1995.05.30 / KAnko / Re: The Farce of Physics Originally-From: kanko@aol.com (KAnko) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.philosophy.objectivis ,alt.sci.physics.new-theories,misc.books.technical,sci.astro,sci.energy, ci.misc,sci.physics,sci.physics.electromag,sci.physics.fusion,sci.physic .particle,sci.research,sci.skeptic Subject: Re: The Farce of Physics Date: 30 May 1995 02:39:32 -0400 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Yes, I have published them. Look at any paper published by the UA1 experiment from 1988 to 1994, you will see my name sixth on the list. I happen to be an experimental physicist who believes in the standard model. Since those theories have been published ad infinitium... I see no reason to expand on them here. Now as for changing the subject, how??? I started by asking you to explain some basic observational data, and still wait for an explanation. Next, HEISENBERG WAS WRONG!!!!!! It's that simple. Many of the great minds have been. Newton believed that light did not diffract, Galileo believed light traveled at an infinite speed, Planck did not believe in the quantum, Rubbia believed that the truth mass was 40 GeV, and Aristotle believed in four basic particles. Great minds can be wrong. Also throwing Ledermen and Glashow into your list is cheating. I don't think either man disagrees with the Standard Model. So finally let's get back to my question. How do you explain away high tranverse momentum collisons at SppS and the Tevatron??? How do you explain away the hard scattering of electrons on protons??? Thank you in advance for your time, Dr. Kevin Ankoviak cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenkanko cudlnKAnko cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / I Johnston / Re: What's wrong with H2O cold fusion? Originally-From: ianj@castle.ed.ac.uk (I Johnston) Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion Subject: Re: What's wrong with H2O cold fusion? Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 10:58:48 GMT Organization: Edinburgh University jedrothwell@delphi.com wrote: : : Answers: Yes, it does work. It will be dirt cheap. I don't know when : electrical generators will be available but thousands of room heaters have : already been sold, primarily in Russian and Eastern Europe. They are a : heck of a lot better than heat pumps, gas, oil or coal. Wonderful news. Does anyone know which company is selling them? It's a savage indictment of the scientific and popular press that a development which may well change history has gone quite unreported. Thank goodness for Usenet. Ian cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenianj cudfnI cudlnJohnston cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszS cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / David Baraff / Re: What's wrong with H2O cold fusion? Originally-From: baraff@cs.cmu.edu (David Baraff) Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion Subject: Re: What's wrong with H2O cold fusion? Date: 30 May 1995 12:14:02 GMT Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon In article , I Johnston wrote: >jedrothwell@delphi.com wrote: >: >: Answers: Yes, it does work. It will be dirt cheap. I don't know when >: electrical generators will be available but thousands of room heaters have >: already been sold, primarily in Russian and Eastern Europe. They are a >: heck of a lot better than heat pumps, gas, oil or coal. > >Wonderful news. Does anyone know which company is selling them? It's a >savage indictment of the scientific and popular press that a development >which may well change history has gone quite unreported. Thank goodness >for Usenet. > >Ian It is replies like these (i.e. Ian's reply to Rothwell) that keep me hooked on this newsgroup. I'm always wondering whether posts like the above are a sarcastic response, or genuine. The point, of course, is that no matter which way you interpret them, they're still hilarious... I used to wonder how tabloids like "The National Enquirer" managed to stay in business. Surely, I thought, there can't be *that* many gullible Americans. But seeing what so many CF scientists (and I am using the term "scientist" loosely) are willing to swallow, maybe the audience size of the Enquirer is not so hard to understand. Sigh... cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenbaraff cudfnDavid cudlnBaraff cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / rfheeter@pppl. / Conventional Fusion FAQ Section 0/11 (Intro) Part 2/3 (Outline) Originally-From: rfheeter@pppl.gov Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion,sci.answers,news.answers Subject: Conventional Fusion FAQ Section 0/11 (Intro) Part 2/3 (Outline) Date: 30 May 1995 13:46:13 GMT Organization: none Archive-name: fusion-faq/section0-intro/part2-outline Last-modified: 26-Feb-1995 Posting-frequency: More-or-less-quarterly ------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Outline and List of Questions in the Conventional Fusion FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Written/Edited by Robert F. Heeter, rfheeter@pppl.gov. # (Outline subject to change; this list current on February 26, 1995) *** 1. Fusion as a Physical Phenomenon: [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section1-physics] A. What is fusion? B. How does fusion release energy? C. Where does fusion occur in nature? D. Why doesn't fusion occur anywhere else in nature? E. What are the basic fusion reactions? F. Could you tell me more about these different elements? G. Why is the deuterium-tritium (D-T) reaction the easiest? H. What is aneutronic fusion? I. What sort of fusion reactor is the sun? J. Why is it so hard to create controlled man-made fusion reactions? K. What is plasma physics, and how is it related to fusion? L. Just how hot and confined do these plasmas need to be? (Or, what conditions are needed for controlled fusion?) M. What are the basic approaches used to heat and confine the plasma? (Or, what is magnetic confinement? Inertial confinement?) *** 2. Fusion as a Future Energy Source: 2.1 Technical Characteristics [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section2-energy/part1-tech] A. What would a fusion energy plant look like? B. What fuels can a fusion reactor burn? C. What are the different methods for converting fusion energy to useful energy? D. What would a D-T fusion reactor look like? E. How do you get the plasma hot enough for fusion to occur? F. What are the materials requirements for fusion? G. Are any of these materials scarce? H. How large would a fusion reactor be? Why? 2.2 Environmental Characteristics [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section2-energy/part2-enviro] A. What are fusion's major potential environmental advantages? B. But isn't fusion nuclear? What about radioactive waste? C. What key technologies are needed to achieve these advantages? D. What are the materials and fuel requirements for fusion? E. What about renewable energy sources? Why do we need fusion at all? 2.3 Safety Characteristics Economic Characteristics (Under construction) 2.4 Economic Characteristics (Under construction) 2.5 Fusion for Space Applications (Under construction) *** 3. Fusion as a Scientific Research Program 3.1 Chronology of Events and Ideas (Under construction) When did fusion research begin? When was fusion research declassified? What is the current state of fusion research? Close / far from achieving practical benefits? 3.2 Major Institutes and Policy Actors (Under construction) Who is doing fusion, and where? (funds distribution?) What level of international cooperation is there? 3.3 History of Achievements and Funding (Under construction) What is the history of fusion funding (US, FUSSR, EC, Japan)? What is the history of achievement of fusion parameters? *** 4. Methods of Confinement / Approaches to fusion: 4.1 Toroidal Magnetic Confinement Approaches (Under construction) A. What is a tokamak / how does it work? B. What is a stellarator / " " " " ? C. " " reversed-field pinch / " " " " ? D. What is a Field-Reversed Configuration / how does it work? E. " " " Plasmak / " " " " ? F. What is a Migma / how does it work? 4.2 Alternative Confinement Methods / Approaches (Under construction) A. Gravitational Confinement B. Inertial Confinement C. Mirror Confinemen D. Muon-catalyzed Fusion E. Electrostatic Confinement F. What about the pinch methods? G. What are some other confinement approaches? *** 5. Status of and plans for Present Devices: [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section5-devices] A. Flagship Tokamaks 1. ITER: (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) 2. JET: (Joint European Torus) 3. JT-60: (Japan Tokamak (?)) 4. TFTR: (Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor) 5. TPX: (Tokamak Physics Experiment) B. Medium to Large Tokamaks 1. Alcator C-Mod: 2. ASDEX-U: (Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment-Upgrade) 3. DIII-D: (Doublet III, D-shape) 4. FT: (Frascati Tokamak) 5. NSTX: (National Spherical Tokamak eXperiment) 6. PBX-M: (Princeton Beta Experiment-Modified) 7. TCV: (Variable Configuration Tokamak - in French) 8. TdeV: (Tokamak de Varenne) 9. TEXTOR: 10. Tore Supra: C. Small Tokamaks 1: CDX-U (Current Drive eXperiment-Upgrade) 2. START: (Small, Tight-Aspect-Ratio Tokamak) 3. TEXT-U: (Texas Experimental Tokamak-Upgrade?) D. Stellarators 1. ATF (Advanced Toroidal Facility) 2. Wendelstein-7AS: (Advanced Stellarator) 3. Wendelstein-7X E. Inertial Confinement 1. NIF: (National Ignition Facility) 2. Nova: 3. Omega: 4. NIKE: F. Alternative Methods 1. Electrostatic Confinement: 2. MFTF: Mirror Fusion Test Facility: 3. Muon-Catalyzed Fusion 4. Plasmak: 5. RFX: (Reversed-Field eXperiment) *** 6. Recent Results [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section6-results] A. Recent Results on TFTR: (a) What was done? (b) Why does it matter? B. Recent Results from JET C. Recent Results from Inertial Confinement Fusion D. Recent Results from Muon-Catalyzed Fusion E. Recent major results from other experiments, and theoretical work F. Recent Political News G. Appendix on TFTR and JET results *** 7. Educational Issues and Conferences: [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section7-education] A. What opportunities are there for interested students? B. I'm an undergraduate interested in becoming a "fusioneer." What should I study? C. What sorts of experiments are there for high-school students? How can I get the equipment? Has anyone else done this? D. What about those summer programs you mentioned above? E. When/where are the major fusion conferences? *** 8. Internet Resources: [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section8-internet] A. Newsgroups B. WAIS (Wide-Area-Information-Server) C. World-Wide Web D. Gopher E. Anonymous FTP Sites F. Listservers G. Electronic Bulletins H. Individuals Willing to Provide Additional Information *** 9. Future Plans: (Under construction) (a) Plans for TPX? (b) Plans for ITER? (c) Prospects for funding? (US, EC, Japan, FUSSR) (d) What problems in designing a fusion powerplant? Rad waste, materials choices, device parameters ??? (e) What are the key research problems/opportunities? *** 10. Bibliography / Reading List [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section10-biblio] A. Recent articles in the popular literature. B. General References and Histories (suitable for those with minimal background in physics or fusion). C. Fusion Research Review Articles & Texts D. Plasma Physics - General Texts (focus is on the science of plasmas, rather than engineering reactors) E. Plasma Physics - Device-Specific (applications of plasma physics to specific devices) F. Fusion Reactor Engineering References G. List of Relevant Scientific Journals H. Unclassified / Unsummarized works. (Please help me move references out of this section and into sections 1-4 by contributing reviews of sources you know about!) *** 11. Acknowledgements and Citations [Archive-name: fusion-faq/section11-acknowledgements] (I've had a lot of help, so I needed a separate section to list everyone!) *** Glossary of Frequently Used Terms in Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Research (FUT) Part 0/26: Introduction to the Glossary / FUT [Archive-name: fusion-faq/glossary/part0-intro] Parts 1/26, 2/26, ..., 26/26: Glossary terms from A to Z (one file per letter) [ Archive-names: fusion-faq/glossary/a fusion-faq/glossary/b ... fusion-faq/glossary/z ] cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenrfheeter cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszL cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / rfheeter@pppl. / Conventional Fusion FAQ Section 1/11 (Fusion Physics) Originally-From: rfheeter@pppl.gov Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion,sci.answers,news.answers Subject: Conventional Fusion FAQ Section 1/11 (Fusion Physics) Date: 30 May 1995 13:46:16 GMT Organization: none Archive-name: fusion-faq/section1-physics Last-modified: 7-Aug-1994 Posting-frequency: More-or-less-monthly Disclaimer: While this section is still evolving, it should be useful to many people, and I encourage you to distribute it to anyone who might be interested (and willing to help!!!). ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fusion as a Physical Phenomenon Last Revised August 7, 1994 Written by Robert F. Heeter, rfheeter@pppl.gov, unless otherwise cited. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ### Please let me know if anything here is unclear. ### *** A. What is fusion? "Fusion" means many things when discussed on the newsgroup. Technically, "fusion" is short for "Nuclear Fusion," which describes the class of reactions where two light nuclei fuse together, forming a heavier nucleus. This heavier nucleus is frequently unstable, and sometimes splits (fissions) into two or more fragments. "Fusion" also refers to the type of energy produced, and a "fusion reactor" describes an energy-producing facility which generates power via fusion reactors. Finally, "fusion" can also be used to refer to the scientific program aimed at harnessing fusion for clean, safe, and hopefully inexpensive energy production - a collaborative international program which has been carried on for the past 40-some years. Each of these three uses - the technical, the energy source, and the scientific research program - is discussed in a separate section of this FAQ. The technical aspects of fusion are discussed below in this section. *** B. How does fusion release energy? If you add up the masses of the particles which go into a fusion reaction, and you add up the masses of the particles which come out, there is frequently a difference. According to Einstein's famous law relating energy and mass, E=mc^2, the "mass difference" can take the form of energy. Fusion reactions involving nuclei lighter than iron typically release energy, but fusion reactions involving nuclei heavier than iron typically absorb energy. The amount of energy released depends on the specifics of the reaction; a table of reactions is given further below to give an idea of the variety of fusion reactions. Another way to look at this is to consider the "binding energy" of the elements in question. If the reactants are bound more weakly than the products, then energy is released in the reaction. "Binding energy" is the amount of energy you would have to put into a system in order to pull its components apart; conversely, in a system with high binding energy, a lot of energy is released as the components are allowed to bond together. Suppose you had two balls connected by a long, thin rubber band, so that they are not very tightly connected, and the rubber band can be broken easily. This is a system with low binding energy. Now here's an analogy to what happens in fusion: imagine the long, thin rubber band suddenly being replaced by a short, thick one. The short thick one has to be stretched a lot in order to connect to the two balls, but it wants to bind them more tightly, so it pulls them together, and energy is released as they move towards each other. The low-binding energy, long rubber band system has been replaced by a high-binding energy, short rubber band system, and energy is released. *** C. Where does fusion occur in nature? The conditions needed to induce fusion reactions are extreme; so extreme that virtually all natural fusion occurs in stars, where gravity compresses the gas, until temperature and pressure forces balance the gravitational compression. If there is enough material in the star, pressures and temperatures will grow large enough as the star contracts that fusion will begin to occur (see below for the explanation why); the energy released will then sustain the star's temperature against losses from sunlight being radiated away. The minimum mass needed to induce fusion is roughly one-tenth the sun's mass; this is why the sun is a star, but Jupiter is merely a (large) planet. (Jupiter is about 1/1000th the sun's mass, so if it were roughly 100 times bigger, it too would generate fusion and be a small, dim star.) Stellar fusion reactions gradually convert hydrogen into helium. When a star runs out of hydrogen fuel, it either stops burning (becoming a dwarf star) or, if it is large enough (so that gravity compresses the helium strongly) it begins burning the helium into heavier elements. Because fusion reactions cease to release energy once elements heavier than iron are involved, the larger stars also eventually run out of fuel, but this time they collapse in a supernova. Gravity, no longer opposed by the internal pressure of fusion-heated gases, crushes the core of the star, forming things like white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes (the bigger the star, the more extreme the result). (For more details, try the sci.astro or sci.space.science newsgroups.) *** D. Why doesn't fusion occur anywhere else in nature? Current scientific knowledge indicates that very little fusion occurs anywhere else in nature. The reason is because in order to get two nuclei to fuse, you first have to get them close together. (This is because the nuclear forces involved in fusion only act at short range.) However, because the two nuclei are both positively charged, they repel each other electrically. Nuclei will not fuse unless either (a) they collide with enough energy to overcome the electrical repulsion, or (b) they find a "sneaky" way to circumvent their repulsion (see muon-catalyzed fusion in section 4). The energy required for fusion is so high that fusion only occurs in appreciable amounts once the temperature gets over 10 million degrees Kelvin, so (a) doesn't happen anywhere outside of stars. Current knowledge suggests that the sort of processes that would allow sneaky-fusion as in (b) are very rare, so there just isn't much fusion in the everyday world. *** E. What are the basic fusion reactions? While it is possible to take any two nuclei and get them to fuse, it is easiest to get lighter nuclei to fuse, because they are less highly charged, and therefore easier to squeeze together. There are complicated quantum-mechanics rules which determine which products you will get from a given reaction, and in what amounts ("branching ratios"). The probability that two nuclei fuse is determined by the physics of the collsion, and a property called the "cross section" (see glossary) which (roughly speaking) measures the likelihood of a fusion reaction. (A simple analogy for cross-section is to consider a blindfolded person throwing a dart randomly towards a dartboard on a wall. The likelihood that the dart hits the target depends on the *cross-sectional* area of the target facing the dart-thrower. (Thanks to Rich Schroeppel for this analogy.)) Below is an annotated list of many fusion reactions discussed on the newsgroup. Note: D = deuterium, T = tritium, p = proton, n = neutron; these and the other elements involved are discussed in the glossary/FUT. (FUT = list of Frequently Used Terms; section 10 of the FAQ.) The numbers in parentheses are the energies of the reaction products (in Millions of electron-Volts, see glossary for details). The percentages indicate the branching ratios. More information on each of the elements is given below. Table I: Fusion Reactions Among Various Light Elements D+D -> T (1.01 MeV) + p (3.02 MeV) (50%) -> He3 (0.82 MeV) + n (2.45 MeV) (50%) <- most abundant fuel -> He4 + about 20 MeV of gamma rays (about 0.0001%; depends somewhat on temperature.) (most other low-probability branches are omitted below) D+T -> He4 (3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV) <-easiest to achieve D+He3 -> He4 (3.6 MeV) + p (14.7 MeV) <-easiest aneutronic reaction "aneutronic" is explained below. T+T -> He4 + 2n + 11.3 MeV He3+T -> He4 + p + n + 12.1 MeV (51%) -> He4 (4.8) + D (9.5) (43%) -> He4 (0.5) + n (1.9) + p (11.9) (6%) <- via He5 decay p+Li6 -> He4 (1.7) + He3 (2.3) <- another aneutronic reaction p+Li7 -> 2 He4 + 17.3 MeV (20%) -> Be7 + n -1.6 MeV (80%) <- endothermic, not good. D+Li6 -> 2He4 + 22.4 MeV <- also aneutronic, but you get D-D reactions too. p+B11 -> 3 He4 + 8.7 MeV <- harder to do, but more energy than p+Li6 n+Li6 -> He4 (2.1) + T (2.7) <- this can convert n's to T's n+Li7 -> He4 + T + n - some energy From the list, you can see that some reactions release neutrons, many release helium, and different reactions release different amounts of energy (some even absorb energy, rather than releasing it). He-4 is a common product because the nucleus of He-4 is especially stable, so lots of energy is released in creating it. (A chemical analogy is the burning of gasoline, which is relatively unstable, to form water and carbon dioxide, which are more stable. The energy liberated in this combustion is what powers automobiles.) The reasons for the stability of He4 involve more physics than I want to go into here. Some of the more important fusion reactions will be described below. These reactions are also described in Section 2 in the context of their usefulness for energy-producing fusion reactors. *** F. Could you tell me more about these different elements? (Note: there's more information in the glossary too.) Hydrogen (p): Ordinary hydrogen is everywhere, especially in water. Deuterium (D): A heavy isotope of hydrogen (has a neutron in addition to the proton). Occurs naturally at 1 part in 6000; i.e. for every 6000 ordinary hydrogen atoms in water, etc., there's one D. Tritium (T): Tritium is another isotope of hydrogen, with two neutrons and a proton. T is unstable (radioactive), and decays into Helium-3 with a half-life of 12.3 years. (Half the T decays every 12.3 years.) Because of its short half-life, tritium is almost never found in nature (natural T is mostly a consequence of cosmic-ray bombardment). Supplies have been manufactured using fission reactors; world tritium reserves are estimated at a few kilograms, I believe. Tritium can be made by exposing deuterium or lithium to neutrons. Helium-3 (He3): Rare light isotope of helium; two protons and a neutron. Stable. There's roughly 13 He-3 atoms per 10 million He-4 atoms. He-3 is relatively abundant on the surface of the moon; this is believed to be due to particles streaming onto the moon from the solar wind. He3 can also be made from decaying tritium. Helium-4 (He4): Common isotope of helium. Trace component of the atmosphere (about 1 part per million?); also found as a component of "natural gas" in gas wells. Lithium-6 (Li6): Less common isotope of lithium. 3 protons, 3 neutrons. There are 8 Li-6 atoms for every 100 Li-7 atoms. Widely distributed in minerals and seawater. Very active chemically. Lithium-7 (Li7): Common isotope of lithium. 3 protons, 4 neutrons. See above info on abundance. Boron (B): Common form is B-11 (80%). B-10 20%. 5 protons, 6 neutrons. Also abundant on earth. Note: Separating isotopes of light elements by mass is not particularly difficult. *** G. Why is the deuterium-tritium (D-T) reaction the easiest? Basically speaking, the extra neutrons on the D and T nuclei make them "larger" and less tightly bound, and the result is that the cross-section for the D-T reaction is the largest. Also, because they are only singly-charged hydrogen isotopes, the electrical repulsion between them is relatively small. So it is relatively easy to throw them at each other, and it is relatively easy to get them to collide and stick. Furthermore, the D-T reaction has a relatively high energy yield. However, the D-T reaction has the disadvantage that it releases an energetic neutron. Neutrons can be difficult to handle, because they will "stick" to other nuclei, causing them to (frequently) become radioactive, or causing new reactions. Neutron-management is therefore a big problem with the D-T fuel cycle. (While there is disagreement, most fusion scientists will take the neutron problem and the D-T fuel, because it is very difficult just to get D-T reactions to go.) Another difficulty with the D-T reaction is that the tritium is (weakly) radioactive, with a half-life of 12.3 years, so that tritium does not occur naturally. Getting the tritium for the D-T reaction is therefore another problem. Fortunately you can kill two birds with one stone, and solve both the neutron problem and the tritium-supply problem at the same time, by using the neutron generated in the D-T fusion in a reaction like n + Li6 -> He4 + T + 4.8 MeV. This absorbs the neutron, and generates another tritium, so that you can have basically a D-Li6 fuel cycle, with the T and n as intermediates. Fusing D and T, and then using the n to split the Li6, is easier than simply trying to fuse the D and the Li6, but releases the same amount of energy. And unlike tritium, there is a lot of lithium available, particularly dissolved in ocean water. Unfortunately you can't get every single neutron to stick to a lithium nucleus, because some neutrons stick to other things in your reactor. You can still generate as much T as you use, by using "neutron multipliers" such as Beryllium, or by getting reactions like n + Li7 -> He4 + T + n (which propagates the neutron) to occur. The neutrons that are lost are still a problem, because they can induce radioactivity in materials that absorb them. This topic is discussed more in Section 2. *** H. What is aneutronic fusion? Some researchers feel the advantages of neutron-free fusion reactions offset the added difficulties involved in getting these reactions to occur, and have coined the term "aneutronic fusion" to describe these reactions. The best simple answer I've seen so far is this one: (I've done some proofreading and modified the notation a bit.) [ Clarifying notes by rfheeter are enclosed in brackets like this.] >From: johncobb@emx.cc.utexas.edu (John W. Cobb) >Risto Kaivola wrote: [[ Sorry I don't have the date or full reference for this anymore; this article appeared in sci.physics.fusion a few months ago.]] >>Basically, what is aneutronic fusion? The term aneutronic >>confuses me considerably. Could you give me an example of >>an aneutronic fusion reaction? How could energy be produced >>using such a reaction? Can there be a fusion reaction in which >>a neutron is never emitted? > >Examples: > >D + He3 --> He4 + p + 18.1MeV >(deuteron + helium-3 --> helium-4 + proton + energy) > >p + Li6 --> He4 + He3 + 4.0MeV >(proton + lithium-6 --> helium-4 + helium-3 + energy) > >D + Li6 --> 2 He4 + 22.4MeV >(deuteron + lithium-6 --> 2 helium-4's + energy) > >p + B11 --> 3 He4 + 8.7Mev >(proton + boron-11 --> 3 helium-4's + energy) > >All of these reactions produce no neutrons directly. [[ Hence "aneutronic." ]] >There are also other reactions that have multiple branches possible, >some of which do not produce neutrons and others that do >(e.g., D + D, p + Li7). > >The question is how do you get a "reactor" going and not get >any neutrons. There are 2 hurdles here. The first is getting the >fuel to smack together hard enough and often enough for fusion >to occur. >The easiest fusion reaction is D + T --> He4 + n (the D-T fuel >cycle). A magnetic reactor can initiate fusion in one of these >things at about a temperature of 10keV. [1 keV = 1000 eV = 11,000,000 (degrees) kelvin, more or less]. >The other reactions require much higher temperatures (for example >about 50KeV for the D+He3 reaction). This is a big factor of 5. >The second hurdle is neutron production via "trash" (secondary) >reactions. That is, the main reaction may be neutron-free, >but there will be pollution reactions that may emit neutrons. [ The products of the main reaction, e.g. He3, can be trapped in your reactor temporarily, and fuse with other ions in the system in messy ways. ] >Even if this is only a few percent, it can lead to big neutron >emission. For example, the D+He3 reaction will also have some D+D >reactions occuring. [ Because in your reactor you will have a lot of Ds and He3s, and the Ds will collide with each other as well as with the He3s. ] >At 50Kev temperatures, the reaction >cross-section for D+D reactions is about 1/2 of the D+He3 >cross-section, so there will be some generation of neutrons from >the 50% branch reaction of D + D-->He3 + n. >Also, the other 50% goes to T+p, The triton (T) will then undergo >a D-T reaction and release another neutron. [ Because the cross-section for D-T reactions is much higher.] >If the reactor is optmized (run in a He3 rich mode) the number >of neutrons can be minimized. The neutron power can be as low >as about 5% of the total. However, in a 1000 megawatt reactor, >5% is 50 MW of neutron power. That is [still] a lot of neutron >irradiation. This lower neutron level helps in designing >structural elements to withstand neutron bombardment, but it >still has radiation consequences. > >On the other hand, it is my understanding that the p-B11 reaction >is completely neutron free, but of course it is much harder >to light. *** I. What sort of fusion reactor is the sun? Fortunately for life on earth, the sun is an aneutronic fusion reactor, and we are not continually bombarded by fusion neutrons. Unfortunately, the aneutronic process which the sun uses is extremely slow and harder to do on earth than any of the reactions mentioned above. The sun long ago burned up the "easy" deuterium fuel, and is now mostly ordinary hydrogen. Now hydrogen has a mass of one (it's a single proton) and helium has a mass of four (two protons and two neutrons), so it's not hard to imagine sticking four hydrogens together to make a helium. There are two major problems here: the first is getting four hydrogens to collide simultaneously, and the second is converting two of the four protons into neutrons. The sun evades the first problem, and solves the second, by using a catalyzed cycle: rather than fuse 4 protons directly, it fuses a proton to an atom of carbon-12, creating nitrogen-13; the N-13 emits a neutrino and a positron (an antielectron, that is an electon with positive instead of negative charge) and becomes carbon-13. (Effectively, the Carbon-12 converted the proton to a neutron + positron + neutrino, kept the neutron, and became C-13). The C-13 eventually fuses with another proton to become N-14. N-14 then fuses with a proton to become oxygen-15. Oxygen-15 decays to N-15 (emitting another positron), and N-15 plus another proton yields carbon-12 plus a helium-4 nucleus, (aka an alpha particle). Thus 4 protons are tacked one by one onto heavier elements, two of the protons are converted to neutrons, and the result is production of helium and two positrons. (The positrons will undergo matter-antimatter annihilation with two electrons, and the result of the whole process is formation of a helium, two neutrinos, and a bunch of gamma rays. The gamma rays get absorbed in the solar interior and heat it up, and eventually the energy from all this fusion gets emitted as sunlight from the surface of the sun.) The whole process is known as the carbon cycle; it's catalyzed because you start with carbon and still have carbon at the end. The presence of the carbon merely makes it possible to convert protons to helium. The process is slow because it's difficult to fuse protons with carbon and nitrogen, and the positron-emitting nuclear decays are also slow processes, because they're moderated by the weak nuclear force. *** J. Why is it so hard to create controlled man-made fusion reactions? In order to get two nuclei to fuse, you basically have to get them to collide energetically. It turns out that colliding two beams of particles yields mostly scattering collisions, and few fusion reactions. Similarly, blasting a stationary target with a beam of energetic ions also yields too little fusion. The upshot is that one must find some way to confine hot, energetic particles so that they can collide many many times, and finally collide in just the right way, so that fusion occurs. The temperatures required are upwards of 100 million degrees (Kelvin - it would be about 200 million Fahrenheit!). At these temperatures, your fusion fuel will melt/evaporate any material wall. So the big difficulties in fusion are (a) getting the particles hot enough to fuse, and (b) confining them long enough so that they do fuse. *** K. What is plasma physics, and how is it related to fusion? Plasma physics is the area of physics which studies ionized gases and their properties. In most conventional types of fusion (muon-catalyzed fusion being the major exception), one must heat the fusion fuel to extremely high temperatures. At these temperatures, the fuel atoms collide so much and so hard that many electrons are knocked loose from their atoms. The result is a soup of ionized atoms and free electrons: a plasma. In order to achieve the conditions required for controlled fusion, an understanding of how plasmas behave (and particularly how to confine and heat them) is often essential. *** L. Just how hot and confined do these plasmas need to be? (Or, what conditions are needed for controlled fusion?) Basically, the hotter your plasma, the more fusion you will have, because the more ions will be flying around fast enough to stick together. (Although actually you can go *too* fast, and the atoms then start to whiz by too quickly, and don't stick together long enough to fuse properly. This limit is not usually achieved in practice.) The more dense your plasma is, the more ions there are in a small space, and the more collisions you are likely to have. Finally, the longer you can keep your plasma hot, the more likely it is that something will fuse, so duration is important too. More importantly, the slower your plasma loses energy, the more likely it is that it will be able to sustain its temperature from internal fusion reactions, and "ignite." The ratio of fusion energy production to plasma energy loss is what really counts here. Hotness is measured by temperature, and as explained above, the D-T fuel cycle (the easiest) requires temperatures of about 10 keV, or 100,000,000 degrees kelvin. Density is typically measured in particles-per-cubic centimeter or particles-per-cubic meter. The required density depends on the confinement duration. The Lawson product, defined as (density)*(confinement time) is a key measure of plasma confinement, and determines what combinations of density and energy confinement will give you fusion at a given temperature. It is important to note that what you must confine is the *energy* (thermal energy) stored in the plasma, and not necessarily the plasma particles. There's a lot of subtlety here; for instance, you want to confine your fuel ions as well as their energy, so that they stick around and fuse, but you *don't* want to confine the "ash" from the reactions, because the ash needs to get out of the reactor... But you'd like to get the *energy* out of the ash to keep your fuel hot so it will fuse better! (And it gets even more complicated than that!) Regardless, it's true that for a special value of the Lawson product, the fusion power produced in your plasma will just balance the energy losses as energy in the plasma becomes unconfined, and *ignition* occurs. That is, as long as the plasma fuel stays around, the plasma will keep itself hot enough to keep fusing. A simple analogy here is to an ordinary fire. The fire won't burn unless the fuel is hot enough, and it won't keep burning unless the heat released by burning the fuel is enough to keep the fuel hot enough. The flame continually loses heat, but usually this loss is slow enough that the fire sustains itself. You can accelerate the heat loss, however, by pouring water on the fire to cool it quickly; this puts the fire out. In fusion, the plasma continually loses heat, much as a fire gives off heat, and if the plasma loses heat faster than heat is produced by fusion, it won't stay hot enough to keep burning. In fusion reactors today, the plasmas aren't quite confined well enough to sustain burning on their own (ignition), so we get them to burn by pumping in energy to keep them hot. This is sort of like getting wet wood to burn with a blowtorch (this last analogy is usually credited to Harold Furth of PPPL). For the D-T fuel cycle, the Lawson ignition value for a temperature of about 200,000,000 Kelvin is roughly 5E20 seconds-particles/m^3. Current fusion reactors such as TFTR have achieved about 1/10th of this - but 20 years ago they had only achieved 1/100,000th of this! How can we improve the Lawson value of a plasma further, so we get even closer to fusion ignition? The trick is to keep the heat in the plasma for as long as possible. As an analogy to this problem, suppose we had a thermos of coffee which we want to keep hot. We can keep the thermos hotter longer by (a) using a better type of insulation, so that the heat flows out more slowly, or (b) using thicker insulation, so the heat has farther to go to escape, and therefore takes longer to get out. Going back to the fusion reactor, the insulation can be improved by studying plasmas and improving their insulating properties by reducing heat transport through them. And the other way to boost the Lawson value is simply to make larger plasmas, so the energy takes longer to flow out. Scientists believe it's technically feasible to build a power-producing fusion reactor with high Lawson value *Right Now*, but it would have to be large, so large in fact that it would cost too much to be able to make electricity economically. So we're studying plasmas and trying to figure out how to make them trap energy more efficiently. *** M. What are the basic approaches used to heat and confine the plasma? (Or, what is magnetic confinement? Inertial confinement?) There are three basic ways to confine a plasma. The first is the method the sun uses: gravity. If you have a big enough ball of plasma, it will stick together by gravity, and be self-confining. Unfortunately for fusion researchers, that doesn't work here on earth. The second method is that used in nuclear fusion bombs: you implode a small pellet of fusion fuel. If you do it quickly enough, and compress it hard enough, the temperature will go way up, and so will the density, and you can exceed the Lawson ignition value despite the fact that you are only confining your pellet for nanoseconds. Because the inertia of the imploding pellet keeps it momentarily confined, this method is known as inertial confinement. The third method uses the fact that charged particles placed in a magnetic field will gyrate in circles. If you can arrange the magnetic field carefully, the particles will be trapped by it. If you can trap them well enough, the plasma energy will be confined. Then you can heat the plasma, and achieve fusion with more modest particle densities. This method is known as magnetic confinement. Initial heating is achieved by a combination of microwaves, energetic/accelerated particle beams, and resistive heating from currents driven through the plasma. (Once the Lawson ignition value is achieved, the plasma becomes more-or-less self-heating.) In magnetic confinement, the plasma density is typically about 1E20 particles per cubic meter, and with a temperature of about 1E8 kelvin, we see that ignition could be achieved with a confinement time of about 4 seconds. (All these numbers in reality vary by factors of 2 or 3 from the rough values I've given.) Currently, magnetic-confinement reactors are about a factor of ten short of the ignition value. (TFTR has an energy confinement time of 0.25 seconds during its best shots.) More information on these different approaches is given in the sections that follow. cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenrfheeter cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszL cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / rfheeter@pppl. / Conventional Fusion FAQ Section 8/11 (Internet Resources) Originally-From: rfheeter@pppl.gov Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion,sci.answers,news.answers Subject: Conventional Fusion FAQ Section 8/11 (Internet Resources) Date: 30 May 1995 13:46:21 GMT Organization: none Archive-name: fusion-faq/section8-internet Last-modified: 26-Feb-1995 Posting-frequency: More-or-less-quarterly Disclaimer: While this section is still evolving, it should be useful to many people, and I encourage you to distribute it to anyone who might be interested (and willing to help!!!). ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Internet Information Resources # This FAQ deals with conventional fusion only, not Cold Fusion. # Last Revised February 26,1995 Written by Robert F. Heeter, rfheeter@pppl.gov, unless otherwise cited. What follows is a listing of many, but not all, of the fusion energy/research information resources available via the internet. *** A. Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion (unmoderated) sci.physics.plasma (moderated) - this latter is for plasma science discussions, not for fusion issues. Sci.physics.fusion postings have been archived on a couple of internet sites. For more information see the sections on WAIS and Anonymous FTP below. *** B. WAIS (Wide-Area Information Server) Databases [ Information on the sunsite.unc.edu WAIS database provided by Chuck Harrison, harr@netcom.com ] * sunsite.unc.edu has a searchable WAIS archive of all postings on sci.physics.fusion (1989-present). According to Chuck Harrison (harr@netcom.com), "WAIS access means it is *searchable* on free-text keywords, which means alot when you're trying to find old vaguely-recollected postings from the 30MB or so of archive. I created the thing because I found that hunting through the vm1.nodak.edu [anonymous FTP site, see below ] archives by ftp was prohibitively time-consuming, so I suspect anyone who *wants* to look in the newsgroup history (who knows why? ;-) ) should try the WAIS database first if they have access (e.g. swais, WWW, gopher, or telnet to sunsite)." * Accessing the sunsite archives - directions: [ The information below is straight from Chuck Harrison ] 1. If you are directly connected to Internet, you can log onto a public WAIS server at the University of North Carolina: %telnet sunsite.unc.edu ... login: swais ... TERM = (unknown) vt100 It takes a minute to load ... 2. If you have a "gopher" client, you can use it for WAIS access. Many university campuses provide gopher as a public information service. 2a. On most systems, you first select an option labeled "Other Systems", then from that menu select "WAIS based information". Since each gopher site creates its own menus, I can't tell you exactly where to go from there. 2b. If you can gopher to SunSITE, at UNC, navigate the menus down thru SunSITE archives..All archives..Academic..Physics..Cold-fusion. [ Sometimes conventional fusion comes second! ] 2c. If you can 'telnet' but not 'gopher', you may telnet to sunsite.unc.edu and login as 'gopher'. Then follow 2a or 2b above. 3. If you have World Wide Web (WWW) browser, such as Mosaic, Cello, or Lynx, you may use the following URL: wais://sunsite.unc.edu/fusion-digest (newsgroup archive) [ More info on other Gopher and WWW resources is given below. ] 4. If you have a WAIS client on your system (the most common ones are "swais" -- character-based, and "xwais" -- for X-Windows), use it. *** C. World-Wide Web: * Much of the public-domain fusion info is now available via WWW: At this time, it appears that most of the major U.S. fusion research labs have information available on the Web, and the amount of available information is growing rapidly. Available materials include basic fusion information, all sorts of pictures, information about each lab's research projects, and more. * Navigating the Web is a little hard to explain, but for fusion, the easiest way to start is to go to the Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy page. (Address given below.) From here, you can (I think) move upwards within DOE to the Office of Energy Research, or downwards to many of the fusion labs. Alternatively, once you know the "URL" addresses of a lab's WWW documents, you can open them up directly with the "Open URL" menu command. * Address (temporary) for this FAQ: http://www.pppl.gov/~rfheeter * Some of the Principal Fusion / Plasma URL addresses to try: http://wwwofe.er.doe.gov/ (Office of Fusion Energy) http://www-plasma.umd.edu (Plasma Science Home Page) http://www.pppl.gov/ (Princeton Plasma Physics Lab) http://demo-www.gat.com/ (General Atomics / DIII-D) http://www-phys.llnl.gov/X_Div/index.html (Livermore's ICF Group) http://www.jet.uk/ (Joint European Torus) * Additional Web Sites that may be of Interest: http://cmfd.univ.trieste.it/cmfd.html (Trieste, Italy, MHD Site) http://cmod2.pfc.mit.edu/ (MIT Plasma Fusion Center) http://w3fusion.ph.utexas.edu/frc.html (U. Texas Fusion Res. Center) http://www.ornl.gov/divisions/fusion_energy.html (ORNL Fusion Division) (Apologies to those labs I left off this list; I figured this would give anyone interested a decent start, and then the rest of the labs are easy to get to.) *** D. Gopher: * Garching (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics): The host is uts.ipp-garching.mpg.de (Port: 70) Or, from the top: Gopher -> Europe -> Germany -> Information Servers in Germany -> MPI fuer Plasmaphysik Garching-Gopher (and, if you like, -> IPP Information) According to Art Carlson at Garching: "It's probably not very useful, since most of the info, press releases and the like, is in German. There is other *great stuff* on the computer, like drawings of ASDEX-Upgrade and time schedules, but it's not publicly available (as far as I know)." * University of Texas - Austin: Gopher -> North America -> USA -> Texas -> University of Texas Austin Fusion Studies (Machine name is hagar.ph.utexas.edu) This gopher server has a variety of material regarding physics and fusion, including archives of the periodic status reports for TFTR, Alcator C-Mod, and TEXT-U. This is also accessible via Mosaic with the URL gopher://hagar.ph.utexas.edu/1, I believe. * There are also a large number of Gopher sites which have partial or complete archives of the Fusion FAQ postings. A Veronica search on Fri, 2 Dec 1994, yielded a large list. I would recommend accessing MIT's gopher server and finding rtfm.mit.edu, then looking in /pub/usenet/news.answers/fusion-faq. If you aren't able to connect to rtfm, you can certainly find the fusion faq via your own Veronica search, too. *** E. Anonymous FTP Sites: sunsite.unc.edu Sunsite also collects the fusion digests archiving the sci.physics.fusion, in the directory /pub/academic/physics/Cold-fusion. The recent digest files are in subdirectories whose names begin with "fd," and the older stuff is archived by year in files fd89, fd90, etc... This material is also available under WAIS (see 8A). vm1.nodak.edu ( This site has the complete archive of the sci.physics.fusion newsgroup, from its inception. In particular, this FAQ is (will soon be) archived here. To log in: use the username anonymous, type your email address as the password, and then type "cd fusion" to get to the fusion directory. Beware: the index is large! To download something enter "get" and then the name of the file you want. rtfm.mit.edu This is the primary archive for the FAQ, at least in the United States. The latest version of a given section FAQ crossposted to sci.answers or news.answers can be found somewhere in either /pub/usenet/news.answers/fusion-faq or /pub/usenet/sci.answers/fusion-faq (Sections with multiple parts have subdirectories.) neutrino.nuc.berkeley.edu Here you can find fusion-related GIF images. As for vm1.nodak.edu, log in anonymously, then cd to the directory /pub/fusion, and "get" what you want. There are other FTP archive sites for the FAQ as well. A list of these is included in Section 0, Part 1 (Intro). *** F. LISTSERV ("FTP by email"): vm1.nodak.edu also works as a listserver: "You get a (large) index of the archives by sending an email to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu, with a blank SUBJECT line, and the "message" 'index fusion'. To get any one of these files, you then send to the same address the message, e.g., "get fusion 91-00487", etc, according to what you're after." -- quoting Dieter Britz, BRITZ@kemi.aau.dk To obtain the FAQ, rtfm.mit.edu also works as a listserver: If you do not have direct access by WWW or FTP, the rtfm.mit.edu site supports "ftp by mail": send a message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the following lines in it (cut-and-paste if you like): send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section0-intro/part1-overview send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section0-intro/part2-outline quit The mail server will send these two introductory files to you. You can then use the outline (part2) to determine which files you want. You can receive any or all of the remaining files by sending another message with the relevant lines from the following list: send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section0-intro/part3-revisions send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section1-physics send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section2-energy/part1-technical send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section2-energy/part2-enviro send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section5-devices send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section6-results send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section7-education send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section8-internet send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section10-biblio send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/section11-acknowl send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/intro send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/a send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/b send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/c send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/d send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/e send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/f send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/g send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/h send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/i send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/j send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/k send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/l send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/m send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/n send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/o send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/p send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/q send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/r send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/s send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/t send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/u send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/v send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/w send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/x send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/y send usenet-by-group/sci.answers/fusion-faq/glossary/z quit (Delete those lines which correspond to files you don't want.) While there are many files, the full FAQ is not more than a megabyte in size, so it is not excessively huge. Please note that several files (section9, for instance) are omitted from the above list; this is because they are still being written and are not yet available. *** G. Electronic Bulletins * TFTR Updates - published occasionally by Rich Hawryluk, forwarded automatically to sci.physics.fusion and sci.physics.plasma. Also distributed via electronic mailing list. * Alcator C-Mod Weekly Updates - posted by MIT researchers to sci.physics.fusion and sci.physics.plasma periodically. * TPX Updates - published occasionally by Rob Goldston, forwarded automatically to sci.physics.fusion. Also distributed via electronic mailing list. *** H. Individuals Willing to Provide Additional Information Many of the participants on sci.physics.fusion are conventional/hot fusion researchers. Many names and email addresses are to be found as sources for various slices of the FAQ, and so on. (See the acknowledgements for a more-or-less complete list of contributors.) A few people have expressed a willingness to serve as sources for people seeking additional literature, such as laboratory reports, pamphlets, and assorted other documents. What follows is a short listing: * Robert F. Heeter, rfheeter@pppl.gov - Graduate Student at Princeton - I have the FAQ, all sorts of archived postings and additional information used to generate the FAQ, a bunch of PPPL literature, a set of quicktime movies made from television coverage of the TFTR D-T runs (and GIFs from the QT movies), and access to just about anyone here at PPPL who would have something I don't have. * Joe T. Chew, jtchew@lbl.gov - Physicist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory - "I've also got a variety of pamphlets put out by this or that lab or agency over the years; feel free to give out my address as a source for photocopies of such things." cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenrfheeter cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszL cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / prasad / Re: "CF heater" available for purchase -- and testing! Originally-From: prasad@watson.ibm.com (prasad) Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion Subject: Re: "CF heater" available for purchase -- and testing! Date: 30 May 1995 13:28:17 GMT Organization: sometimes In article , gsteckly@clark.dgi .doc.ca (Gary Steckly) writes: |> You can throw my share of the remaining Droege funds toward this one too. I |> also second Johns nomination of Scott Little as official tester, assuming he |> is willing. Mine too. BTW, Tom's lab photo and certificate decorates my new office. Sorry if I've been a bit late to see this motion. Hadn't had the chance to read news in a while. Been investigating a Strange Case of Spinning Magnets in the compuserve inventors forum (on an idle weekend exploration), but was able to fit a perfectly classical magnetic heat engine explanation. In any case, no fusion, no "excess energy", no interest for s.p.f. :^) ------- // #include // email: 71155.3116@compuserve.com cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenprasad cudlnprasad cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / M D / Re: The Farce of Physics Originally-From: mdo4@le.ac.uk (M.D. O'Leary) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.philosophy.objectivis ,alt.sci.physics.new-theories,misc.books.technical,sci.astro,sci.energy, ci.misc,sci.physics,sci.physics.electromag,sci.physics.fusion,sci.physic .particle,sci.research,sci.skeptic Subject: Re: The Farce of Physics Date: 30 May 1995 16:12:04 +0100 Organization: University of Leicester, UK In article <3q4kj8$74q@xcalibur.intnet.net>, Bryan Wallace wrote: >The "The Farce of Physics" thread that I started November 1994 plus several >short related threads has now reached a total of 489 posts by 182 people in 14 >newsgroups that have shown an interest in it by postings, correspondence, book >requests, etc. Make that 490 posts. Now tell us how many of them were telling you: 1. You are an idiot. 2. You quote armwaving phrases selectively from 'name' physicists, and use this as 'evidence' for your claims. 3. Your physics is flawed. 4. Your long posts are unwelcome in newsgroup x.x Tag me up for categories 1, 2 and err, 3 and 4 as well. M. -- .sig test cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenmdo4 cudfnM cudlnD cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / Arnie Frisch / Re: Cravens pump power Originally-From: arnief@wu.cse.tek.com (Arnie Frisch) Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion Subject: Re: Cravens pump power Date: 30 May 1995 08:53:30 -0700 Organization: Tektronix Laboratories, Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR In article <5C7-Uq0.jedrothwell@delphi.com> jedrothwell@delphi.com writes: >Arnie Frisch writes: > >>Everything about this stuff seems to be "a little tricky". So there is >>a built-in excuse for why I can't do what he does. >> >>Does astrology have anything to do with it? >> >>How about the phase of the moon? >So tell us, Arnold Frisch, does Tektronix make any complicated products? >Do you people ever research or manufacture any product or machine that >gives you trouble, or that does not work exactly the way you expect? >Is it possible that every single project at Tektronix always goes exactly >as planned, and you never experience any difficulty whatsoever in research, >manufacturing, installation or customer support? Yes, we have difficulty with anything that isn't trivial. We have to replan things, change our hardware and software - and even sometimes our strategy. And we are not always successful, especially with research. However, when everything turns to ----, and nothing we do seems to help, and it takes eight years to make NO PROGRESS, and we're still plugging away - then I think it's time to question our sanity. Sorry, make that YOUR SANITY. Arnold Frisch Tektronix Laboratories cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenarnief cudfnArnie cudlnFrisch cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / M Hofmeister / Re: The Farce of Physics Originally-From: mike_hofmeister@qmail4.sp.trw.com (Michael Hofmeister) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.philosophy.objectivis ,alt.sci.physics.new-theories,misc.books.technical,sci.astro,sci.energy, ci.misc,sci.physics,sci.physics.electromag,sci.physics.fusion,sci.physic .particle,sci.research,sci.skeptic Subject: Re: The Farce of Physics Date: 30 May 1995 16:52:14 GMT Organization: TRW In article <3qfck4$a1t@hawk.le.ac.uk>, mdo4@le.ac.uk (M.D. O'Leary) wrote: > Bryan Wallace wrote: > >The "The Farce of Physics" thread that I started November 1994 plus several > >short related threads has now reached a total of 489 posts by 182 people in 14 > >newsgroups that have shown an interest in it by postings, correspondence, book > >requests, etc. > > Make that 490 posts. > Now tell us how many of them were telling you: > > 1. You are an idiot. > 2. You quote armwaving phrases selectively from 'name' physicists, and use > this as 'evidence' for your claims. > 3. Your physics is flawed. > 4. Your long posts are unwelcome in newsgroup x.x > > Tag me up for categories 1, 2 and err, 3 and 4 as well. > > M. Make that 491 posts. Don't forget 5 and 6. 5. The new theories fail to predict the results of experiments that have already been performed by qualified scientists of impeccable reputations; and 6. The new theories do not predict any startling results that other theories cannot account for. For future reference: post.NE.interest. -- ******************************************************************** ** Zero times Infinity is One. ** This is PHYSICS, not Math. ** Without this truth, Quantum ElectroDynamics makes no sense. cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenmike_hofmeister cudfnMichael cudlnHofmeister cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / John Cobb / Re: Spherical Tokamaks all the rage Originally-From: johncobb@uts.cc.utexas.edu (John W. Cobb) Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion Subject: Re: Spherical Tokamaks all the rage Date: 30 May 1995 12:16:09 -0500 Organization: The University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas In article , Arthur Carlson TOK wrote: >In article <3q2ue6$1id@curly.cc.utexas.edu> johncobb@uts.cc.utexas.edu (John W. Cobb) writes: > >I asked once and was told there is nothing magical about a bootstrap >fraction of 80% or even 100%. It sounded like you could just as well >design a tokamak to give you 120% bootstrap current and then use your >beams or rf to bring it back down. You want some external current >drive to allow you to play with profile control, and the most >efficient use of resources is to take this room away from 100%. I think that you are correct (except perhaps on the magnetic axis) but I don't think it is easy to "just design" an arbitrary bootstrap fraction. I think it gets harder to get a workable design as the fraction gets larger, no? > >> ... Only part of the current is >> really bootstrap. A lot of it is actually diamagnetic current, especially >> for extremely low aspect-ratio devices. You don't get much diamagnetic current >> for low beta devices like TFTR, DIII-D, etc., so that term is often >> neglected. > >Tokamaks are actually paramagnetic, not diamagnetic, that is, the >toroidal field within the plasma is *higher* than the toroidal field >at the same radius outside the plasma. But really by only a small amount for these comparatively low beta's. >I don't know if this is a good >thing (your TF coils don't need to work so hard) or not (more field >means less room for plasma pressure). I also don't know the >relationship between between toroidal and poloidal >dia-/paramagnetism. Does plasma pressure always drive a toroidal >current in the direction you want? Look at the simple MHD fluid description in the quasi-steady limit. The momentum equation gives grad P = J cross B, so the current set up helps maintain the pressure profile (or the pressure profile maintains the curret). It not really causal, but it is an expression of the way things must be to be in equilibrium. Now when one gets more sophisticated and goes beyond MHD, then things are not so simple, but I think the germ of the idea is the same. So I think the answer is Yes, the diamagnetic current is always in the direction to support the pressure gradient that creates it, and if it is the dominant plasma current source, then it will dominate. > >I'll let you get rid of the central solenoid, but you'll still need a >center post for the inner legs of the TF coils. Can you imagine no way around this? I can think of a few, but they all seemed far fetched if someone has internalized concepts that apply only to Tokmaks (such as B ~ 1/R). As one far-fetched fer-instance, consider beta_toroidal --> infinity. Then who needs the TF? Okay, so lets consider the less far-fetched case of beta_toroidal large. Why not drive the necessary poloidal current in the plasma itself? Remember, that for the very small aspect ratio ST's beta_toroidal << beta_poloidal may be possible !!!! > >You mean, if we develop ST's far enough we'll learn how to solve the >problems of CT's. If it doesn't have a center post, it's not a tokamak >anymore. If beta_polodial > beta_toroidal, is it still a tokamak? What does the term "tokamak ordering" mean? Now you can see what I mean about ST's not being full-breed tokamaks. They are a mixed breed. The exciting part is that they may offer avenues to avoid some of the most vexing limits on the tokamak concept, like ballooning mode stability, while at the same time transfering a lot of the established expertise to accelerate concept development. But yes, I do agree, my intuition is that if we can develop ST's far enough that they will provide real clues on how to face some of the outstanding problems of CT's that were not addressed before the 1990 blood-letting. Likewise, ST's might very likely profit from lessons-learned in the CT program. Of course I'll not wager on what concept proves the best in the long-run. I think the answer is unknowable at this time (although I'm sure Art and many others of you know my previously expressed opinions on this issue) -john .w cobb -- John W. Cobb Quietly Making Noise, Pissing off the old Kill-Joys -Jimmy Buffett cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenjohncobb cudfnJohn cudlnCobb cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / Kris RKkD / Re: "CF heater" available for purchase -- and testing! Originally-From: kk@vivitech.com (Kris Krug - RKkD) Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion Subject: Re: "CF heater" available for purchase -- and testing! Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 12:09:41 GMT Organization: Vivid Technologies Inc. >> In article <3q0tnp$aa0@stratus.skypoint.net> jlogajan@skypoint.com (John Logajan) writes: >> >From: jlogajan@skypoint.com (John Logajan) >> >Subject: Re: "CF heater" available for purchase -- and testing! >> >Date: 25 May 1995 03:32:09 GMT >> >> >jonesse@plasma.byu.edu wrote: >> >: > prices start at US$260 for the 12 KW units, in quantity. I do not know the >> >: > cost of additional hardware like the pumps, control units and heat >> >: > exchangers. >> >> >: Suggest that the funds remaining from Tom Droege's inspection of the >> >: Griggs device be used now to purchase one of these "CF heaters" as Jed >> >: calls them. >> >> >I'd like to nominate Scott Little as a recipient, but a major problem >> >is actually taking possession of a device. I think the $260 price >> >belies the actual cost of getting a device in hand. And then you have >> >to buy the pumps etc. A device capable of giving 12KW out (assuming >> >a factor of x3 gain) is going to require 4KW of pumping power, or >> >about 5-6 HP (my guess.) >> I also agree with this. I always felt that the money should be used to get to the bottom of 'something' ;-} . Kristoph Krug -- kk@vivitech.com (Kristoph Krug) cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenkk cudfnKris cudlnRKkD cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / Barry Merriman / Re: Plasmak Compression Stability Originally-From: barry@starfire.ucsd.edu (Barry Merriman) Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion Subject: Re: Plasmak Compression Stability Date: 30 May 1995 21:51:21 GMT Organization: UCSD SOE In article pmk@prometheus.UUCP (Paul M. Koloc) writes: > > There is a fair amount of evidence for the generation of ball lightnings > within high pressure dust vents that are associated with volcanoes > and also generate a significant amount of localized atmospheric electricity > around the vents, which is probably due to triboelectrostatic charging. > > In fact some of the largest balls and longest lived balls, ever formed > and observed, have been generated by this mechanism. Diameters of > several meters (after expansion to ambient [near STP] conditions is > made) have been observed and these have had lifetimes, at least in > one case of two hours. > Any references for such accounts? -- Barry Merriman UCSD Fusion Energy Research Center UCLA Dept. of Math bmerriman@fusion.ucsd.edu (Internet; NeXTMail is welcome) cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenbarry cudfnBarry cudlnMerriman cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ 1995.05.30 / Tarmo Kaldma / Re: The Farce of Physics Originally-From: Tarmo.Kaldma@cca.hh.se (Tarmo Kaldma) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.philosophy.objectivis ,alt.sci.physics.new-theories,misc.books.technical,sci.astro,sci.energy, ci.misc,sci.physics,sci.physics.electromag,sci.physics.fusion,sci.physic .particle,sci.research,sci.skeptic Subject: Re: The Farce of Physics Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 20:20:56 +0100 Organization: Halmstad University In article , mike_hofmeister@qmail4.sp.trw.com (Michael Hofmeister) wrote: > In article <3qfck4$a1t@hawk.le.ac.uk>, mdo4@le.ac.uk (M.D. O'Leary) wrote: > > > Bryan Wallace wrote: > > >The "The Farce of Physics" thread that I started November 1994 plus several > > >short related threads has now reached a total of 489 posts by 182 > people in 14 > > >newsgroups that have shown an interest in it by postings, > correspondence, book > > >requests, etc. > > > > Make that 490 posts. > > Now tell us how many of them were telling you: > > > > 1. You are an idiot. [ other related stuff deleted] Who so nasty ? People like Wallace make life interesting. How many people had nice possibility to move his brains a bit! It is not so important at all is hi correct or not. And hi got replays in quit a high level, that prove that hi is in a high level. Otherway hi will be ignored. I will be not surprised if some scientist got ideas hi/she can use at this thread. And it is true that scientists are really very conservative. It will be impossible to be accepted with perpetum mobile even if you really haw one. Better is to forget it and do something real, as example improve usual engine by 0.1%. Therefore it is very good if somebody sheik this pond a bit. Tarmo cudkeys: cuddy30 cudenKaldma cudfnTarmo cudlnKaldma cudmo5 cudqt2 cudszM cudyr1995 ------------------------------ processed by cud.pl ver. 0.5 Wed May 31 04:37:04 EDT 1995 ------------------------------