Legislative-Branch Senate (In millions of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account 1993 1994 1995 actual estimate estimate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal funds General and Special Funds: Compensation of members, Senate: Appropriation, permanent........ 801 BA 18 18 18 Outlays......................... O 16 18 18 Mileage of the Vice President and Senators: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA * * * Outlays......................... O * * * Expense allowances of the Vice President, President Pro Tempore, Majority and Minority Leaders and Majority and Minority Whips: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA * * * Outlays......................... O * * * Representation allowances for the Majority and Minority Leaders: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA * * * Outlays......................... O ......... * * Salaries, officers and employees: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 64 70 70 Outlays......................... O 63 70 70 Appropriation, current.......... BA ......... \A\* ......... Outlays......................... O ......... \A\* ......... ------------------------------- Total Salaries, officers and employees...................... BA 64 70 70 O 63 70 70 ------------------------------- Payments to widows and heirs of deceased members of Congress: Outlays......................... 801 O * ......... ......... Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 3 3 3 Outlays......................... O 3 3 3 Expense allowances of the Secretary of the Senate, Sergeant at Arms, and Doorkeeper of the Senate and secretaries for the majority: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA * * * Outlays......................... O * * * Office of Senate Legal Counsel: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 1 1 1 Outlays......................... O 1 1 1 Senate policy committees: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 2 2 3 Outlays......................... O 2 2 3 Inquiries and investigations: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 75 77 78 Outlays......................... O 70 77 78 Expenses of United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA * * * Outlays......................... O * * * Miscellaneous items: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 7 7 7 Outlays......................... O 7 7 7 Senators' official personnel and office expense account: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 194 186 214 Outlays......................... O 195 186 214 Office of Senate fair employment practices: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 1 1 1 Outlays......................... O 1 1 1 Secretary of the Senate: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 1 1 2 Outlays......................... O 1 1 2 Appropriation, current.......... BA ......... \A\1 ......... Outlays......................... O ......... \A\1 ......... ------------------------------- Total Secretary of the Senate... BA 1 2 2 O 1 2 2 ------------------------------- Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 79 75 73 Outlays......................... O 79 75 73 Official mail costs: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA 19 20 36 Outlays......................... O 11 20 36 Settlement and awards reserve, senate: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA * ......... ......... Outlays......................... O * ......... ......... Stationery (revolving fund): Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA -* * * Spending authority from offsetting collections......... BA 3 3 3 Outlays......................... O 3 3 3 ------------------------------- Stationery (revolving fund) (gross)........................ BA 3 3 3 O 3 3 3 ------------------------------- Total, offsetting collections... -3 -3 -3 ------------------------------- Total Stationery (revolving fund) (net).................... BA -* * * O -* * * ------------------------------- Congressional use of foreign currency, Senate: Appropriation, permanent........ 801 BA 2 1 1 Outlays......................... O 1 1 1 Public Enterprise Funds: Senate recording studio revolving fund: Outlays......................... 801 O * ......... ......... Senate photographic studio revolving fund: Outlays......................... 801 O * ......... ......... Senate barber and beauty shops (revolving fund): Outlays......................... 801 O -* ......... ......... Senate health promotion revolving fund: Outlays......................... 801 O * ......... ......... Senate office of public records revolving fund: Outlays......................... 801 O -* ......... ......... Senate gift shop revolving fund: Appropriation, current.......... 801 BA * ......... ......... Outlays......................... O * ......... ......... ------------------------------- Total Federal funds Senate...... BA 465 464 508 O 452 464 508 ===============================