CALL FOR PAPERS The 1994 IEEE-MTT-S International Microwave Symposium week will be held in San Diego, California, May 23-27. Contributed papers are solicited describing original work in the microwave field. Typical topics and technical areas of interest appropriate for the Symposium are listed below, but any paper concerned with the utilization and application of microwave theory and techniques will be considered. Biological Effects and Medical Applications Passive Components Acoustic and Surface Wave Components Guided Waves and Propagation Characteristics Filters and Multiplexers Ferrite Components Non-Linear Modeling and Analysis Transistor Power Amplification Sources and Control Components Measurement Theory and Techniques High Power Sources and Control Phased Arrays Low Noise Receivers and Detectors Manufacturing, Production and Packaging Microwave Integrated Circuits Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Technology EM Analytical and Numerical Techniques Field Theory Monolithic Circuits and Modules CAD Procedures, Techniques, and Modeling Microwave and Communications Systems Active and Quasi-Optic Antennas Lightwave Technology and Techniques Superconductivity Technology Digital Signal Processing Please indicate your preference for full length (20 minutes), short (10 minutes) or the interactive forum presentation. Full length papers should report significant contributions, advancements or applications of microwave technology. Short papers typically report specific refinement in the state-of-the-art. The interactive forum papers providean opportunity for authors to present theoretical or experimental material in poster format, display hardware, perform demonstrations, and conduct discussions in an informal manner with interested colleagues. The Program Committee will honor the author's preference where possible, but reserves the right to place the paper in the category it considers most appropriate consistent with the constraints of the technical program. Paper submission requirements are as follows: 1. Ten (10) copies of a 30-50 word abstract on a single separate sheet. This sheet should indicate the title and author(s) of the paper. 2. Fifteen (15) copies of a 500-1000 word summary with supporting illustrations. The title of the paper and author+s name(s) should be on the front page of each copy. 3. A separate sheet with the complete mailing address (and FAX number, as appropriate) of the author, a statement indicating the author+s preference of full length, short or interactive forum presentation and a prioritized list of up to three areas from the preceding list, appropriate for reviewing and sponsoring your paper. ALL PAPER SUBMISSIONS MUST BE IN ENGLISH AND RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 1, 1993. Late submissions will not be considered. Mail submissions to: MTT-S SYMPOSIUM 1994 c/o LRW Associates 1218 Balfour Drive Arnold, MA 21012, USA Authors will be notified of the status of their submissions by February 1, 1994. Authors of accepted papers will receive copyright release forms and instructions for publication and presentation. PAPER EVALUATION CRITERIA The papers submitted for the International Microwave Symposium are reviewed by subcommittees of the Technical Program Committee. The criteria used for judging is scoring based upon equal weighting of the four following factors: 1. Originality: a) Technical, b) Application, or c) Commercial Significance - Discussion should point out the contribution in one of these three areas. 2. Quantitative content - Explicit summary with adequate supporting data. 3. Quality - Value of contribution clearly defined with sufficient references to previous work. 4. Interest to MTT-S membership - Why should this conference or a particular subcommittee support the work? The introduction should include a clear indication as to what is original and why the author believes it is important to the microwave community. The clarity with which the Summary presents its information will be used to judge the ability of the author to communicate to the conference attendees. Final manuscripts for publication in the Symposium Digest will be required in early March, 1994. NOTE: Authors are cautioned to obtain all required company and government clearances prior to submittal. A statement signed by author(s) stating that such clearances have been obtained must accompany the final manuscript of accepted papers to be published in the Symposium Digest. In addition, papers are solicited for the following conferences: 1994 IEEE Microwave and Millimeter Wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium. This symposium will be held in San Diego on May 23 and 24, 1994 in conjunction with the 1994 MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. Paper submissions should be sent to: Eric Strid c/o LRW Associates 1218 Balfour Drive Arnold, MD 21012 by December 1, 1993. 43rd Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG) Conference. This conference will be held in San Diego on May 27, 1994 in conjunction with the 1994 MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. Contact the Conference Chairman, Pat Nolan Lockheed Missiles and Space Div., 0/48-70 B/195A P.O. Box 3504 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3504. Phone: (408) 756-2144 Fax: (408) 742-4435. Papers should be submitted separately to these conferences. Please do not submit the same material to more than one conference. Electronic copies of this Call for Papers and additional information are available through Horizon House Bulletin Board and EMLIB on Internet. Self-extracting files can be down loaded from Horizon House at (617) 769-9901 (8, N, 1). Internet access is via anonymous FTP at ( using the pub/MTT94 directory. ANNOUNCEMENT OF STUDENT PAPER CONTEST A student paper contest for full-time students (9 hours/semester graduate, 12 hours/semester undergraduate) will be held as part of the 1994 Symposium. To be considered, there should be no more than two authors, with the student as the lead author of the paper. The second author should attach a statement that his/her contribution is primarily advisory. Papers should be submitted in the above manner with an additional notation of "Student Paper". Student papers will be reviewed the same as all other conference papers. Papers accepted for the competition must be presented by the student author at the Symposium and will be judged for content, presentation, and visual materials. First, Second and Third prizes will be awarded. ADDITIONAL SOLICITATIONS I would like to take this opportunity to offer an invitation to all MTT-S members to provide suggestions on any aspects of the Technical Program for the Symposium. All suggestions will receive my personal review. Consider this to include ideas for Workshops, Panel and Focused Sessions. Be prepared to support your ideas with some time and effort if needed. Remember, this is an organization of volunteers. Contact Bob Eisenhart, Technical Program Chairman at (818) 702-1380 or Fax (818) 702-4064.