THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: Monday, February 7, l994 Statement by The Press Secretary OMB, COMMERCE INTRODUCE ELECTRONIC VERSION OF BUDGET Today, for the first time ever, a CD-ROM disc with the complete electronic version of President Clinton's 1995 plan for the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 1995 Budget, as transmitted to Congress, was offered to the public. OMB Director Leon Panetta said today, "In the spirit of the National Performance Review we are pleased to use CD-ROM technology to make the 1995 Budget proposal readily available to more Americans at a lower cost." The four budget documents that are available immediately will be cheaper than the printed versions and they will be more versatile: users will be able to display exact images of the printed pages, search for key words, and copy or print portions for further reference. The documents available include: * Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 1995 * Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1995, Analytical Perspectives * Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 1995, Historical Tables * Budget System and Concepts of the U.S. Government CD-ROM's (compact disc, read only memory) can be ordered from the Department of Commerce for $30, compared with $56 for the printed versions of the four documents ordered from the Government Printing Office [202/ 783-3238]. The CD-ROMs will be available for pickup DOC, first class mail, or via overnight delivery ($10 extra). These documents can be used on three popular versions of personal computer software -- MS-DOS, Windows, and Apple Macintosh, all trade-marked systems of private companies. [more] Budget on CD-ROM, page 2 These documents also will be available, at no charge, to subscribers to Commerce's Economic Bulletin Board (EBB) at (202) 482-3870, which provides rapid online delivery of all major Federal economic news releases. This BBS may also be reached via telnet at: Plain text [ASCII] versions of these documents are available from several other sources. On the internet: PUBLICATIONS@WHITEHOUSE.GOV telnet to NTIABBS.NTIA.DOC.GOV Budget95@ACE.ESUSDA.GOV or gopher to: SUNSITE.UNC.EDU ( On various BBSs, including: NTIA BBS: 202-482-1199 NTIS FEDWORLD BBS: 703-321-8020 US NEWSWIRE: 410-363-0834 And later today from commercial vendors such as: America Online Compuserve GEnie MCI Mail The appendix, which contains highly detailed data on the budget, will not be available until later this month. However, the entire budget will be available in the February 1994 issue of Commerce's National Economic, Social, and Environmental Data Bank (NESE.DB). The NESE.DB costs $360 for four issues a year or $95 for a single CD-ROM. One disc contains more than 100,000 documents including current Internal Revenue Service tax forms that can be reproduced just like the printed versions. Those who purchase the four immediately available documents for $30 will be able to purchase the February 1994 NESE-DB for $65. [more] Budget on CD-ROM, page 3 Orders may be placed by writing to: Office of Business Analysis Room H4885 U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. 20230 Or by telephone: For budget and NESE.DB CD-ROMS, please call: 1-800-STAT-USA (1-800-782-8872). For fax: 1-202-482-1986. For technical assistance, please call: Ken Rogers, 202-482-0434 or Paul Christy, 202-482-0123. This is the first major electronic release of budget documents. We would like to receive your comments on this effort and suggestions you have for additional steps we might consider. Please send your comments to: Jonathan P. Gill Office of Media Affairs, Special Projects Old Executive Office Building, Room 161 Washington, DC 20500 internet: Your Comments and suggestions will be more useful if you tell us about: Your occupation and organization The topics in the budget that interest you; and The kinds of work you do with budget information We look forward to hearing from you. -30- ____________________________________________________________________________ Jonathan P. Gill Special Projects Office of Media Affairs The White House (202) 456-7150 ____________________________________________________________________________