-91/? ------------------------- Lipson AG, Kluev VA, Mordovin VN, Sakov DM, Derjaguin BV, Toporov YuP; Phys. Lett. A166 (1992) 43. "On the initiation of DD reactions in the zirconium-deuterium system". ** The authors suggest that group IV metals should be good materials, and high dispersivity should, by favouring cracks and dislocations, favour the dissociation of D2 into atoms, and thus loading into the metal. Here, Zr is tried, in a vibromill, together with several deuterated substances such as D2O and polypropylene PP(D6). 10 g of untreated Zr chips were used, mixed with 4% PPD6 + 10% D2O, placed into a steel cylinder with steel balls and milled at an applied power of 10W/g. Seven proportional counters measured neutron emission. The cosmic background was 0.03 n/s. Control experiments with just Zr in the mill produced no excess neutrons. The charged mill was frozen to -160 C and then vibrated for 3 min, then allowed to warm up to about 25 C to get the "post-effect" previously reported. The cell was then again taken down to -160 C. This cycle was repeated several times. Spectra show neutron event differences between these runs and blank runs, both during freezing and the post-effect, of 7 and 6 sigmas, and of a strongly unsteady nature. Other transition metals that form deuterides should do the same. Mar-90/Jun-92 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Klyuev VA, Deryagin BV, Toporov YuP, Sirotyuk MG, Khavroshkin OB, Sakov DM; Pis'ma Zh. Teo. Fiz. 16(9) (1990) 89 (in Russian). "Observation of neutrons from cavitation action on substances containing deuterium". ** Heavy and light water cells, with and without suspensions of LaNi5 or LaNi5Dx particles, were subjected to a Ti vibrator and ultrasound, while neutrons were measured by a block of 7 proportional counters immersed in an oil bath and shielded by 1mm of Cd; overall efficiency: 1%. The ultrasound vibrations induce cavitation. For D2O, and D2O plus LaNi5Dx suspension, cavitation produces neutrons at about 4 sigmas above the background, and this ceases when the ultrasound is turned off. For a suspension of LaNi5, neutrons are only detected after the ultrasound is turned off - the "after-effect". For D2O, the authors suggest that cavitation promotes Ti deuteride formation at supersaturation, which is stopped by hydroxide layers formed when cavitation ceases. In the case of a LaNi5 suspension, there is no deuteride formed during cavitation, but when this ceases, relaxation of surface stresses might allow deuteride formation at near-surface Stokes defects, and thus fracto-fusion. Lastly, the LaNi5Dx suspension again shows neutrons during cavitation, not connected with surface cracking, but rather with collapsing voids on the particles' surface; this ceases with cavitation cessation, explaining the lack of after-effect. More experiments are needed to clear this up. Jul-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Klyuev VA, Toporov YuP, Deryagin BV, Sakov DM; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 15(17) (1989) 26 (in Russian). "Deuterium-deuterium fusion initiation by friction in the system titanium- deuterated polymer". ** Friction was applied to Ti in solutions of (C2D4)x polymers in D2O and observed a substantial excess of neutrons above the background, amounting to 0.3 events/s. This is similar to their earlier ball mill paper. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Klyuev VA, Toporov YuP, Deryagin BV; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16(17) (1990) 54 (in Russian). "Neutron generation by mechanical activation of metal surfaces". ** Another in the fracto-fusion series. Here the team used mechanical abrasion of sample disks (30 mm diameter, 20 height) of Ti and LaNi5, to a depth of 1mm. After 1 min of this, 1ml of D2O was placed on the abraded surface; all this was done in air, rel. hum. 30%, room temp. The samples were placed into a block of 7 neutron detectors of the type NWJ-62, with an efficiency of about 1%, the whole being shielded by 1 mm Cd metal. With the H2O controls, the samples did not emit neutrons above background; with D2O, however, in the case of deuterated Ti samples (though not with Ti itself), and the LaNi5 alloy, emitted neutrons at around 3-4 sigma above background. The difference between Ti and TiDx is that the latter has more crystal defects, which lead to microcracks. Abrasion removes impervious hydroxide films. Jun-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Kutsnetsov VA, Sakov DM, Deryagin BV; Dokl. Akad. Nauk 323(6) (1992) 1097 (in Russian). "Yield of nuclear fusion products from absorption of elastic energy in deuterated metals". ** An explanation is sought for the source of energy, about 5-10 keV, required for deuterons to overcome their mutual repulsion, in a metal deuteride. The authors state that in a conducting medium, acceleration to these energies (by the fracto-mechanism) is improbable. The present theory involves supercondensates, i.e. small volumes with high energy, supplied by external forces such as vibration (the Ti vibrator, ultrasonics, cavitation), or internal phase transitions. Feynman diagrams are invoked, as well as phonons, and the model seems to explain observed results reasonably well, both for the Ti vibrator and electrolysis. Nov-92/? ------------------------- Lipson AG, Lyakhov BF, Deryagin BV, Kudryavtsev VN, Toporov YuP, Klyuev VA, Kolobov MA, Sakov DM; Pis'ma Zh. Teor. Fiz. 17(21)(1991) 33 (in Russian). "Reproducible neutron emission by the combined effect of cavitation and electrolysis at the surface of a titanium cathode in electrolyte based on heavy water". ** The Ti cathode was vibrated strongly at a frequency of 15 kHz and amplitude of 15 micrometres; cathodes and anodes were separated by a glass frit membrane. Both alkaline (1M NAOD) and acid (0.2M D2SO4) electrolytes were tried, as well as the use of Ti powder in suspension. Electrolysis currents were in the range 1-100 mA/cm**2. A neutron detector as described previously, was used. Many cycles of electrolysis-vibration-electrolysis, were alternated. In alkaline solution, neutrons were observed at about 20-25 times the background during cavitation (vibration), and a post-effect of 30 times background during electrolysis subsequent to vibration. In acid solution, during vibration: 25 times with a post-effect of 5 times background. With the Ti dispersion present, resp. 30 and 15 times the background (alkaline) and 25 and 5 (acid). Oct-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Lyakhov BF, Deryagin BV, Sakov DM; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 18(20) (1992) 58 (in Russian). "Parallel recording of pulsed thermal effects and neutron bursts in heterostructural Au/Pd/PdO, saturated with deuterium by electrochemical means". ** A 30 mu cold-rolled Pd film was heated and annealed at up to 600 C, forming an oxide layer. A 5000 A layer of gold was then electrolytically laid down on one side, and the sandwich electrolysed in NaOD/D2O at 20-30 mA/cm^2. Temperature was measured by a gas thermometer, and neutrons by a block of 7 proportional counters with 3% efficiency. Overall, no correlation between thermal and neutron events was observed. Oct-92/Dec-92 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Sakov AG, Klyuev VA, Deryagin BV, Toporov YuP; JETP 49 (1989) 675 [English translation from the Russian original in Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 49 (1989) 588. "Neutron emission during the mechanical treatment of titanium in the presence of deuterated substances". ** Vibrational dispersion of Ti shavings in 10% D2O and/or 4-5% (D3CD=CD2)x (i.e. low polymer) produced neutrons. Freezing increased the count but this decreased again later, confirming the micro-crack theory. This paper seems to be very similar to their paper in Nature. The neutron rate was 0.3/s measured, or 5-6 times the background, or 10-30 n/s (presumably due to detector attenuation). There is no mention how Ti metal in contact with D2O should produce the deuteride. (27-) Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Kuznetsov VA, Deryagin BV; Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Fiz. Khim. 318(3) (1991) 636 (in Russian). "Scenarios of 'cold nuclear fusion' by concentration of elastic energy in crystals". ** Another in the fractofusion series. Here the authors draw upon earlier work on mechanical crushing of crystals, where the L-factor was conceived, i.e. the compressional resistance of the material. This leads to the idea of nonuniform absorption of elastic energy in isolated crystal microregions, called supercondensates. Application of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and some mathematics leads to a life time of such (virtual) supercondensates of about 1E-22 s, and further development makes fractofusion feasible by this mechanism. It might be helpful to apply lasers to metal deuterides for extra compression and possibly the production of quarks, perhaps observed by Shaw et al for cryo-shocked Nb spherules. Jan-91/? ------------------------- Lipson AG, Sakov DM, Kalinin VB, Deryagin BV; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fis. 18(16) (1992) 90 (in Russian). "Neutron emission in monocrystals of KD2PO4, stimulated by ferroelectric phase transition". ** Essentially the same paper as that published by the same authors (with Khodyakov) in Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 103 (1993) 2142, or JETP 76 (1993) 1070 in English translation. See the abstract for that paper. Jun-92/Aug-92 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Lyakhov BF, Deryagin BV, Sakov DM; Phys. Dokl. 38 (1993) 286. Orig.: Dokl. Akad. Nauk 331 (1993) 39. "Is 'cold nuclear fusion' necessary to understand the anomalous thermal effects in the Pd-D(H) system?". ** Reports of excess heat are not accompanied by observations of the required huge amounts of radiation. The Mills et al scenario is even less likely than cold fusion, with its fusion of K with H. The present authors, too, have observed anomalous heat, with their heterostructures of Pd/PdO and Au/Pd/PdO, charged with hydrogen/deuterium. Neutron emissions from some of these have been reported elsewhere. However, again, cold fusion cannot be the cause because of the incommensurate amounts of heat and radiation. It is suggested that the cause is the formation of quasimetallic hydrogen at the Pd-PdO interface. The loss of stability of this phase can lead to bursts of heat. This explains both the fact that deuterium gives more heat than hydrogen, as well as the small neutron emission, due to enhanced dd fusion of metallic deuterium. The two are thus due to two different mechanisms. Jan-93/Jul-93 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Sakov DM, Saunin EI, Dryagin BV; Tech. Phys. Lett. 19(11) (1993) 729. (Orig. Russ.: Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 19(11) (1993) 74). "Possibilities for increasing the neutron emission in KD2PO4 crystals at the phase transition through the Curie point". ** The authors have previously reported observation of cold fusion in this material, due to the ferro-paraelectric phase transition when passing through Tc, the Curie point. The S/N ratio was, however, low at about 2, due to the diffuseness of the transition and the small mass of material used. Therefore, better signals might be obtained by using a larger sample and a sharper transition. This was successful, and a S/N ratio of 10 was obtained using powdered crystalline material mixed and compacted with 70% (by mass) of Cu powder into 1.5 g tablets to increase the thermal conductivity and thereby sharpen the transition. Another 0.45 g sample of single crystal material, gave the same low S/N as before, while another large (10 g) polycrystalline one gave an even lower signal. This points the way to further work on this system. Oct-93/Nov-93 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Sakov DM, Saunin EI, Kalinin VB, Kolovov MA, Deryagin BV, Khodyakov AA; JETP (76 (6) (1993) 1070. (Originally in Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 103 (1993) 2142). "Cold nuclear fusion induced in KD2PO4 single crystals by a ferroelectric phase transition". ** Most cnf studies have used deuterated group IV and V metals, expecting high local deuteron concentrations, cracking and phase transitions. All this would hold better in ferroelectric deuterated KD2PO4 crystals, where cracking can give us deuteron accelerations of 10 eV - 1 keV, and thus fusion, from strong phase transitions. This team made single crystals of this kind and temperature cycled them from 100 K upwards, measuring neutron emission with an array of 8 proportional BF3 counters. Controls were run, counting neutrons under various non-fusion conditions. The crystals' Curie point Tc was at 222 K, and at this temperature, neutrons at 2.45 MeV were found. The effect wears off after a large number (80-90) of cycles, when there is a network of cracks in the cystals. The suggested mechanism is a combination of close d-d approach (0.45A and acceleration to about 10 eV; this is enough to explain the results. Dec-92/Jun-93 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Sakov DM, Toporov YuP, Gromov VV, Deryagin BV; Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 321(5) (1991) 958 (in Russian). "The possibility of 'cold nuclear fusion' in deuterated ceramic YBa2Cu3O(7-x) in the superconducting state". ** Solid state mechanisms proposed for cold fusion might be illuminated by an experiment using the recently discovered high temperature superconducting (HTSC) ceramic materials such as the title material, for 0.1 <= x <= 0.4. For x = 0.1, the transition temp is 91K, comfortably above 77K, the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. The material was made up into small disks, 6.5 mm dia and 1 mm thickness, and placed variously into D2O or H2O, as such, and also containing 1M NaOD or NaOH, resp. The disks were verified to be without defects and to have the proper transition temp. Pure Cu disks were also used as controls. After a 10-min exposure to the solution, the samples were frozen to 77K and neutron emissions measured by a block of 7 boron neutron detectors of nominal efficiency 1.5%; subsequently they were warmed up again. A 2-week period established the neutron background, which consisted mainly of single neutron events and a total of only 10 double events, none higher. The superconducting disks, and only these, emitted neutrons at 5 sigma above the background, if frozen below 91K. There were 3-, 4- and even 5-neutron events. At higher temperatures, emissions were as for the background; all controls were like this. The authors speculate on crack formation due to deuteriding, causing oxygen vacancies near the disk surface and the formation of polarons or excitons and the penetration of the Coulomb barrier. An alternative is the charge separation in fresh cracks, i.e. fractofusion. Oct-91/? ------------------------- Lipson AG, Sakov DM; Tech. Phys. Lett. 20 (1994) 954. (Originally in Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 20 (1994) 46). "Increase in the intensity of the external neutron flux in the irradiation of a KD2PO4 crystal at the point of the ferroelectric transition". ** Ferroelectric, background effect, experimental, res+ This paper addresses the frequent observation that as the neutron background radiation level decreases, so does the observed neutron emission level in 'cold fusion' experiments. The authors irradiate a sample of deuterated ferroelectric, KD2PO4, with a range of neutron flux levels and measure its emissions. These are indeed correlated with and about 10% above, the input fluxes, thereby confirming the proposition. Moreover, an anisotropy in the emissions is observed, supposed to have to do with crystal axes. Sep-94/Dec-94 ------------------------- Lipson AG, Bardyshev II, Sakov DM; Tech. Phys. Lett. 20 (1994) 957. (Originally in Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 20 (1994) 53). "Generation of hard gamma-radiaiton in KD2PO4 single crystals during the ferroelectric phase transition". ** Experimental, ferroelectrics, gamma, res+ Continuing with their study of fractofusion in ferroelectrics around the Curie point, the team here measures gamma emissions from the title substance (called DKDP by the authors) single crystals put through cooling/heating cycles. Gamma ray background was measured before, between and after the experiments, and all measurements were taken with a high-purity Ge detector calibrated with a 60Co source. The ferroelectric phase transition has a maximum around the Curie point, 221K, and in the range 212-222K, a clear gamma excess over the background is reported. Previously, tritium and neutrons have been observed with this system. After about 10 temp. cycles, the crystals deteriorated, presumably due to cracking, and the emission curves distorted. The gamma emissions were at 3.5-4.5 MeV, consistent with 4He formation, in its excited state, by d-d fusion. Sep-94/Dec-94 ------------------------- Liu F, Rao BK, Khanna SN, Jena P; Solid State Commun. 72 (1989) 891. "Nature of short range interaction between deuterium atoms in palladium". ** How close can two deuteriums get in PdD(x)? Are there maybe other metal hydrides in which they can get closer and make CNF more likely and cheaper? Both the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, and the Hartree-Fock method are used, and in all cases, nothing special which might favour cold fusion is found. As also found by others, the D-D distance in PdD(x) is greater than that in D2 gas. (15-) May-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Liu R, Wang D, Chen S, Li Y, Fu Y, Zhang X, Zhang W; Yuanzi Yu Fenzi Wuli Xuebao 11(2) (1994) 115 (in Chinese). "Measurement of neutron energy spectra from the gas discharge facility". ** Chem. Abstr. 121:93277 (1994) writes: "In the process of research on cold fusion phenomenon with the gas discharge method, the NE-213 org. liq. scintillation neutron spectrometer was used to measure neutron energy spectra from the gas discharge facility. Neutrons were emitted from the gas discharge facility. The peak energy in neutron spectra is about 2.38 MeV. Neutrons whose energy is larger than about 3 MeV haven't been found. The neutron spectra from the gas discharge facility and D-D neutron source are compared. The exptl. error of neutron spectra is about +- 6%". The paper is almost entirely in Chinese and little else can be gained by this abstracter. There are the usual FPH-89 and Jones+-89 references. ------------------------- Liu S, Qiu F, Sun Y; Fenxi Huaxue 18(4) (1990) 400, inside back cover (in Chinese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:139992 (1990). "Mass spectra analysis of the products of the so-called 'cold fusion'". ** "MS anal. of the products of cold fusion did not show the presence of (3)He, (4)He and T which should be present in nuclear fusions. A VG 7070E double focus MS, EI ionization source, and e energy 70 eV were used. The emission current, collected current, and instrument resolving power were 2 mA, 400 uA, and 1000, resp." ------------------------- Liu Z, Xie K, Qi S, Cao J, Li N, Yu X, Lin Z; Chin. Phys. Lett. 7 (1990) 125. "Photoemission studies of Pd/D system with high deuterium content". ** Measured the ultraviolet photoelectron emission spectra (UPS) of PdDx vs x, in order to help understand cold fusion (only the Jones et al paper is referred to). Pd foil was cleaned by several cycles of sputtering and annealing (450 degC), until XPS (x-ray emission) no longer showed C and S impurities. Different preparations were examined. One foil sample was treated at 450 degC and 2E-05 Torr D2 gas; this showed peaks similar to H-treated Pd but one that was not observed with Pd treated with D2 at room temperature. Another was given the same treatment used in the group's cold fusion experiments: oxidation at 500 degC in O2 for 1.5 h, followed by reduction at 600 degC in H2 for 1.5 h, then loading under high pressure H2, which was removed again by heating and pumping. Then the Pd was charged with D by D2 under "50 kg/cm**2 pressure" and measured (XPS showed no C or S). Measurement was repeated after heat treatment in vacuum for various lengths of time, and showed a change in the spectra. Results indicate that the deuteride behaves as the hydride, and deuterium is dissociatively absorbed by Pd, and diffuses into the lattice. Only a limited amount of the deuterium is ionised in the lattice, however, especially at high loadings. The electrons from the ionised deuterons occupy the Pd 4d holes and the delocalised states in the 5s band, and there are various shifts in properties. Oct-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Lo SY; Mod. Phys. Lett. B3 (1989) 1207. "Enhancement of nuclear fusion in a strongly coupled cold plasma". ** Conditions in a metal deuteride are those of dense coupled plasmas (coupled in the sense that the charges interact). Lo looks at the possibility of d-d fusion enhancement as a result of this environment and concludes that the observations of P&F are feasible. Apr-89/? ------------------------- Lobanov VV, Zetkin AS, Kagan GE, Demin VE, Mil'man II, Syurdo AI; Pis'ma Zh. Teor. Fiz. 17(23) (1991) 22 (in Russian). "Studies of neutron emission from TiFe alloy loaded with deuterium at room temperature". ** The alloy (46.14 at% Fe) was loaded preliminarily by exposure to D2 gas to a mass% of 0.41 D2 (I make that a loading of close to 0.1 D/metal). The temperature was cycled up to 882 degC under 600 Torr of D2; at 600 degC, the alloy went into the alpha phase, and between 600-882, into the mixed alpha- and beta phase. Many cycles of charging and vacuum degassing were carried out. After thermocycling, the sample was cooled in a D2 atmosphere to room temp. and kept for some hours. Neutrons were measured by a scintillation radiometric dosimeter, type MKS-01R, the detector block was of 155 mm diameter and could detect integrated neutrons in the energy range 1E-03 to 14 MeV. Differentiation produced instantaneous neutron fluxes, and were seen to be 125 and 760 times the known background for two runs respectively, arriving in bursts. This shows that neutron bursts are given off by TiFe alloy treated in this way. Jun-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Lohr LL; J. Phys. Chem. 93 (1989) 4697. "Electronic structure of palladium clusters: implications for cold fusion". ** An ab initio calculation, saying "no" to CNF. (9-) May-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Lomovskii OI, Eremin AF, Boldyrev VV; Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Fiz. Khim. 309 (1989) 879 (In Russian). "Isotopic thermal effect in reactions related to hydrogen evolution on palladium catalytic particles". ** Palladium is a catalyst for the oxidation of formaldehyde by Cu++ in an aqueous solution: 2CH2O + Cu++ --(Pd)-> Cu + H2 + 2HCOO- + 2H2O. A mechanism for this reaction is proposed. The role of the Pd is the transport of electrons from site to site, to facilitate the intermediate reactions. When H2O was replaced by D2O, calorimetry showed some heat effects that are not simply explained by the thermodynamics of the reaction, and may have connection with cold fusion. ------------------------- Lomovskii OI, Eremin AF, Boldyrev VV; Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Fiz. Khim. 309 (1989) 904 (In Russian). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:147802 (1990). "Isotopic thermal effect in reactions including hydrogen evolution on palladium catalytic particles". ** Reads like either the same as their other article a few pages before this one, or maybe an extension to it. Autocatalytic chemical Cu deposition on Pd particles is used. The rate of heat evolution during the formation of H on Pd particles is plotted. The effect is not explained by the difference between bonding energies of H and D in compounds participating in the reaction. On the other hand, it is also possible that an isotope effect is the source of the comparative superheating of Pd electrodes during the electrolysis of D2O. ------------------------- Lomovsky OI, Eremin AF, Boldyrev VV; Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Chem. Sci.) 102 (2) (1990) 173. "Isotope heat effect in reactions involving hydrogen evolution on palladium catalyst particles". ** This is almost word for word the paper by the same authors in Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Fiz. Khim. 309 (1989) 879, already abstracted (note that I spelled the first author Lomovskii, following convention, as he himself does not). Here, you can read it in English. Palladium is a catalyst for the oxidation of formaldehyde by Cu++ in an aqueous solution: 2CH2O + Cu++ --(Pd)-> Cu + H2 + 2HCOO- + 2H2O. A mechanism for this reaction is proposed. The role of the Pd is the transport of electrons from site to site, to facilitate the intermediate reactions. When H2O was replaced by D2O, calorimetry showed some heat effects that are not simply explained by the thermodynamics of the reaction, and may have connection with cold fusion. Aug-89/Apr-90 ------------------------- Longhurst GR, Dolan TJ, Henriksen GL; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 337. "An investigation of energy balances in palladium cathode electrolysis experiments". ** Calorimetry similar to that of FPH(89) was used, with several sizes of Pd cathodes in 0.1M to 1.2M "LiOH" in H2O, D2O and mixtures thereof. Cell voltage and temperatures were continuously recorded and calibration heating applied. The difference between heat input and output was a fluctuating +-4.4%, with no relation to type of water or other conditions. Neutron and gamma emissions were also checked using a BC-501 liquid scintillator; nothing was found. The build-up of tritium in the electrolyte was accounted for by conventional causes (enrichment). So no cold fusion was observed here. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Lopez Garcia AR, Vucetich H, Bolzan AE, Arvia AJ; Il Nuovo Cimento A105 (1992) 987. "Gamma-radiation detection limits for electrochemically induced deuterium cold-fusion rates". ** The fact that the 2.45 MeV neutrons expected from d-d fusion are thermalised by water and then yield 2.224 MeV gamma radiation, was made use of here; a single NaI scintillation detector was used here, in conjunction with an electrolysis cell, with LiOH in D2O, at a Pd rod cathode, and rather small currents. These were stepped occasionally from 0.8 mA/cm**2 to double or ten times that, in order to provoke fusion. Measured emissions were three orders of magnitude below those of FPH but more in line with those of the Jones team. The FPH results may be due to errors. Dec-91/Jul-92 ------------------------- Lorenzini E, Tartarini P, Trentin M; Tec. Ital. 55(1) (1990) 1 (in Italian). "Cold fusion: status of the research". ** A summary of the current situation (the beginning of 1990, presumably). The major experiments are reported, as well as some of the more prominent conferences. The authors' contribution is to suggest that the Wigner effect could be another cause of sudden energy release (the melt-down): just as in the Windscale nuclear reactor, neutrons caused a gradual build-up of stress in the graphite blocks and subsequent sudden release, the absorbed hydrogen and deuterium in the palladium stresses the metal lattice; this, too, could be relieved abruptly with large energy release and apparent excess heat production or even more violent events. The paper concludes on a skeptical note. ------------------------- Louis E, Moscardo F, San-Fabian E, Perez-Jorda JM; Phys. Rev. B42 (1990) 4996. "Calculation of hydrogen-hydrogen potential energies and fusion rates in palladium hydride (PdxH2) clusters (x=2,4)". ** The objectives were to estimate the effect of neighbouring Pd atoms on the H-H potential in realistic lattices and such exotic lattices that might favour cold fusion, as well as to calculate fusion rates for favourable configurations. The Hartree-Fock method was used. Results are that (a) H-H distances in lattices are in all cases much greater than in H2 gas, and (b) even in the most favourable lattices, far from equilibrium, very high vibrational energies are required to approach a fusion rate of 1E-20/s. Mar-90/Sep-90 ------------------------- Lowther JE; Suid-Afrik. Tydskr. Wetenskap 87 (1991) 17. "Hot spots in palladium hydride and cold fusion". ** L says that cold fusion has been discredited as a nuclear effect but that the anomalous excess heat is real and significant. In this article, the author reflects on Pd hydride and suggests a possible explanation. This is the segregation of two different phases PdHp and PdHq which form an unstable mixture at their interfaces and thus, perhaps, local hot spots. These may be the origin of the anomalous heat. ?/Jan-91 ------------------------- Lyakhov BF, Lipson AG, Sakov DM, Yavich AA; Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 67 (1993) 491. Originally in Zh. Fiz. Khimii 67 (1993) 545. "Anomalous heat release in the Pd/PdO system electrolytically saturated with hydrogen". ** If d-d fusion were the cause of the F&P excess heat, the fusion rate would need to be 1.0E-10 fusions/s/pair, and this is unlikely. Therefore, another explanation must be sought. This team carried out an experiment to observe heat bursts, and provides a clue as to their non-nuclear origin. A Pd foil, 55 mu thick and of 4.5 cm^2 area, was used as cathode, and 1M KOH as electrolyte. The current was controlled at 10 mA/cm^2, at a cell voltage of 1.5 - 2 V. Hydrogen loading was determined by post-experiment evacuation and measurement of H2 given off; and on occasion electrochemically, as well as by four-probe Pd resistance measurement. In all cases, H loadings of about 0.72 (read off a Fig.) were obtained. Results, showing some heat bursts, indicated that a surface oxide plays a role, leading to the formation of some metallic hydrogen, which breaks down due to mechanical relaxation, forming dihydrogen as well as water by oxidation, thereby releasing heat. This is sufficient to explain excess heat observations. and a nuclear origin is not required. ------------------------- Ma Y, Yang H, Dai X; Nucl. Fusion Plasma Phys. 12 (1992) 171 (in Chinese). "A theoretical study of the possibility of cold nuclear fusion in condensed matter". ** (From the English abstract:) A strongly couple cold plasma model of cold fusion. Strong Coulomb screening and micro-heat analysis show that the fusion rate is insensitive to temperature and density of deuterium ions, but sensitive to the screening correction factor of the total deuterium ions. For certain values of this factor, cold fusion may be detectable. ------------------------- Ma YL, Yang HX, Dai XX; Europhys. Lett. 24 (1993) 305. "Nuclear-fusion enhancement in condensed matter with impacting and screening". ** Theory, based on the idea that there is accelerated diffusion and channel collimation in materials that absorb hydrogen, such as Pd, Ti or C. Cluster impact fusion is included, even though it is now admitted to be an artifact even by the original workers in CIF. For cold fusion in a metal, the theory predicts observed fusion rates at energies as low as 0.2 eV. Jun-93/Nov-93 ------------------------- Maizza G, Nakamura K, Fujitsuka M, Kitajima M; Il Nuovo Cimento 14D (1992) 27. "Study on deuterium absorption of Pd at high-pressure D2 gas and low temperatures". ** Motivated by the observations by several groups of neutron emissions from metal-deuterium gas systems upon temperature cycling, this paper reports experiments of deuterium absorption into Pd and Ti at low temperatures and a range of gas pressures. The measured variable was the metal resistivity. The analysis of the results included solving the diffusion equation within the metal. At Pd, a surface process appeared to be dominant. Mar-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Maly JA, Vavra J; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 307. "Electron transitions on deep Dirac levels I". ** Quantum mechanics was used, early this century, to explain the spectral lines of hydrogen, helium, etc. Other spectral lines that might exist but had not been observed were not considered. This is done here, and it seems that there are solutions to the Schroedinger equation that have thus been overlooked, such as the deep Dirac levels. Some of these are tabulated, and allow an explanation of both F&P cold fusion, as well as the Mills & Farrell results, among other phenomena. Oct-92/Nov-93 ------------------------- Maly JA, Vavra J; Fusion Technol. 26 (1994) 112. "Response to 'Comments on 'Electron transitions on deep Dirac levels I''". ** Reponse to the polemic of Rice et al, ibid 111, referring to an earlier paper by Maly and Vavra on neglected solutions to wave equations for hydrogen. Contrary to the claim by Rice et al, that the solutions found are nonphysical, Maly and Vavra here conclude that Rice et al are simply wrong and that the deep energy levels indeed can exist. Feb-94/Aug-94. ------------------------- Manduchi C, Zannoni G, Milli E, Riccardi L, Mengoli G, Fabrizio M, Buffa A; Nuovo Cimento 107 A (1994) 171. "Anomalous effects during the interaction of subatmospheric D2(H2) with Pd from 900C to room temperature". ** The authors have previously reported experiments with beam discharges and electrolysis together, but there were some alternative explanations for the results. Here, the team reports a fairly standard "Italian style" CNF experiment, that is metal (here: Pd) and D2 gas, at a range of temperatures. A tube with some Pd sheets, 6 cm^2 and thicknesses from 0.002 to 0.1 cm at its bottom was connected to a vacuum system, and placed into a furnace chamber. The Pd was vacuum treated at 900C and then heated in the presence of 900 mbar of D2 or H2 gas to clean the surface. After removing the gas, 900 mbar of gas was again admitted and the temperature allowed to fall to room temperature, which required about 30 h. The pressure change was used to measure loading, having calibrated in the absence of Pd. Neutrons were monitored using a stilbene detector for the background and a NE123 scintillator for the cell. A plastic track CR-39 detector was used for charged particles (cps) at room temperature at the end of the cycles. An interesting finding was that there was some H2 or D2 absorption to about 0.2 (H/Pd) between 700 and 300 C, then falling to zero at 200-150C, and rising at 80C to room temp to a maximum of 0.89, unexpectedly high. This was reproducible. Absorption at low temperatures, without prior heating, was down at about 0.17. Also, the figure shows a distinct neutron emission at the point where the large loading begins during cooling, as well as during the early, higher temp., phase. This was not seen in the blank controls. Cp's were also found, roughly proportional to Pd film thickness but not correlated with loading level. Runs with H2 achieved loadings of 0.75 and also neutron emissions around the loading point, but no cp's. The neutron results are a puzzle and indicate that either there was an error here or that PdH also emits neutrons. Apr-92/Feb-94 ------------------------- Marcus M; St. Louis Journalism Rev. 22(153) (Feb. 1993) 16. "Cold fusion research is alive and well - but not in the mass media". ** A sci-soc/phil/journalism paper. Marcus makes a case for a mass effort by the media to declare 'cold fusion' defunct, by stressing the problems, ridicule, and suppression of positive results. Marshal McKluhan [sic] is quoted "What if they are right?", referring to the decreasing group that still believes in CNF. Funding for CNF research is said to have been affected adversely by the negative publicity. ?/Feb-93 ------------------------- Marinelli M, Morpurgo G, Vitale S, Olcese GL; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis., A 102 (1989) 959. "Heat release from deuterated titanium-iron (TiFe) or lanthanum-nickel (LaNi5) on exposure to the air". ** The title compounds, heavily deuterated and in contact with Pd or Ni, sometimes become red hot on exposure to air. Thus, ignition (i.e. reoxidation of D by recombination with O2) may have caused the heat bursts in PFH's PdD, presumed to have been partially exposed to the air. While they were at it, the authors placed x-ray plates in the containers of the metals and pressurised D2; no x-rays were recorded. Jul-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Martin SE; Journalism Quarterly 68 (1991) 179. "Using expert sources in breaking science stories: A comparison of magazine types". ** Martin askes the question whether there is a significant difference between scientific journals and the popular press (in which she includes Scientific American) in the number of experts cited in the material. There is not, for the case of 'cold fusion'. There was more variability in the number of expert sources drawn upon by business journals than in all others. ------------------------- Mas F, Paniagua JC, Puy J, Salvador J, Vilaseca E; J. Chem. Phys. 93 (1990) 6118. "Comment on: Deuterium nuclear fusion at room temperature: a pertinent inequality on barrier penetration". ** Comment on named paper by G Rosen (1989), who found theoretical grounds for support of cold fusion claims. The authors, like Morgan III (1990), point out the inappropriateness of the straight use of the WKB method; the Langer adaptation should be used, and gives results different by 4 orders of magnitude. Also, the potential energy curve for a pair of deuterons, as used by Rosen, is too rough. Fusion rates from the better approximations are vastly smaller than Rosen's. Dec-89/Oct-90 ------------------------- Mathews CK, Periaswami G, Srinivas KC, Gnanasekaran T, Babu SR, Ramesh C, Thiyagarajan B; Indian J. Technol. 27 (1989) 229. "On the possibility of nuclear fusion by the electrolysis of heavy water". ** Using D2O, they get twice the excess heat they get with H2O. This excess heat is much more than would seem to correspond to the neutron flux. A bit of a rush job (actually a Rapid Communication) - they do neutron measurements with a Ti cathode, and heat with Pd. They more or less suggest that the reaction is D + D --> (4)He but instead of the usual gamma as the other product they suggest an excited state for the Pd lattice. How long can such excitement last? They promise to look for the He in future work. (1-) May-89/May-89 ------------------------- Matsuda J-I, Matsumoto T, Nagao K; Geochem. J. 24 (1990) 379. "An attempt to detect (3)He from the cold nuclear fusion". ** The reactions p-d-->(3)He, d-d-->(3)He+n and d-d-->t+p all eventually lead to (3)He, since t decays to (3)He also. A high sensitivity mass spec can detect down to 3E04 to 3E06 He atoms, say the authors, which is inferior to neutron detection but better than for heat, gamma or tritium. Electrolytes of LiOH (in H2O) and LiOD (D2O) were electrolysed at a 10*15*0.2 mm**3 Ti plate, which had been preheated at 800 degC in vacuum for 1 h to reduce its He content. Currents up to 250 mA were applied to the cells, and the cathodes analysed for He after runs of from 2 to 18 h. The VG5400 MS was set at such a sensitivity as to be able to distinguish between (3)He and HD. The samples were heated to 1000 degC for 20 min to drive out the He, which was passed over a Ti-Zr getter to remove impurities, and through charcoal at liquid N2 temperature to remove Ar, Kr and Xe. No significant differences between controls and D2O runs were found, and the results lie close to the detection limits, setting an upper bound to cold fusion of 30/s, much smaller than FPH's 40000/s but larger than Jones+'s. The results show a much higher level of (4)He by a factor of about 3E04 but again, with no difference between controls and D2O runs. Sep-90/? ------------------------- Matsumoto O, Kimura K, Saito Y, Uyama H, Yaita T; Denki Kagaku 58 (1990) 147. "Detection of neutrons in electrolysis of D2SO4-D2O solution by means of fission track method". ** Carried out electrolysis in D2SO4 solution instead of the more customary LiOD, because previous studies of hydrogen evolution have been used acid. A Pd plate, a palladized Pd plate or Pt plate were used, in normal electrolysis and glow discharge electrolysis (GDE), 50 mA in both cases (in GDE, one of the two electrodes hangs in the gas above the electrolyte; the gas is kept at a low pressure, here 70 Torr, and large voltages <= 1000 V or so are required). The paper does not make clear whether it is the Pd cathode or the Pt anode that is in the gas phase. The neutron detector, mounted below the cells, was a sandwich of a mica plate plus uranyl salt plate in a polythene bag. Neutrons make tracks in this sandwich and can be counted. In every case (different electrolysis methods, different cathodes), there were clearly more neutrons from D2SO4 in D2O than in dummy cells (by factors of 1.5-3.4) and no such differences between runs in H2SO4 and dummies. However, the fluctuations from one dummy to another were of similar magnitude. The authors conclude that cold fusion takes place, at a rate of about 10**(-24) fusions/pair/s, a little lower than the rate observed by Jones et al. Aug-89/? ------------------------- Matsumoto O, Kimura K, Saito Y, Uyama H, Yaita T; Denki Kagaku 58 (1990) 471. "Detection of tritium in cathode materials after the electrolysis of D2SO4-D2O solution". ** The authors have previously reported the emission of neutrons from cold fusion. Tritium, too, is to be expected, and this time they have looked at this. Firstly, they immersed the cathode material, after electrolysis, in the liquid scintillator that measured tritium; then they also placed the cathode in a glass tube attached to a mass spectrometer, and heated the sample to drive out the gases. In the scintillation count, a dummy Pd electrode gave 32.9+/-1.6 counts, a cathode from a cold fusion electrolysis gave 40.6+/-1.8, and palladised Pt, after electrolysis showed 35.0+/-1.6 counts. Mass spectra showed tritium (as well as other masses) in the Pd, but also in the D2 gas given off. The authors conclude that tritium was formed in the Pd by a nuclear reaction. Dec-89/May-90 ------------------------- Matsumoto T, Kurokawa K; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 323. "Observation of heavy elements produced during explosive cold fusion". ** The authors take it as given that large concentration of hydrogen at Pd grain boundaries will initiate cold fusion. When hydrogen is forced to move in the metal, this will cause such local concentrations and thus bursts of fusion. A Pd rod was charged electrolytically in a 3% NaCl solution in D2O, and when fully loaded, the top of the rod was exposed to the gas head, thus forcing deuterium to move through the rod. This resulted in a small-scale explosion in one case, due to hydrogen but aided by heat from cold fusion. The gas within the Pd was analysed afterwards by MS and masses of 2, 3, 4, 6, 17, 18, 19 and 20 were found. SEM and EDX showed the presence of ruthenium and indium, as well as a host of other elements, products of the transmutation of Pd, say the authors. Within the grain structure, Si, S and Ca were also seen. So we have explosive cold fusion, and the authors predict its use in car engines, and a future for "industrial alchemy". Mar-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 356. "Observation of new particles emitted during cold fusion". ** The author's Nattoh model theory explains the strange branching ratio by the action of the "iton" particle, which carries away about 20 MeV from the fusion reaction d+d-->(4)He+23.85 MeV. The iton can be observed by using nuclear film, and has perhaps been observed during the electrolysis of light water at Pd. Here, M electrolyses D2O (+3% NaCl) at Pd. The films showed many cosmic ray tracks, but also some due to iton decay, clearly distinguished from the background. Thus a new particle, the iton, is discovered. Mar-90/Sep-90 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 647. "Prediction of new particle emission on cold fusion". ** Having observed the new particle, the iton (p. 356, same volume), M now predicts it theoretically, using the Nattoh model. Cold fusion takes place not via the branches commonly assumed (proton+T, neutron+(3)He) - these are of lesser importance - but mainly by hydrogen-catalysed fusion, in which first a nattoh is formed, then two D's fuse with the help of a third, into the short lived (4)H, which then becomes (4)He, and an iton is emitted. This also explains M's observation of cold fusion in ordinary light water. This paper looks at the theory of this process and concludes that it works. A further paper, suggesting a cold fusion reactor, is on the way. Feb-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 179. "Interference phenomena observed during cold fusion". ** Matsumoto has previously observed circular areas of damage on nuclear emulsions held outside a cold fusion electrolysis cell, and attributes them to micro-explosions of quad neutrons produced in palladium deuteride. These quad-neutrons decay within the metal lattice and produce two different kinds of waves: gravitational and antigravitational. M has now done more experiments and sees evidence of both of these. Known radiation such as electromagnetic or sonic, do not behave in this way, so these must be due to entirely new particles; one of them seems to oppose gravity. Feb-91/Mar-92 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 164. "Observation of gravity decays of multiple-neutron nuclei during cold fusion". ** According to M's nattoh (soya bean) theory of cold fusion involving the new elementary particle, the iton, cold fusion should leave behind di- and quad- neutrons; these, as described earlier by M, should suffer gravity decay, leading to micro-explosions. Nuclear emulsions previously placed in a cold fusion cell space were examined for evidence of such events. Under the microscope, many circles, clearly indicating gravity decay, were seen. The first group of such circles were up to 0.364 mm large; in a second group of smaller circles, these were always smaller than those of the first group, at about 22 mu. A third group had circles of intermediate size. There were other groups. Some of these could be assigned to the decay of di-neutrons, others to higher-n assemblies. Clearly, many-body fusions of hydrogen atoms at grain boundaries are responsible, leading to the production of heavy elements such as Zn, Fe, and even Ru and In. All this might lead to a change in mass, but this has not been observed, which supports transmutation. There are 10 references, all of them to previous work by the author. Jul-91/Aug-92 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 281. "Searching for tiny black holes during cold fusion". ** The author continues in his efforts to support his Nattoh theory of cold fusion, which proposes the formation of neutron clusters which collapse by gravity and then explode. This might also be expected to produce tiny black holes, and a careful search for these is described here. As before, post-experiment microscopic analysis of the Pd surface was carried out. The several figures clearly show black holes, from 10 to 100 mu in diameter, one of them with a tail. The region of space around this tail has asymmetrical curvature. Some others show associated other particles. There are six references, all to prior work by the author. Dec-91/Sep-92 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 518. "Observation of stars produced during cold fusion". ** M has searched for more features on nuclear emulsions held close to a cnf electrolysis at a thin Pd foil. His theory of quad-neutrons predicts various events. Multiple neutrons formed within the PdD matrix are covered with the itonic mesh. This slowly fades, but it might be so sticky that it will allow the multiple neutrons to react with the nuclei of the media, e.g. in the emulsion. One of the expected features is the formation of star-shaped tracks, and they were indeed found. Some of these have long tracks and some have short tracks, and they obviously are the result of cold fusion taking place in the cell. Jan-92/Dec-92 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 103. "Observation of meshlike traces on nuclear emulsions during cold fusion". ** A cold fusion experiment, using as cathode a thin Pd foil at the bottom of a cell, was performed. Below the foil, a stack of 30 nuclear emulsions was mounted and this was examined afterwards by microscope. The foil was then refrigerated to increase the deuterium loading and then taken out. It continued to warm above room temperature for three hours, showing that cold fusion was taking place. This is the process 2d + 2e --> (4)n + i2 + d, the (4)n being a quad neutron (which has been shown to then collapse by gravity and to form black holes) and the i2 is the double iton. In highly compressed deuteride, these itons are in the form of beads with a mesh-like structure, and such meshes have been found on the emulsions. Nov-91/Jan-93 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 532. "'Nattoh' model for cold fusion". ** A hypothetical model, the Nattoh model, is proposed to answer the questions that arise from cold fusion experiments. The model proposes the formation of a small cluster of deuterons and examines the feasibility of many-body fusion reactions. The gamma radiation spectrum, heat production, neutron emission and fusion products are discussed. Aug-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 490. "Cold fusion observed with ordinary water". ** Based on the Nattoh model of cold fusion, in which deuterons associate into nattohs or clumps, M suggests that protons, too, might do it, producing as a first product (2)He, which then might emit a positron to become a deuteron. An electrolysis experiment with H2O + 3% NaCl on Pd was run, and a single Ge(Li) detector used to monitor gamma radiation. A background curve is shown and compared with the experimental curve, and M claims that this shows an effect at energies below 130 keV. This humble abstracter cannot see the "extraordinary enhancement of the signals" which M states shows that "a cold fusion reaction really occurred in ordinary water". M concludes with the hope that a cold fusion reactor using seawater is possible. Nov-89/May-90 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 2125. "Observation of quad-neutrons and gravity decay during cold fusion". ** M's iton theory of cold fusion might also predict the emission of 4-neutron nuclei, which would escape from the cell, to disintegrate in the emulsion of the detector film. Nuclear emulsions left from the author's previous experiments were carefully reexamined and some ring-shaped tracks found that might be due to these quad neutrons undergoing microexplosions due to gravity, like a neutron star, after being compressed to a single point. Theory says that these quad neutrons have a life time of only 1E-23 s, and thus should not reach the emulsion; their observation, however, means that this theory needs to be modified. Cold fusion, then, because of the extremely high hydrogen pressure, is a small-scale simulation of the processes taking place in a dying star, and we are tapping gravitational energy here. Sep-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 567. "Microscopic observations of palladium used for cold fusion". ** The Nattoh model of cold fusion says that cnf takes place as a chain reaction at grain boundaries. One of the candidates would be so energetic as to leave behind marks of damage in the crystal structure of the Pd deuteride, and M looks for evidence in this work, using microscopy. Pd rods, used as cathodes in heavy as well as light water electrolysis, were cut in an axial plane, and first looked at optically, then by SEM. In both H2O and D2O, although the mechanism may be different, cold fusion takes place, and M finds the tell-tale areas of damage. Sep-90/May-91 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 296. "Cold fusion experiments with ordinary water and thin nickel foil". ** Tha Nattoh (soya bean) model encompasses both heavy- and light-water cold fusion. Here, the discoverer of the model performs an experiment on a Ni foil cathode in light water and potassium carbonate. 30 nuclear emulsion plates were placed under the Ni foil and produced a rich harvest of tracks. Another three plates were placed 5m distant from the cell, as references (but not referred to again). Also, the temperature was clearly higher when Ni was used, than when Pt was used as the cathode. Optical examination (50X) of the emulsions revealed circular spots, evidence of "fermented" dineutrons, gravity decays, black and white holes, all as predicted by the theory. Conical shapes, typical of black holes, are also clearly seen, as are stars, white strings and perhaps superstrings. 17 references, 10 of them to Matsumoto. Sep-92/Nov-93 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 332. "Experiments of one-point cold fusion". ** Electrical discharges can be expected to facilitate cold fusion, and pin anodes might be a good way. Here, one-point anodes were tried, and the usual features predicted by the Nattoh model were observed. Copper was used because of its low capacity and permeability for hydrogen, good conductivity and good sensitivity to energy deposit. The first causes a high surface hydrogen concentration, effectively aiding cold fusion. 70-90 V ac voltage was used for the discharge, at 50 Hz, for 5 to 20 min. Afterward, the Cu surface was examined optically (50X). Evidence of gravity decay of dineutrons and single neutrons without the itonic mesh was found, along with itonic hydrogen clusters, tiny black holes, white holes, a whirling trace whose meaning is uncertain and string-like features as evidence of gravity decay. There is a Figure to explain all this. Only 7 self-references out of 13. Oct-92/Nov-93 ------------------------- Matsumoto T; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 347. "Response to 'Comments on 'Experiments of one-point cold fusion''". ** Matsumoto responds to a Comment by H Fox in the same journal (same page), suggesting that he has inadvertently hit upon huge electron clusters in his experiments. But M refuses to be congratulated by Fox, because he observes something different, i.e the new particles itons, consisting of electrons, positrons and neutrinos and have a mesh structure and cover fusion products such as quad-neutrons. Itons also enclose hydrogen clusters, and it is not possible to decide whether these are the same as the high-charge clusters of Shoulders in his patent. Also, Shoulders believes that the energy is extracted from the vacuum but Matsumoto's Nattoh theory relies on fusion. Zero point energy might be better, and M will search for it in his experiments. If he finds it, he will accept congratulations. Mar-93/Dec-93 ------------------------- Matsunami N; Radiat. Effects Def. Solids 112 (1990) 181. "Solid state effects on tunnelling probability for d+d nuclear fusion at room temperature". ** Theoretical examination of the possible role of screening and effective electron mass on tunnelling fusion in PdD. The paper builds on the works of Siclen et al and Jackson. Neither screening nor effective electron mass are likely to do the trick. However, if there is a mechanism to accelerate deuterons to a few 100 eV, fusion might occur. The steep potential drop near the electrode surface during electrolysis might impart such energies and thus cold fusion is plausible. (29-) May-89/? ------------------------- Mayer FJ, King JS, Reitz JR; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 269. "Nuclear fusion from crack-generated particle acceleration". ** A theoretical look at the fractofusion model for "cold" fusion. A crack is modelled as a capacitor shorted at one end, with a high voltage across it - as might be the case at the moment of crack formation. If this field can be maintained long enough for deuterons to accelerate across the crack, we might be in business. Some rough calculations indicate that we might be, indeed, making certain assumptions about crack size and speed of formation. This also suggests the possibility of maximising the effect by inducing cracking deliberately. A first attempt is made to show how one might calculate whether such a process might be energy-profitable. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Mayer FJ, Reitz JR; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 95. "Response to 'Comments on "Nuclear energy release in metals"'". ** Answer to Bryan and Gibson's polemic (FT 21 (1992) 95) denying the validity of M&R's claim for nuclear reactions between deuterium and Pd, leading to changes in Pd isotope distribution. M & R agree that the evidence for such changes is not there, but insist that their hydron theory of cold fusion fits the facts. Aug-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Mayer FJ, Reitz JR; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 552. "Nuclear energy release in metals". ** A new "scenario" is proposed that might explain what is known about cold fusion and can suggest new directions for cnf experiments. The knowns are (all approx.) neutrons: 1000/s; tritium: 1E11/s; little or no (3)He or (4)He; no d-t neutrons or gammas; everything comes in bursts. The lack of energetic secondaries, often cited as THE major problem, is significant. There is some recent speculation about the brief combination of an electron with protons, deuteron or triton, making a virtual mono-, di- or tri-neutron. This might last about 60 microsec, enough time to do stuff. These might incidentally explain the anomalously high diffusion rate of hydrogen (isotopes) in Pd. Virtual trineutrons could react with (106)Pd but there is not enough tritium. Virtual dineutrons cannot do this, but can react with some impurities that are deposited during electrolysis, such as Pt, U. The scenario can be tested by controlling impurity types and levels. It is also consistent with known facts of cnf, as well as with the related field of cluster impact fusion, also anomalous. Oct-90/May-91 ------------------------- Mayer FJ, Reitz JR; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 367. "On very low energy hydrogenic nuclear reactions". ** The much-discussed hydron theory, which might explain the family of anomalous observations: cold fusion, cluster impact fusion (CIF) and the exploding LiD wires of Lochte-Holtgreven, 1987. A set of calculations is presented for estimating the nuclear reaction rates and characteristics of this new class of hydrogenic objects, and these are tied to data. There is rough agreement with CIF results; the authors have previously also explained excess heat without radiation from CNF by the model. May-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Mayer FJ; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 511. "Comments on 'Excess heat production by the electrolysis of an aqueous potassium carbonate electrolyte and the implications for cold fusion'". ** FJM comments critically on Mills and Kneizys' paper in ibid 20 (1991) 65. He sets aside the doubtful "theory" (FJM's quote marks) of the authors, but points out an alternative explanation of the excess heat. This is the effect on the electrolyte conductivity of the radioactive decay of (40)K present in all potassium salts. If the conductivity changes, the calorimetry calibration may be wrong. There is no such effect with Na, which accounts for the lack of excess heat with sodium carbonate (M&K's control), whereas with Rb there is the effect (from the (87)Rb), again consistent with M&K's paper. Mayer suggests the use of Lu, which also has a radioactive isotope but may not fit with the M&K theory. Finally, in normal cold fusion calorimetry, the production of tritium may also have this effect on conductivity and should be watched for. Jul-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Mayer RE, Patino NE, Florido PC, Gomez SE, Granada JR, Gillette VH; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A324 (1993) 501. "Neutron detection system for extremely low count rate. Calculation, construction and employment in search for 'cold fusion'". ** A paper written for those who want to measure the extremely low-level neutrons thought to emanate from cold fusion experiments, but who are not specialists in the field of neutron measurement. The aims were high efficiency and reliability, as well as rejection of background noise. Therefore, the (3)He proportional counter was used, which however restricts a detailed energy analysis. Design calculation dictated a ring of 18 detectors, arranged as three clusters of six each. The tubes were kept at 10 atm helium pressure. High voltage leads were covered with paraffin melted onto them to prevent humidity problems. Pulse shape discrimination and an anticoincidence stage helped to guard against background. Measurements with a blank or no cell established a background of about 0.1 counts/s. No new results are reported, but previously reported results are summarised. These indicate a low-level neutron emission from cold fusion electrolyses. Dec-91/Feb-93 ------------------------- Mazitov RK; Koord. Khim. 15 (9) (1989) 1294 (in Russian). "On the detection of cold nuclear fusion". ** Writing at about t = 2 months into the cold fusion affair, Mazitov makes three points about radiation detection: 1. If there be fusion, there will be primary emissions (neutrons, gammas, protons and (3,4)He and T nuclei), as well as secondaries (the above plus beta particles) from the interaction of primaries with cell materials, such as the metal hydride itself. He calculates that a neutron peak can reasonably be expected at about the energy Jones+(89) found, although with largish uncertainties. 2. The radiation background level will often be very unstable, thus confounding the measurements at these very low levels, due to radon, which is everywhere. 3. Past experiments, conducted in basements, may have had high radon levels and widely fluctuating background. His prescription is to have exactly the same physical arrangement of the cell during background and cold fusion measurement; to ensure a stable atmosphere around the cell cum detector to ensure constant radon levels; to keep the cell physically constant throughout the experiment (no dropping D2O level etc) to minimise changes in the interactions of primaries with the cell. May-89/? ------------------------- Mazitov RK; Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 307 (1989) 1158 (in Russian). "Possibility of nuclear transformation in chemical reactions" ** Discusses conditions under which CNF might take place, such as close approach of two D's, changes in the electronic structure of the D, "heavy" electrons and interactions of the D with the environment. Suggests the use of alloys of rare earth metals and actinides, because heavy fermions would exist in these, and might facilitate cold fusion. ------------------------- McAllister JW; Science in Context 5 (1992) 17. "Competition among scientific disciplines in cold nuclear fusion research". ** Science sociologist and philosopher McAllister looks at the sociological phenomenon of cold fusion, as rare evidence of competition between different disciplines (here: chemistry vs. physics), rather than the more usual intra- discipline strife. He gathers convincing evidence for such inter-discipline competition; certainly "the chemists" appear at times to have cheered each other, while "the physicists" have damned the phenomenon of cold fusion. He also cites some dissent from chemists. The paper concludes that cold fusion put at stake the corporate interests of parts of the communities of chemists and physicists; that these challenges evoked corporate responses; and that the knowledge claims of the participants are molded in part by their disciplines' roles in the controversy. ------------------------- McCevoy AJ, O'Sullivan CTD; Nature (London) 338 (1989) 711 (27-Apr). "Cold fusion: what's going on?" ** Point out that muons can increase the fusion rate, and that there may be muons in the cosmic radiation, especially at higher altitudes, e.g. at Salt Lake City. They suggest more experiments on metal hydrides with muons. ?/Apr-89 ------------------------- McCracken DR, Paquette J, Boniface HA, Graham WRC, Johnson RE, Briden NA, Cross WG, Arneja A, Tennant DC, Lone MA, Buyers WJL, Chambers KW, McIlwain AK, Attas EM, Dutton R; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 121. "In search of nuclear fusion in electrolytic cells and in metal/gas systems". ** Both a Pd/D2O electrolysis and a Ti/D2 gas loading experiment are reported, with neutron, gamma and tritium monitoring, as well as (later) calorimetric measurement. Multiple neutron detectors, of various types, were used. Calorimetry consisted of measuring the temperature at the inlet and outlet of a cooling coil within the cell, with total gas recombination. About 1% accuracy was achieved. Loading (i.e. x in PdD(x)) was measured by heating a sample of the loaded electrode in a closed system and measuring the pressure increase; a loading of 0.72 (beta phase) was found. The Ti was in the form of sponge, and was temperature cycled in the D2 gas at up to 40 atm. No neutron, gamma, tritium emissions were found in either system, and no heat events. ?/Jul-90 ------------------------- McCracken GM, Bailey M, Croft S, Findlay DJS, Gibson A, Govier RP, Jarvis ON, Milton HJ, Powell BA, Sadler G, Sene MR, Sweetman DR, van Belle P, Watson HHH; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 23 (1990) 469. "Experimental search for 'cold fusion' in the deuterium-titanium system". ** A very careful attempt to repeat the Frascati experiment of De Ninno et al. D2 absorption in Ti, cooling and heating were performed. Three separate types of neutron counters were used simultaneously. Nothing was found. The authors point out some problems. Although the counters, together, showed no neutron emission, one of them did by itself. So, if only one had been used, spurious neutrons might have been reported. Also, the baking temp. of 475 K said to have been used by the De Ninno team leaves an oxide layer, impervious to D2, so no D2 is absorbed; a higher baking temp. is needed. The authors state that the diffusion coefficient of D in Ti is 0.013 exp(-Q/RT), with Q = 52 kJ/mol; at 300K, this makes 2E-11 cm**2/s. So charging for 1E04 s and using diffusion theory gives a loaded layer only 9 microns deep, throwing doubt on claims of deep loading. Sep-89/May-90 ------------------------- McKee JSC, Smith GR, Durocher JJG, Johnston HL, Mathur MS, Mayer JK, Mirzai A, Yeo YH, Hempel A, Hnatiuk H, King S; Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B67 (1992) 448. "The role of fractofusion in the creation of anomalies in neutron production from deuterium-implanted solids". ** Purely on the basis of d-d separation (389 pm in Pd, 404 pm in PdD, 74 pm in D2 gas), cold fusion is unlikely. Here, the fracto-scenario is examined. Can the material fracture, and might there be metal-dielectric transitions in the deuteride? Cracks are well documented, and in an ionic crystal, the time constant of potential decay of a 1 mu crack is long enough to support the required acceleration. In a metallic conductor, however, the times are much smaller, unless the region around a crack becomes a dielectric, and this is thought to be possible. Fusion from acceleration should be accompanied by the emission of x-rays, and work is in progress. ------------------------- McKubre MCH, Crouch-Baker S, Rocha-Filho RC, Smedley SI, Tanzella FL, Passell TO, Santucci J; J. Electroanal. Chem. 368 (1994) 55. "Isothermal flow calorimetric investigations of the D/Pd and H/Pd systems". ** Thought by many to be one of the most thorough studies in this area, and long delayed in publication, this paper at last reports the results. A quality isothermal flow calorimeter was used here, and D/Pd (or H/Pd) loadings were monitored in situ by resistance measurements. The cells were closed, and gases recombined within them, so that recombination was fully accounted for. Excess powers were observed only for D/Pd above 0.9 and reached 28% input power, but were typically about 5-10%, with the noise lying at about 1/20 the excess power level. No excess power was observed under other conditions, the output balancing the input within the error. Feb-93/Apr-94 ------------------------- McNally J. Rand, Jr.; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 237. "On the possibility of a nuclear mass-energy resonance in deuterium + deuterium reactions at low energy". ** Previously published work by the same author, 1985, is invoked to possibly explain cold fusion; i.e. mass-energy resonance. (17-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Mebrahtu T, Rodriguez JF, Bothwell ME, Cheng IF, Lawson DR, McBride JR, Martin CR, Soriaga MP; J. Electroanal. Chem. 267 (1989) 351. "Observations on the surface composition of palladium cathodes after D2O electrolysis in LiOD solutions". ** Focusses on the irreproducibility of CNF: might this be due to surface states? Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) was used to look at surface elements. Pure Pd itself had, besides Pd, the impurities S, C and O; heat treatment reduced but did not eliminate these, and added Si, presumably out of the metal bulk. After 7 days of electrolysis, AES no longer showed Pd. Impurities have evidently covered it completely. C, Si and O peaks are larger, S has vanished along with the Pd. This is useful information to all who think they purify their Pd by simple heating. Jun-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Mellican RE; Bull. Sci. Tech. Soc. 12 (1992) 1. "From fusion frenzy to fraud: Reflections on science and its cultural norms". ** The philosopher author here associates cold fusion and science fraud in one article. Again, science-by-press conference is mentioned. Merton's conception of modern science is discussed. One of the features of "science" is that of "organised skepticism", or self-doubt, mentioned also by CP Snow. Peer review acts as a social control. Cold fusion researchers have been charged with a lack of this self-doubt, and criticised for their press conferences. However, this is not unusual for exciting new fields; what is more, the critics themselves engaged in the same activity. However, Mellican points out that one feature of the cold fusion affair is that money plays a large role, and that this is an increasingly important aspect of research. The author concludes that society may need to reconsider, in the light of "scientific misconduct and the cold fusion episode", the relationship between science and the public. ?/Jan-92 ------------------------- Mellican RE; Bull. Sci. Tech. Soc. 12 (1992) 1. "From fusion frenzy to fraud: Reflections on science and its cultural norms". ** scisoc/phil paper, using the 'cold fusion' theme as an example of the way science appears to have undergone a change recently, with science by press and fraud apparently rampant. Note that Mellican does not label CNF as fraud. The questions asked are whether the science community has responded adequately to these issues and the implications of the response. There may be a need to renegotiate the relation between science and the public. ------------------------- Mendes RV; Mod. Phys. Lett. B5 (1991) 1179. "Ergodic motion and near collisions in a Coulomb system". ** This explores the possibilities of many body processes taking place between charged particles in chaotic motion, as in metal deuterides, to perhaps find factors that might enhance the rate of d-d fusion. Dynamic effects - near collisions of ergodically moving particles - and/or collective effects are the likely suspects. It is found that three-body collisions would dominate, the bodies being two d's and one electron. The mass of the electron does not need to be greater than normal. Rather large rates of instances of close proximity are calculated, and emphasise the fact that the charged particles are not at rest but in energetic motion. A fusion rate is not computed, however. The author makes some suggestions for how fusion might be favoured, based on this. Cluster impact fusion (now defunct) is mentioned in connection with solid state (cold) fusion. May-91/? ------------------------- Mengoli G, Fabrizio M, Manduchi C, Zannoni G, Riccardi L, Buffa A; J. Electroanal. Chem. 322 (1992) 107. "Tritium and neutron emission in D2O electrolysis at Pd and Ti cathodes". ** Previous work by this team, in which some evidence of tritium was found, indicated that large cathode area would be favourable, as would be some sort of nonequilibrium. Here, this is followed up with larger Ti and Pd plates, rods and tubes, with the geometry providing asymmetric electric fields for nonequilibrium (unequal current densities over the cathode surfaces). The Ti was cleaned prior to use in either boiling 20% oxalic acid (3 min) or 5% HF, to remove the blocking oxide layers; Pd was dipped in 5M HCl to remove traces of contaminant metals (Fe, Cr, etc). Tritium was looked for in the electrolyte and evolved gases; tritium in the cathodes was believed to appear in these phases eventually, so was not looked for in the metals. Neutrons were detected by a single scintillation counter, in a constant temperature room, regarded as important; pulse height discrimination was used; overall efficiency was 0.3-0.35%. No significant neutrons were found, and none correlating with tritium peaks. This is probably due to the high background of above 100 c/s. Tritium enrichment was observed, but could not account for all of the tritium found, even if an infinite separation factor is assumed; no relationship (other than one negative one) between current and tritium produced could be discerned. Some tritium deficit was observed as well and put down to evaporation loss. What tritium excess was found appeared early in the electrolysis at Ti, in conformity with a near-surface effect. Jul-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Mengoli G, Fabrizio M, Manduchi C, Zannoni G, Riccardi L, Veronesi F, Buffa A; J. Electroanal. Chem. 304 (1991) 279. "The observation of tritium in the electrolysis of D2O at palladium sheet electrodes". ** Electrolysis at sheets down to 0.1 mm thickness. Loadings of 0.8-0.9 were achieved, measured by reverse electrolysis. Tritium was analysed by means of aliquots taken from the electrolyte. D2O levels were kept up by addition of more D2O; the authors compensate the tritium results for the fact that the D2O added contained much less tritium than that originally in the cell. Many cells show no tritium produced, but some do, at significant levels, above those that can be attributed to electrolytic enrichment. Thiourea and As2O3 were used to poison the Pd surface, to aid deuterium loading. Nov-90/Apr-91 ------------------------- Mengoli G, Fabrizio M, Manduchi C, Zannoni G; J. Electroanal. Chem. 350 (1993) 57. "Surface and bulk effects in the extraction of hydrogen from highly loaded Pd sheet electrodes". ** The cold fusion affair has sparked interest in the "hydrogen in metals" field. Most previous work has stayed within the low-loading regime, i.e. the alpha phase. Fundamental questions remain: what loadings can be achieved? What is the hydrogen diffusivity at high loading? Can the absorption- desorption processes be controlled? Some electrolysis experiments are done here, sticking to normal water (hydrogen). Pd foils of thickness of 0.02 cm were used, as well as a rotating Pd disk exposed in an insulating Teflon plane. Electrolysis was at controlled potential of -2 to -2.5 V vs. the reference electrode (SCE), for some minutes to three days. Loading was then determined by anodic extraction at around zero V and values of 0.97 or so were achieved. The surprising result was that different extraction currents (at similar loadings) were observed at different LiOH concentrations; the higher the concs, the higher the currents. Also, different rotation rates of the disk gave different extraction currents, indicating a solution-side process. None of this is followed up; instead, some diffusion theory is presented and a large number of diffusion coefficients tabulated. Jul-92/May-93 ------------------------- Menlove HO, Fowler MM, Garcia E, Mayer A, Miller MC, Ryan RR, Jones SE; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 215. "The measurement of neutron emission from Ti plus D2 gas". ** Various forms of Ti chips and sponge were exposed to D2 under pressure, and neutrons monitored, using high-efficiency (21-34%) cavity-type detectors containing 6-8 (3)He tubes. Random neutron emissions were observed as well as time-correlated neutron bursts. Temperature cycling, from liquid nitrogen temperature up to room temp., was emplyed, and the neutron bursts were emitted during the warm-up phase; the random emissions persisted for 19 h after warm-up. The cycle could be repeated only a few times, whereupon neutron emissions ceased. The rather low neutron yields at 0.05-0.2 n/s were 10.4 sigma above background. Two electrolytic cells showed similar neutron bursts. The mechanism of neutron production is not clear. ?/Jun-90 ------------------------- Menlove HO, Fowler MM, Garcia E, Miller MC, Paciotti MA, Ryan RR, Jones SE; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 495. "Measurement of neutron emission from Ti and Pd in pressurized D2 gas and D2O electrolysis cells". ** LANL and Brigham Young get together to measure neutron bursts and randoms from a variety of sample types, such as D2 gas mixed with Pd and Ti chips, sponge, crystals and powder, as well as electrolysis in D2O at cathodes of Ti, Pd and V. Four separate neutron detectors were used, all based on (3)He tubes. These were placed 1-2 m from each other, in an underground, low-background lab. There is a lot of detail on the neutron detection technique, which can exclude common noise sources such as electrical noise, rf interference and cosmic showers, and uses correlation to distinguish between real neutron bursts and artifacts. Also, there was an acoustical detector attached to the sample bottle, to detect cracking of the Ti samples. Control runs had tubes of Ti in air, or cells without electrodes, or cells with H2O instead of D2O. The electrolytes were the Jones+ soup as well as others. Everything is tabulated for the reader. Neutron bursts were detected from Ti in D2, and also from Ti in a 50:50 mix of D2:H2 (to test for p-d fusion). No bursts from dummy controls. Random-neutron counts were also seen from Ti+D2, but not from controls. The electrolysis runs showed some 3-sigma random emissions and one showed bursts, going on for some days. So, out of 42 carefully done experiments, 14 produced significant neutron emissions, mostly in the form of bursts, by up to two orders of magnitude above the background. The bursts are consistent with the fracto-fusion idea, although no bursts correlated with cracking noises. The random emissions cannot be the sum of small bursts, so neutrons are emitted by two separate processes, maybe. The common denominator between them is nonequilibrium. Future work is planned, to characterise the materials used and to improve the detection to the point where energy spectra can be obtained. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- ------------------------- Menlove HO, Miller MC; Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A299 (1990) 10. "Neutron-burst detectors for cold-fusion experiments". ** This describes the neutron detector built at LANL, and details some of the design considerations. The job is to cope with the intermittent nature and low intensity of the neutrons, and with short bursts without losing information. The high-efficiency detectors used by Menlove et al are based on (3)He gas tubes in a CH2 moderator. An inner ring of nine (3)He tubes is surrounded by an outer one of 42 tubes. The inner ring is unmoderated and is more sensitive to lower-energy neutrons, while the moderated outer ring responds to higher- energies. Bursts are handled by time-spread them by thermalisation in the CH2 moderator. The detectors have been used in cold fusion experiments (mostly reported elsewhere) in an underground laboratory with low background, and worked well. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Meyerhof WE; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Lett. 153 (1991) 391. "Statistical analysis of a 'cold fusion' experiment". ** Meyerhof looks at the results of Yagi et al, which these authors take as evidence for cold fusion neutron emission. If it were, it would have to follow normal neutron emission statistics in the form of Poisson distributions of the number of counts found in a given time interval; certainly the background counts should follow this. Analysis of the results of Yagi et al show that only one set fits this requirement clearly, one is a borderline case and one (the background!) does not fit it at all. All neutron measurement ought to undergo such analysis, says M, to ascertain its trustworthiness. He further points to recent results (Aberdam et al) setting the cold fusion upper limits at a very low 1E-26 fus/s/pair. Jan-91/Apr-91 ------------------------- Miao B; Xibei Shifan Xuebao. Ziran Kexueban 30(1)(1994) 39 (in Chinese, Eng. abstr). "Experimental exploration on the possible mechanism of D-D cold fusion in titanium lattice". ** "The present paper reports in detail the experiments of electrolysing D2O made by the group using Titanium cathode. The primary results of experiments have proved exothermal effect and product 4He of nuclear fusion, the two specific feature predicted by the mechanism of professor Gou Qingquan" (direct quote of the abstr.). Fig. 2 shows an electrolytic cell with a Ti cathode and two thermistors in the cell, one at the Ti, the other away from it. The electrolyte was 0.1M NaOD in D2O. Fig. 5 shows some temperature excursions, one lasting 2753 min. ------------------------- Miao B; Xibei Shifan Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban 30 (1994) 44 (in Chinese). "Experimental exploration on possible mechanism of D-D cold fusion in titanium lattice". ** Experimental, electrolysis, excess heat, tritium, neutrons, res+ From the English abstract, it appears that this was an attempt at scale-up of an electrolysis at a large Ti rod (in the text I find 86 mm, 120 mm), at current densities 500 mA/cm^2. Excess heat was found, but little neutrons or tritium. The results support the theory of Qing-Quan Gou. The abstract also mentions 4He in the keyword list. ------------------------- Middleton R, Klein J, Fink D; Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B47 (1990) 409. "Tritium measurements with a tandem accelerator". ** Spurred by the cold fusion news, this team decided to measure the sensitivity of their accelerator mass spectrometer for tritium analysis. This instrument is not only very sensitive, but also allows discrimination of other species with similar mass, such as HD- ions, or similar magnetic rigidity, such as (6)Li. The team had available deuterated Ti samples 10 and 12 years old; these might, if Jones et al (89) are right, have steadily accumulated T in the interval. The method was to absorb the deuterium gas in Ti powder (if not already there) and release it into the instrument. The sensitivity of the measurement is down to a ratio T:D equal to 1E-16; this is somewhat academic, since it was found that several samples of fresh D2O showed a ratio of 1E-10, an "astonishingly high level". The authors checked, by directly injecting D2 rather than going through their Ti-absorption way, that the T did not come from unintended cold fusion in the Ti. We must accept, then, that heavy water is now "naturally" contaminated with tritium. This rather expensive method, however, is a good way of monitoring T with accuracy. The old TiD samples did not, by the way, show unexpected tritium. Dec-89/? ------------------------- Miles MH, Bush BF, Lagowski JJ; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 478. "Anomalous effects involving excess power, radiation, and helium production during D2O electrolysis using palladium cathodes". ** The previous paper by these authors, claiming the observation of helium generated in a 'cold fusion' cell, was criticised by many; the authors now agree that error limits had not been sufficiently defined. In more recent experiments, they have now established the detection limits for 4He in their 500 ml Pyrex glass flasks: it is 3.10^13 atoms. This gives some credence to their measured rate of production of 4He, 10^11 - 10^12 atoms/s/W(excess power), which is about right for d-d fusion giving 4He (the rare branch, thought by some to dominate in PdD). The authors admit to experimental problems, including excess heat errors a large fraction of the excess heat itself, but the double blind nature of these studies makes them more confident that the new results are trustworthy. May-93/Jul-94 ------------------------- Miles MH, Bush BF, Stilwell DE; J. Phys. Chem. 98 (1994) 1948. "Calorimetric principles and problems in measurements of excess power during Pd-D2O electrolysis". ** Calorimetry of electrolysis cells as used in cold fusion will yield false results, if steady state is assumed for such variables as cell temperature, -voltage etc, and this has been done in other's work. The present authors single out such teams as Lewis et al, Williams et al, Albagli et al and Wilson et al; all teams reporting null results. Here, two types of isoperibolic calorimeters were used, one similar to that used by the above teams and also by Fleischmann et al, the other being more sophisticated and similar to that also used by Williams et al. The first type of setup measures the temperature directly within the cell, and this, as the electrolyte changes during electrolysis, produces a changing cell constant; when the temperature is measured outside the cell, this effect goes and better results are obtained. Other details are described. The calorimeter had an overall error of only +-0.020 W with an input power of around 5-10 W (an informed guess). In the light of these insights, old null results are reexamined, and Lewis et al should have reported an excess of 1 W/cm^3, in line with Fleischmann et al, and Miles et al. Similar errors may hold for the other prominent null report papers. Jun-93/Feb-94 ------------------------- Miles MH, Hollins RA, Bush BF, Lagowski JJ, Miles RE; J. Electroanal. Chem. 346 (1993) 99. "Correlation of excess power and helium production during D2O and H2O electrolysis using palladium cathodes". ** Two standard CNF electrolysis cells, test-tube shaped, were placed in a water cooling bath, which functioned as heat detector. The electrolyte was 18g of 0.2M LiOD or LiOH in heavy or light water, resp. The Pd cathode was a 0.63 cm dia., 1.1 cm long cylinder, surrounded by a Pt/Rh (80:20%) wire spiral as anode. The heat response time constant was about 30 minutes. Helium was taken from the effluent gases, and great care was taken to avoid contamination. The helium detection limit was estimated at 1-2 ppb, and analysis was done elsewhere, by high-res. MS, able to distinguish (4)He from D2. Indium and gold foils, as well as dental x-ray film, were also mounted around the cells to detect neutrons or (the film) any radiation. Excess power was calculated with subtraction for the electrolysis power consumed, and evolved gas checked with the assumption that no recombination took place. Excess heat was found, at up to 27% (a peak value), but remaining positive for long periods. Large excess heat values were accompanied by large (4)He peaks, and small excess heat by small (4)He peaks. Thus, excess heat and (4)He detections were correlated, in roughly commensurate quantities. Controls with light water produced neither excess heat nor helium. No (3)He was found in any experiments. Some dental films registered radiation exposure, but the metal foils showed no activation. This sets the neutron emission limit at <1E05 n/s. Tritium assay of the final electrolyte showed some increase but electrolytic enrichment could not be ruled out as its cause. Subsequent experiments with new Pd cathodes failed to reproduce the excess heat and dental film exposures. Errors were carefully examined but considered insufficient to explain the positive results. The experiment is consistent with the (4)He reaction being the major fusion branch. Mar-92/Mar-93 ------------------------- Miles MH, Miles RE; J. Electroanal. Chem. 295 (1990) 409. "Theoretical neutron flux levels, dose rates, and metal foil activation in electrochemical cold fusion experiments". ** No experiment is reported here but some calculations are made to help with experiments. First, the authors consider the safety of cold fusion cells: if they emit neutrons, what dosage do the operators receive? Assuming 1E04 n/s, and a certain spectral composition, the dosages at various places in and on a typical FPH-type cell are calculated. Result: the emission level would have to go up to 1E06 n/s to be a danger. This leads to thoughts of where to place a neutron detector, to get the most out of it, and another method of measuring neutron emission: activation of certain metals. Using, e.g. foils of In, Au or even Cu, wrapped closely around the inner cell, foils of all these metals would be fully activated in a typical 30-hour experiment, given the assumed neutron emission level. This activation can then be detected by the gamma radiation given off by the activated foils. Jun-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Miles MH, Park KH, Stilwell DE; J. Electroanal. Chem. 296 (1990) 241. "Electrochemical calorimetric evidence for cold fusion in the palladium-deuterium system". ** Measured excess heat during electrolysis at Pd in 0.1 M LiOD; at the same time, radiation levels were (crudely) monitored near the cell (nothing was found). There were control electrolyses with light water cells. The calorimetry consisted of a prior calibration using electrical heating, and thermistors in a water jacket around the cell. Thus, temperature in this jacket could be related to the amount of heat given off inside the cells. Excess heat was calculated by simple subtraction of the thermoneutral potential from the total cell voltage. Averaging over 11-33 days, several cells containing heavy water showed a mean excess heat of 4-17%, with error limits, in some cases, below these levels. The light water control runs showed no excess heat. As no recombination was used, periodic water additions were required, and contributed to temperature fluctuations. However, some excess heat excursions are clearly uncorrelated with such additions. Jun-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Miljanic S, Jevtic N, Pesic S, Ninkovic M, Nikolic D, Josipovic M, Petkovska Lj, Bacic S; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 340. "An attempt to replicate cold fusion claims". ** Attempted to measure neutron emission (and other products) from electrolysis of D2O, ala FPH, and D2 gas-loaded samples (Pd and Ti). Two Bonner spheres with scintillation sensors, a BF3 neutron dosimeter, a high-efficiency NE-213 organic scintillator (gamma discriminating) for neutrons, a NaI(Tl) gamma detector, proton track etch detectors, a tritium beta counter and a mass spectrometer were used. Samples from the D2O from the electrolysis cells were analysed for tritium, and the gas from the gas-load runs by MS. Calorimetry was not done. There was a 2.5 times background neutron flux for a short time but nothing definite. From this, the upper limit for cold fusion was estimated at <2.09E-22 fusion/(d-d)/s. Tritium was not found in significant amounts. There was a large before/after change in the ratio of masses 2 to masses 3 in the D2 gas used in the gas-loading experiments but could be explained by conventional processes. Helium analysis, planned for the future, may throw light on these problems. One electrolytic cell briefly heated up. Mar-90/Sep-90 ------------------------- Mills RL, Good WR, Shaubach RM; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 103. "Dihydrino molecule identification". ** First, there is an outline of the Mills theory. The classical wave equation is solved, not with the usual boundary conditions but with those derived from the Maxwell equations. This novel theory can account for a large number of phenomena, including gravitation, the masses of leptons, the neutron and proton, magnetic moments of nucleons, ultraviolet emission by dark matter, etc. The theory leads also to the postulate of the hydrino, a hydrogen atom with electrons in states below ground. In the second part of the paper, experimental evidence for the hydrino is provided, partly by reinterpretation of old data from other workers (e.g. 4He found by MS was really dideuterinos) and partly by new "thermacore" experiments in calorimetry. Power output/input ratios as high as 20 were found with light water electrolysis at 100% current efficiency, i.e. no recombination artifacts. Because the dihydrino has a higher ionisation potential than H2, it was possible to distinguish between the two by mass spec (MS) by varying the ionisation voltage. Such an experiment confirmed the presence of dihydrino for the authors. Jun/93/Jan-94 ------------------------- Mills RL, Kneizys SP; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 65. "Excess heat production by the electrolysis of an aqueous potassium carbonate electrolyte and the implications for cold fusion". ** This paper starts with a long theoretical part, introducing the Mills and Farrel theory (published in a book). It seems that cold fusion shows that, since the Schroedinger equation does not explain it, this equation is not applicable to cold fusion. M&F's theory, on the other hand, is. It leads to shrunken hydrogen atoms; absorption of energy quanta at 27.21 eV can push electrons down to a lower shell, and these shrunken atoms are then able to approach closer to one another. The theory predicts certain optimal conditions such as the presence of K or Rb ions. This is followed by an experiment with a Ni cathode in a K2CO3 electrolyte in H2O, and rather simple calorimetry. The results are massive excess heats, up to nearly 4000%, but no excess with a Na2CO3 control. A Rb electrolyte works also. The theory also explains why it works for Pd in D2O, and the skew branching ratio. Feb-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Mills RL; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 96. "Reply to 'Comments on "Excess heat production by the electrolysis of an aqueous potassium carbonate electrolyte and the implications for cold fusion"'". ** Reponse to a polemic by Mayer (FT 20 (1991) 511), who doubts Mills and Kneizys's report; Mills shows that electrolyte conductivity changes due to natural K isotopes are irrelevant. He concludes that, although quantum mechanics is indeed, as Mayer notes, firmly entrenched, this does leave room for new ideas such as his; experimental results rule. Sep-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Min DP; Sae Mulli 29 (1989) 233 (in Korean). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:65414 (1989). "Computation of the cold fusion rate" ** Compute the maximum expected fusion rate. ------------------------- Mintmire JW, Dunlap BI, Brenner DW, Mowrey RC, Ladouceur HD, Schmidt PP, White CT, O'Grady WE; Phys. Lett. A 138 (1989) 51. "Chemical forces associated with deuterium confinement in palladium" ** Evidence is that D-D distance in PdD(x) is larger than in D2 gas, repulsion greater than even in solid H at 4K. So: no go! This is one of several papers that try to judge the likelihood of CNF by looking simply at D-D interaction in the PdD(x) lattice, as if the only role of Pd is that of squeezing D's together (which FPH of course try to suggest with their figure of 10**26 atm chemical potential). Pd evidently does not do this, the 0.3 A required for claimed fusion rates cannot be attained. (13-) Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Miskelly GM, Heben MJ, Kumar A, Penner RM, Sailor MJ, Lewis NS; Science 246 (1989) 793. "Analysis of the published calorimetric evidence for electrochemical fusion of deuterium in palladium". ** Critical analysis of published data and report of their own results. The authors point to some error sources, and conclude that all can be accounted for without invoking CNF. Jun-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Mizuno T, Akimoto T, Azumi K, Enyo M; Denki Kagaku oyobi Kogyo Butsuri Kagaku 60 (1992) 405 (Japanese, with English abstract). "Diffusion rate of deuterium in Pd during cathodic charging". ** A more fundamental paper, on the absorption and release rates for deuterium during electrolysis at a Pd cathode in 0.5M LiOD. The Pd rod was degassed in vacuum at 200 degC for about 20 h. This abstractor infers that loading was measured by gas volumetry. At a charging current of 44 mA/cm**2, the rod was fully charged to a D/Pd ratio of close to 0.8 in 16 days; discharge (presumably by current reversal) led to a rapid initial decrease of this ratio to about 0.3, followed by a slower decline to zero over a 25-day period. From these experiments, the authors draw the conclusion that there exist phases within the metal with different diffusion coefficients for deuterium, i.e. 1E-06 cm**2/s in the alpha and beta phases, and and 1E-08 cm**2/s in a new hypothetical gamma phase. Dec-91/? ------------------------- Mizuno T, Akimoto T, Azumi K, Sato N; Denki Kagaku 59 (1991) 798 (in Japanese). "Tritium evolution during cathode polarization of palladium electrode in D2O solution". ** Tritium in the electrolyte was measured, before and after electrolysis. There was also a temperature probe at the top of the Pd rod. The cell was sealed and heated to various temperatures. There were some pressure peaks lasting a month or so over the 200 day experiment. The tritium level increased by about 50% and the authors equate this to a fusion rate of 1E-23 fus/pair/s, roughly in line with Jones+89. Mar-91/? ------------------------- Mizuno T, Akimoto T, Sato N; Denki Kagaku 57 (1989) 742. "Neutron evolution from annealed palladium cathode in LiOD-D2O solution" ** Observed a neutron flux peak at about 2.5 MeV, using annealed Pd. The neutron rate converts to about 10**(-23) fusions/s. A single NE213 n-detector with rise-time gamma discrimination was used, and lead shielding. There was a definite peak at 2.5 MeV during electrolysis, but not later, when electrolysis was "ceased". Jun-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Moizhes BYa; Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 17 (1991) 540. Originally in: Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 17 (1991) 15. "Formation of a compact D2 molecule in interstitial sites - a possible explanation for cold nuclear fusion". ** Cold fusion has been observed, says Moizhes, and only remains to be explained. One possibility is the statistical close approach of two deuterons due to screening. The question is whether a stable D2 molecule can form in the deuteride crystal, and what the d-d distance in it would be. Electron overlap between the D2 and the Pd centres would compress the molecule to about 0.3 A and the resulting energy makes it feasible that an electrolysis voltage of 10V or so could force two d nuclei into an interstitial site, enabling Jones levels of fusion. More work is needed to confirm this. Apr-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Morgan III JD; J. Chem. Phys. 93 (1990) 6115. "Comment on: Deuterium nuclear fusion at room temperature: a pertinent inequality on barrier penetration". ** Comment on named paper by G Rosen (1989), who found theoretical grounds for support of cold fusion claims. Morgan III points out that Rosen makes a crucial error, arising from his qualitative sketch of the potential energy curve for the interaction of two deuterons. Also, the ordinary WKB barrier penetration is not suitable here; its Langer modification should be used, and gives results within 25% of those from numerical integration of the Schroedinger equation, whereas straight WKB is out by 4 orders of magnitude. Fusion rates such as claimed by FPH or Jones, and apparently supported by Rosen, are extremely unlikely. Oct-89/Oct-90 ------------------------- Morgan III JD, Monkhurst HJ; Phys. Rev A42 (1990) 5175. "Simple model for accurate calculation of Coulomb-barrier penetration factors in molecular fusion rates". ** A simple "back of the envelope" model is developed here for calculating muon catalysed cold fusion rates. Despite its simplicity, the model still gives results within 25% or so of more sophisticated methods such as full Born-Oppenheimer integration, at the small d-d separations. Based on earlier work by Jackson (1957) and Soviet work (1961), the method works within the adiabatic approximation. Calculated cold fusion rates, uncatalysed by muons, are not encouraging for true believers, coming out at about 3E-56 fus/pair/s. May-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Morrey JR, Caffee MW, Farrar IV H, Hoffman NJ, Hudson GB, Jones RH, Kurz MD, Lupton J, Oliver BM, Ruiz BV, Wacker JF, van Veen A; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 659. "Measurements of helium in electrolyzed palladium". ** Six laboratories spread across the US and as far as The Netherlands took part in a double blind study of sections of palladium rods, some of which had been used as cathodes in cold fusion experiments, and some were controls. One rod was as received from Johnson-Mathey; some were spiked with surface implanted helium by Johnson-Mathey and supplied as such (one) or used in a cold fusion experiment (two); one unspiked rod was used in a cold fusion electrolysis (it was later said to have produced excess heat). These five rods were analysed by the various labs, using their own methods, for helium. One rod dropped out; this was the spiked one, not used in any experiments. Its known helium level (from the spiking) did not agree with the analysis. The other 4 rods made an interesting picture. The He levels in the two remaining spiked rods were about right (both had been used in cold fusion experiments). Of the two unspiked rods, one should have had no He, and between 1E-11 and 1E-10 mol/cm**3 were found - this might be considered experimental background, although it was higher than expected. The other, reported to have given out excess heat, had about 10 times this much. That level was not enough, however, to explain the excess heat from the known fusion reaction, by a factor of about 36. All He was found near the surface, and there seemed to be more at the ends of the rods than near the middle, for some reason. No (3)He was found, although some of the labs would have if there had been some. The authors conclude that they cannot be sure that the He found in the unspiked rod came from cold fusion, and suggest further experiments of this sort. Jul-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Morrison D; Physics World 2 (1989) 17. "A view from CERN". ** There were some seminar at CERN in the early days of cold fusion, with Jones and Fleischmann attending. DM reports. Mentions that, among other things, that although the d-d distance in a metal lattice is greater than that in D2 gas (0.74 A), it is still possible that during electrochemical charging, they move closer together. He suggests experiments with other metals such as V or Nb. ?/May-89 ------------------------- Morrison D; Physics World 3 (1990)(2) 35 (Feb). "The rise and decline of cold fusion". ** Earlyish summary and premature dismissal of 'cold fusion' by prominent critic DROM. There is a summary of the experimental claims, theories, and an attempt at a simple theoretical dismissal on the basis of d-d distances in PdD. The article also classifies 'cold fusion' as pathological science. ------------------------- Morrison DRM; Sov. Phys. Usp. 34 (1991) 1055. Russian original: Usp. Fiz. Nauk. 161 (1991) 129. "Review of cold fusion". ** DROM reviews cold fusion for this Russian journal. This is taken from an address given by him at a meeting in Honolulu on July 1990. He recites the short history of the field, shows the usual three d-d fusion branches and then a chronology of cold fusion events, up to June 1990. This is followed by a summary of experimental results, reporting steady neutron production, the Frascati-type results, neutron bursts, x-rays, tritium, charged particles and calorimetry. The balance of all this is that nothing can be reproduced, and the evidence is against cold fusion. DROM then states three experiments that should be critical for believers: the Williams et al experiment, the GE report and the Salamon team's monitoring of nuclear products under Pons' experiment. All three were negative and should give pause to a believer. Pathological science is invoked; cold fusion is an error. Jul-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Morrison DRO; Phys. Lett. A 185 (1994) 498. "Comments on claims of excess enthalpy by Fleischmann and Pons using simple cells made to boil". ** This polemic, communicated by Vigier (an editor of the journal), as was the original paper under discussion (Fleischmann et al, ibid 176 (1993) 118), takes that paper experimental stage for stage and points out its weaknesses. Some of the salient points are that above 60C, the heat transfer calibration is uncertain, that at boiling some electrolyte salt as well as unvapourised liquid must escape the cell and (upon D2O topping up) cell conductivity will decrease; current fluctuations are neglected and so is the Leydenfrost effect; recombination; and the cigarette lighter effect, i.e. rapid recombination of Pd-absorbed deuterium with oxygen. Jun-93/Feb-94 ------------------------- Mueller D, Grisham LR; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 379. "Nuclear reactions products that would appear if substantial cold fusion occurred". ** Lists a large number of possible nuclear reaction that might be occurring in the PdD(x) phase but none agrees with the heat claimed by PFH. Any energy output must be accompanied by nuclear reaction products, of the order of 10**13/s. The elementary property of the alpha-particle at the d+d threshold is that it decays into 3He or T ( - the old branching question). Jun-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Muguet FF, Bassez-Muguet M-P; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 383. "Ab initio computations of one and two hydrogen or deuterium atoms in the palladium tetrahedral site". ** Another look at the Coulombic repulsion barrier, but here with the assumption, that at high loadings, some tetrahedral sites may be occupied, instead of just the octahedral sites, generally assumed. The authors state that it is now clear that a loading greater than 0.8 is essential for cnf. Here, then, are reported initial calculations on tetrahedral occupancy. The results say that this effect would not increase screening and thus tunnelling anywhere near enough to account for cnf. However, vibrational and other electric-field effects have not been included in the model. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Mukhopadhyay R, Dasannacharya BA, Nandan D, Singh AJ, Iyer RM; Solid State Commun. 75 (1990) 359. "Real time deuterium loading investigation in palladium using neutron diffraction". ** They had an electrolysis cell (0.2 M LiOD) and the Pd was a cylinder at its bottom; it also stuck out below the bottom, where it was in the path of a neutron beam for diffraction measurements, which were conducted continuously (with a break due to a breakdown, between 5.1 and 10.2 Ah). Current was 100 mA or about 200 mA/cm**2. Initially, a clear pattern was seen, with a lattice constant of 3.89 Aangstroms; this persisted through the low-load alpha phase. After the breakdown, from 10.2 Ah, another pattern was seen, with lc 4.02, corresponding to the beta phase. It was possible to measure the loading by an indirect method; it reached 0.55 and did not exceed this value. Also, the diffusion coefficient of deuterium in the Pd lattice could be estimated, and was about 5E-07 cm**2/s. Mar-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- Murr LE; Scripta Metallurg. Mater. 24 (1990) 783. "Palladium metallurgy and cold fusion: some remarks". ** A metallurgist's view of cold fusion; the erratic results obtained by the various cold fusion researchers might be due to different crystal and grain structures of the Pd used. Dislocation density and grain size, for example, might affect cold fusion probabilities. There is a variety of techniques that can and should be used, at each experiment, to characterise the metal microstructure, for example transmission electron microscopy, on which Murr has written a book. Feb-90/? ------------------------- Myers SM, Follstaedt DM, Schirber JE, Richards PM; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 263. "Search for cold fusion at D/Pd > 1 using ion implantation". ** It has been stressed that the D/Pd loading should be maximised in order to get cold fusion. So ion implantation is used to do this. Nuclear reaction analysis was used to determine the surface loading, which reached 1.3 +- 0.2. Charged particles (protons) from a cold fusion reaction were measured upon breaking the implantation beam. No evidence for cold fusion was found on Pd or on Zr. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Myers SM, Richards PM, Follstaedt DM, Schirber JE; Phys. Rev. B43 (1991) 9503. "Superstoichiometry, accelerated diffusion, and nuclear reactions in deuterium-implanted palladium". ** Samples of Pd foil, both vacuum annealed and untreated, were exposed to a deuterium beam at 10 keV and 41K, and 30 keV and 81K. At temperatures below about 120K, the authors find that Pd can absorb more than unity D/Pd ratio of deuterium. When the beam is turned off, however, the emission of neutrons has the same spectrum as that of the background. Thus, for this fairly short-term experiment, the upper cold fusion limit is about 1E-21..1E-20. The paper goes into some interesting detail about deuterium diffusion in Pd and its temperature dependence. Jul-90/Apr-91 ------------------------- Naerger U, Hayden ME, Booth JL, Hardy WN, Whitehead LA, Carolan JF, Balzarini DA, Wishnow EH, Blake CC; Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61 (1990) 1504. "High precision calorimetric apparatus for studying electrolysis reactions". ** This team developed an accurate microcalorimeter (0.3% in abs. energy balance), along the lines of an older (1947) design. Basically, the closed cell has catalytic recombination of evolved gases, so can be closed, and the heat evolved is measured by heat exchange with a long convoluted tube of fluid going through the cell. In the old, 1947 design, the tube went straight to the source of heat and then outwards; here, it goes inward from the outside. This isolates the cell from environmental (thermal) interferences, although it becomes slightly less accurate. It was able to detect 20 mW of heat. The team then tried it out on a cold fusion experiment, comparing electrolysis at a Pt electrode (0.1 M LiOD in D2O, the standard soup) with ditto at a Pd electrode, previously loaded with deuterium to 0.78 D/Pd (measured by weight). Within the 0.3% scatter, the two cells gave the same results. If you assume that no cold fusion takes place in/at Pt, then neither does it at Pd. Sep-89/May-90 ------------------------- Nakamitsu Y, Chiba M, Fukushima K, Hirose T, Kubo K, Fujii M, Nakahara H, Seimiya T, Sueki K, Katada M, Baba N, Kamasaki S, Ikuta S, Endo K, Shirakawa T; Nuovo Cimento 107 A (1994) 117. "Study of cold nuclear fusion with electrolysis at low-temperature range". ** Previous Italian work indicated that low temperatures might be favourable for CNF, so the team performed electrolysis at a range of temperatures -80C to room temp, using deuterated methanol with DCl (2M) instead of heavy water. An added benefit is said to be the higher deuterium loadings at low temperatures. The cell was placed into a neutron detection space, surrounded by 10 3He detectors in paraffin. The 10 detectors were divided into 5 pairs and signals rejected if they did not appear on all 5 pairs within 1 microsec. The cathode material was cold rolled Pd rod (5mm dia, 20 mm long), known to have many defects, as well as some of this stretched to 3 mm dia to produce more defects still, and the same for Ti rods. At current densities 100-250 mA/cm^2 and electrolysis times up to 267 h, the average neutron count was within one standard deviation of the background in all cases, and the frequency distribution of the counts was that of the background (Poisson). Initially, there appeared to be some excess neutrons over the background, but these were found to be due to cryostat switching. With these results, it was possible to set an upper limit to fusion of 3.1*10^-24 fus/pair/s, comparable with the results of Jones et al [1989]. Jun-93/Jan-94 ------------------------- Nakazawa M, Shibata T, Iguchi T, Akimoto T, Niimura N, Oyama Y, Aizawa O; Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkaishi 32 (1990) 114. (In Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:206091 (1990). "Cold fusion and low level neutron measurements". ** "A review, with 10 refs., of methodology of low level neutron detection for cold nuclear fusion". ------------------------- Nefedov VI; Vestnik Akad. Nauk SSSR 1991(1) 49 (in Russian). "Cold nuclear fusion?" ** A review, paying special attention to work in the Soviet Union. Early history is mentioned, e.g. one V.P. Alikin (1970, newspaper reports only), who electrolysed (heavy?) sulphuric acid at Fe, but also used metal hydrides by gas absorption. In 1986, Deryagin had trouble getting their fracto-work published. This has been actively pursued in 1989 (and later). Several Soviet institutions had a go, notably a large effort at Kharkov, with negative results). The author leaves no doubt that he is a skeptic. He writes that Soviet efforts are in harmony with the rest of the world, that is, the results are mostly negative. The work at the Physics-Energy Instiute at Obninsk is cited as an example of a responsible approach. These workers appeared to observe high neutron fluxes from several meters, but on investigating found that this was due to electromagnetic interference. Nefedov concludes with some philosophising, making comparisons with parapsychology and some comments on science sociology. ------------------------- Nimtz G, Marquardt P; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 518. "A proposal for a lukewarm nuclear fusion". ** N & M have, in their previous work, found that small metal particles can have a large dielectric constant, perhaps as high as 1E05. Such a medium - e.g. a network of Ag - would require only about 5600 K for fusion between deuterons to take place, instead of the usual enormously high temperatures. This suggests some simple and cheap experiments. Jun-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Nishizawa K; Hoshasen 17(1) (1991) 4 (in Japanese, English abstract). "Neutron measurements in cold fusion". ** "This paper describes an experience of neutron monitoring in cold fusion experiments in gas phase. A BF3 neutron dose rate meter was mainly used. The meter in our experiment on D2 gas discharge was free from noise to be counted. A slightly over-discharge of the batteries affects the pulse height of the counter although the rate meter of the counter responds regularly. False pulses were counted in high humidity". (Direct quote from the English abstr.). Fig. 1 shows what look like 5 neutron counters around the cell, and an MCA between the amplifier and the computer. Two Pd rods are used, in a 300 ml glass flask filled with D2 gas, at close to atm. pressure (rubber stoppers are shown). This, together with the referenc to Wada + Nishizawa, looks as if the author might have applied a spark between the two loaded Pd rods. As is seen, the abstract does not say whether neutrons were found but it does say some false readings were obtained. Sep-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Nomura K, Akiba E; Busshitsu Kogaku Gijutsu Kenkyusho Hokoku 2(4)(1994) 439 (in Japanese, Eng. abstr.). "Trial of nuclear fusion". ** Experimental. Gas phase, Ti, Pd, alloy LaNi5, Mg2Ni, neutrons, bursts, ** Res-. This reports a long term 'cold fusion' trial, lasting 32 months, using gas-phase charging of D2 into the alloy LaNi5, becoming LaNi5D6 in the process. Other alloys, such as Mg2Ni and the metals Ti and Pd were also tried. Neutron emissions were monitored with two counters. There were cases of apparent neutron bursts but not on both counters simultaneously; overall, nothing other than background noise was seen. This implies that, e.g., the neutron bursts observed by the de Ninno team could have been caused by noise events. ------------------------- Noninski VC, Noninski CI; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 364. "Determination of the excess energy obtained during the electrolysis of heavy water". ** Calorimetric experiments, using a bundle of thin Pd wire as cathode, and K2SO4 in D2O as electrolyte. After "lengthy" preelectrolysis, in which the Pd is saturated with deuterium, the cell is moved into the calorimeter. Gases evolve into an airbag, also within the calorimeter. Very short measuring times (electrolyses) of about 3 min, are used. During this time, the cell temperature rose, and the rises were converted to heat produced by precalibration. With or without recombination, most of the 10 runs reported show some excess heat. No controls are reported, but the authors claim that this calorimeter solves a number of problems. Jul-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Noninski VC, Noninski CI; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 579. "Comments on 'measurement and analysis of neutron and gamma-ray emission rates, other fusion products, and power in electrochemical cells having palladium cathodes'". ** The paper by Albagli et al, F. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 133, is commented upon here. Albagli et al did an open-cell calorimetry comparison, and the paper shows a drift in cell temperature, and the heat required to keep the cell at the same temperature. They attribute this to loss of solvent. Noninski and Noninski point out that this is not valid and that there in fact was evidence of excess heat in that paper. Nov-90/May-91 ------------------------- Noninski VC, Noninski CI; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 474. "Notes on two papers claiming no evidence for the existence of excess energy during the electrolysis of 0.1M LiOD/D2O with palladium cathodes". ** This is a polemic on the paper by Lewis et al, Nature 340 (1989) 525, and by Albagli et al, J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 133, both of which reported a negative result for a cold fusion calorimetry experiment. In both papers, an isoperibolic calorimeter was used, adjusting the power so as to keep the cell temperature constant, above bath temperature. N&N point out that in both cases the analysis in effect uses two equations to solve for three unknowns, one of them the excess power; this is then assumed to be zero and reported as such. Therefore, both papers are in error. Nov-92/Jul-93 ------------------------- Noninski VC; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 163. "Excess heat during the electrolysis of a light water solution of K2CO3 with a nickel cathode". ** The Mills & Kneizys scenario; Noninski has visited the Franklin and Marshall College where Mills and Farrell work, and carried out a confirmation experiment. He points out in the introduction that Pons, too, initially reported excess heat from H2O solutions. Calorimetry was by means of the difference between two identical Dewar cells, both containing the same solutions and components. One cell had electrolysis plus an inactive heater, the other the reverse. Blank Dewars were also used as checks. Ni foil, 7.5 * 4 * 0.0125 cm**3 was used as cathode, and the electrolyte was 0.57 M Na2CO3 and K2CO3. There were significant differences in the behaviour of the solutions, with the K2CO3 electrolyte showing an excess heat at about 60% over the input power. Noninski cannot see any trivial explanation for this excess; neither can it be due to temperature gradients in the cell, which were checked for by means of multiple thermistors, all showing the same. The extent of recombination of evolved hydrogen with oxygen is not known, although this was assumed zero in the calculation of excess heat. N does not comment further, except to say that a closed cell with a recombiner would add to the complications. As others have done, N ends with a statement that experimental evidence is more important at this stage than theory. Jul-91/Mar-92 ------------------------- Nordemann DJR; Mineracao Metalurgia 53 (1989) 51 (in Portuguese). "Cold fusion and geophysics: the current situation". ** A wrap-up of the cold fusion story at the time of writing, around the middle of 1989, commenting on the FPH paper and that of Cribier+ only. The usual interest and doubt is expressed, as well as an explanation of the suspect fusion reactions. Nordemann goes further, however, and takes up a suggestion of Cribier et al, that the neutrons may arise from collisions between alpha particles and deuterium; the alphas could come from natural heavy isotopes (U, Th, Rn) present in the palladium as impurities. Nordemann looks at Rn, one of whose decay products is (214)Po, which decays to give off an alpha particle with an energy of 7.68 MeV, sufficient to cause the reaction D + (4)He --> H + n + (4)He; i.e. the alpha or (4)He is not itself changed. Nordemann suggests that Pd may accumulate radon gas in sufficient quantity to let this happen. Radon is ubiquitous, being a product of uranium decay, and U is everywhere. The process could explain the erratic results obtained by various researchers, and Nordemann ironically suggests that some workers, who state that heat pretreatment of the palladium is to be avoided, do so in order not to drive out the radon... He concludes, however, with the thought that the subject is still important, and if a fusion reaction is indeed behind the positive results, this could have implications not only for our energy future but also for geophysical phenomena such as vulcanism, seismic activity and continental origin. SE Jones would agree. ------------------------- Norlander P, Noerskov JK, Besenbacher F, Myers SM; Phys. Rev. B40 (1989) 1990. "Multiple deuterium occupancy of vacancies in Pd and related metals". ** If cold fusion happens, then there should appear charged particles and neutrons, and these might cause crystal vacancies in the metal, leading to nucleation of dense D plasmas. The team use their "effective medium" theory to calculate energies of vacancy trapping for various transition metals. In Mo, Cu, Ni and Fe there is strong D-D repulsion, while it is weak in Nb and Pd. D-D spacing in Pd is down to 3.5 au, closer than the 5.2 au of octahedral occupancy - but not enough for cold fusion. (18-) Apr-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Notoya R, Noya Y, Ohnishi T; Fusion Technol. 26 (1994) 179. "Tritium generation and large excess heat evolution by electrolysis in light and heavy water-potassium carbonate solutions with nickel electrodes". ** The authors believe that in a cell of light water, K2CO3 and a Ni cathode, the excess heat observed arises from fusion of protons with alkali metal (K) at the Ni surface. The authors believe tritium is also generated. Some electrolysis runs, with durations from 6 to 26 h, are reported here; heat and tritium were measured, the tritium by taking samples out of the electrolyte after electrolysis. Some of the runs were done in heavy water. A table shows that all runs resulted in excess heat, in one case 169%. Electrolysis runs resulted in about an order of magnitude more tritium than in control measurements with pure water (light and heavy). Some rough linear relations were shown between tritium generated and excess heat. Less tritium was generated than Ca (from the p+K fusion) and two possible fusion reactions are suggested for tritium formation. Nov-93/Sep-94 ------------------------- Notoya R; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 202. "Cold fusion by electrolysis in a light water-potassium carbonate solution with a nickel electrode". ** The Mills-Kneizys/Bush scenario, which predicts the formation of calcium. The author used a sintered Ni slab (10 mm * 5 mm * 1 mm) and currents from 10 to 550 mA, with cell voltages up to about 5 V. The cell was placed in a calorimeter with calibration heaters, and the temperature measured as a function of input power (corrected for enthalpy of water electrolysis). The electrolysis runs (2 cells) show a straight line relation of temperature against total input power, much steeper that than for electrical heating, implying excess heat linear with input power, up to close to 4 W, greater than recombination heat. An increase in Ca concentration from 21-22 ppm to about 25 ppm resulted from the electrolysis, confirming Bush's theory of fusion of hydrogen with potassium. Further study is required here. Sep-92/Sep-93 ------------------------- Notoya R; Genshiryoku Koyo 39(9) (1993) 34 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 119:235230 (1993). "Current status of cold fusion research". ** "A review with 8 refs. is presented on the research of hydrogen electrode reaction of cold fusion in light water using K soln. Emphasis is on the discussion of heavy water-Pd and K-light water-Ni systems" (CA). ------------------------- Oguro K; Zairyo 39(437) (1990) 228 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:85796 (1990). "Hydrogen absorbing alloys and low-temperature nuclear fusion". ** "A review with no references is given on the mechanism of absorption of H by alloys, the roles of the metal surface and bulk metal in H absorption, and Pd as an electrode for cold nuclear fusion". ------------------------- Ohashi H, Morozumi T; J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 26 (1989) 729. "Decoding of thermal data in Fleischmann & Pons paper". ** As Kreysa (1989) did, the authors take a close look at FPH's heat analysis and find it wanting - as well as their experiment. The possibilities of recombination, or burning of palladium deuteride all could explain the large excess heats claimed. So recombination should be prevented in future experiments, and there should be some signs of nuclear reactions, to convince the world that a nuclear reaction is taking place. Some of these points appear now to be answered by the FPH-90 paper. Jun-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Ohmori T, Enyo M; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 293. "Excess heat evolution during electrolysis of H2O with nickel, gold, silver, and tin cathodes". ** An attempt to verify the Mills and Kneizys results, i.e. electrolysis in light water and potassium carbonate at a Ni cathode, in which excess heat was claimed found (although surprisingly, others claimed tritium as well). These authors, however, also use the other title metals as cathode. All were in the form of foil strips 2-3 cm by 10-20 cm, and the Pt mesh anode was placed flat on the cell bottom. Various electrolytes were tried such as K2CO3, Na2CO3, Na2SO4 and Li2SO4, all at 0.5 M. A constant current of 1A was run for 20 h each time. Hydrogen gas was used to stir the cell contents, and the temperature monitored by a single thermistor. The temp. was 1.3C higher with Ni and K2SO4 than with Na2SO4, thus supporting Mills & Kneizys' results. Other electrolytes also gave excess heat (up to almost 1 W with Sn, mechanically abraded) with all metals except Ni. Thus, in addition to the Mills proposal of the fusion of K with protons, there might also be fusion of Na and Li with protons, producing, e.g., Mg and 4He. Nov-92/Nov-93 ------------------------- Ohms D, Rahner D, Wiesener K; Mitteilungsblatt - Chem. Ges. DDR 36 (1989) 151 (in German). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:220285 (1989). "Nuclear fusion in an electrolysis cell". ** Review with 6 references. ------------------------- Ohta T; Hyomen Kagaku 11 (1989) 896 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:13018 (1990). "Is cold fusion possible? A proposal of the concept of "surfusion". ** "A review with 6 refs is given on the history of cold fusion, condensed matter confinement nuclear fusion, fracture induced nuclear fusion and surface confinement nuclear fusion". ------------------------- Oka Y, Koshizuka S, Kondo S; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 260. "Electrochemically induced deuterium-tritium fusion power reactor - preliminary design of a reactor system." ** Conceptual design, using a double-tube cell to maximise electrode area. (28-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Oka Y, Koshizuka S, Kondo S; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 263. "D2O-fueled fusion power reactor using electrochemically induced deuterium-deuterium D-Dn, D-Dp and deuterium-tritium reactions - preliminary design of a reactor system". ** A 1000 MW reactor design is presented. (28-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Okabe S; Poverkhnost. Fis. Khim. Mech. (7) (1993) 34. "Some new scientific fields related to exoelectron emission and fracto-emission". ** The author is concerned with the field of exoelectron emission (EEE) and deplores the lack of interest in it among scientists. In this paper, he surveys the field and how EEE impinges on, among other areas, cold fusion, through fracto-emission. This started with Klyuev et al in 1986, and there has been some confirmation since then, by others. Jun-92/? ------------------------- Olemskoj AI, Toropov EA; Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 35(11) (1990) 1619 (in Russian). "On the fluctuation theory of cold fusion". ** The authors use the work of Anderson (Phys. Rev. 109 (1958) 1492) to work out a model of cold fusion, and the conditions under which it might work. The idea is that although mean states do not allow fusion in metal deuteride, their fluctuations might, with the right parameters; large values of deuteron delocalisation and scattering and small storage parameter are favourable, helped by the fluctuations and external noise. Apr-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Olofsson G, Wadsoe I, Eberson L; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 23 (1991) 95. "Design and testing of a calorimeter for measurements on electrochemical reactions with gas evolution". ** Cold fusion calorimetry places great demands on the experimenter, because of the high currents and gas evolution, over long periods. Many calorimeter designs allow substantial rise in cell temperature, which itself introduces problems. Here, the authors present a better design, using thermopile heat conduction to carry heat out of the cell. Accuracy was 0.2%. In this kind of setup, the calibration constant is not a function of the heat capacity of the cell, unlike with other calorimeters. During electrolysis, even at the highest applied powers (up to 1W), cell temperature was not raised by more than 0.5K. The results show no excess heat for any cell, within the experimental limits. Sep-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Ono H, Takahashi S, Morisaki H, Yazawa K; Denki Tsushin Daigaku Kiyo 4 (1991) 235 (in Japanese, English abstract). "Absorption and desorption of hydrogen and deuterium into palladium". ** SEM was used to look at the surface morphology of Pd upon electrolysis in 0.1M LiOH and LiOD in normal and heavy water, resp. In LiOD, crater-like features appear on the Pd, but not in LiOH, after thousands of electrolysis hours. A neutron detector was placed into a Wada-Nishizawa-type glass bulb containing Pd and pressurised D2 gas, with an electric discharge passed between the Pd rods. No neutrons were observed above background. ?/Dec-91 ------------------------- Oriani RA, Nelson JC, Lee S-K, Broadhurst JH; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 652. "Calorimetric measurements of excess power output during the cathodic charging of deuterium into palladium". ** A calorimeter using the Seebeck effect is used. The cylindrical electrode space is entirely surrounded by a thermopile array, thus capturing all the heat given off; temperature gradients do not matter. Calibration with electrical heating shows an accuracy of 0.3%. Runs with water establish precise agreement between expected and measured heat, and absence of significant recombination effects. Runs with heavy water then show no anomalous heat outputs over 31 hours. A larger cell was then built, with lower electrolytic resistance, to allow larger current densities. Also, palladium was a part of the anode, so as to dissolve Pd and redeposit it onto the cathode, in order to encourage crack formation there. Now some apparent excess heat was measured. Recalibration with H2O confirmed this. Another anomaly observed was that, upon reduction of the input power there was a rise in the calorimeter signal, and excess heat. There was also a slight waviness in the calorimeter signal with heavy water but not with light water, indicating the possibility of periodic or sporadic heat bursts. Chemical explanations for the excess heats appear not to be sufficient, nor are mechanical energy storage models. Some attempt to monitor neutron flux, and to assay for tritium afterwards; neither was found. The excess heat observed remains unexplained. May-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Ota K, Yoshitake H, Kamiya N; Hyomen Kagaku 14(9) (1993) 570 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 120:145919 (1994). "Present status of cold fusion". ** "A review with 9 refs.". The references are up to 1993, including the F&P paper in Phys. Lett. A and the Nagoya conference procs, Frontiers of Cold Fusion. Aug-93/Sep-93 ------------------------- Oyama N, Ohsaka T, Hatozaki O, Kurasawa Y, Yamamoto N, Kasahara S, Ohta N, Imai Y, Oyama Y, Nakamura T, Shibata T, Imamura M, Uwamino Y, Shibata S; Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 63 (1990) 2659. "Electrochemical calorimetry of D2O electrolysis using a palladium cathode - an undivided, open cell system -". ** Palladium rods of 2mm and 6mm dia. were first heated in air at 1540 degC for 1 h, quenched in D2O, and then heated in vacuum at 600 degC for 6 h and cooled in a D2 gas atmosphere. The paper does not make clear whether the same treatment, but using H2O and H2 gas, was used for the controls. The rods were then used in electrolysis of H2O and D2O containing 0.1 M LiOH or LiOD. Current densities were 60-300 mA/cm**2. Two temperature probes were placed in the undivided cells and the evolved gases' volume measured to monitor electrolysis efficiency, from which the degree of recombination could be estimated. Even for fully immersed cathodes, there was around 2-5% recombination, presumably from gases present in the electrolyte. Cell temperature changes were measured by means of a thermistor, and calibration by electric heating. A loading of about 0.65 was achieved. The figures show excess heat, corrected for water electrolysis. For heavy water, there is great scatter and it appears that the points average out to about zero, as they also do for light water, where there is less scatter. The authors, however, list the high points of excess heat in their Table, going up to "42% excess heat". One of the interesting effects is the difference between the two temp. probes, showing clearly that there are large temp. gradients in the cells. The authors do not conclude that they have evidence for cold fusion, pointing to the need for measurements of correlated independent parameters. Apr-90/Sep-90 ------------------------- Oyama N, Yamamoto N, Hatozaki O, Ohsaka T; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2, 29 (1990) L818. "Probing absorption of deuterium into palladium cathodes during D2O electrolysis with an in situ electrochemical microbalance technique". ** The quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), is used here to weigh absorbed hydrogen isotopes in Pd, sputtered as a film (45-1000 nm) on top of a film of Cr (2 nm) and Au (300 nm) on the quartz plate. Cyclic voltammetry - i.e. cycling the applied potential forward and backward - is used, monitoring both current and QCM frequency changes, df. On Au, df (due to H-deposition) goes back to zero on the reverse scan, while on Pd, it does not, in the few minutes the scan took, indicating absorption of H into the Pd interior. A constant-current run with both normal and deuterated electrolytes showed double the df for D as for H, since D is double the weight of H. This shows these isotopes are absorbed into Pd. From df, the team calculate a loading D/Pd of about 0.58; this is less than the total current comes to, indicating some loss as, e.g., D2 bubbles. X-ray diffraction confirmed the presence of some beta-phase Pd deuteride. The results differ from those of Cheek and O'Grady, who found that df was twice that expected from the Sauerbrey equation, probably due to mechanical changes in the film due to D-loading. They used coulometry to measure the loading, and got quite reasonable numbers, implying no loss. Oyama et al promise more work on the kinetics of absorption of H into and its diffusion in Pd, and some calorimetry. Mar-90/May-90 ------------------------- Oyama Y; Hoshasen 16 (1990) 15 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:17192 (1991). "Very low level flux neutron measurement with an NE213 liquid scintillator". ** "Tech. details of an NE213 liq. scintillation detector system is described from the viewpoint of very low-level flux n measurements such a cold fusion expt. Characteristics of the NE213 detector system are investigated for the background pulse shape discrimination, stability and shielding. The detection limit of the present system is 0.1 n/s/source due to the detector efficiency and background. This limit will be extended to 0.001-0.01 n/s/source by using coincidence and anticoincidence detectors. A multichannel scaling technique is also applied to perform a chi-square test in comparison with Poisson distribution. A series of expts. are arranged with chi-square values to see reproducibility of n detection." (Quoted from CA) ------------------------- Packham NJC, Wolf KL, Wass JC, Kainthla RC, Bockris JO'M; J. Electroanal. Chem. 270 (1989) 451. "Production of tritium from D2O electrolysis at a palladium cathode" ** State that emission of nuclear particles would be better evidence of cold fusion that heat. They find tritium but no neutrons. Aug-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Palamalai A, Rafi Ahmed AG, Sampath M, Chinnusamy A, Prasad GN, Krishna Rao KS, Sreedharan OM, Raman VR, Balasubramanian GR; Trans. SAEST 25 (1990) 73. "Preliminary experimental studies on electrochemically induced fusion of deuterium". ** Electrolysis of D2O at Pd. Gamma emission from thermalised neutrons was detected by an NaI detector, shielded from cosmic rays by Pb shielding. Aliquots of the electrolyte were extracted for tritium assays. In another experiment, a Ti cuboid is used as cathode. Thermal effects were measured by comparing a "live" cell with a dummy containing H2O. Some sporadic gamma events were observed from both Pd and Ti electrodes. The authors also analyse FPH's results and conclude that a small area/volume ratio is favourable for fusion, as this relatively inhibits escape of deuterium from the Pd, thus giving it more time to fuse. ------------------------- Paleschi V, Harith MA, Salvetti G, Singh DP, Vaselli M; Phys. Lett. A148 (1990) 345. "A plasma model of the process of cold nuclear fusion in metals". ** The authors aim to present a model of the interionic interactions and electron screening in metals that, without introducing the unrealistic concept of effective mass or charge, may account for observed cold fusion rates. The high density of H in Pd gives rise to a dense one-component plasma. Results show that efficient screening of the d potential obtains in metals at low temperatures and d-d short range correlation lead to enhanced cold fusion rates. Aug-89/Aug-90 ------------------------- Palibroda E, Glueck P; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Lett. 154 (1991) 153. "Cold nuclear fusion in thin foils of palladium". ** A 20 mu-thin foil of Pd was electrolytically charged with deuterium from an electrolyte 0.1M LiOD in D2O, and then poisoned with thiourea. Neutrons were measured with a (ZnS(Ag)?) detector not sensitive to gamma rays, another one being placed at 1.5 m for background monitoring. Counts were integrated over 10 min intervals. The cell was double-walled and inside a thermostat, with a recombination catalyst feeding the evolved gases back into the cell. There were 7 periods of neutron emissions, lasting from 3.2 to 12.7 hours each, with a neutron intensity from 1.8 to 140 (mean) times the background, or up to 300 times maximum. These emissions convert to fusion rates up to 1E-18 /s/pair. The background was fairly constant throughout at about 112+-12 counts during inactive periods, and raised slightly to 216+-46 during active periods. No temperature data is reported, and no controls. The team will now attempt to make the experiment reproducible; they speculate that the poisoning did the trick. Mar-91/? ------------------------- Paneth F, Peters K; Ber. 59 (1926) 2039 (in German). "On the transmutation of hydrogen into helium". ** Starts by mentioning even earlier attempts at this by Strutt and JJ Thomsen, who tried to bombard hydrogen by high-energy radiation. PP used palladium and hydrogen, under mild conditions. They mention that the form of palladium is important (they tried Pd black, sponge, etc.) and that the metal sometimes becomes inactive and refuses to take up H. Having invented a highly sensitive He detector, and being aware of the possibility of contamination by external sources, they went to great pains to exclude these. They nevertheless find He in Pd-H mixtures, and even a correlation between the amount of He and the length of time of reaction. They rather carefully conclude that, since all sources of error appear to have been eliminated, transmutation has taken place. This was submitted in August 1926 - to at least two journals, in fact; the article in Die Naturwissen- schaften at about the same time contains, as far as I know, the same stuff. ------------------------- Paneth F, Peters K; Naturwiss. 14 (1926) 956 (in German). "On the transmutation of hydrogen to helium". ** This is a copy/reprinting of the authors' paper in Ber. 59 (1926) 2039. Lest it be thought that this is an example of multiplying publications, the authors explain in 1927 that the journal asked for permission to print the paper. It contains exactly the same material as the original. ------------------------- Paneth F; Nature (London) 119 (1927) 706. "The transmutation of hydrogen into helium". ** Paneth retracts, in much the same wording as the other paper in Ber. 60 (1927) 808, his and Peters' claims to have produced helium by the fusion of hydrogen in palladium. Although they had done control experiments without hydrogen, they had not been aware that hydrogen itself renders both glass and asbestos more permeable to helium, so the control was not a control. This still left them with some unaccounted positive results but in view of this major error source, they retract their fusion claim. ------------------------- Paneth F, Peters K, Guenther P; Ber. 60 (1927) 808 (in German). "On the transmutation of hydrogen into helium" ** Submitted February 1927 or about six months after the earlier paper, this retracts the earlier claim. In a fussy and unembarrassed manner, they report that they have now found a hitherto unsuspected source of helium contamination. Apparently, heated glass allowed He to pass through it, especially in the presence of H. This new error source is now sufficient to account for all the He found in the experiments, within the error limits of He detection. Therefore, it is not justified to assume transmutation. This article, too, was published in at least one other journal (again, Die Naturwissenschaften) and I think Nature also reported this. You might say that Paneth was following the publish-or-perish edict and winning even when he was losing, but in fact Chemical Abstracts of the time shows that he and his coworkers published prodiguously in geochemistry and didn't need to artificially multiply their publications. Again, there is a parallel with polywater: I haven't looked up the relevant citations, but I clearly remember that one of the active researchers in this (non)-field ended up with a calm and dignified retraction, after his team had shown that contamination (in this case, with amino acids) accounted for everything. Will we ever get a retraction on cold fusion by F+P, or will they dodge embarrassing questions for ever? ------------------------- Paolo P; Nature (London) 338 (1989) 711 (27-Apr). "Cold fusion: what's going on?". ** Says that the small neutron flux observed by FPH should not be taken as evidence against CNF. Paolo refers to work by Oppenheimer and Phillips of 1935, which predicts the recapture of the slow neutrons, so that only protons will be emitted. This also explains the anomalously high fusion rate. ?/Apr-89 ------------------------- Parish TA, Perry RT, Wilson WB; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 479. "Neutron sources and spectra from cold fusion". ** The feasible, known fusion reactions would produce neutrons, which would be thermalised and produce secondaries. This paper sets out to calculate expected spectra of these emissions; experimentalists will thus know what to look for, i.e. as shown in the four Figs in this paper. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Park AE; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 319. "Some thoughts on a simple mechanism for the 2H + 2H --> 4He cold fusion reaction". ** Six references are cited as evidence for 4He production correlated with excess heat; thus, the reaction d + d --> 4He must be the one. The author calls it the compressed-rotational-shielded (CRS) cold fusion reaction. It has not been proven not to take place in the cold fusion environment. At one stage of this reaction, two d nuclei are brought close together by momentum, compression and internal ground-state rotations in the presence of an excess of electrons at the Pd surface; e.g. in the presence of a magnetic field. An alternative stage might be the attraction of the two neutrons to each other. The second stage is then the formation of the excited 4He. Other mechanisms are possible. The essence of this seems to be the formation of pn-np pairs by Coulomb repulsion and compression. In the final stage, the excited 4He comes to rest, releasing its energy to photons. Some suggestions are made for experimentally enhancing this mechanism. Nov-92/Nov-93 ------------------------- Park YW, Yoon CO, Yoon MY, Kim JC; Sae Mulli 29 (1989) 231 (in Korean). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:65413 (1989) "The observation of 2.2 MeV gamma-rays in an electrochemical cell". ** Repeated the CNF experiment (the abstract doesn't say which one). After 5 hours, the gamma spectrum showed the same peak as the FPH 2.2 MeV peak. They reserve judgement as to where this comes from. ------------------------- Parmenter RH, Lamb Jr WE; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990) 8652. "Cold fusion in palladium: a more realistic calculation". ** Following these authors' previous two papers (1989, 1990), this paper recalculates expected fusion rates, now employing the modified, rather than the straight, Thomas-Fermi-Mott equation. The modification lies in the model for the conduction electrons, and their assumed effective mass. The resulting fusion rate, around 1E-23 fusions/s/d-d pair, is more in line with those reported by Jones et al (1989), and some orders of magnitude smaller than those previously calculated. The new numbers suggest that the Jones et al results can be explained by conventional physics, as used here. Jul-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Parmenter RH, Lamb WE Jr; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86 (1989) 8614. "Cold fusion in metals". ** The jellium model of a metal containing deuterons is considered, including the Pd example. The Thomas-Fermi method, and the WBK (Wentzel-Brillouin- -Kramers) approximation lead to a fusion rate first of 10E-33/s; then, after a few arguments about conduction electrons and the double-positive charge of a deuteron pair, to 10E-30/s, in agreement with Kondo, who also used the jellium model. This is still 6-7 orders of magnitude lower than reported by Jones+ but closer than the D2 rate of 10E-100 or so. There is some discussion of the possible reasons for the disagreement with the result of Legget and Baym (10E-47/s), involving the approximations used. Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Parmenter RH, Lamb WE Jr; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87 (1990) 3177. "More cold fusion in metals: corrected calculations and other considerations". ** A reexamination of their previous calculations of possible fusion rates in PdD(x), which lead to a value of 1E-30. Now, it seems that about 1E-18 is possible, larger than the rates inferred by Jones+ (who have similar results with palladium electrodes). The application of the model to titanium is not as easy, due to uncertainties in values of, e.g., specific heat and elastic constants of the deuteride, so no reliable numbers can be calculated. Dec-89/Apr-90 ------------------------- Parmigiani F, Sona PG; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis., D 11 (1989) 913. "Theoretical considerations on the cold nuclear fusion in condensed matter". ** If x > 1 in PdD(x), pseudomesic D-molecule groups might form, giving rise to heavy electrons (up to 20 times normal) and enhanced fusion is then possible. The authors admit that this is not highly likely. (12-)Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Paseka I, Vondrak J; Chem. Listy 84 (1990) 897 (in Czech). "Cold nuclear fusion". ** (English abstract:) "The subject of this article is the development of the knowledge concerning cold nuclear fusion. Both the original communications and the experiments on the checking of the phenomenon are presented. Further, the main properties of the metal-hydrogen systems are summarized with respect to the assumed influence of the nuclear reaction of deuterons, and some features of this nuclear reaction are described. The causes of errors leading to incorrect determination of thermal effects and nuclear particles are discussed. Fusion processes with an observable thermal effect are not probable, but it cannot be excluded, either experimentally or theoretically, that fusion processes take place at very low speeds, below 1E-21 to 1E-28 fusions per second per one deuteron pair." Written in June, 1989, the paper draws attention to most of the major commentaries to that date, goes through most of the important aspects of the Pd/D system, electrolysis, muon catalysis, Oppenheimer-Phillips theory, some thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry, and the possible traps for the unwary cold fusion researcher. Jun-89/Sep-90 ------------------------- Pauling L; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 105 (11-May). "Explanations of cold fusion" (section editor's title). ** Based on his own work going right back to 1938, Pauling suggests that higher deuteride, probably PdD2, is formed due to electrolysis pressure of D, and that this decomposes during the later stages of electrolysis, giving off heat - and possibly causing the melt-down FPH reported. He also suggests that PdD2 is more stable than PdH2, and PdT3 even more so. ?/May-89 ------------------------- Perfetti P, Cilloco F, Felici R, Capozi M, Ippoliti A; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. D 11 (1989) 921. "Neutron emission under particular nonequilibrium conditions from palladium and titanium electrolytically charged with deuterium". ** Report neutron emission. Used electrolysis. Speculate that it might be nonequilibrium conditions that induce fusion, perhaps the transition from the alpha- to the beta phase of PdD. To test this, they warmed up the D-charged Pd wire by passing 10A through it for 1 min. It warmed up to somewhere around 100 degC. Every time, neutrons were observed with a time delay of about 2 min. The same happened with Ti wire. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Petelenz P; Acta Phys. Polon. A75 (1989) 929. "Hypothetical D-D bound states in solid palladium". ** In theory, CNF might go if only D-D pairs are held close enough for long enough. But analysis shows they are even further apart than in D2 gas. But P. speculates that double-positive Schottky vacancies exist in the Pd crystal lattice, attracting deuterons, so that possibly two of them can move in together and be close enough for CNF. Maybe. (19-) Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Petrasso RD, Chen X, Wenzel KW, Parker RR, Li CK, Fiore C; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 183 (issue 6221) (18-May). "Problems with the gamma-ray spectrum in the Fleischmann et al experiments" (Title given by section editor). ** Polemic; about the first to point out that that famous spectrum was unlikely. FPH show a peak at 2.22 MeV and attribute it to the fusion reaction n + d --> d + gamma. Petrasso+ here point out that it not only has the wrong shape (it should be wider) but lacks the proximity of the Compton effect, which should be distorting the peak. ?/May-89 ------------------------- Petrasso RD, Chen X, Wenzel KW, Parker RR, Li CK, Fiore C; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 667 (issue 6221, 29-Jun). "Problems with the gamma-ray spectrum in the Fleischmann et al experiments". ** Polemic; answer to FPH's answer to Petrasso+'s polemic in Nature (London) 339 (1989) 183. They correctly point out that FPH originally did attribute their (incorrect) 2.22 MeV peak to the nuclear reaction. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Petrii OA, Tsirlina GA, Simonov EF, Safonov VA, Lapshina EV; Sov. Electrochem. 27 (1991) 1240. Russian original: Elektrokhimiya 27 (1991) 1403. "Attempts to detect electrochemical cold nuclear fusion by determining the excess tritium". ** Of the various signatures of fusion, tritium is not the most sensitive (lower limit = 1E-17 - 1E-19 fusion rate) but was chosen here nevertheless because it is urgent to detect it reliably. Careful attention was paid to controls, material purity. Pd alloys with different mechanical properties were used, to allow for fractofusion effects, and some trace metals were added in order to raise the overpotential at a given current density. Tritium was looked for in both the electrolyte and the evolved gas. No significant amounts were found in any experiments, beyond normal enrichment effects. The lower limit of the fusion rate is thus found to be 1E-18. Future work, to detect protons from the same reaction, is planned, and should yield four orders of magnitude better sensitivity. Apr-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Petrillo C, Sacchetti F; Europhys. Lett. 10 (1989) 15. "A possible mechanism for bulk cold fusion in transition metal hydrides". ** Fusion rates can be enhanced by extra energy coming from the alpha-beta transition observed in such other hydrides as those of Nb and Ta. (22-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Pinch TJ; Social Studies of Science 22 (1992) 487. "Opening black boxes: Science, technology and society". ** This was given as a talk at a conference and later published here. It is a sci-soc/phil paper, discussing 'the role of errors and mistakes' in 'cold fusion', among other subjects. Pinch points out that different standards are applied by critics of 'cold fusion' to its advocates and its critics. Authors Close and Broad are singled out as examples. ------------------------- Pokropivnii VV, Ogorodnikov VV; Pis'ma Zh. Teor. Fiz. 16(21) (1990) 31 (in Russian). Translated in: Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 16(111) (1990) 819. "The bineutron model of cold nuclear fusion in metals". ** Supported by earlier Soviet theoretical work, the authors propose the hypothetical formation of quasistable bineutrons; these are put into the context of the nucleonic (neutron, deuteron and biproton) isotope family. If bineutrons have sufficient life times, they might undergo the fusion reactions d+2n-->t+n or d+2n->(4)He+e. The bineutrons can be formed by electron capture by protons, and the chemistry of the environment enters here: high electron pressure and density are favourable. Some thermodynamical calculations indicate that Pd and Nb are particularly good metals in whose deuterides this might happen. Highly energetic electrons might derive from the fracto-effect (electrons accelerated across cracks) or from the high voltage fields at cathode surfaces. The hypothesis suggests test experiments as, e.g. varying the accelerating voltages in some manner, or admixture of different neutron-rich impurities to optimise the process. Aug-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Pokropivnyi VV; Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. (1993)(4) 86 (Russian, Engl. abstr). "Bineutron theory of cold nuclear fusion". ** In a previous paper, the author has suggested, simultaneously with Timashev, that the formation of dineutrons might be the cold fusion mechanism. In this paper, he elaborates on this idea. The abstract says (with some paraphrasing): "Possibilities are considered for stabilisation of the dineutron pair in the deuteron-containing crystals, in particular beta-decay without recoil. Also, the temperature criterion T < Tc are proposed to explain neutron 'flashes'". The author calculates the lifetime of 2n as 2.4*10^-12 s at 3K. More work is needed, and there are many possibilities for reactions other than just 2n-d fusion, e.g. reactions of 2n with the Pd itself. Oct-92/? ------------------------- Pons S, Fleischmann M; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 669. "Calorimetric measurements of the palladium/deuterium system: fact and fiction". ** A defense of their paper FPH-89, in the form of more details. Some of this overlaps with their second paper, FPALH-90. The points made here include (1) a low-cost calorimeter is required for experiments which must be run for an average of 3 months; (2) recombination of D2 with O2 gas did not occur, as these gases were never in contact with the Pd electrode; (3) appreciable stray currents did not flow since >99% Faradaic efficiency was measured; (4) the cell acts as an extremely well-stirred system in the thermal sense; (5) there were in fact blank experiments reported in FPH-89 (they cite the Pd plate at low current and state that the best blank is a deuterated Pd electrode with no excess heat), and here they report many more blanks; (6) that, apart from long term, steady state excess heats, there were much larger bursts, with factors up to 40 relative to the input heat; and that (7) the integrated long-term heat shows an excess far greater than can be explained by any conceivable chemical process. Mar-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- Pons S, Fleischmann M; Nuovo Cimento 105A (1992) 763. "Concerning the detection of neutron and gamma-rays from cells containing palladium cathodes polarized in heavy water". ** P&F have apparently now improved their expertise in radiation measurement, and here admit that their first attempt was insufficient. They now report the use of an efficient Ge detector for gamma rays, placed in a lab together with three electrolysis cell baths, each containing 4-6 cells, with various sized Pd cathodes, various current densities, plus a Pt cathode control. The Ge detector presumably would pick up radiation from any of these cells. This was left to itself for up to 205 days, while some of the cells gave off excess heat. The integrated gamma spectrum has some sharp peaks at 2224 keV, and some other features convince P&F that this indeed comes from thermalisation of neutrons given off d-d by cold fusion, that branch that also produces (3)He. There is some polemic about the Salamon measurements. Apr-91/Jun-92 ------------------------- Porter JD, Shihab-Eldin AA, Bossy H, Echegaray FJ, Nitschke JM, Prussin SG, Rasmussen JO, Stoyer MA; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 319. "Limits on electromagnetic and particle emission from palladium-D2O electrolytic cells". ** First, an FPH(89)-type cell, using a Pd wire, was used, and neutrons monitored by means of the 2.224 MeV gamma peak expected from neutron thermalisation. Open-circuit electrode potential measurements were attempted as a measure of D/Pd loading but abandoned as useless. Electrochemical titration (i.e. reoxidation of all D and current integration) yielded a lower limit of 0.62. This cell produced no emissions above background, setting the upper limit at 2E-22 fus/pair/s. Another, twin, cell was then built, with D2O in the one and H2O in the other. "Single blind" mode was used, in which the experimenters did not know which cell was which. The two cells were alternately placed into the detector space for 24 hours. Gamma, x-ray, neutron detectors were placed, as well as one for high-energy charged particles. Also, a thin-foil cell was placed over an SSB charged particle detector. No emissions indicating cold fusion were detected. Current cycling was tried in order to perhaps stimulate stress cracking and fractofusion, again with no results. The thin-foil cell showed no charged particle emissions. The need for the twin cells was emphasised by considerable background variations. As well, there were a few large neutron bursts, readily associated with known noise sources. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Powell GL, Bullock IV JS, Hallman RL, Horton PJ, Hutchinson DP; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 355. "The preparation of palladium for cold fusion experiments". ** Clearly, Pd cathode preparation is a critical issue in cold fusion. This paper examines the options. One can distinguish between electrodes that have been mechanically worked (by forging, extrusion, swaging and rolling or surface treatments such as turning, drilling and tapping) and those that have not. These latter might be chill-block cast, dud melted directionally solidified, zone refined boule grown or treated by the Czochralski method. Some of these produce single crystals or oriented grains, some with shrink voids. Voids may be important. The paper reports an experiment with Pd melted from foil in an ultravacuum furnace at 1600 degC and rapidly solidified to produce voids which have nice clean surfaces and might sustain high deuterium pressures. Two of the rods were annealed at 900 degC for 4 h to remove residual work. They were charged with D2 gas, while measuring the pressure (changes), which allowed a pressure-loading curve to be measured. It showed a final D/Pd loading of 0.63 at about 2 atm at 50 degC. Future work is plannned, such as inclusion of Li or LiD. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Prati P, Ricco G, Taiuti M, Boragno C, Eggenhoffner R, Valbusa U; Nuovo Cimento A 105 (1992) 293. "Search for neutron emission from titanium-deuterium systems". ** This team designed a new type of multiparameter, high-efficiency neutron detector, recognising that this is required for cold fusion experiments. The aim was to verify the results of Scaramuzzi et al, for high D loadings in Ti. Three coaxial scintillator shells were used, 20 cm long and about 5 cm thick. The inner shell was filled with NE213 liquid and the two outer ones are plastic NE102A. Cd sheets between the shells capture neutrons thermalised within the detector. An anticoincidence cosmic ray detector was placed over the setup and the whole surrounded by a paraffin (20 cm) and Cu (2 cm) and Pb (10 cm) wall. A 30 cm**3 sample could be placed in the centre of all this. A pulse shape discriminator separated gamma events from neutrons. Detection efficiency at 2.45 MeV was calibrated at 12.5 %. Ti shavings were exposed to D2 gas under pressure; when the Ti was not heated in vacuum, no D2 was absorbed and the neutron count was the same as the background; the same was obtained with Ti powder. When the powder was heated in vacuum at 560 C for about 7 h, and then exposed to 16 atm of D2 gas, it did absorb it and the temp. went up to 600 C; still no neutrons were detected. This loaded Ti was then subjected to several thermal cycles between liquid N2 and room temperature, and at no time was there any neutron emission above background. The authors conclude that the Scaramuzzi-type experiment is not suitable, because no D2 is absorbed. Oct-91/Feb-92 ------------------------- Prelas M, Boody F, Gallaher W, Leal-Quiros E, Mencin D, Taylor S; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 309. "Cold fusion experiments using Maxwellian plasmas and sub-atmospheric deuterium gas". ** Here is a team with experience with plasma fusion. They use a heated plasma of deuterium aimed at a Pd target to load D into the Pd, at the typically low plasma pressures, and measure gamma and neutron fluxes. Data is taken with software and "manually ... in bound notebooks". Some neutron and gamma emissions were detected above background, and were shown not to be due to heating of the Pd sample, since simple heating produced no such effects. The results are sufficiently interesting to warrant further research using, e.g., better neutron detectors and searching for tritium as well. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Prelas MA, Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 240. "Advanced energy conversion methods for cold fusion". ** Discusses several possibilities for how to produce energy from cold fusion, if this proves a real phenomenon. The basis of these speculations is that cold fusion might give off charged particles which can be made to produce photons. The article develops various themes for how to use these in practice, including the production of chemicals by irradiation. (12-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Premuda F; Nature (London) 338 (1989) 712 (27-Apr). "Cold fusion: what's going on?" (section editor's title). ** Suggests a way to explain the paradox of so much heat and so little radiation as observed by FPH. He hypothesises that there are regions in the Pd where the density of deuterons is high, allowing fusion. The particles produced there will not escape the high-density regions, having a very small mean free path within these regions. So you get a lot of heat but little particle radiation. ?/Apr-89 ------------------------- Preparata G; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 82. "Some theories of 'cold' nuclear fusion: a review". ** A review paper. The experimental reports are classified into the F-P, BYU, TAMU, BNL and CHY (Caltech-Harwell-Yale) lines and are briefly described. The positive results throw up the two problems of the Coulomb barrier and the fact that the PdDx lattice seems to behave differently from vacuum. The main theories that attempt to get around these problems are outlined. In summary, P concludes that experimental failure may have to do with failure to reach a loading of 1+. Fractofusion is not mentioned. Jan-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Preparata G; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. A104 (1991) 1259. "A new look at solid-state fractures, particle emission and 'cold' nuclear fusion". ** Preparata goes back to 1953 to find evidence of fractoemission of electrons and electromagnetics; he presents his theory of superradiant motions of solid plasmas. The components of a solid plasma lose their identity and behave in a collective manner. The oscillations are reflected at the boundaries but there exists a field beyond these boundaries, fast decaying with distance. Within the small cracks, however, there will be "evanescent waves" due to this effect, which can impart considerable energy to particles there. Thus fractoemission is explained, and cold fusion is seen to be a likely fracto effect as well. Nov-90/Aug-91 ------------------------- Price PB, Barwick SW, Williams WT, Porter JD; Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 1926. "Search for energetic-charged-particle emission from deuterated Ti and Pd foils". ** Pd and Ti foils of 0.23 mm thickness were cleaned in aqua regia and exposed to D2 at 1 bar, 550 degC for 3 hours. This should be enough, given the diffusion coefficients of D in the metals, to load them fully. Careful monitoring of particle emissions showed nothing. Jul-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Price PB; Nature 343 (1990) 542 (Feb 1990). "Search for high-energy ions from fracture of LiD crystals". ** At last an attempt to verify the several Soviet claims of emission of high-energy particles from fractured deuterides. Price cleaved a large LiD crystal 100 times, and measures no neutrons. This casts some doubt on the Soviet fracto-something results. Sep-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Pyun S, Lim C, Kim K-B; J. Alloys Comp. 203 (1994) 149. "An investigation of the electrochemical kinetics of deuterium insertion into a Pd membrane electrode in 0.1M LiOD solution by the a.c. impedance technique". ** A double cell was used, divided by a thin Pd foil. Thus, deuterium inserted by electrolysis on one side of the foil could be detected on the other side. When steady state was reached, impedance measurements were carried out on the electrolysis side using a correlator. Results show that a mechanism involving absorption of adsorbed deuterium, produced from reduction, is consistent with the measurements; some rate constants are given, as well as the diffusion coefficient of deuterium in PdDx, as (5.10 +- 1.04)*10^-7 cm^2/s, somewhat higher than that of hydrogen. ------------------------- Qin G, Peng Q, Fu J, Zhang L, Zhang B; Wuli Xuebao 40(6) (1991) 943 (in Chinese, English abstract). "Evolution of hydrogen (deuterium) in palladium-hydrogen (deuterium) system and the distribution of hydrogen near the surface". ** "Hydrogen and deuterium were introduced into palladium cathode in an electrolysis process for 150 h with light and heavy water as electrolyte, resp. The palladium cathode used had quenched or annealed after a thermal treatment at 950 degC. The variation of diffraction pattern and lattice const. of beta phase of palladium-hydrogen system in air with time were measured by x-ray diffraction method. The distribution of hydrogen in the surface layer of palladium-hydrogen system was measured by the nuclear reaction 1H(19F,a-gamma)16O. Comparing a quenched palladium cathode with annealed palladium cathode, it is shown that the former has higher initial concn. of hydrogen and faster evolution velocity than the latter after electrolysis. The concn. of hydrogen reaches max. at the surface of palladium hydrogen system and its min. at a depth of several hundreds angstroms from the surface". (Direct quote from the English abstract). Further information from the paper itself: NaOH and NaOD were used as electrolytes as well as LiOH (LiOD) and currents of 60 mA/cm**2 and 300-400 mA/cm**2. Jul-90/Jun-91 ------------------------- Qiu W, Dong Q, Gan F; Nucl. Sci. Techniques 2 (3) (1991) 157. "Positron lifetime studies on systems of palladium filled galvanostatically with hydrogen or deuterium". ** There are two types of theories to explain cold fusion. One of them does so by invoking high d-d pressures (piezofusion) in the Pd lattice, the other by electric fields in cracks (micro-hot fusion). In either case, positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) can throw light on the theory, by defects in the crystal structure. So PAS should be useful. Sheets of 2 mm thick Pd were cleaned and annealed (550 degC, 8 h) and electrolysed in H2O and D2O resp. at about 200 mA/cm**2 for 5 h, thereby galvanostatically compressing d or p into the metal. After a 2-week period of stabilation, the samples were analysed by the PAS spectrometer, with 1E06 counts for each spectrum. Differences in the positron annihilation between before- and after electrolysis point to lattice expansion upon hydriding/deuteriding (decreased electron density). Also, no cracks seemed to be be formed during loading, although large pressures must be generated during the expansion. H and D have very similar properties but "most people pay more attention to deuterium as precious fusionable material, but elbow hydrogen out..", even though it would be the cleanest energy source if we could get it to fuse. Jan-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Qiu WC, Dong QH, Gan FX, Wang SJ; Mat. Sci. Forum 105-110 (1992) 1961. "PAS studies on the new topic: Cold nuclear fusion". ** The behaviour of H and D in palladium hydride might be analogous to positrons in electric flows, so positron annihilation spectroscopy might be a useful tool. By this method, as well as by the electrochemical hydrogen permeation (EHP) method, the behaviour of H and D in Pd were compared. The Pd plates (15*15*2 mm**3) were annealed at 550 C for 8 h, and electrolysis carried out in 0.5 M LiOH/D for 5 h at 800 mA. An Ortec lifetime spectrometer with a fast-fast coincidence system and BaF2 detectors was used, with a (22)Na source, for 1E06 counts. Results are that H and D behave in nearly the same way; both change one of the PAS parameters (tau1) but this can be attributed to volume changes and not to crack formation, since the value recovered after final annealing. No cold fusion effects were observed. ------------------------- Quick JE, Hinkley TK, Reimer GM, Hedge CE; Phys. Earth Planet. Interior 69 (1991) 132. "Tritium concentrations in the active Pu'u O'o crater, Kilauea volcano, Hawaii: implications for cold fusion in the Earth's interior". ** Cold fusion might be an important planetary heating mechanism, if it takes place. (3)He and T out of volcanoes might be indicators of such fusion, with T being the more definite. To avoid contamination by man-made sources (bomb test fallout etc), the study focussed on the Pu'u O'o crater, where there is large release of magmatic water. Comparisons with rainwater and similar controls reveal no extra tritium emissions from the volcano, in fact, in-crater levels were lower than those for rain. Jan-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Quickenden TI, Green TA; J. Electroanal. Chem. 344 (1993) 167. "A calorimetric study of the electrolysis of D2O and H2O at palladium cathodes". ** A very thorough calorimetric study, with 5 series of 4 experiments each, always comparing heavy and light water electrolysis in the same bath and, as far as possible, the same conditions. Variously (un)treated Pd rods and wires were used, in 0.1 M LiOH(D) and in one case 0.25 M Li2SO4. Gases produced were vented, so the cells were of the "open" type. Calorimetry was by means of a cooling coil, measuring the difference between inlet and outlet temperature. This kept cell temperature down and provided a very accurate calibration of cell power, independent of electrolyte volume. Charging was carried out prior to calorimetry, at low current to avoid fracturing of the palladium. Experiments were continued over a period of up to 6 weeks, and careful error analysis showed an error level in of 1.5% cell power. Results were within this limit at all times, so no excess (or deficit) heat was observed. Apr-92/Jan-93 ------------------------- Rabinowitz M, Worledge DH; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 344. "An analysis of cold and lukewarm fusion". ** FPH- or Jones+-type cold fusion is having a hard time becoming accepted; the single publication on cluster-impact ("lukewarm") fusion of Beuhler et al has not raised any obvious objections, although the two phenomena have much in common: surprisingly high fusion rates, given the applied energies. The Beuhler et al neutron emissions are about 25 orders of magnitude (OOM) larger than expected from theory. The authors attempt to find factors that could enhance the fusion rates for both lukewarm and cold fusion. For the former, compression and electron screening can account for 10 OOM; for the latter, a change in effective mass of deuterons in the palladium lattice can account for FPH-level rates. Further, no great temperature effect is expected for cold fusion. Oct-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Rabinowitz M; EPRI J. (Jul/Aug 1989) 42. Reprinted in IEEE Power Eng. Rev., (Nov-89) 9. "A theoretical framework for cold fusion mechanisms". ** The four essential ingredients for sustained controlled nuclear fusion are tunnelling probability, collision frequency, fusion probability and sustaining the reaction. These factors are examined. Tunnelling can be enhanced in a metal deuteride matrix; collision frequencies can be higher by many orders of magnitude in such a lattice, than outside it, due to decreased degrees of freedom (particles confined to two dimensions, or even one). R does some calculations and concludes that cold fusion rates such as reported are within the realms of theory. ?/Jul-89 ------------------------- Rabinowitz M; Mod. Phys. Lett. B4 (1990) 233. "High temperature superconductivity and cold fusion". ** There are parallels between high-temp superconductivity and cold fusion. In the former, charge carrier effective mass and, in the latter, the d effective mass, (may) play a role. A new theory including the effects of proximity, electron shielding and decreased effective mass of the fusing nuclei can account for the cold fusion results. There is a relation between the recent cluster impact fusion experiments and cold fusion. Dec-89/? ------------------------- Rabinowitz M; Mod. Phys. Lett. B4 (1990) 665. "Cluster-impact fusion: new physics or experimental error". ** R throws some doubt on the paper by Beuhler, Friedlander and Friedman (1989) in which these authors claim cluster impact fusion. This has attracted quite some attention, including that by cold fusion theorists, because of its implications for branching ratios. Rabinowitz suggests that the 25 orders of magnitude discrepancy between BFF's experiment and their theory could well be simply experimental error. Jan-90/? ------------------------- Rafelski HE, Harley D, Shin GR, Rafelski J; J. Phys. B24 (1991) 1469. "Cold fusion: muon-catalyzed fusion". ** This is a longish and up-to-date review of muon-catalysed fusion. It does, however, briefly mention Jones+(89)-type cold fusion, and presents very clearly some of the theoretical approaches to its explanation. The authors, like others before them, come up with an effective electron mass of about five times normal, as a requirement, if this is invoked as explanation. Worth reading, if not new. ------------------------- Rafelski J, Sawicki M, Gajda M, Harley D; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 136. "How cold fusion can be catalyzed". ** Even before the cold fusion affair, there was speculation about catalysis of fusion by some unknown particle, leading to observed anomalous levels of (3)He in metals. Cosmic muons have been suggested as the cause of cnf, but this has been disproved theoretically and by experiment. They (and quarks, another suggestion) would be captured before doing their stuff. However, if there were a hitherto unknown ultra-heavy negatively charged particle, X-, left over from the universe's origins, these might do the job. This is not altogether pulled out of the air; there is a body of prior speculation by physicists on such particles. Some calculations show that this is feasible, and would explain a few features of cold fusion, such as its sporadicity. Some proposals are made for the search for these particles. Feb-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Ragheb M, Miley GH; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1991) 429. "Deuteron disintegration in condensed media". ** Another novel theory. The authors point out that the deuteron is one of the few nuclei in which the proton and neutron are loosely bound, with a largish mean distance between them. When a deuteron approaches another nucleus X, the protron turns away from X (polarisation), and the deuteron might cleave, the neutron entering X (with the proton still outside the Coulomb barrier) and the proton flying off. If X is another deuteron, this makes a triton. X might also be a Pd isotope, making another one plus a proton. This would explain the strange branching ratios found for cold fusion, which then in fact is better classified as a fission reaction (fission of the original deuteron), or a neutron capture reaction. The corrected gamma spectrum of FPH (Petrasso+, 89) even shows some evidence of the reaction with Pd. Other possible reactions of this type might be with (3)He (--> (4)He + p) and with (9)Be (--> 2(4)He + t). In all cases, the products are not those expected from conventional d-d fusion. The theory is experimentally testable. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Ragheb M, Miley GH; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 243. "On the possibility of deuteron disintegration in electrochemically compressed deuterium ion (D+) in a palladium cathode". ** Invoke the Oppenheimer-Phillips theory of 1935 to explain that deuterium compression in Pd can lead to cold fusion, or what they call deuteron disintegration, in collision with another deuteron, palladium, lithium or other nuclei. They say that the process is characterised by the deuteron's disintegration and may even be called fission rather than fusion. Such a process would explain the production of tritium and no helium, of PFH, i.e the anomalous branching ratio. Other nuclei than deuterons might be doing a similar thing, like (9)Be. (28-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Rajagopalan SR; Curr. Sci. 58 (1989) 1059. "Cold fusion produces more tritium than neutrons". ** Comments on the BARC cold fusion measurements of Iyengar and others. In many of these, neutrons were found, up to about 1E06/s, coming in bursts. Tritium was also carefully monitored, taking account of enrichment effects. Tritium was observed beyond these effects, at much higher levels than the neutron flux. This seems to support the assumption of an aneutronic process taking place. BARC experiments with Ti also showed neutrons and tritium, which was found to be localised in hot spots in the Ti. Rajagopalan suggests that the FPH results can be explained without invoking an unknown nuclear reaction. He claims that "it is now known" that in metal lattices, the branching ratio for dd fusion favours tritium production by a factor of 1E08 over that for neutrons. So 1E04 neutrons should be accompanied by 1E12 tritium atoms. Calculation of the heat expected from FPH's electrodes then gets within about 50% of FPH's results, not bad when taking into account gas emission and fusion rate fluctuations. Thus the reaction giving (4)He need not be invoked. Rajagopalan states that papers should provide more details of electrode size and conditions, and tritium as well as He analysis is essential. R concludes with a rudimentary theory of what is happening, being either crack formation and fractofusion, or the transmutation of the metal (Pd or Ti) by neutrons (see Jackson, Nature 339 (1989) 345). ?/Oct-89 ------------------------- Rajan KG, Mudali UK, Dayal RK, Rodriguez P; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 100. "Electromigration approach to verify cold fusion effects". ** It is well known that the application of an electric field to a metal bar produces a large concentration gradient of interstitial ions along the length of the bar. This can be exploited in cold fusion electrolysis, by applying an electric field along the length of the Ti rod during the electrolysis. This will then produce a strong nonequilibrium deuterium concentration in the rod. This was tested by an experiment. A 500 mV static field produces a ratio of [d](one end)/[d](other end) of 1E10, which is large and might enhance fusion. A well shielded NE-213 neutron detector was used, along with superheated drop drop neutron detectors placed around the cell. Post-mortem tritium assays were carried out, and the Ti rods placed close to medical x-ray films overnight. No significant neutrons or tritium were measured. The films did, however, show some faint fogging, not shown by unused Ti controls. The question is whether this can be something picked up from the D2O. It is also concluded that the nuclear reactions taking place are aneutronic. Dec-90/Aug-91 ------------------------- Rambaut M; Phys. Lett. A 164 (1992) 155. "Double screened Coulomb barrier accounts for neutrons productions in cluster and other fusion experiments". ** A dense medium like Pd deuteride can be considered as a non-ideal plasma. Assuming full ionisation, electron mobility and a Poisson ion spatial distribution, the rate of d-d fusion is enhanced by both collisions between d-d pairs and electron screening, and this might explain both cold fusion and cluster impact fusion. Sep-91/Apr-92 ------------------------- Rangarajan SK; Curr. Sci. 58 (1989) 598. "Electrochemically induced cold fusion? A commentary". ** One of the foremost electrochemists names some problems that require settling: 1. the mechanism of H+/D+ reduction at the electrode; does this perhaps change with current density, is there perhaps trace metal codeposition, different at different cd's, with possible effects on absorption of H/D? 2. The design of the experiments, e.g. should current or potential be controlled? This relates to the dimensionality effects suspected by some (but debunked by Williams et al) and the role of lattice defects and grain boundaries. 3. The part played by the Pd lattice itself. E.g. the possibility of locally high effective electronic density and the cross-section for radiation (possibly) generated. R. suggests that the "cold rush" - even if it turns out hopeless - will be remembered for the hope it engendered while it lasted. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Rant J, Ilic R, Skvarc J, Sutej T, Budnar M, Miklavzic U; Kerntechnik 55 (1990) 165. "Methods for in-situ detection of cold fusion in condensed matter". ** Most previous detectors used to detect possible emissions (neutrons, protons, x-rays, gamma rays) from cold fusion, used active devices such as (3)He or BF3 counters, recoil proton spectrometers, scintillators and solid state Ge and Si detectors. These authors suggest the use of passive activation threshold detectors and solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) as well as bubble damage detectors (BDDs) and thermoluminescence detectors (TLDs). The term "in-situ" means that these passive devices, being small and without electric connections, can be placed right next to or even into cavities inside the electrode from which there might be emissions. Different sorts of these can be stacked, the outside ones then shielding the inside ones from certain kinds of radiation, e.g. protons, so that only gammas arrive there. BDDs can be tailored to neutrons above a given energy, and are very sensitive. All these types have low backgrounds. The authors have submitted experimental cold fusion results to two journals. Feb-90/Jun-90 ------------------------- Ratkje SK, Hafskjold B; J. Electroanal. Chem. 273 (1989) 269. "Local heat effects by electrolysis of heavy water". ** An analysis in principle of heat effects, separately for the two electrodes. Involved thermodynamics of the partial reactions, the electro- chemical Peltier effect, as well as Joule heating were considered. The conclusion is that there should be cooling at both electrodes and that no conclusions about the bulk nature of any phenomenon can be drawn from point heat measurements in the cell. This analysis does not take into account the fact that in FPH's cell, there was undoubtedly partial recombination of the electrochemically generated deuterium and oxygen and the probably bursty nature of such a reaction in the cell. Jun-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Ray MKS, Saini RD, Das D, Chattopadhyay G, Parthasarathy R, Garg SP, Venkataramani R, Sen BK, Iyengar TS, Kutty KK, Wagh DN, Bajpai HN, Iyer CSP; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 395. "The Fleischmann-Pons phenomenon - a different perspective". ** Lacking precise definitions of the conditions favourable for cold fusion, this team tried a wide variety of physical, chemical and electromagnetic perturbations of a cold fusion experiment in an attempt to elicit the effect. A divided cell was chosen, which separates the evolved gases from the start. The porous alumina membrane also acted as a thermal separator, increasing the sensitivity of thermal transient measurement. Ti and Pd cathodes of various shapes, size and metallurgical charactersistics were used, in various concentraions of LiOH, LiOD, NaOH and NaOD, over electrolysis periods going up to 300 h. The Pd electrodes were degassed at 800 C in vacuum. Loadings exceeding 0.8 in Pd were repeatedly achieved, but none of the perturbations resulted in any tritium, neutron or temperature rise effects in any runs, and no explosions took place; other attempts at perturbing the cell failed equally (cooling with ice water, ultrasonics, cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature). It is concluded that dividing the cell removes the effect. Three isolated incidents, where oxygen was allowed to enter the cell, led to both tritium and excess heat production; conventional (chemical) explanations having to do with oxygen etc, were not sufficient to explain this. Thus it appears that oxygen plays a role in cold fusion. Oct-91/Nov-92 ------------------------- Redey L, Myles KM, Dees D, Krumpelt M, Vissers DR; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 249. "Calorimetric measurements on electrochemical cells with Pd-D cathodes". ** First, an attempt was made to directly compare a cell with H2O + LiOH with another containing D2O + LiOD. The idea was to detect, under identical electrolysis conditions, large temperature differences perhaps due to cold fusion. It proved impossible to ensure identical conditions; e.g., for the same current, different cell voltages (and thus input powers) were observed. A constant-heat-loss calorimeter was then tried, sufficiently sensitive to measure excess heat from cold fusion; accuracy was about 0.4%. The 19 g Pd rods were degassed either below 100 degC or at high temperatures in vacuum, heat treated in air at 650 degC for an hour and finally for 18 hours in vacuum at 600 degC. The electrolyte was saturated LiOD, to lower its resistance compared with the usual 0.1M solution. Six extended experiments, totalling 1500 h were run, the longest being 460 h and 700 Ah. During the runs, the Pd was weighed, its potential measured with current both on and off, and the amount of heavy water measured that was needed to maintain constant level. At the end, an H/D ratio of 0.02 was found, presumably due to some exchange with air, but no significant increase of tritium was found in the electrolyte. The Pd was outgassed, and the gas was found to have an H/D ratio of 0.06. The D/Pd loading was close to 0.8, and there was degassing upon switching the current off. There is some discussion about these, and recombination (which was not important). No excess heat was found. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Rees LB, Dautovich DP, Linford RK, Thomassen KI; J. Fusion Energy 10 (1991) 111. "Panel discussion. Cold fusion: What do we know? What do we think?". ** This is a number of short items by the authors, individually, arising from a panel discussion. Rees discusses the possibilities and problems of muon catalysed cold fusion, and Palmer's geological clues to possible fusion in the Earth, namely the anomalous helium ratios and tritium in the atmosphere, from volcanoes. This led to the well known Jones+ work, and Rees gives some of the background here. As possible explanation, piezonuclear fusion (which would not prodcue bursts) and fractofusion (Rees mentions only US work and ignores the Russians). FPH's results are considered doubtful by Rees. Dautovich accounts for Canadian work in the area. D singles out the work of Bockris et al, of the Huggins group, Jones et al and Scaramuzzi et al, as the significant results that might be convincing. Linford gives a standard rundown of what is known (one week after the Santa Fe conference) and offers some tentative explanations such as reduced lattice spacing or fractofusion. Thomassen notes that the excess heat and neutron emissions may not be related, and this may be a case of pathological science, but does give credit to the excess heats of Srinivasan and Appleby, and of the Huggins group, who did not correct for the heat of water electrolysis, so are independent of the recombination question. ?/Mar-91 ------------------------- Rehm KE, Kutschera W, Perlow GJ; Phys. Rev. C: Nucl. Phys 41 (1990) 45. "Search for protons from the 2H(d,p)3H reaction in an electrolytic cell with palladium-platinum electrodes". ** One of the two branches of the d+d fusion reaction releases protons and these are more easily detectable than neutrons, with a much lower background. The cathode was a 30.5 mg/cm**2 Pd foil, and separated the gas in the proportional counter from the electrolyte, 0.1 LiOD in D2O. Protons were counted at a detection efficiency of 28%. Current density was <650 mA/cm**2. Several runs were performed, the longest going for >10 days. No difference was noted between cells that were on or off. An upper limit for p production gave a maximum fusion rate of 4*10**(-23) D(d,p)T fusions per s, which is the Jones+ level, making it unlikely that FPH's claimed excess heat is of nuclear origin. Sep-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Reifenschweiler O; Phys. Lett. A 184 (1994) 149. "Reduced radioactivity of tritium in small titanium particles". ** Reports results obtained as long ago as 1958 but not fully reported, while working with Ti soot with absorbed tritium. In one experiment, with T/Ti loading at 0.0035, the sample was slowly heated in a closed space and the radioactivity measured by the x-radiation. Any tritium released was pumped out continuously. A separate experiment established the temperature (about 350C) at which the tritium begins to be released from the Ti; the radioactivity is seen to decrease clearly at 115C, at first rapidly, then more slowly, finally to increase again at 275C, going through a maximum slightly higher than the starting value at 360C (R calls it "the initial value"), and then dropping rapidly to zero as expected. Two other runs showed similar behaviour; however, one run with a loading 10 times these and a faster temperature rise did not show the effect. An explanation in terms of tritium movement within the counting space is not likely. In an attempt to find an explanation, beta-electron emission was measured as a function of the T/Ti loading x, and found to be not linear with x. There is an activity minimum, about the same as the one found in the first experiment, at an intermediate x of 3E-04. The same minimum was found separately, measuring x-rays instead of beta electrons. The author proposes the formation of nuclear pairs by the absorbed tritons, and a smaller decay of these pairs than for isolated tritons. This might have a bearing on the behaviour of deuterium in metals as well. The author plans to publish more on this subject. Nov-93/Jan-94 ------------------------- Rice RA, Chulik GS, Kim YE, Yoon J-H; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 147. "The role of velocity distribution in cold deuterium-deuterium fusion". ** Some calculations on the dendrite theory of cold fusion. The dendrites of whiskers will often penetrate D2 bubbles formed at the metal surface, and the high voltage field will accelerate some D+ particles. The authors examine, on the basis of two models of velocity distribution, what fusion rates can be expected from this. Although these come to much higher rates than for "conventional" cold fusion, they are still not quite high enough to explain recent claims, but fall into line if electrolysis voltages of 30-40 V were used (which is not the case). Feb-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Rice RA, Kim YE; Fusion Technol. 26 (1994) 111. "Comments on 'Electron transitions on deep Dirac levels I'". ** Polemic on the named paper by Maly and Vavra, which claimed some neglected solutions to Schroedinger's and Dirac's equation for hydrogen and gave support to the Mills theory. Rice et al state here that these solutions are not physical and that therefore these deep energy levels cannot exist. Sep-93/Aug-94. ------------------------- Rice-Evans P, Evans H; Eur. J. Phys. 11 (1990) 251. "Search for neutrons from cold nuclear fusion". ** Scintillation neutron counters have poor gamma resolution, high-resolution intrinsic Ge detectors are better, and are used here. Palladium foil (2*1*0.025 cm**3) in LiNO3/D2O, 10 days electrolysis at 0.1A, followed by 56h while measuring neutrons, with 0.05A flowing. The neutrons from the reaction d+d--> (3)He + n(2.45 MeV) are expected to thermalise in the water bath to 2.224 MeV gammas; these were looked for. The results show a peak at 2.204 MeV, due to (214)Bi in the building walls, but nothing at all at 2.224 MeV. So, these precision measurements say "no" to cold fusion. Oct-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Richards PM; Phys. Rev. B 40 (1989) 7966. "Molecular-dynamics investigation of deuteron separation in PdD1.1". ** How close can two D+'s get? Although electrolysis or D2 gas under pressure won't get us higher than PdD, ion implantation can go to PdD1.2. A loading of 1.1 was assumed in a MD simulation and nothing closer than 0.8 Aangstroms was found - not good enough, mate, no CNF. (17-) Apr-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Rieker A, Speiser B, Mangold K-M, Hanack M; Z. Naturforsch. 46B (1991) 1125. "Potential error sources in combined electrochemistry/neutron detection experiments". ** A long electrolysis of a 0.1M LiOD solution in D2O was run, with a Pd rod as cathode, Pt as anode, the two electrodes in separate arms of a U-shaped cell, so that the gases are led off separately. Two separate scintillation neutron counters are used, and pulse-shape analysis used to distinguish between neutrons and gammas. The cell was periodically inserted into the detector space for 1000 s, and taken out for 1000 s. Total electrolysis time: 75 h. There was a 2% neutron level fluctuation, and it appeared that, when the cell was "in", neutrons were up by, on average, by 2.7%. However, at the same time, gammas were down. This was attributed to an effect on the photomultiplier amplification, changing the discrimination, and this was confirmed by trying the alternation with a heated resistor instead of the cell. The authors point out that exterior effects of magnetic and electrostatic fields on photomultiplier tubes are well known. Another effect they observed is that the total cell voltage rose with cell temperature, and this could be controlled by sparging the anode compartment with N2. They write that the FPH paper did not account for this effect. Thus, they have discovered two artifacts that might fake cold fusion results. Jan-91/Aug-91 ------------------------- Riley AM, Seader JD, Pershing DW; J. Electrochem. Soc. 139 (1992) 1342. "An in-situ volumetric method for dynamically measuring the absorption of deuterium in palladium during electrolysis". ** This team refined the method used by Divisek et al, i.e. they measured the deuterium loading in real time by the deuterium volume lost. The paper thoroughly reviews a large number of other methods for loading monitoring. A thermostated cold fusion electrolysis cell is attached to a pair of gas burettes (not thermostatted but room temperature was controlled to some extent). Pressure in the sealed cell was kept at 1 atm by adjusting the burette levels. The cell was initially cleared of air by evacuating and refilling with deuterium, repeating once. A catalytic recombiner in the cell removed all the oxygen and a stoichiometric amount of deuterium with it, which registered in the gas burette as a loss. Electrolytes were 0.1 M LiOD as well as an acid solution made by acidifying that solution to a pH of 1.7 by addition of D2SO4. Control experiments were carried out, and gave small signals, setting the measurement error. Results showed loadings generally of 0.75-0.8. At current density above about 30-60 mA/cm**2, loading rate was constant, being controlled by the diffusion within the Pd; at lower current densities, loading is slowed down. From these results, the diffusion coefficient of deuterium in the deuteride could be determined, and was 1.7E-11 m**2/s, in good agreement with the literature (Lewis, 1.6E-11). In a few experiments, loading levels of about unity were achieved; it was not possible to identify the factors leading to this. The conclusion is that gas volumetry is a good method of monitoring the loading within about 5% accuracy and is useful for closed-system calorimetry. Mar-91/May-92 ------------------------- Ritley KA, Dull PM, Weber MH, Carroll M, Hurst JJ, Lynn KG; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 699. "The behavior of electrochemical cell resistance: a possible application to cold fusion experiments". ** Some experiments show that the overall "cell resistance", i.e. that calculated from cell voltage and current in an electrochemical cold fusion cell, changes with temperature and current. The authors suggest that therefore, one must monitor both voltage and current in order to correctly account for joule heating of the cell. If there are temperature excursions in such a cell, these could, for example, come from a voltage or current fluctuation. There may also be changes in electrolyte concentration with time, and these must be accounted for. Dec-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Ritley KA, Lynn KG, Dull P, Weber MH, Carroll M, Hurst JJ; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 192. "A search for tritium production in electrolytically deuterided palladium". ** Ten Pd cathodes were used in the electrolysis of both heavy and light water containing 0.1M LiOD or LiOH, over an extended period. Some cells were closed (with recombination) and some were open to a greater or lesser degree. The metal, from Johnson & Mathey, was found to contain an initial impurity of (4)He, to the extent of He/Pd of 3E-10. The cathodes were predeuterided in D2 gas before electrolysis. Aliquots were taken out for tritium analysis. Some erratic tritium levels could be put down to counting errors, and the only cells showing a tritium increase were the more or less open cells. This is due only to selective escape of gases, as an experiment with a completely open cell confirmed. May-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Rittner ES, Meulenberg Jr A; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 377. "A chemical interpretation of heat generated in 'cold fusion'". ** A non-(hitherto unknown nuclear) explanation is attempted for the FPH disparity between the heat and neutron flux. D2-O2 recombination can easily account for the excess heat claimed by FPH; D-D recombination (by decomposition of the PdDx, releasing the D, as suggested by Pauling), can explain the melt-down and explosion of the large cathode of FPH. No nuclear reactions need be invoked. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Roberts DA, Becchetti FD, Ashktorab K, Stewart D, Jaenecke J, Gustafson HR, Dueweke MJ; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 39(4) (1992) 532. "Deuterated liquid scintillator (NE230) as a fast neutron detector for cold- fusion and other research". ** NE230 scintillator detectors with deuterium can provide neutron spectra without time of flight, unlike the type NE213. The authors report the use of these. They are small and and have good collection efficiency and n-gamma discrimination. One of these was used around a cold fusion electrolysis cell, with a Pd wire and a 13 g Pd casting. An upper limit for the fusion rate of <7E-24 fusions/s/dd-pair was measured. In another experiment, Ti sponge was charged from the gas phase at liquid nitrogen temperature, and here the upper fusion limit was <3E-24 fusions/s/d-d-pair. No comment is made. ------------------------- Roberts DA, Becchetti FD, Ben-Jacob E, Garik P, Musser J, Orr B, Tarle G, Tomasch A, Holder JS, Redina D, Heuser B, Wicker G; Phys. Rev. C42 (1990) R1809. "Energy and flux limits of cold fusion neutrons using a deuterated liquid scintillator". ** The team used two deuterated liquid scintillator neutron detectors NE230; these provide good neutron/gamma discrimination, state the authors. One was placed inside a glass tube, surrounded by the Pd cathode in an electrolytic cell containing 0.1 M LiOD. Clean spectra could only be obtained on weekends or evenings, due to interference, and pulse shape discrimination (PSD) eliminated remaining spurious events; PSD was found to be essential. Neutron flux limits were 1000 n/s/g Pd or < 7E-24 fusions/s/d-d pair, averaged over 200 hours. Conclusion: a tentative "no" to cold fusion. Dec-89/Nov-90 ------------------------- Rock PA, Fink WH, McQuarrie DA, Volman DH, Hung Y-F; J. Electroanal. Chem. 293 (1990) 261. "Energy balance in the electrolysis of water with a palladium cathode". ** This paper starts with a thorough review of the various phases of palladium deuteride, giving valuable references. It seems that D-loadings (x in PdDx) of up to 0.9 are known. However, it is only below 0.7 that the reaction leading to the deuteride is exothermic; above 0.7, it may well be endothermic and therefore, the decomposition from high loadings may be exothermic. The authors analyse the energy balance of electrolysis, and then suggest factors that could lead to an overestimate of "excess heat" and, as well, offer a possible scenario for the violent melt-down/explosion reported by FPH. The factors are (1) deuteride formation during electrolysis; (2) recombination of evolved gases; (3) change of electrochemical thermodynamical parameters at the higher cell temperatures; (4) Li deposition, especially at high current densities; (5) decomposition of high-loaded deuteride at high temperature, leading to a runaway effect. The last factor is able to account for the melt-down and/or an explosion, and gives an explanation of why it happened only with the most "chunky" electrode. The authors also note that at 110 degC, the beta phase of the deuteride abruptly reverts to the alpha phase, releasing a lot of deuterium and heat (cf Arata 1990, the "on-off" effect). They suggest that, in view of their analysis, any meaningful calorimetry on this system must time integrate all inputs and outputs. Jun-89/Oct-90 ------------------------- Roessler OE, Becker J, Hoffmann M, Nadler W; Z. Naturforsch. A44 (1989) 329. "Fermi gas like hypothesis for Fleischmann-Pons experiments." ** Pauli repulsion, which is stronger than Coulomb repulsion, is absent in a gas of bosons. Coulomb repulsion is absent in a gas of fermions whose two Fermi seas are at a low relative temperature. To explain Fleischmann-Pons (1989) cold fusion, it would suffice to assume that the deuterium nuclei dissolved in the palladium crystal, which are spin-1 bosons, nevertheless show an absence of Coulomb repulsion the Fermi (1957) way. This can be achieved by postulating that the bosons are delocalised in the Bloch fashion (1985), and that at the same time the properties of a cold Fermi gas apply to the constituent fermions (the protons and neutrons) that make up these composite bosons. A testable implication is submitted: by applying a strong magnetic field in conjunction with an RF source (NMR technique), it would be possible to align the spins of the bosons. Hereby these composite bosons will become 'doubly polarised' (1988) since both subspins are equal. This would suddenly introduce Pauli repulsion amongst all the constituent subparticles, the protons and neutrons. The cold fusion should therefore come to a virtual stop immediately. (14-) Apr-89/Apr-89 ------------------------- Rogers VC, Sandquist GM; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 483. "Cold fusion reaction products and their measurement". ** General remarks about the difficulties and some of the pitfalls of low-level emission measurement. With gammas, electrical equipment tends to adsorb some Rn decay products. There is a Figure showing a measurement near such equipment, with another measurement away from the equipment, subtracted. This shows a "gamma" peak at 2.2 MeV. The same happens with neutron detectors. So this type of detection is suspect. Tritium, too, has its pitfalls, since there will be some in the D2O initially. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Rogers VC, Sandquist GM; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 254. "Isotopic hydrogen fusion in metals". ** Did an electrolysis experiment, found neutrons at 2.45 MeV, but this cannot account for heat found by others. Discuss branching ratios and the possibility of unknown chemical or nuclear reactions. (26-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Rogers VC, Sandquist GM, Nielson KK; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 523. "Deuterium concentration and cold fusion rate distributions in palladium". ** Addresses several interesting problems, such as the conditions under which cold fusion might happen; how we might get T/He branching ratio other than 1 (the T might react with deuterons and thus never appear); other possible nuclear reactions; possible chemical reactions to explain the effects (they conclude there aren't any); and suggest that the palladium should be cast and not mechanically worked in order to prevent grain defects, to which deuterons might migrate and become D2. Aug-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Rolison DR, O'Grady WE; Anal. Chem. 63 (1991) 1697. "Observation of elemental anomalies at the surface of palladium after electrochemical loading of deuterium or hydrogen". ** The main result of this paper is the detection of significant traces of the elements Rh and Ag at the surface of Pd after electrolysis. An electrolyte containing Li2SO4, which etches the cell's glass less than the basic LiOD, was used, and XPS surface analysis. Both Rh and Ag did indeed accumulate at the surface, to several at%. If a nuclear reaction takes place in the Pd, the interaction of resulting energetic particles with Pd might produce such elements. However, this happened for both heavy and normal water and R&O'G conclude that Rh and Ag were initially present in the Pd at much lower levels, and migrated to the surface during electrolysis. They were able to exclude electrolytic deposition from the electrolyte. Nov-90/Sep-91 ------------------------- Rolison DR, Trzaskoma PP; J. Electroanal. Chem. 287 (1990) 375. "Morphological differences between hydrogen-loaded and deuterium-loaded palladium as observed by scanning electron microscopy". ** Palladium foils (0.127 mm) were carefully etched and rinsed, using ultrasonics, and their crystal surfaces SEM'ed under various conditions of electrolysis, in light and heavy water containing LiSO4 and modest current densities of 10-130 mA/cm**2. With both types of water, electrolysis changes the post-etch rough crystalline surfaces to more homogeneous surfaces of greater surface area; but the structures were different for light and heavy water. Lattice expansion upon deuteriding is greater than that upon hydriding, explaining this effect. As well, upon current switch-off, R&T observed bursts of outgassing, presumably due to decomposition of hydride/deuteride; this was greater for D than for H. R&T suggest that the use of single crystal Pd to obtain the "Fleischmann-Pons effect" would be unproductive. May-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- Rosamilia JM, Abys JA, Miller B; Electrochim. Acta 36 (1991) 1203. "Electrochemical hydrogen insertion into palladium and palladium-nickel thin films". ** Cold fusion has raised a number of fundamental questions about electrode potentials, limiting compositions, hydrogen mobility, outgassing etc. This paper addresses some of these, experimentally, using films of palladium deposited on Pt, and Pd-Ni alloys. Thin films have the advantage of being saturated by the hydrogen (isotope) in a short time (about 10 s). The ring-disk electrode was used, where the ring can "catch" hydrogen generated by oxidation at the disk, upon reoxidation to estimate the extent of hydriding, and also for the outgassing resulting from switching the charging current off, as has been observed. These measurements at the ring showed that the D/Pd loading was about 0.81, independent of the film thickness; the time scale for the unloading (reoxidation), however, was much larger than the diffusional time scale. Experiments with charging current interruption showed the expected detection transient at the ring; integration and the decay time indicate that the error made by the normal procedure of taking out the cathode and weighing it, is no more than about 6% in the D/Pd figure, if one is reasonably speedy. Addition of nickel to the film drastically reduce the D/Pd loading; other codeposits can be expected to do the same. Jun-90/May-91 ------------------------- Rosen G; Hadronic J. 13 (1990) 255. "Groundstate thermalization of hydrogen isotopes in certain metals: enhancement of p+d and d+d nuclear fusion rates by Bethe-Bloch polarization". ** Rosen first calculates the rms displacement of a proton in an octahedral site of PdH as 0.25 A; then he calculates it again from the ground state thermalization formula and gets 0.2 A, in good agreement with the first. Then invoking Bethe-Bloch polarisation for such a proton and for a deuteron, Rosen is able to calculate fusion rates greatly enhanced beyond those from Coulomb barrier arguments: up to 1E-20 fus/pair/s. Rosen comments that difficulties in achieving this experimentally may have to do with inconstancy of ground state thermalization in porous metals with a high concentration of motile protons and deuterons. Feb-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- ------------------------- Rosen G; J. Chem. Phys. 91 (1989) 4415. "Deuterium nuclear fusion at room temperature: a pertinent inequality on barrier penetration". ** Theoretical work: the WKB barrier penetration formula is used to see whether fusion might be enhanced by the D2 (or D2+) being caged in holes in a metallic lattice. Due to an increase in the associated potential energy up to 10eV for linear molecular vibrations in the lattice - as opposed to vacuum - fusion rates up to 1E-20/pair/s or so, are allowed, says Rosen. (2-) May-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Ross K, Bennington S; Physics World 2 (1989) 15. "Solid state fusion (?)". ** General, good description of the hot reports on cnf, and discussion of the problems these raise. ?/May-89 ------------------------- Rotegard D; Space Power 10 (1991) 205. "Fusion, cold fusion, and space policy". ** A science-philosophical work by a space economist. Rotegard believes that hot fusion advocates are suppressing cold fusion, and is critical of USA policy with respect to the financing of hot fusion. R suggests that more support should be given to both cold fusion (to avoid a Japanese lead), and asteroid mining. ------------------------- Roth J, Behrisch R, Moeller W, Ottenberger W; Nucl. Fusion 30 (1990) 441. "Fusion reactions during low energy deuterium implantation into titanium". ** The authors state that it is essential to have a high metal loading with deuterium, like 2 D per metal atom. To get this, they say, we need deuterium ion implantation. The beam, however, leads to "self targeting", a process known for over 30 years, where the beam hits previously deposited deuterons (the references are given). This is not cold fusion. So the question is: do we detect fusion when the beam is off? The team used a 0.3-6 keV beam, shot at Ti foil, and measured protons coming out at the rear of the foil. During the beam, the proton flux agreed with earlier work, obeying the Gamov cross section relation and diffusion behaviour observed 30 years ago. The background before the beam was 2 emitted protons in 2.4E05 s; and after bombardment, 1 proton in 0.54E05 s. From this, the background, they arrive at an upper fusion rate limit of E-23/pair/s, "in reasonable agreement" with the results of Jones+. One could also say that if there's fusion, you can't detect it. Sep-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Rousseau DL; Amer. Scientist 80 (1992) (Jan-Feb), 54. "Case studies in pathological science". ** Polywater, cold fusion and Benveniste's homeopathic paper in Nature are used here as examples of PS. The author was himself involved in the first of these three, and its debunking; he found the impurities that caused the "anomalous" behaviour of water, i.e. traces of sweat. DLR believes that cold fusion, like the other two cases, is one of self delusion. There is a good Johnny Hart cartoon. ------------------------- Rout RK, Shyam A, Srinivasan M, Bansal A; Indian J. Technol. 29 (1991) 571. "Copious low energy emissions from palladium loaded with hydrogen or deuterium". ** Most samples, disks of 2mm thickness and 16 mm diameter, were loaded with hydrogen or deuterium in a plasma focus (PF) chamber, by evacuating and filling with the gas to a few mbars and discharging, repeating this 15-30 times for each loading. Some Pd needles were also 'loaded' using the spark discharge method of Wada & Nishizawa, with 10kV and the gas at 600 mbar. As well, some Pd foils and hundreds of Pd chips were loaded by evacuating at 600C and cooling in the respective gas at 1 atm, without any discharge. D/Pd or H/Pd loadings varied from 0.1-0.6, measured by gas pressure drop. The samples were then placed close to x-ray sensitive film; all of them fogged it. Fogging by chemical reaction with H2 or D2 was ruled out by control experiments. Also, dosimeters were applied to the samples, and 7 times the background measured typically. X-ray emissions were measured using NaI and SiLi detectors; no x-rays were detected. Heavy charged particles were searched for using surface barrier detectors, but only rarely observed. In addition, some Pd was electrolytically loaded and autoradiographed, but no fogging was observed. Some samples were loaded in the PF with 4He, and autoradiographed; no fogging was seen, showing that the effect is specific for H2 and D2. Other metals, such as Zr, Hf and Ni-Ti superconductors were tried, but none of them showed any effects. The effects are 100% reproducible, even at low loading, and likely to be due to electron emission from the samples, possibly due to cold nuclear fusion. Oct-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Rout RK, Shyam A, Srinivasan M, Krishnan MS; Indian J. Technol. 31 (1993) 551. "Update on observation of low-energy emissions from deuterated and hydrated palladium". ** In a previous paper (1991) the authors reported emissions, most likely of electrons, in the range of tens to hundreds of eV from hydrated or deuterated Pd-Ag alloys. Here, new results are reported. Gas loading was used, at 1 bar, after vacuum treatment at 600C for 2 h. In this new study, pure Pd samples, 18 mm by 2 mm, were used, 10 freshly loaded, and 6 reloaded. Except where fusion products were looked for, only H2 was used, to avoid interference from such fusion emissions. Emissions were measured by autoradiography of sensitive film, typically kept 0.2 mm from the samples for 96 h. No fogging was seen for samples of PdHx held in vacuum, and an average fogging density of 0.08 for samples kept in air (as controls). Similarly, no or little fogging was seen for samples in nitrogen, helium or argon, while pure oxygen seemed to help a little. In other measurements, charged particles (cp's) were detected with a CR-39 detector close up, and in two out of 7 samples of deuterated Pd, above-background cp's were seen, but not with hydrated Pd or pure Pd. The authors conclude that oxygen might be involved in assisting the phenomenon, and that perhaps fractures are the cause of the emissions; but nothing is clear. Aug-92/Aug-93 ------------------------- Rout RK, Srinivasan M, Shyam A, Chitra V; Fusion Technol. 19 (1990) 391. "Detection of high tritium activity on the central titanium electrode of a plasma focus device". ** This team loaded a Ti cylinder in a vaccum chamber with deuterium from a plasma beam. They then measured the near-surface tritium content of the rod, and find more tritium there than can be accounted for, they say, by the fusion reaction due to the plasma, or by impurities in the D2 gas used. Therefore, they say, it was produced by a cold fusion process. Sep-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Rugari SL, France RH, Lund BJ, Smolen SD, Zhao Z, Gai M, Lynn KG; Phys. Rev. C43 (1991) 1298. [see also Erratum, ibid C43 (1991) 2899]. "Upper limits on emission of neutrons from Ti in pressurized D2 gas cells: A test of evidence for 'cold fusion'". ** This Yale/Brookhaven joint paper presents the results of a "dry cell" experiment, i.e. metal (Ti-Pd alloy) chips are deuterated from the gas phase. The team observes that in most such experiments, rather a short time is spent under those conditions thought to provoke cold fusion; i.e. during the warming up phase, after cooling the deuteride down to liquid nitrogen temperature. Here, this phase was prolonged, so as to maximise the chances of observing cold fusion. A very sensitive, low background neutron detector was used, consisting of 12 NE213 liquid scintillators operable in single mode (28% efficiency, moderate background of 100 c/h) or coincidence mode (2%, 2 c/h). There is a detailed description of the neutron detection procedure, background discrimination etc. No neutrons were detected in any runs. Thus the upper limit on cold fusion was much lower than that claimed by Menlove et al. No numbers are given, but from the background of 2 c/h at 2% efficiency and about 40 g Ti, I calculate 1E-25 fus/pair/s. There is some additional comment about Ti's ability to absorb deuterium. Surface oxides prevent this, and are difficult to remove. Treatments such as used by Menlove et al allowed a loading of 0.013 only. Ti-Pd alloy chips did absorb D2. Also, Briand et al (to be published) report that the Jones+(89) setup would merely deposit metals on the Ti, and no deuterium would be absorbed. Erratum: Rugari SL, France RH, Lund BJ, Smolen SD, Zhao Z, Gai M, Lynn KG; Phys. Rev. C43 (1991) 2899. "Erratum: Upper limits on emission of neutrons from Ti in pressurized D2 gas cells: A test of evidence for 'cold fusion'". Equation 6 in the named paper , ibid 43 (1991) 1298, was incorrect and is corrected here. (Original dates) May-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Rusov VD, Zelentsova TN, Semenov MYu, Radin IV, Babikova YuF Kruglyak YuA; Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 15(19) (1989) 9. (In Russian). "Fast neutron recording by dielectric track detectors in a palladium-deuterated -tritated water system in an electrolytic cell". ** Used a 50:50 mix of D2O and T2O, a "corrugated" alloy (Pd 72, Ag 25, Au 3) electrode, 10 mA/cm**2 and "200 V" cell voltage (no electrolyte!). A polymer track detector (CR-39) (1-5 E-04 track/n sensitivity) was used to detect the integrated neutron flux from possible cold fusion of light nuclei. Some rare high-energy (>10 MeV) neutrons (8+-4/s) were found. Jul-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Russell Jr JL; Ann. Nucl. Energy 18 (1991) 75. "Virtual electron capture in deuterium". ** Russell has previously suggested that cold fusion could be due to dineutron formation in deuterons, by electron capture by the nucleus. In this paper, he has a more detailed look at the scenario, which can explain how the Coulomb barrier is overcome (it isn't there), why tritium is produced (is it?) and the excess heat. A neutrino is released upon dineutron formation, and the dineutron, during its short life (aye, there's the rub) might capture a nearby nucleus. Can this work? Weak interaction theory, the Schroedinger equation and a cloudy crystal ball show that the dineutron formation rate and lifetime are well within the range required for cold fusion. Remarkably, this range is narrow; if the lifetime were one order of magnitude (OOM) smaller, no cold fusion would be observed; if it was 1 OOM larger, it would would have been seen long ago. Aug-90/? ------------------------- Russell Jr JL; Ann. Nucl. Energy 17 (1990) 545. "Plausibility argument for a suggested mechanism for cold fusion". ** While others (e.g. Schwinger) can explain why cold fusion researchers find heat but no neutrons or tritium, Russell Jr here explains why they find tritium but no heat or neutrons or gamma emission. He invokes virtual dineutrons: a deuteron sits in its place in the palladium lattice, with a proton hovering nearby. The deuteron briefly captures an electron, becoming a neutral dineutron, the proton speeds towards the hole thus created, fuses with the dineutron to become a triton, and the excess energy is carried off by a neutrino, which nobody sees. Some rough calculations make this plausible; e.g. the expected lifetime of such a dineutron is long enough for the proton to get there, etc. The reaction is called dep and is similar to the pep reaction running in the Sun. Other possible reactions of this sort are considered, but dep is the most likely one. Apr-90/Oct-90 ------------------------- Russell Jr JL; Ann. Nucl. Energy 18 (1991) 305. "Proposed heat producing nuclear reaction for cold fusion". ** Russell has a theory to explain the anomaly of excess heat without energetic emissions. None of the standard nuclear reactions fill the bill; there is a good discussion of what one would get from charged particles at given energies (gamma, x-rays, etc), none of which is observed. Russell's model of a small dineutron/dineutrino population, which possibly allows d-d fusion to (4)He with transfer of the excess energy to the lattice as heat. This implies amounts of He commensurate with that heat, but Russell muses that helium might be "swept" from the Pd somehow. The model does not lead to any useful suggestions for experiment except perhaps to look for energetic sonic emissions, one per fusion. Oct-90/? ------------------------- Russell Jr JL; Ann. Nucl. Energy 20 (1993) 227. "On the nature of the cold fusion process". ** Based on reports by Chambers et al at the BYU conference in 1990, of 5.1 MeV tritons produced at Ti irradiated with a deuteron beam at 300-1000 eV, Russell proposes that the only possible reaction to explain this is that of a virtual dineutron (deuteron captures an electron) with two other deuterons. This is expected to be a rare event, accounting for the low yield. It cannot however be the source of excess heat, and cannot be the only one producing tritium in cold fusion experiments. Logically, a more probable reaction is that of a virtual dineutron with a single deuteron; it may be this one that produces the heat, but somehow without energetic nuclear particles. Sep-92/? ------------------------- Ruzic DN, Schatz K, Nguyen PL; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 251. "A novel apparatus to investigate the possibility of plasma-assisted cold fusion". ** Suggest an alternative to electrochemistry for producing CNF, by using a plasma discharge in a D2 gas and a Pd cathode. No results as yet. (8-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Sahni VC; Mod. Phys. Lett. B4 (1990) 497. "Comment on 'Cold fusion in condensed matter: is a theoretical description in terms of usual solid state physics possible?'" ** Comment on the paper of Schommers and Politis (1989) in which they suggest that Pd ions play a part in bringing deuterons together. Sahni points out that there is an error in SP's paper and that there will be repulsion, rather than attraction, between deuterons, and further that at small distances, dielectric effects cease to operate. Sahni leaves open the question of the existence of other solid state effects to make cold fusion possible. Jan-90/? ------------------------- Saito N, Sakuta K, Sawata S, Tanimoto M, Takata N; Bull. Electrotech Lab. (Japan) 54 (1990) 32 (in Japanese). Cited in Phys. Abstr. 94(1394):21482 (1991). What appears to be the same article is abstracted by Chem. Abstr. 114:50976 (1991) for the (same?) journal Denshi Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyusho Iho 54 (1990) 986. The abstracts are identical. "Search for cold-fusion neutrons from palladium breathing deuterons". ** "A series of experiments have been carried out to detect cold-fusion neutrons from various forms of palladium metals loaded with deuterium. Deuterium was charged and discharged repeatedly by temperature cycling of Pd in D2-gas as well as by electrolysis with periodic polarity changing between a pair of Pd-electrodes in LiOD/D2O-solution. Neutron yield was monitored by BF3- and (3)He detectors. No convincing evidence for cold fusion was observed, although a few unidentified events were detected above statistically expected level". ------------------------- Saito N, Sakuta K, Sawata S, Tanimoto M, Takata N; Hoshasen 17(1) (1991) 31 (in Japanese, English abstract). "Measurement of neutrons from cold fusion". ** "Some comments on neutron measurement technique in cold fusion experiment are given. In order to detect the neutrons emitted as a result of the cold fusion reaction, BF3- and (3)He-detectors were used and careful analysis of output pulses was carried out to distinguish neutron signals from noise. Also, great efforts were made to shield the detectors from background neutrons and noise. No convincing evidence for occurrence of cold fusion was observed in various froms [sic] of palladium metal loaded with deuterium". (Direct quote from the abstr.). Fig. 1 shows a Cd foil shield around the cell, which seems to have just one detector (the He type in the Fig.). The rest is in Japanese, inscrutable to this bibliographer. Sep-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Salamon MH, Wrenn ME, Bergeson HE, Crawford KC, Delaney WH, Henderson CL, Li YQ, Rusho JA, Sandquist GM, Seltzer SM; Nature (London) 344 (1990) 401 (March). "Limits on the emission of neutrons, gamma-rays, electrons and protons from Pons/Fleischmann electrolytic cells". ** (What about Hawkins?) This team was invited by Pons into his laboratory and set up to measure the title particles under/around Pons' cells over a period of 67 hours. They list a number of possible fusion reactions which would produce one or more of these types of radiation, including the secondary fusion of fusion-generated tritium with deuterium, and internal conversion of two deuteriums to (4)He plus an occasional electron, as suggested by the two innocent chemists Walling and Simons. All measurements were done with great care and the measured radiation levels translated into expected excess heat in watts. As has been widely publicised even before publication of this paper, the team found next to nothing - the highest heat output (as a maximum value) was around a milliwatt, most measurements gave much less still. As has also been widely discussed, there was a two-hour power failure and a longer period during which the team's monitors were not working, and Pons apparently states that something was happening just within this period. This is answered by the authors, however: had there been any significant radiation during this time, it would have left measureable traces in the form of (24)Na in their gamma detector; no (24)Na was observed, so no neutrons were given off at any time. Unfortunately, believers will say that the authors have assumed known nuclear reactions, still leaving the possibility of that elusive hitherto unknown one. Sep-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Sanchez C, Sevilla J, Escarpizo B, Fernandez FJ, Canizares J; Solid State Commun. 71 (1989) 1039. "Nuclear products detection during electrolysis of heavy water with titanium and platinum electrodes". ** Detected gamma radiation, neutrons, as well as tritium, consistent with a d+d nuclear fusion reaction. The paper is particularly interesting in that it correlates a gamma burst with a subsequent rise in the tritium level, and provides a control in the form of a cell not evincing gamma (or neutron) bursts; such a cell kept a constant tritium level. This seems to rule out electrolytic tritium enrichment as a "source" of T. Further, the authors are aware of the slow diffusion of T out of the Ti and this is consistent with the slow build-up of T in the electrolyte during some hours after the gamma burst. Jul-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Sandquist GM, Rogers VC; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 351. "Enhancement of cold fusion reaction rates". ** This paper considers some enhancement possibilities, given the assumption that cold fusion takes place inside the metal lattice, where the deuterons are highly compressed and contained for long times, with apparent reduction of quantum mechanical barrier width. Pd pretreatment such as repeated degassing in vacuum might be essential, and zone refining might help, as might surface etching with aqua regia to remove metallic impurities. Applying high pressure to the electrolyte is suggested. For the temperature, a trade-off between stability of the hydride, and faster diffusion, should be made. Try using pulsed current. The electrolyte should be pure, the authors believe that poisoning goes against deuterium uptake (as opposed to most other workers). Bruenner [sic] -Nernst theory is invoked with respect to mass transport of the deuterium specie [sic] near the electrode. There is a list of methods for monitoring the D/Pd loading, and a list of how to measure tritium, neutrons, protons, gamma rays, the two He isotopes as well as activation products. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Sannikov VI, Gorodetskii VG, Sulimov EM, Polosukhin BG, Kudyakov VYa; Rasplavy 1991 (4) 86 (in Russian). "Emission of neutrons and gamma-quanta from a titanium electrode polarised by a current in the gas phase over LiD". ** Ti metal, D2 gas, solid LiD and electric discharges have all been used in one way or the other in cold fusion experiments; why not combine them all in one? A Ti rod is the cathode in low-pressure D2 gas, the anode being a steel cup, with a LiD crystal lying in its bottom. The system is held at various temperatures, and various D2 pressure regimes applied to charge the Ti with the gas. High voltages are then applied between the electrodes, to cause discharges, and neutrons and gammas monitored. Beautiful violet hues were seen during the discharges, especially if small amounts of oxygen were present in the cell. The emission of gammas was dependent both on temperature and voltage but it was not possible to separate the effects. Both gamma and neutron emissions were close to the background noise but nevertheless the authors believe that more neutrons were emitted in the temperature regions (270-380 degC and 530-620 degC) of TiD phase transitions. There were some small differences in the neutron count distributions between the absence and presence of the LiD. No explanations or mechanisms can be suggested; the cold d-d fusion reactions suggested by FPH and Jones+ cannot be the answer. Future studies must decide which of the low-mass species Li, Be, B and alpha particles, may be involved. Jan-91/? ------------------------- Santhanam KSV, Ragarajan J, Braganza O'N, Haram SK, Limaye NM, Mandal KC; Indian J. Technol. 27 (1989) 175. "Electrochemically initiated cold fusion of deuterium". ** Electrolysed a solution of NaCl in D2O at Ti and Pd electrodes and find excess heat; the input power happens to account for Joule heating of the cell, so that the cold fusion reaction alone powers the electrolysis, which therefore is free. All this was measured using a thermistor at the cathode and a few assumptions about heat capacities, heat conduction and cooling losses. A BF3 counter in front of the electrode showed a 48% increase over the background in one experiment, 8% in another, while a liquid scintillation counter showed an 18% higher than background for neutrons and gammas together. The authors admit that more careful emission measurements are needed but concur with FPH that a non-emitting nuclear reaction is occurring in their cells. (25-) Apr-89/Apr-89 ------------------------- Santhanam KSV, Rangarajan J, Mandal KC, Haram SK; Curr. Sci. 58 (1989) 1139. "Excess enthalpy during electrolysis of D2O". ** These authors did some electrolysis experiments with a Ti electrode in an open cell in a dewar flask, and measured the temperature. Preliminary cyclic voltammetry showed that there are differences between the characteristics for heavy and light water; there was no desorption peak in the case of D2O. From calibrations, the temperature changes in the cell attributable to the various partial processes (heat of electrolysis, adsorption of D2, recombination of D2 with O2) were calculated. These calculations cannot explain the heat effects observed. Sep-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Sasaki A; Kenkyu Kiyo - Miyagi Kogyo Koto Senmom Gakko 26 (1990) 47 (in Japan.). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:140016 (1990). "An approach to cold fusion". ** "Room temp. nuclear fusion was examd. using a different method from S.E. Jones et al (1989) assuming that their theory is correct, and a plan for the expts. is described. A low temp. plasma (low pressure and e- temp. ca. 1 eV used for processing) and high temp. d beam will be used but the target at which reaction will take place is at room temp. The equipment to be used is compared [sic] of a Ti wire, a Ti film target in a vacuum chamber, an extra electrode, and a plasma ion source. The plasma is formed by the discharge of ECR (heating). In the region of plasma formation, an electrode is set up to produce the d beam. In the 1st stage of the expt., <= 1 keV energy and ca. 10 mA electricity will be used. By adjusting the beam energy (accelerating voltage), the dependence of nuclear fusion reaction (if it occurs) on energy can be measured." ------------------------- Sastry KSR; Science 244 (1989) 904 (Letters) (May-89). "Fusion reaction" ** A technical comment on energies in (3)He and deuterium, in response to an article of Pool in Science (see Section 3). ------------------------- Sato T, Okamoto M, Kim P, Fujii Y, Aizawa O; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 357. "Detection of neutrons in electrolysis of heavy water". ** A divided electrolysis cell, with a Pd plate cathode and 1M LiOD electrolyte was used. Neutron detection was by means of 9 (3)He counters, grouped into three channels, with pulse height discrimination. Shielding all around, by polyethylene blocks, cadmium plates and boric acid. Neutron count efficiency was calibrated to be 7%. The background was carefully recorded and showed some bursts due to a nuclear reactor nearby. Three electrolyses were run; two of them evinced large neutron counts at about 5 h, the third at 20 h. These bursts were 2-3 times the background bursts. There will be further measurements using a large NE-213 scintillator, allowing energy assignment, to be reported later. Jul-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Schilling KD, Gippner P, Seidel W, Stary F, Wohlfarth D; Z. Phys. A: At. Nucl. 336 (1990) 1. "Search for charged-particle emission from deuterated palladium foils". ** Emphasise - as others have done - that protons would indicate a nuclear reaction; are detected at close to 100% efficiency; and have a much lower background than neutrons. So protons it is. The usual thin Pd foil is used, with a p-detector close to it. A loading of x = 0.4 (PdD(x)) is reached, not sure whether any beta phase formed. No protons were detected above the background; the cold fusion upper limit becomes about 1E-24/s/pair. Nov-89/May-90 ------------------------- Schirber JE, Butler MA, Ginley DS, Ewing RI; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 397. "Search for cold fusion in high-pressure deuterium-loaded titanium and palladium metal and deuteride". ** Various Ti and Pd samples were put under high-pressure (>=2.4 kbar) D2 and temperature cycling. Underground high-sensitivity (9.2%) neutron monitoring (background: 10 counts/h) showed nothing in excess of background. Jun-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Schneider JH; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 377. "How a rectangular potential in Schroedinger's equation could explain some experimental results on cold nuclear fusion". ** Theoretical calculations of the transmission coefficient for barrier penetration in d-d fusion, appear to show that it's possible. Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Schommers W, Politis C; Mod. Phys. Lett. B 3 (1989) 597. "Cold fusion in condensed matter: is a theoretical description in terms of usual solid state physics possible?" ** Estimated interaction potentials of two deuterium atoms can explain cold fusion results, on the basis of the physics of liquids. The model used is that of a Pd-D alloy of charged particles in a uniform background of negative charge, and pseudopotential theory leads to the possibility of cold fusion. It can also explain, by conventional means, the discrepancy between excess heat and the missing neutrons, because each fusion delivers, as well as the energy of fusion, a large amount of kinetic energy. (17-) Apr-89/May-89 ------------------------- Schrieder G, Wipf H, Richter A; Z. Phys. B: Condens. Matter 76 (1989) 141. "Search for cold nuclear fusion in palladium-deuterium". ** Equal probabilities for the two fusion reactions: d+d-->t+p, d+d->(3)He+n are assumed. Therefore, protons should be detected. The authors used electrolysis as did FPH, using Pd foil, and very sensitive proton detection. Mylar foil stopped other particles. The sensitivity was 5 times greater than needed to detect the neutron flux level (as protons) claimed by FPH. Nothing was found. (10-) May-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Schultze JW, Koenig U, Hochfeld A, Van Calker C, Kies W; Nachr. Chem., Tech. Lab. 37 (1989) 707-9,712-6, 718-9 (In German). "Electrochemically induced nuclear fusion in a solid?" ** The original article which - slightly expanded and translated into English - was later published in Electrochim. Acta, see below. ------------------------- Schultze JW, Koenig U, Hochfeld A, Van Calker C, Kies W; Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 1289. "Prospects and problems of electrochemically induced cold nuclear fusion". ** Translated (and expanded) from the earlier German article. This is an excellent review of just about all aspects of CNF, as well as a good source of further references (the Paneth reference /3/ is incorrect, the Vol. no. of Naturwiss. should be 14, not 43). The authors remain carefully neutral. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Schwinger J; Prog. Theor. Phys. 85 (1991) 711. "Nuclear energy in an atomic lattice". ** A brief note of criticism of simple physics theories to dismiss cold fusion. The simple models sometimes used may be missing something. JS here looks at causality. Taking as an example the d-p fusion reaction (which he has suggested as the more likely culprit), this has a stable bound state: (3)He. There may, thus, be a resonance between p-d and (3)He, rather than the causal sequence d+p --> He. JS concludes that research evidence is required, not simple theory. Jan-91/Apr-91 ------------------------- Schwinger J; Z. Phys. D: At., Mol. Clusters 15 (1990) 221. "Nuclear energy in an atomic lattice. 1". ** A notable physicist has a go at a theory of CNF. Starting from scratch and invoking virtual phonons, Schwinger finds that lattice coupling can diminish the Coulomb barrier in a way that strongly favours fusion of protons with deuterons (p+d), rather than (d+d); the reaction is p+d -> (3)He plus heat. A new twist, which could go towards explaining the absence of emitted radiation in the presence of heat. (3)He is a stable isotope and (see Abell et al) would not escape from the Pd. The theory is quite testable - look for (3)He in the metal, not the evolved gas; there ought to be lots of it. Nov-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Schwinger J; Z. Naturforsch. 45A (1990) 756. "Cold fusion: a hypothesis". ** Just a suggestion, without any supporting theory (which is presented by the author in his paper in Z. Phys. D: At., Mol. Clusters 15 (1990) 221), that the nuclear reaction giving rise to the observed effects is not a d-d, but a p-d one. This has the consequence that "controls" with light water may not be true controls and also cause cold fusion due to traces of deuterium; and implies some test experiments. Oct-89/May-90 ------------------------- Schwinger J; Springer Procs. in Physics 57 (1991) (Evolutionary Trends in the Physical Sciences; Eds: M. Suzuki, R. Kubo), 171. "Cold fusion: Does it have a future?". ** This is the publication of an address given by Nobelist Schwinger, in Japan. Cold fusion, says S, could have significant implications for mankind, especially for the Japanese. S mentions the prehistory of cold fusion, i.e. the work of Paneth et al during the Showa era (1926). We then move forward to P&F in 1989. Schwinger makes the point that neither intermittency of the emissions (heat, neutrons etc) nor the irreproducibility of the results prove that there is no effect. Nor is it fair to level the charge that the effect is not theoretically understood; other phenomena (such as high temperature superconductivity) have this problem. Cold fusion is not the same as hot fusion, and cannot be measured by that yard stick; metal lattice effects make this a quite different phenomenon. At high loading, for example, there may appear d-d separations much smaller than those known for normal loadings, and lattice fluctuations might also help. S suggests that lower temperature might enhance the process, by providing a better environment for such close approaches. Schwinger concludes that pressure of scientific conformity precludes a future for cold fusion in Europe and the USA, but in Japan, there is some hope. ------------------------- Scott CD, Mrochek JE, Scott TC, Michaels GE, Newman E, Petek M; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 103. "Measurement of excess heat and apparent coincident increases in the neutron and gamma-ray count rates during the electrolysis of heavy water". ** Excess power, at a level of 5-10%, was found for periods of many hours. In one case, neutron excursions above background was correlated with excess heat. The team used a cooling jacket calorimeter, with and without recombination of D2 and O2. A single NE-213 neutron detector, with gamma-ray correction, was used and had a background corresponding to a fusion rate of 3E-24 fusions/s/pair. Gamma emission was also detected, by a NaI device, at somewhat lower sensitivity. Tritium analysis was performed on aliquots taken from the electrolyte at intervals. Cell temperatures were usually around 28-38 degC, with some controlled excursions to higher and lower temperatures imposed. In the closed (recombining) system, the calorimetry calculation is simple: applied power versus measured power from the cooling flow. Both the open and closed systems showed bursts of heat excess at 5-10%, well outside the claimed experimental error, with the open cell being more consistent. Changes in the current density did not affect the excess heat (this implies that the deuterium loading did not change markedly with current). In the closed cell run, there were small but significant emissions of neutrons and gammas, the latter at unexpected energies, indicating a possible neutron-proton interaction. Tritium production could not be shown. The authors conclude that they have consistent excess heat, out of proportion with neutron and gamma which were small but definite. Low cell temperatures, meaning higher deuterium loadings, are favourable. Mar-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Scott CE, Greenbaum E, Michaels GE, Mrochek JE, Newman E, Petek M, Scott TC; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 115. "Preliminary investigation of possible low-temperature fusion". ** A calorimetry cum neutron detection experiment. The cell was cooled by a constant flow water jacket, whose temperature was monitored at inlet and outlet. A single NE-213 scintillation counter was used for the neutrons, with gamma discrimination. A 2-foot thick concrete surround shielded (?) the cell. There was also a separate NaI gamma detector to also detect neutrons indirectly. Results show a single neutron event at 3.5 standard deviations above background, and no sustained excess heat, although there were some short excess heat events. This preliminary experiment does not confirm cold fusion. ?/Jul-90 ------------------------- Seeliger D, Meister A; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 2114. "A simple plasma model for the description of d-d fusion in condensed matter". ** The authors first consider previous attempts to account for enhanced fusion rates in PdDx, such as the expected rate in D2 gas, electron screening, ion screening and fluctuation tunnelling. They then develop a new model, which takes the transport itself of d-d pairs through the lattice to be important. This implies that it is during charging that fusion is enhanced. At a time corresponding to about one charging time constant, the fusion rate goes through a broad maximum and declines towards zero at full loading. This is in fairly good accord with the authors' own experiments (see also Bittner et al, ibid p.2119) and those of others. The model is only a start but does not invoke unknown nuclear processes. Aug-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Seeliger D, Wiesener K, Meister A, Marten H, Ohms D, Rahner D, Schwierz R, Wuestner P; Electrochim. Acta 34 (1989) 991. "Search for DD-fusion neutrons during heavy water electrolysis". ** Used a largish Pd plate, which deformed, while giving off a statisti- cally significant 0.1 n/s, but no heat. (15-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Seeliger D; Acta Phys. Hung. 69 (1991) 257. "Theoretical limits of nuclear fusion in condensed matter". ** The two dd reactions, and the dp and dt reactions, are considered, with the main emphasis on the dd --> (3)He + n one. Solid state screening effects are considered, and it gives enhancements over the D2 gas rate of 1E-63/s by 10-15 - maybe even 20 - orders of magnitude. Dynamical effects and fluctuations give another 6-8 OOM, and there is a chance of further gain by temperature and density fluctuations. The bottom line is that rates of 1E-46 to 1E-29 fusions per dd pair per s are not impossible. Aug-90/? ------------------------- Seeliger D; Isotopenpraxis 26 (1990) 384 (in German). "Physical problems of the investigations into nuclear fusion in condensed media". ** A commentary on cold fusion as of Dec-89. The experimental evidence is reported. Drawing on prior work by Jarmie, S then makes some rough calculations of low energy fusion, and concludes that the branching ratios may well differ from the high-energy cases, thus perhaps enhancing weak branches like the (4)He one. A host of other fusion reactions is considered, including a number involving Li. There is a summary of some theories, including the more speculative ones like Hagelstein's and Walling & Simons'. The fractofusion work in the USSR is mentioned and considered plausible. 114 refs. Feb-90/? ------------------------- Segre SE, Atzeni S, Briguglio S, Romanelli F; Europhys. Lett. 11 (1990) 201. "A mechanism for neutron emission from deuterium trapped in metals". ** This is one of the first papers (I know of) that attempts more than an arm-wave at a theory of what has been called fracto-fusion. It is theorised that small temperature changes in a MD(x) lattice (M being a given metal) will move the system away from equilibrium. For metals such as Cu, temperature decreases will do this, while for transition metals (Pd, Ti etc), temperature increases will. Then, D2 gas will tend to form, expanding into bubbles to cause voids and cracks and potential fields etc - the familiar fracto-picture. The paper lists a number of necessary conditions for fracto-fusion, which ought to help experimenters looking for it. The tentative conclusion is that it is possible. Jun-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Seifritz W; GIT Fachz. Lab. 35 (1991) 114 (in German). "No end to cold fusion" (Kalte Fusion und kein Ende). ** Prof. Seifritz, who has earlier weighed in with a theory he himself here describes as improbable, lists some of the attempts at explaining cold fusion, and comments on them. The greatest attention is given to Bockris's dendrite "theory" and his theory that cnf is fusion of spin-polarised nuclei, explaining the anomalous branching ratio. Neither theory is watertight. All explanations fall down on the experimental evidence in some way. S has the impressive that all try to explain some specific effect - i.e. every theory, a different effect. The bottom line that we do not know whether cnf is real or not. ?/Feb-91 ------------------------- Seitz R; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 185 (18-May). "Fusion in from the cold?" (section editor's title). ** Suggests that under electrolysis conditions, where a current is flowing, there may be high-x PdD(x) patches in the Pd, which are not normally seen, because they are unstable. Seitz says that at high x, the distinction between these deuterides and metallic D may be small. Then suggests that lumps of deuterons, capturing delocalised electrons to become deuterium molecules, could release 1MJ/mol of heat, possibly explaining FPH's melt-down. Also, Li may lower the melting point of Pd. So the heat comes from plain old chemistry, not fusion. Also quotes the 1986 Klyuev paper. ?/May-89 ------------------------- Sevilla J, Fernandez F, Escarpizo B, Sanchez C; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 188. "Some characteristics of titanium and palladium samples used in cold fusion experiments". ** Looking at the state of the cathode after a cold fusion experiment might be fruitful. The authors have used a variety of techniques to do this, including differential scanning calorimetry and SEM. It appears that electrolysis at Ti does not enable deuterium to reach more than slight depths, and the overall loading D/Ti was found to be 0.02, while higher-temperature gas charging reached a value of 2. DSC confirmed this. Nevertheless, cold fusion was equally successful in either case, implying that it is a surface effect. SEM showed that gas loading caused little surface change, while electrolysis caused surface cracking and polishing by bubbles, as well round craters; these were larger for those samples where cold fusion had been observed. Feb-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Shaheen M, Ragheb M; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 158 (1992) 323. "Anomalous deuteron to hydrogen ratio in naturally occurring fission reactions and the possibility of deuteron disintegration". ** This paper chiefly addresses the Oklo phenomenon, i.e., anomalous (235)U/(238)U ratios in geological samples from that region in Gabon, Africa, and an anomalous D/H ratio. A theory is deuteron disintegration, followed by reaction with metal nuclei, is described and quantified.It can explain the anomalies. The authors then go on to speculate that a similar disintegration might be at the base of cnf in metals, and suggest that isotopic changes be searched for. Jun-91/? ------------------------- Shani G, Cohen C, Grayevsky A, Brokman A; Solid State Commun. 72 (1989) 53. "Evidence for a background neutron enhanced fusion in deuterium absorbed palladium". ** This shows that neutrons will enhance natural fusion rates. Thus, a 2.5 MeV neutron peak is emitted from a Pd-D system in a high-background lab but not in a "clean" one. Compressed D2 gas shows the same effect. Pd was charged with D from the gas phase at 3 kg/cm**2. Within 2 hours, the pressure had dropped, indicating absorption to PdD0.6. This was then sealed into a stainless tube under the same pressure of D2 and placed near a counter. Under high-level neutron background (0.05 count/s/cm**2) a 2.5 MeV peak is seen (difference between the sample and pure Pd), but at low levels (0.0002 counts/s/cm**2), nothing. Aug-89/Oct-89 ------------------------- Shapovalov VL; JETP 50 (1989) 117. Russian original: Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 50 (1989) 109. "Test for additional heat evolution in electrolysis of heavy water with palladium cathode". [That's the JETP title]. ** Closed-system calorimetry, using both heavy and light water, with LiOD/LiOH. 7 cells with D2O, 10 with H2O were run. Results are rather close, with an "sd of 0.2%" (presumably in temperature). After allowing for differences in heat capacities between heavy and light water, temperature increases match within experimental error; i.e. no excess heat found. ?/Aug-89 ------------------------- Shaw GL, Shin M, Bland RW, Fonda L, Matis HS, Pugh HG, Slansky R; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis., 102A (1989) 1441. "Scenario for cold fusion by free quark catalysis". ** Small numbers of free stable Q anti-diquarks with electric charge -4/3 and mass of a few GeV and short-range repulsion with hadrons catalyze d fusion much more effectively than muons. These Q might be left over from the Big Bang. About 100 would be required in a FPH-type cell, to explain FPH's heat claims. The reaction channel 4He + Q dominates. Bursts of neutrons are predicted with a 3-body energy spectrum instead of peaking at 2.45 MeV. Independently of these findings, Q-catalysis is attractive in that it could provide large power production, if this kind of matter can be found and accumulated (aye, there's the rub). Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Shen G, Li S, Jing W, Sui Q, Li Z, Yang Z; Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu (Atomic Energy Science and Technology) 25 (1991) 93 (in Chinese). "The efficiency calculation of a low background neutron detection system". ** "The results of efficiencies calculated by Monte Carlo methods are reported for a low background neutron detection system to be used for cold fusion study" (Direct quote of the English abstract). An ST-451 type detector seems to be used; there is mention of a mixture of 73.3% SiO2, 7.5% Al2O3, 13.0% (6)LiO and 5.9% Ce2O2, and there are tables of calculated efficiencies and space distributions of efficiencies at several (MeV) energies, such as 3.5, 2.45 (!), 1.75 and 1.00 MeV. ?/Nov-91 ------------------------- Shibab-Eldin AA, Rasmussen JO, Justice M, Stoyer MA; Mod. Phys. Lett. B 3 (1989) 965. " Cold fusion: effects of possible narrow nuclear resonance". ** Looks at the possibility of the effect of an as yet unknown narrow resonance of (4)He on d-d fusion. Theory does not exclude the possibility, and does not exclude a skewed branching ratio for the usual two reactions assumed, either. The resonance with (4)He would release electrons, which would end up as heat and not much else. Some of this theory is supported by known astrophysics. (17-) May-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Shibata T, Imamura M, Shibata S, Uwamino Y, Ohkubo T, Satoh S, Yamakoshi K, Oyama N, Ohsaka T, Yamamoto N, Hatozaki O, Niimura N; Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A316 (1992) 337. "A low background neutron measuring system and its application to the detection of neutrons produced by the D2O electrolysis". ** For cold fusion experiments as well as others, it is important to be able to measure low-level neutron emission and distinguish it from the background, largely due to cosmic rays and natural radioactivity. A suitable system was developed and tested in an underground lab, on a cold fusion electrolysis. The choice was two spherical (3)He detectors at 10 atm pressure, 5 cm diameter and buried in polyethylene moderator, with another (background) detector in another part of the moderator block. The block was shielded by paraffin blocks containing boric acid. Counts and discriminator counts were stored on a floppy disk. The lab's temperature was kept constant at about 23 C, humidity at 65%. An air flow prevented radon accumulation. The detector's efficiency was 4% or so, and the background was 1/20 that at sea level, depending on the material placed into the cell (i.e. its atomic mass). For pure Cu, it was about 0.3E-04 n/s/mol. A number of Pd cathodes were tried for D2O electrolysis, and the measured neutron emission did not deviate, either in intensity or in count frequency distribution, from the background. There was also analysis of the electrolyte for tritium before and after, with none found. Aug-91/? ------------------------- Shibata T; Oyo Buturi 62(7) (1993) 715 (in Japanese). " Critical points for the evaluation of measured results on cold fusion". ** All in Japanese, this one-page paper baffles this abstracter. There is mention of 3He, 4He, gammas and x-rays, presumably in a discussion about what ought to be given off by cold fusion. No references. Mar-93/Jul-93 ------------------------- Shimamura I; Prog. Theor. Phys. 82 (1989) 304. "Intramolecular nuclear fusion in hydrogen-isotope molecules". ** Theoretical. Starts by referring to muon catalysed fusion, then poses the question of what fusion rates for neutral molecules HH, DD, HD etc might be, as well as the charged ions HH+, DD+, HD+ etc, if their internuclear distance were reduced somehow by an enhanced effective electron mass m(eff) in a crystal lattice, without assuming how this enhancement might take place. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is used, but the calculations are done with high accuracy, compared with the usual treatments. For the above-named species, calculated fusion rates for m(eff)=1 come out different by 6-15 orders of magnitude (OOM) from previously published values. The charged ions all have fusion rates smaller that the neutrals, by about 13 OOM. In order to reach the Jones+ fusion rate of 10E-23/s, an m(eff) of 5.6 is needed for DD+, but HD+ would give a higher rate by about 1 OOM. Shimamura concludes that although the mechanism of cold fusion is not known at present, his calcu- lations suggest looking for gamma emission from p+d fusion. (15-)May-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Shirai O, Kihara S, Sohrin Y, Matsui M; Bull. Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. 69 (1991) 550. "Some experimental results relating to cold nuclear fusion". ** Newly devised conditions for provoking cold fusion in an electrolysis at Pd in D2O containing 0.1M DCl and 0.01M PdCl2, are described here. A chunky Pd cylinder was used, and besides the electrolytic current (constant 0.5 A), a larger electric current (5A) was passed through the cathode, and called the "indifferent current". A thermometer measured the cell temp. near the Pd, and a gamma probe (GM counter, model TGS-113, Aloka) mounted just outside the cell. There were also some studies of the electrochemistry of D2O reduction at this cathode and of D2 permeation in another cell. More than 50 runs showed that the indiferent current was able to start excess heat events, and sometimes gamma events above the background and persisting for 1-2 min. One gamma event followed the addition of light water to the cell; thus, the fusion might be that of d + p, giving 3He. Therefore, the use of an indifferent current, as well as the use of PdCl2 (leading to Pd deposition) are recommended. Nov-91/? ------------------------- Shirakawa T, Chiba M, Fujii M, Sueki K, Miyamoto S, Nakamitu Y, Toriumi H, Uehara T, Miura H, Watanabe T, Fukushima K, Hirose T, Seimiya T, Nakahara H; Chem. Lett. (1993) 897. "A neutron emission from lithium niobate fracture". ** When an ionic crystal is crushed, fracture separates charges on the new surfaces, leading to high fields, which may accelerate deuterons if present. Here, rather than wait for cracking, the team crushed single crystals of lithium niobate in a vibromill in the presence of D2 gas, and monitored the neutrons emitted with a ring of 10 3He proportional counters, a paraffin block thermalising the neutrons; efficiency 2.6%. This was carried out at an underground, low cosmic background location (100 m water depth equivalent, 7.6 neutrons/h during 132 h). Crushing was maintained for 1 h at a time. 12 such runs were summed, and the neutron spectrum in excess over the background is shown. It is close to zero in the region of channels >1600, but in clear excess (34.8 neutrons) in the region below this. The Fig. states that channel 1400 lies at 760 keV thermalised neutrons. There was no observable effect of D2 pressure (1.1 to 101 kPa), nor of the addition of LiD. No excess neutrons were found when Ti or Pd metal was crushed under D2O, to emulate the Russian work (Klyuev et al), which is thus not confirmed. Feb-93/May-93 ------------------------- Shohoji N; J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 9 (1990) 231. "Unique features of hydrogen in palladium metal lattice: hints for discussing the possible occurrence of cold nuclear fusion". ** Entirely speculative. S seems not to know about Jones+ Ti work, nor of the Italian work with gas phase charging with D2. S tries to find some characteristics of palladium that make it special, in order to suggest other metals that might be even better. He finds (i) hysteresis behaviour in the p(H2) vs x in PdD(x) and (ii) the fact that the metal and its hydride have the same crystal structure, claiming that fcc is a requirement (Ti does not have this structure). All this leads S to suggest Ni, Ce (which forms a trihydride) and Ac as candidates for a closer look. Jun-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Shunjin W; Gaoneng Wuli Yu Hewuli 15(8) (1991) 761 (in Chinese). "Effect of Coulomb screening on deuterium-deuterium fusion cross section". ** "The popular Gamow formula for the deuterium-deuterium fusion cross-section is generalized to take into account the Coulomb screening effect. The generalized formula has been used to discuss the fusion process occurring in the metal medium" (English abstract). Using the WKB approximation and Gamow approach, some mathematical expressions for fusion rates are derived, but no conclusions about cold fusion reached. Oct-90/Aug-91 ------------------------- Silver DS, Dash J, Keefe PS; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 423. "Surface topography of a palladium cathode after electrolysis in heavy water". ** It has been suggested that the cold fusion reaction might be d + p, not d + d; here, large amounts of hydrogen have been generated alongside deuterium to test this. Scanning electron, scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy (SEM, STM, AFM resp.) were used for a post mortem look at the Pd surface. Various features such as pits and craters were found, and suggest violent events, energetically beyond chemistry. In experiments with heavy water, higher temperatures were reproducibly reached than in light water. Attempts to detect fusion products (tritium, neutrons, gammas) were not successful. However, some heavy elements accumulated locally; this has been reported elsewhere. Mar-92/Dec-93 ------------------------- Silvera IF, Moshary E; Phys. Rev. B42 (1990) 9143. "Deuterated palladium at temperatures from 4.3 to 400K and pressures to 105 kbar: search for cold fusion". ** The authors used their diamond anvil to achieve these pressures. Detectors for neutrons, gamma radiation and heat were mounted around the press. From the volume compression, a loading of up to 1.34 was inferred. Several days at the various temperatures and pressures evinced no evidence for cold fusion. Feb-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Simanek E; Physica A (Amsterdam) 164 (1990) 147. "Quantum tunnelling through a fluctuating barrier. Enhancement of cold-fusion rate". ** The Feynman functional integral formulation of quantum mechanics is used to derive tunnelling rate enhancement of cold fusion in a Pd lattice. Strong temperature dependence of this enhancement is found. Enhancement is positive above Tc, the temp corresponding to "the energy spacing of the bath oscillator". Additionally, due to the covalent Pd-D bonding, Pd lattice oscillations induced by thermal phonons will assist in the tunnelling. No real numbers are given. Sep-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Sinha B, Viyogi YP, Chattopadhyaya S, Mazumdar MRD, Murthy GSN, Muthukrishnan G, Bandyopadhyaya T, Trivedi MD, Ghosh D, Srivastava DK, Sen P; Indian J. Technol. 27 (1989) 275. "Observations of neutron bursts in electrolysis of heavy water". ** Observed 4 aperiodic 5-minute bursts of neutrons at Ti and Pd during electrolysis of D2O containing NaCl. A single neutron counter was used and the cells shielded with Pb bricks to minimise background. No gamma emission was detected and no excess heat. Jun-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Sioda RE, Fahidy TZ; J. Appl. Electrochem. 22 (1992) 347. "A simplified approach to the thermal behaviour of electrolytic Dewar cell calorimeters" ** Calorimetry is central to much of cold fusion research, and has been dogged by problems. In this paper, the authors describe a simplified thermal analysis in terms of a single nonlinear thermal balance for the prediction of temperature time variations in such cells. The overall heat loss coefficient can be estimated accurately. The model can be reduced to a simple one, or made more complex. In the simplest case, constant input power is assumed, as well as constant radiative emissivity and emission area for both source and sink. The heat balance differential equation can then be solved, and numbers are tabulated as examples. Varying input power is also allowed. Results show that heat loss can be estimated experimentally and this may help decide whether excess heat is produced. May-91/Apr-92 ------------------------- Sioda RE; Bull. Electrochem. 5 (1989) 902. "Heat effects during room-temperature electrolysis of deuterium oxide". ** This is simple open-cell calorimetry of a cell in which heavy water is electrolysed at platinum electrodes. Resistor heating is used to measure Newton's cooling rate parameter, which remains constant; nevertheless, under electrolysis some heat, corresponding to about 8% power, is unaccounted for, possibly due to gas evolution or electrochemical side reactions. Sep-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Skibbe U, Neue G; Colloids Surf. 45 (1990) 235. "A 2D-NMR method to study near-surface regions of conductors". ** A method is described, and applied to the study of surface layers of PdD; the authors point out that the work was started before cold fusion became public knowledge, and that they do not want to contribute to that area. Pd foil was "completely saturated" with D by electrolysis in acid solution, giving a D/Pd loading of 0.66. The results show that there is a higher loading at and near the surface. Also, a diffusion coefficient of D in the bulk is given as 2.3E-10 m**2/s, with a reference. ------------------------- Slanina Z; Thermochim. Acta 156 (1989) 285. "Towards molecular-thermodynamic aspects of postulated Pd/D low-temperature nuclear fusion: a useful example of a failure of the conventional translation partition function". ** A study of the partition function of translation in a cubical box of very small dimensions. As the box is assumed smaller and smaller, there appear deviations from the conventional macroscopic partition function. This was applied to H isotopes in cubic cells of Pd, and the kinetic energy of such particles is enhanced. This higher kinetic energy should be considered in theoretical work on cold fusion. (1-) May-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Sobkowski J; Wiad. Chem. 44 (1990) 587 (in Polish). "Cold fusion - facts and opinions". ** The author was apparently asked by the journal editor to write this review, shortly after a cold fusion conference in Poland in May 1989. This review was submitted in February 1990, and is a summary of the field, without much in the way of contribution by the author himself. The problems raised by cnf are described, such as the branching ratio, and some of the motivation background is mentioned (the alleged anomalous (3)He/(4)He ratio in the atmosphere, in some metals etc). Some of the possible ways to detect cold fusion are named such as neutron and gamma detection. There is a detailed description of the Jones+ and FPH work, and the critical papers of Keddam, Horanyi, Kreysa and others. Supporting work is also included, such as works suggesting the (4)He branch, and the quiet dissipation as heat of the 24 MeV released from that branch. The author concludes that cold fusion will continue to live for some time, but that practical applications are unlikely. Feb-90/? ------------------------- Sobotka LG, Winter P; Nature (London) 343 (1990) 601 (15-Feb). "Fracture without fusion" (Scientific correspondence). ** The authors note that there appears to be a lot of evidence for fracture- induced fusion, and have a shot at it themselves, by shooting steel pellets (0.131 g mass, going at 168 m/s) at heavy ice. After 75 shots they average less than one neutron per shot, 1/10 the level measured by the Soviet team (Deryagin et al). They note that this experiment was a good reproduction of the Soviet work, and conclude that there is no compelling evidence for fractofusion. ?/Feb-90 ------------------------- Sohlberg K, Szalewicz K; Phys. Lett. A 144 (1990) 365. "Fusion rates for deuterium in titanium clusters". ** Calculations for hydrogen atoms placed in small Ti clusters, using the ab initio Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method. The possibility is explored that there might be a stable H atom configuration in a Ti llattice with d-d distance smaller than that in D2 gas. Results show that the H atoms are reasonably mobile in the Ti lattice. There are no stable close d-d states. The closest configuration - occupation of adjacent tetrahedral sites - gives a d-d distance > than that in D2 gas. Fusion rates of 1E-84/s result. Aug-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Soifer VN, Goryachev VA, Salyuk AN, Sergeev F; Sov. Phys. Dokl. 35(6) (1990) 546. Originally in Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 312 (1990) 860. "Neutron yield in heavy-water electrolysis". ** In the absence of information about cold fusion experiments, this team from Vladivostok designed their own, using NaOH dissolved in heavy water. They are experienced in (heavy) water analysis for isotope content, and they note at the start, that heavy water contains about 5 to 6 orders of magnitude more tritium than normal water and therefore also an elevated content of (3)He, from tritium decay. The neutron detector was a 4 litre proportional methane counter, allowing anticoincidence discrimination of cosmic influx. For the cathode, they tried Ti, stainless steel, Ti/V alloy, Pt and Pd, as plates and wires, under a variety of current densities. No neutrons were measured. Jul-89/Jun-90 ------------------------- Sona PG, Ferrari M; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 678. "The possible negative influence of dissolved O2 in cold nuclear fusion experiments". ** As Appleby has stated elsewhere, it is possible that a layer containing Li needs to be deposited, in order for deuterium to get into the Pd, instead of forming D2 gas and bubbling off (this is in fact a fast reaction) - i.e. the Li-containing layer is a poison for bubble formation. If the layer has holes, it works less well. The layer, being a compound of Pd, Li and D, would clearly be sensitive to oxygen, which would dissolve it as LiOD, leaving Pd. So it is a good idea to prevent access of oxygen to the Pd cathode (O2 is generated at the anode). This can be done by, among other things, putting a porous membrane between the cathode and anode (standard electrochemical practice in fact), or using a hydrogen anode, i.e. one where hydrogen (or deuterium) gas is oxidised to water. Sona & Ferrari also speed up the layer's formation by increasing the LiOD concentration from the usual 0.1M to 2.4M. May-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Sona PG, Parmigiani F, Barberis F, Battaglia A, Berti R, Buzzanca G, Capelli A, Capra D, Ferrari M; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 713. "Preliminary tests on tritium and neutrons in cold nuclear fusion within palladium cathodes". ** Did 12 experiments with electrolytic D-loading of Pd, and two of them showed positive results: one cell produced tritium without neutrons, the other neutrons without tritium, both at significant levels. The conditions that seem to be necessary are solution preelectrolysis, long wait at zero current prior to electrolysis, and care in avoiding CO2 contamination. Dec-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Southon JR, Stark JW, Vogel JS, Waddington JC; Phys. Rev. C: Nucl. Phys. 41 (1990) R1899. "Upper limit for neutron emission from cold deuteron-triton fusion". ** Although theory seems to favour dd over dt fusion, theory is out by 30 orders of magnitude compared to experimental claims, so this, too, may be wrong. A Ti cathode was preloaded to a t/Ti ratio of about 0.5 using T2 gas. This tritide was quite stable; no leakage was detected from it. This was then used as the cathode in a solution of 0.1 M lithium carbonate in D2O, adjusted with HNO3 to pH 2.5. A NE213 scintillation neutron detector, coupled to an RCA 8850 photomultiplier, was used to detect neutrons, in such a way as to exclude neutrons from dd fusion. Detector efficiency was about 1.3%. No difference between background and running cells was found, setting an upper limits for dt fusion at 1E-23/s/pair. So either there is no such thing as cold fusion, or the wrong conditions were used. Oct-89/May-90 ------------------------- Soyfer VN, Goryachev VA, Salyuk AN, Sergeyev AF; Appl. Radiat. Isot. 43 (1992) 1041. "Neutron emission during heavy water electrolysis". ** Electrolysis in heavy water and NaOH at Ti (and other) cathodes and Ni anodes at a range of current densities from 0.05 to 300 A/cm**2 was carried out, motivated by press reports of the FPH work. Neutrons were detected using a proportional methane counter, with cosmic background rejection by an anticoincidence chamber. This had a neutron efficiency of about 7%. Ti plates, a stainless steel wire, a Ti-V alloy and Pt and V wires were tried as cathodes. Spark discharges were also tried. No neutrons even 16 orders of magnitude lower than the rates required by the excess heats reported by FPH were seen in any of these runs. Sep-89/? ------------------------- Speiser B, Rieker A; Nachr. Chem. Tech. Lab. 37 (1989) 616 (in German). "Energy from electrochemically induced nuclear fusion?" ** An early discussion of cold fusion, from a pair of electrochemists. FPH's calorimetry results are put under the microscope and found wanting; the errors in the excess heat measurements are much larger than desirable - although this is not the same as the calorimetry errors (my comment). There is some discussion of the 1E27 atm figure in FPH, and somewhat simplified arguments reject this, as well. The paper has some good references to the "Paneth and Peters" affair of 1926/7. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Spinrad BI; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 343. "On cold fusion". ** A conjecture: since palladium hydride is still a conductor, a high electron density inside it can be achieved by "pushing" electrons into it. This may be what is happening in the FPH experiments. The electrons might then enhance fusion rates by shielding deuterons from each other. This suggests the experiment of charging palladium with deuterium and then putting it into contact with a charged plate - standing well back. Oct-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Srinivasan M; Curr. Sci. 60 (1991) 417. "Nuclear fusion in an atomic lattice: An update on the international status of cold fusion research". ** A review of cold fusion concentrating on conferences to a large extent. It is written by a well informed researcher but clearly from a positive viewpoint, and this shows in the importance given to marginal results in some places. An unusual claim is that cold fusion has already exceeded the power density yield of conventional nuclear fission reactors, i.e. in terms of W/cm**3 fuel. There is an outline of the "puzzles of cold fusion" and the author believes that the phenomenon is due to "many different nuclear reactions induced by deuterons". There are 174 references, most of them to actual papers. ?/Apr-91 ------------------------- Stacey WM Jr; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 268. "Reactor prospects of muon-catalyzed fusion of deuterium and tritium concentrated in transition metals". ** Conjectures that muons are responsible for CNF, and goes from there, suggesting a muon-catalyzed reactor, the muons coming from an accelerator (cosmic muons are not enough). (5-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Steinert C; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 206. "Laser-induced 'semicold' fusion". ** Suggests the combination of palladium deuteride and laser-induced fusion; i.e. shoot a high-power laser at PdD(x) and stand back. Some possible configurations are suggested. Sep-89/Jan-90 ------------------------- Stilwell DE, Park KH, Miles MH; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 333. "Electrochemical calorimetric studies on the electrolysis of water and heavy water (D2O)". ** This paper reports excess heat, which was correlated in another paper with He. Two kinds of calorimetric cells were used. In one (type A), the temperature was measured directly inside the cell; in the other (type B), the cell heated up a bath surrounding it, and the temp. was measured there. Both were without recombination, which was in fact minimised. For the excess heat calculation, the power going into water electrolysis (current * thermoneutral potential) was subtracted. The cells were operated at 13-37 degC above room temp. For type A cells, both light and heavy water appeared to give about 7% excess heat, so something was wrong here. Type B cells showed no excess heat. The conclusion is that these experiments do not support cold fusion, and that calorimetry with type A cells is not easy. Note that in a (presumably) later paper, the same authors find excess heat, using shorter, thicker, cathodes than here (Miles et al, J. Electroanal. Chem. 296 (1990) 241) and still later, they report helium and radiation (J. Electroanal. Chem. 304 (1991) 271). ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- Stoppini G; Il Nuovo Cimento 13D (1991) 1181. "Coulomb screening in superconducting PdH". ** Although this paper alludes to d-d fusion in the metal hydride lattice, it confines itself to the temperature range, i.e. T <= 11K, where PdH is superconducting. Electron screening might be supplied by the electron pairs that give rise to the superconductivity phenomenon, and this might enhance d-d fusion at these temperatures. Jan-91/Sep-91 ------------------------- Storms E, Talcott C; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 680. "Electrolytic tritium production". ** 53 electrolytic cells were run, electrolysing heavy water containing LiOD, at Pd electrodes; the electrolyte was sampled at intervals for tritium for each cell. Some of the cells appeared to produce tritium up to about twice that originally present, while others did not. Reverse electrolysis (Pd as anode) after charging revealed no extra tritium, so none was produced within the Pd. Surface pretreatment of the Pd electrodes with paraffin vapour and H2S, followed by cathodic cleaning, appeared to improve the results, assumed to be a poisoning effect aiding deuteration of Pd in competition with gas formation. Dec-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Storms E, Talcott-Storms C; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 246. "The effect of hydriding on the physical structure of palladium and on the release of contained tritium". ** To have convincing tritium results, one must be careful to eliminate the possibility of contamination, which might come from outside the cell or from the Pd itself. The authors here examine the latter possibility by looking at the behaviour of tritium, as well as protium present in Pd, from charging in D2O deliberately contaminated with T2O and H2O. The hydrogen isotopes were in each case driven out by anodic discharge. There is an interesting figure showing mole fraction D/H in the Pd against the same fraction in the electrolyte. H is favoured. Many experiments are reported. An 11% expanded sample showed pits but no cracks. Deuterium is taken up preferentially over tritium and tritium discharge is a first-order process. The study supports the view that tritium that appears mainly in the gas after many days of electrolysis cannot have come from prior contamination of the metal. In the authors' own work, however, the tritium appears in the electrolyte, rather than in the gas. This reviewer is not clear about what the conclusions of the paper are, beyond rejecting contamination charges. Dec-90/Sep-91 ------------------------- Storms E; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 433. "Review of experimental observations about the cold fusion effect". ** A review of the experimental evidence for cold fusion as of July 1991. Storms believes that careful work has shown evidence for heat, tritium, neutron and helium production. The author has himself read all the papers (he does not refer to others) and gives a competent and detailed account, complete with tables and figures. Fractofusion is included. The key ideas in favour of cold fusion are outlined, such as dendrites (suggesting large voltages but naming only gradients), or the use of the Nernst equation for an overpotential (suggesting immense pressures). The paper concludes that the evidence is overwhelmingly for cold fusion. Of the 359 references, about 200 are real experimental papers. May-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Storms E; Fusion Technol. 23 (1993) 230. "Measurements of excess heat from a Pons-Fleischmann-type electrolytic cell using palladium sheet". ** An isoperibolic calorimeter was constructed and here used with a Pd cathode in the form of a sheet about 0.5 mm thick and about 6 cm^2 area (similar to that used by Takahashi). The calorimeter was of the closed kind, using a recombination catalyst, and with a cooling coil, the measurement being the temperatures at inlet and outlet. A Pt mesh placed around the cathode served as anode. The electrolyte was 0.3M LiOD in heavy water. There were extra thermocouples at two levels within the cell itself, as a check against gradients in temperature; calibrations proved these not to be significant. Also, an additional Pt plate, similar to the Pd cathode, was used as a control, and cell power showed about 3% scatter or 1 W at 35 W input. At this input, excess heat was not claimed unless exceeding the 1W level. The sealed cell allowed, initially, the measurement of deuterium loading by D2 pressure; this became inaccurate later due to some artifact. A loading of about 0.82 was achieved. One cathode showed slight excess heat at 0-2 W, then went up to a maximum of 7.5 W (20%) when the catalyst was renewed; this only at the highest current, 2.5 A. The other cathode never showed excess heat. The excess heat was judged to be coming from the Pd plate. Jul-92/Mar-93 ------------------------- Stroka A, Baranowski B, Filipek SM; Pol. J. Chem. 67 (1993) 353. "Search for 3He and 4He in Pd-D2 system long term cumulation experiment in high pressure". ** The He results of the study reported in another paper from this lab (Baranowski et al, J. Less-Common Metals 158 (1990) 347). In an enclosed cnf experiment, it should be easy to detect He, e.g. by mass spectrometry (MS), if any is formed, as it should be. A 1.1*5.63 cm^2 Pd cylinder (67 g) was kept for more than 2 years at a D2 pressure of not less than 6 kbar, 298 K. This gives a D/Pd loading of no less than 0.9. This Pd sample is larger than the critical size described by FPA-89, who reported "IGNITION". A quadrupole MS was used, capable of detecting 10^-10 mol He. No He was found above this detection limit. This sets an upper limit of 10^6 fusions/s, which lies between claimed emission measurements of 1/s and the much larger (and lethal) emissions corresponding to excess heat claims. Another negative. Oct-92/? ------------------------- Sullivan DL; Sci., Technol. & Human Values 19 (1994) 283. "Exclusionary epideictic: NOVA's narrative excommunication of Fleischmann and Pons". ** Sci-soc/phil paper by an English lit specialist. Analysis of the video tape of the NOVA TV program "Confusion in a Jar", shown on 30 April 1991 by Public Broadcasting. The author makes a case for this show's being an epideictic rhetoric, defined as an effort publically to lay blame on someone and (here) in effect to excommunicate them (F&P) from the ranks of serious scientists. This can also be categorised as a narrative, and strong parallels are drawn between F&P and the Jesus Christ story. The difference is that in the latter case, there was a final vindication after excommunication, not the case (yet) with F&P. ?/Jul-94 ------------------------- Sun D-L, Lei Y-Q, Chen Y-L, Wu J, Wang Q-D, Lu X-N; Chinese Sci. Bull. 37 (1992) 1073. "A study of existing forms of deuterium in palladium by positron lifetime spectroscopy". ** It is of value to know what form deuterium takes in palladium deuteride. Positron lifetime spectroscopy can produce some information. The authors did such an experiment, and conclude that (1) electrochemical loading of Pd with deuterium causes increases in the density of dislocations and vacancies, and (2) that part of the deuterium exists in the Pd lattice as D+ ions and that this prevents nuclear fusion by simple electron screening. Dec-90/Jul-92 ------------------------- Sun D-L, Lei Y-Q, Wu J, Wang Q-D, Wang R; Science in China A 36 (1993) 1501. "An explanation for the abnormal temperature rise of palladium cathode during electrochemical deuterium charging". ** This team performed 7 long-term 'cold fusion' electrolyses, searching for excess heat. Threee types of Pd cathodes rods, 6 mm diameter and 33.5 mm length, were used: as-cast, annealed and deformed. Current densities varied from 54 to 540 mA/cm^2, and electrolysis times were up to 300 h. The cell was of the open type and the calorimeter was of the cooling coil type. Measurement accuracy was 1.5-5%, and all but one experiment resulted in excess heat within this band. In that one experiment (as-cast, 518 mA/cm^2), there was a single temperature excursion at about 130 h lasting about 30 h, giving a 28% excess heat or a total of 112 kJ/cm^3 of Pd. The authors possible chemical origins of this heat but dismiss them. D-d fusion, too, is not believed to be possible by the team. There remains the release of stress in microcracks, proposed here. Dec-92/Dec-93 ------------------------- Sun Z, Tomanek D; Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 59. "Cold fusion: how close can deuterium atoms come inside palladium?" ** Even at high D loadings, D's are further apart than as D2 gas. Thus, fusion is improbable. (10-) May-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Sundqvist BUR, Haakansson P, Hedin A, Bucur RV, Johansson B, Waeppling R; Phys. Scr. 40 (1989) 303. "On the observation of charged particles in cold fusion" ** With the aim of confirming or rejecting CNF claims, the authors tried to detect charged particles, which should be emitted. Pd foil was electrolytically charged with D, up to the expected 0.7 per Pd, and a charged particle detector placed close to the electrode. This would also pick up alpha particles from the reaction d + (6)Li --> 2 (4)He + energy. The background level was 1/10 that of the Jones+ experiments; there were no deviations from this level. (21-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Swartz MR; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 296. "Quasi-one-dimensional model of electrochemical loading of isotopic fuel into a metal". ** A cold fusion electrolysis cell, with a Pt anode, a Pd cathode and intervening electrolyte, is modelled as a 1-D system for the transport of deuterium ions. The flux of deuterons in the direction of the model is derived, using 18 equations in all. The implications for cold fusion are that loading and D2 formation are mutually antagonistic, and the crystal structure of the Pd is important (defects, dislocations, zeolite-like diffusion of deuterons in the lattice), as well as its overall shape and small surface features such as spikes. Jan-92/Sep-92 ------------------------- Switendick AC; J. Less-Common Met. 172-174 (1991) 1363. "Electronic structure and stability of palladium hydrogen (deuterium) systems, PdH(D)n, 1 <= n <= 3". ** Self-consistent augmented plane-wave total energy calculations were performed as a function of the cubic lattice constant within the local density approximation using Hedin-Lundquist exchange, on the mono-, di- and trihydrides of Pd (and deuterides), correcting an earlier erroneous paper. The results are compared with cold fusion inspired theoretical work of Sun+Tomanek, Wang et al and others. The monohydride is the only stable species, and p-p or d-d distances greatly exceed that in the corresponding gas, i.e. 0.74 A. There is a large energy barrier against close approaches. ?/Sep-91 ------------------------- Szalewicz K, Morgan JD III, Monkhurst HJ; Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys. 40 (1989) 2824. "Fusion rates for hydrogen isotopic molecules of relevance for 'cold fusion'". ** A theoretical study of room temperature fusion, asking the questions 1. how close must deuterons get for the claimed fusion rates to occur? 2. under such conditions, what would be the rates of other possible reactions? 3. how do the fusion rates depend on vibrational excitation? The reactions considered are: 1. d + d --> (3)He (0.82 MeV) + n (2.45 MeV) 2. d + d --> t (1.01 MeV) + p (3.02 MeV) 3. p + d --> (3)He (5 keV) + gamma (5.4 MeV) 4. d + d --> (4)He (76 keV) + gamma (23.8 MeV) 5. d + t --> (4)He (3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV) of which (1) and (2) are those that have been assumed by most workers. Accurate calculations are performed within the adiabatic approximation, of fusion rates for various vibrational states of the D2, HD, HT and DT molecules. It is known that the natural fusion rate of D2 (10E-64/s) is enhanced by a 75 orders of magnitude, if the electrons around the nuclei are replaced by muons, with 207 times the mass of electrons. So the study seeks to find the required mass of a hypothetical particle of charge -1, which - when replacing the normal electrons - would enhance fusion by the required factor to explain the claimed rates of 10E-19/s/pair (FPH) or the more modest 10E-23/s/pair (Jones+). The model appears to work, reproducing known fusion rates reasonably well, and showing that an electron mass m of about 5 is sufficient to enhance fusion rates to FPH levels. They then use another model to calculate the dependence of fusion rates on the vibrational excitation level of a fusing pair, and again, this can enhance these rates, especially in cooperation with larger electronic masses. The significance of vibrationally excited states is that FPH and Jones claim that an essential feature of cold fusion is that the system is in a nonequilibrium state. The paper then goes on to look at the possibility that the p+d reaction (3) could explain FPH's excess heat results, which are out by a 7-10 orders of magnitude compared to the neutron level expected from reactions (1) and (2) usually assumed. However, the theoretical rates of reaction (3) is only comparable to these two, and the relative rate would depend on a high concentration of protons in the palladium; this is unlikely, since D2O is used - even though some enrichment might take place on H- and D-absorption during charging. So the calculation is still short of a heat explanation by some 6 orders of magnitude, even if all gamma radiation were converted to heat. The results however suggest an experiment using 50:50 D2O:H2O (I take it they mean 50:50 p:d in the palladium after charging), and looking for the 5.4 MeV gamma radiation. Lastly, the authors examine the possibility of some crystal parameters providing the energy for a fusion reaction, in a manner similar to the Moessbauer effect: for several technical reasons, such an effect is not likely to do the job. The conclusion is that theory points only to rather unlikely conditions for a plausible cold fusion reaction. (21-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Szeflinski Z, Kozlowski M, Osuch S, Sawicki P, Szeflinska G, Wilhelmi Z, Starowieyski KB, Tkacz M; Phys. Lett. A168 (1992) 83. "Upper limit of neutron emission from the chemical reaction of LiD with heavy water". ** Claims (Arzhannikov et al 1991) that chemical reactions, too, can cause cold fusion, inspired this work, in which neutrons were measured next to a test tube of heavy water, to which crystals of LiD were gradually added. Five liquid scintillation neutron detectors were used to exclude noise events, with additional shape discrimination. The upper limit for neutron emission was measured to be 1.2E-26 n/d-atom/s, one order of magnitude lower than the previous workers (Arzhannikov et al). No bunched emissions were seen either. The authors conclude that no fusion was seen. Jun-92/Aug-92 ------------------------- Szpak S, Gabriel CJ, Smith JJ, Nowak RJ; J. Electroanal. Chem. 309 (1991) 273. "Electrochemical charging of Pd rods". ** It is of interest to cold fusion experimenters using electrolysis, how long it takes to charge a Pd rod and what the electrode potential is as function of current density and time. This paper goes into excruciating detail on all processes taking place, complete with a set of rate constants, all unknown. The model is then solved numerically, putting in some sets of values. There are no firm conclusions but the paper gives valuable detail of the many reactions contributing to deuterium charging of Pd. Oct-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Szpak S, Mosier-Boss PA, Boss RD; J. Electroanal. Chem. 373 (1994) 1. "Comments on the analysis of tritium content in electrochemical cells". ** Most workers looking for tritium in their cold fusion cells take aliquots out of the electrolyte and analyse these. It is important to know how the tritium, if any, is distributed in the cell; i.e. between the gas phase, electrolyte and electrode bulk. This paper takes a theoretical look at this problem, as well as at the data acquisition procedure. It concludes that isotope separation can be determined from analysis of the gas and liquid phases; analysis error can be minimised by increasing counting time in the liquid scintillation method; care must be taken with open cells. Jul-93/Aug-94 ------------------------- Szpak S, Mosier-Boss PA, Scharber SR; J. Electroanal. Chem. 337 (1992) 147. "Charging of the Pd/(n)H system: role of the interphase". ** The success of electrochemical compression of a hydrogen isotope into Pd - and of obtaining the Fleischmann-Pons effect - depends on what happens at the interface between the Pd surface and the electrolyte. Most of what is known refers to hydrogen, and cannot simply be transferred to deuterium, hence this study. Slow scan cyclic voltammetry was employed. Examined were: the time behaviour of voltammograms, effect of scan rate, the difference between light and heavy water, pH effects, weakly adsorbable ions (Cl-, OH-), and surface active species such as CN-. The team concludes that the interphase is an active participant in the bulk charging process. Nov-91/Oct-92 ------------------------- Szpak S, Mosier-Boss PA, Smith JJ; J. Electroanal. Chem. 302 (1991) 255. "On the behavior of Pd deposited in the presence of evolving deuterium". ** This preliminary publication (a fuller account is promised) describes a new experimental twist in the area. Palladium and deuterium are deposited together by electrolysis from a solution containing both the usual 0.1M LiOD and 0.05M PdCl2. This creates a growing layer of PdDx, continually freshly laid down and possessing the attribute of nonequilibrium, considered by many to be the magic ingredient of cold fusion. The authors also claim that this method eliminates the need for a uniform current distribution and long charging times. A copper foil is used as the cathode initially, being progressively coated by the PdDx, and a thermocouple mounted behind it (on the dry side) (T1), as well as in the electrolyte (T2). A photographic film was mounted up close to the cathode and, in one cell, a metal grid was placed between the cathode and this film. During electrolysis, T1 > T2 by 2-4 degC, which cannot be explained by electrical resistance of a deuterium gas film on the growing surface, say the authors. Also, when the current is switched off, there is a sudden temperature rise in T1, not explained. One might suspect a chemical decomposition of the PdDx. The authors crudely calculate an excess heat of 10-40% from the T1-T2 differences. Experiments with light water showed no such differences; T1 and T2 were about the same, and there was no temperature jump upon current switch-off. Tritium levels went up by a factor of 10 in the electrolyte but not in the light water controls. The film showed fogging, and clear shadowing by the metal grid, suggesting soft x-ray emission; again, this was not observed with the controls. Nov-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Tabet E, Tenenbaum A; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 143. "A dynamical model for cold fusion in deuterated palladium". ** A thermodynamic instability can, under favourable circumstances, trigger a coherent and concentric collapse in the metal and thus enable fusion. Some preliminary calculations lead to reasonable figures. This could also explain the experimental difficulties with repeatability, because the model predicts a strong dependence on loading. Feb-90/Aug-90 ------------------------- Tabet E, Tenenbaum A; Physics Lett. A 144 (1990) 301. "Nuclear reactions from lattice collapse in a cold fusion model". ** Another phase-change explanation of cold fusion, here on a micro scale. Under nonequilibrium conditions, the random movement of deuterons in Pd- or Ti-deuteride might lead to d-deficient micro-volumes, which may collapse, due to the dependence of the molar volume of PdD(x) on x. This sudden collapse causes energy transfer from the collapsing metal atoms to deuterons and in some small fraction of cases, this may drive them together with enough force for fusion. Estimated fusion rates are within a ballpark of claimed rates. Oct-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Tachikawa E; Genshiryoku Kogyo 37(4) (1991) 11 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:58483 (1991). "Outline of room temperature nuclear fusion". ** "A review with no refs. is given on nuclear fusion energy, room temp. nuclear fusion, and the trend of the research on room temp. nuclear fusion". (Quoted from CA). ------------------------- Tajima T, Iyetomi H, Ichimaru S; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1991) 437. "Influence of attractive interaction between deuterons in Pd on nuclear fusion". ** Another paper calculating the rate of (possibly enhanced) d-d fusion in a PdD lattice. The authors here invoke the 10 d-shell electrons of Pd, a dielectric constant and effective electron mass. They find that screening does enhance the fusion rate significantly by as many as 40 orders of magnitude, and the preferred rate, based on some knowldge of parameters, is consistent with experimental findings (Jones+). But the d's have to be on the hop (itinerant) and this explains why the reaction stops when the current is off. The p-d fusion rate is comparable to d-d, d-t is not much faster, while d-(3)He is negligible. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Takagi R, Numata H, Ohno I, Kawamura K, Haruyama S; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 2135. "Neutron emission during a long-term electrolysis of heavy water". ** A chunky (121.3 g, 21.1 mm dia., 32.4 mm long) Pd electrode was vacuum annealed and then used as cathode in 0.1M LiOD, and subjected to a variety of current densities from 0.05-102.4 mA/cm**2, over a long period, after gas-charging in D2 at 1.2 atm. A single NE-213 detector measured neutron emissions, and two thermocouples, one within the cathode bulk and one in the electrolyte, the temperature. A Luggin capillary allowed measurement of cathode potential plus iR drop. There were no neutron background measurements, but the authors take this to be equal to the lowest emissions. There were some neutron emissions higher than others, including some spike-like excursions, and the authors take this to be support for cold fusion. They also noted some cathode potential swings and these tell them that cold fusion might be a surface effect. Dec-90/Jul-91 ------------------------- Takahashi A, Iida T, Maekawa F, Sugimoto H, Yoshida S; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 380. "Windows of cold nuclear fusion and pulsed electrolysis experiments". ** A hypothetical excitation-screening model is proposed as a possible mechanism for nuclear heating, and some experiments to confirm it, are reported. The model rules out cold fusion under stationary conditions, so nonstationary conditions are examined as well. Pd is unusual with its 10 valence electrons. An incoming deuteron will be surrounded by many free electrons, resulting in strong screening. As more and more d comes in, the probablity of a d-d meeting increases, while electron screening decreases. At a certain loading, the fusion rate will be at a maximum. At full charging, screening is very weak; no more fusion. This might explain some of the observed results. Some rough estimations using the excitation model indicate the feasibility of observed fusion rates. An experiment using biased pulsed electrolysis current was then run, involving two different neutron detectors (a Bonner (3)He thermal neutron detector, and a NE-213 one) and simple cell temperature measurement. No definite emissions were detected, although there were some slight increases over the background. Nevertheless, the authors say that cold fusion exists, and encourage further work, including that with "crazy ideas". Dec-89/Mar-91 ------------------------- Takahashi A, Iida T, Takeuchi T, Mega A; Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mater. 3 (1992) 221. "Excess heat and nuclear products by D2O/Pd electrolysis and multibody fusion". ** A detailed description of a series of electrolysis experiments, in which both cell temperature and neutron emission were monitored, cell temp. by a single thermistor between the cathode and a cooling coil, and neutrons by an method described elsewhere. The cathodes were Pd plates, 25*25 mm**2 by 1 mm thick, mounted between two polyethylene insulators, which was wound with the Pt anode at a pitch of 5 mm. This allowed a loading of close to 1, believe the authors. The cell temperature (mixing) time constant was measured at about 15 min, and a rough calibration of power output vs cell temperature was made. The applied (controlled) current was either ramped or pulsed at around 1A/cm**2, for long periods, with topping up of D2O every 4-8 days. Several anomalous excess heat events were observed, in one instance an accumulated excess of 160 MJ over a week. Some neutron events were seen, but correlated somewhat negatively with excess heat events. Neutron flux was generally higher for high current, however. Also, neutron flux remained low for 1-2 days after one D2O topping up. The authors present their theory to explain the dearth of neutrons. At high loadings, 3-body and 4-body fusions might take place, some producing no neutrons or tritons, but alpha particles instead. May-92/? ------------------------- Takahashi A; J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 26 (1989) 558. "Opening possibility of deuteron-catalyzed cascade fusion channel in PdD under D2O electrolysis". ** Suggests that under the conditions of cold fusion in PdD, the predominant reactions would be d+d-->(4)He* and (4)He*+d-->(6)Li*-->(4)He+d+23.8MeV. This cascade would explain the FPH results, giving fusion rates of up to 1E-13 f/s per D atom. April-17-89/May-89 ------------------------- Takahashi A, Takeuchi T, Iida T, Watanabe M; J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 27 (1990) 663. "Emission of 2.45 MeV and higher energy neutrons from D2O-Pd cell under biased-pulse electrolysis". ** The authors update an earlier report, submitted to Fusion Technol., of positive cold fusion results; here, they obtained neutron emissions at 2.45 MeV and at higher energies 3-7 MeV, from biased-pulse electrolysis of 0.2-0.4 M LiOD in D2O, with a Pd cathode. Biased-pulse means alternating higher with lower current densities, e.g. 0.8A with 0.5A at about 2 cm**2, each level for a couple of minutes or so. Light irradiation simultaneous with either the high- or the low-level currents was also tried. Water temperature was measured with a thermocouple, neutrons by a cross-checking system of a (3)He with a NE213 detector, and tritium in aliquots taken from the electrolyte (to be reported later). The emissions at higher energies cannot be explained by hitherto known fusion reactions. May-90/Jul-90 ------------------------- Takahashi A; Oyo Butsuri 62 (1993) 707 (In Japanese). "Production of neutron, tritium and excess heat". ** Chemical Abstracts (119:280105) calls this a review but it is limited in this respect, with only 11 refs. largely to Japanese work. Storms. The figures are taken from Takahashi's own work, and show neutron counts going up with electrolysis current, a neutron peak at 2.5 MeV, a figure with a large number of points showing excess heat increasing with D/Pd loading. Mar-93/? ------------------------- Takahashi A; Kaku Yugo Kenkyu 68(4) (1992) 360 (in Japanese, English abstr.). "Cold fusion research: Recent progress". ** Review of three years' accumulated cold fusion work, observing weak neutron emission, tritium generation with anomalous n/t ratios, charged particle emission with anomalies, (4)He generation, excess heat, and anomalous D/Pd loading. Some of these suggest a nuclear process, but the relationship between excess heat and nuclear products is not yet clear. 14 refs. Jul-92/? ------------------------- Takahashi A; Koon Gakkaishi 19(5) (1993) 179 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 120:87961 (1993). ** CA: "A review with 11 refs. is presented with the emphasis on the important exptl. results and theor. model". The review seems to be up to date to the symposium ICCF3, and shows the familiar graphs of the dependence of excess heat on the D/Pd loading and on current density, mentiosn surface layers, radiation measurements, He detection. ------------------------- Takahashi H; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1991) 441. "Dynamical screening of potential by mobile deuteron and fusion rate of accelerated deuteron in PdDx". ** Like the Tajima et al work, this paper stresses that deuterons under motion are better than stationary d's. In fact, d-d screening is not only done by electrons but by moving deuterons as well. Takahashi develops his previous model further and finds that, for accelerated deuterons, fusion might occur at observed rates. The acceleration might be provided by the joint movement of groups of deuterons, creating a sort of whip, or surfing, effect. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Takahashi Y; Kagaku Kogaku 53 (1989) 608. (In Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:122093 (1989). "Present status and future problems of cold nuclear fusion" ** Chem. Abstr. says "Discussion with 3 references". ------------------------- Takahashi Y; Gendai Kagaku 223 (1989) 48 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:220288 (1989). "Room temperature nuclear fusion". ** Review, with no references (huh?) of the FPH and Jones+ experiments, as well as the non-electrochemical Italian work. ------------------------- Takahashi Y; Kagaku (Kyoto) 45 (1990) 54. (In Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:146653 (1990). "After effects of the cold nuclear fusion experiments". ** A survey of the papers following those of FPH and Jones+ (10 references). No paper reports the excess heat of FPH although some do report some neutrons or protons. ------------------------- Takata N, Kaneko H, Nozaki K, Sakuta K, Tanimoto M; Denshi Gijutsu Kenkyusho Iho 53 (1989) 1438 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 112:205728 (1990). "A preliminary attempt to measure neutrons from cold fusion". ** Electrolysis experiment. A neutron detector near the cell was matched by another 6 m away, both of the (3)He type. Loadings of Pd with D of 0.79, 0.83 and even 1.2 were achieved with various electrolytes but in none of these were any neutron emissions observed. The upper limit for neutrons was 1E-25/pair/s or 2 orders of magnitude smaller than Jones+. ?/Sep-89 ------------------------- Takata N, Kaneko H, Nozaki K, Sakuta K, Tanimoto M; Bull. Electrotech. Lab. (Japan) 53 (1989) 16. (In Japanese). Cited in Phys. Abstr. 93:72314 (1990). "A preliminary attempt to measure neutrons from cold fusion". ** Electrolysis at a Pd rod, 10 cm long, 1 cm diameter in 1.1 M D2SO4 + 0.05 M Li2O. Saturation of Pd with D was monitored by the ratio of D2/O2 volumes evolved. Both cell and neutron detector were placed at the centre of a moderating water bath; neutrons were detected at 1.8% efficiency, the background count was 0.005/s. Another detector was placed at 6 m distance for differential comparison. No significant signals were observed; giving an upper bound on cold fusion of 1.6E-25 per s per pair. ------------------------- Takeda T, Takizuka T; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 58 (1989) 3073. "Fractofusion mechanism". ** Theory. Fractofusion can explain observed fusion rates. The authors also seem to suggest (unless I misunderstand) that the accelerated deuterons, apart from fusing, release energy (kinetic, one assumes) about 10**8 times that released by the fusion itself - thereby seeming to explain excess heat found by some people. This is wrong, since this would be part of the non- nuclear energy balance for the electrolysis/crack formation etc. They conclude that if CNF is fractofusion, it is not of practical use. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Takeda T; Genshiryoku Kogyo 37(4) (1991) 40 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:58486 (1991). "Theory of room temperature nuclear fusion". ** "A review with 42 refs. is given on 2-body collision nuclear fusion by the shielding of the Coulomb field, collective nuclear reaction, and apparent room temp. nuclear fusion". (Quoted from CA). ------------------------- Tamayo JMM, Rivas JM, Celis BZ, Garcia FPR, Penaloza ON; Rev. Inst. Mex. Pet. 22 (1990) 42 (in Spanish). "Experiments on cold fusion at IMP". ** A number of experiments on cold fusion were run at the Mexican Petroleum Institute IMP, to prove or disprove the effect. IR spectra were measured for both H2O and the D2O used; the latter showed no H2O peak, but some HDO impurity. LiOD was prepared by electrolysis from LiCl in D2O. Gamma radiation background was measured over 24 hours with NaI, and during electrolysis runs. Tritium was also monitored. No significant radiation was detected, although there was, upon magnification, a very small gamma peak at 2.224 MeV. No heat was observed. Some tritium increases, roughly in line with electrolysis time, was observed. No conclusions as to the reality of cnf are drawn. ------------------------- Tanaka M; J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 29 (1992) 1129. "Parametric enhancement of the tunneling transmission through a potential barrier". ** On the basis of a simple model, it is shown that an auxiliary potential in parametric resonance with incident particles may effectively modify the tunneling transmission of particles through a potential barrier. This might explain neutron bursts observed by some cold fusion workers. Jun-92/Dec-92 ------------------------- Taniguchi N, Baba S, Kawamura K, Gamo T; Nippon Kagaku Kaishi 1990(9) 992 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:179421 (1990). "Conditions for cold nuclear fusion". ** Used a pulse shape discriminator to measure neutrons and gammas in electrolysis experiments with palladium, and D2 experiments with titanium. The counting equipment was able to detect fusion at a rate of 1E-22 fusions/atom/s and found nothing in either setup, except when D2 was released from Ti, where a signal at 30-600 times the background was detected, presumed to be due to gamma emission from a p-d reaction. ------------------------- Taniguchi R, Yamamoto T, Irie S; Bull. Univ. Osaka Prefect., Ser A 39(2) (1990) 233. "Fine structure of the charged particle bursts induced by D2O electrolysis". ** The author join others in pointing out that low-level neutron measurement is more difficult than that of charged particles, also expected from cold fusion. The sensitivity is one order of magnitude better and the background is lower by two. A thin foil Pd cathode, plated onto a Cu backing was placed at the bottom of the cell, close to the SSB detector. A video recorder recorded the signals obtained on a video screen. Some abnormal counts, at ten times the background, were recorded. This fixes the fusion rate at about 1E-23 fus/pair/s, in agreement with Jones+. Some burst-like emissions were seen, and the fine structure of one such burst analysed. It was found to consist of a number of very short bursts. An energy spectrum was obtained also, and show that the bursts cannot be due to the simple d-d fusion reaction. They have some features in common with the Ti + D2 heat cycle experiments. Nov-90/? ------------------------- Taniguchi R, Yamamoto T, Irie S; Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 28 (1989) L2021. "Detection of charged particles emitted by electrolytically induced cold nuclear fusion". ** Point out three problems with neutron detection: 1. low detection efficiency; 2. low signal/noise ratio, due to large determination volume 3. problems of neutron/gammma discrimination. Charged particles might be a better bet. They used a favourable geometry and a charged-particle detector with high efficiency and low background sensitivity, as well as to gammas. The electrode was a thin foil at the cell bottom, with the detector just underneath. Out of 30 runs with D2O, or about 3900 hours total, 6 runs showed proton counting rates of up to 100 times those in plain H2O. These rates did not commence until after 6-12 days (!), although the electrodes were only 10 microns thick and presumably would be fully loaded long before this. The authors do not draw firm conclusions; the spectra are not clear, protons may have been slowed down. Aug-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Taniguchi R, Yamamoto T; Hoshasen 16 (1990) 29 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:17193 (1991). "High sensitivity measurement of charged particles using a silicon surface barrier detector". ** "A Si surface barrier detector (Si-SSD, charged particle detector), is rather insensitive to background radiation. The detection of a few charged particles emitted in electrolytically induced cold nuclear fusion was attempted using the Si-SSD attached near to the thin foil Pd cathode which formed the bottom of an electrolysis cell. Using the pulsed electrolysis technique, the background and foreground data were measured alternately. The expt. results, counting rate and the energy spectrum suggested that the some [sic] species of nuclear reaction occurred in the cathode. The reaction rates were 2 orders of magnitude lower than that reported by S.E. Jones et al (1989)." (Quoted from CA) ------------------------- Tateno H, Iwashita Y; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Suppl. 30-1, 30 (1991) 41. "An attempt to observe nuclear fusion in titanium by internal friction". ** The internal friction and resonant frequency of oscillation of Ti charged with deuterium from the gas phase were measured, and compared with those using hydrogen. The Ti was degassed at 600 C and loaded at liquid nitrogen temperature. Upon warming up, there were changes in internal friction and resonant frequency and some differences between deuterium and hydrogen; however, nothing was observed at the temperature at which other workers reported neutron emissions. Jan-91/? ------------------------- Tayler K; Nature (London) 339 (1989) 346 (1-Jun). "Fusion of 1947?" (Scientific correspondence). ** Refers to a 1947 paper by Lord Rayleigh who allowed ionised O, N and H in a discharge tube to impinge on metal wires (among them Pd) and measured a "surprising amount of energy" as a result. This was commented on in 1957 by Burgess and Robb. I doubt that this has much to do with anything but read the papers and draw your own conclusions. ?/Jun-89 ------------------------- Taylor CA; Commun. Monogr. 58 (1991) 402. "Defining the scientific community: A rhetorical perspective on demarcation". ** A scholarly paper by a science sociologist/philosopher on how science defines its borders; cold fusion is used as a case study. The idea is propagated here, that Big Science, i.e. hot fusion, felt itself under attack and reacted. Reaction focussed on the errors committed by cold fusion researchers, and on the lack of universality (reproducibility), a clear criterion for the demarcation of what is science from what is not. ?/Dec-91 ------------------------- Tesch S; Radio. Fernsehen Elektro. (East Ger.) 39, (1990) 53 (In German). Cited in Phys. Abstr. 93:72320 (1990). "Yet again 'cold' nuclear fusion." ** "The author brings us up to date with the latest results of experiments attempting to duplicate the Fleischmann and Pons demonstration in March 1989 of cold fusion during the electrolysis of deuterium on palladium electrodes (by claiming to have detected neutrons, gamma radiation and tritium). As a background, he summarises the F and P experiment and describes various known methods of nuclear fusion. He then brings the subject up to date (1.9.1989) by commenting on the results of a few experiments (largely in the German-speaking world) attempting to reproduce F and P's discovery. Finally, he mentions the damage caused by the attendant media publicity." ------------------------- Thompson DT; Platinum Metals Rev. 34 (1990) 136. "A report from the meeting in Salt Lake City". ** Thompson, of Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, went to the "First Annual Conference on Cold Fusion" in Utah, March 1990, and here reports. The 200 strong audience was active, responsive to the generally high quality talks. Most of these came from the USA but also from India, Japan and some European countries such as Russia [sic] and Italy. Many speaker referred to Johnson and Matthey palladium, notes Thompson. Positive calorimetric results were reported again by Pons, as well as by Murphy (TAM), Hutchinson (Oak Ridge) and Scott (Oak Ridge). Tritium was discussed, and some positive results reported by Iyengar (Babha), Bockris (TAM) and Storms (LANL) and some correlation between heat and tritium was claimed, albeit with puzzling ratios; the same holds for the neutron:tritium branching ratio which should be about unity but seems to be far from this. The possible role of lithium, particularly (6)Li, was discussed. At least one theoretical paper (Andermann, Hawaii) was given. Fleischmann summed up the conference on a positive note and was given a standing ovation. ------------------------- Tian ZQ; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 92. "A proposal for a cold fusion study in the Ti/D system". ** Three conditions are required for cold fusion to take place: (1) a high deuterium loading; (2) triggering the system to a nonequilibrium state and (3) capturing the reaction products to sufficient sensitivity. Point (2) is often overlooked, says the author. The most promising system is the Ti/D system. The use of a special electrolysis method would ensure high loading, and triggering might be done by passing a high current through the sample. Electrolysis can, for example, be carried out at low temperatures in methanol or other nonaqueous electrolytes. Surface treatment, to control oxide layers, is also important. Jun-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Timashev SF; Zh. Fiz. Khim 63 (1989) 2283 (in Russian). "Possible mechanisms for nuclear-chemical transformations in a palladium matrix during heavy water electrolysis". ** A description of what might be happening inside PdD(x). The possibility of a bineutron, formed from electron capture capture of a deuteron, reacting with a deuteron, is discussed. This would release neutrinos and neutrons. (4-) May-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Tisenko YuA; Sov. Phys. J. 36 (1993) 764. Orig.: Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Fiz. 36(8) (1993) 66. "Possible ways to achieve cold fusion. I". ** An attempt to find conditions (alloys) in which deuterons are close enough to each other for fusion. Indeed, some alloys do cause a reduction in the d-d distance, but not enough. Nov-91/Aug-93 ------------------------- Tisenko YuA; Sov. Phys. J. 36 (1993) 769. Orig.: Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Fiz. 36(8) (1993) 72. "Possible ways to achieve cold fusion. II". ** In this paper, thought is given to making practical use of cold fusion (e.g. generation of 2.45 MeV neutrons) and the possibility of stimulating it, by mechanically causing vibrational standing waves in single crystal TiD rods. Nov-91/Aug-93 ------------------------- Tisenko YuA; Russ. Phys. J. 37 (1994) 590. (Originally in Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Fiz. (1994)(6) 90). "Possible ways to achieve cold fusion. III". ** Theory, glow discharge, res+ Continuing his series of speculative calculations on how to bring forth 'cold fusion', T here proposes charging small (0.1 mm) PdD particles to MV voltages, and then exposing them to a low-pressure deuterium atmosphere. This would cause a glow discharge and deuteron ions, which might then accelerate towards the particle and, hitting it, lead to some d-d fusion. T then does some rough calculations of the mimimum particle radius required for this to happen, from several different models, which roughly agree with each other. T concludes that the idea is feasible. Apr-92/Jun-94 ------------------------- Tomas P, Blagus S, Bogovac M, Hodko D, Krcmar M, Miljanic D, Pravdic V, Rendic D, Vajic M, Vukovic M; Fizika (Zagreb) 21 (1989) 209. "Deuterium nuclear fusion in metals at room temperature". ** Starts with an interesting historical introduction on cosmic ray mesons and discussions of 1947 and thereafter. This team tried to reproduce the FPH electrolysis experiment. X-ray fluorescence after long electrolysis showed Pt deposition of the Pd. A (6)Li-glass scintillation (NE 912) counter was used to used to detect neutrons. The experiment took place in an underground lab, and no neutrons above the low background were seen. The authors promise results from tritium analysis of both the electrolyte and palladium, as well as from proton measurements, to be done. (9-) May-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Tomellini M, Gozzi D; J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 9 (1990) 836. "On the possibility for local oversaturation of deuterium in palladium". ** Some explanations of cold fusion require an overload of deuterium in the Pd. The authors look at the possibility of this happening, by considering the key role of both the electrode internal structure and and the non-equilibrium conditions imposed by electrolysis. Some effects are locally high current density (at, e.g., dendrites), and point- and line-defects; perhaps even their combined action, although improbable, could be put to work. Oct-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Tran DN, Tran DT, Truong TA, Phi TH, Tran VV; Tap Chi Vat Ly 15(1) (1990) 29 (in Viet Namese). "Investigation of nuclear fusion at the normal temperature". ** At the Center for Nuclear Physics, an experiment was performed, both the Fleischmann-Pons electrolysis, and a gas-phase experiment with an applied electric field. No heat, gamma or tritium were found, and neutrons were not found reproducably. ------------------------- Tsarev VA, Chechin VA; Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. 1992 (9-10) 47 (in Russian). "On the nonstationary quantum-mechanical nature of anomalous nuclear effects in a solid". ** A model of nuclear fusion enhancement in a solid matrix is proposed, in which Coulomb barrier penetration is increased by the breaking of the stationary state of deuterons in the crystal lattice. This effect is said to be well known, and confirmed. Roughly, the argument hinges on the tails of energy distributions, and some mathematics such as Joost functions, Fourier transforms and ikonal functions are invoked to support this. Nov-92/? ------------------------- Tsarev VA, Golubnichii PI; Sov. Phys. - Lebedev Inst. Rep. (3)(1991) 22. (Original Russian: Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz. (3)(1991) 24.) "Geological manifestations of cold fusion". ** The actual role of cold fusion in the Earth is not yet clear, since we do not yet fully understand the cold fusion mechanism, write the authors. But the geological level of fusion suggested by Jones is far too high, and dd fusion contributes more than pd fusion. One problem with any scenario is that steady fusion rates over long periods are required, whereas experiments with Pd or Ti show that the effect dies away after some time. This can be understood in terms of fractofusion, first demonstrated in 1986 by Soviet workers. This reasoning also has importance to geological tritium and (3)He. Jan-91/? ------------------------- Tsarev VA, Worledge DH; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 484. "New results on cold nuclear fusion: a review of the conference on anomalous nuclear effects in deuterium/solid systems, Provo, Utah, October 22-24, 1990". ** It all started with the Jones group in Utah, say the authors (clearly defining their loyalties) and this is where this conference was held. The most important conclusion was that there is a body of quality evidence for the phenomenon, although it is sporadic and has little to do with nuclear fusion as understood up to now; hence also the conference name. The paper then outlines the successful detection of neutrons, charged particles, tritium, and some correlations (acoustic/electromagnetic radiation (emr), neutrons/acoustic, protons/emr. The geological evidence, which is the driving force behind the Jones group's work, is reiterated, such as "natural" tritium, anomalous ratios of (3)He/(4)He etc. In summary, the phenomena are not normal d-d fusion; the theory is not yet in line with experiment; the quality of experiments is going up; widely varying experiments are giving much the same results; the field deserves wider support. Jun-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Tsarev VA, Worledge DH; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 138. "Cold fusion studies in the USSR". ** This sums up cold fusion work in the (former) USSR up to mid-1991, mainly drawing on the first Soviet National Conferencue on Cold Nuclear Fusion, in March 1991. There is very modest support for cnf research in the USSR [sic], at about 0.5 million roubles. Some thorough work has been done, but little on calorimetry. "Mechanofusion", normally called fractofusion in the West, is given the prominence it deserves. Ten research institutes in the USSR [sic] are named as places where cnf research is being done. Of the 59 references given, 30 are unresolved (unpublished or conferences), although known to others (e.g. contained in this bibliography). Oct-91/Aug-92 ------------------------- Tsarev VA; Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (1992) 842. "Anomalous nuclear effects in solids ("cold fusion"): questions still remain". ** Tsarev looks at recent results, writing in Apr-92 and drawing (of necessity) mainly on preprints or conference talks. He begins by noting that both the skeptics and proponents have shown strange behaviour. He also points out that some accepted phenomena have had a rough start; e.g. the Lagrange- Hamilton method in particle theory. A survey of excess heat, neutron, tritium and helium measurements indicates that the most reliable results are those for neutrons at the Jones-level. All other experiments have problems or faults, and results are in doubt, at least. Of all the theories proposed, the most plausible appears to be the accelerator models, i.e. fractofusion. These, too, have their problems, however. Apr-92/Oct-92 ------------------------- Tsarev VA; Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (1992) 842. [Transl. from Usp. Fiz. Nauk 162 (1992) 63; this journal now goes under the new name of Physics Uspekhy in translation]. "Anomalous nuclear effects in solids ("cold fusion"): questions still remain". ** A short history of LTF (low temperature fusion, as the Russians call it) mentions the quick succession of surprise and demise, and some juicy quotes are given. Tsarev writes that the hard words are justified. LTF enthusiasts are inclined to acknowledge as fully reliable all positive results, and call their critics the scientific mafia; again, a few quotes. Tsarev draws no conclusions from all this, but turns to recent experimental data, which is summarised compactly. Theories are classified into exotic or more natural models; the acceleration model (fractofusion) falls into the latter class, although Tsarev points out problems here as well. No conclusion is drawn. Apr-92/Oct-92 ------------------------- Tsarev VA; Sov. Phys. Usp. 33(11) (1990) 881. Originally: Usp. Fiz. Nauk. 160 (1990) 1 (in Russian). "Cold fusion". ** A review of cold fusion, written in Jan-90, i.e. 8 months into the affair. 131 references are given, many of which, perforce, are to preprints and talks given at conferences. Clearly a physicist, Tsarev makes a number of good points. Like other physicists, he points to the necessity of x-ray emissions from any proposed nuclear process taking place in the metal lattice. A thorough discussion of all the issues (emissions, calorimetry, theories) is followed by one on the Soviet view of cold fusion - which can be said to date back to 1986 - i.e. fractofusion. Fairly, Tsarev points out that these results all come from a single laboratory (Klyuev et al) and need to be confirmed by others (in the meantime they have, and have also been refuted). The biggest problem with fractofusion is the conductivity of palladium deuteride, and Tsarev suggests that at high loadings and under nonequilibrium conditions, the material might become a dielectric, making this mechanism possible. He makes a number of suggestions for future work, both practical and fundamental. Jan-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Tsuchiya K-I, Ohashi YH, Ohashi K, Fukuchi M; J. Less-Common Met. 172-174 (1991) 1371. "Interaction between two neighboring deuterium atoms in palladium". ** Again an approach to the feasibility of cold fusion in terms of the possible close approach of two d's in the lattice. Here, electron screening is looked at, to see whether it could allow a closer approach than previously thought. In principle, there might be sufficient space for an extra deuterium atom between lattice sites. The jellium model is invoked, and potentials are calculated. The potential well is broad and flat, with a minimum at about 0.66 A, which is closer than the D2 gas value of 0.74 A. No conclusions are drawn as to whether this might explain cold fusion. ?/Sep-91 ------------------------- Turner L; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1991) 447. "Peregrinations on cold fusion". ** Peregrination: journey, travel. Have deuteron, will travel? Turner turns to thoughts of potential barriers in PdD lattices, and resonance effects to enhance d-d tunnelling. The many-body nature of the lattice make resonance effects possible, and thus cold fusion, maybe. Just as an electron going through a double slit makes an interference pattern, so deuterons moving through the lattice might do so, in a complicated manner. Cold fusion might result from the interference, and one should perhaps look for patterns of fusion sites. The walk through these musings ends on a careful note; cold fusion has not been verified but if it is, this theory might help. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- ------------------------- Turner L; Physics Today, September 1989, 142. "Thoughts unbottled by cold fusion". ** Turner muses that a possible effect, that has been missed by such theorists as Van Siclen and Jones, or Koonin and Nauenberg, is the enhanced transmission of deuterons through the Coulomb barrier because of resonances on the atomic scale. With deuterons in the interstitial sites of the Pd lattice, a diffusing deuteron may have a de Broglie wave length that permits resonance in the wells formed between the ascending walls of neighbouring Coulomb barriers. This adds another factor to any theories of cold fusion, which so far have focussed on two-body (d-d) interaction. Turner does not develop the argument here but suggests it to future theorists. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Uhm HS, Lee WM; Phys. Fluids B3 (1991) 3188. "High concentration of deuterium in palladium from plasma ion implantation". ** The authors propose plasma ion implantation, in order to obtain high loadings of D/Pd for cold fusion and other experiments where this is of interest. A plasma of up to 1E12/cm**3 and an electron temperature of up to 10 eV is generated by either rf, glow discharge or thermionic filaments. The Pd sample may be presoaked with deuterium, to about 0.6 loading. A negative charge applied to the Pd sample will then lead to the plasma deuterons making their way into the sample. If the surface is coated with a material in which deuterons are not highly mobile, their escape will be largely prevented; a good candidate here is 60% Fe+40% Ni. The barrier does not prevent ingress of the ions during charging. Calculations predict that the loading could be three times the normal 0.6 - but only if the lattice is not deformed. In any case, high loadings can be expected from this method. Mar-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Uhm HS, Lee WM; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 75. "High concentration of deuterium in palladium". ** A high ratio D/Pd is required for solid state fusion, say the authors, as well as being interesting for other electrochemical studies. At beyond 1, the substance PdD2 forms, with a d-d distance of only 0.94 A. New schemes for high loading are presented here. One is plasma ion implantation into a Pd rod coated with a diffusion-barrier layer. Parameters are found for which large loadings are possible. The other scheme is the use of a temperature gradient, with the D-loaded Pd rod placed into a snugly fitting steel tube; a portion of the Pd is heated, which leads to high concentrations in some regions. Both proposed techniques can increase the D/Pd ration to several times the usually obtained values. Jul-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Ulman M, Liu J, Augustynski J, Meli F, Schlapbach L; J. Electroanal. Chem. 286 (1990) 257. "Surface and electrochemical characterization of Pd cathodes after prolonged charging in LiOD + D2O solutions". ** Long electrolysis leads to accumulation of impurities on the Pd cathode, and the hydrogen evolution reaction (better: hydrogen production) is known to be very sensitive to these. One effect observed is that for a given current, the overvoltage becomes higher with time. This is clearly seen in a comparison between a 220 hour electrolysis in an untreated electrolyte with one for 16 h in a preelectrolysed solution (removes some of the impurities): in the latter case, lower overvoltages are seen. The team performed surface analysis after electrolysis, using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Apart from large values for carbon and oxygen, platinum, lead, zinc, chromium and in some cases copper, calcium, magnesium and sodium were found, differing in concentrations according to conditions. Particularly Pb and Zn will increase the overvoltage. The Ca and Mg came from the D2O used, as did Cu and Cr (note that we are talking about ultratrace bulk amounts, which accumulate at the surface during electrolysis). There were differences between LiOD made up from LiOH + D2O, and from Li metal + D2O (the metal contains some Ca and Mg). The point emerges that even relatively short electrolysis leads to deposits. Zn is particularly bad, increasing the overvoltage; codeposited Pt (from the anode) cannot counteract the Zn. The poisoning by Zn opens the way to secondary reactions, among them the incorporation of Li into Pd and Zn and possibly the formation of ZnD2 and LiD. All this causes a pronounced blocking of the electrode surface and this, in turn, causes local strong electric fields. Apr-90/Jun-90 ------------------------- Vaidya SN, Mayya YS; Pramana 33 (1989) L343. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 111:203233 (1989). "The role of combined electron-deuteron screening in deuteron-deuteron fusion in metals" ** The resident electrons and introduced deuterons in combination can cause sufficient screening to cause cold fusion rates found experimentally. ?/Aug-89 ------------------------- Vaidya SN, Mayya YS; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2 Lett., 28, (1989) 2258. "Theory of screening-enhanced D-D fusion in metals." ** WKB treatment. The enhancement in d-d fusion rates in metals brought about by the combined screening of electrostatic interactions by the conduction electrons and mobile deuterons, is investigated using the jellium model. It is assumed that under electrolytic conditions, deuterium exists as itinerant deuterons in metals such as palladium. The authors derive an expression for the screening constant treating electrons as fermions and deuterons as bosons. The screening by charged bosons is a novel concept and is found to be sensitively dependent upon the temperature. E.g., at 150K, a fusion rate of about 1E-21 /pair/s is calculated, although the smaller mobile deuteron fraction at this temperature might work against this. The d-d fusion rate is found to increase substantially when the electron-deuteron screening of the Coulomb barrier is incorporated. The authors give a figure for the diffusion coefficient of D in Pd at 300K of 1E-06 cm**2/s, without a reference. Jun-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Vaidya SN; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 481. "On the possibility of coherent deuteron-deuteron fusion in a crystalline Pd-D lattice". ** The author proposes that in the PdD lattice with its periodic fields, there may be coherent interaction between this lattice and the wave-propagated deuterons, and that this interaction might enhance d-d fusion rates greatly. The condition for this is that the de Broglie wavelength of the deuterons are equal to the lattice spacing. This may be the case only sporadically in polycrystalline Pd and thus may explain the sporadic nature of cold fusion. Resulting fusion rates are in the observed range. The theory opens the possibility of optimising the process. May-91/Dec-91 ------------------------- Vaidya SN; Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 112. "Comments on the model for coherent deuteron-deuteron fusion in crystalline Pd-D lattice". ** This builds on earlier work by the author, here trying to estimate the limits of d-d fusion enhancements, and to address a problem with the transmission resonance model of Bush. In Vaidya's approach (quoting him), "only the deuterons that meet the transmission resonance criterion are considered to be fully itinerant and to form a band state". Coherent interactions between these can occur. The theory predicts that fusion enhancement can be increased by the application of ultrasonics. An experiment is suggested. May-92/Aug-93 ------------------------- Vaiman LA, Valiev AN, Ketko AYa, Kiseleva EV, Skorodumov BG, Ulanov VG, Yatsevich IO; Izv. Akad. Nauk UzSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk (1989)(6) 62 (in Russian). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:85842 (1990). "Observation of reactions in cold fusion during sorption or desorption of deuterium from palladium from the gas phase". ** "A possibility was considered of observing cold nuclear fusion during the absorption or desorption of D2 in Pd from the gaseous phase. Pd black was electrodeposited on a thin Pd plate. The plate was situated in vacuum in a duralumin chamber. At the chamber window, there was an Si detector (thickness 100 microns) coupled through an amplifier to an amplitude analyzer. Its purpose was to detect the energy spectrum of p from the interaction p + d --> p + (3)H [sic]. The spectrometric device was calibrated with the help of a (242)Am alpha-particle source. This made it possible to measure the spectra at 0-3 MeV. The peak of p from the above mentioned interaction was expected at about 3 MeV. The background was about 6 counts, which were distributed in 40 channels of the analyzer. The measurements were based on 10-min exposures after the application of the D2 gas into the chamber at a pressure of 1.5 atm. No differences from the background value were obsd. in 12 exposures. The 2nd expt. was aimed at a possible detection of n from the interaction d + d --> n + (3)He. In this case, the chamber was situated in the SNM-18 ring-shaped source. The processes of the Pd satn. with D2 up to highly concd. beta-phase with its subsequent desorption did not result in cold nuclear fusion" ------------------------- Van Siclen CDeW, Jones SE; J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 12 (1986) 213. "Piezonuclear fusion in isotopic hydrogen molecules". ** Asks the question whether high pressure of the order of 10**6 atm, as obtainable from a diamond anvil can significantly increase the natural fusion rate of hydrogen isotope atoms. There is a lot of theory but no real conclusion, because some experimental data is needed. ------------------------- Van der Merwe PdT; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 696. "Enhanced fusion induced by affiliated muons". ** Highly theoretical paper, looking at the possibility and the consequence of muon pairs cooperating in assisting d-t fusion. The rough result is that a pair of muons leads to about 10 times the fusion rate for d-t, d-t and p-d fusions. The paper gives little indication of why the muons should associate, being repelled from each other, beyond the statement that in the hydride crystal lattice, something might push them together. Nov-89/Jul-90 ------------------------- Varaksin AN, Zhivoderov AA, Bondarenko NB, Shipitsin VF; Fiz. Metal. Metalloved. 1991(9), 30 (in Russian). "Computer modelling of phase transitions in deuterised palladium (possible mechanism of low-temperature nuclear fusion)". ** A cubic microcrystallite of 500 Pd and 250 D atoms was simulated by molecular modelling on a computer; open boundaries were assumed, and 450K. Results show that up to 10eV can be achieved for D atoms arising from the beta-alpha transition, and D-D distances down to 0.07 nm. In vacuum, this is not enough to cause fusion but in a metal lattice, maybe, what with potential barrier heights of about 10-20 eV. In reality, there might be even more energetic and close DD pairs, and fusion rates up to 1E-21 fus/pair/s. This does not apply to the alpha-beta transition. The suggested mechanism is: (1) formation of high-energy (>10eV) D atoms and pairs; (2) formation from such pairs of metastable D-D which, with collective interaction with electrons from the palladium might fuse by tunnelling. Dec-90/? ------------------------- Vaselli M, Harith MA, Palleschi V, Salvetti G, Singh DP; Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis D 11 (1989) 927. "Screening effect of impurities in metals: a possible explanation of the process of cold nuclear fusion" ** After dismissing theories that rely on high effective electron mass for coulombic screening of deuterons, the authors invoke the presence of the electrons around the deuterons for screening effects, and arrive (without any rigorous theory) at a possible fusion enhancement in a metal lattice by this effect. The word "impurity" in the title refers to the impurity of H or D in the metal. (3-) May-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Velev OA, Kainthla RC; Fusion Technol. 18 (1990) 351. "Heat flow calorimeter with a personal-computer-based data acquisition system". ** Here, a calorimeter system essentially like that used by FPH, was used, for 24 cells simultaneously. A PC did all the work. Accuracy was about 3% and recombination of gases was possible. Although constant values for the thermoneutral electrolysis potentials were used (which can lead to spurious excess heat observations), no excess heat within the 3% limits, was detected in most cases, for experiments during 7 months and using 27 electrodes. In only four cases, some excess heat, at a level of 15-25%, was seen, as reported by Kainthla et al in 1989. The authors conclude that their system is a good one. Apr-90/Sep-90 ------------------------- Vielstich W, Iwasita T, von Buttlar H, Farzin K, Uebelguenn K; J. Electroanal. Chem. 303 (1991) 211. "Search for neutrons from controlled deuterium concentrations in palladium". ** Basically, a FPH(89) experiment with careful neutron detection, and using a cell divided with a membrane, so that the evolved gases do not mix (why is not everybody doing this, being standard electrochemistry?). Three separate cells were used, the cathodes being rather thin Pd plates, which can be fully charged in a conveniently short time. Loading was measured by reversing the current and integrating it. Some deuterium is lost as bubbles but results indicate that a loading of about 0.85 was achieved. Neutrons were measured with a single high-efficiency (43% at 2.5 MeV) NE-213 detector; pulse-shape discrimination separated neutron from gamma detection very well. Shielding was by 44 cm block of paraffin (more for the second experiment); the authors note that metals like Pb or Fe lower the gamma background, but raise that of neutrons. The three experiments gave three different upper limits for the cold fusion rate; the best of these, with the largest Pd cathode and the heaviest shielding, gave about 1E-25 fus/s/pair, or about 1/50 that claimed by Jones+(89). Aug-90/Mar-91 ------------------------- Vokhnik OM, Goryachev BI, Zubrilo AA, Kutznetsova GP, Popov YuV, Svertilov SI; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 55(12) (1992) 1772. "Search for effects related to nuclear fusion in the optical breakdown of heavy water". ** Going by the accelerator (fracture) model of cold fusion, this team reasoned that laser breakdown of water, resulting in strong cavitation, laser sparking and acoustic signals, should produce similar results. A ruby laser with pulses of 20-30 mJ energy was used; the cell was placed in a 130-L fast neutron scintillation detector. No neutrons beyond the background were detected. Apr-92/Dec-92 ------------------------- Vysotskii VI, Kuz'min RN; Tech. Phys. 39(7) (1994) 663. Russian original in Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 64 (1994) 56. "Nonequilibrium Fermi condensate of deuterium atoms in microvoids of crystals and the problem of barrier-free cold nuclear fusion". ** A new mechanism for 'cold fusion' is described here. It is based on the suppression of all forms of local electromagnetic interaction in a Fermi condensate of deuterium atoms in microvoids in a metal deuteride. One outcome of the theory is that thermal cycling is a requirement for fusion; this has not been understood before. The presence of microchannels and -cracks or -cavities make all this possible, as evidencd by the Kamiokande results with deuterated concrete and some Russian results. Oct-93/Jul-94 ------------------------- Wada N, Nishizawa K; Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 28 (1989) L2017. "Nuclear fusion in solid". ** Pd rods were "well soaked" with D2 gas in closed glass bulbs, and stimulated with a high-voltage discharge between the rods. This brought forth neutron bursts 2*10**4 higher than background, but not with Pd rods soaked with H2. No neutrons were emitted during the soaking. The authors theorise that heating due the discharge causes local bubble nucleation in the Pd, with locally high D concentration and thus fusion. ?/Nov-89 ------------------------- Wada N; Suri Kagaku 330 (1990) 69 (in Japanese). Cited in: Chem. Abstr. 114:193695 (1991). "Possibility of room temperature nuclear fusion". ** "A review with no refs. is given.". ------------------------- Wagner FT, Moylan TE, Hayden ME, Naerger U, Booth JL; J. Electroanal. Chem. 295 (1990) 393. "A comparison of calorimetric methods applied to the electrolysis of heavy water on palladium cathodes". ** Two kinds of calorimeters were compared in a number of electrolysis runs with water and heavy water in open and recombination cells. One was cooled by a cooling tube going through it (the "inverse labyrinth water flow calorimeter" ILWFC, described in another paper) and so keeps a low temperature during the run; the other was the isoperibolic type used by FPH, where the temperature is measured at some points in a cell in which there is a significant temperature gradient, and a heater is used to calibrate the measurement. The ILWFC type worked very well, with an excess heat of about zero, +- 0.4% or so, calculated on the basis of the thermoneutral electrolysis potential. The isoperibolic one gave apparent excess heats, because heating by the calibrator lowered this thermoneutral potential and therefore more power went into heating rather than into the electrolytic reaction, than might be assumed. Clearly, this is a major error source. Temperature fluctuations in a cold fusion cell need to be accounted for, and the electrolysis potential used for the calculation needs to be adjusted as a function of this temperature. Other experiments showed that the isoperibolic method is capable of good results if used properly but the accuracy is never as good as with the ILWFC. Another factor leading to erratic results is the lowering electrolyte level during electrolysis. May-90/Nov-90 ------------------------- Wakao S, Ozeki K, Sawa H; J. Adv. Sci. 2(3) (1990) 149 (in Japanese with English abstract). "Gamma-ray emission from hydrogen-absorbing metal cathodes in D2O". ** Several metals and alloys (Pd, Ti, TiNi0.5, TiNi, ZrV1.8Ni0.2 and ZrV1.5Ni0.5) were electrolysed in D2O containing LiOD or D2SO4, as well as the corresponding normal hydrogen mixtures. During electrolysis, gamma emissions were monitored by a survey gamma meter. All metals emitted some gammas, and those that have a higher hydrogen absorbing capacity emitted more. The emission flux did not much depend on the loading, therefore the fusion rate decreased (as fus/pair/s) with increasing loading. This allows the conclusion that fusion happens in a deuterium diffusion layer, at phase change boundaries or in micro-cracks. Nov-89/? ------------------------- Walling C, Simons J; J. Phys. Chem. 93 (1989) 4693. "Two innocent chemists look at cold fusion" ** An explanation of why it's possible. They work out that He, but few neutrons, should be produced. (14-) Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Wang R; Commun. Theor. Phys. (China) 13 (1990) 549. "Remarks on the possibility of cold fusion". ** Looks at some possible explanations. The suggested (4)He + gamma branch is dismissed, because the fusion reaction takes place within a space about 1E-13 cm across, so the Pd atoms, with their 1E-08 cm spacing, cannot affect it; the usual neutron/proton branch is expected. This is supported by some quantitative theory. Another explanation is the group of solid state, plasma, nonequilibrium thermal and electrochemical effects. None of these will do. Nor can Thomas-Fermi screening help. Palladium crystal dislocations might do it but only with the help of a new screening effect. Finally, heavy electrons might do it, but where are they to come from, except as muons? Wang concludes that cold fusion is not possible without muons. Feb-90/? ------------------------- Wang XW, Louie SG, Cohen ML; Phys. Rev. B40 (1989) 5822. "Hydrogen interactions in PdHn (1 <= n <= 4)". ** Use local-density approximation with the Hedin-Lundqvist form of the exchange-correlation potential to calculate the named interactions. The total energy of absorption of hydrogen into the Pd hydride is also wanted. The Born- Oppenheimer approximation is used. As a comparison, calculations are first done for the beta phase, where H is in the octahedral sites; this works. All phases other than the beta phase (PdH) are unstable and in all, H-H distances are much greater than in H2 gas. So no hope for cold fusion. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Wasserman A; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 168. "Electrochemical method of reducing aluminum oxide and producing additional energy". ** W has, for a long time, observed that when aluminium is used as the cathode to clean the surface of oxides, ready for plating, more heat is produced than is put in. This has been a puzzle for 35 years, until the appearance of the FPH paper, suggesting an explanation. Heat production was never accompanied by weight loss of the Al cathode, so cannot be due to dissolving metal. W writes that the oxide layer is not reducible by hydrogen, except at high temperatures, so such high temperatures must be produced at the sample. He does not suggest an origin of this heat. May-91/Mar-92 ------------------------- Wei S-H, Zunger A; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 367. "Instability of diatomic deuterium in fcc palladium". ** (fcc = face centred cubic). Using the all-electron full-potential semirelativistic linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method, including interelectronic Coulomb and exchange-correlation interactions (I am quoting), an accurate solution to the electronic Schroedinger problem for a static periodic atomic configuration of the combined (Pd,H) system is obtained. The question is: what is more stable in the (Pd,H) system, H2 molecules or H+ ions? What is the d-d distance? The answer is that H2 does not form in the lattice, being very unstable, and d-d distance is much greater than in D2 gas. Therefore, explanations of cold fusion do not lie in diatomic deuterium but elsewhere; perhaps conditions at grain boundaries or defects. ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Wei SH, Zunger A; Solid State Commun. 73 (1990) 327. "Stability of atomic and diatomic hydrogen in fcc palladium". ** Another attempt to calculate the bond distances of D-D within the PdD(x) lattice. Like others, the authors find that these are greater than in D2 gas, for a wide range of loadings x. Sep-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Welborn V; Sci. Technol. Librarian (Spring 1991) 51. "The cold fusion story: A case study illustrating the communication and information seeking behavior of scientists". ** Biologist and librarian Victoria Welborne is concerned with the refereeing process, and finds fault with the haste with which the cold fusion story was made public, without proper refereeing, initially. A cold fusion chronology, based largely on newspaper and magazine articles (but also the FPH-89 and Jones+89 papers) is given. The extreme brevity of the FPH-89 paper and its lack of detail are criticised, somewhat unfairly, as most electrochemists knew some of what was left out. VW concludes that this affair has clarified the role of the referee in scientific publication. ------------------------- Wenzl H; Phys. Bl. 45 (1989) 408. (In German). "Fruitless experiments to prove 'cold nuclear fusion'". ** Negative polemic on FPH's paper. It gives a graphic diagram of fusion rates, comparing different processes on an order-of-magnitudes scale. So far, attempts to reproduce the FPH effect have been unsuccessful. Wenzl notes that the term "cold fusion" has in the past been applied to muon-catalysed fusion. Oct-89/? ------------------------- Werle H, Fieg G, Lebkuecher J, Moeschke M; Fusion Technol. 16 (1989) 391. "Trials to induce neutron emission from a titanium-deuterium system". ** An attempt to reproduce the Frascati experiments, using a highly sensitive (10%) thermal neutron monitor and two different degassed Ti samples. During the 20-day experiment, the neutron emission from these Ti-D systems was <1.7 (first 8 days) and 0.6 n/s (last 12 days), averaged over 100-minute intervals. Jul-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Whaley KB; Phys. Rev. B41 (1990) 3473. "Boson enhancement of finite-temperature coherent dynamics for deuterium in metals". ** Unusual isotopic anomalies observed in tungsten/hydrogen systems suggest that at high concentrations, collective effects may obtain. Whaley presents a theory, using a generalised Hubbard Hamiltonian model acting on spin -1/2 states (fermions) for H and T, and -1 spin (bosons) for D. Results: for PdD, no good, but possibly for PdD2, but under special conditions. Boson screening is of interest. Oct-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- White CT, Dunlap BI, Brenner DW, Mowrey RC, Mintmire JW; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 363. "Limits of chemical effects on cold fusion". ** The authors examine theoretically the idea that d-d fusion can occur at the sort of d-d distances seen in the PdD lattice. They detail here their local density functional (LDF) theory. Solution of the relevant differential equation allowed the calculation of the total energy of the cluster formed by a pair of deuterons plus the immediately surrounding Pd atoms. These calculations rule out cold fusion as an explanation of the Jones+(89) or FPH(89) results. ?/Sep-90 ------------------------- White CT, Brenner DW, Mowrey RC, Mintmire JW; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1, 30 (1991) 182. "D-D (H-H) interactions within the interstices of Pd". ** Over a period of one year, the authors have examined several different theoretical models, to examine d-d and p-p interactions within the Pd deuteride lattice. They report on three: a) the bulk embedded-atom method gave good agreement with known facts like bulk expansion upon hydriding, and the migration energy; it showed that if you try to squeeze deuterons together by chemical or other forces, you only cause lattice expansion instead. b) the cluster local-density-functional, and Hartree-Fock methods showed that for all cases considered, there is strong d-d repulsion with resulting large d-d distances. c) they also looked at what happens at 0.1 Bohr d-d distance, a la Koonin and Nauenberg, but still found nothing promising. They conclude that neither squeezing deuterons together, nor electron screening, can account for cold fusion. May-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Wiesmann H; Fusion Technol. 17 (1990) 350. "Examination of cathodically charged palladium electrodes for excess heat, neutron emission, or tritium production". ** An attempt at a FPH reenactment, monitoring for temperature, neutrons and tritium in the electrolyte and using palladium plates. No evidence for cold fusion was found. Oct-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Wilhelmi Z, Szeflinski Z, Tarasiuk J, Turowiecki A, Zlomanczuk J; Nukleonika 35 (7-9) (1990) 175. "Search for neutron emission in the deuterium-palladium system". ** This Polish team of physicists carried out an electrolysis experiment at a 10 mm * 50 mm Pd rod, in 0.1M LiOD, while monitoring for neutrons and gammas, using two scintillation detectors with pulse shape discrimination. The cell was replaced with one containing H2O as a control. The authors remark that the cold fusion phenomenon, if it exists, is highly capricious, and that the time structure of any neutron emissions must be looked at; background neutrons follow a Poisson distribution. In the event, there was no deviation from this distribution, nor differences between the experiment and the control, over long periods of electrolysis, setting the upper limit for cold fusion at about 1E-26 neutrons/deuteron/s, three orders of magnitude lower than the results of Jones et al. ------------------------- Will FG, Cedzynska K, Linton DC; J. Electroanal. Chem. 360 (1993) 161. "Reproducible tritium generation in electrochemical cells employing palladium cathodes with high deuterium loading". ** Reproducible generation of tritium during the electrolysis of heavy water is reported here; it takes place when loading ratios D/Pd near unity are achieved. A closed cell design is used, with gas recombination, and the head space analysed for tritium before and after electrolysis. A light water cell in series with the heavy water cell was run every time as a control; there were also Pd controls. A glass frit was used to physically separate the liquid cathode and anode compartments. The electrolyte was 0.5 M D2SO4, to avoid alkali leaching of the cell walls by LiOD. Cathodes were 1 and 2 mm cold-drawn Pd wire, and 2x0.5 mm cold-rolled ribbon Pd alloyed with 5% Li. To achieve high loading, repeated charging and discharging at low current densities were required (described in a patent appl.). Only the 2 mm Pd wires produced T, and none was produced in the control cells. Enhancement factors, that is T(after)/T(before) of up to 50-60 were found in the four successful runs, and amount to around 10^5 T atoms/cm^2/s, or of the order of 10^11 atoms/cm^2 over the whole run; a survey of previous work by others (10 groups) shows a range of 10^9 - 10^15 T/cm^2. Most of the T is in the liquid phase; but the four Pd wires that were successful also had more tritium inside the PdD after the experiment than before, so this must have a nuclear origin. Jan-93/Nov-93 ------------------------- Williams DE, Findlay DJS, Craston DH, Sene MR, Bailey M, Croft S, Hooton BW, Jones CP, Kucernak ARJ, Mason JA, Taylor RI; Nature (London) 342 (1989) 375 (Nov). "Upper bounds on 'cold fusion' in electrolytic cells". ** Perhaps the most thorough piece of work in this field. They used three different calorimetric designs, three different neutron meters, an accurate gamma meter and accurate analysis of the electrode composition at the end of the experiment, including tritium. To avoid the problem of cosmic radiation background variation with time and place, they swapped the elec- trolytically active cells (i.e. with current on) with inactive cells at 5-min intervals in the radiation-measuring gear, and measured the difference between the two. They found nothing. They did, however, find noise from neutron counters, cosmic radiation variation and calorimetry errors which could easily have mislead others into assuming positive results. Another factor that varied - and could mislead - was the tritium enrichment, due to the electrolysis. A little smugly (but deservedly) they conclude that future work on 'cold fusion' ought to observe the same standards of experimentation set in this work, before making claims. Aug-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- Wilson RH, Bray JW, Kosky PG, Vakil HB, Will FG; J. Electroanal. Chem. 332 (1992) 1. "Analysis of experiments on the calorimetry of LiOD-D2O electrochemical cells". ** This paper is in two parts. The first is a detailed analysis of the calorimetry and data treatment of Fleischmann, Pons et al (1990) (FPALH-90). The authors conclude that FPALH-90 overestimated their excess heat, by neglecting some crucial factors such as evaporation at high temperatures, and overestimated the cell's heat transfer coefficient. Also the errors in the FPALH work are likely to be in the 5-10% range, which brings most of the excess heats, when correctly calculated, within the error. Further, the correlation between excess heat and current reported in FPALH disappears upon correct calculation. Short-term excess heat excursions remain apparently valid, however. In a smaller part of the paper, the authors' own calorimetric experiments are described. Several kinds of cells were used and a number of palladium cathodes, including ones as used by FPALH, with and without pretreatment, using open and closed cells. All of these experiments resulted in zero excess heat, i.e. excess heat within the error band, fluctuating above and below the zero line. A Manganese nitrate solution was used to capture any possible neutrons, and none were found; nor was any tritium, beyond that from electrolytic enrichment. Jun-91/Aug-92 ------------------------- Wolf KL, Packham NJC, Lawson D, Shoemaker J, Cheng F, Wass JC; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1990) 105. "Neutron emission and the tritium content associated with deuterium-loaded palladium and titanium metals". ** Presumably submitted to the journal shortly after the conference, of which this was one of the papers, this predates Wolf's tritium retraction of June 1990. Here, neutron emission is sporadically seen at the Jones+ level, as well as tritium. Neutron detection was by a NE-213 time-of-flight detector, and backed up with calculations of the expected energy/intensity function. This confirmed some weakly positive results, though in a rather indirect manner. The tritium results would be significant (a rise to a plateau by 3 orders of magnitude over a period of 4 hours upon bumping the current) if it were not for Wolf's later retraction. Bockris, however, still accepts these results and rejects the retraction. The paper does present very clean background values, with small inter-batch fluctuations, and the increase is not explicable in terms of electrolytic enrichment. It might be thought strange that tritium, originally present in the palladium, should appear in the electrolyte so quickly. Wolf et al do in fact carefully consider the possibility of contamination from various sources, including the electrodes. They sent some of these for analysis but results were still pending. No neutron/tritium/heat correlations were observed. ?/Jul-90 ------------------------- Wu B, Jin S, Shang F, Yao D, Ding Y, Yao J, Yao P; Gaojishu Tongxin 1(9) (1991) 1 (in Chinese, English abstract). "The SEM observation of palladium-deuterium system after the gas discharge process". ** "The palladium-deuterium system after the gas discharge process was observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A species of round hole 1-200 micron in diameter with a melting boundary was found on the cross section of the sample on which the nuclear track had been detected by CR-39 detector. This phenomenon may be the trace of a high temperature and high pressure burst caused by some anomalous localised nuclear process under certain experimental conditions" (Direct quote from the English abstract). ------------------------- Yagi M, Shiokawa Y, Suzuki S, Hara M, Satoh I, Masumoto K, Mitsugashira T; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 137 (1989) 411. "Measurement of neutron emission from a titanium-deuterium system". ** A high-resolution liquid scintillation detector was used to detect neutrons from D(d,n)3He fusion on or in Ti metal or sponge, and a mixture of Ti powder and trapped D2 at about 1 atm. 11 samples were subjected to a wide variety of conditions, including temperature changes from that of liquid N2 to 350 deg. There were observed "two types of neutron emission": those from samples cooled down to liq. N2 and back up to room temp, and from those warmed up to 350 degC and back down. "Possibly the n emission reactions are closely related to to the D trapped in the surface of Ti metal"; emissions were at the customary 3 sigma level from the single detector. Sep-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Yagi M, Mitsugashira T, Satoh I, Hara M, Shiokawa Y, Inoue K, Masumoto K, Suzuki S; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 137 (1989) 421. "Measurement of neutron emission from a SiO2-D2 system". ** During previous experiments with the Ti-D system, where that team observed neutron emission, they became aware of neutron emission from quartz-D interaction; quartz was used for the ampoule for the experiment. Here, various forms of quartz were tried, such as crushed quartz glass, sands, glass wool, anhydrous silica and silica gel. D2 gas was adsorbed onto the samples at -196 degC and generally, between 1E-05 and 1E-06 mol(D2)/g(sample) was adsorbed. The neutron detector, calibrated as having a 0.13% efficiency, then detected neutron emissions similar to those for the Ti-D system, about 3 times the background. Emissions from blank samples were negligible. Sep-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Yague AR; Metal. Electr. (Spain) 54(618) (1990) 134 (in Spanish). "Cold nuclear fusion and its history". ** A run-through of the history of cold fusion, starting with Paneth and Peters, through Frank's and Sakharov's ideas of the 1940's, Alvarez's discovery of muon catalysed fusion (which got the name "cold fusion", in 1957), Rafelski and Jones's work along the same lines, a thumbnail sketch of the background to the Jones+:FPH relationship, publication problems and world-wide attempts to reproduce the phenomenon. The breadth of all this is, unfortunately, not matched by the reference list, which is skimpy, referring mostly to what appear to be Spanish popular science publications. ------------------------- Yamaguchi E, Nishioka T; Oyo Butsuri 62(7) (1993) 712 (in Japanese). "Helium-4 production and its correlation with heat evolution". ** The Chem. Abstracts translation (CA 119:280106 (1993) has: "A review with 8 refs. Using the authors' 'in vacuo' method with a heterostructure of deuterated Pd(Pd-D) at low temps. < 300C, the authors have detected in situ 4He prodn. The real-time observation has been performed by high-resoln. quadrupole mass spectroscopy (0.001 amu at 4 amu). The signal attributable to 4He prodn. appeared when the samples exhibited a sudden increase in temp. The system of H-loaded Pd(Pd-H) heterostructure, on the other hand, produced no 4He. A new class of nuclear fusion occurred in condensed matter". The papers's Fig. 1 shows a mass spectrogram and shows a clear distinction between 4He and D2, the major peak. Fig. 2 shows a 4He peak appearing at a time where the temperature rose from about 120C by about 10C. The peak lasts about 100 m. ------------------------- Yamaguchi E, Nishioka T; Oyo Butsuri 62(7) (1993) 712 (in Japanese). "Helium-4 production and its correlation with heat evolution". ** The Chem. Abstracts translation (CA 119:280106 (1993) has: "A review with 8 refs. Using the authors' 'in vacuo' method with a heterostructure of deuterated Pd(Pd-D) at low temps. < 300C, the authors have detected in situ 4He prodn. The real-time observation has been performed by high-resoln. quadrupole mass spectroscopy (0.001 amu at 4 amu). The signal attributable to 4He prodn. appeared when the samples exhibited a sudden increase in temp. The system of H-loaded Pd(Pd-H) heterostructure, on the other hand, produced no 4He. A new class of nuclear fusion occurred in condensed matter". The papers's Fig. 1 shows a mass spectrogram and shows a clear distinction between 4He and D2, the major peak. Fig. 2 shows a 4He peak appearing at a time where the temperature rose from about 120C by about 10C. The peak lasts about 100 m. ------------------------- Yamaguchi E, Nishioka T; Kakuyuogo Kenkyo 69(7) (1993) 743 (in Japanese, English abstract). "Helium-4 production from deuterated palladium". ** Another paper describing the heterostructures arising in Pd coated on one side with an oxide film and with gold on the other. High resolution quadrupole mass spectroscopy showed the production of 4He at 4.0026 amu, distinct from the peak due to D2. The authors rule out contamination from the air, and conclude that a new type of nuclear fusion is the cause. Apr-93/? ------------------------- Yamaguchi E, Nishioka T; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 29(4) (1990) L666. "Cold fusion induced by controlled out-diffusion of deuterons in palladium". ** The authors observed a "gigantic neutron burst" and inferred intense heat effects, at a Pd plate charged with D2. One side of the 1mm Pd plate was coated with a thin film of Au, which blocks outgassing of D2 on that side. The key process on the other side is then the "formation of D accumulation layers by controlling the D-atom out-diffusive transport with heterostructures". This is done by coating that side with a <100 Aangstrom of something containing Mn and O (no more is said about it). The idea is that the Au-covered side is - after loading under 0.5 atm D2 - in the alpha phase and the other side, at least during outgassing (I think) in the beta form. The paper is not 100% explicit about the steps. After D-loading for 24 hours, the samples were placed in a chamber which was evacuated, and a BF3 neutron counter placed near it, as well as a Varian TPS-451S leak detector for gases of mass number < 6. Three hours after evacuation, a 2-3 sec burst of neutrons at an intensity of 0.1-0.2 mSv/h, simultaneously with "explosive release of gas from the samples" and biaxial bending of all the plates due to the uniform expansion of the surfaces with the Mn-O film. Also, the Au film was gone, from which a temperature of at least 1064 degC is inferred. D2 was reintroduced, followed by re-evacuation and this time, there was another neutron burst of 0.06-0.09 mSv/h after 150 s (they don't mention whether they reapplied the Au film). Then they introduce 1 atm of nitrogen [sic] and evacuated. Again, the same neutron emission and gas release after 150 s. 20 more separate experiments did not show any of these events. Other experiments using H2 gave no explosive release nor neutrons. The authors legitimise their BF3 counter by calibrating with a D+ beam experiment (self targeting) and got the correct measurements. They calculate that if the observed event is at 2.45 MeV, then 0.1 mSv/h corresponds to 72 n/s/cm**2 or about 1-2 * E06 n/s from their plate. This is about 2.5-5 * E06 larger than that reported by Jones et al and 25-50 larger than FPH's. Also, the gas evolved must have been D2, because the leak detector showed a mass of 4, as well as some of mass 3 ("slightly detected"). The heat could come from decomposition of PdD(0.6), as suggested by Pauling. The authors then go on to some speculations about the origin of the explosive outgassing, to do with lattice strain under bending, the Gorsky effect and "degradations of the Pd crystals". Jan-90/Apr-90 ------------------------- Yamamoto T, Oka T, Taniguchi R; Annu. Rep. Osaka Prefect. Radiat. Res. Inst. 30 (1990) 79. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:199965 (1990). "In-situ observation of deuteride formation in palladium electrochemical cathode by x-ray diffraction method". ** In conjunction with their cold fusion experiment, the team used x-ray diffraction to determine the deuterium loading of the Pd. It was about 0.73. In their other work, this was estimated higher. ------------------------- Yamamoto N, Ohsaka T, Terashima T, Oyama N; J. Electroanal. Chem. 296 (1990) 463. "In situ electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance studies of water electrolysis at a palladium cathode in acidic aqueous media". ** Another go at following the crystal oscillation frequency as a result of electrolysis under various conditions. As expected, the frequency decreases as hydrogen is loaded into the Pd film, but not (as others have found) in the way expected for simple loading; there are (not unexpectedly) structural changes in the film, affecting the frequency. There is some irreversible change, possibly due to surface roughening upon electrolysis. Future work, using D2O electrolytes, is planned. Jul-90/Dec-90 ------------------------- Yamamoto T, Taniguchi R, Oka T, Kawabata K; J. Less-Common Met. 172-174 (1991) 1381. "In situ observation of deuteride formation in palladium foil cathode by an x-ray diffraction method". ** Since some theories of cold fusion focus on high deuterium loading in Pd, it is worthwhile looking at what can be achieved. The aim here was to look at the lattice constants and loadings as a function of electrolysis overpotential in 0.18M LiOD (D2O), by means of x-ray diffraction. Use of a Pd foil allowed this; the electrolyte was on one side, the x-ray equipment on the other. This showed the progression from pure Pd through a mixture of the alpha and beta phases to pure beta. Later, some alpha phase reappears. It is concluded that the maximum loading was no greater than 0.8. ?/Sep-91 ------------------------- Yan X, Tsai S, Guo S, Zhang Z; Chin. Phys. Lett. 6 (1989) 343. "Room temperature deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction rate - a strong- -coupling plasma model". ** Consider only the deuterons in palladium or titanium, as a dense plasma. The authors then use the Thomas-Fermi approximation and the WKB method, to solve for fusion rates at various plasma densities. Their results show a weak temperature dependence. Fusion rates as claimed would require plasma densities as high as 10E25 deuterons/cm**3, which is about 2-3 orders of magnitude denser than in PdD. The authors say that "due to various reasons, such as the D-Pd correlation effects, Pd vacancies and non-equilibrium conditions, etc., the regions which has higher local density will give much more pronounced fusion rate" - which hedges their bets. (3-) May-89/Aug-89 ------------------------- Yang F; Nucl. Tech. (China) 13(12) (1009) 705 (in Chinese). Cited in Phys. Abstr. 94(1407):101095 (1991). "On cold fusion". ** "The work on so-called cold fusion is reviewed. The prospects for cluster-impact fusion and the importance of studying the interactions between cluster molecules (or atoms) and solids are described. (5 refs.)". (Direct quote from PA). ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Yang J, Chen D, Zhou G, Wu Q, Huang J, Tang L, Cheng X, Xie D, Gu L; Fusion Technol. 25 (1994) 203. "'Abnormal' nuclear phenomena and possible nuclear process". ** Disputes on cold fusion are based on traditional fusion theory, say the authors, and a new theoretical framework must be established to explain cold fusion, which takes place in the low energy range. This is provided by electron capture of excited deuterons, forming a dineutron, which can then fuse without difficulty with a further deuteron. This is aided by a weak interaction in the nuclear force, hitherto not believed to exist. As well as d-2n fusion, there may be other fusion reactions between the dineutron and, e.g., the Pd isotopes, leading to a number of energies of emissions. The authors have calculated expected fusion rates, and these lie around observed rates. The authors acknowledge that this model is as yet primitive but they ask others to consider it and flesh it out. Dec-92/Mar-94 ------------------------- Yang J; Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Norm. Hunan 15 (1) (1992) 18. "(2)(1)H-e touched capturing and (2)(1)H-(2)(0)N fusion". ** The above is an attempt to write in one line the symbols 2 2 H and N , denoting deuterium and a dineutron, respectively. 1 0 The author puts forward a theoretical model for the fusion of a deuteron and a dineutron produced by the capture of an electron by a deuteron. This would explain some of the anomalies of cold fusion, such as neutron bursts. The fusion leads to (3)He and a free neutron, plus energy; secondary processes would also take place, producing some tritium and beta and gamma emission. One of these secondary reactions is the absorption of neutrons, which would explain the anomaly of heat but few neutrons observed by FPH. Some interesting questions remain. May-91/Mar-92 ------------------------- Yang J; Hunan Shifan Daxue Ziran Kexue Xuebao 14(2) (1991) 126 (in Chinese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:288601 (1991). "A new fusion mechanism". ** "The nuclear fusion of d-d can not be accomplished at room-temp., so the phenomena of the cold fusion in expt. may be from a new fusion-mechanism. Based on 2 basic hypotheses, the author expounds to explain some exptl. phenomena that is incomprehensible in normal d-d fusion. Furthermore, the author suggests a series of expts. to check the fusion mechanism". (Direct quote from CA). ------------------------- Yanokura M, Minami M, Yamagata S, Nakabayashi S, Aratani M, Kira A, Tanihata I; Chem. Lett. 1989, 2197. "An approach to the cold fusion through hydrogen isotopes analysis by the heavy ion Rutherford scattering". ** Used argon ion beam analysis to find loading factor x in PdD(x) profiles of deuterium in Pd under some different conditions of loading. One group of electrodes (dimensions not given) were etched in sulphuric acid before electrolysis and another group was heated in vacuo, the cooled in the presence of 1 atm D2, before electrolysis. Some were kept in D2O after loading, some were exposed to a vacuum, some to air. Loadings of up to 1.5 were achieved; in vacuum or air, these decreased to about 0.7 near the surface; those kept in D2O lost less. The authors conclude that it is difficult to monitor loading during electrolysis but OK to do it afterwards. In a preliminary note (to be published) they mention that no neutrons, tritium or He-3 were found. Aug-89/Dec-89 ------------------------- Yao YD, Wang CW, Lin EK, Wu JK; J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 9 (1990) 228. "Observation of cathodic charging on a palladium electrode in heavy water". ** Did some electrolysis experiments with Pd and Pt sheet, in different electrolytes in D2O and H2O, with and without the addition of thiourea (which can suppress D2 formation from adsorbed D and so favour absorption of adsorbed H or D) and monitored for heat, gammas and neutrons. Heating effects were the same for all cells, whether Pd or Pt, H2O or D2O were used. The spectra cannot be reconciled with nuclear reactions either. Gives a value for the diffusion coefficient of D in alpha PdD as 10E-11 m**2/s, no reference; calls it large. Jun-89/Feb-90 ------------------------- Yaroslavskii MA; Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 308 (1989) 95 (in Russian), or Sov. Phys. Dokl. 34 (1989) 813. "Possible mechanism for the initiation of nuclear reactions during temperature changes and phase transitions in condensed materials". ** "Propose a mechanism for n-emission during cooling and heating of heavy water solutions of some salts, from liquid nitrogen to complete melting. Some experiments were done in September 1988. After correction for the efficiency of the neutron detectors (8 SN17 in parallel), the results indicate neutron bursts of 300 counts/s, with the intrinsic background at about 1/s, most prominently during melting. Y has a theory: numerous microcracks formed due to thermal stresses become ellipsoidal pores by diffusion at their vertices, in a matter of minutes. These pores, in the dielectric medium with its frozen-in electric field yield energies up to tens of keV, sufficient for fusion reactions. Of special interest to the author is "the distinct possibility, following from these results, of controlled nuclear reactions in living organisms". (28-) Apr-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Yaroslavskii MA; Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 307 (1989) 600 (in Russian). Translation: Sov. Phys. Dokl. 34(7) (1989) 648. "Nuclear reactions induced by temperature changes and phase transitions in solids". ** This appears to be a report preliminary to their later paper in the same journal (submitted 8 days later), describing neutron detection from frozen mixtures of D2O and "natural chalk". The mixture was brought down to liquid nitrogen temperature and slowly warmed up. Neutrons were detected by two parallel SI13H counters. Intense neutron emissions and pulses trains of up to several 100 microseconds long, containing about 1000 pulses, were detected, as well as short 10-30 mics packets of 10-100 pulses. Upon freezing, the same was observed as upon warming up. One intense pulse was observed upon melting of the sample. In another experiment, 7 cm**3 D2O were mixed with 0.125 cm**3 pentane and this, upon warming, emitted tens of pulses per s until completely melted. The author estimates that a pulse train emitted 1E06 neutrons. Thus, for the first time, nuclear reactions were observed as a result of changes in temperature, due to phase transitions. The reaction is assumed to be d+d --> (3)He + n. Note that this paper was originally communicated in 1986 in Proc. 10th All-Union Jubilee Symp. on the Mechanical Emission and Mechanical Chemistry of Solids, Rostov-on-Don., and submitted to Doklady in '89. (20-) Apr-89/Jul-89 ------------------------- Yasui K; Fusion Technol. 22 (1992) 400. "Fractofusion mechanism". ** There is a lot of experimental and theoretical evidence for the fracture mechanism of cold fusion. Yasui addresses three important problems of this theory: the origin of the electrical field; the necessary conditions; whether cold fusion can in fact be ascribed to this effect. The first of these might be crack formation, leading to separation of crystal faces with different work functions. Considering the speed of crack formation and gas pressure within a crack, a high resistance would be required around the crack, for a discharge to occur. As well as this, cracks must form at grain boundaries with high grain angles; the cracks must form rapidly and be wide; there must be many of them. In general, cnf shows few neutrons, and these often in bursts, and the Pd is deformed at the same time. All can be explained by fractofusion, so this is a possible mechanism, roughly in line with observations, although some other mechanism might be at work simultaneously. Corrigendum: Fusion Technol. 24 (1993) 130. Equations 3, 7, 8, 9, 19, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 are changed, and some changes indicated to Figs. 1 and 2. The conclusions are basically unchanged. Jan-92/Nov-92 ------------------------- Yoshida Y, Aradono Y, Hirabayashi T; Genshiryoku Kogyo 37(4) (1991) 21 (in Japanese). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 115:58484 (1991). "Verification of room temperature nuclear fusion. 1". ** "A review with 16 refs. Means to detect room temp. nuclear fusion (RTNF) (measurements of n, p, T, and x-ray, etc) and the reaction system for RTNF are discussed". (Quoted from CA). ------------------------- Yoshihara K, Sekine T, Braun T; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 137 (1989) 333. "An attempt to detect fracto-fusion during microwave irradiation of D2O loaded silica gel". ** Dried silica gel was charged with D2O and then irradiated with microwave, in order to cause small explosions and, hopefully, sufficient compression of deuterium to cause it to fuse. Also, fracto-fusion might do the trick. A single BF3 neutron detector was used. No differences from background were observed; neither did tritium levels deviate from those before the treatment. Thus no fusion took place here, but this does not exclude the fracto-fusion phenomenon in other experiments. Sep-89/Nov-89 ------------------------- You JH, Cheng FH, Cheng FZ, Huang FH; Phys. Rev. B43 (1991) 7293. "Interior adsorption, channel collimation, and nuclear fusion in solids". ** Addressing the phenomenon of cluster impact fusion, this paper looks at the possibility of solid state nuclear fusion in terms of the state of hydrogen isotopes in the Pd lattice. It argues that hydrogen will collect along linear structures and be highly compressed, and that this is favourable for fusion. Secondly, channel collimation again favours fusion by increasing its cross section. It is suggested that d-(3)He or d-t fusion might be more favourable for energy yield. No cold fusion references. ------------------------- Yun K-S, Ju J-B, Cho B-W, Cho W-I, Park S-Y; J. Electroanal. Chem. 306 (1991) 279. "Calorimetric observation of heat production during electrolysis of 0.1 M LiOD + D2O solution". ** An apparently carefully done series of experiments with electrolysis at two kinds of Pd electrodes: as supplied and annealed at 800 degC in vacuum or in D2 gas. Both kinds gave essentially the same results. The calorimeters were open and closed, with and without recombination and with small temperature rises in the electrolytes. At a rate of about 4-5 experiments out of 20, excess heat bursts were observed at times, going up to over 20%. This level cannot be accounted for as chemical artifacts, given the calorimeters' accuracy (about 2%). The authors draw no strong nuclear conclusions, however, noting that more experiments, particularly correlated heat and emission events are needed for this. Feb-91/May-91 ------------------------- Zahm LL, Klein AC, Binney SE, Reyes Jr JN, Higginbotham JF, Robinson AH; J. Electroanal. Chem. 281 (1990) 313. "Experimental investigations of the electrolysis of D2O using palladium cathodes and platinum anodes". ** These authors tried to reproduce as closely as possible the experiments of FPH (though not using jam jars), measuring cell temperature with thermocouples and monitoring for neutrons, gamma radiation and tritium. Oddly, they found five temperature "events" but smothered them by topping up with more D2O whenever they were observed. No evidence of tritium production or radiation above background was found. Jan-90/Mar-90 ------------------------- Zak J; Inz. Apar. Chem. 28(5) (1989) (in Polish). Cited in Chem. Abstr. 113:30258 (1990). "Low-temperature fusion of light nuclei in the Fleischmann-Pons reaction". ** "A discussion with 3 refs is given on radiation obsd during an electrolysis of D2O with Pd cathode. The properties of D in the crystal lattice of Pd are described. The possibility of electrochem-induced cold fusion is discussed". From the issue number, I take it this came out in May 1989. ------------------------- Zakharova VP, Kotel'nikov GA; Atom. Tekh. za Rubez. 9 (1989) 28 (in Russian). "To the question of cold nuclear fusion". ** A lengthy report of the cold fusion affair, evidently written at about the end of April (this commentator cannot find a publication date), judging from the reference list. The FPH work is described, along with the problems it raises such as branching ratios. The authors note the rush to reproduce cold fusion, all over the world but that unambiguous confirmation has not been obtained. ------------------------- Zakowicz W; Fusion Technol. 19 (1991) 170. "Possible resonant mechanism of cold fusion". ** Theoretical paper, looking for resonance effects, due to a combination of the short-range attractive nuclear interactions at close distances and the longer-range Coulombic repulsion. Solution of the Schroedinger equation yields reasonable reaction rates for d-d fusion, and shows the importance of screening. The remaining question is whether the resonance in fact exists. Inclusions and dislocations in the Pd lattice would be detrimental to this model, acting against resonance. Apr-90/Jan-91 ------------------------- Zelenskii VF, Rybalko VF, Morozov AN, Tolstolutskaya GD, Kulish VG, Pistryak SV, Martynov IS; Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh., Ser.: Fiz. Radiats. Povrezhdenii Radiats. Materialoved. 1990(1)(52) 65. (in Russian). "Experiments on cold nuclear fusion in Pd and Ti saturated with deuterium by ion implantation". ** Pd and Ti targets were loaded with deuterium by means of a D2+ ion beam at 25 keV, 30-40 microamp, at 100K. The loaded targets were then warmed up to 1200-1300K and emissions monitored: neutrons by a boron-containing detector, charged particles (cp's) by a surface barrier detector, and gas emissions with masses 1..6 by a mass spectrometer (MS), to detect possible production of (3)He, T, protons. Another neutron monitor was placed at 4 m from the experiment, to monitor the background. Neutron emission intensity depended on the temperature: for Pd, they were max. at 100-400K and 900-1300K, for Ti at 100-300K and 600-1200K, with highs up to twice background, meaning about 100 n/s. Cp's were observed only during charging, i.e. these must have been from self-targeting. MS detected no masses in the range 1..6 during warming up. The authors conclude that dd-fusion occurred and point to fractofusion as the likely mechanism. Dec-89/? ------------------------- Zelenskii VF, Rybalko VF; Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh. Ser.: Fiz. Radiats. Povredzh. Radiats. Mater. 2(56) (1991) 46. (In Russian). "Studies of neutron emission by mechanical destruction of Ti and Pd samples, saturated with deuterium". ** Samples of Ti, about 40 g mass, were shot at by a high speed steel projectile, reducing them to granules. There was a group of samples with the stoichiometric D/Ti ratio at 1.8..2, and another group, at 0.3..0.8. Neutrons were detected by 2 BF3 tubes at 20 cm from the targets. Neutrons were looked for over a period up to 1500 s after each shot. Controls were run, without the Ti. Out of a number of runs, no significant neutrons were observed. Jun-91/? ------------------------- Zelenskii VF, Rybalko VF, Morozov AN, Pistryak SV, Tolstolutskaya GD, Kulish VG; Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh. Ser.: Fiz. Radiats. Povredzh. Radiats. Mater. 2(56) (1991) 48. (In Russian). "Preliminary results of the second series of experiments on cold fusion". ** More results from ion beam (D2+) bombardment of Pd and Ti targets, saturated from the gas phase, and one case of Ti saturated with tritium gas, with charged particle (cp) detection, greatly improved (by 2 orders of magnitude in sensitivity). Bombardment was sustained for 10^5 s at 25 keV (20 keV for the TiT sample) and 20-30 uA/cm^2. Additionally, the samples were cycled in temperature down to liquid N2 and up to room temp. No cp's were found, setting an upper fusion limit at 1.5E-22 fus/dd-pair/s. Cold fusion was thus not found, but not excluded either. Jun-91/? ------------------------- Zelentsov VV; Koord. Khim. 19 (1989) 1296 (in Russian). "New but well forgotten [matters]" ** Submitted on April 27, 1989, this is a report of the paper by Fleischmann and Pons (and Hawkins). As with the ceramic superconductivity sensation, cold fusion led to many labs around the world trying to reproduce the results; At the Kharkov Physico-technical Institute, cold fusion was confirmed; they found tritium and helium (3) by deuterium ion implantation into Pd at -130 to -150 degC (no further details given). Z calls Fleischmann the erstwhile Czech scientist. He then goes on to point out that this sensation is not new, and describes the work of Paneth and Peters of 1926 (Z's only reference). Paneth apparently left for Britain in 1933, returned to Germany in 1953 but apparently never returned to his cold fusion work of the '20's. Z then muses that Nature does not distinguish between physics and chemistry, and so the future of scientific endeavour lies in a unified approach. ------------------------- Zhang J-S; Commun. Theor. Phys. 16 (1991) 439. "The estimation of the difference between d(n,n)3He and d(d,p)T cross sections in the cold fusion". ** A theoretical attack on the assumption that, at low energies, the d-d fusion reaction must have the same roughly 1:1 branching ratio as at high energies. A rough approach, taking into account differences in wall transmission, angular distribution of the reaction channels and deuteron nuclear structure, show that p-t is favoured, and that the branching ratio might be as high as 100. "One should study further". Feb-91/? ------------------------- Zhang W-X; Fusion Technol. 21 (1992) 82. "Possibility of phase transitions inducing cold fusion in palladium/deuterium systems". ** The authors believe that cold fusion is a real phenomenon, and propose a mechanism for it. There are two possibilities: (1) localised energy concentrations, giving small numbers of deuterons in the Pd lattice an energy of some 100 eV and thus enabling low-efficiency fusion; (2) muon catalysis. The latter does not agree with observations, so the local-energy mechanism must be responsible. In this paper, it is suggested that local transitions from the beta phase to a mixture of alpha- and beta- produce very high local stresses and thus cracks, which induce fusion. This leads to some of the observations, such as long charging times before something happens, irregular neutron emission, deactivation of the Pd samples, poor reproducibility, and the fact that the effect appears only in Pd and Ti. Apr-91/Jan-92 ------------------------- Zhu R, Wang X, Lu F, Ding D, He J, Liu H, Jiang J, Chen G, Yuan Y, Yang L, Chen Z, Menlove HO; Fusion Technol. 20 (1991) 349. "Measurement of neutron burst production in thermal cycle of D2 absorbed titanium chips". ** A Chino-USA effort to find neutrons in a Ti/D2 gas system with thermal cycling - the "Italian" mode. The experiment was done 580 m underground to minimise cosmic influx. Humidity had to be avoided, to avoid fake neutron bursts from the (3)He detectors (18 of them). The setup was not sensitive to mechanical knocks. H2 dummy batches were run to eliminate other artifacts. There were 10 D2 batches and only 3 of these showed no neutron emissions. The others showed neutron bursts of up to 535 from a burst. The burst intensity was up to 2 orders of magnitude above the carefully monitored background. The bursts occur during the first one or two thermal cycles, between -100 degC and room temperature; thereafter, the Ti seems to be inactive. They could be reactivated by vacuum degassing and reloading but the activity was lower. The controls with H2 ruled out interference effects. Feb-91/Nov-91 ------------------------- Zhu R, Wang X, Lu F, Luo L, He J, Ding D, Menlove HO; Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu (Atomic Energy Science and Technology) 25 (1991) 84 (in Chinese). "Measurement of anomalous neutron from deuterium/solid system". ** "A series of experiments on both D2O electrolysis and thermal cycle of deuterium absorbed Ti Turnings are designed to examine the anomalous phenomena in Deuterium/Solid System. A neutron detector containing 16 BF3 tubes with a detection limit of 0.38 n/s for two hour counting is used for electrolysis experiments. No neutron counting rate statistically higher than detection limit is observed from Fleischmann & Pons type experiments. An HLNCC-II neutron detector equipped with 18 3He tubes and a JRS-11 shift register unit with a detection limit of 0.20 n/s for a two hour run are employed to study the neutron signals in D2 gas experiments. Different material pretreatments are selected to review the changes in frequency and size of the neutron burst production. Experiment sequence is deliberately designed to distinguish the neutron burst from fake signals, e.g. electronic noise pickup, the cosmic rays and other sources of environmental background. Ten batches of dry fusion samples are tested, among them, seven batches with neutron burst signals occure roughly at the temperature from -100 degrees centigrade to near room temperature. In the first four runs of a typical sample batch, seven neutron bursts are observed with neutron numbers from 15 to 482, which are 3 and 75 times, respectively, higher than the uncertainty of background. However, no bursts happened for H2 dummy samples running in-between and afterwards and for sample batch after certain runs" (Direct quote from the English abstract). ?/Nov-91 ------------------------- Zhu S, Xiao X, Lu T, Chen Q, Que Z, Liu J, Xie H, Sha R, Liu F, Sun H; Nucl. Techniques 16(8) (1993) 475 (in Chinese, English abstract). "An investigation of cold fusion". ** Both an electrolysis experiment (LiOD, 10-30 mA/cm^2) and a gas phase experiment were run. Neutron detection was by liquid scintillation and a BF3 counter, and showed much the same results, i.e. a large n burst after 90 h of electrolysis, lasting about 4 h with an intensity of 400 fus/s, with counting rates 15 times background. Jun-92/Aug-93 ------------------------- Zhu S-B, Lee J, Robinson GW; Phys. Lett. A144 (1990) 361. "Nonlinear effects on thermonuclear reaction rates". ** Coulomb screening and nonlinear effects, together with many-body collisions, may enhance nuclear fusion rates by many orders of magnitude at low temperatures. Dec-89/Mar-90 ------------------------- Zhu S-B, Lee J, Robinson GW; J. Fusion Energy 9 (1991) 465. "Non-Maxwell velocity distributions in inhomogeneous materials". ** Physicists generally assume, say the authors, that the Maxwell distribution of gas particle velocity v, falling off exponentially with v**2/T (T=temp.), also applies to liquids and solids. With a supercomputer, one can examine this, and this has been in progress for some years here. They have applied their techniques to deuterons in a PdD lattice, and find a non-Maxwellian velocity function for the d's, as they move away from their potential minima. The tails of the distribution correspond to temperatures at least 10 or up to 100 times ambient, and this would enhance the fusion rate by many 10's of orders of magnitude. So how do we know, ask the authors, that Fleishman [sic], Pons and Hawkins do not have something new? ?/Dec-90 ------------------------- Zhu S-B, Lee J, Robinson GW; Chem. Phys. Lett 161 (1989) 249. "Kinetic energy imbalance in inhomogeneous materials". ** The authors focus on the relative momentum of the Pd and D atoms in PdDx. Molecular dynamic simulations are used, in two dimensions, for PdD, and show that barrier penetration is feasible and could enhance cold fusion rates by many orders of magnitude. Jun-89/Sep-89 ------------------------- Ziegler JF, Zabel TH, Cuomo JJ, Brusic VA, Gargill GS IV, O'Sullivan EJ, Marwick AD; Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 (1989) 2929. "Electrochemical experiments in cold nuclear fusion". ** Charged particles in the energy range 1-3 MeV are easier to detect than neutrons, and the background is lower. A silicon SSB barrier detector was used, placed right next to the Pd electrode in an electrolysis. Personell gamma and neutron detectors were also placed next to the cell. X-ray diffraction was used to detect the time needed to form the beta-phase of PdD(x), x>0.6, Highest fusion rates inferred from the results are about 1/100 those claimed by Jones+ and thus about 1E-06 lower than FPH's.(19-)Apr-89/Jun-89 ------------------------- Zuqia H; Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexueban 2 (1989) 43. "A possible explanation of the room temperature nuclear fusion". ** Proposes that the absorbed deuterium forms a sublattice in the palladium, and because of the nonequilibrium due to electrolysis, the deuterons in this lattice could be oscillating energetically. Zuqia invokes nonlinear coupling, solitons, cooperative effects, Toda lattices, and arrives at the possibility of some fusion happening. More is to be reported later. (25-) Apr-89/? ------------------------- Zywocinski A, Li H-L, Campbell P, Chambers JQ, Van Hook WA; Thermochim. Acta 197 (1992) 277. "Calorimetric measurements during long-term electrolysis of some LiOD solutions". ** This team has also measured (4)He and tritium production under electrolysis in heavy water (in press), and supplements that here with calorimetry. A simple diathermal calorimeter, able to operate for long times without attendance, was used. Thermal power is exchanged with the bath at a constant rate (at equilibrium), the bath being held constant; if the temperature difference (bath/cell) is not large, then heat transfer is first order with the difference. Then the time-function of cell temperature changes is simple and parameters can be extracted by simple least-squares analysis. The accuracy appears to be a few%. Electrodes (Pd) were a rod, 6.35 mm dia. * 25 mm, and Ti of the same dia and 60 mm length, in 0.25 M LiOD in D2O, and 0.25 M LiOH in H2O as a control. The thermal relaxation of the system is long compared with the sampling interval, so heat bursts would be seen. Runs lasted from 2 days to 2 weeks. During 18 months of such operation, no bursts were seen and there was no excess heat at any time. Pulsed operation also showed good heat balance. Jul-91/? ------------------------- Zywocinski A, Li H-L, Tuinman AA, Campbell P, Chambers JQ, Van Hook WA; J. Electroanal. Chem. 319 (1991) 195. "Analysis for light atoms produced in the bulk phase of a tubular palladium/ silver alloy cathode working electrode". ** This is the counterpart of the calorimetric paper by the same team. Here, the cathode was a 81:19 atom-fraction Pd-Ag alloy tube of 85 microns wall thickness, 1.6 mm outside diameter and 75 mm length; the outside of the tube acted as a cathode in D2O + LiOD, and the inside was connected to a vacuum system to withdraw gases from it. During electrolysis, tritium is expected to go through, while helium is not; He was pulled through into the vacuum system after electrolysis by heating to 870 K and pulling hydrogen through for several hours. Mass spectroscopy was used to detect the species searched for; any (4)He+ ions were distinguished from D2+, present in large excess, by removing all hydrogen species by oxidation and cold-trapping. During electrolysis, species with masses 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were found and assigned to various HnDm+ species by the high-resolution MS used. At this stage, some (4)He was found, peaking when the current was on - but was found due to contamination of the electrode from the laboratory atmosphere. Similar results were obtained from electrolysis in H2O and LiOH. The final results for (4)He were all at about the level expected from atmospheric levels, i.e around (1-3)E12 atoms. Tritium levels, too, were not above contamination levels, being the same for controls, and initial solutions without electrolysis. The authors comment that the results of Bush et al (same journal 304 (1991) 271) are likely to be due to their not pretreating their electrodes to remove occluded helium. Such helium is degassed electrolytically. Mar-91/Dec-91 -------------------------